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Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1941, p. 1

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V VOL. 61 ; NO. 25 fle&tyetton a, toonc*. V FLESHERTON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBE R 19, 1941 W. H. Thurston & Son, Props, Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Out. Kev. C. McNichol, Pastor Cottage prayer meeting at home of Mr. Matthew Goldsmith, Singhamp- ton, Friday, 8 p.m. Feversham Appointment Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11. : Sunday Evening Service 7.30. Olivet Appointment Service at 3 p.m. Flesherton United Church REV. G. K. MCMILLAN, B.A., BJ>. Minister 11. 00 a.m. Worship, Flesherton 12.00 a.m. Sunday School, Flesherton 2.00 p.m. Sunday School, Ceylon 2.30 p.m. Worship, Ceylon 7.30 p.m. Vesper Service, Flesherton Maxwell United Church BEY. GBO. L. MERCER, B.D., DJ>. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 11 a.m. Eugenia. 2 p.m. Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell. Note: A meeting of young people will be held this evening (Wednes- day) at the name of Mrs. J. Cairns, Eugenia, commencing at 8 p.m. sharp. Rock Mills Baptist Church Frank B. Keys, Pastor The anniversary services of the Rock Mills church will be held next Sunday, Nov. 23rd, with the morning service at 11 a.m. and evening at 7.30 pjn. The pastor will have charge of both services. Special music is being provided. Sunday School will not be held on above date, but all boys and girls at the morning service will be given full credit by their teachers for Sun day School attendance. Owing to Rock Mills anniversary services next Sunday, the Flesherton ervice will be held at 3 p.m. A hearty welcome awaits you. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVERSHAM Rev. R. Forbes Thomson, B.A. Minister Evening Service at 7.30. Many auto wrecks are caused by people who don't know a four lettei word meaning desist. ' Future Events AUCTION SALE Farm stock, implements, etc., Fri., November 21st, at Lots 21-22, Con. 1, N.D.R., Osprey, 1% miles east of Wareham on Maxwell ro^d. 11 mos. credit. Leonard Seeley, Prop. Geo. E. Duncan, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Martin Haley, Lot 10, Con. 7, Glen- elg, on Saturday, Nov. 22. Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. EUCHRE & CROKINOLE A euchre and crokinole party will be held in the L.O.L. hall at Eugenia on Friday evening, Nov. 21st, for the community, in aid of the British Wa r Victims' Fund. OPTICAL D. Campbell, the optometrist, will be at the Munshaw House next Wed- nesday, Nov. 26th, from 12 noon to 3.30 p.m. Please call early. , SALE OF BAKING The O.E.S. will hold a stele of homemade baking and fish pond in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, Nov.. 29th, at 2 p.m., fol- lowing which a 10 cent tea will be served. TO THE R. A. F. Never since English ships went out To singe the beard of Spain, Or English sea-dogs diced with death Along the Spanish Main; Never since Drake and Raleigh won Our freedom of the seas, Have sons of Britain dared and done More valiantly than these. Whether at midnight or at noon, Through mist or open sky, Eagles of freedom, all our hearts Are up with you on high; While Britain's mighty ghosts look down From realms beyond the sun. And whisper, as their record pales. Their breathless, deep, "Well done"! Alfred Noyes. When a man prefers the company of men to women he is usually broke. Dieting to reduce doesnt count when you do it onlv between meals. Mae West wants to divorce her husband, and the husband is asking for $1,000 per month, something a real he-man would never accept. People who think that the home town newspaper't print all the news should be thankful that it doesn't. This winter people are planning to save money for next summer the same money they planned last sum- mer to save this winter. British War Victims' Fund CALLING ALL CANVASSERS On Friday evening, Nov. 28th, the proceeds of the present canvass will be turned over to the Toronto Evening Telegram. With ten days to go, can- vassers are urged to make a survey of their dis- tricts, with a view to collecting further sums of money available. Let us all keep plugging to the last day, so that our contribution will do credit to the residents of Artemesia and Flesherton. Donations may be directed to the undermentioned : R. B. Heard H. W. Kernahan Geo. McTavish Funeral* of digmii? need not be expen- sive Batft * Maddock* offer complete funeral* (no addi- tional charge* ) priced within your meant. BATES & NADDOCKS FUNERAL CHAPEL Honored After 25 / Years With Simpsons An interesting event took place in Toronto in the Arcadian Court in the Robert Simpson store, on Wednes- day evening, Nov. 12th, when Mr. Roy McCauley, brother of Mr. H. A. McCauley of town, and well known in this district, completed 25 years of service with the Robert Simpson organization. He is at present head of the men's