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Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1938, p. 3

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* « I Classified Advertising I KOZ<OZOZ<OZ*I<<<<<<<<<<O>>X*>Z*i0»>i»>I*>Z»I*>Z»I*Z*Z*Z*Z*Z*Z*Z»Z*Z«Z*Z*Z«Z- AUTI*;i,ES F«>I« SAI.K TRICKS. JOKES. PUZZl.E.S AND Maglfi Novelties. Send 25 cents for catalogue, deducting from first order of $1 or more, tl, $3. t5 as.'^ortmenta. Croiyn Supply Cump;iny. 1-A Queen Ea»I. Toronto. - ^ « LADIES' Al'RUN!), 00c FIRST QUALITY "CANADIAN" Prints, Broadcloths: wa-shfa-ft. new- est pattern."!! Pocket.". Tie.". Full aize i4-!;2. "Refund Guarantee." Can- adian Textilefl, Dept. L.A, Montreal. MU.SICAL INSTRUMENT.S. C0RNF;TS and trumpets, twenty dollars. Clar- inets. Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars: trombone.<). twenty dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; Terms. Barrow. 208 Victoria. Tor- onto. SEKD GRADER (KLINE) WEIGHS each Kernel, proof best. Used Klines bring price new (Farm Sale!<>. Kline Uaniifacturlng Co., Islington. Ontario. as YDS. (tVILTING MATBRIALS, 91.00 MILL CLEARANCE! AS.'^ORTED 6' TO 18" len^ha. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths. Silks: for large (Jullt Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram free! "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- tlle.j, Dept. LT. Montreal. AVIATION* COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, navigation, airplane and engine me- chanics, home study courses. Leavens Bros. Air Services. Liraittd. Barker Airport. Toronto. I'-ASHIOX MAGAZINE FREE FASHinN MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Be.iutiful Dresses, 99c. Ladies', girl?'. Washfast Canadian Prints. Broadcloths. All colors, styles. Over- Biz, s tC-32. 99c each. "Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textile.'. Dept. Ut. Montreal. ' (-LKAHANt'E S.VI.K CLE.UiA.NCK SAIJ^.: ASSORTED 12" to oi;" lengths. Silk.". Crepes. Cottons. Bri> idcloths. Ginghams. Linens, Voiles. Prints. Piques; for children's i-!«.ihe.'». aprons. dre.*>s trimmings, etc. Values to 9nc yard. 12-yard bundle S!*!'. "Refund Guarantee." Canadian Textiles. Dept. LY. Montreal. CI.OTlII.\G FOIl >iALI-: (X)UI> USED CLOTHING. LOWEST priies. Write for catalogue. Yongo Strrct t'fothing Exchange. ;fi2 Yonge Sir< 1 1. Toronto. COSMETICS STAKT A HOME FACTORY. MEN, AND wonn n in every town, manufacture Cofiinetics. Just add water to concon- triittd ingredients. Make iS to 110 dail.v King Cosmetic C^j , 37 Maltland St . Toronto. KIL.MS ANQ rniKiTS ROLLS DEVELOPED. PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re-prlnts 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft. 1S3H King E.. Toronto. ZEliO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement. 2Sc. Trevanna Studios. 93 Niagara Street. St. Cath- uriniM. Ont FREKâ€" TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- inenls (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints. 2Sc; highest quality. Machray I'llni.-, Winnipeg. ritlNl' OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, $1. J. C. William.i. 5 Richmond East, To- ronto. FHEi: i:\u\ki;k.\ient with eveky -5i- crder. Roll fllni developed and 8 print-. 25c. Reprints 3c each. Bright- liiiK Studio, 29 Kichmi'iid St.. E.. To- ronto. KlllMTl Ki; LYONS' TRADE-IN FURNITURE BARGAINS L;>ltd beiow are just a f t w ft the outsiuMuiug values picked at random troni the hundreds of wonderful bar- gains >ou will llnd in our Trade-In Dept. If you cannot pay us a visit be auie to write lor our new l',>3$ illus- trated catalogue to give you an idea of Lj ons' rcmarkablo values in both yew and used furniture. ^"30 AT) <-l'iecc. walnut fliiish Bed- ^Oi/rUV room Suite: lari,-" dresser, chirinUr. lull size bed and sagless â-º pi lut; â€" completely re-ftnishcd. $21 $45 $38 DOfiS FOR SALHâ€" ENGLISH I'OLI.IB PUP- plcs. J4.'ili. Cross breeds t3.