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Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1939, p. 2

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In Magnificent Setting Canada Gets Royal Salute Framed in ili.' .loorv.av ui the ilumiiiioa rarliiiment li luldinfcs ai Ottawa, following thi'.solcmjily historic ritu- tl within, the Kinic and Queen make a magnificent picture, as the Queen, (•harminKly dignified stands at His Majesty's side as he takes the salute during the martial ccrmeony which followed that in the Senate. Prime Minister Mackenzie King stands farther back in the arched doorway. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1.â€" What arc the superstitions toncerning the various days of the week for a wedding? 2. â€" Is it the proper gesture, in company, when eating or drink- ing, to keep the little finger prom- inently crooked? 3. â€" What is the birth stone for May, and its significance? 4. â€" Is it permissible for a girl to use perfume? 5.â€" ^When dining in a public place, is one permitted to call to a waiter, when wanting anything? 6. â€" W'hen a man is walking in the rain with a girl who is carry- ing an umbrella, should be olTcr to hold it? Aniwcrc 1. â€" Wed on Monday, always poor; Tuesday, wed once more; Wednesday, happy match; Thurs-. day, splendid catch; Friday, poor- ly mated; .Saturday, better wait- ed; Sunday, Cupid's wooing; and wed in the morning, quick undo- ing. 2.â€" No; this is an affected mannerism that one should avoid. 3. â€" The emerald, which signifies success in love and immortality. 4. â€" Yes, if the perfume is good and the scent is faint. Cheap per- fumes and strong scents are often obnoxious. 5. â€" No. One should b« patient until the waiter is near- by, then ask in a low tone. C. â€" Yet. against 13.3 !n 103T, a large pro- portion of the cigar leaf crop is still unsold and prices probably will average two to three cents lower than prices received for the previous year's crop, the report said. All Varieties Increased production In 193S was evident in all tobacco varieties ex- cepting the small aromatic pipe varieties, production of which is confined to Quebec. Have You Heard A fat man bumped into a rath- er lean gentleman. "From the looks of you," he said belligerent- ly, "there must have been a fam- ine." "And from the looks of you," replied the lean gent, "you're the guy who caused it." Tobacco Hits Record High Dominion Statistics Put Crop Value at $20,000,000 For 1938 Output About the only thing mod- ern girii can cook like mother uied to cook is tome man'* goote. After a scene at the night-club, where some men had started fight- ing with chairs, a policeman ask- ed the Irish doorkeeper: "But why didn't you do something?.." "Sure," replied Pat, "an' there wasn't another chair." Ab all-time high In Canadian to- ftacco production was registered In 18S8 when a commercial crop of M,427,'J00 pounds with a farm value ol approximately $20,000,000 was harvested, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reports. This represented an Increase of J»,300,0(i0 pounds or 3t!.5 per cent OTer the 1937 output esllmate<l at 72,114,000 pounds with a farm \aliie of $17,000,000. Increase of 36.5 P. C. As a result of the largo crop anil heavy stocks carried over from the previous seBsnn, prices of flue- cured Into ihe irt3M-40 season esti- mated at 8.000,000 to 9,000,000 ponnds. In the cise of burlny tobacco, •omewhat lower supplies than In the previous year resulted In an av- erage price of l.T.S rents a itound Speaking of brave perfor- mance!, one man took a taxi to the bankruptcy court and then, initead of paying hit fare, invited the driver in «• • creditor. "Why, Jane," protested the mis- tress, "that cake is as black as a cinder. Did you cook it according to my instructions?" "Well, no mum," replied the culprit. "It's one of me own cre- mations." "Everyone ha> lomr secret sorrow," says