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Flesherton Advance, 22 Nov 1933, p. 3

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HOW TO HND OUT IF YOU HAVE ACID STOMACH HCRE ARE THE SIGNS Ncrvou^iiicM Fraqucnt Ilrad W«Mrtilfti» FMlliitotW IndittcMiaa SleeplcMaeM LoM at KptitO»» Mouth Acidity Tf\A\/LL irirf^C;)5IOI^5 /^v "•/^- J y ^A< Sotv AMo-lntosicatlaa WHAT TO DO FORITt TAKC â€" - tnspoontulsoi Phillips MUk ot Mac- nesii in a gUss ot wiicr every morning »hi?n you gft up. Tak» «io(hCT tfaspoonftil io mmutei afttr eating. Ana mother before you v> to b^i- ORâ€" Take the new Phillips' Milk ot MsgiKsta Tablets â€" otu laUtl for each teaspoon ful as d>- rectcd atxivc 'l^- l4\ i 1 *<^^- f^^ ,- --~lp If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions civen above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia acts at once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Try it. You'll fee! like a new person. But â€" be careful you get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy â€" genuine PHILLIPS' Milk of Mag- nesia. S^ that the name "PHIL- LIPS'" is on the labeL ALSO IN TABUT FORM Each tiny tablet it the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of .Magnesia. MAOC IN CANADA Pkillips* M.ilk of JMagnesia A Wonderful Demonstration N'othiiig can be more delightful than the Italian Riviera, which rivals In beauty its si.-'tc'r rpsort on the French coast of the Mediterranean. It extends from Ventimiglia around the halt'- moon shaped Gult of Genoa to the Italian naval liase ot Spezia, about which I shall loll yim another time. Genoa, the most important port In Italy, If not on thi» Mediterranean, is situated midway on this crescent-like shore. It is the centre of the two Ri- ! vieras; that on the east being known I as the Riviera di Levante and that to ' the west as the Riviera di Ponente. It Is a fine city and was, at one time, one of the Mediterranean ports which dom- inated the shipping of the world. In the old town the network ot nirr&v street.s fascinate the visitor. These quaint and alley-like thoroughfares, al- though teeming with humanity and lined with business places on either side, are clean as compared with simi- lar streets in Naples and other places. Genoa claims to be the birthplace of Christopher Columbus and much in- is shown in his memory. In a little square there is to be seen the re- mains of a house, covered with a creeper, which is said to be all that is left of the birthplace of the great navigator. A huge park scheme is now in progress which will embody this little square in a general series of parks. This programme will abol- ish the unsightly houses that are in the vicinity and will provide a real memorial to the man whom Genoese people regard as their most prominent native son. Genoa also possesses the finest monumental cemetery in the world; its close proximity to the marble quar- ries at Carrara making material for monuments vey cheap. Many Sculp- tors have devoted their art to the hun- dreds ot pieces and groups of statuary that adorn the corridors of this won- derful place. A visit to the Campo Santo is not relished by everyone but you can see there what is, undoubted- ly, the finest collection of memorials and you canuot help being impressed by the various conceptions of art, thought to be suitable, either by the sculptor or his patrons. Right in the centre of the city, the basin of the River Brisagno cuts a wide ditch and. as it is usually dry, it K Mew Egg Grading Regulations The foundation of a more prosperous joultiy industry in Canada has been Aid in the amendments to the egg trading regulations just announced by ihe Department of Agriculture. Con- lltions to-day are vastly different than Ihey were when grading was first es- tablished in 1915. Now, because of fears of educational effort, our aver- ige egg production is ot much better juality than then and marketing con- Jitions are entirely different. There- for, to ensure all producers, both the iverage farmer and tixe poultry spe- :ialist being paid according to quality, the Department has most carefully Morked out the changes now in effect. The new regulations divide eggs in- to four grades. Al, A, B and C. Al is I special grade which may only be jacked by producers whose flocks are jnder government supervision. Grade M