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Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1934, p. 7

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Tf^AVa inrf\C3510f/5 ( THE BY CAPT. r. H. OF THE WESTERN WORLD To some, Klllarne; la Just "the place *be song apeaks of"; to otberg "aoma lakea lo Soutb West Ireland". To those who bave been tliere, It la one of the most beautiful and en- trancing spots in the world. The ex- qulsite loveliness of far-famed KlUar- ney Is the concentrated essence of all that Is best In Irish scenery. KiUamey Is not merely pretty; there Is a serene majesty In Us beau- ty. Of Killarney. Alfred Austin bas •aW, "If mountain wood and water, barmoniously blent, constitute the most perfect and adequate lOTeliness of nature. It surely must be owned that It has, all the world over, no superior." Macauley says "I never In all my life, saw anything more beau- tiful â€" 1 might say, so beautiful". There are three lakes: Lough Leane â€" the largest and the lower lake â€" Is 4V& miles long and 3 miles broad; the middle â€" IH m^ee long and half a mile broad; and the upper â€" S miles long. They are Interspersed with wooded Islands and the lofty banks ire also covered with trees. The old Keep of Ross Castle stands on an island In the lower lake and there are many legends connected with this interesting old 14th century stronghold. The Story of O'Donoghue Rosse According to tradition, this old Irish warrior visits his former haunts every seven years. Aiounted on his white charger and surrounded by men-of- arms, carrying their ancient weapons, he ascends from the City of Perpet- Work Is Easier Now Fat Has Cone "I was so stout about 11 months ago," a woman writes," that I became a burden to i..yself. Then muscular rheumatism set into my joints, and I had to go on sticks for some time. Then I started to take Kruschen Salts, and I am overjoyed with the results I have derived from them. Honestly, I had no idea one could feel so dif- ferent in such a short time. Since tak- ing Kruschen, I have lost nearly 28 lbs. of superfluous fat. I can now run about as well as when I was 20, cook, work and attend to seven growing children."â€" (Mrs.) G. H. Unlike certain drastic drugs, Krus- chen does not aim to reduce by rush- Ing food through the body; Its action is NOT confined to a single part of the system. It has a tonic influence upon every organ of elimination, every gland, every nerve, every vein. Gently. but surely, it rids the system of aU fat-forming refuse, of all poisons and harmful acids which give rise to rheumatism, digestive disorders and many other ills. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never trUd Kruschenâ€" try It now at our expense. We have distributed a KTMit many special 7IANT" packages which make It «asy for Jrpu to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your yug- Slst for th. new "GIANT- «o, »fe'»8e- This conslata of our regular '60 botue together, with a aeparate trial botUeâ€" BuMclent for about one week. Own the trial botUe nr»t put It to the test and then. If not entirely convinced that Knischej doea everything we olr -n It to do. the regular botUe la sUU as good as niw Take It back. Tour drutrglst Is Sithorllld to return your 75o tmmedlat^ ly and without queatlon. ton hava Wed Kruschen free, at our expense. What ^iild be fairer? Manufactured by B. Grtfflths Hughei Ltd.. Manchester Eng. (Bstat>. 17B6). Importers Brns.. I-td.. Toronto. Those Magto Isle* This la a title which haa been given to Great Britain and Ireland. The "high spots" of these wonder- ful Islands are to be visited this summer by a select party under the capable guidance of Capt B. H. Reld whose "Travel Impressions" have appeared in this paper for many weeks past. This year la a good year to see the British Isles; travelling by motor makes your land journey one continuous round of sightseeing; routes, quite off the beaten track are Included in the itinerary and you will have an op- portunity to familiarize yourselT with the Homalend in a unique and glorious summer vacation. The Cathedral cities; the lakes of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland and Wales; the homes and haunts of famous writers; castles; scenery that you can see nowherb else â€" all these and much more is Includ- ed. AU the "ravel" taken out