HER FAT WAS A BURDEN Now She is Quite Slender Here is another case where the trim, film figure of youth has displaced tha coarse, tat outline oi middle-age. It la » housekeeper Writing. She says â€" "I cannot say whac weight I was, fciit I was very fat â€" a burden to mj â- elf. I have taken three bottles of Kruschen Salts and now I am quite ^lender. I am 66 turned and people take me for 40. I am more than proud of myself. You can take It from me Uiat every word of this is true. I took a teaspoonful In hot water every mori- lag till I used three bottles. Now I only take half a teaspoonful each morning. I cannot recommend the Kruschen Salts enough, for they are worth their weight In gold." â€" (Mrs.) A. H. Fbr generations, wealthy over-weight people have been visiting those Euro- pean Spaa whose waters are recog- nized for their reducing etfrtct. It Is called "taking the cure." Now the formula of Kruschen represents the Ingredient salts of the mineral waters from those far-famed Spas. These Salts combat the cause of fat by assist- ing the Internal organs to perform their functions properly â€" to throw off •ach day those waste products and poisons which. If allpwed to accumu- late, will be converted by the body's chemistry Into fatty tissue. 5. Shorts You know, of course, that due to economic conditions, the Missi8!?ippi j river has for some time past been run nlng only twice a week, and now it is rumored that because of the falling oft in marriage licenses, Nagara Palls will be shut down until business picks up. Shy One â€" "I think marriages are made In Heaven, don't you?" Impatient One â€" "Well, if all men took as long to propose as you do, most of them would ha-e to be." Last Summer, Ole and Jens, who are novices at the game, went fishing. Strangely enough, they happened to hit a good spot and hauled in quite a bunch of whoppers. Ole (as they proceeded to pull up the anchor) â€" "By yee, das fine fishing hole â€" las mark das place ant comb back to-morrow." Then as they neared the shore, OIj asked: Ole â€" "Did you marV das place where TO caught dose fish?" Jens â€" "You bet. Ay poot cross mark on da dide da boat." Ole â€" "Well, linkhead, how do you know we'll get das same boat to-mor- Golfballs were first made with horse- rfilde cases stuffed with feathers. Providing policemen to do duty at Piccadilly Circus costs $50,000 a year. Frowning causes wrinkles, because It brings Into play some fifty muscles 9t the face. Pilfering Is said to hare caused the Bouth Wales coal Industry a loss of (1,250,000 last year. liondon has 155,000 lonely i>eople, of both sexes, mostly living In homes •onsistlng of one room. C!obra venom Is only fatal If inject- ed Into the blood stream; It Is quite harmless when swallowed. Register office marriages grow more popular in the Unite.' Kingdom every fear. There were 100,000 such unions In 1932. For more than ten years Rutland England's smallest county, has had no civil cases or prisoners for trial at her assizes. Rheumatism Is responsible tor 45,000 deaths a year in Gt. Britain. Printed weather forecasts for the next twenty-four tours will be sup- plied by automatic machines to be in- stalled in Frankfurt, Germany. In an up-to-date factory, shoes go through as many as 120 different oper- ations, and are worked on or Sandled ky as many different people. Five of the Church of England bishops are bachelors. They are the Bishops of London, Winchester, Ox- ford, Salisbury, and Truro. Dog licences brought in a revenue of nearly $500,000 in London alone in a recent year. There are about 3,500,000 dogs altogether in England. Building societies are estimated to feare provided £200,000,000 during the last twenty years to build houses in London and the south of England. . Gt. Britain's food supply is getting safer. Out of some 136,000 samples tested last year by analysts, only 4.6 per cent, were shown to be below •tandard or adulterated. So great is the increase of the num- ^ber of bison In the official game sanct- uary in Canada, that 1,200 of these animals were recently slaughtered and their flesh sold for food. Supplies for London's Post