This TESTED Remedy Will Restore Your Energy A girl who works in an office, who ftot very little fresh air and sunshine, lost color, became enervated, and on November 14, 1932, went to a physi- cian's office In a Canadian city and had her blood tested. The result was »Iarmlng:. The haemoglobin showed only 60 per cent., the ro ' corpuscle count only 3,700,000. She vas sur- prised to learn that she was anaemic, but was relieved when told that the condition could be c. reeled. The physician knew the formula of 1 popular blood builder. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and told her to take two Jf Ihe pills after each meul for a nonth and then return for another lest. The second test wa.., made on December 16, and showed a increase to 84 per cent, of haemoglobin (which' surprised even the doctor) and a red i blood corpuscle count of 5,408,000. I When it is explained that haemo-; globin is the oxygen-bearin, , life-sup- porting element of the blood and that red corpuscles are the carriers of haemoglobin it will be understood why the young lady felt renewed energy and ambition, or, us she put It, "felt like worl ing again." If you lack "pep," tire easily, are weak, pale, have palpitation of the heart and dizzy spells, get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your own druggist's and begin the treatment af- ter yoi)r next meal. You take no chances. Dr. Williams' Pinl. Pills are clinically tested. + Do You Know? That Cavelier de La Sal'.e who was the first white man to reach the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River (1682) and who founded Louisiana had his headquarters in this house which is still standihg in Lacblue, a suburb of Montreal? Lachine, the French name for China, Is so named because La Salle believed he would find the long- sought western passage to China when he started on his trip. Bancroft, historian writer said of La Salle: "His name wiir live through the ages as that of the Father o£ Civilization in Central United States." â€" Canadian National Railway?. Cornell Professor Explains Deadly Rays from Humans ' Professor Otto Rahn of Cornell University has offered a chemical ex- tilanation for certain deadly rays riven out from the human body. Pro- fessor Rahn had previously found that rays emitted from human blood, finger-tips, the ends of noses, or flashes from eyes killed yeast and pre- sumably could kill other micro- organisms. ! The mechanism of these deadly rays remained a scientific mystery, and their very existence has been question- ed by many scientists. Says a mail report of Science Service (Washing- ton) : , "Professor Rahn believes that they may be explained by an abnormal ex- cretion, through the skin, of oxychol- eeterol. This chemical is a fat, and le related to the parent substance of vitamin D, erfeosterol. "Investigations carrieti on at Cor- nell by Professor Rahn and his asso- ciates indicated that these rays may Xurnish the scientific explanation of jteveral old superstitions, among them l^at at certain periods women cause flowers to wilt and fermentations to become abnormal. Dr. David I. Macht 'knd Dr. Grace Lubin of Baltimore found that a poison excreted at these Jieriods was identical with or closely related' to oxycholesteral. , "This compound killed yeast when separated from the yeast by quartz, the Cornell investigators found. Ether II, » .â- washings from the fingers of women at such periods did the same thing. ^rom this they concluded that oxy- eholesterol was present in the skin ttf the women at such peritnls. and that Ih.? pre.sence of this substance explains u - Easy Teething "Baby cut all his teclh with no trmibk- thankf to B.\BV'S OW.N T ABI KTS.' writes Mrs. Thomiis Shnw. H:imillii;i Ont, Scorrs of other Mothers h.ivc written in similar vein. Civc YOUR child B.XBY'S OWN TABLETS for teething troubles, upscl stomach, simple fevers, tolir, colds constipation, sleeplessness, or whcnevei be is cross, restless and fretful. Easy to laie as candy, and ab.solutely S.^FEâ€" Sff analyst's certificate in each 2S-cent package. Over l^SOfiOO packages sold m 1931. 