of "travel"; congenial companionship; all-inclusive cost; finest accommor dation; a real chance to realize the longings and ambition of years. Why not do It this summer "An- other year never comes." Such a vacation will enlarge your horizons, make your reading more pleasant and above all, it will build happy memories that can never be taken away from you. Write to Captain Reid at 710 C.P.R. Building, Toron- to; it will cost you nothing to en- quire and you will find that he will be glad to help you in this, or any other travel plans you may contem plate. =i perbapa, more crowded uUv there waa the absence of the shrill noise, al- though the cattle and the black-faced horned sheep contributing no little excitement and din to the life of the otherwise sleepy little town. And now to Monte Carlo tor next week's article â€" suppose we visit the Casino there. Have You Heard? Friday, April 13ihâ€" Waich your step! This is the first of two Friday the 13th that come In 1934. The other Is in July. Just remember, even if today is the 13th that It will be a mistake tor you to think that It will be a mistake for you to do anything on the 13th. Remember, little men make big mistakes. Big men make little mistakes. Which kind do you make? Even if it is the 13th go to It. Be a big man. The good-looking summer boarder waa enraptured about farm life. Oh, I'd just love to be a farmer," she purred, "and live with the blue sky overhead always." "That would be all right," the farm- er replied, "it the blue sky was the farmer's only overhead." McGllllvray I€ Past 45 and "Low" and Uptet Look for Add StomMh HERE ARE THE SIGNS; NerromneM Frequent Headaches Neuralgia Feellnft of Wealtnew Indlaeitton Sleeplewness Lou o» Appetite Mouth Acidity Hauf Sour Stomach ; Auto-lntoilcatlon | WHAT TO DO FOR IT: TAKEâ€" 2 teaspoonluls ol Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia in a (lass 01 water every morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. OHâ€" Take the new Phillips' Milk of Magn«ia Tablets â€" o«« labltl for each teaspoonful as di- rected above. [ •„„. â€" â€" It you have Acid Stomach, don't woiry about it. Follow the sunple tiirections given above. This small dosage of PhUlips- Milk ol Magnesia acts of once to neutralize the acids that cause headache stomach pains and other distress Try it. YouU feel like a new person Butâ€" be careful you get genuine Phillip^ Milk of Magnesia, or Phillips' MUk oi Magnesia Tablets when you buy -2oc and 50c sizes MiaO M lABUI KMM e-H^- Each tiny tablet ts m equivalent (4 a tea«poontui of Genuine Phillips Mill- of Magnesia. Pliillipa' Milk of Magc^M ual Youth beneath the lake, as any- one who has the courage to walk up on the then safe waters may witness for themselves â€" or so runs the le- gend. But the adventurous one must be careful, tor at sunrise â€" the time that the O'Donoghue and his friends descend through the lake â€" the wa^ ters again return to their normal state and become unsafe for mortal foot for another seven years. A Question of Age Coming from a visit to the lake, one day, and, after being entertained with all sorts of yarns by the driver of our jaunting car, we came across a man and woman drawing a small cart, on which Vias piled wood that they had gathered and were hauling into town. The man wore a returned <!oldier's button (Imperial) and the woman â€" both were young â€" had a shawl about her head and shoulders and, in addition to helping with the load, was carrying a small baby. It made an interesting picture; The two people ,the baby, the cart full of un- derbrush and the long road with woods on either edge. So I jumped from my Bide of the jaunting car, they posed tor a picture, a shilling changed hands and, said I to the man "How old la the baby?" to which he answered by asking his wife "Maggie! don't you hear the gentleman asking how old it is?" and so . . Market Day Killarney a market town of County Kerry, Irish Free State, Is 3 miles away from the celebrated lakes â€" or, should I say, the lakes are 3 miles from Killarney. Not a big place (pop- ulation, in 1926, 5,325) and with some tawdry little alleys, running off the main street, that somewhat offset the sublime beauty of the surrounding country. I was there, with my party. In Oct 1932, and two days of our stay in Killarney were monthly market days, the first