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Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1933, p. 3

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You Can't Fool a BLOOD TEST â-  On November 14, 1932, a pale, ' ttin girl walked Into a physU:!ao'a office and had her b'.ood tesred. The I rea£on for her condition was at ooce evident. The baemoglobiu content of her blood was only (9 per cent. Red corpuscle count only 4,640,000. 8b« Just had to be pale. And her weight waa but 91^4 pounds. The physician, who knew ibc formula of the remedy, told her lo take »wo o'- Dr. Williams' Pink PilU after each meal and to come back in * month for another teat. She fol- lowed instructions and took no other medicine. On December 14 her blood show- ed 88 per cent, haemoglobin and 5,024,000 red corpuscles. Her weight was 100 Vi pounds, a gain of cine pounds in thirty days! She bad gained color and attractiveness. The doctor noticed for the first time that she was positively pretty. Blood tests scientilically prove the I real value of a blood-building remedy. It you are anaemic, pale and ander- weii^bt; it you lack ambition and energy, get a bos of Dr. Williams' | Pink Pills from your druggist and begiji the treatment today. Revit- alize your blood stream and build up new resources of strength and vigor. You ^""e taking no chances. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are clinically tested. Do You Know? WeUh Capital Building Modern Railway Terminus Cardiff. Wales.â€" A £1,000.000 rail- way station which will be one of the most modern in Britain is being con- structed at Cardiff. The old main-line station and the station linking up the industrial val- leys and the Glamorgan coast are merged into a central terminus under the new scheme. Traffic has not been interrupted during the extensive re- construction. A whole street of houses has been demolished to allow for extensions. Three level (grade) crossings will dis- appear and 16 new bridges have been built. A rpecial newspaper distribut- ing centre, in itself a miniature sta- tio.i, is being erected. The whole terminus covers an area of 80,000 .••(luare yards and 200,000 cu- bic feet of earth were removed to prepare the site. Italy Refuses to Permit Selling Wine to Minors Rome. â€" In the *';;:e of warninifs that she is bringing up a race of tee totalers. Italy has preferred to retain a law prohibiting wine for childrei in public institutions. The opponenxs, championing the ' grape industry, put up a strong argu- ment in the Chamber of Deputies.. bi:t were overridden. Holding the wine is injurious to minors. Under Secretary Arpinati, of the Interior Department, said tlieir health is of prime importance. He decided the idea that any considerable section of the public ever would b^ teetotalers. j Deputy Luigi Capri-Cruciani, for the opposition, stressed .America's ex-, perience to show that bevei-ages o£| small alcoholic content are desirable. He insi.«!le^ that moderate use of wine by children is a safeguard against abuse of stronger drinks in later life. , excesTfatmelts Best Quality Shaving Brush FREE for POKER HANDS Shaving is a real pleasure with a fine quality shaving brush like this one . . . bristles set in rubber ... a gift youTi surely appreciate and use. Given in exchange for only 5 complete sets of Turret Poker Hands. One 20c package of Turret Fine Cut will prove the quality and economy of this mellow, cool Virginia cigarette tobacco. You can roll at least 50 cigarettes from one package . . . and cigarettes of sweet Virginia fragrance and flavour . . . supremely satisfying. Mit pays to ^^Roll Vour Own"' i^ itli TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Tliat among tlu> c\, sigiu; of Quebec is thitj cumbersome and by a fanner and saws all his wood tion whenever the wind blows an Canadian National Railways. to be ^eou in tile Liuiye PeuJUiirui primitive windmill which was built for him? It is still in active opera- d there is wood to be sawed. â€" Holland Plans Farm Dictator /Vanishing Foreign Trade Brings Drastic Proposal To Curtail Production The Hague. â€" A bill introduced in the Second Chamber of the States Central purposes to give the Dutch Govern- ment dictatorial powers to reorganize 'the affairs of the farmers and fruit and flower growers of the country. The agricultural crisis in Holland has aris- en chiefly as a result of the recently erected barriers against exports. [. lAnd owners and their tenants, as well as the