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Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1943, p. 8

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Welnesday, November 24, 1943 TE FLaSHBRTON ADVANCE PORTLA W We are sorry to report Mrs. Mar- garet Shier a patient in the Markdalu hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacArthur and son, Douglas, of Colling-wood vi^iti-d at the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Pte. Everette Fisher of iSimcoe, Ont., was a visitor at his home lien-. Mr and Mrs. Emerson McKee and daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKfe of Hamilton spent a firw days with Mr. and Mrs. John MoKr. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jackson s.pent a day in Collinpwood the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Rlacklmrn of Springhill spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn. A number of the young- people from here were entertained at a social in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keys at Flesherton Thursday evening. Another quilt for the Fourth Line Red Cross unit was completed in the home of Mrs. Earl Croft rn Nov. 10 and arrangements were made to sell tickets on another quilt. NORTON PATTERSON Annesley United Church, Markdale, was the setting for a pretty wedd- ing, when Donna Grace Patter- son, of Markdale, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Coverdnle Patterson, of Pricevillc, was united in marriage _o John Clifford Norton, Toronto, son oT Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Norton, of Mas- sie, east of Chatsworth, The coremony was performed by Rev. Norman K. Carwell. The bride was _attired in a street- lentrth dress of turquiosc silk nn-l wool crepe with black accessories and had a corsape of deep pink roses. Acting bridesmaid for her sister British R.A.F. Regiment Rehearse Invasion Tactics By Day nd By Night airfields by Allied R.A.F. servicing Commandos the of evacuated men whose job it is to make captured aircraft, airfields serviceable within a mini- ] Picture Shows: mum time were among the first aircraft, JU. 62 units ashore when the invasion of Sicily began. With Signals units, they have been doing fine work in preparing the way for the occupation Damaged enemy Transports, and buildigs at Comiso airfield, which was visited many times by Allied bombers before the invasion, and is now in use by the Allied Air Forces. Local and Personal Aircraftman Eldon Fisher, Mount- ain View, is home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell spent the \veek end at Harriston. Opl. Norman Stoddart, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, spent a few days the. first of this week at his home here. Mrs. A. C. Hamilton cxf Allendale spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Johnson, Springhill. Pte. H. M. Johnson of Camp Bor- den is on furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wauchope and three children of Chatsworth spent the week end in town. Miss Enid Westcott of Malton was the guest of her parents, Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Westcott, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan are leaving this Friday to spend the win- te r in Toronto. LAC Mack. Duncan of Deseronto and LAC Ben Bellamy of Centralia I spent the week end at their homes. EUGENIA We are pleased to report that Mr. Thos. McKee is continually improving. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Ni'ag- , ara Falls were week end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Magee and Mr. and Mrs. F. Pedlar. Mrs. Mervin Davidson from near . Fevershan, visited her friend, Miss I Marge 1'ark, the first of the week, j Mrs. Thos. Stewart has purchased the store and residence of the estate of the lae R. A. Park. Pte. Borland Campbell was home from Simcoe Basic Training Centre over the week end. Mr. Reg. Fawcett of Gait spent a few days at his parental homo. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies and son of the Power House sjent the week end with her parents, Mr. a^d Mrs. Wm. Kaitting, Flesherton. Discoveries only date back a few million years so the first coal strike likely is not among them. was Miss (iladys Patterson, of Mer- jii. wearing gold crepe with a Talisman roses corsage. Norman McKessock, of Massie, was grooms- man. Follo-wini; the ceremony a wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and * Aubrey Foster. The couple will make Toronto their home. HAWKINS STOCKS Mnnrnret Frances Stocks became the bride of Joseph Ivan Hawkins in a ceremony at the Presbyterian manse in Dundalk, with Dr. A. V. Brown of- ficiating. The bride is the dauehtei of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stocks, of Beth- el, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hawkins, of Flesher- ton. The bride's attendant was her sis- ter. Miss Irene Stocks, and Robert Hawkins, brother of the groom, was best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. 1 i ! the couple left for a short trin to Stavnor and Orilla. On their return thev will live near Flesherton. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Winter Demands Warm and Comfortable Garments and it's Hill's for LADIES' COATS Naturally at Hill's you will find the hirjjL-st assortment from which to choose, and just \vliat you want to \vi-ar. so smart in appearance, too. Don't foryi-t at I I ill's, prices are ex- tremely reasonable. DRESSES Special clearance of Crepe Dresses, sparkling .fashions to flatter your fig- ure. The sort of dresses you've wanted in plain and printed patterns, a jjood assortment of shades. Special $1.98 up GROCERIES Purity Klour $2.69 for 98 Ib. bap Cream of West .... $2.69 for 9H Ib. bajf Koyal Household .. $2.69 for 98 Ib. bag Kcno $2.39 for 98 Ib. bag Whole Wheat Klour $2.00 bag Pastry Flour 75c for 24 Ib. bag (.000! I 'read Kloiir .... 25c. for 7 Ib. bn^ (iood Northern Spy Apples per bmer $1.75 J-KKI) \VIIK.\T --$.U(X) ton in ti.n lots or more. KKKI) KI.Ol'K -- $2.1()bzitf DRESSED POULTRY WANTED I5rinj>; your Dressed Poultry and Chickens to its. IT IS NOT TOO KAkl.V To THINK ')!' CHRISTMAS. MUY NOW, AS LOTS <>!' TMIXC.S CANNOT UK REPLACED. OF IMPORTANCE TO FARMERS Re Grain and Seed If you have Seed or Grain of any kind to offer, we are Grey County's biggest buyer- It will pay you to submit your samples to us. We are in the Market for PEAS, WHEAT, BARLEY and OATS; also SWEET CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED. We are also Licensed by the Government Seed Department to handle ALSIKE, RED CLOVER and ALFALFA; having the best equipped seed cleaning plants in this part of the country. It will be to your advantage to trade with us. Commencing December 1st, this Store will be dosed Wednesday Nights F. T. Hill & Co.Limited PHONE 7 MARKDALE, ONTARIO WE DELIVER MEN'S AND YOUTHS' OVERCOATS In a nreat ran^e of quality materials in which appearance ami tailoring are the best lluy now while we have the ran^c from which to choose. CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS Xo\v is the time to buy that warm cosy suit for the little one, made of n'ood heavy woo) material in several diffeicnl shades, all moderately priced. RUBBERS It's Hill's for Rubber Footwear for every member of the family. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Rubber dolosh- es in all sixes. Men's Leather Tc^> Rubbers for heavy duty, oil tanned or split top ;md heavy rubber bottoms. Kvery sixe in the ranne. One lot, jjood quality Leather Tops, sixes 7, S, 10, 1 1. .Special, pc-r pair $3.95 MISSES' SNOW BOOTS Made of ^<><><1 quality white leather with sheep wool cuff on top, sixes 11 t<>2K>. Trice $2.45 SKI CAPS Kin assortment of colors in different combinations and plaid colors, sixes to 7j/>. Special $1.00 t f f T t f f f T T T f f T T X f .A I T Mr. G. W. Berney and Ted Bcr- ney of Caledon Eastl. Visited last \vieek with the former's daughter, Mrs. M. S. McLeod. Mr. ami Mrs. D. W- Adams and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston spent the week end with relatives in St. Thomas and Aylmer. Mrs. J. A. Kernahan has taken up residence in Toronto with her daugh- ter, Carrie, who visited her mother last week. Cpl. W. E. Johnson of Brantford spent the week end with his parents and attended the presentation for his sister, Lorine. Mrs. John Eagles of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaples and two daughters spent the week end with friends at Erin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCutcheon and Patsy of Toronto and Mrs. Alex. McCutcheon of Markilale spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Jack McDonald left for Guelph on Saturday where he will take a course i" e i?g grading at the Ontario Agri- cultural College. Jack is employed in town at the creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting have moved to town and are residing in Mr. Alf. Down's apartment. Ken is at present working with the Hydro at Hanover. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Belts on Wednesday. DPP. 1st, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call: exchange of Christmas gifts. Visitors welcome-. i I I I v 4 I | I T X T I v f I I T T t T f f TORONTO LINE NORTH A quilting was held at the home of Mrs. M. McFadden on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee of Ham- ilton awl Mr. and Mrs. 0. McKee, who returned from the West recent- ly, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks. Mr. C. B. Perigee of Malton spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Ab. Stewart, and Mr. Stewart. Mrs. E. Somple is assisting at the home of the. Humphrey brothers. Mr. Albert Stewart, who had the misfortune to receive injuries when struck l>y motor vehicle on the high- way, is improving although slowly. Miss Gertrude Lever spent the past two weeks with Mrs. J. Sheardown at Richmond Hill. While there she ami three friends held a bazaar in aid of Russian relief and the pro- ceeds amounted to about seventy dollars. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Saturday, Nov. 27th, 1943, for the purpose of snow plowing the village streets by truck power. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. J. Bellamy, Clerk. Nomination & Election Village of Flesherton NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Vill- age of Flesherton will be held at the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Friday, the 26th day of November, 1943, at the hour of 7.30 o'clock p.m., to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors, Public School Trustees and the Flesherton Ceme- tery Commission for 1944. If more than the required number are nominated and qualify according to law, a Poll will be opened at the usual polling place on Monday, the fith day of December, 1943, at Nine o'clock a.m.. and will remain open until Five o'clock p.m., for the elec- tion of said candidates. Dated this 15th day of November, 1943. C. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. B.C. Shipyard Worker Loses Life Savings Ernest H. Elsdon, driller 'n ship- yard, came off the night shift recent- ly to find his room burglarized and all his savings $2,750 stolen. "If I'd had the sense to put that cash in a bank, I wouldn't have lost the $2,750 to a iburglar," he said. "I'd been saving that money to buy a house and all I've got left af- ter months of work is a battered strong iboxJ made the mistake, you see, of keeping that money by me, instead of putting it in the bank every pay day. Now T 've got to start at the beginning again but I'm going to stay at my job as a driller until T've got the money to buy that house. No more foolish risks for me. From now on I'm letting the bank keep my cash safe. It's tough luck, when you're getting on in years, to lose the very thing been counting on, but what I want to do is to let other people profit by my loss. Don't cake any chances let the bank take care of your money and then you'll have it safe an<r>?i'vo for the things you want to buy when the war's ov- er. SFND IN YOUR RENEWAL. NOTICE To the Ratepayers of the Flesher- ton Public School: commencing Dec. 1st, 1943, the school hours will be from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Flesherton P. S. Board. Small Ad. Column WANTED - - Driving shed. Jim Harrison, phone 41rll. Flesherton. FOR RENT 6-Room house and half acre lot for rent in Maxwell. Apply to Mrs. Garnet Magec, Maxwell. WANTED Hirst: and cows fi. Station, R.H. 3, phone 4ir3. for mink feed. F. Easli-s, Protoi WANTED Aminniri suitable foi mink and fox feed. Bert Mclnto&b Eugnia, phone Fevernhp i 5r2* "FOR SALE Melotte cream separ- ator, sell cheap or exchange for pigs; also cast iron cook range. F. N. Field, Ceylon. 25p2 HOW I'KTITKKS ARE MADE FOR SALE Cow 4 years old, due about Dec. 1; hub cap for 1938 Ford lost between Rock Mills and Flesh- erton. Joyce Porteous, Rock Mills WANTED Number of good young cattle. Geo. E. Duncan, Dundalk. t 1 T T f A*A The majority of readers are not familiar with how u ptciure is pre- pare(J for insertion in a newspaper. We don't pretend to understand all the technical preparations of a "cut" as such a picture is known, but the following general explanation may be f interest. When we receive a potograph or snapshot we intend to run in The Ad- vance, we have to send it out-of-town to have a cut prepared. Daily papers and some of the weeklies, of course, have their own engraving plants where this work is done, but such is not the case with the average weekly newspaper. > The most common process is one which makes use of acids the picture is rephotographed on a zinc plate, ami acids burn the picture into the plntc, forming a "cut" from which reproductions can be made on paper. STRAYED From premises, one- year-old Oxford ram with rope on neck; information thankfully re- ceived. W. McNally, phone Dun- dalk 71 r33. 23c3 FOR SALE Lot 147, 3 S.W., Arte- mesia, containing 50 acres (less railroad); 8-room frame house with galvanized siding; frame barn. Thos. Stewart, Eugenia. 25c3 FOR SALE Hot Point electric range, new white enamel wood and coal range, Quebec heater, kitchen cabinet, studio couch, wardroibe, hall rack with mirror. Mrs. Alex. McEachnie, Flesherton. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist. Aipply to John Stewart, Executor, Flesherton. 24p4 FOR SALE In good condition, in Flesherton: 8-room n ouse*with gar- age and modern conveniences; also bungalow, 6 rooms and garage. Both places in good condition. Apply to A. Down, fhntsworth. FOR SALE Sher'ock-Manning organ 6-octave. Apply to Advance office for particulars. 24c2 FOR SALE About 50 Barred Rock year-old hens. Melville Hogarth, Ceylon. 24c2 FOR SALE Durham Shorthorn bull, 14 mos. old. Neil McDonald, Eugenia. 23p2 HIDES Agaii in 'he market for hides beef, horse, sheep and calf skins. Frank Baglw, Tt. R. 3, Pro- ton Station, phone Jlr3 F'hertin. FOR SALE House and two lots in village of Eugenia, barn and garage, hard and soft water. Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. 24p2 FOR SALE Frame house in Flesh- erton, five rooms, woodshed, good cement cellar, stable, garden. Nec- essary to sell to wind up estate. Apply to T. J. Fisher, Flesherton* SEED WANTED Kindly send sam- ples and state quantities. 'Highest market prices. Clover hulls, screen- ings and feed sweet clover for sale, also new & used cotton seed bags. J. E. Muir, Ceylon, Ont., phone Flesherton 40r22. . 23u3 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales ou> pc - ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. D.:tes arranged mt Th Advance office or phone 4w. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office hours; afternoon* S to Wednesday and /Saturday 7.80 to 10 p.m. No office hoar* on Sunday

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