being devoted to pigs and the second to sheep and cattle. Early the first morning â€" commenc- ing about 5 o'clockâ€" the farmers of the district began to arrive with their squealing animals and, from that time on, sleep was no longer possible. On toot, in two-wheel carts â€" sometimes driven by shawl-clad women â€" came hundreds of pigs and soon the market square was overflowing on to the streets; even the sidewalks were not immune from the drovers and their charges. The market lasted until shortly after noon, when the streets began to assume their normal aspect. On the second day the streets were A little boy had been extremely naughty, and his father told him to go to bed, and he would come up a little later and settle accounts with him. Before getting into bed the child knelt down and said: "Please, God, If you really do want to help a little boy in trouble, now's your chance." A resident in a street undergoing repairs protested about a pile of broken paving outside his front gate. Resident (shouting to one of the men on the job) â€" Can't you take this away ? Good-Naturea*Irishman â€" Where will I take It? Resident (clearly and forcefully) â€" Tou can take it to Hades! Irishmanâ€" Hadn't I better take it to Heaven. It would he more out of your way there. People aren't so crazy about liberty, unless its absence stands in the way of their personal pleasure or their personal gain. College Boy Wit â€" Your school is not an educational institution; its a match factory. Girl Student â€" Maybe you're right. We furnish the heads and get sticks from the men's colleges. Kvery time you are late to work you make it easier to be late again. Tardiness costs the business and is likely to cost you your Job. More Tobacco Save Pol<er Hands to set Better Cisarette Papers FREE Everybody agrees that "Cbanteclcr" and â- â€¢Vogue" are the best paper*â€" you can get 3 large books of either brand-Hlree for only me complete set of Poker Mafxis,framyour nearest Poker Hand Premium Store or by mail from P.O. Bos 1380. Moot- real, P.Q: for rhe Money! and POKER HANDS, too tvith TURRET FINE CUT/ This cool and fragrant tobacco sells for only 10c ;, . yet you get more to- bacco for the price, you enjoy more satisfying cigarettes and get Poker Hands into the bargain! Save the Poker Hands and get valuable presents /rr«â€" useful, practical, high, quality gifts for yourself and your friends. "Roll your Own" with Turret Fine Cut and save money! It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS l«nri«l Tob»cco Ceapaar tt ** '-. listed Jones had a serious complaint to make to his landlord. Jones (storming)â€" It's the people In the apartment above me. They don't give me a minute's peace. They play the radio and dance all night. They upset me last night, and I had to stop working. Landlordâ€" Working? What were you working at? Jones â€" I was practicing on my saxo- phone. Gulfs of April Windâ€" You may be as good as pie, but lots of people don't like pie The worse the medicine the better the doctor â€" so most women think LoU of bad people are found In jail, and some worse ones are found out The average man's word is considered as good as his bondâ€" by a stranger A woman likes to have some one coax her to do something she wants to do A man can make a woman happy by telling her that that's the way she makes him You'll do the right thing if you stop growling about the imaginary wrong And the man who thinks he ].nows It all soon shows how little he really does know The self-made man is always boast- ing of his handiwork, but it's differ- ent with a self-made woman. Friendâ€" What did you have tor breakfast? Boarderâ€" We had scrambled eggs â€" two eggs on the table and we all scrambled for them. No matter how much you disagree with vour kin, it you are a thorobred you will not discuss their shortcomings with the neighbors. First Office Kidâ€" Why do you hate Willie Smith? Second Office Kidâ€" He says that he has got a new excuse to get off for ball games and he won't tell me." It is uot good luck that makes a good business. It is intelligent, hard, continuous, everyday work. Grand Juries Are Necessary A Pertinent Review of the Part Grand Juries Play In the Ex»2cution of Justice A recent proposal was made to abol- ish grand juries as part of our admin- istration of law in Ontario and to sub- stitute