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Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1939, p. 5

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THE FLE^HERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, November 22, 1939 EATING wCOOKINC V. 1 'i I^OW is the time to order your supply of these •»â-  ^ delightful, tree-ripei»ed Canadian apples ! They're FRESH from Canada's orchards . . . and they're at their best â€" they're tastiest â€" for eating and cooking! Serve Canadian apples often â€" for the whole family to enjoy â€" with meals and between meals. They're easy to cook . . . simple to serve . . . and mighty appetizing. Watch everyone ask for more! Order your Canadian apples today . . . buy them by grade â€" with confidence! "N*> 1** Indodca aoojid, hamipicked apple* of ^ood rtAnmT for the Tariety, &ec from inaect pcata and practically frao from diseaae and muaor blemishes. The appica are aiaed according to Tariety. "OOMCSTIC" IiKludes aound. handpicked appica of bir colour for the variety and practically free from dia e aaa and other i^jory. The apples are aiaed acoordlntf to variety. Marketing Servicm DOMDnON DEPARTMENTOF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Htmourmbiu Jamâ€" G. Cardinar, Miniatar. BUY BY GRADE -BUY WITH CONFIDENCE SWINTON PARK PRICEVILLE <»i m tti««« f M »« m «* * **'i«* tt i n i min »»»» n >ii i - * 1 5c to $1.00 Store : SPECIAL ORION SHAVING DEAL 1 pkg-. Orion Razor Blades reg. 10c; 1 pkg. Princeton ;; 1 1 Thin Blades, reg. 15c; 1 Bakelite Razor (made in Eng- !' land), regular 25c â€" Total Value 50c. AU for 25c Children's Leatherette HELMETS with goggles 3pecial 39c : Ladies' Organdy APRONS Extra Value 25c \ '. : ; Me!n'8 Plaid Flannel SHIRTS Price $1.25 : ! ; 20 attractive Christmas CARDS with envelopes .... 25c ; ; ' GIFT SETS for Ladi^' and Gentlemen .... from 25c up • ; CHINESE CHECKERS Games from 25c up i I DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Only 27 more Shopping Days i ; E. J. Fisher Flesherton ilil Ut l H t> H I § l»»»»»»«*«» * >>l»» f »»» f >» MM *»# • Mr. and Mrs. Hu^h Copeland of Brampton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Pred Knox Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan and children of Priceville visited at the Wm. McMillan home on Sunday. Mrj. Jim Kennedy and Margaret of Sheiburne spent Saturday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldcom. Bom â€" On Thursday, Nov. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard McLean, 14th Con., a son. Mrs. Robt. L&ne of Georgetown spent the week end with friends and attended the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. McKinnon, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw spent last week end at Bayfield. We are glad to report Mr. Wallace McCormick improving after his ser- ious accident, when the horse he was riding threw him and then fell back on top of him. Mrs. Geo. Haw left on Sunday to spend a week with her daughters in Toronto. A large crowd of friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mrs. Neil McLeod on Friday evening to do honor to her son, Edgar, and bride, who were recently married. Miss ^ Mary McCannell read the address and the young couple were presented with a lovely china cabinet and mantle friends. The groom made a suitable clock, on behalf of the neighbors and reply, and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Miss Marjorie McLeod, Reg.N., cf the Durham hospital sp»i:t Friday evening at her home. Mrs. Richard Hardy and Dan Shir- ley spent the week end in Toronto and attended the Santa Claus parade on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ostrander and baby spent Sunday with M. Eccles at Dromore. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. R. ; Mclntyre, Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams and Douglas and Bemice from Amoa church visited on Sunday at the home of W. W. Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean vis't^ old friends near Letter Breen (Halli- day by nanae) over the week end. They paid a short visit to Owen Sound the day previous. Mr. Wm. Aldcorn and Mrs. F. Mc- Kinnon, we are pleased to state, are so far recovered as to be able to be up for part of each day. The house recently occtipied by the Jas. Weir family and his sister, Belle, iias as occupants Mr. and Mrs. John Vhyte. and Mrs. Schaefer are now re- siding in the house long occupied by • 1 McLean. In view of the smaller attendance It the local school. Inspector Pentland. .'.s liToi'-'ed that one teacher is suffic- nt for the attendance. At a public n'^stinfi: Frid;iy evening it was agreed T vote to retain the teachers until Tune, although, thereby, they may 'ose the extra grant for the second leacher. y-.r. Peter Muir is at present on a visit with his daughter, Mae, at â- )2hawa. Men's Winter Wear OVERCOATS WIND BREAKERS LEATHER WIND BREAKERS SWEATER COATS WOOL PULLOVERS MITTS and GLOVES STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR WINTER SHIRTS BREECHES and TROUSERS FELT HATS RUBBERS and OVERSHOES WINTER CAPS FANCY HOSIERY All Prices Based on Pre- War Vahies i Made to Measure Clothing : Come in and select a |«attem and let us measure you for a NEW SUIT or OVERCOAT. Fit and satisfacticm assured. Suits and Ovorcoats made and tailored to your indirkiaal measure, from $23.7&. F. a W. HICKUNG QMnlM«i«lMMit FLESHERTON, Oati i HH i mnn i mummnmnm it n i mmm i n KIMBLRLEY Miss Jane McLean of Warren, Ohio, visited with the Weber cousins and other friends for the week. On Tuesday night the Duncan young people visited Kimberley Y.P. U., the visitors supplying the pro- gram and the hosts the lunch. All had an enjoyable and profitable time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt of Mark- dale spent Tuesday afternoon with friends here. The benefit dance given by Messrs. D. Ferguson and Wayne Weber, was very well attended. Mrs. Alexander of Flesherton visit- ed a few days with her son, Mr. Earl Alexander, and Mrs. Alexander. We are glad to report Mr. John Abercrombie and Ian Wilson home again from the Markdale hospital, but are son-y Mr. Wm. Fawcet and Mr. Bruce Hall are at the hospital at present. The hunters have returned from the north, all bringing home their deer. Their sharing of the game was gen- erous, too. The Bethel young people presented their play "Old Home Place" for the library benefit on Friday night, It was a good play and well given. Mrs. D. A. Graham is supplying this week at Epping school, owing to the death of the teacher's father, Mr. DunelL We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. A number from here attended the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McLeod on Friday night at Swinton Park. Messrs. Stuart Carson, John Wool- lard, Wesley Whyte and John Mc- Arthur of the North Line l«ft last week to spend the winter in the north. Mr. Dave Hincks spent a couple of days last week at Atwood and was accompanied home by his daughter, Mrs. Perte who spent the week end here. Messrs. Edgar Patterson, Angus Clark, Hector McLean, Ekin McKinnon Wm. Beaton, Donald Campbell and Henry Tucker are having the Hydro installed. Some of the houses are al- most finished. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean of To- ronto spent the week end with friendr here. Mr. Alfred Hincks and sisters, .^Imeda of Toronto and Jean of Lisle, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Calder of Fairbairn were Sunday visitors in this district. EUGENIA ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs. Sam Croft spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mclntyre of Tryon. Mr. and Mrs. "Melvin McMaster of Toronto and Mrs. Sam McMuUen and Elsie were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Mrs. Teeter of Priceville visited re- cently with her daughter. Mrs. Jim Pedlar. Mr-s Ed HoUey of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent a day with relatives in Durham. Mr. Harvey Croft of Toronto spent the week end at Jiis parental home. Mrs Herb Betts underwent a ser- ious operation in the Markdale hos- pital on Nov. 8th. for the removal of a tumor. We are glad to report her progressing favorably. Mrs Jacob Holley of Martwdale spent a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft, returning to her home on Saturday. ^Master Allan Betts had the misfor- tnne to have his head quite severely cut while playing at school Thursday. He had to be \aken home, but was able to return to schowl the next day. Mr. Herb Betts and four children spent Sunday with his wife at Jfark- dale who is convalescing at the home of her brother, Mr. C. Stoddart. BORN FERRIS â€" At the Red Cross Hos- pital. Durham on Monday. Nov. 8tk. 19», to Dr. and Mr*. Leslie Ferris, the gift of a dauirhter. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto were recent visitors with the I Park family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and little daughter, Caroline, of Sarnia spent a few days recently with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett. Mr. and Mrs. k. B. Johnston and daughter, -Agnes, of Toronto visited friends here a week ago. Mrs. J.'s mother, Mrs. Wilson, returned with them to the city for a visit. Mr. Stewart ElWns of Toronto vis- ited recently with his wife here. "1^ Mr Ernie Proctor was in the north on his annual hunting expedition and was successful, as usual. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Non-al Betts were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pedlar and the Misses Edith and Mabel Betts of Rock Mills. Messrs. Jim and George Papl and boy friends of Lang, Sask.. visited on Saturday with the McMillan family and their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith. Mr. Art Williams of Toronto visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs Jos. Williams. Mr. Clarence Williams has returned home from Toronto. The Quinlan family from Owen Sound have taken up residence in Mr. H. Cairns" house on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne and daugh- ter, also of Owen Sound, have taken apartments in the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. Both Mr. Quinlan and Mr. Osborne are on duty as guards at the Hydro works here. We are pleased to see Mr. -AlfreH Genoe of CHven Sound, formerly of this place, back again. He is also a guard at the works. We extend our best complete recovery to Magee. who has had goitre operation in Markdale hospital during the past week, and to Mr. Kendal Hawkins, 8th line, who has also been a patient in the Markdale hospital. The Misses Lillian and Doris Magee were home from Toronto over the week end. Messrs. Herb Hartley ami Ken Kellar were also .week end visit- iTis at the Magee home. Mis.« Dorothy JamieWon attended the teachers" convention in Colling- wood and also spent the week end in Toronto. Mr J. Linton and Fred of Portlaw and Miss Beth Stin.son of Victoria Cornem were Stinday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. wishes for a Mr. Gerald a sucecss^al We have had a goixl deal of cloud recently, and we are likely to have less unshine now for a few months. ♦♦♦<^K♦<K♦-^♦*^<*^^^*♦x♦<^M♦♦^♦^♦^♦♦♦♦ Poultry WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR GOOD POULTRY, DRESSED OR LIVE WEIGHT Enquire For Our Prices Before Selling Your Poultry DELR'ER YOUR CREAM AND MAKE THE E-XTRA Ic PER LB. OVER TRUCK PRICES Highest Prioes Paid iar Poultry, Cream and Eggs The Creamery will not be open Wednesday evenings. Flesherton Creamery & rroLUce Co. Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager «,^>^'*;^V '-^^ >* â- ^'*TL.•^^«^ ff .w* , »e®" .^^T^v<^" ,ts«* â- r-f v< • LOV^ RATES for FARM HOMES Check Your Hardware Needs for Fall and Winter FINDLAY'S "CONDOR" COAL and WOOD RANGE Modem, streamlined; it represents a new perfection in household comfcH't. Circulating Heaters Quebec Heaters Stove Boards Wood Heaters Coal Hods Damper Pipes, etc- ' REPAIR REQUIREMENTS Window Glass Putty Nails Roofing Shingles Sheathing Hand Saws Hammers Axes Brushes Brooms Polishes Wax ELECTRIC WASHERS IRONS TUBS MOPS HAXD WASHERS PAILS ENAMELWARE Shot Guns Rifles Ammunition Mitts and Gloves Cow Chains Traps, eta SPECIAL SOVEREIGN PAINTS A ENAMELS .\ lar^e variety of colors Sale Price 59c quart Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE 'PHONE S4

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