gives the poultryman who com- plies with the government regulations «n opportunity to secure the premium jrice to which he is entitled. These | seems to us to be a waste of valuable Are you looking fo, something different ia the way ot entertain- ment for your church, society, club or lustltuteT Capt b". H. Reld. the well-kuowu traveller, who has been contribut- ing the series of arilclea to this paper, under the heading of "Travel Impressions," has what Is, perhaps, the finest collection of European views in the country. Pictures taken with Uls own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, as well as the localities about which you have read and beard. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslo- vakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium and British Isles are included in -his unique collection. For particulars regarding this, communicate with Captain Reld at Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. regulations require cleanliness, care "n feeding and management of the lock designed to ensure eggs of uni- form high quality, and consumers pur- ihasing eggs ot this grade are thus issured of the highest qualil.v. Grade Kl eggs can only be packed iu sealed jartons by the producer or group of producers or marketing organizations ts approved by the Department. This frade is divided into three weights, •Large." 24 ounces aud up to the lozen, "Medium," 22 to 24 ounces to he dozen, and "Pullet." 20 to 22 mnces to the dozen. A grade covers the established tmde m fresh eggs and is also divided into ihree weights. "Large," 24 ounces to â- JxB dozen, "Medium." 22 to 24 ounces to the dozen, and "Pullet," 18 to 22 junces to the dozen. Reducing the minimum weight in this grade to IS ounces entitles the producer to better returns for small eggs of '.A" grade quality. ' Changing the "Medium" weight minimum to 22 ounces also makes a more uniform spread between weights, the old 'Firsf minimum be- ing 2214 ounces. Any word or e.tpressiou denoting freshness can only he used in eounec- Uon with Grades Al aud A and the word "New Laid" can only he used in conjunction with "Grade Al." Cold storage eggs can only be land. We were remarking on this to a friend in Genoa, who was accompany- ing our party to Alassio, and he told us that the river often overflowed, due to the fact that there was no water- shed in the viuinity. We felt inclined to doubt his statemeu". but had the proof within half an hour ot the time the question was asked. We were held up at a level crossing â€" in Italy the gates do down when the train is expected to arrive and they remain down even if the train is overdue; somtimes cars will wait at a level crossing for over an hour. While we were waiting, a gentle rain began to fall, shortly afterwards followed by a smart shower and, in a few minutes we saw the miracle of the filling of the huge river bed. Down the sides of the hills came tiny streams, small water- falls and dashing torrents â€" it was al- most unbelievable. Huge boulders were torn from the hillside, sections ot the roadway were washed out and, almost immediately, gangs of men set to work to make temporary repairs. The riverbed, which a shor: time be- fore was parched, became the recep- tacle for a ruehin, body ot water, emptying itself into the Mediter- ranean and changing the color of the water, near the shore, from a brilliant blue to a muddy gray. We were told that the river would soon resume its dry appearance, but that, for occur- rences like this, it was a great sluice for controlling what would otherwise be a flood in the city. It ^va3 a strange coincidence, a somewhat awe-inspiring spectacle but. after it was over, we appreciated the opportunity of seeing one ot Nature's wonders, enacted, as it seemed, especially for our benefit. Next w^eek I should like to tell you about the blind geographer of Vichy. Kine: to Open New j Library in London Over a Million Volumes of Non-Fiction to be Housed ; i The Kini and Queen are soon to open a niagrilflcent new library in London. The new building, the National Central Library in .Ma'et-plaee, Bloomsbur}', will be capable of hous- ing a million volumes. The library, which ivas first form- ed in 191S, ha.i grown to tremendous dimensions. During 1932-33 it sup- plied no fewer than 61,639 books to borrowers, and