^KT THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1935 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS VANDELEUR kimlnesii dnring their iUy in the com- ' It is said that bobbed-hair vromen munity and assured them that they ' will now sit in the new parliament at PRICEVILLE The fine courses In Home Economics and Agriculture came to a very auc- cessful ttrniination on Friday last after a four weeks' period. The at- tendance during the time in the men'd section, held in the baaement of the United chiirch, was 27.5. That ol the ladies' section in the Presbyterian ba.sement was from 40 to 50 daily, with great interest shown throughout in this class in a laudallt; desire to learn. The event, the first of its kind here, proved very successful, and satisfact- ory to -the management, we aie glad to note. A fine wind-up was held on the Thursday evening previous with a banquet, where at the head table were seated the Rev. J. W. Johnston, Rev. Father Grace, Rev. X. McDonald President, Mr. M. C. McPhail. B.S.A., assistant director to agricultural i-ep- resentative and guest speaker, Mr R. S. McKercber, B.S.A., of Dublin Ont., in charge here, Miss M. E. Phil- lips, sewing instructor, Reeve A. A MacArthur and wife. Mrs. J. H Shearer, B.S., M.A., in cooking, W. G Watson and sister, and Mi*. John NichI, Jr. The usual toasts were given, the King, as a matter of course, coming first, and fittingly and musically hon- ored. Our Country, by Donald Reiley answered by "0 Canada" lustily sung "Our Guests", by Isabel Mather, wa; answered by the speakers at the heaa table already mentioned above. Our representative was sponsored by Mr. Jimmie Hill very cleverly, a well posted student for one so young, replied to by Mr. T. Stewart Cooper, whose remarks were warmly applaud- ed. Miss Helen Courdt gave the toast to the staff, replied to by the above mentioned ladies at head table and Mr. McKercher. The girls' class was toasted by Wilfred Frook and replied to by Miss Jean McArthur, that to the boys by Helen McVicar and duly acknowlediged by Charlie Aldcorn. Mr. Cooper introduced to the audience, Mr. M. C. McPhail, the guest speaker of the evening, wht after paying the usual compliments as all speakers naturally do here, tt our pretty girls, and good cooks, spoke â- of the work he had been engaged in here, previous to going over seas, and ' the work on farms to whic!; iie andj others had been assigned, in England. ! France and Belgium, and the slow j awkward processes in which they yet; farm over there. The land in Belg- : ium is owned by the Government and- leased to tenants for as long as 91- ! years in some eases. The farmers | efficient he knows, choose a home in Ontario as being a better chance in bioadenina: out in one's sphere of life, and the facilities afforded. Votes of thanks to the; ladies were honored. At the meeting on the day follow- ing a young junior Farmer's Club was formed. Wilfred Frook was elected president, Chas. Aldcorn, vice pres. and Robt, Mclntyi-e. sec.-treas. A Board of Directors was also appoint- ed. A special speaker on Forestry, >Ir. Barnes, and Mr. Rush, from neai; To- ronto on Vegetable Gi-owinsr ano Fruits, one day each, proved vei-y in teresting and informative. EUGENIA There seems to be a great deal of sickness these days. Mrs. Jos. Will- iams has had a severe cold the past few days, and at time of writing had had a slight attack of pneumonia. Mr. Geo. Park is also ori the sick list. Mr. Geo. Graham is critically ill at pres- ent. Herb Fawcett is suffering from the flu. We hope all patients will soon be well again. Mr. Herb Haney of Windsor is a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. Miss Marjory Proctor of Kimberley spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Jean Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge, Mrs. A. Partridge and son, Kenneth, of Rock Mills visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Thos. Fenwick. Miss Edith Fenwick spent the w^ek end with Miss Marie Fenwick, 12th Line. Mr. Chas. Hanley is in 0^ven Sound this week serving on the jury. Betty. Marjory, Gordon and Georgt Stewart of Ceylon were Sunday visit- ors with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley, and family. Mrs. Will. Benson spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesh- erton visited on Sunday with the Park families here. Mr. Bert Kerton of Feversham is visiting his friend, Mr. Ken Kaitting Miss Evelyn Turner, teacher at Singhampton and Mr. Harold Tumet of Oi-angeville Business College, spent the week end at their parental home 10th Lina. We extend out sympathy to tnt relatives of the late Mr. Will. Gorley, whose death occurred last week in the House of Refuge, Markdale. Mrs. Badgerow visited over the week end w^ith her daughter. Mrs. Stanley Campbell. The Y.P.S. meeting was held on Wed. evening