a government official for the ancient grand inquest of the county. This would result in but a trifling re- duction of the cost of suppressing crime, and as has been said the Grand jury is the people's participation in the administration ot justice, and Is a body free fron. any influence that might induce a mere civil servant to pervert the fairness ot our law. In Ontario no man can ever be placed on trial for a serious crime un- til a grand jury ot his fellow-citizens have investisated Ills alleged offence, and have declared that it is proper that he should be tried for it. Not even the Attorney-General, who has the chief responsibility for the admin- istration of justice, can place a man on trial. All he can do Is to lay a complaint before the grand jury, who are chosen by lot from the citizens of the county, and who have the absolute right to refuse to allow the man to be tried. If they think there is not suffi- cient evidence against him to justify It If a man is on trial tor having taken the life of another, or for having spok- en seditious ^^^ords that may incite the commission of crime or promote hos- tility between different classes ot citi- zens, he Is not there because relatives of the slain have demanded vengeance. ie Feed* On G .'antee Do you find yourself with a "gold- brick" feed, money spent and no value in return. Oat feeds analysed in the laboratories of the Dominion Experi- mental Farms have had a range from 4 to 14 per cent, of protein and from 10 to 30 per cent, of fibre, meat meals of from 40 to 65 Per cent, protein and phosphoric acid from 10 to 20 per cent. Therefore do not buy your feeds blindly but study the guaranteed an- alyses, as printed on bags or other containers so that you know of what value the feeds are for your specific purpose, and also as compared with other feeds of the same class. these InBtitutlons the better tor evetir. one concerned." , Crime Increase In Province 14, 538 Durii Persons Sentenced '33 as Against 21,421 in 1930. The recent play of the spotlight on conditions in certain of the penal In- Btitutlons in this country has empha- sized the high standard of excellence maintained in the gaols and reforma- tories in Ontario. The Provincial Secretary's reports show not only a substantial decrease in crime in the Province â€" 14,538 persons were sen- tenced to prison in 1933, as compared with 21,421 in 1930 â€" but also a re- duction In the next expenditure upon these institutions in the last two years amounting to }18S,394.44. Such gen- eral falling oft ol crime is in no small Fqf years ui^»^«o.â€" ^ â€" • measure due to the progressive ad- or because he is obnoxious to the gov- j yanced methods adopted in the treat- ernment, but because a grand jury of his fellow citizens have investigated his alleged offence, and have declared that he should be tried for it. The grand jury is thus the safe- guard ot every man, whether he has attacked an individual, or threatened the peace and safety of the society in which be lives. '34 Honey Output Looks Promising Toronto. â€" Honey production in 1934 will depend largely upon the numb« and the strength of colonies that su|^ Vive the Winter, the number of pact age bees Imported and weather con!- dltions during Spring and early Sum- mer, according to the Federal Dft* partment of Agriculture booklet efr titled "The Agricultural Situation." In most sections ot the country, tlw bees went into Winter quarters fl' fairly good condition and the subss* quent steady cold weather has tavor«>i satisfactory wintering. ' | The clovers, which are the main source of surplus honey over the great* er part ot the Dominion, suffered some extent from the drought ot lai Summer, but entered the Winter fair condition. The heavy snowfall the present Winter also promiees b« ter protection against the Winter kil Ing of clover than has been the cait for the past two or three years. ^ ; XOT XFBTAUBAVT Windsor â€" Dr. Fred Adams, Med^ cal Officer, of Health says he is n<^ inclined to classify the city markj* coffee stall as a restaurant withni the meaning of the ordinance. ( ^ Classified Advertising 7; PATSHT8. llM fiirlble I'erry" ii,)tiuiig could stop him. ThenYouug Corbelt mastered the Mc- Govern whirlwind style and "heat him to U." Athletes have proved that Omega Oil goes deeper. When a man is muscle bound by over exercUe, Omega Oil penetrates to the spot. j As a household liniment Omega Oil ; is the best possible preparation to ; bave on hand in time ot trouble from j strained or strained muscles and llga- , ments, and all aches and pains due to j weather,. work or play. You can rub; it in without blistering. 