merchants and the gov- •rnment, are realizing that the export markets, chiefly in England and Ger- \nany, lost by rising tariff walls and onerous regulations, will not be recov- ered soon, and that c-onsequently the "production of vegetables and dairy commodities must be curtailed, j Preliminary measures are being tak- en to reduce drastically the output of aggs and milk. The annual export of iutter has fallen from 47.000.000 kib- '(prams to 10,000,000 kilograms while 'the wholesale price has dropped. The lurplus thus created is being cleared up by compelling martyirine manufac- 'turers to include a larger proportion of butter in their products than hith- '•rto. This regulation came Into force on April 3 and ordered that the pro- tiortion of butter in all margarine Should be raised from 25 to 10 per ^ent. Cheese Output Curtailed. , In the cheese trade a similar rcKU- lation has been made. in 'April and continuing for at least three Months all wholesale Dutch cheese makers must reduce their output by •iW per cent., the conseiiuent loss of T>rofit being wholly or partially met Happy Health *"1 alwavs keep a .supply of B.XBV'S OWN TABLETS on handâ€" thoy keep my children healthy and happy," writc-i Mrs. James Wilson, I-omeville, N.B. Mrs. Wilson "s plan is commend- ed to Mothers everywhere. Literally hundreils of Mothers havi> written their deep thanks for B.XBY'S OW\ TABLKTS, the absolutely S.^FE remedy for the common illness- es of babies and children -tecthin; trouble?, simple fevers, upset stomach, colic. cold<. peeNi?hnes!i. Give them to VOl'R children, .'.'^c a i>ackaKC. Or. Willleint' '^ ^ BABY'S OWN TABLETS by state compensation. The market- garden trades will receive a subsidy from the gorerument only on condition that they considerably reduce the amount of the planting. This last restriction will be applied in a most comprehensive manner to the cultivation of bulb plants, a trade which is suffering from the home cul- tivation in America and England. Af- ter the flowering period of the present spring, enormous quantities of crocus, narcissus, hyacinth and tulip bulbs, as well as many planting beds for these bulbs, will be done away with. This view, that the Dutch means of production must be reduced, has brought about a modification in the policy of subsidy hitherto followed by the state. The government has worked out an 'vmpowering act" un- der which the carrying out of these measures is backed by extraordinary authority. The Government, in the preamble to the bill, cites well sub- stantiated statements that in the ag- ricultural lands exhaustion and im- poverishment are rapidly spreading, and that in particular the offset of vegetables, fruit, eggs, potatoes, but- ter and cheese is in a lamentable con- dition. Three-Fold Course Proposed. To prevent a complete and collec- tive collapse of the rural retail trade the government desires to proceed along a three-fold way: first, by subsid- ies to the trade from a not yet estab- lished central crisis fund; secondly, by restriction of cultivation, and. thirdly, by the fixing oi standard prices. But now comes the most im- portant point. The proposed new law- gives to the government the authority in case of necessity to use force In putting into execution the proposed meu.^ures. There is to be no persua- sion and no argument. The instruc- tion of the authorized official is to be a command to which obedience must be as explicit as that of the soldier to the command of his officer. To this bill giving dictatorial pow- er* to the Department of Agriculture, no objection or complaint has been raised even by the growers themsel- ves, so that it is virtually certain to pass through both Chambers without serious opposition. Under Treatment that Creates Energy Some folks are naturally fat, but there's a lot of people who put on pounds of unhealthy fat because they haven't got enough energy to move about to keep it oft. It's not laziness in most cases â€" but a condition brought about by sluggish- ness of the internal organs â€" the liver, bowels and kidneys. As a result, poisons and harmful acids that kill vigor, ambition, and energy get into the blood â€" the whole general tone of the body is lowered and tat accumu- lates. Thousands of overstout men aad wo- men find in Kruchen Salts a perfectly safe, sure, and beneficial means of re- ducing. The "little daily dose" of Kruschen Salts keeps the organs function^.ig properly every day, and fill- you with such a feeling of radiant