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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1933, p. 3

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OUR MINING INFORMATION SERVICE ia spaolAUj 4*alfB*d to t*y fca poatad iv *a tk* mlaatj niarkatwia*, .>m4 â- komld p*o«* laTkluabl* to laTcston who wlak «• Iw ad-nsad oX aurkat aava aad eoadltioBa botii affnrataly <uil ap o od H y- Drop aa a tottar asd wo will aaplala. COLUNG & COLLING Momboira Stasdard Btook aad Mintay ^-.chaBra 33 TBHYBKAHCZ BT. TOltOVTC rXOXJS WATXSLXV 4831 xJy . FOBREST- â-  Address communlcatloiis to this 4«partnif>rt, Rood. 420, 73 Adelaide ft West, Toronto. There is bo C»R*di&Ti jport thai h â- ore healthy or invtgoratin«, than 'Atinc. Skiing k a real cutdoer hody ;kiJlder that will tone up the system Ik -short erder. Bevever, like aay '•Iker worthwhile exercise, it »Hst t>e 'ttma with 4hM eonsideration of the ^ysical conation upon startinc. V«cry skiw ^ould learn the funda- Wntal peiEta oa how to step when trm-versing « hill, how to make turns tad how to stoy quickly when travel- IteS at a higk rate of speed. Aayone •an learn to run through wooded bails with 8nfl&:ieRt proficiency that ijBre 14 little danger of accidents, Bonding they master their stem lums and snow plow. liki many other sports skiing is iiTided into several brancLes. The fc|{lauf is the term which applies to t hrafieh in which the chief inter- lies in skiing o« the level and up- climbing. The slalom branch ap- wkere a course is built out on a with flags which the skier mu3t otiate in a series of turns. A sla- race is held on a similar course the skier making the best time to nplete the course successfully is lodged the winner. Then there is apin^, perhaps the ak specta- cular ot all the branches. Jumpers use special wide skiis that have two er three grooves maeh'ned into the running surface. These grotves in- crease the jumper's stability wh<^a landing after taking off. .\t the pres- ent time there are orJy a few proper jumpt in Canada on which the ex- pert skier may try his skill. In most comm i .ities the novices will find within walking distance from their homes numerous gentle slopes that make ideal practice ^oundj. It is here that eviry begin- ner should learn to master the snow plough for stopping or breaking speed OB open slopes. Then the stem turns and lifted stem should be mas- tered. Once these elementary ti'rns are proficiently acquired the beginner Ilia./ try his -kill on some of the sn.aller trails. Readers are invited tct^ write, re- garding the formation of sU clubs, aad to give descriptions of the coun- try on which they are now skiing, or intend to ski. Make descriptions as exact as possible. For example, give the name of nearest town, village or city and approximate dis:ancc to the skiing territory. A rough i.ei.cil map would be helpful. From this infor- mation it will enable us to give sug- gestions for planning interesrng ski runs and the preparatioi. of slalom couises. Good For the Dye Trade Colored waistcoats were worn with areoing dress at a big Londou dinner Tvcently, and the advocates of brlgbt- 'm wear for men have been rejoicing. ' A little prematurely perhaps, for it k not very likely that the fashion will ipread. The black-and-white of con- raationai evening dress makes a good combination, and one in which many van look their best. Moreover, a Iress suit will last for years, whereas |h« average evening frock has a very Ihort "expectation of life." It we once adopted colors In our •â-¼ening-dreea scheme we would al- ways have to be making new pur- ibases, because the "fashionable" col- jn would be always changing. Our ftB& experts would ce© to that. Besides, would the change* stop at jolored waistcoats? In the days when k«ee waistcoats were formerly the modet hero is how a future Premier dreeaed for dinner, as described by one who saw him in all his glory : "A black velvet coat lined with satin, purple trousers with a gold band running down the outside seam, a scarlet waistcoat, long lace ruffles, falling down to the tips of his fingers, white glovee with several brilliant rings out- side them." â€" London "Answers." OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 1 2 3 4 5 (> 1 8 9 10 11 t2~ IT 14 rr- 16 17 lo 19 25" 21 22 !j 24 25 -: ; ' 26 -. i 28 i9 30 31 32 :-â- -â- .