^ ire ed • As > ho Of ' ke'* ar- iiy* laf ler m ire ot- • At er-. m- ISS« ve. m- IX- • ed . it- iS-' th. ] His Rheumatism Left Him Suffei-er Follows Good Advice â€" and Takes Kruschen 1 The writer of the following letter had a bad attack of rheumatism, and v,-an advised to take Kruschen. He did so, and describes his experiences in the following words: â€" "About two years ago I developed a severe attack of rheumatism in my left shoulder blade. I tried all sorts of remedies, but with no results, un- til one day my brother-in-law, on * healing of my suffering, exclaimed, , 'There is only one thing for rheu- matism! That is â€" Kru-schen Salts!' * I deiXded to purchase a bottle, and . for the first week took a teaspoon- ful in a glass of hot water each morninfr. The pain gradually disap- * peared and has' now gone entirely. I am still taking my early morning â- • dose, as I feel convinced that it is helping to keep me fit." â€" J.G.B. Rheumatic conditions are frequent- * ly . the result of an excess of uric ; acid in the body. Two oi the ingred- ients of Kruschen Salts are notable for their work in dissolving uric acid. . Other ingredients of these Salts as- sist Nature to expel the dissolved acid from the system. How Tourist Dollar Is Divided Up . We have been reading reports of the amount of money that tourists spend in Canada, the approximate , number of visitors who come to Can- " ada each holiday season, but wno 'knows how, where and when the elu- • sivo dollar rolls around the country and who benefits the most, writes the Oshawa Times. * After travelling through some of the Canadian tourist resort areas for the past three years, one is Im- pressed with the fact that thousands of vis'tors do come to our lakes and %troams each year and they return •year after year to enjoy the more favorable climate and scenery which Ontario offers. ' Recently "Motor Magazine" has •made a careful survey of the chan- ^nels through which this much cov- eted dollar passes. Here it is: ' Miscellaneous purchases at stores, • 25 per cent. Transportation, 20 per cent. Hotels and other lodgings, 20 per • cent. Restaurants and other eating , houses, 21 per cent. Amusements, 8 per cent. Confectionery, 6 per cent. The wide-spread benefits bestowed -by these imported spenners, the tourists, are impressively significant. 'Scarcely any interest in the lucky •tourist community that docs not •share the benefits brought by tourist .expenditures. The fact that 66 cents of every dollar finds access to the 'tills of the local merchants, the ho- tels and the restaurants, should im- ' press the obligation these various classes of business owe in encourag- â- ing and fostering the tourist trade. In Switzerland, melting glaciers form the chief means of water pow- er -xihich furnishes the country with electricity. HU-MAR Nature's Own Soi' Food HUMAR !s the perfect, natural soil and plant food; free uf harmful acid and weed aeed. Unlike moat plant foods and fertilizers HU-MAR retains Its .nmmunla content; Its fertile quali- ties therefore far outlast all other soil «onditioners. HU-MAK retains as high «a 70',;, moisture, Is an ideal insulator, and acts as a natural scavenger. These and many other reasons have proved HU-MAR the world's finest soil condiUoncr. HU-MAR is the trade name for a pro- duct found OB the Beverley properties In pnlatla. Write for oar descriptive folder. TREVOR-SOREN LIMITED 73 Adelaide Street W., Toronto The purchasing agent didn't want to see this particular salesman and instructed his secretary to make some excuse: Secretary (to salesman)â€" "I'm sor- ry, but Mr. Jones can't see you to- day. He has a sprained back." Salesman (a pe-a: 'ent go-getter) â€" "Very well, dearie. Go back and tell Mr. Jones that I didn't come here to wrestle with him. I only want to talk to him." Do yci get up late mornings and have to rush your dressing, bolt your breakfast and dash to work? If so, that is a bad habit, and one that will tend to make you suffer through ac- cidental injury .... Good habits of work will produce a good product, and at the same time produce very few accidents, for after all, an acci- dent is simply a mistake .... When you hear someone else trying to ex- plain how unavoidable some accident was, say to him: "Forget the alibi, ac- cident are preventable. Knights and Daze Opinions vary as to which take us to greater heights â€" June's lovely days, with skies of blue, or its delightful nights. Some argus that refreshing winds combined with midda: sun. Inspire adventures and cause rare ac- tions to be done. While others say, when moonlight sheds its beams on listless souls. Their lives take on new moaning and they start toward higher goals. I don't know what your ideas are; but, friends, this is my plight: I'm living in a blissful daze, inspired by one June knight! â€" Lyia Myers. Wife (preparing breakfast) â€" "There isn't a slice of bread in the