a philosophis- ing friend. "Even the fat- test and jolliest of us has a skeleton in his midst." m lat Science is ^ Doins ^ BRAIN KEEPS MAN UPRIGHT Disciivory of the specific part of the brain which enables man to stand upright Is now announced. It is a "strip area" of brain cells lying just under the front part of the skull where a person scratches his head when puzzled. CHEMICAL SEEDS AID CURE Human "hormone culture" is be- ing developed by which chemical seeds arc planted in the body to treat disease. Addison's Disease, one which Is generally weakening and often fat- al, has been successfully treated with the seod-plautlng method and the sufferers restored to normal health. . ARE YOU GOING CRAZY? Development of an electrical "ro- bot physician" that diagnoses the mental diseases was announced last week. The electrical "brain" of the ma- THAT REMINDS MEâ€" ROLL OGDENS FOR COOi. FRAGRANT SMOKING .\ young ^lan was doing his own shopping. He said to the pretty girl behind Ihe v.hitc goods counter: "1 want a pillow-case, l.lFasc." "Yes, what .'izc?" nsl;ed the I girl. I "Why- erâ€" I'm not sure, but 1 | lake a sevcn-and-a-iiuartcr hat." j RefroshinQ asa summer bloom is the aroma of Ogden's Fine Cut Test it yourself. Compare it point by point with any other cigarette tobacco and you'll agree that Ogden's has what it takes. By all means try Ogden's and choose the best papers to go with it â€" "Vogue" or "Chantecler". OGDEN'S Chiue reads, analyzes, computes and reports the mental conditions of patients as shown by variatioos of mllllonths of a volt of electric discharge from thelr.braloe. CELLULOSE FILMS FOR SKIN Substitution of cellulose film for human tissues Is described as a "safe" surgical technique by a Virginia surgeon, who reports suc- cess in sheathing a severed tendon with the filmy material in such a way that a deformed hand became practically normal again. Ship Stewardesses Usually Versatile Selected From Many Walks of Life, Some Are Trained Nurs- es, Others Linguists, Athletic Instructors or Traveling Ccmpenicnt It usually requires considerable training in service and hospitality, as well as a good bacliground, to become a stewardess aboard a mod- ern liner. Many of the stewardess- es chosen for the new Cunard White Star liner Mauretania have had many years of training In this calling. In selecting the personnel for the stewardesses' division in the new Mauretania, only the most skillful of the present generation were selected. The women chosen come from many walks of life. Some have been trained nurses, linguists, hair dress- ers, athletic instructors, and trav- eling companions, but all have served for years aboard ships of Cunard White Star. Meet Interesting People It is the duty of stewardesses to malie things pleasant (or all wo- men passengers, as well as chil- dren, during a transatlantic voy- age. Otlwr duties include the ar- rangement of flowers, dusting, making beds, aud serving meals in ladies' staterooms. There is another important ser- vice which falls to the steward- esses. They often act as interpre- ters for passengers from contin- ental Europe. They wear a small flag on their uniform which desig- nates the foreign languages they speak. They meet many interesting people, the most famous in the world. Gone On Errand Thirty-One Years Antliouy Kosey of Buckley, Pa., completed an errand to the store for his mother but he was goue 31 years. Mrs. Veronica Kesey answered a knock at her door last week and found her middle-aged son stand- ing there with a jug of kerosene In his outstretched hands. "I knew you would come back." sobbed the 70-year-old mother. "My pVayers have been answered." Kesey was just 13 when she sent him for the oil. He recalled start- ing to the store but decided to run away. Since then he had worked on Western Pennsylvania farms and with a circus as a wrestler, never communicating with his family. Olive Trees Are Very