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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1940, p. 4

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Wednesday, March 20, 1940 THE FLBiHERTON ADVANCE How About a New Suit This Spring? Probably you're thinking of a new Suit for Spring â€" don't leave it too late! The fine new samples of Spring Suitings and Overcoatings are here â€" there is a splendid selection of smart patterns. SUITS & OVERCOATS FROM $24.95 Each garment made and tailored to your individual measure â€" fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Ready-to-Wear Suits New Serges and Fancy Suitings specially priced â€" contracted for before the recent advances in woollens. All sizes. PRICED FROM $14.95 NEW HOUSE DRESSES Smart styles â€" new patterns in extra quality sun and tub-fast prints. All sizes up to 52. PRICED â€" 98c, $1.19, $1.39, $1.59 All wonderful value. F. H. W. HICKLING THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood Btntt, Fl«8h«rton, Wadnasday of Mdl week. Circulation over 1,000. Pric« in CuumU |2.00 p«r jmt, when paid in advance fliU); is U. S. A. 12.60 per year, whai paid in advance |2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Moffat wish to thank their friends for the many acta of kindness and those who brought flowers at time of death and recent burial of their brother and sister, Sam and Bella Park. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Moffat. General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont Rock MiUs Udies* Aid Mrs. Barney Field had a quiltiwr and tea for the ladies aid and neifrh- bors on Tuesday, March 12th. Pro- ceeds of $2.10 went to the talent money fund. S pecial TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY MARCH 24 Leave Owen Sound 6.15 Leave Flesherton 7.15 p.m. Arrive Toronto Union 11.00 p.m. Consult Agents for other train service detail and Special LOW FARES FOR EASTER m Wareham Jr. Farmers Wareham Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute met on Monday evening, March Uth, the presidents in botli sections presiding. In the boy's di- vision several matters of importance were considered. A rwine club was formed in co-operation with Proton Agricultural Society. The boys plan to study and work out the latest de- velopments in this important branch of farm work. It is planned to conduct another home beautification contest, such as was held last summer. The commit- tee in charge of this project i« John LK)ugheed, Cliflford Allen and Grace Cole. 'Will all who would like to take part in this popular pastime com- municate with the nearest committee- man. That means you. Even if you won a prize last year â€" pcrnaps you will do even better In a second at- tempt. The Grey County Beautification Society asks each club member to plant a row of trees in front of farm and up lane. An interesting talk on the new chamber of agriculture was given by Clifford Allen. In the girls' section it was decid- ed to send delegates to the Girls' Club convention to be held in Guelph in May. Miss Viola Gordon gave a very interesting talk on Canadian authors, "Pauline Johnson." Mrs. J. Thompson led a discussion on wash- ing woollens. "The new Health Insurance Plan, which is being studied was discussed in the joint meeting. Elgin Mc- Cutcheon gave a report of the meet- ine held in Flesherton last Saturda'" and of the progress toeing made in working it out. The club paper, Wareham Spot- light, was read by Anne Fisher and Robert Thompson. Shall I Vote for KINGorMANION? There is only one decision to be made by the Canadian people on March 26th ♦ . . It is this: Shall our country's war effort be handed over to unknown, unnamed politicians . ♦ . to a make- shift cabinet with Dr. Manion as the self-appointed leader? Or ... Shall our country's war effort be continued vigorously and faithfully by the known and proven administration of Mackenzie King? That is the question YOU must answer. Up a Blind Alley?-or-Out in tlie Open! Mackenzie King offers you somethinij; entirely in the open . . . the most truly National government Canada has ever known. His parliamentary followers represent the people of every province in Canada â€" every section of our countryâ€" every economic, social and racial group. There is not an area of this country... not a single classification of our people . . .without proper repre- sentation in the Mackenzie King following. Mackenzie King's cabinet ministers are well known to you. They are broadly experienced men, eager and able to continue the sort of admin- istration which brought progress to Canada in times of peace and national pride to Canadians since the outbreak off war. The Mackenzie King administration is answerable to the people of Canada â€"to no one else. It is time for plain speaking. Dr. Manion's pretence of offering "national" government is sheer polit- ical deceit. Because : even if he were elected to office, Dr. Manion could not organize or lead a truly national gov- ernment. The parliamentary group which mtight follow him would fail to represent all Canada. It would not represent the people of the national Liberal party. It would not represent the people of the C.C.F. party. It would not represent the people of the historic Conservative