35 and 60 cts. 1 at all dmggisU. Sole Agent: John A. Huston Compay, Limited, Toronto. SINUS PAIN 1 5uit«r«d mii- erjr from Siaua and C * t â-  r rta for 7 It At*. I tried t*W7 known method, chanced climate, had two operal ions, iiBtd elccuUl .ppliance., but *U failed. tb« 1 ioMtcd thit treatment and now my he«d to •lw>n el««r. No more terrible headncbes nor eleeplea. nighlj. .1 am never bot^red a single moment. Write me and 111 »ladly teil Ton bow I jiicceeded m curhmf my Sinus and Calarrb misery. Clam "«•• Raw Remediea. 7» Pin St. W., Windsor. Onl Issue No. 14â€" '34 Movies and Papers Everybody in the United States at the height of prosperity went to the movies 40 times a year. Last year they went only 25 times- This Is shown by the figures in the new edi- tion of the Film Daily Year Book. It estimates the average weekly attend^ ance in boom times at 100,000,000, but in 1933 at only 60,000,000. Since there are considerable num- bers of persons who never go to the movie theatres, such as children un- der five not in the arms of their mo- thers, farmers remote from a theati-e, inmates of hospitals and jails and the like, even the curtailed attendance last year would come close to a week- ly visit by those who like film shows. Still, the newspapers can boast of doing much better. Daily and Sun- day they had last year a weekly Cir- culation of very nearly 25,0 ) ',000 co- pies. There were four newspapers read in the country for every trip to the movies. â€" New York Times. ment ot criminals â€" Mr. C. F. Nee- lands, the Assistant Proviucial Secre- tary, In his report dated January 11th 1934, states that only two decades I have passed since the open Reforma- tory system was adopted in this Pro- 1 vince. He points out that much of this period was experimental, and part was beset with difficulty in obtaining competent officers, since it requires years ot training before an officer can be regarded as fully capable. "The weeding in eftect and care in replace- ments are now showing results of which the people of this province can well be proud." Uninformed persons might well pay heed to the following passage from this report. "For years past any re- putable persons, without previous no- tice, have had easy access, in working hours to our Reformatories and In- dustrial Farms and their questions have been gladly answered. . . . We have DO intention of changing this pol- icy â€" pen to all good citiiens. The more intelligent Interest ihey show In AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOI List of wanted Inventions and ftl Information sent free. TUc »»nuia» Co^ pany, World Patent Attorneys. 173 Ban i atreet. Ottawa, Canada. ; FSimSYIiTANIA OU^ ATTE.NTION: Buy rennsylviini.a wholesale In 46 gal. drums, giado B5c per gal. Extra charges drums 11. BO. AU orders F.O.B. M vour order with money order dire- t Pure Oil Co., 9 Market St., Hani.lto Ont. 0»l FREEâ€" SO TURKEY EGGS WHITE FOR P.MtTM'fl^AIl.s AND 100 j turkey raising aecrct booklet. 10c | postage apprerlatfd. Iturbank Turkey FInnch. Prrth. OnlHrlo. Ask Mother - She Knows Mother took this medicine b0> fore and after the babies camei It gave her more streogth aitd energy when she was nerv- ous and rundown . . . kept bet on the job all tbrougn the Change. No wonder she rec- ommends it. LYDIA E PINKHXM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND THAT DEPRESSED FEEIIN6 IS LARGELY LIVER d le up your Liver Bile Wake up your â€"Without Calo You nre "feeliin punk" »imT>ly txmuM y< liver im't pouring ii« d»ily two pound* of liai bile into vour bow«l*. Oimtioo and •Uminra nre botb^ bamp«i«d, Mia your Wtin i]n<«is b«ing poisonea. Wliat yuu nMd \» • Urar â- tunuUnt. tiling thitt goes f»rtb«rthui*alt*. mlasal oil, iKzftUve cftmiy or ab«wing ^om Ot rr vhirli only more the bowtlt â- â-  ignorim MUM- of troubl*, TOUT Utm. _ . <•] T»k» Cartw'* Littl* Livw Pill*. Puirly Tjj tsble. No huab ealoiMl (Bwcury). S«lt. A>k for tbwn by DMUi RtniM NBW< 2Sc. kt all dnoMtt. .1-

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