vitality and vigor that before you know it you are fairly "jumping out of your skin" with energy, instead of moping around â€" and reduction follows as a matter of course â€" Nature attends to that. Birmingham Shows Low Cost of Education Binrniingham, Ala. â€" Cost of educa- tior. of & pupil in the public schools of Birmingham for the session 1931- 3'Z was lowest in a table of 65 cities in the countrj', according to statis- tics received from the office of ed"j- cation. For the 1931-32 session pupils were educated in the Birmingham schools, according to the depanmer.t's table, f â- -• an average of $54.79 each. This was a decrease of 15.4 per cent, from the figiires for the 19'29-30 session, when Bimiingham was next to lowest with an average cost of $64.75 a pu- pil. That year Xorfolk, Va., was low- est â- with an average cost of §63.06 a pupil. For the 1931-32 session, Nor- folk's average wu.; $55.35. Birmingham, in addition to ranking lowest in cost, was third in reduction of cost from 1929-30 to 1931,32, with a decrease of 15.4 per cent. Fail Ri\-er„ Mass., showed greatest de- create, 23. S per cent, and Akron. 0., was second with a decrease of 21.35 per cent. Yonkers. N.Y., has the highest average, $166.97 a pupil, for 1931-32. Students of Both Sexes Free to Join German Work Camps Berlin. â€" High school graduates of Ix'th sexes prior to entering a univer- city may spend six months in a labor camp, according to a sigrniticant plank in the Nazi educational program. So far the otfer is voluntary, but it is expected that the government even- ually will make it compulsory. Many graduates already are availing them- selves of the opportunity, as attend- ance in the camps doubtless will en- hiance their chances of matriculation in a university. Teaching the Blind to Read It is noteworthy that the first ef- forts to enable the blind to read b^.? t in 1617, just 6 years after the King James version of the Bible was first published. Various systems of raised letters were used. Progress was slow at first. In 1S32 the Gospel of St. John was pub- lished in a system of raised Roman letters and by 1S40 the Bible was com- pleted in that system. Braille, the system finally adopted and at present universally in use, was invented by a blind musician of France, named Louis Braille. This dotted system, which may be written as well as read by the blind, is now completely printed in universal Braille and is distributed by the Braille Bible Society Incorporated of Los Angeles. It is comprised of 21 volumes, and al- though costing IS a volume to produce, is distributed at the price of Jl per volum - Three Varieties of Milk Offered in Paris Park Pai-is. â€" Frequenters of the Bois de Boulogne have revived the old-time fad of taking "the milk cure," which h? been recommended by leading doc- tors. A selected herd of cows is pastured in a section of the famous park ad- joining one of the popular race ti-acks. The drinking salon is constructed with walls of plate gU\ss to enable the clients to see the milking operation. For patients suffering from stc- n! trouble, milk from Syrian asses is on tap at this establishment and goats have been imported from Swit- zerland to pronde milk for invalid chi'idren. Surgl'ai cleanliness is ob- served in the hamtiir.g of the milk. Farming 20,C»00 Yeaurs Ago raicstine liad its busy fanners 20,- OCO years ugo. Dr. '.Jecrge Grant Mc- Cuvdy of Yale University wakes this declaj-ation lo the American Philoso- p'ldcai Society ht Philadelphia. This carries the famiing m&n twice as far back as did the Ncc'ithic man. Dr. Grar.t exhibits skclctions of thete long- headed, stoopir.g Palestinian planters. The university's expe<Htio". brings bac'ic the most primitive .Mckies ever seen â€" First farmers cut thoir grain with sharpened flints P.tted to a crook- ed stick. BIBLES for the BLIND iKINO JAMCS V3GKSIO!r) DUtribntea lu BrniUe Witn the Aid oi PhUanthroiiy V :,intary cosr.rii uiions app.-eci:\lod. Special rriee: $! poi- vol::n>c, $:'l o-j!>u>lett'. B&AII-I-E BIB=.£ SOCIETY, Inc. 739 North Vermont Ave., ton Anjelm. Calllornj.i. IT WHO WANTS TO RIPE? The Bolu, Turkey, police have re- duced the speed limit of motor ve- hicles to three miles an hour, and taxt5 now cruis,>, -CT.i.'.j 1;^;:.^. -^w p,v« up passengers who are rushing past them on fot^t. Ships 35,000 Tons Matches Mo:e than 35.000 tons of raatihes wer« shipped from Sweden in 1931. Women Police Corps Organized in Peiping ' Hong Kong. China. â€" .