party which Dr. Manion has now scuttled. Do not be deceived I Dr. Manion cannot give you National Government. The best he might give you would be government by unknown followers. He invites you to follow him up a blind alleyâ€" to vote for a government of hi* own imaginationâ€" answerable to some undisclosed political group. The Responsibility is Now Yours Canada is feeing the greatest crisis in her history. It is YOUR responsibility to say how she is to deal with this crisis. Therefore: when you go to the polls on March 26th you should consider only what is best for Canadaâ€" what is best for the Empire and our allies â€"what it the sure, direct road to Victory and Peace. FORWARD WITH MACKENZIE KING The National Uberal F^eratlon of Csnad*. Ottaws. OntarlOk 60 Years of Service More than 6,700 Biell Telephone directories were dropped in the mail last week aa the latest issue for Owen Sound, Flesherton and vicinity left the presses. Of these books, nearly 200 were delivet-ed to subscrib- ers here. This year the company is celebrat- ing the 60th anniversary of its incor- poration. To commemorate this event the cover of the new directory bears the familiar Blue Bell and the slogan "Sixty Years of Public Service." In 1880, there were only 13 Bell Telephone exchanges and about 2,100 subscribers. The directory list for any one of these exchano-es could have been printed on a single sheet â€" and most of them were. In fact, the only Bell Telephone directory known to have been published in book form in 1880 was that for Quebec City. It was a slim ^'olume containing several pages of listings in large type. Today, there are 34 separate direct- ories, several of which are published more than once a ''ear. They contain listings for over 785,400 telephones in 412 exchanges scattered throughout Ontario and Quehec. In the old days, too, blank pages were inserted in the directories for the inclusion of new names and num- bers, which were published in the neiwspapevs. This method is no long- er practicable; consequently, each new directory lists thousands of new and changed numbers. Therefore, to avoid wrong numbers, it is important to desti-oy the old dir- octory and carefully consult the new one before placing calls. Corrections should also be made to desk lists and memo pads containing numbers called most frequently. i n ii HUH i m i n iii m iiiiiiii m ii n i m i m i u tt SUPPLY and DEMAND THE DEMAND FOR OUR CREAMERY BUTTER HAS INCREASED TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE* TO FILL THE ORDERS OF YEAR-ROUND BUTTER CUSTOMERS This is why you are assured of Highest Possible Mar- ket Prides for your cream y/htn you are seDing to us. Our advice to cream producers is to maikcit their full simply of cream to their nearest creamery, thereby eliminating unnecessary gathering expense... It is par- ticularly essMitial to save expense during war time. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. I Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager < ♦♦» M *s»i nmnnmnm ti»>i nnn ii m i» m i f > I Please phone us and give the names of your Easter visitors. A church at 'Wheatley was brok-n into and all the dishes and cutlery stolen. We dare say -" that equip- ment will te replaced because it would take more than that to down the Ladies' Aid. Two Russian bears escaped from their trainer in Wilkesbarre, Pa., and inveded the shopping ristrict. There was panic for some time as there was no Finn handy who knew how to tame them. Everybody wants to travel in lux- urp nowdays. Modem cars are equip- ped with heaters, radios, etc., and are so nice that aveiy4x>dy who can wants to ride in heated car. For instance a motorist] stopped to pick up two "iirlB hitchhikings on one of our highways. He stopped the car, opened the door and invrted'tfaom to hop in. "Is your car heated'" one of damsels inquired. "N > it is not," re- plied the driver. Have you a hadio?" "No," he again replied "Well, drive on, we'll wait for the next' car," re- plied one of the hitchhickers. The best friends are those who are too poor to suspect you of wanting what they have and too rich to envy what .vou have. T'-ink it over. SUPERIOR STORES Specials This Week ASSORTED SOUPS â€" Tomato, Vegetable, Chicken. 3 for 25c 1 large Snow White FLAKES, 1 gold banded bowl 25c Tiger CATSUP, large bottle 15c Bast call: Red Rose and Salada TEA, old price 65c - 75c Raspberry or Strawberry JAM, per jar 29c P-NUT BUTTER, fresh 2 lbs. 25c Superior BAKING POWDER nine better, no alum 23c ROBIN HOOD, PRAIRIE ROSE and SNOW DRIFT FLOUR RUBBER BOOTS and RUBBERS for damp weather ahead One man was in court at London, Ontario, and the charge was that he had been stealing trees. He produced evidence to show he had been assessed for the property since 1920, and as such thinprs go that looks |ike a fairlv Rood alibi. C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 L Elect HARRIS in Grey-Bruce SUPPORTERS â€" OF â€" KARL D. KNECHTEL and National Government are urgently requested to VOTE TuesdV) March 26 VICTORY IS on the Horizon Your Support and Influence will be Greatly Appreciated Vote ^^^^ ^' Knechtel NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE COMMITTEE I â€" mttm tm

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