<t0. Fe- males J2.IIII. Ve.irlini.-s. Watrh dogs. Heelers. G S'mme.ns. f:..rrie. Ont. Kl a KAIl>ll.\<; .MINK R.VISING â€" SAMPLE CtiPY magazine 10c. book citalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31. Toronto, On- tario. liAlK GOODS nfi 8-l'iece Dining-room Suite In • W French walnut tinish: but buffet, e\teii.-i('ii tabic and ij leather seat chair.'< 111 good condition. *27 Kn I'eautiful 3-piece Chesterfield â-¼*"'•"" Suite, upholstered in figured Freiieh jacquard with reversible Mfai- sliall .-spring cushion.s. Thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned. S12 Sn I^«^"t'tu' Brass Bed. full size â-¼ **""*' with sagless spring and braiul new all-felt mattress. •22 no '5'''-P'e<^» Breakfast Suite â€" â-¼"*"*'*' large buffet with glass top. ilrei'-'e-if table and 4 Windsor type chairs ill ivory enamel â€" in splendid conditittii. • e QC Several 3-buriier Gas Stoves â-¼*''^" with oven. Guaranteed. f)r» 3-Piece Chesterfield Bed •'^^ Suite. Kroehler Chesterfield bed wuh 2 big' chairs to match, uphol- stered in a good mohair with revers- ible MMrxhall rushlon.i. in perfect con- dlti. II. Cost new $165.00. • eg OQ 9-Piece English Oak Dlning- •puir.uu r^,y,„ suite, buffet, china eab- Inc:, -c^u.vre extension table an* six leather >oat chairs, t'ompletely refln- Ishrd. • R QC ('reisers in assorted finishes â-¼*^**^*' with large mirrors and three dr.iwe- s •y QIC v'hif .'oiilera in oak .ind walnut i^#«9«J finish with five large drawers. •g Cf» "dinger drop-head Sewing Ma- <P9>UU chines in good condition. •CC nr\ Beautiful 6-piece Bedrnoni ^ViJ^W Suite in excellent condition. lArge dresser, triple mirrnr vanlt.v. ohiffrithe. sapless spring, ftill-sii'.e hed and Itfind new nll-felt mattress. • to Cfk Solid walnut Book-ca.«e. ddi- iflO.OVf J,!,. ,,,„,,. ,^v>mpletclv relln- lsh< .1 f\f\ nitielte Suite in Flemish oak. huffet. pxtensiiMi table and 4 leitlier seit chairs. I'ompletely re- (Ini.slicd like now. • fO Cfi 2-Piecc ChrsioineM Suite â€" *â- â€¢*'••"-' l-.-!,-e elicHt, ifti'ld with big rh.- ! t-' match. iipbiilsti<i-4"l In a he;ivy Ml 'i 't lano.'try. .\ r»*al b-ir:-tain. $14Q-» \V limit finish Chlffrobe with â-¼ * -•*'*' side wardrobe, live dr.iwer.s and >\\iir4: mirror. Completely refln- Uheil •o ye studio ("ouch In rust shade ^0*4*J iepi» â€" tiviUe* into twin beds with " cushions fur hack. Before purchasing :ni\ Ihiiiir In tisrd furniture he sure to visit imr Tr:'do-in Dept.. or If un'h'p to d'< s.i write for our new 193S il'n.-rr'» ted fi-» e r:ii*»loiriie. AH our meri'h imllse is "iit \'\ first class <'ondlti'"i ;*'id s*.tld o»nlor n monc-v-back fu-'-.intoe if not .-"tisriod. CBrefiillx* pael<ed f " -••iro sli * V'"it on receipt of mone,\-'M der. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHO? STERING CO. M.-.ii'jf.'.cturcrs 478 YONGE 8T. TORONTO WIGS. TOIl'ES. TR.\NSFOR.MAT10NS, Braids. Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supple i v. , ,-,JS i: .•luirsf. Toron- to. IIAlRDRESSIXG SCHOOLS .MADAME Ht'DSON SCHOOL. H.VIR- dreaslng and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St.. Toronto. MEN AND LADIES. LEARN BARBER- Ing or Hairdres.=ing. under New Mo- ler System. Free Information. Write 590 Yonge Street. Toronto. IMEDICJIL 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy â€" rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month. }3: two months. $5. Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyrc. Edmon- ton. Alberta- FREE! "STORY OI' BIRTH OF THE Dionne B.-ibies," with every jar of "Balsam Chest Rub." For stubborn Colds â€" head, Catarrah. A.sth- ma, Pronchitls. Send 43 cents now. money order or stamps, to Canad.i Balsam Products. 23 Scott -St.. Tor- onto. _^__^_^^ s furs. were the a.nimals fur- nishing your coat tortured In steel traps or do you buy humane furs'.' Information. Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers. 73 Ber- nard -Vvenue. Toronto. XOVELTIKS P0RTR-\1T IN FOLDER â€" FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY developed and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y.. Toronto. I'.VTF..\T Al'TOllXEY ROY U KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents: Drawings: Registra- tions: Sales. 14 Metcalfe. Ottawa. F.4TEXTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full Informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. PERSON.!!. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF. COM- fort, positive support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or under- straps or steel. Write. Smith Manu- facturing Co.. Pcpt. 21!i. Preston, Ont. LONESOME' â€" WKITE THIS RELIA- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, Box 753-W. San B'rnncisco, California. I'OI LTUY .\NU fOlLTK^ F.UVII'MK.NT POULTRY EQUIPME.ST. HIGH QUAL- Ity at low cost. Made In Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators Ltd., 196 River St.. Toronto. WOULI> YOU LIKE TO WI.S 2<J0 Tweddle Special Matinj; chicks ab- solutely Free. This is tne first prize in the 1938 Tweddle Chick Contest. 25 Major prizes and a worth-while prize to everyone entering the con- test. Send for contest form today. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Ltd.. Fer- gus, Ontario. Box ! ' •HII.T RE-MXAXTS FIVE POINPS:â€" QUIl.T REMNANTS JI.OO. Free: â€" 110 Patterns. Designs, Washfast Cottons. Prints, Broad- cloths. Silks. Collect Samples â€" 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles. Department WIU^s. 8049 Degaspe. Montreal. PENSIONED OFF A FIT MAN (t ms. "Ui II.T in:>i\vxTS" â€" fi.oo OR 15 POUNDS $2.25. "SURPRISE Package" Free! Choice of tubfast Cotton Prints. Piiiues. Broadcloths. Tapestry, Silks. Eiderdown. Wool- lens. Repp. Flannelette. Tweeds. Large! "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle 15c. Pbilross Textiles. Dept. 1J3. Station IZ. Montreal. UKMN V\|s i LBS. yriLT UE.MN.VNrS AND 72 X 90 natural cotton Quill Itatt. com- plete outfit 11.25 Choice of washfast Cotton Prints. Piques. Broadcloths, Silks, Eiderdown. Flannelette. Tweeds. Tape.str.v. Woollens. Repp. large! "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle 25c. Canadian Textiles. Dept. LB. Montreal. SOXG fl HI.IC VIIOX NORTH AUERIC.VN .^ONG SERVICE offers lyric and song writers Free service. Percentage basis. Publica- tion guaranteed. Write St. Giverego. Box 42. Shcho, Sask. Ad'.Mi on tiMinan p<vb>Ciitt â- â€¢II \tn4 • CH«r«ci(i and ftiKonaUtt C>K(I • •onionc *h« wnlt\ dint Tllit otMonn^ MASON'S of CQiO MMtOT ^ 0*4 •! ••O.iob'C Itt • tiiNitcd time onlf «n<(lop« and tow kt"H 4nlt Ai^in\â€" Kaymir, Mason Remedies Limited Bunliers Herbal Pills f or P I L E S Medical auth'-ritles »^uite i:rncr::i:v ncree that lT<'^.I^;o. BLKKniNc. or protkupinc 1*ILKS are ctiiseil by an iiillanie*) c<inilitl.>n of the le-..rr bewel an<t coiiKentetl liver. Thl« MKRR.M. meittclne tia.