243 Dr. Wllllaim' BABY'S OWN TABLETS the deadly rays emanating from the women. "Previously Professor Rahn bad supposed these strange rays to be some sort of ultra-violet hays, because of their ability to be effective, through quartz, as are ultra-violet rays. In view of this it is interesting to note that vitamin D is formed when ultra- violet rays act on the ergosterol of the skin. "Professor Rahn has also investi- gated the ultra-violetlike 'mitogenetic rays' which some scientists have ob- served from growing plants. His stu- dies seemed to confirm these observa- tions, particularly those showing that the stimulation of these rays is neces- sary for cell division, and consequent multiplication." Radio in Great Britain What the vadio business means to Great Britain in the way of business and employment is shown by figures just published. Last year's trading in wireless sets, accumulators, batteries, components, and accessories amounted, at retail prices, to £36,627,425 â€" a new hign record. Less than a ninth of this represented imported goods. The B.B.C. annual report, recently issued, also shows expansion, wireless licenses issued during 19.'i2 totalling at .5,262.953, nea /y ],00<),(XX) more than in the previous twelve months. Satisfactory as this is, the B.B.C. still has its worries. One of these is revealed in the report, which states that "the problem of conveying humor purely by oral methods within the limitations of microphone and pro- gram policy has not yet been solved."' -♦- Young Elnglish Golfer Displays Amazing Skill Ix>ndon, Eng. â€" A startling putting feat won Allan Dailey, 24-year-old golfer, the Roehampton tournament recently. On Vi. greens he was down in no nore than li) putts. He beat C. A. Whitt^ombe, captain of last year's Ryder cup team, in the 18 holes final by eight holes up and six to play. In the last 44 holes of the tourna- ment he did not lose u single hole. He led the field in the qualifying rounds. The only man to give him any trouble in the match play section of the tournament was the veteran Ed- ward Ray, who in the first round took him to the 22nd hole. AW his other games Uailey won in the most de- cisive manner. He beat Hodgson in the third rounii by 7 and 6. He beat T. Green in the semi-final by 7 and 6. DETERMINATION. At the 14th hole in the first round he was three holes down to Ray. From then on to the end of the tournament he did not lose another hole. Dailey, by this remarkable feat, has made his inclusion in the Ryder cup team a certainty. He wa.s b<Jrn in Fifeshire. He learn- e<l his golf at Hornsea, in Yorkshire, where his father was professional. He is at present the professional at Bradley Hall, Yorkshire, ano is cham- pion of York.shire. Best Quality Shaving Brush FREE for POKER HANDS Shaving Is a real pleasure with a fine quality shaving brush like this one . . . bristles set in rubber ... a gift you'll surely appreciate and use. Given in exchange for only S complete sets of Turret Poker Hands. One 20c package of Turret Fine Cut will prove the quality and economy of this mellow, cool Virginia cigarette tobacco. You can roll at least 50 cigarettes from one package . . . and cigarettes of sweet Virginia fragrance and flavour . . . supremely satisfying. \t pays to ''Roll Your Own'' with TURRET FINE C U T CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS FREED FROM PAIN AT 95 What a great thing it must be for this woman, after suffering from rheu- matism for many years, to be free from pain again at her age. She writes: â€" -"I should like to tell you that since I commenced taking ICruschen Salts two years ago, I am completely relieved of rheumatism, from which I had been a great sufferer for many years. I am now in my 95th year, and much appreciate being free from pain, which I attribute to the regular dose of Kruschen." â€" (Mrs.) A. E. S. It only everyone would realize that the "little daily dose of Kruschen" Is just as important as internal cleanli- ness as soap and water are to exter- nal cleanliness, there would soon he no more constipation, no more slug- gish livers, no more rheumatism, gout or lumbago. Kruschen is a combination of six salts â€" each one is necessary to some particular organ of the body. Just what you need to persuade your sys- tem back into a healthy condition: very gently but very, very surely! Finland Grows DogComcious 111 Isiiiiffcrd. - IHi^; lovers in Finland have increased until there are more than twice the number of canines in the country a>f compared with ten years ag<'. In l!i:t2 licenses toliiled 2.lj"!i. In Vf'ii 111"-' number 1,- 060. .