THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 8, 1940 4 tiiii n »*>* n >>t***»**>>it>i>» m >ii> m iii>>>ii>* * I WE KNOW That since operating Flesherton Creamery, we have always made an effort to Pay HIGHEST MARKET prices for your products, plus the best of SERVICES, and a SQUARE deal throughout. Our record of continued increase of business proves this out. WE KNOWâ€" That with the beginning of a new season, distant Creameries will canvass most of you with unreas- onable promises, which usually do not last. That it is an established fact, fam^rs who sell their cream to outside Creameries help to pile up unnecessary expense, and thereby keeping down the net returns for their products. That no farmer can make a cent a pound butter- fat easier than by delivering his cream to the Creamery. WHY LOOK FOR AN OUTSIDE MARKET WHEN WE CAN GIVE YOU A BETTER MARKET AT HOME DO YOU KNOW That cream cans are costly and creating heavy expense to the industry yearly, and now, be- cause of the war, metals are required for other purposes, so we ask you to hdip save our cans, and Or you have more than you actually require for cream, kindly set them aside and our truck will T^kk them up. We can have rusty cans re-tinned to lo<^ like new. I • The Creamery will be open each Wednesday and Saturcby night during the simimer months. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager I MH IIIIIII I I MM II MI I I IIIIIIIII HH I H Ii m ii m SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. WUl Meads, OJ).R. visited oa Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Knox. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. Hugh McMillan were: Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Chant and baby. Misses -Jessie and Isabelle McMillan, Mr. Don McMillan, Mrs. Ellen Parslow and Miss Rene Hesp. all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hu,?h Copeland and son. Bob, of Meadowvale spent Sun- day at Mr. Fed Knox's and Mr. Jim Hardy's. Mrs. Fred Knox returned home with her parents, where she will spend this week. While buzzing: wood on Saturday at the home of Howard Watson. Mr. Hueh McMillan had the misfortune to have hip small fin?er taken off and a severe cut made ir. another that re- quired some stitches to close. Miss Reta Porter is spendtn? this week with her aunt at Woodbridsre. Mrs. Bailey spent the week end with her parents in Toronto. Messrs. George and John Haw spent a couple of days last week in Toronto and attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Thos. Haw. of 19 Elm Grove .\ve., Toronto. Mr. Andy Wright has treated him- self to a new tractor for seeding. Mr. and Mrs. Will .Aldcom of Mt. Forest \nsited on Thursday at the home of Mr. John Aldcorn. At time of writing Mr. Joseph Black is very seriously ill with heart trouble and little hope is held out for his re«)very. FEVERSHAM Send in your Renewal Now Mr. Thos. Sled of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sled. Mrs. Jas. Long is visiting with het daughter. Mrs. Harry Montgomery, in Dundalk. Mr. Harold Spofford of Uxbridge spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. F. Spofford. and sister, ToUie. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mrs. McGirr. Mrs. Jas. Fawcett and daughter. Beryl, visited over the week end with friends in Colltng'wood. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Shortt on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hewgill and family of Ravenna. We are glad to report that Mr. Eli Robinson is recovering from his ser- ious illness from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fadden of To- ronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. RoHnson. Mr. Burton Conron has secured a position at the shipyards in Coll- ingwood. Mr. Frank Chard ot Rock Mills has moved into the hotel in this village. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Thomp- son to our village. We understand that they will be stationed here for some time. Miss Vema Hudson and Mr. Jos. Tate of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson on Monday. A splendid dance was held in the Orange Hall Friday evening, when the McDougal Trophy was presented to the Feversham Hockey Club, winners of the Semi-Pro. League for 1940. Each of the players was also pre- sented with fine leather windbreakers. ROCK MILLS Spring Song Spring is here and the urge is great For housewives to redecorate; Whatever paint they need to buy Duncan's Hardware can supt>ly. When you use Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes you are assured of complete satisfac- tion, for they are easily applied, cover. more surface, and beautify with a chiraUe finish that is easy to keep dean. SPRING NEEDS FOR The Home â€" Brooms, Bnishes. Mops. Wall Clean- ers. Electric Irons and Washers. Hot Plates The Garden â€" Royal Purple Seeds. Rakes. H«.