^ t>een made from ttie fxtr.ict of MKRBS ONI Y f >r over 7^ years, to IrMt the INTKRNAT. CAl'.SK of VII. ES. price %2 Oil by m: it. i>lat!*ly wr«i)ue<l. Se : P. O, cr l^t!>reM Order, V- iir MO.NI-:v B.M'K If not re- lieved. Blinkers Ilirbal Mmlleinos. Toronto 9. Ont.. Can, Iscje No. 6â€" '38 Bâ€" D Rigours of Police Lite Did Not Haim Hi&i .^t 50 yeais of age he was presum- ed to be beyond the arJuous demands jf police duties.-. But was lie? Read vhat he ^tiys now â€" five years after ]'.L' was pen.sioncd: â€" "I am a man of 55 years. It is now live years since I was pensioned off iron the Police. I went through thick and thin, day and night in all weathers, whife I waa on the Force, and am to-day as fit aa any man still serving on the Force. Peo- ple of ton ask me 'He; do yo'j keep so young'." and my answer is 'Krus..h- en Salts.' I have used Kruschen now for the last 13 year.s, and I will certainly use thete Sails for the rest of my days." â€" W.J. The numerous salts in Kruschen provide just that gentle daily aid your internal organs require to en- able them to perform their work properly. These vital salts keep your liver and kidney.s in top-notch effici- ency, so that they help to free your system of poi.sonous waste matter. The result is a feeling of youthful health and vigour â€" "that Kruschen feeling"' Claims Man Is Still A Savage Not Far Removed From Pre-his- .toric Stage, Famcus Av.thor De- clares; Changing Concisions Keep Historians Busy. Booth Tarkington. Indiana's No. 1 author-playwright, discussed the world and Us poopVes and decided: "We're Htilt pretty close to the pre-historic savage." "The great bcdy o( the people in the world today is not much less self- aeeklns than those in the world B.OnO years a?o." he said in an interview at Indianapolis. '•Countries are swallowiBg others to get rich by their conquosts. The s;iv- ages did the aanip. •.^luiii-.ies h.ive been built up that way. I doubt if the process is ended." Nothing Actually Nc/i Tarklii'.;lon, act...' ::i ;;,.. -â- id ly-changing conditions hud given Ui3- toriar.3 more to wiit-a nlniut. But. I'.e added, the novelist :;nd I'.io p!ay^vri^•ht rarely, If ever, fintl anything actually new. ' .N'ovelists and pkiy--. l!:;;t.>5 are to-t- stanlly in a searcli for ite t.-uth, â- which never varies." ne .= :iid. "M.ini- festations of truth i :ha:ige, b'.'.t the es- sential things ahoi t tiooijle nevt r change. Some writers f5nd ni -iv views, but those things near y u.'.vuys turn o'": to be old. Yoiin^ P'-opIe express jt'ras which they t link are n<;w. But many of those ideas wi!-<> expressed ytar^ ago by sucii iiioii .ns Shaw and Freud." Revolt Has Gone Too Far The mention of "new views' turn- ed tiie author to "Ponroi " and ".Mice Aiiams" to a discussion of '.v'aat he â-  termed the 'revolt against pretti- • ness-." "The revolt has gone to .an ex- treme," he said. '.Many persons seem to beUeve that nice <iiny snow is pret- tier Hum nice cle:i;i saoiv. It seems unfashionable to iliink nice clean snow Is prettier. .-V sui)ject has to be dirty to be art. some believe, bnt we'll set sensible a:ul find the truth again." Third Generation Company Chairman Executrve Management of Can- ada Stacdi Company Limited Con'lrucs In Hands of Benson Fztmily. For more than -0 yi urs, "Old Faithiul", a geyser in Yellowstone Park, has spouted at average inttr- v.tIs uf 05 rrinut^.'s. An annour.cetv.cnt of interest is the change which recently took place in the execu'.i-. e management of the Canada St::ic\\ Company Limited, manuf;-.c'..:yer3 of "Crown Brand" Corn Syiup, Benson's Corn Starch and other lar.'.ous starch products. Mr. Gt;i!r.ce P. Benson is retiring as Presi. >.