and boys' clothing and the boys' furnishings. All members of his department attended, together with representatives of Keen's Man- ufacturing Company, of which Roy is supervisor. Mr. C. L. Burton, presi- dent of the firm, was unable to be present but sent Mr. McCauley a per- sonal letter of congratulation. Ad- dresses were given by J. G. Clark, store manager, H. G. Colebrook, gen- eral merchandise manager and John M. Duff, who is in charge of the Keen Company. The chairman was William Wyatt. A short skit by members of the staff dealing with many high- lights in Mr. McCauley's life, was a feature, and songs were given by Jack Grant. Mr. McCauley was pre- sented with a pen set on an onyx base. Roy commenced his business car- eer in Flesherton with F. H. W. Hickling and his experience there came in handy when he went to To- ronto after a year and entered the employ of the Robert Simpson Co., with which firm he has steadily risen from his own ability, making a spec- ial study of merchandising, as relat- ing to a large department store. Roy is a young man yet and his pro- gress will be watched with interest by people in bis old home town, where he grew up into young man- hood. Men Needed For Reserve Army Under the latest orders issued from Ottawa authorization has been given to recruit to full'war strength all of the reserve units of Canada, with full pay for each man. Three nights of training constitutes one day, which is $1.20. Recruits will be taken from 18 to 50 years of age, if they come within the categories A to C. A man medically unfit for war service can still do his duty by enlisting with the reserve units. Any person within the aibove ag limit will be welcome into the unit. One hundred more men can be taken into "By Company of the Grey & Simcoe Foresters (R)C.A.. and pay will be given until the end of the financial year. They may en- quire at the Markdale armories any time between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and on Monday night, which is the regu- lar do-ill night, when they will be giv- en their medical 'examination and sworn in. It is hoped that the men of this district will rally and offer themselves for service with the For- esters. Many have not been attend- ing drills for some time, as they had an idea that they would not be paid for their attendance, when they did not attend the annual camp. They are now assured of full pay for drill and action can now be taken to en- force section 115 O f the Militia Act. Minister Called x The Baptist Churches of Flesher- ton and Rock Mills have extended a call to Mr. Frank B. Keys to become pastor of the churches here. Mr. Keys has accepted the call and has already commenced his duties here. Mr. and Mrs. Keys are graduates of the Toronto Bible College and Mr. Keys is furthering his studies at Mc- Master University, Hamilton. They will only be here week ends durinjr the winter months, but will move to the field in the early spring. Mr. Keys has had pastorates at Kirkland Lake and Englehart, Capreol, Toron- to and Bronte. Eye Seriously Injured (By Ceylon Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper were in Toronto on Friday, where their son. Sherman, is a patient in the General Hospital. During a game of squash, he was hit in the face by a ball, which broke his glasses, the glax. penetrating the eye. An operation followed, but it will be some time before he will be able to resume his medical studies at the University His many friends are interested in his improvement and trust he will soon be around a?ain and his eye- sight unimpaired. GERMANS WILL AGAIN FACE POLISH GUNS Polish artillerymen in Britain are is ideal in difficult country, and has sene handling a 75mm. field gun into always been a favorite weapon in position. This rapid-firing light gun , Poland's army. Aaron Jordan Dies Death came quietly to Mr. Aaron Jordan at his home at Inistioge on Monday afternoon, t the age of 76 years. Deceased has not been in good health for some time and neigh- bors had been calling en him every day to do whatever they could, but he was alone at the time of his death. He has resided in Artemesia town- ship all his life. The funeral of the late Mr. Jordan was held on Tuesday afternoon from the funeral chapel of Bennett & Richards, Flesherton. Interment was made in Mt. Ziorl cemetery, where- Rev. McMillan of St. John's United church, Flesherton, conducted the service. The pallbearers were Messrs. Herb Nicholls, Win. Halliday, Walter Ach- eson Allan Montgomery, Merritt Nicholls and Robt. Acheson. Roadway Sank On 10th Lioe Osprey Osprey Township has a problem on | its hands when about 150 yards of roadway on the 10th line, sank com- pletely from sight, as it was being repaired. With the aid of several trucks gravel has been brought from the hill on the farm of Thos. Elliott and 3,000 yards were used in an ef- fort to fill tile hole, which was 30 feet in depth in one place. As the gravt-1 was dumped in it spread the bottom