of last week with the literary convenor, Miss Phyllis Gra- ham, presiding. Evelyn Campbell led in prayer, Miss Belva Genoe read- ing the scripture passages. Phyllis took the discussion period. The recreation period consisted of a read- ing, "'At the Drinking House over the way" by Mrs. Chas. Martin; a flowei contest 'by Mr. Cecil Magee; a "ty" party contest by Annieta Turner and a picture contest of places by Phyllis Graham. A. very enjoyable evening was spent. The concert by the women and girls, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid in Uie L.O.L. hall here on Friday evening last was well attended. The the ad- PROTON STATION MtNALLYâ€" McLEN.N.W in Germany he thinks are the most .. , , c,,„o- but vet woulo:l''"^''^««i-^ amounted to §10.8o ' mission fee bemg only 10 cents. Mrs. G. Magee, pi-esident of the Aid was On Wednesday at 10 o'clock a.m.. at the Pilgrim Holiness Parsonage in Proton Station, with Rev. H. B Jackson, officiating. May Golden, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McLennan, Elmwood. was united in marriage to James Wilfred, only son of Mr. William McNally and the lat« M'-s. McNally of Poi-tlaw. The brid* was becomingly attired in a dress ot white crepe with shoes and hose to match and wore a bridal wreath of orange blossoms. Miss Gertrude Irish, friend of the bride, played the bridal chorus. The bridesmaid was her sister Miss Christina McLennan, who wore a powder blue crepe gown Mr. Invin Mclntyre acted as grooms- man. The happy couple left amid show- ei-s of confetti and good wishes on the 11.30 train for the home of the bride's parents, where the wedding dinenr was served. The bride trav- elled in a navy blue coat and hat with accessories to match. After a short honeymoon Mr. and) Mrs. McNally will reside on the farm of the Beulah Home. Proton. Their many friends wish them many years of happy wedd- ed life. The Proton Bears went to Dundalk on Saturday afternoon to Mr. H Palmer's studio and were photograph- ed in their hockey uniforms with the McDougall Trophy, which they re- }• cently won. One of their defence men, Mr. Lloyd Lyons, received notice from the Goodyear tire manufactur- ers to report for work on Monday of this week. The Bears are glad they did not have to lose this important player during the game period. Dev- er Bros, presented each member of the team with a box of chocolates, which kind favor was much apprec- iated by the boys. We are sorry to report Mr. Alex- ander Stewart on the sick list. The sympathy of the community is with Miss Alma White, who under- j went a serious operation in a Toronto hospital on Monday last. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, are in the city with her. Mr. Dan McCannel! has moved from Mr. Neil McCannell's farm, south oi the village, and is occupying Mr. Wyvill's house in Proton. Station. Mr. Ted Parsons of .Artemesia has moved to the farm vacated by Mr. Dan McCannell. A large number of friendh and neigiibors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tay- lor and family, wbo are leaving in the near future for their new home near Heathcote, gfathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker on Tues- day evening of last week to spend a tew pleaaant hours together before would always have an interest in the welfare uf X'andeleur ajid extended an invitation to their mjtny friends to come and visit them in their new home at Heathcota. The Ladies' .\id are making prep- , arations for their St. Patrick's social, which is to be held i>« the church on Turkey. Turkeys as we have them in this country also appear frequently with bobbed heads. CONCERT their departure. During the courst ; Friday evening, March 15th. A good of the evening which was pleasantly- program is being an-anged, one num- spent in games, music and social inter- j ber being a debate on the subject, course, a lovely address was read and; ''Resolved that the world is getting Mr. Taylor was presented with a pipej better." Mr.s. Frank Davis and Mr and pouch. Mrs. Taylor with a beauti- '• Harold Graham will support the af- ful set of dishes and the boys with! firmative and Mr. Harold Thompson hockey sticks. | and Mrs. F. R. Botand the negative. MV. Taylor made a fitting reply ini Miss Tillie Buchanan is visiting with behalf of his wife and boys ( who \ friends in Owen .Sound. were unable to be present on account! of illness), thanking the people ofi Vandeleur for their many acts ofi Small Advts. Bring Results .\n entertainment under the auspic- es of the W. A. of Maxwell congrega- tion of the United church will be given in the Orange Hall, MAXWELL Thursday Evening, March 7 The progrram will consist of music .songs, etc. A play will be given by the ladies, entitled, "Sowing for the Heathen." Admission:- 2.") and 15 cents Mrs. Bushett, Mrs. N. Cairns. President. Secretary MAXWELL ot chaii-man. .