house." Husband (absently) â€" 'Never mind, dear; just make some toast." Don't make them say: "I spent a year m that town one Sunday." In a discussion on the type of milk which should be provided school chil- dren, the chairman ot the health com- mittee in a small town, is reported to have said at a meeting held recently: ''What this town needs is a supply ot clean, fresh milk, and the council should take the bull by the horns and demand it." Husband â€" "Well, I suppose you're plenty angry because I came home with a black eye last night." Wife (sweetly) â€" "Not at all, dear, because when you came home you didn't have that black eye." The only thing that keeps a lot of men from marrying twice is the fact that their first wives are so disgust- ingly healthy. Jim â€" "Politics mean nothing to me. I'm going to vote for that fellow "because I like him." Hen â€" "I understand you were going to vote for him because he gave you no." Jim â€" "Wouldn't you like a man who gave you $10?" Read It Or Not In the state of Alabama it Is against the law to buy or sell a sack of peanuts after simdown or before sunrise of the next day. It Is con- trary to law to work for nothing In California. In Kansas no reptiles are permitted to be eaten in public. This includtts ce«tipede9, snakes, lizards, etc. Dr. Bottles met the wife ot a pa- tient be had ordered to bed tor a few days: Doctor â€" "Well, how is your hnsband getting on?" Wife â€" "Oh, doctor, I do wish you'd change his medicine!" Doctor â€" "Isn't It doing him any good, then?" Wife â€" "I don't know, but we have such a job getting him in and out of the bath?' Doctorâ€" ''Bath?" Wife â€" "Yes, sir. It says on the bot- tle of medicine you sent: 'One tea- spoonful to be takeu three times a day in water'." A Healer of Birds A lot of men wake up to appreciate great truths â€" after Its about ten years too late. AGENTS WANTED • To handle Beverly HU-MAR, nature's perfect soil and plant food. • The only pure, neutral soil conditioner and rectifier known. • A real, honest opportunity to handle a fine profitable pro- duct, backed by national advertising and unsolicited testi- moniats. • Agencies allotted on a mutual approval basis. • Small capital, from $200 to ?2,000 required to carry stock. • The Company guarantees to refund purchase price of mer- chandise left on hand at the termination of the agreement by either party. TR£VOR-SOREN LIMITED 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto Marjory Shear, bird physician and surgeon, preparing one of her feathered patients for an operation in her modern clin c in Houston, Texas. Try Courtesy On Highways Science Cannot Prsveat Accidents Without He!n of Courtesy â€" A Vita* ChaSlenge TORONTO. â€" Sounding a strong warning that the heavy traffic in- crease on Ontario highways expected this summer will inevitably result in more traffic accidents and deaths un- less every motor vehicle operator ex- ercises constant care in driving. Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Ontario highways minister, has announced that his de- partment is lajnehing, for a second year, a newspaper campaign urging every one of Ontario's 700.000 drivers to "Try Courtesy". ''The steady increase in motor traffic," Mr. McQuesten declared, "presents a vital challenge to every user of our streets and highways 'o aid in checking and reducing the hor- rible toll of livej which motor traf- fic costs rs each year." Travel Is Faster Modern motoring, he pointed out. is geared higher than ever before and this influence of .speedy travel is steadily increasing. "Every resource of science has been applied to make this faster pace a safe one. Shatter- proof glass, improved four-wheel brakes, wider and smoother highways, more effective day and night road markers, new designs and construc- tion in tires, better lighting equip- ment on autopiobi.es and streets â€" all these factors have made their con- tribution to safer motoring. "But no scientific factor." Mr. Mc- Questen insisted, "no matter how ef- ficient or fool-proof, can ever have the slightest chancj of success unless 'he simplest and most fundamental principal of human relations is ap- plied. This element can be express- ed in many different ways. It can be called "consideration for others' or 'do as you would be done by." "In our newspaper campaign this year, as last year, we are argiug driv- ers to "'try courtesy". The dictiouary â- ays courtesy is "politeness of man- ners combined wit)' kindness" and we believe the sincere application of this simple idea by every driver in On- tario can eliminate death and destruc- tion from our streets and highways and make them safe and useful ser- vants ot mankind thcv should be. Retail Sales Up For April 8.5 Per Cent Advance In Canad- ian Trade Over Month in 1936 OT'^AWA.