\cting on thej order of the Ministi'y of Chinese; Ho«Me .\fl'airs in Nanking, the Police College at Peiping ha-s decided to open a class for the training of wo- ' men police. Registration for the en- trance doscti the end of March. The first class will luit exceed .'i\ students. Upon graduation, these stuaenls will oe given j>H>s in the local Hi'i 1 -'f Public Safety. The college vcciived tin order from Nan kinjr to open its doors to women .stu- dents last year, but owing to the lack of dorniiloiy facilities it was unahlf to can- It the order at once. The Friend of Every Mother l^^^V *^%i»* Values Her Children's Skin Health Price 2jc, SOURED ON THE WORLO?-THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile â€" No Calomel necessary M.'*o» pcoi>le who fwl sour. •lacgiuli and generally wr*t.'hej maJie the mistalke of taking ».â- \l'^ oil, niinwiU vnter. lavati\e ciiuiy or <-he«in« cum. or rouittiac* which oiil>' mov« the boeui and ioiiore the li\'er. Whftt \ou ne»J ig to w«k« up your liv«t ,..„•. CHu.* vour liver pounng the 'daily two V>ouuds of liquid hile into your t>o»e!fi. Get %o ir atomaoh and in?e#;-n«» woriung a* tbty ah.MtkJ. once more. I'arier'a Linle I.ivat Pill* will aoon 81 to» up. Purely vegetable. l**fe S-jre. VJiiick. Aai( '.>T 'hecn bv na'na^ Krluee aubeutuMa Soe. at all druggiala. tl Calgarj-. â€" A revival of g'lider fl}"ing 'â- vi;i 'oe seen her-i this summer as the result of the inttrrtions cf aviatioji enthusiasts to org^anize a Glider Club. Two years ago this type of flying was popular here. "Only by united action can there be established general contentment and eventually universal proeperity." â€"Henry Morgenthau. FBarr axo inxK HsxsAJiT. 1 5 POUNDS PRINT OR SILK QUItX- ING Remnants, t2; 2 pounda 60a A. ilcCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. GliASIOia BtJIiBS. ISSUE No. l9--'3i Feen-a-mint is the answer. Cleansing action of smaller doses effective be- cause you chew it. At yous druggistsâ€" the safe and scien- tific la.\ative. Feen-a-mint FOR CONSTIPATION FLOWER ING GLADIOLI BULE3 treated. 400 mixed varietSea, J2.0l per 100 postpali. F. \V. Krouse, Guelph Ontario. "NOW I FEEL FULL OF PEP" After taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound That's what hundreds of women say. It steadies the nerves . . . mnkes you eat better . . . sleep better . . . relieves periodic headache and backache . . . makes tiyini^ daya endurable. If you are not as well as you want to be, give this medicine ;« chance to help you. Get a bottle from your druggist today. DOCTORING YOUR DAIRY HERD Cows aren't machine?. They can get sick or hurt. But Minard's Liniment makes it easy to care for their ills. Mrs. Thos. Bulmer of Lardo, B.C., found one of her herd with a lump in her udder. "I rubbed it with Minard's Liniment", she says, "and it soon got better." Minard's is best for Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Distemper, etc., and equally good in stable or in house. 'Well named "King: of Pain". it FREE SAVE 51^ ON REGULAR PRICES S^»f Tub hso CakPan 15 Pfc Plate 15 SHELL CAKE PAN and Equal Shaw PIE PtATE wtiK Special offcf oR->' TOTAL $1-80 $129 oDuro SQUARE laos^TUBS f'. , iji;irzt Tw'Jij ': â-  v^ ?^- You'll Hud that U ii r o SQUARE Tubs lake the muss out of washing because they tit so snug'.y together . . . there's no dripping between tubs. They are more practi- cal in EVERY wav. Mad« by Duro Mctalwares I,iiiiited and ON SALE AT VIAKDWARE & GENERAL STOKES High Educatloa School Bo«u-dt &nd Board* of A.-« iuthorlzed by law to tstabllth INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With th« approval of th» Minister of Educitioa DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may b« conducted In accordance v«ith the regulation* 'tit.«< k/ tha Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION li given in varioua trades. Ths schools and e'aisf s ar« undsr tti« direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application 'or attendanct shoul(< b* of tha school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAiNiNQ, HOVSEHOLO SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE a-a prsvl««d 'or in tha Courses of Study in Public. Separate, Co-.jlnuatiin and Hlftt Schools, Collegiate institutes, 'Vocational Schools a-J DeBartxent*. I Copies of t.i« Regulations issued by the Minister .:f Educstle.i ^av b* ! sbtalned from tho Deputy Minister, Parllame^! Buildirjs, Teront*. j •^ds tc the Principal i

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