•\larine<l at the growth of begging, the Instabul authorities ordered every mendicant r<»unded up. Those who were ill were put into workhouses, the ! others were sent to police courts. It is as bad to be wrong at the rixht time as it is to be rlpbt at the wrong lime. Japanese Women Compile "Don'ts" For Husbands Japanese omen have grown weary of the centuries-old custom of "yess- ing" their men folks all day long. The "Fujokai" (Woman's World) in its stand for more rights for the housewife, has compiled a code of laws for husbands, covering jealousy, fin- ance, home administration, health, clott^ing, food, children, and other subjects. Some of the "don'ts" for husband;*, as arranged by the women staflf mem- bers of the "Fujokai,'' follow: "Don't be a killjoy all your life. Crack a joke onc^ in a while, even if it isn't very funny. Why confine youi- wisecracks to your friends? "Don't crack your chopsticks against the bowl while easting. You're aj.t to get on your wife's nerves. "Don't ignore her wishes. If she suggests that you go together to a department store, go, even though you can think of nothing quite so boring. On the way back, stop for something t' eat or drink. She'll like that. "No matter how much you love your wife, give her a vacation from you now and then. "If she happens to look pretty, don't forget to tell her so. If she isn't par- ticularly pretty, tell her so, anyhow. "Don't forget her birthday. Stage a little celebration of it each year. "Don't reprimand her bitterly when she has simply forgotten to sew a missing button on your clothes. She'll snap back at you, and then something is bound to happen. "Never lie to your wife. "Remember that your wife has a right to an opinion, too." . .- .}. 14 Early Japanese Clocks Acquired by New York U. New York, University reci'iiily an- nounced the acciulsltion of fourteen Japanese clocks, which, added to the eight already in the collection of clocks and watches donated to the tiiiiverslty by the late James Arthur, make one of the most complete sets to be found in any museum. The Jap.iTiese i locks arc among the most Inler^-sliim specimens in the col- 1 lection of about I'.tliMI timepieces be-, cause of llic iineciiiul l.'ii.i;lh of the hours under the old svsl'^m of time-^ keeping in Japan. The Japanese day was divUled into twelve hours, six, hours (laylighl aiul six hours nlxht. ' which varied In length to match the seasons. Professor Daniel \V. Hering, curator of the collection, explained. I Professor Tiering also announced the recent ai'quisitlon of a Hlack For- est wooden dock, brought to .America In the I Still s and made, apparently, in the tarly nineteenth century. China Deserts Ancient Currency Join Dollar Group To Reduce Confusion in Monetary System Among recent currency happeniiifrs was the total obliteration of a unit that had been for centuries the money of account for more than 3UO.(IOn,000 people. Without benefit of headlines. conferences or recriminations, noted only in agate type in tables of foreign exchange, the ancient Chinese tael, and with It the candareen â€" both part of the romantic record of the logs of the earliest voyagers to Cathay â€" van- ished from quotations and authorized use. It was abolished by the Chinese â- Government as a step toward reducing the confusion of its monetary system, i There were in latter times three varietiesâ€" taels. Shanghai taels and Haikwan taels. Originally the tael was a weight of one and one-half ounces of silver, as the Portuguese navigators , figured It in the loOOs. South Sea and 'â- Far East adventurers spoke of its be- : ing worth 100 candareens. They found j a moidre exchangeable for thirty can- dareens. "Candareen" was a word from the Malay language. In Malacca the traders could buy gold or musk only with candareens, each valued at six grains of silver. The