-.!; ' f the Company after fcrty-tour years of activity in that capacityâ€" and now becomes Chair- man of the Board of Directors of the Com.oany. He is succeeded in the F;e.sidency by his son. Major George F. Bcson, Jr., who was As- sistant General Manager of the Can- ada Starch Company and also Presi- derit of Canada Starch Sales Com- pany. The ne-.v appointment is remark- able as it mean.s that the Executive Management oi the Company goes in- to the generation of the same fa;iiiiyâ€" wlio-'-'e name has been asso- ciate i with the Starch industry in Canada for SO years. The laic W. T. Ben.ion established tho busiri-.- in the year 1S58, and shortly a/: r his d-.'ath, his son Mr. Gtorge F. !\''..-iin, who now retired fr' ;ti the Vr^ -i'mcy â- .'â- as anpoiiiti-d a Director c;' Eii'.vardsburg Starch Company, I'.? Pve.--ident in lSt)4. On the incorporation of The Canada St.irch Company in lOOO, he nominated President and has now completed a total of over hall a century of senice on the Directorate of the two companies. ALONG CANADA'S MINING HIGHWAY The Larder Lake area, located thirty miles west of Norauda and twenty miles east of Kirkland Lake, promises to be an area of Intense activity and In- terest during the next few months. Fernland has started ehaft sinkin.i:. Cheminls Is preparing to diamond drill. Barber Larder has started shaft sinking and will be developing under- ground. Lar-Add will be doing surface work. Pel- anglo will be diam.ond drilling. The above, together with the more aiivaiiceii Aork on the I'lieslerv ille and Kerr Addison, and the mining and milling on the Omega, makes a situation without parallel in Canadian mining development activity. Alert n:inlng nieu are watching the situation closely, as from just such operations can develop the big winners that come periodically. Kerr Addi- son. Moneta aud Mcl.eod Cockshutt are still fresh In the public remembrance. Germany Will Make ; Claims Ears Reveal Leather From Fish Human Character 'Ersatz" Process to Manufacture Substitute For Eggs, Flour A German fishing concern, whose fleet will operate In the North Atlati- tio off Newfoundland, will be estab- lished at Hamburg, to spur the Pclch's tour-year self-sufficiency plan. Construction of factories which will extract albuminoid substances from fish and process them for use iu the drive for greater quantities of "Kv- satz" (substitute) materials also will be started. The shipping enterprise will be known as the Viking Company. Large, speedy motor-driven fishing vessels, capable of carrying loads of 27fi tons, win be operated. Albumin extrftctei from the company's fishiii,? hwils will be used, if necessary, to replace eggs and other products and in fabrioifion of substitute wool. The "German .â- Mbumiii Conijiaiiy ' will operate the faetoiles. â- Kisli wool." "fish leather" and "flsh Mour' will be ami'Ug tht products inriti 1 out. Japan May Lose Olympics In 1940 1 Old Burleigh, member of the In- Innaiional Olympic Committee, said is London, Kiigland, Uft week, that the (I'LicvLon of hold iig tlie Olympic ,1 ame.s i'l Toi;>c in 1!>40 is "creating v.-u'esortad conoin " .\ decision affe.-*ii.g the venue may he. taken at the next miclin.g in Cairo in March. Lord Burgl.ley â- said that there has been nothing likt- the siLiiat'on ex- cept during the Wi ;ld War. If for any reason, he adde ', Japan with- draws, pic^j.iciice will he givtit *o the clai .â- Â« of Helsinglors aii'I Lon- don since they wei'O with Tokyo in the last c.ioic when Japan's applica- lion w;i« iiucci-.