rei-eivi'd 200 to 400 ap- plications a day. No Fiction The NaUonal Central Library acts as a lending library for public lib- raries and University libraries all over England. It also lends books to for- eign countries and borrows from them. The library is a non-fiction one. It received a Royai charter in 1931, and gets a small grant from the Government of £3000 (less a tempor- ary reduction of ten per cent.) in con- nection with the information depart- ment and the compilation ot a cata- logue. Among the functions of the library ia to supply on loan to a library, or or in exceptional cases to individuals, books for study which cannot be ob- tained in any other way, also to act as an exchange or clearing house for mutual loan of such books between other '.Ibrarles, and to act as a bur- eau of Bibliographical information both for national and International purposes. The building, which will house this great library, is si-X storeys high, has an area ot 50,000 square feet, and has cost over £50.000 to build CHE^VING TOBACCO money, longer lasting, richer favour ia Club Chew- ing Tobacco. VOU MIGHT AS WELL CHEW THE BEST SIMPLY WORN OUT? The money has been provided by ; Take Lydia E. Pinkham's the Carnegie United Kingdom Trus- tees. Air Space for Fowls Chickens breathe a pint of air per minute, or 1.2 cubic feet per hour. It is calculated that each bird requires at least 40 cubic feet of air per hour to obviate the deleterious effect of carbon dioxide in the breathed air. The air requirement of a medium fowi weighing about 4.,5 pounds seems to be much the same as that of a larger bird weighing 7.5 pounds. «. WANTED Potatoes. Apples. Onions, Cabbage, Carrots, Hay, Straw. Oats and other farm produce. When replying state quantity, grade and your lowest price to Produce Dept.. Yale Fuel Company, Brock Ave aud C.N.R.. Toronto. Vegetable Compound trit anythlai b« more wcarlod ftf women than the ceaaeleea round of houacbold duties? You tare no time to Im tick . . . you are tired . . . alUn* .. . yet cannot stop. There comes a toe when eomethina enapa and you Ond jourself aimply worn out. Lydla E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com- poiid â- wUl help you. «" «onlc BcUon wUl oUe you renewed atrenath, and wlU maJU your dally tanka seem easier to you. 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they are benefited by this medicine. Buy a bottle froni your dru«. git today ... and watch the results. Classified Advertising Busiirsss OPPOBTTIinTIES. F.K .-:\LHâ€" O.N'E OF THE OLDEST established retail lumber busi- nesses located In one of the uest t'jwns n On arlo; planus mill In connection very little oppositTon: good reason for sIllTng: does not require "'^Jh ='^'' ^^el lay. Applv Box S6, Room 421. 73 AUe laide St. West. Toronto^ Contends Eyes Do Buys Taxi to Get Room For Head Lone-Legged N.Y. Banker Buys 1919 Model in England New York.â€" Aided by one of the most curious vehicles that ever set wheel to the sidewalks of New Y'ork, William H. Hamilton, a long-legged X3BSCHANTS ! CROWDS FILL M %ror"es" '"dany.-'u.LnfT â- '•UNUSUAL E R C H A N T S: l'crvElT^!llN'o^"&-NTE#XS "^^SU con tests sent, $1-00. riarry -I. Penprase. St. Clair, Chatham. Ontario. rtTBs: QIEBEC MI.N-Kâ€" VEK\ stock. Prices on reques, Be.iiird, Thetford Mines. Que, KlNiS Delpills Ta.TKW F\ST-SELL1NG HOMB AP- N PLI.VNCE. se-ils for S3.50. S"od oom- -*-^ L. vvrlte Acton Tool and stan.p- - 12U Front Street East. mission. ing Co., LiniUed 'Toronto. in Grade B, which is divided into two weights, "Large," or 21 ounces and up to the dozen and "Medium, ' or 22 to 24 ounces to the dozeu. Cold storage eggs smaller than 22 ounces to the dozen are classed iu C grade, which comprises all eggs including cracks aud soiled eggs not permitted to be graded into grades A aud B but which are not unfit for human consumption. Quality only distinguishable by candling and iudividual egg weights are stressed as well as the necessity for marking with the true grades all eggs offered for sale. The new regulations are the result ot much study by the Department and are a distinct advantage In the mar- keting ot one ot Canada's most valu- able agricultural products. Down on Disease Farm Most visitors use a farm for ihe study of health, but now there is to be one for the study of disease. It is the Buckstone Browne Research Farm of the Royal College of Sur- geons, for which Sir George Buckstone Browne has provided £100,000, and it is adjacent to the house of Charles Darwin at Docwne, Kent, England, present<>d to the nation by the same donor. It is intended to make exact studies of normal growth, without which data the understanding of malignant and other abnormal growths seems im- possible. For this purpose the farm will breed sheep, cattle, and the usual farm stock, and in a paddock will be a small herd of deer, the growth ot whose antlers will be n>easured with X-rays. Hen-ci ops on the well known prin- ciple of individual nests. .