Long-Lived Some Are Estimated to B« at Least 1,200 Years Old- Product Prized For Food Value and Also at Beautifier There Is romance In a bottle of olive oil, for the trees from which the product comes are among the most long-lived in the world. Some of them are estimated to be 1,200 years old, and what a history of the shaping of world events they could tell if they were able to speak. Symbol of Peace Some plantations, such as those of Terai, in Italy, are supposed to have existed in the time of Pliny, and rival giant California redwood trees in point of age. The olive has been cultivated in the East from most remote times, is assoc- iated with much mythical lore, and Its branches have come to be sym- bolic of peace and plenty, and the highest award, paradoxically en- ough, that could be granted for bravery and honor. The tree is largely cultivated in Greece, An- atolia, Levant, Morocco, Tripoli, Spain, France and Italy. It grows as well In Chile, Mexico and Cali- fornia. The oil of the tree Is valued as a great beautifier and Is Included in a great number of toilet prepar- ations. It is even more highly priz- ed as a base for salad dressingg. Less Speed Mr. Joseph Lonzini was in • hurry to build a laundry in Chi- cago. So he set up an 8-ton well drilling apparatus on the site and started the builders putting up the walls at full speed. Now they ha»-e to pull down one wall to get the drilling apparatus out. Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Speedy Relief Here i> a clean stainless penetrating anti- septic now dispensed by chemists at trifling cost, that will briiiK jou speedy relief from the itchinij and distress ot Kciema, Itching Toes and Feet, Rashes and skin troubles. Not only does this great healing antiseptic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open 'Bores and wounds, but boils and sim- ple ulcers arc quickly relieved and cleanly healed. In skin diseasesâ€" the itching of Eciema is instantly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Barber's Itch, bait Kheum and other skin eruptions. You can obtain ^^»o^e's Kmerald Oil (full Itrcngtb; at any modern drug store. 'k NEW SAPETY-Lorir /-«« " J^. .up«...,r,V°fGu« pippin, wijicv "''"'• New *3 ^ NEW GEAR """^SSH^ Tii, .^ "^^'^â- GUIP TREAD "•e«d adde even „^, ^'-^'toae; 2 Exfl.^ f' '°«- ^^^^H|^^^^^^r;^^^«»d safety ^""^ "«• * NO EXTRA COST ^---««««^-- Will. mU tfceJr .-, -«™,5;;;^__ â-  â-  ^' •â- " give it ACilO.XTS WAXi'KU AURNTS! STOUKKEEPEns! Malie l>iK profits sellitiK our over 250 lines of Drygooda niid Small- wares. Write today for free I'rlce List, ncnornj Outfitters IJeK'd. Hox !'Cj. Place D'ArniCH, .M ontre;il. AllTM I.K.S I'On SAI.n JEWEI.nV .SI'EOIAUSâ€" WALTHAM Pocket Watches, J4 up. Wrlst- wutches, Iliiijra. etc.. Violln.<i, Saxa- plioMCM. Unredeemed Pawnbrokers pledges. Catalogue. McTaraney's. Toronto. ClassiFled Advertising.. iMi(»'r«ii:iiAi-iiv IIAIIV ( IIK'KS N E C L- HOME I'Ofl.TUY FAltM. UATA- tnx. Nova .Scoti.a â€" Piuiltrvniau John Ma.sso'.s 900 Itray liarrcd Rock pullct.s layliior nt 4 months, avcratfi'd ovor Ul per cent, at six month.s last year. Bray olilcka will do th'! trick for you too. Order to- day. 11 ay Hatchcr.v. 130 John St., North. Hamilton, Ontario. FA.ST-CltOWINO CHICKS IM YOl'R l>roodor.s now, menu e.nrly-Iaylng pullets in your laylnp house next Kail, (iet In on the hiKh Novembor eBK prices. Order Uray i-hicks now. Uray H.itohery. 130 John .St., North. Hamilton, Ontario. ir yOH WANT CHICK.S ON .SHOHT not Ire order Twrddio iiovprnm<>nt Approved chii-ks. We hatch H5.000 every weelc. Orade "A" Heavy Ilreeds $10.45: 90 per cent. Pullets IIB.T.t; Cockerels $8.0O; I.eKhorns $9.n,'i: Pullel.s $20.7r>. Extra profit Krade. the kind that weich two pounds per hundred more when hatched. Heavy breeds $11.95; I'ullets $18.90: Cockerels $9.00: LeKhorns $tl.45: Pullets $2.1.45. Special matlncr .sllKhlly hlRher. Free calendar and poultry Kulde. Tw-eildle Chick Hntcherifs. I.lralt- f d. KcrKus, Ontario. JUNK pniCES FOTt IIAPEV lUOH Ounllty Chicks effective June Sth. Heavy Ilreeds $8.95: SO per cent. Pullets $12.95: Cockerels $8,00; l.eKhorns $8.45; Pullets $17.45: Cockerels $!l.flO. PAg Ekk Quality hatched from 25 to JO ounce ess.s. Heavy Hreed.s $10.2.1: Pullets »K..45; Cockerels $9.00. T^euhorns $9.75: PulletB $19.90. p.