Office are bought in enoraious quantities, last year's purchases including 600,000 yards of cloth for uniforms, etc., 1,000,- 000 yards of canvas for mailbags, and 800 tons of string. « Turkish Chief Displeased At Deputy's Arabic Name To reach the heart of others, speak and act from your own. Our private statistician reports that girls with steady jobs scored remark- ably high matrimonially during the re- cent leap year. LASTS 1^ Plug Tobacco smokes slowly in the pipe bowl. It lasts H longer and cuts the cost of smoking. LONGER DIXIE ONLY 20^" A BIG PLUG An Englishman, a Scot, and an Irishman appeared at a police-court following a night out. Addressing the Englishman, the magistrate said: "How do you feel?" "Awful, sir." "Well, take seven days' rest." And then to the Scot: "How do you feel?" "Grand, sir." "Seven days to cool your ardour." And then to the Irishman: "How do you feel?" "Sure, just like a piece of elashtlc." "What do you mean by that?" "Well, I know I'm in for a stretch, but I don't know the lingth yet." Teacher â€" "Just what is wisdom?" Boy (whose older brother had just finished a course in medicine) â€" "I know. It's Information on the brain." Horizontal 1 â€" Anglo-Saxon money 4â€" Part of "to be" 6 â€" Broader 11â€" To go to bed 13 â€" Wanderer 15â€" Part of "to be" 16â€" Ends (Lat. plural) 18 â€" To leave 19 â€" Musical note 21 â€" Eager 22â€" True-hearted 24â€" Fowls 26â€" Unit of energy (pi.) 28â€" Nothing 29â€" Order 31 â€" Cloth measure (pi.) 33â€" Negative 34â€" Title 36â€" Erodes 38â€" Prefix: oft 40 â€" Unites - 42â€" Matched 45 â€" Obscure 47 â€" Chums 40â€" Nevada City 50 â€" Ancient American race 52â€" Colloquial: beats 54 â€" Greek letter 55 â€" Exists 56â€" Kind of wool 59 â€" Sun god 61- Fright 63â€" Freed 65 â€" Great depths of ocean (pi.) 66 â€" Latin for "and" 6T â€" Unusual Vertical 1â€" Eye 2 â€" Shortened 3â€" By 4 â€" Space 5 â€" To unite 6 â€" To squirm 7â€" Electrified particle 8 â€" Irish parliament 3â€" Type unit 10â€" To get back ICâ€" Pronoun 14 â€" Man's name 17â€" In addition 20- Dye 2:3 â€" Type measure 24 â€" Pronoun 25 â€" Caledonian 27 â€" Bridge score 30â€" Tour 32 â€" Heavenly body 36 â€" Merchants 37â€" To dam 38 â€" Concede as true 39â€" Prejudiced 41 â€" European 43 â€" Became useful 44â€" To act 46 â€" Possessive pronoun 48 â€" Grin 61 â€" Land measures 53 â€" Chimney carbon 67 â€" Jump 53- Toward 60 â€" To unite 62 â€" Musical note 64â€" Therefore Drunk (optimistically)â€" "How long is it gon' to take to buil' tha' subway?" Engineer â€" "Eight years." Drunkâ€" "Eight year! (hie) T' 'ell with it. I'll take a taxi." pink Edith â€" "Did you see those bloomers we just passed?" Jack (excitedly) â€" "Where? Where?" Edith â€" "In the florist's windows." "Dad," said little Tommy, "teacher told us that the olive branch is the emblem of peace. What is the em- blem of war?" "Orange blossom." Physicians will testify to the fact that thousands of their patients, by indulging an insatiable appetite, have eaten themselves into an untimely grave.' Perhaps it was this thought that concerned the old colored woman in the story. This colored mammy viewed with misgivings the great amount of sugar cane being eaten by her six-year-old grandson. Eventually she warned the boy: "Chile, ain't Ah done dor yo' time an' agin dat youse eatin' too much cane? Don't yo' know, chile, dat cane killed Abel?" London Department Store Has Successful Book Week London. â€" Harrods, London's lead- ing department store, had for the first time, a Book Week this month, with appearances by leading British authors and some American writers. So great was the rush that all 700-Mne-An-Hour Wind In English Tunnel The newly constructed tunnel at the National Physicial Laboratory, Teddington, near London, will pro- duce a -wind with a velocity of 700 miles an hour, thereby beating nature, who record so far is only UC. This tunnel is not entirely for aviation ex- perimentation, but to gain important improvements in the range and ac- curacy of shell and rifle fire. When the blast of compressed air is turned on it will exert for twenty minutes a pressure of 