>es. Spades. Diarsrins^ Forks. RiniK^o Rakes. The Farm â€" Wire Netting. Farm Fence. Brace Wire. Formaldehtde. Ceresan. Plow Shares. MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS A REPAIRS See our line of Fishing Tackle, Rifles, Sporting Goods F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON The mill was closed two days last week owing to the illneaji of the saw- yer. Mr. Beard. Mr. Dicic Clark spent Monday in Toronto. Visitors over Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts wer^: Mr. Harper of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and Vernon of Vanfleleor. Mii.s Florence Newell went to Dur- ham last week, where she has secured •mployment. Quite a number of people around here have had bad colds and the flu. Mr. Thos. Whitmore of Durham c:\Ued on friends here the first of the week. The wsather has been backward for â- seeding and not much work was done on the land for a few day; last week, but some grain ha? befn sown. Mr. J. Beard spent the week end in Owen Sound. Quite a number from here attended •:he auction sale of Mrs. C. Kaitting â- •f Eugenia on Wednesday last. VICTORIA CORNERS WAREHAM The C.G.I.T. met in the church basement Saturday afternoon, with Mrs. J. Thompson in charge. Those caking part were Irene Davison, Wtn- "ie Thompson and Mrs. Thompson. It was decided to attend the C.GJ.T rally in Markdale on Sattirday the Ilth inst. Plans for a box social, to be held later, were discussed. Watch coming-events for date. The annual meeting of the Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will be held on Monday, May 13th. Import- ant business is scheduled. Wareham "Happy Hostess Club" met in the church basement on Friday afternoon for the third meeting in .•onnection with the project '"The Club Girl Entertains," Doris Fisher in charge. Next meeting, open to aU arirls aad women, is to be held Friday at .3.30 pjn. in the church basement. Wareham W. A. met in the church basement Wednesday afternoon of last week, when plans were made for the garden party and the church garden. A talk on the missions in India was given by Mrs. Thompson- During the afternoon a quilt for the Red ross was quiked. A second one, blocks for which are being made by individual women of the neighborhood, is to be quilted shortly. Any girls or women wishing to help with this work may consult Mrs. H. JacksM or Mrs. S. j. .\mott for iastructionT Bill Fisher has commenced work at the Binns garage in Dundalk, Stewart Carson is working with Emerson Gallagher. Victor Osborne with Wm. Davison and B. Maxwell with J. H. .\mott. Conoratulations to Jack .\rnott on passing his year's work at 0_A.C.. Gpelph. jsytr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Russell of Wilder. Idaho, and Mrs. Wm. Cam- eron and sons of Mclntyre. motored to Norwood on Thursday of last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan of that place, who celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Friday. Mrs. Brti:hanan was formerly Miss McMill- an of Wareham. Her manv friends here ertend congratalations. Several members of the family of Mrs. Fred Weatherall, with their children, gathered at the home place Sunday to heln celebrate Mrs. Weth- erall's birthday. It is regretted that Miss McCu!- lough. teacher at Wareham school, is still on the sick list. On her doctor's orders she is off duty for a week and on Sunday went to Toronto to be with friends. "Speeding has commenced in the neighborhood. To Wilfred Inkster go the laurels for being "first" this year. Mrs. Robt. Cole and Olive are visit- ing in Toronto. Miss Lcrena Bannon of Dundalk spent the week end with her cousin, Grace Cole. CENTRE LINE The past week has been wet and cold, not very good weather for dry- [ ing the ground. Mr. and Mrs. Russell White spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little. Lloyd and Joe. Miss Florence Tuohy and friend vis- ited with Mrs. Lyons and family on Sunday. Mr. Gilbert Little had a narrow escape from losing his home by fire last Monday morning when one of the neighbors who was passing saw the ••oof burning merrily. The blaze was extinguished before any great dam- age was done. Mrs. Maic Cudmore is spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne. Mount Zion Sunday School got away to a good start on Sunday. Next Sun- day will be Mother's Day. and the pastor will speak on "Mothers of Yesterday, Today sind Tomorrow." Church service will commence at 2 p.m. and Sunday School at 1 p.m. Mrs. Linton and baby Douglas re- turned on Thursday from Mr?. Nuhn's -S'lirsing Home, Fleaaertijn. Jack Linton of Delhi visited hia brotiwr, Rusaell Linton. Mrs. Fenwick and ioc. Will, and daughter, Eir.ora, of Ea^t Linton vis- ited the former's daughter, Mrs. B. Liniton. Jim. Doris and Kathleen Bannon of Toronto and Jack Spier<< of the R.C_\. p., Treofcjn, visited over the week end at the home of Milon Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hawes and Mary of Bright and Mr. and Mrs. W. CfxA and Billy aad B<)bby of Acton visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. .