â-  . . 53 34 35 36 â- ;â- â-  ',â-  3T 38 â- ^•*''- 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 A6 47 :'^i 4a 49 .}!W 50 51 52 A^ 5- ^A 54 55 56 57 ;'~" 58 59 60 6i 62 63 64 65 66 67 Horizontal 1â€" Resinous subsunce 4â€" Stag© of Insect life 9 â€" Vessel 12 â€" To anoint 13 â€" Observed 14â€" Ibsen character 15â€" Inflicts 17 â€" Small 19â€" Pit 21 â€" Horse 22â€" Withered 24 â€" Quadruped 2$ â€" Greek letter 29â€" Dregs 31â€" Seed 33â€" To put on 34â€" While 35 â€" Cunning 37â€" Obtuse 39 â€" Pronoun 40â€" Cage 42â€" Father (.nicknaui»?» 44â€" To cheat 46â€" Image 48â€" Cup 50 â€" Combat 51â€" To loot 53â€" Loop 55â€" Lucid 67 â€" Knocked til â€" Land measure 62â€" Frosted 64 â€" Prior :o 65- Uniteu 66â€" Feats 67â€" Crude Vertical 1â€" Softly 2â€" Melody 3â€" Grows light 4â€" Dark 5 â€" Green 6â€" By 7 â€" To beJe-jk 8 â€" God of w^^om 9â€" Rough 10â€" Custom 11 â€" To obtain 16 â€" Encourages 18â€" Small amount 20â€" Siege ditch 22â€" Hindu title of respect 23^ â€" Lessened 25 â€" Young animal 27â€" Cloth 58- .A.bout 30 â€" Old times 32â€" N'ervous dfseai* 36 â€" Tuber 38 â€" insects 41 â€" Insinuated â- 43â€" To entitle 45- Musical insirument 47â€" To cut 49 â€" Mocked 52 â€" Feathered animal 64 â€" Runs about 55â€" Rule 56 â€" Indignation 57â€" Cube 59â€" Age 60 â€" Moisture 63â€" Pronoun To Try Radios in Street Car* St. Louis. â€" Street car company of- ficials here are considering placing radios in street cars soon, it was re- vealed by the Public Service Com- pany, operators of the street car sys- tem. The company, it was «ald, plans to install a few radios on one line. If the plan meets with the approval of the riders, others will be installed. Weak Girls and Boys Mrs. Stimpson's Nervous Daughter Helped by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills â€" School Boy Likewise New Strength During 'Teen Age To Try For New Laurels Miss Johanna Koistad, champion woman ski jumper of Norway, â- who arrived last week on board the Cunard liner Aquitania en route to the Norwegian Ski Club In Cary. Illinois, to compete in events there. Afterwards she will continue to Montreal to compete in win- ter sports. Child rens Colds Mother* testify that BABy'S OWN TABLETS are invaluable for children's head colds and feverish colds. •At the first sign of a cold," writes Mrs. Isaac Kellar, 4 Shaftesbury Place. To- tonto, "or if the children have been out fei damp weather, I give Baby's Tablets, and they are all right again the mat day." Ifn. Albert E. Knowles, R. R. i, Gran- 900, Ont., wi-ites: "Baby's Ovm Tab- hta relieve colds so easily â€" I wouldn't ft without tbem if they cost twice as fb>. }amM O'Connor, Godfrey, Ont., «lites: "Baby'k Own Tablets are won- owful for tUlditn'i colds and fever." DR. WILLIAMS- Mrs. Frank A. Tallen, Harrowsmitb, Ont., writes: "It was next to marvel- lous after giving Baby's Own Tablets^ bow quickly the fever disappeared." When you see your child with a cold coming on, don't lose any time in giv- ing Baby's Own Tablet'. They ar« tHective, also, for teething troubtoii colic, constipation, vomiting, sleepleia- oess, and whenever a child Is testless and hsUuI. Absolutely S.