<» that it i.? known which hen laid which egg; will also be installed to provide individu- ally identified and marked eggs for the college's research workers study- ing the growth of bone through tissue- culture â€" the cultivation of living cells in a New Egg Grading Kit The new egg grading resuiaiioiis are a great benefit to producers and the Handee Kgg Gradiug Scale and Cand- ler enables anyone to grade accurate- ly. Know to what you are entitledâ€" - grading pays. Sent mailed complete with copy of new regulations $2.50 postpaid. Mitchell Poultry Supply Company, Mitchell, Ontario. SHE LOST 32 lbs. New Frocks No Longer Worried Her "How did she lose that 32 lbs ot fat?" is what you will be asking. Let her tell you herself: â€" "About IS months ago I weighed ITS lbs.â€" which I can assure you anno.ved me very much. Everything seemed a worry to me. especially new clothes. Nothing would fit me comfortably, and walking was unbearable. I was ad- vised by a friend to try Kruschen Salts, and I am very glad 1 did, too. During the first ten months I lost 2S lbs. of tat. Now, for the last 6 months my weight has been 146 lbs., and I feel much better iu health. 1 have all my yeight tickets to substantiate my state- ments." â€" <Mrs.) M. P. Kruschen contains those si.x mineral salts, proportionately balanced, found in the waters of those famous Euro- pean Spas used by generations of fal people to reduce weight. Kruschen helps blood, nerves, gland.s and body organs to function properly â€" you gain new strength and euerg>' â€" feel years younger â€" look belter, work better. Not Show Emotion I banker, has set up a one-man revolt lazainst automotive progress. -Washington.â€" Don't look for a love- 1 ~jjj. Hamilton. =ick and tired of light in her eyes, because the eyes i ^gyj^g bi, hats crushed in modern, do not have It, says Dr. Knight Dun- io^..siung automobiles, with little or lap. Professor of Psychology at Johns I ^^ ^^^^^ room, bought himself a Lon- Hopkins University. | ,jg„ taxicab the last time he was over She may have a •love-twist" in her j jjjj^j jj. arrived recently. !ips, however. Dr. Dunlap has been making ex- periments which include photograph- ing persons in diverse emotional states â€" such as when smelling a dead rat, telling a funny story or hearing an unexpected pistol shot. Each picture was dominated by the expression of the mouth, he said recently. The eyes showing nothing of the iiidividuars emotion. The appearance of the vehicle, a 1919 model, with a high poop-deck, short wheelbase and rubber bulk horn, brought an outpouring of the populace around Gramercy square. With his wife and two friends. Mr. Hamilton went barging around the park. luxuriating, no doubt, in the un common sensation of watching the meter tick merrily away in shillings and pence and knowing there would be upthlng to pay at the end. The cab cost him $37. AOENTSWANTED-MESrâ€" WOMEN^ . ,-n-vT« VvTnTED to HANDLE A M^-^nufaJ^Jr^:- .0 Consumer' Wear ine Apparel. Sasle Yunge St ,_Toronto._ i3l PATENTS. Estimate Cut Of Wheat Crop .i Storages .Are Up â€" 238,180,- A .N OFFER TO EVEKV J'^^'^-^'^^^h \ t 1st o( want, inventions and tuU r^.rt^ilion se"tft"i-ree ,The Kamsa, Com- pany. World Patent .Utornojb. -.i bJ.i.t Street. Ottawa, Canada. SALESMEN: I2.^°^!