â€" Cash registers in Ca- nadia.i retail stores jingled merrily in April. The dollar value of retail sales was 7.9 per cent, higher than March and 8.5 per cent, -ibovo .April, 1936, the Dominion Rurcau of Stati.s- tics reported yesterday. When corrections for diiTeiences in the number of business days and for normal seasonal variations were made, the gene 'a 1 index stood at 78. .3 for April compared with 75.3 for March. With the single exception of December, 193(), retail trade w:-.:: at a higher level during .\pril than any month since 19,^1. The value of sales of the various sub-groups showed a mixed trend compared v.ith .\pril, 103G. FREE CREAM SEPARATORS Be one of the three lucky farmers to get a brand new I9'j7 streamline( stainless ANkEK-HOLTH separator FREE; send posstai lor Kntry Blank and "How to cut separating costs in Half"; nothing to pay simply express vour opinion. Address ANKEK HOLTH, Room 1-3, .Sarnia, Ont. Hardware stove sales gained 21.() per cent, and the grocery and meat and furniture groups each advanced 14.5 per cent. Re;.;taurant sales in- creased 9.1 per cent., departmental store sales G.9 per cent, and drug store sales 5 per cent. The men's lolhing: group showed an improvement of 1.1 per cent, while sales of women's clothing de- clined 4.2 per cent. Variety store sales recorded 0.5 per cent.; boot ar.d shoe sales, 2.3 per cent.; and receipts of dyeing and cleaning establishments, 14 per cent. .\pril candy sales declined. This decrease may be attributed to the chandng date of ?'aster. the holiday trade being: concentrated in March this year and in .April a year ago. Hairy Chest No More Proof cf a He-Man Bermuda Silver Band Entry for C. N. E. Gradually, as they are attacked by scientific study, many so-called sex differences are melting away. It was a shock to many perpons when the development of standardized intel- Igence tests revealed that men are not superior mentally to their wo- menfolk. Is it po.s.'di)le tlir,t hairy chest and "gorilla shoulders" will suffer a similar fate as criteria of masfilinity 7 asks a Science Service Dr. Howard Gilkinson. Un versity of Minnesota psychologist, raises the (juestion and provides a surprising partial answer. If sex is a biological entity â€" a force which man or woman can bo thought of as havinj; in greater or less degree â€" and if th s force finds outward expression in such items as beards or pitch of voice, then you might expect the heavily-bearded man to have also a deep masculine voice and bread shou'dc^rs, points out Dr. Gilkinson. Yet examination of more than 200 college men show- ed these "secondary sex characteris- tics" to exist quite independently of each other. .And only one of the physical mea- sures, voice pitch, was found to have any significant relation to masculin- ity as revealed by test or by rat- ings of associates. Hair abundance and hip-shoulder measurements do not correlate with the masculinity test or with voce pitch. Hip mea- sures do c-orrelate positively with shoulder measures sltovving. perhaps, that the man with the gorilla shoul- ders might be expected to have "feminine" hips. You Can't Be A Great Teacher If YouVe Not in Love Spinsferhocd Is "The Burglar Peeking Out From Under The Bed" OKL.VHOiMA CITY. â€" Enforced spinsleriiood was described to Lovers' ("luirch as the "burglar pookliig oi t fiom under the bed of tens of thous- ands of v.'omen teachers in the coun- try." ''Love is the groat law in teaching,'' as.serted Dr. \V. A. McKeever, psycho- logist and founder of tlio church as ho described a ban which he said existed In many cities against marri.ige of school teachers. About 200 persons attended yester- day's session, most of them w^men of middle age. Dr. McKeever started the Lovers' Church to combine ro- mance and religion. "There is no great teacher but that he or she is in love with somebody," ho said. ' The denial of love means auguish, bitteri'.css and a ti'equent threat of nervous collapse." Oificial entry has come to the On- tario Band Association, which con- ducts band tournament at the Cana- (iian National Exhibition, from the Imperial Silver Band of Hamilton, Bermuda. Secretary A. L. Robertson cf the association says that not in the past fifteen years have there been as many entries at this date.. r-iv Henry Watlington, mayor of Hamilton, has arranged transporta- tion for the band from Bermuda to New York. He has also concluded arrangements for a series of concerts in the Terrace Grill of the Hotel Hamilton for the purpose of raising additional funds with which to de- fray the expenses of the trip to the Exhibition. The Imperial Silver Band is under the baton of S. Clayton Pye who has a wide reputation as a con- ductor and composer. Mr. Pye was at the "Ex" two years ago in the capacity of guest conductor at the band competition. The Bermudiani will enter the brass section with an cn.