>ful. The fact Hut liMO is the U.liOOlh anniversary i.f the Jaiiancsc Kmp re was the odicial ie:isoti for the itc- c«pt«n«« oi 'io^.>o'» claiu. E^ipert Says Position and Sfiap* Are Equally Important In Reading Disposition That ears tell character is the con- viction of John Clennell, the well- known face-reading expert of the British Broadcasting Corporation and screen fame. The position of the ear Is as Im- portant as its shape, he says. .â- Vn evenly-balanced brain is shown by the ear being placed so that two-thirds of the head Is in front and one-third be- hind. In this case the intellect rules the physical. If the ear be positioned centrally, then the lower desires over- rule the Intellectual. What Low-Set Ears Mean It the ears are placed high, say with the orifice on a line with the eye. their possessor will be of the non- aggressive type, laiking in sti-ong executive ability. But if set low. that is on a line with the nostrils, too much physical energy and bnile froce is indicated. A squarish-shaped ear goes with a character that is firm and energetic: one courageous and enthusiastic, .â- ^n ear that is fat and fleshy Ig possessed by those that love the good tbin,KR of this life, folk who af« amiable and social. Projecting cars often indicate great activity and energy; those set close to the head show the opposite : love of (piiet and repose. Kars that are long anil narrow i-ev(?al ambiiion: flat, badly folded ears betoken a tricky iH.-spi'sition; deceit is indicated by pointed tips. The Undying Past Small ears tell of a refined nature, though sometiincB petty and finicky; lav.m^ ears as a rule show that their possessor is larae-hearted. .\ long ear with a long lobe mean.s long life. No man is born to be a criminal inosiapably. Keniove the cansn of criminal ihdiiithls. whether it be ex- ample, hunger, f-ar or temptation, and ihe man descended from criminal stock has every chance of growing up a decent citizen. A low foieheml and a pair of lobe- : ., il! placed eats do not aiitomalical- ly braud tHe accused «• suUiy. Jtut they will help to bring into the ni»t of justice those possessing them who. having previously been convicted, hope to escape further detection or at least to pose as first offenders. Confronted with theii- ftuner- and ear-prints, their past will surely find them out. k "MAKE TRACKS FOR OGDENS!" Hit the trail right now to mote enjoy- ment from the cigaiettes you roJi your- self j Slip into any tobacco store and gel yourself a pacl<uge of Og^n's Fine Cut. Tlien â€" toil a cigarette with this fragrant, mellow tobacco, touch a lighttoitand â€" man I You're there!â€" you've found the Fine Cut that does roll 'em smoother, sweeter, better. And don't forget â€" Ogden s rolls best with'Chanteciei " oi Vcgua "papeis. OGDENS FINE CUT 'v>>>»»'->i-v»lO>I">I*t*»t^*T»I*I'''I'''I'S Finds Americans And Britishers Coming Closer Actor Believes They Are Both Be- comins; More Human Through Laughing With Each Other. The Britisher who guffaws at an American Joke â€" but at the wron,;: point â€" is a figure of the past. Fred- erick Leister, the actor, declares. Conversely, the .\merican or Cana- dian who is left as cold as a frog in a frozen pool by Kiii;tish wit is van- ishing rapidly. Britons and .Xmeiicans are tending to laugh more and more with each other, less and less at each other, and the reason for it mainly is that ubiquitous modern art medium, the cinema. Movies Have Helped "The ciueiua has done intich lo bridge the gulf between Knitlish and American humor" .Mr. Leister stiid gravely, A recent anivtil on these shores from Great Britain. Mr. Leister has had abundant opportunity to tnake laboratory experiments compaiins the North American and the Britannic charKcterlslies which a certain Broad- way columnist calls a "ser'.ayiim;'."' In the dual role of leading player aud director of British Ian Hays latest comedy. ''The Housemaster," he was In Toronto in January. Both Sides More Alike On both sides of the .Mlanlic. .Mr. I/eister found that the laushs latne at the same lime, were of appn).