/a?S? We'll Start 'X'on In a Profltable. Per- manent, -WTholeBals Buainess. Here's a line fnat you ^â- -•l',;'.,^^'-;',' ''^ almost evcrv store. Beautii-aKj Ci.a- 2i 50, IOC and 18c Counter D'spl«^^„ NO cut-throat <:°",'Pfl'^''^°:,,^Ti Zl make a try out with as Utile as l»o dollars. Mention n'lli pjpi-r \\.ite '"tested paoDtrcTs i.i«aT"- KAMIliTOW. OKTA»IO -«- A pawnbroker's shop is alwavs a place of InteresL Candy and Gasoline Mingle in Train Wreck Dryden, Ont. â€" Christmas candy destined to fill the stockings of Western children, mingled with guso line and general merchandise in the railway yards here â€" aftermath of a freight wreck in which 16 box car- were smashed and 20 more derail<»<l on the C.P.R. line. A broken axle is believed to have caused the pile-up of the westbound freight, but this was not definitely established. The engine anj sev eral cars remained on the track and no one was injured. Tank cars loaded with gasoline sent their volatile contents gush'ng out through huge breaks and pending the arrival of a wrecking crew the fire department btJod by to guard against an outbreak. One careening car rammed into the freight she-l wall and smashed it down. One c:ir lt)aded with candy, all of which ^^ <~ strewn over the tracks. Sevoral cars wero reduc^'d Rplintrr<». and rails on Ihe ca~; bound track were tt>rn uo f"r i-ii â-  distance. Whales Are Shrinking Norwegians Repoft Oslo. â€" Whales, too, seem to have been hit by the depres.sion. They arc decreasing in size, according to the Norwegian whaling journal, "Norsk Hvalfangsttidende." Measurements made sinse the sea | w i i io'21 son 1926-27. it says, show that whales 1 000 Bushels IVtj of 70 feet and below, which then rep- j Production resented "22.22 per cent, of all caught, \ in the .season 1931-3"2 represented noj Winniix^g.- Indicating a wheat crop less than 60.50 per cent., while whales of only '238,180,000 bushels in Weste/n longer than S5 feet, which in 1926-27 Canada, the estimate of the 1933 represented 22.87 per cent, of animals prairie wheal production made by the caught thi^ last sea.'^on h:i> fallen to, Northwest Grain Dealers' Association a per.-.'- til" "f T..-.!. here is the smallest of current esti- iii.ites. â€" The Dominion Government on Sep'. U, placed the western crop at 261,- 000,000 bushels, while the Searlo Grain Co., Ltd., after indicating 269.- 000,000 bushels on Sept, 1, reduced this tigiue a week ago to 247,000,000 i>ushels. Di.-iappointing returns, espe- lially fi'*^""' northern area.< of .Alberta and Saskatchewan are said to be the reasons for the lower estimates now being maile. The grain dealers' e!*umalo, how- ever, is ba.'--e<l on it-<« own acreage fig- ures of 24.i>,').'S.600 acres, which is 1.- 000,000 acres Ic^s than gxivcvnir.e':; figures. Ottawa.â€" Canadian wheat in store for the week ended Oct. 27 increase.1 by 4;>61.6,"i4 bushels as compared with the pn-vious week, it is reported bv I the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. ; The visible supply of wheat was ro ported at 249,ri02,23S busheU compav ed with a revise<l figure of 24.),240,"'8 1 bu.<die;s for the previous week am' 239,434,99" bushels for the »cories- pomting week in 1932. The exce«i .if 1933 visible supplies over of comparablo dates in 1932 has I<een craJually narrowing iluring the past few months a;;d is now only al< <ul 10,- 000,000 bushels. FINE REMEDY FOR ACID STOMACH Four nut I'l' li^o pvc-i'i-.. i^f- .i^-l'l stomach whether they Know t ,^r -.ot Pains after eating, belching, gas ara in throe minutes. Any druss"'! you that. Try It ind see. A Few Sfpsâ€" A Few CenH â€"Coughs, Colds Gone Bl'CKLEY'S Mt-XTL^RE i» not a . /icr pi«- f^ 1«. th.n >nT olh« pr.I«r«.°n. FAGGED OUT? You Need The ORE AT TONIC RECOMMENDE^ 20,000 .MEDICAL MEN Al <;: 3cc.d Uru? * c^ept Storei S«'«> A^er-U Harold F RitcKle A Co Ltd , Toronto vouf cough or *:o' Take B° kf.y'.. t' ""•"' â- -''• '":'' ""tT r.ti.f fr«^ 'osh.. cold.. '«u or bn..rh..... PliV ».li' RcfllK! ^ubMltUl". BuckUy'i i' ^O'd THAT DEPRESSED FEEIIN6 IS LARGELY LIVER Wtfke up your Liver Bile â€"Without Calomel Xou are 'iMliiia punk" dmply l>efau»r yoia ear ien't pouring ita daily two pounds f>l U.^i; J e into your bowrta. DiMeiion an.l elm.iDaiioo ai« both h>mr>er«d. and ^ our entire s.-ncm » baina noiBcneu. What you aeeJ ie « li''«' •'""iil:'i'i- t*""*" thins ih«t r!« (art her Uisn Mlta, mineral ««ter. •U. laiative candy or che«in« turn or rou«lm» vhich only move the bowelaâ€" lanonnt 0>« ^*»* â- uise of tmubli-, your liver. M>Ia. No bureh calomel (mfmiryV frale. Mira. Aak for theni b.v name Kff'iP» eubei'.utM. tfio. al ail dnissisU '^ ISSL'D No. 46-'33 s ^i ae ttk!2". â- iiMiHiliiMir'llfdL'

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