of the sink hole and heaved the sur- rounding land several feet, the sides turning over as the earth below came to the surface. On Monday Provincial Engineer Haws of Toronto, Road Superintend- ent Jas. McKenzie of Osprey. and members of the Osprey Council, con- ducted an inspection of the road. The Provincial Engineer stated that it migrht take 20,000 yards of material to build the road up again, and may- bo more. The scene of the cave-in is :hree miles west of Singhampton on the tOth line. This sinking of the road reminds us of a similar occurrence at the MAXWELL The regular meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. M. Gould on Thursday last. A quilt was completed and arrangements were made to hold a euchre and dance in the near future, and also to send $8 to buy woollen blankets and $2 to buy garden seeds for Britain. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Seeley. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison and Mrs. Emerson Wright attended the funeral of Mrs. R. J. Small in To- ronto on Monday. Miss Ruby Monaghan has gone t Toronto to work. ^ We welcome Mr. and Mrs. John Priestley to our village. They havi- purchased the Chas. Long farm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerton of To- i ronto are spending a few days visit- ! ing relatives here, while Bill is re- ! superating from a severe cas of i blood poisoning. DONATIONS TO RKD CROSS BLANKETS FOR BRITAIN FUN! Spring-hill Ladies' brunch .. $10. i' Mrs. D. Williams 1.00 Mrs. R. J. Boyd 3.00 Mr. Jos. Buchanan, donated 2 cords wood, which sold for the sum of 7.00 E N G A G E M E N T Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, Rock Mills, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Bessie Ellin. to Mr. Wilfred Louis Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. George" N. Be*t of Springhill, the marriage to take place early in December. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during my long illness, and for calls and the many lovely treats and flowers, and cards and letters received. wore very much appreciated. Mrs. Wesley Plantt, Flesherton. PORTLAW Mr. Robert Meldrum and Mr. Hel bert Fisher spent the week end vis itinjf friends in Toronto. Miss Mary Sheardown has gone t> Toronto to spend the winter month.- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher am daughters spent a day with Mrs Fisher's sister, Mrs. Londry. and family in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Marsha! Menzies and Marguerite spent Sunday with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mt. Zion W. A. met at the home of Mrs. C. D. Meldrum on Nov. llth. with a good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. Amand a Lyons spent a few days with her son, Mr. Roy Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacArthur of rolling-wood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. The Fourth Line branch of the Artemesia Red Cross will hold their meeting this Thursday at the home of Mrs. Albert Blackburn. cemetery swamp in Flesherton as the road was being prepared for paving a few years ago. It took the King Paving Company one month with six trucks working night and day, to fill the huge cavity. The incident, how- ever, did not cost Flesherton any money as the Department of High- ways had control of that section of the road. Unless other assistance can be secured it is expected that Osprey Township will be responsible for the cost of 'naking the fill. COL. W. W. JOHNSTON WILL INSPECT LOCAL COMPANY Col. W. W. Johnston, Area Com- mandant, will inspect "B" Coy., G. & S. Foresters, on Monday evening of next week at the armories, Mark- dale. The Durham detachment will join the Markdale platoons for the inspection. It is hoped that a,ll mem- bers of the Ciimpany will make a point of being on hand that nijrht for the inspection. They are going to organize the flrp department in St. Catharines, and it is causing quite a flurry, as both men have a good many friends in town. ROUND TRIP RAIL BARGAINS I Tiood in coaches only") Krom Flesherton, November 28-28 To OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $9.95 $12.25 $17.45 Trois Rivieres $15.50 Ste. Anne de Beaupre $18.05 (Government tax 10' i extra) First train from Toronto 10.55 p.m.. Nov. 28 Return limit - up to Dec. 1 Not good on 3 p.m. trains from Ottawa and M ontreal To the Maritimes November 27 All Canadian Pacific stations in New Brunswick All Dominion Atlantic stations in Nova Scotia Not good return on 3 p.m- train from Montreal For rates, limits, detailed service, etc., consult agents Procure handbill CANADIAN PACIFIC If Hitler evt> r gets to the United States there'll be fun watching the scrap between him and John L. Lewis for who'll he the real "big boss." SUPERIOR STORE Introducing Prairie Queen QUAKER Flo 'it Guarantee satisfaction, or money refunded This Week $2.59 C. J. KENNEDY We Deliver. Flesherton, Ont.

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