modern Haikwan tael was a unit of account for paying Chinese customs dues. It was a purely flcliti- OHS. non-existent currency, meaning 584.85 grains of pure silverâ€" a theore- tical effort at stability. Yet in gold par value it varied from tiT cents American in Shanghai to 74.8 cents in Taku. The Shanghai tael in 1929 was 58.42 cents, but fell to 31.12 when British India demonetized silver. Professor E. W. Kemmerer of Princeton University wa.4 called to devise a new system for China. lie advised a gold unit valued at 40 cents, to be called th ; 'sun,'" af- ter China's political hero. In the period of transition, however, the Chinese have decided to reduce the value of the tael 28'ij per cent, and name the new unit after our dollar. Other cotintrles outside th2 United States which now designate their local money with the dollar sign are Argen- tina, Brazil, British Guiana, Canada. Chile, Columbia, Ethiopia, Hongkong (a British crown colony), Macao, Mex- ico, Newfoundland. Paraguay. Portu- gal. Struiis Settlements and Uruguay. In British Honduras, the Dominican Republic. I.,lberia and Panama the United Slates dollar constitutes the currency medium, and in Cuba a spe- cial law makes .American money legal tender. How Handicrafts Guild Judges Work Entiuiries made by exhibitors after the Canadian Handicrafts Guild's re- cent display have prompted the Ei- nionton committee :o try to indicate the principle upon which judging is concluded. Not infreciuently it hap- pens that really goo<l work in a given medium has not a class devoted to that medium alone and consequently has to be compared with the nearest thing with which It might compare. As an Instance may be mentioned a table submitted, the top of which dis- played a skilful and intricate mass of wood inlay. It therefore naturally was placed in the class for furiiliure. Here it competed with obviously superior cabinet work to its manifest .â- !..';ad- vantage. Further as there wa.: .i class for metal w(jrk, the class for furniture was limited to woodwork, though many pieces of metal might have been tanked as furniture. Then, too, this classiUcation had to embrace wrought iron, repousse copper, lirass and pew- ter, cast and tooled metal, and whai amounted to Jewelry. .Ml of which are just so different in manner of working as to render comparison dif fliult. In the face of these and other troubles, however, the judges tried to recognize wliat was evidently good work in one way or another. University of Toronto School of Nursing Vouug women who are thinking of nursing as a career will be interest ed in the new Scliool of .Nursing. In its three-year course the School plans, to give a thorough general training in uursiug, one that will en- able the graduate, if she so wishes, to proceed easily to postgraduate work in any branch of nursing. This three-year course prepares the nurse for both hospital nursing and public health nur.'^lng aud thus saves a year In the time of preparation for those who wish to enter public health nurs- ing. A young woman who lias com- plete Pass or Junior Matriculation and the Upper School or Honour Matriculation subjects as outlined for admission to the Arts Course.^ may take the traiuing in nursing iu this School instead of taking it in the usual hospital school of nursiiig. This School has close affiliation with the Toronto hospitals for the purposes of practical training. The Calendar and full information may be obtained from the Secretary. School of N'tirsing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. Welsh Seaside Resort To Supply "Native" Color Cardiff, Wales. â€" Colwyn Bay, on the North Wales coast, is meeting the wishes of many visitors who express disappointment that they hear little of the Welsh language spoken, and only on occasions Is Welsh music a prominent feature of the entertain- ment provided during the holiday sea- son. Throughout the week. June 2t) to July 1, Colwyn Bay will provide enter- tainments of music and song by Welsh composers and by Welsh artists, in solo and choral items. Harp playing and vocal solos to harp accompani- ment will also be a feature. The Welsh costume will be worn by many of the artists and care wait- resses, and shop assistants will also be attired in the National dress. Classified Advertising FBIHT AND SIZ.X RSMHTA^rr. . 