5,0(K) tons on the giant castings at both ends. The h:ghest velocity recorded of a project- ile is under 700 miles an hour, so the new tunnel will render it possible for the first time for wind resistance to be measured at speeds closely approxi- mating to the highest muzzle veloci- ties obtainable. As a result, research workers will be able to obtain exact data on the relative merits of projectiles con- structed with various modifications to erlsting standard shapes. Instead of elaborate and costly gun- fire trials with projectiles, th" whole work will be performed in the labora- tory. The air will rush past the shell instead of the shell rushing through the air. The chief directions in which im- provement may be expected are in in- creased rang© in the case of shellfire and g^reater resistance to "drift," due to a sideways wind, in the case of rifle fire. In the latter case, it will be pos- sible to reproduce the effect. of a lat- eral wind of any desired strength by placing the bullet to be tested at a small angle to the 700-niiles-an-hour "gale." C< It is hope aloue which purifies: to be without hope is to be without God In the world. â€" F. D. Maurice. « The world is all gates, all opportuni- ties, strings of tension waiting to be struck. â€" Emerson. Answers to Last Week Puzzle . P -â- E ^. R IE lA First Internal Air Service To Start in United Kingdom London. â€" The first company form- ed in the United Kingdom to operate an internal air service came Into be- ing on March 25th with registration of Highland Airways, Limited, which obtained commercial flying rights in Northern Scotland. Planes of the company, whldi will start Its service on May 5, will fly between Inverness, points In the tar north of Scotland and the Orkney Islands, carrying passengers and mall. Its time-table will l)e arrang- ed BO business men may leave In- verness in the morning, visit the Orkneys and return the evening of the Vme day. At present the trip re<iuires three days. The distance- between Inverness and Kirkwall, the principal town in the Orkneys. Is about 130 mile?. Classified Advertising BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIZS. Improvised Incubator Saved Baby Born on Pacific Liner Liverpool.â€" Two babies were born in the Pacific liner Orcoma, which arrived from a 4,000-mile voyage from Valparaiso. The first weighed only three pounds at birth, and its lite was saved by means of an Incubator fabricated hur- riedly from an old sugar bo.x. The incubator, made by Chips, the carpenter, had a glass top, and was kept at a contant temperature from the tropics of Santander, Spain, where the baby was landed. The infttnt was fed with milk from a fountain pen filler. PATENTS. AN OFFER TO EVERY I.N' V^NTDR. List of wanted Inventions ana full Information sent free. The Bam::a7 Com- PU17, W^rld Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. SEKNAirTS POUNDS LAR<.;£: PRIN-: OR SILK guUtlng Remnants, $1.50; 1:5 pounds J3.00. A. McCreery Co., Chat'Aam, r ..t. 10 CBICK8. North Caroline Elxecutive Serves Town Without Pay Garysburg, N.C. â€" This little town long ago decided that municipal elec- tions were a wasteful extravagance, and now boasts of the greatest politi- cal oligarchy in the United States. Nineteen years ago Mayor Will H. Joyner was elected to ofllce for the usual term of two years. W^hen his | term was nearing an end people began ] to talk about the approaching election, but JIayor Joyner argued them out of that. "Why have an election?" he asked. "Aren't things going on all right? Why not let the present administra- tion continue in power? As long as things are going along all right there is no need for all the expense of an election every two years. It looks to me like a deliberate waste of money. This sounded sensible to the citizens and Mr. Joyner and the four Aldermen continued to serve. In time some of the Aldermen died, moved away or re- signed, and Mayor Joyner appointed others to take their places. The Mayor's job carries no salary. .