\inong the various items; on the program were readings by | ' Mrs. F. Genoe, Miss Evelyn Campbell, | Mrs. J. Campbell and Mrs. W. Walker^ : and recitations by Miss Doris Fawcett and little Miss Blanche Walker, and a| solo by Miss Doris Magee. The pro- gram closed by all singing. God Save the King." CARD OF THANKS Relatives of the late Mrs. Wm. Mc- Kenzie, Feversham, wish to express On Friday evening, February the many friends and neighbor: Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell met at theii home to spend a few hours with them prior to their removal fi'om our neigh- borhood, Mi-s. E. Buckingham read a complimentary address and Mr. Geo. Morrison presented Mr. and Mrs. Mit- chell with a handsome .Alladin lamp. Mr. Mitchell thanked the friends in a few well chosen words for the gift. Dancing and a social time followed, ' after which lunch was served. Mr. : Mitchell and family are moving to Rob ; Roy vicinity. i Mr. R. J. Morrison visited Maxwell I friends last week. We understand ; their sincere thanks to the friends] he has rented his farm to Mi-. John and neighbors for the many acts ofi Beatty. L. H. Koenig and Co. of Mildmay have been given the contract of truck j -ing the gravel for the township ot Carrick for the coming year, at same rates a 1934. ' kindnesses shown them in their recent sad bereavement. â€" Son and Daughtei-s â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? Winter Is Not Q uitcOvcr Yet I |; We are selling Molasses, Salt, Bran, Shorts, Crushed | t . X ^ Oats, Oyster Shell, Big 50 Concentrate, Hellibore, ^ Sulphur Salts, Cooper's Dri Kill and Cooper's \ Warbltf Fly Powder will be here any time. S !: Mr. Charlie Sarjohn has returned ; from the north, where he spent the ' winter. ' The W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Rev. Bushell, Tuesday, March 13th. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mis. Ed. Seeley. March 14. We are pleased to report Mrs. Wil- bert Poole improving from her serious illness. We are sorry to report Mrs. Meddlai Guy quite ill with heart trouble. Don't forget the conce i on Thurs- day. March 7. under the auspices ot the W. A. I'ORTLAW I'LBHC SCHOOL PIE TIMBER MERIT, GALA LILY & CAX.\DIAN BEAUTY PASTRY FLOl'R E-\SIFIRST SHORTENING PL'RK L.VRD EVAPOR.ATED APPLES EV.APORATED PE.XCHKS PRUNES RAISINS DATES PUMPKIN Sr. 4 â€" Leslie Jamieson, Sadie Mc- Kee. Han-y Badgerow, Mabel Blakey Grace Jamieson. Jr. 4 â€" Bemice Plantt, Alice Shier. 3rd â€" Bob Nicholls, Louisa Boyce Elda Pedlar, Harold Phillips. George Boyce, Mabel Blackburn and Mary Fisher, absent. Sr. 2 â€" Bob Blakey, Stanley Tay- lor. Jr. 2 â€" Fi-ed Shier, Jimmy Nicholls- Sr. 1 â€" Gladys Jamieson. Chestet Plantt, Marjory Jamieson. Donald Meldrum. Kathleen Croft. Jr. 1â€" Victor White. Donald Shear- down, Evelyn Shier. Pr. â€" Alvin Sheard, Herb Shier, Gordon Nicholls. No. on roll 30. average attendance . , 24.4. ;;' -J. M. nnXE. Teacher "I : Oiprey & Artenesia Ce-operati? e Co., Ltd, \ FLESHERTON GORLEV â€" At MarketaU on Fri- ♦ 1 1 day. March Ut. 1935. William GorJ«y > > <|ar«d 73 years, eldest son of th« late >»»»»f<»g»ftfO»»» H >» » »t*»»»»* « '»»*»»'»*»»*»»»*»»»»»»»^' MVs. Rt>bt. (;orleT. DIBD OYSTER SHELL $L15 pter 100 Lbs. HONEY 5 Pound Pails 49c BLUE BERRIES 2 Tins 25c SAVE YOUR MONEY Head [<ettuce 10c Nice Juicy Oranges, doz. 29 & 39c Soap Flakes (the better flake) 3 Lb. 25- COFFEEâ€" You get the most from your coffee when you buy it freshly ground per lb. '. 39c & 49c W. G. KENNEDY 'PUnt 37 COMFORT SOAP 5 Bars 19c BEANS 6 Lbs. 25c Spreadlog Cheese Yz Lb. Pkg. 13c or 2 for 25c e ^^U'.'J^K^ti- Featuring two distinct types of Fisher beauty . . . Both powered with the sante Improved Master Chevrolet engine ... Setting new standards of quality in the two lowest price ranges Now on display . . . Offers you the traditional, popular Chevrolet styling . . . Roomier Fisher Bodies . . . New, improved Blue Flcime engine . . . 23% more horsepower . . . Bigger brakes . . . Lowest operating costs of any car . , i An all-feature quality car! CHEVROLET MASTER Soon to go on display at our showrooms . . . Streamlined entirely new . . . With the new Solid Steel "Turret Top"' Body by Fisher . . . Longer wheelbase . . . Greater roonxiness . . . Improved, fully- •nclosed Knee-Action . . . Outstemding gas and oil economy. 'A ♦ performing, most economical cars in all -^ Chevrolet history. Get complete infor- matioa now at our showrooms and you'll be convinced that it's wise to choose a ] Chevrolet for quality at low cost. rom BCONOMIGJIL TRANSPORTATION D. McTAVISH A SON. f FLESHERTON, ONTARIO YEARS of sales leadership are back of cbese new Chevrolets. When you $ee them, you will agree they are bound to be outstanding leaders in 1935. They are the most beautiful and luxurious cars Chevrolet has ever built . . . and the best-