\i- mately the same intensity and du'.i- lion. 'It was most remaikaolo," he ^p." L "In Boston or I felt just .is If I were phying In Loudon." V I 5"'i7es and I Chuckles g V •♦' A certain justice of the p8«ce who was not over-alert recalled a witaest. â- 'My man.'" he said sternly, "r«u may ye find yourself committed tor per- jury. Only a lew inomeuts ago you told the court that you had only ona brother, but your sister has sworn that she has two. Now, out with the truth." Lemuel â€" "May I take you home, ' Annabelle?" Annabelle â€" "Sure, where 4o you live?" There seem to be three '^ads of workers. For example, when a piano Is to be moved, the first gets behinil and pushes, the second staada iu the front and guides, and the thlrtt graba the piano stool. ratlin;: v,,ei i If on the b:c't »i'l not pusii yvu Ivrwaid. Rt'LES FOR HAPPINESS Life should be filled with love and «ong. Who cares when tro.iiiles .-JUioT For when a little thing goes wrong. Just h->;m. If clouds do daiken ski. s â- )[ 'ilue -â- Vnd blacken eveiythiug. Take this advice, it's quite 'he time To sing. It the whole woild seems very Jrear And lonesome all the while. .\nd you make tlie skies se^^in clear. Just smile. For when there conies a w: tched time Thai's full of days so ?vay. To make the woild gel back iu rime. Be say. In the good old days of aJvenlura and romance a king's Jester eae day found His Majesty bending i»'.er a basin and washing his tMce. Iu u spirit of fun the jester gave tli<j kiiiii a r* sounding kick on thai part of Iiis sac- red person situated directly behind his stomach. Deeply enraged : be kins ordered the immediate executioa of his audacious jester, but finally con- sented to pardon him if he would make an apology more o(un^,^^eo^8 than the original insult. The con- demned jester reflected for ;i aioment and then remarked: "Will your Maj- esty please forgive me. I did u«*t know it was yoti. I thought it was the Queen." There was an eminent lawyer In New York, years ago. who w;'.3 fand of displaying his legal learaiug. es- pecially to members of his offi -i staff. He was not too proud to give even lb* office boy the benefit of hio wisdom and his experience. Someone asked the boy : yiiestioner -- "How much does your bos.« pay you?" Office boy â€" 'Ten thoiis.itiJ dollars a year." (Jueslioner -- "What, ten thousand a year for an office boy?" Office Boy â€" ''Yes. four dollars a w e'; in cash and Ihe rest iu legal ad- vice. A j' asked n prisoner it there was any re-.tsoii he could iiaiua why he should not be s.-ntenceU to ten years at hard h-.bour. Tlie prisoner told him he ei.u'd net tiiiak of any, but he wa -. sti"o his lawyer could ba- ctiuse that was why he hired bim. ITCH . . . STOPPED IN A MINUTE . . . Ar« you torturnird witn ttjc ilchins toititrn of €ci.eaui. rashM. at h'f tt â-  !(x>t, ef npiioo*. or other skin afflicUoM^ V(^x quick aad bappy relt^* ute coolini. anti»^p'ic, liQUid D. D. O. Pr*MHptlon. \\t gen('« oilg lootbe it.* ini- t«(«d tlun. Clear BtemtetcM and •lamirir^ dn«« (ail Sti>i>* il'it moM tntenae iiv:toiiifl I atanUy. ^ t-^c (!>ul botU«, •( Jmc it^n^ •rov«» 4*«r ooney back* *

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