1 C POUNDS PRINT UH SILK QUII.T< '-'ING Remnants, $2; 2 pounda 50d A. MeCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. PII.E.Sâ€" WHY SI:FI''EK TORTt'RB? .Send Km: fur tiji-dii.v tiliil Rainljow Pile Renuilv and oljtam 'lulck relief. Mme. J.alondc tjiix loi;. Wiiulsor. Ont.- BIBLES for the BUND (KIHa JAMZS VEBSION) SlBtribQted In Enulie â- With tho Aid ot PhUantliropy V hintary oiintributions aiipreci.iifii. Sl)eclul Price; Jl tier vuliime, J2l i-omplete. BBAIIiKE BIB"E SOCrETI'. Inc. 739 Worth Tennont Ave., I^oa Angelc*, California. Married to Wrong Man A divorce record was set up at Naba, near Kobe. Japan, when a brida was purled from her husband five min- utes after the we.idin;; ceremony. Sh« had married the wronjj: man ! Aftc-r (iriukintr from the ceremonial sake cups, her husband removed tha traditional head-g-var which hid hii wife's face â€" and f</un(i the \vron(j bride. First Editions Offered New York. â€" A collection of first editioiio and other literary material ir.cluiiing autographs, the property of John C. Knox of Boston, Mass., and Nice, France, were offered at auction here. Among the items wa,s an original inanu.-icript of a story, "K Feud," by John Galsworthy. Also an original holograph manuscript of one of Eugene Field's poems, "(jeneral .Auer's Shack,'' published originally in his volume, "Sharps and Klats." 4- Year-Old Saves 3 Lives A 4-year-old Budapest boy saved the lives of his three brothers and sisters in Szoinbathely recently. The four little ,.hildren were alone in the house when a fire broke out. They were nearly suffocated when 4-year- old Francis succeeded in smashing the window and shouting for help. Neighbors rescued the children, who were badly burned, before the house itself burned to the ground. WE BUY GOLD Send in >'iui' old Buld w:ilili. pli;iin, ring. Jtwelleiy, i-tc. ;iTiU recelv.> u money order l)y return mail. If nt>t snlisfactor.v return money order, ;inil 1- reive back your g<'l<l. IJetter prices .iro Bi"n ;.t TISDAI>IiS "ractory-to-Pocket" Jewellery Store, 150 Yonge St., Toronto MONEY FAR Y6 L AT HOME YOU out earn good moncr ia tpare time at I borne tnakiog diipUy card*. No AcUing or I canvaasing. w'c instruct you, I'umith cotiv F piece ouSt and supply you with wrork. 1 Write to-day for free booklet. The MENHENITT COMPANY, Umited ] 64" DoDunioD BIdg., Torootu. Ont. [â- â- â- â- â- â- B-g- vennedy & Menton J21 College St. Toronto Hnriey-Oavidssn I'l -tributors Write at once tor I'lstot iiMii niotoitycles i.ii-gfd. f ^ ml 30 .oi V Dra BITES TfKcci, Knakc, or anioial . the best treatment it plenty Minard's at ome. It soothes, bcala and clean»«s. Drawi out th« poison ! CUTICURAI \Quicldy Heals Pimples. RasJies ami Eczema Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50r, YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile â€"No Calomel needed Wlicn you feel Hue, derf<'»«J' ^o"r on ili* world, that's your lt\er wliirh mi't pouring itt daiiy two pounds of Ji<|uid bile into your boweta. Diftralion and eliminntion ar« being alonMl op, fuod ia acrumul.tttna nml tlecnynfi iueide you and making you feel wreicbe«i. Mere bowei-mo\erB lika salts, oil. mineral Hhter, [ftxAtive candy or chewing gum. of roughogf, don't go far enough, Vou need a liver 6tiinuiaiiU C^rtftr'a T.iitl* Liver PiUs is the bwl nnc. Safe. Purely vejf>. t&blc. t5ur«. Ask for titem by name. Uefua« •ubetituteft. 2oc. at al) druggiatA. 6d WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia C. Piukhain'a Vegetable CompotinJ Have TOO ctct felt that Tou were too weak to do anythlnit . . . that you did not have the atrcnftth to do your work? Women who are weak and run-down •hould take a tnnic such aa Lydia E> Plnkham'a Vettctable Compound. Head- ache* and backache* that are the reault of â- tired, run-down condiilon often yield to thi* maroelou* tnedldne. 98 out of e»ery 100 women who report to us *«y that they are benefited by thi* medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug- tlat today , . . and wv. cb the reaulta. ISSUE No. 71â€"33