^ To conquer with arms is to make only a temporary conquest; to conquer the world by earning its esteem Is a permanent conquest. â€" Woodrow Wil- son. EGG POOL Operated for tlie Beneflt of Produceri 'V\'rlte for Particulars. UinTED FASMERS CO-OPEBATIVB CO. I^TS., TOBONTO soured on the world?-that;s liver Wake up your Liver Bile â€" No Calomel necessary ManT people who feel sour, Blusfiisb nnd (eneraliv ii-rctc!ie.l make ihe mistake of tiiking â- alte, oU, miuoral water, laxative candy or obewins eum, or roushage which only move the bow-ela and isnore the liver. What you need is to wake up your liver bilo. Start vour liver pouring the daily two poundo of liiiuid bile into your tx>wela. Get your atomach and intestiDce voridDg ae they â- hould, once more. jr Carters Little Liver Fills will soon 8x yoa np. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask (or them by name. Hefuse subetituteik Ve. at all dnuui^sta. SI I sales records were broken in the ' Adana, Turkey. â€" Turks living along the path of Mustapha Kemal's whirl- irind personal inspection trip of the ccuntry have learned an answer to Shakespeare's query anent names. . <.".â„¢ .^^u,,.., ..^.„ „.«- ^ â€" j The Ghazi's trip was fundamentally book department and urgent orders 1 sent to publishers for further sup- plies. "The sales showed that the pub- lic is hungry for books,' declared a director of the store. "People are re«ding more. They are turning to books as a comfort and recreation after the hustle and strenuous activi- ty of the working day. . . ." Gilbert Frankau and Stephen, who appeared on the opening day, were kept busy for two hours autograph- ing copies of their bookjs. Other 110 Blood Transfusions an economic survey, but he did not forget his passion for making all things Turkish. Meeting the Adana deputy, Zaniir Bey, here, Kemal told him that he didn't like the Arabic sound of his name and bade him change it at once to the Turkish form of Damar Bey. i Zamir ran with his birth certificate to the City Hall and came back Damar. * Advertising Attracts Tourists to Wales authors' who appeared were Marlon ('ran. Jan and Cora Gordon. A. O- Street, A. J. Cronin. H. C. Armstrong and Walter Wilkinson. .!• lllandudno, Wales. - blandiidno Towu Improvement Association le co- operating with the Colwyn Bay Ad- vertising Association In a campaiffD to advertise th«ir rommunlties joint- The hair of Miss Geraldlne Niche. Jy In the press and uther mediums. • Highland. Whimple evon, England. ' which measures live feet and six The decision follows a recent an- nouncement by the Portmadoc Town 'Adverticlng Association that preae •dvertising scheme.1 sponsored by the Korth Wales Board and the i^iinbri.nn .fteaorts Association had increased Portniaiioc's visitors last year by 20 per cent over the previous year. Inches In length. Is considered the ' most beautiful in all Rurope. 1 » The be.st conduct a man can adopt is that which gains him the esteem cf others without depriving bim of own,â€" Talmud. his Blood of many strangers In his veins. George JViibie of Mis- souri is back at work alter 110 Mood transfusions. Over 400 per- sona submitted sa^iples. CANADIAN FUR M EXCHANGE, Ltd. ROSENTHAL, Merr. For Dept. 158 King St. East, Toronto 2 MUSKR ATS Xaatern Ontario iClioi.-*- Or>l. -Heavy 1.00 to .80 .80 to .75 .76 to .65 j .65 to .55 .60 to .50 \ .50 to .40 Small .40 to .30 ; .25 to .30 W»at*rn ana Worthero Ontario t i;iioi-'e ._>!â- '!. -Hca\ > E.xtra Large..., .80 to .75 .65 to .00 Large ' .65 to .55 .55 to .46 Medium 1 .50 to .40 .40 to .30 Small ' .30 to .25 .35 to .20 BHXPPXHa UrSTBUCTIOirS Make shipments up to 15 Ib.s. by Parcel Post, larger shipments by Kxpress. Do not use heavy boxes for packing:. Have your .Muskrats dried and stretched so tliev will not spoil In tran.xit. Address all " shipments to CAN ADL\N FUK EXCHANtJE, Ltd.. 158 King St. East. Toronttr. IVtalled quotations on all grailes of furs an.i quotations on TRAI'S ; J MU9K- n AT STKKTi'HKRS will be sent to ; on free up*>n rofiuest. AI.I. nKMITT.NNOES ARE M VOE THK S\MK PAY YOflt .<?llirMKNTS .4RK RRORIVKD IN (IKR \V AItEIT<M-SE. BV PANK MONEY <>R1>BR. TAYVULK .^T lAll A.VYWHEKt; l.N <.ANAU.