=emb!e of twenty-seven men. 96 Years On One Farm The oldest resident of Tilbury East township recently celebrated her 9tith birthday at the farm where she has spent practically all her life. In a day when a restless urge im- pels families and individuals to move at frequent intervals, a life spent in the same spot may seem singularly lacking in what the majority consider most worth while. It may appear secluded, undven'uful, dull. But there is another side to the picture. The old lady of Tilbury has known no other life than that of the farm. She ha.s become part and parcel of her environment. Its interests are hers. The neighbors are her friends. The church, the school, the rural ac- tivities, have for nearly a century claimed her thoughts and her time. She ha.s made countless friends ami has flayed an interesting part in tiie devi^opnient of the community. â€" Kitchener Record. A Mean Advantage To Take Of A Cow Omar V'inole. an Argenine poet, adopted a "sister" â€" a cow â€" with which he made pu>l'' appearances in Buenos Aires to arouse support for his campaign of anti-material- ism. He threw convention to the winds and was dubbed "eccentric" because the Argentines, he said, with the'r increasing prcsperii.v , were drifting from culture and forgetting the "things of the sp rit". Standing immaculately attirpd. by the side of the cow, the other day, in a city lecture hall, he declared: "I may, temporarily at least, have lost my dignity, but for twenty years I have been preaching the cause of culture, and society has ignored me. To attract public attention I had to adopt my 'sister'. I have had to cause a public commoiion, ain o:it a revolution, to interest my country- men. "I stand for the reawakening of an old idea â€" the perfection of man. I am trying to create a philosophic temperament. My object is to estab- lish open-air universities at which philosoph cal ideas will be taught, to- gether with physical training." Publicity succeeded with Senor Vinole, for which ho has to thank his "sister". He chose the cow because it was illustrative of the .Argentine people â€" a cattle-raising race. Out- siders laughed, but for this poet the cow is a wonderful animal, the only one. according to an Indian parabla, that docs not let man starve. He feels that he will soon have to let his "sister" go. but he will al- ways feel indebted to her. For the cow has brought him sufficient at- tention to expound his gospel. 'The rest is up to me â€" and the masses," says Senor Vinole. German Mothers Are Given Title BERLI.V. â€" Every German inolhcr, married or unmarrifd. was graiilod the right last week to the title ''Frau" in a circular onlor from ministry ot interior. The order said uuni;'rried mothers have only to notify the police of their home districts if they desire the des- igmtioti. y^A. DANDRUFF j^%^ >nj Falling Hair, uac Min* *|\ ard'i exactly as you would f I any hair tonic. ^^o ihi« 4 â- 1 7i tinier a week and the result Wl ^^ w.'lt be a Ctaan Head and Gloisy Hair Issue No. 25â€" '37 câ€" I School Principal Pleads For Mere Men Teachers WINNIPEG. â€" Plea for greater- masculine influence in public schools to guide growing boys was made here by J. J. .Wilkinson, Winnipeg school principal. He told a service club that women teachers outnumbered m.en 40 to 1 in junior high schools and 160 to 1 in elementary sclioois of ^ Winnipeg. Classified Advertisin.? AGE.NTS WA.NTED WE STILL ILWE A FEW VACA.NCIKS *' le(t. You call make (;uud m.ney tno, .spllinK motor oIIf. Iracttr oils, macliiiie ^ lis. Kreasea and nxifing cement in ynur It-rallty. Write Warc'j (jrease and Oil Ltd.. Tcnmtu. BANISH FRECKLES FRECKLES MI.'ST GO WHERE â- FRECK- Iccn" Is us«d. See that ruuch '"'f freckl- fd .skin chnnee t'> lovely, clear smuulliness. Or- der now- Money hack guarantee. Sl.rto ner l)ottle. E'.lnir Tolleticrs. H'C8 Bum,iby St.. Vancouver, B.C. COLLEt-TIO.N SERVICE O.VTARIO COLLECTIO.N' ACE.NCIES. E.X pericnced Collection Service. Bailiffs. .- Stair BIdK.. T.ironlii. .MACHl.VERY AiND Sl'PPLlES BOILERS. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL Pumps ail kinds. Write for stock ilst. U. W. Pelrio Co.. Limilcl, Tortmto. PHCTOGRAI'HY â- ^â- '.nl.^rlie.ment frke with EVKRY 25 L^ cent order Roll films developed and elKht prints. 25 cCTils reprlntn. 3 cents each. Brlght- llnK, 29 Richmond Street East, Tnnnto. COMPLETE PERSONAL inDeeiwmiiqht Stecmi^ Ships Tho Canadian Service vessels of Iheso great Steamship Cosrrpanies^ offer indivcduai attention and a complete personal service to all passengers. Soa.^oned travellers also apprcclato their ma.»y addi- tional flno qualities: Food of choice quaiity served In accordance with the best standarUr. A complete shipboard holidayâ€" willing hcipiul- ness eliminates all care. Friday sailings from Montreal to Belfast, Glasgow, Liver- pool, Plymouth, Havre and London at rates which repre- sent substantial savings In travel costs. ^ppiy to n CUHARD WHITE STAR DONALDJONATLANTK LINE :i7 Bay .Street (Elftln .-Mril Torontti but thu man fi> ita is your local agent. â- ^