-ompt del- ivery. Paden Electric t'hick Hatchery. I..lmlted. Paden. Ont. Canada's exports of -soap in 1!\1« amounted t.i 15,040,732 Ihs. valued at $1,301,753 compared with 14,30fi,R85 lbs. worth $1,- 240,872 in 1037. IIISIXESS OPPOUTIMTY START YOUn OWN BUSINESS, li^wery dollar sale brings you ."ev- etjty-five cent.s profit. Write Ec- onomy Dl.atributinK Company, Cur- tis .\veiiuc, Leamington, Ontario. DEVKl.OI'I XC. UOI.I-S DEVELOPED, ETCHi^RAPT enlargement â€" 8 prints 25o. Re- prints 3o. Photoart Service, Tren- ton, Ontario, Drawer 809. FEMALE HELP WANTED SPARE TIME INCOME IS OEl'-EHEH TO RESPONSIBLE woman with pood local contacts. LeaditiK magazine publisher seeks nelBhborhood 8Ub.scriptlon work- er. Experience unnecessary, com- missions liberal, gencroits bonus- es. State age. Give references. Pox 30, Room 421, 7.1 Adelaide St. W. Toronto. 11 AIM «illtl|I.H WIOS. TOllPES, TUANSEORMA- tlons, Swiichea. Curls, snd all types of finest quality Hair Cooda. Write for llliistrsted cataloKue. Confiden- tial terms srranKed Toronto Hum- an Hair 'iuuplv Co. B28 Halhiirsi Toronto "HI NTKItH A\I> TUAPI'l:HV MHUKT.S" HOW TO C.\TCH .VIUSKRAT. POX. -Mink ami Beaver. lA^Kitimate plans $3.00 at once. Cteorgc (Jrcen, P.(». Box lot), Richmond. Indiana, i:..S.A. MAcKiNEny HANDY (UREASE CONTAINBIR AND ;}iin liO'der. Guaranteed. (^Ican one minute Job. Write <!. E. .\. Malchow, stavely. Alberta. M ItSERV STOCK HAltliV, VI<;<)Itt>lS STUAWBEK- ry plants. King $1.00 per hundred: Improved Senator Dun. lap liOc pi-r hundred. Cash with order. Quantity discounts. Max rife. River. Ontario. Issue No. 22 '39 I'MIEB ENLARGEMRNT WITH EV- cry roll Hlni developed and 8 high Rioss prints 2jc. 8 enlarged prints 25c. Reprints saino price. Bright- lini; Studio. 29A Richmond Street East, Toronto. PH.MS DEVELOPED FILMS DEVELOPED. TWO PRINTS of each and FREE ENLARGE. ME.N'T coupon 2:)C.â€" Off.-iet Photo- graphy Uep. "A", 2 Russell St., Tomnto. PEIIS«t\AI, M.MtRY â€" HUNHUEDS TO CHtJOSH from. .Mjny wllb means. Farm- ers' daushtera. Widows with Property. Purtlculura lUc. Con- fidential., Bos 128 Calgary. Al- berta. QUIT TOBACCO. S.VUFF, EASILT. tnexpeuslvely Home remedy. Tes- llmonl'ile. GuarHtileed. Advlc* free. Bartleil's. Box 1. Winnipeg. IP YOU WANT AN AFFECTION- ate romantic sweetheart, with money, write: Mary Lee. 445-0, Holla, Missouri. PSORIASIS â€" SKIN TROUBLES. IF you suffer from psoriasis, dry cc- '£ema or similar skin affections, try the stainless .Singer Bros. Ko- Kon Ointment. Has already proved successful iti thousand.s of stub- born, hopeless cases. Price $1.00 per lac. free on receipt of price, froin Singer Bros.. Chemists l>ept. W.. 2i> gueen St. E., Toron- _to. •<E\VI\<; M.trlllKE<4 * M PPI.IE9 I'Olt SEWINU .MACHINE.S. IIE- pairs. supplies â€" all makes, new or irade-iti, reciinUK lotted mach- ines in stocli â€" Write .*. Gilbert <t Son. .tMi Viii me SI.. T oronto. STA.MPS ' NKWl'Ol Nl>LANn STAMPS. 40 dif- ferent liOc, catalogue value $2.50; Price lists furnished. Ed. Schain- mcll, I'.otwo od. Newfoutidland . WHY GO UBKVf THo.SE tJUEV STREAKS IN ViU'R hair are dead againat you. Un- doubtedly the finest remedy for g:roy hair Is Morf;an'a Pomade. This Is not a dye. but acienlifioaU ly prepared treatment which re- vitalizes the hair. 2 ounce ;i.OO: l.\rge four ounce $1.50. posing* (M-cpuid. Order from â€" R. .\. TulhiU (Canadian Agent > 911 Bloor St West. Toronto. Made and sold !• l^ngliipd tor iO years. ^- 4 < â- * 4 « » I » * * < » * ' ^ » •â-  ^

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