-Vlbert Stinson. The Y.P.S. held their weekly meet- ing Monday evening at the church hall, which took the form of a pan- cake 3i>cial. Yum! With fresh maple syrop. were they good? The usual program was enjoyed by all. CSi Saturday the community wa.? shocked when the news passed around that Mrs. A. Montgomery had pass- ed away very suddenly, through poor health, has n^n beer, able to do the physical work either at home or else- where for some time, was around as usual on Saturday. Shortly after five o'clock she was outside for an airing ^nd a few minutes later spoke through the window to her daughter. Gertrude, and Delia Bannon. who was spending the week end with her. telling them it was time to get tea ready. Less than five minutes later the girls entered the house to find her lying on her face n':ar the window. Her heart had just given out and the doctor said that she was gone before she r-3ached the f.ocr. Mrs. Montgomery •sill be par- ♦â- â- mlE'ly missed by all who knew her .ind particularly by the ladies of the Woman's .\3s.3ciation. Mrs. Harry .Acheson has been spending the past three weeks with her coasin. Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher. MAXWELL The Woman"? .Association met at the home oi Mrs. E- Wright on Mav •2nvj, with a good attendance. The president. Mrs. Roaw. occupied the chair Mrs. Geo. Morrison read the lesson and the roll call was responded to by a quotation containing the word .'Mother." Miss Nellie Allison wa« appointed secretarj-. succeeding Jean Ross, who is away fn^m home. Mr^ P. Wright, Mrs. J, Wright and Mrs. T, Stephen is the committee to secure nrocram for strawberrv fe"«ti\^^l. Bloi^k< f.>r the quilt were distributed for riecing. Mrs. Sled e^sve an aT>- propriate readin? for Mother. The Maxwell Y PI* vis:te<l wit-h the Hatherfon Y.P S on Thnrsdav. May 2. The vi.sitor* provided the pn>- gn»m of sonsr<!. pwiding? and inHm- mental music. .A pl««!tant social time w^s entovo^j i,;r ^w Mr. John PrJestlev of rhindalk vis- =^ed hi« naroT^ts, Mr. and Mr?. R.^ht, TViestley. one dav la»t wecV. Mr. .lid M-^^ TT'^'wsrd Fen^i-ick and '-niiTv vsitorl friends 'le-x^ Walters F;ri» on Sttudar. Willie: Grandma, when are you going to start to play football? Grandma: '•Why. darling. I can't play football. Wilile: But daddy says he's going to buy a new car as soon as you ing to buy a new car as soon as you kick off. PATHFINDER • Centre Traction Tread • Twin Protector Cord • i*e-./ Sopertvrist Cord « ."Aoi-e Rubber for long, tToubie-fre« mileo^ D. McTAVISH & SONS. Flesherton Napoleon and Hitler were both cor- : Many a ?ood car has been tnmed in porals. Well. St. Helena is still j because tfa« owner wanted to be better wiiere it was. | tamed out. YOU JUST CANt EQUAL thewaf itdmes andjndes! EW I*^" j>^J •' You know! beats reading I Tests are beocr than cilk. and riding . . That's why we invite you to take a tborougb-going demonstrution ride ht Chevrolet far '-fO. You'll dad you can't equal Chevrolet driving ease Because Chevrolet has the Im^oied Vacuum Pjuer Shift, which supplies 80"c of the gearshifting effort juto- maticaily. instead of making you tug and pull and do all the work yourself ! And you can't equal Chevrolet riding ease, either â€" Because only Chevrolec-has "The Ride Royal", which combines Perfected Knee - .\ctioa*. Sciendticailv Bal- anced Springs and Automatic Ride Stabilizer to produce the smoothest, safest ride known ! Will you make the test â€" today.' There's a car waiting for you at our showrooms ri^bt mau.' CHEVROIFT HAS MORE THAN 175 IMPORTANT MODERN FEATURES, INCLUDING: new royal ctwwr- sTTiiNG • •icca \Ns\ot kHD otmat • new sealed •lAM HEA0LI6NTS WITH SEPAkATE PAtKINO LIGHTS • NEW WU-VKION ROOIES it FtSHBI • SUrtt-SllEtrt VAlVt-JN-HIAD INCINC • PfltfKTED HYMUUIK MtAXES • LAJtOa TIPTOCWMATK ClUTCa 'On S«Mc>al ^• Ljm ,Vtod<is. VACUUM POWER ^j *»rti for yo, g^ r«-,-«. _. W^ dnv,, ,ff^, ' •^'DE ROYAl" ii{e It T/uj It-Biuf It ! D. McTAVISH & SONS. FLESHERTON. Ont H. Grumraett, Dundalk (.Associate Dealer)