\. BLOOD TESTED CHICKS, BRED TO lay. Guaranteed HIg-hest Quality, uom the best laying strains. Large English White Leghorns, Sc; Barred Ply- mouth Rocks, ^'hlte Rocks, 8.C. Rho.le Island Reds and White Wyandottea, 9e.- All large bodied birds. All eggs gat average over 25 oz. to the dozea Ternia: remit what you please with order, bal- ance C.O.D. Sunny P.ldge Poultry Farm, Box W, Essex. Ontario. BtTSimESS OPPOBTUHITrBS. ROO.MING HOUSE BUSINES.-5. FINB home. Immaculately kept, fully !"ent- ed business roomers; good living assureo." Sell contents reasonable. Honiestc.u, t College, Toronto. ) -a-fTELL PAYING ROOMING Hul.SEl W In good locality. Dairy produc* business, profitable year-round proposi- tion. Business Service Bureau. .1 Adelaide West. Tu-cnti-. AQENTS WAHTBD. AGENTS TO HANDLE FAST-SELj.,^ ING, attractive packets tested g;ir« ,oe,l Handsome proflts. Exelusiv* den seed. Handsome profits, territories. Standard Seed Sale; Wellington St, West, Toronto. And herein lies the tragedy of llie^ age; not that men are poor, â€" all men.^ know something of poverty; not that" raen are wickedâ€" who Is good? not that men are ignorantâ€" what is trutht Nay, but that men know bo little of men.â€" David Grayson. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors Write at once for our barsatn li.sl â- f used motorcycles. Teri'is arrai-^c.:. I UNHEALTHY FAT Quickly and Surely Disappears Send For This FREE Booklet: Read this Interesting booklet entitled 'Th* Sure Road to Slendofr ness." It telli you ho* vou may lose w.'igttt with absolute siitety; â- without tlrejiii.ne •iS'if* else or restrictio.T of diet. Simply -write foj your copy and it will be forwardod in * Slain envelope. ,' urse Wilson REDt;-COR Is olitainabl* only through the head offloj of .Nuis« Wilson Products. NURSE WILSON PRODUCTS Suite 1310A, Concourse Bidg., 100 Adelaide St. West. Toronto RAW FURS WANJEE A few Walking routes are open tor good tcliabi* men under 50 ye:\n of age who can qualify. No capital or expeiirnce reqxiiied. We back you. Sixty-five year reputation and 8,000 successful dealers as8ure>-our success. Productswell known everywhere. You wppiy demand forwoild's larg- fst silling Vanilla, coftee. food products, soapt, cleansers; suples used every day, so depression wont hurt you. Knrnings at itart should aver- age $25.00 to $3.") ai a week. Wiite for full in- formation about vacancy cloiest to you, giving age. tj-pe of car. and farm experience. J. ». WATKINS CO.. Ilural Sale* Oeot. 943 m»p«ctor St.. Montreal. P.Q., Canad.t MONEY FAR YaU 'at home _ YOU can Mm food money m •per* tnne M borne makiogdUplay audu No .eUuig or cenveuing. We inimirt you, funiub com- r plete outfit end supply you with work. Write to^liir for free booklet. . The MENHENITT COMPANY, Lmuted 64- Dominioo Bldg., Toto oto, Ont. ' :.â- â- â- â- â- 1 â- â- â- â- - REDUCE FAT SAFELY Deden hsw n«l alt: "Ooet rtduoe ... but tUfJ h««e Mid: "Df»«tle rniucllic 1» lliluri»ui • tealHl " R«dooe â€" lelety but mnit â€" "'MW JTiTch . .mof w»y 1» UkCEYS BEDUCINa : SUM whirt «o •«• Ml tin dllMtit* iJ'lt" Biat brttM- hetlth It Mtnti I" l*» r»ducin« tn- ' een tlwui Mm. F«t «r.du«lly but •un»ly dls- • eeettn. w« h»y« mtay l»tun uylni: "I "i*â„¢ leM M>tni joundi wid twi brttw ttimn I li»»» tar yf«M. ' L*CEYS li gu«riiilt«e tuu-mltii >»• J h r^osimoidae by t*« mtJi«l »r«««.»iMi. "c * , BOA AT ALU DRUG AND DEPT. STORES. If vou d« â- >< lirt Oftr a drat •tore, "niit t» . L*CEY ». r.O. B«x 2«», ViiK«4f»>r. B.C. Walk* : pr*ttU. Bo^llt, -Ba Slim," fr«« nn riuttu I WHY. BE 0. S.7 (oversize: ISSUE No. HELP FOR TIRED WIVES Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound WlTce ftet Hred durlnit these hard tinie* Thev are the one* who mu«t bear th» hurdvin of the family. When th« bu.iband como» home with teea money In hlK pav envelope ... It U the wife who most etrutile alonft aad make the heet of thinfte. If Tou are tired . . . worn out . . , neryoiia. try LydIa E. FInkham a Veiteta* ble Compound. What you need la a tonIB that nlU 4l»e you the elreDftth to carr» on. as out o( every J0« women who feport to "» nay that they are beneSted by thia medicine. Buy a bottle from vour dru»- tiat today . . ' and watch tha («av^tft>