\FEâ€" «ce the UMtystt certificate hi each 25 - eat package. Oier 3,:fO,00(} packogis wW M 1931. m BABY'S OWN TABLETS M<U «nd Ke«p Childfn W»ll â€" A« Mothers Know "M y dangiLter was a thin, ner- vous child, 24 p o u n da under weight. Having, been brought up in England, where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are w wide- ly known, I gave them to her, with the result that she is now. at 16, a fine, healthy, lively girl." So writes Mrs. G. Stimpson, Winnipeg, Man. "My broiher, George, had been growing pale, and lost his appetite and could not concentrate on his mechanical studies." writes Joseph Johnston, Edmonton, Alberta. "A neighbor recommended Dr. WiUiams' Pink Fills. George took them regu- larly, and la a week showed great improvement. Since then he has been feeling great, and bas not iieen both- ered by stomach or hea.daches." The teen age is a trying time, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are wonder- fully effective in imparting needed vigor and vitality to growing giris (and boys, too). The Pills actually create an abundance of rich, red blood and this revitalizes exhausted sys- tems. At your druggist's, 60c. 9 A mistress, who :ived down at Straet- ham, S*ld: "Bring me those bulbs, Jane, I'll seatham." The maid. In dismay cried: "Bulbs, did you say, I thought they were onions. I've eatham.'' Owl Laffs I ilo not ask. O Lord, that life may be a pleasant road, I do not ask that thou wouid'st take from me aught of its load, I do not ask my cross to understand. my way to see: Better In darkness just to feel Thy hand and follow Thee. For one thing only. Lord, dear Lord, I pleadâ€" lead me aright. T"uoi;gh strength should falter and though hearts should bleed. Through peace to light. RACES AT61-AND WINS Had not Run for 35 Years KRUSCHEN GAVE HIM HEALTH AND VITAUTY This account ot a veteran's ''come- back" is best given in his cwc. words: "Some three years ago I was suil- denly afflicted with a swelling of my right knee, the pains being so severe that I could not walk. I hsil to crawl upstairs to bed, and then could get no sleep on account of paic. Having led an athletic life, this was a severe blow to me. I tried all aorta of treat- ments, jut with small results. Thrn I decided to try Kruschen. I took a djse in my coffee every morning for a fortnight, and, nnding m small im- provement, I have continued Join; so ever since. "I am happy to state thet I can now walk miles without dilHcuIty. .\« a matter of fact, I recently entered a rtce for Veterans over 40, and, in spite of my 61 years, 'w*lle< away with it' in good time. That was my first race for 35 years. Now I am feeling fine, and .yjst off for a walk- ing holiday. Kruschen Salts have done .-ne so much good that I recom- mend them to all sorts of bodily Lis." â€" W. H. D. By maintaining Nature's "oalance of vital salts in your b.xiy, Kruschen ensures the regular and harmonious operation of your liver and kidneys, so that your inside is gently but com- pletely freed from every prrticle -/t poisonous waste matter. Internal cleanliness mea >:> the cir- culation of <.')ear, reireshei blood tii erery cell of your systen., convert- ing every vein into a tiny orrent of eijergy, filling everj- fibre of you with that "Kruschen Feelirg" of fitness. Kr ischen Salts is obtain-.blt at a.l Stores at 45c. and T5c. per bot- tle. 1; is to be hoped that you are pre- ferred stock in the human market. Doctor â€" "See here, I told you to stick to a vegetable diet and you're eating rabbit." Mr. Sickleighâ€" "It's all right. Doc. This rabbit's the one that ate up xny vegetable garden last summer." "Is your wife changeable, old man?" "I've never tried â€" but I shouldn't thlsk so." Gladys â€" "ilotiier dear. I advertised under a different name that I would like to make the acjuaintanee of a re- fined gentleman with an eye to ro- mance." Mother â€" "Gladys, how awful: Did you get any answers?" Gladye â€" "Only one, from lather." Women are funny. They will spend ho-jrs making up their mind what (irees to wear, and only two seconds Do Yon Know? f t mmmmmmtmm' mm u m That the larfsst university in the British Empire is the I'lnver- »itj ot Toronto, Onterlo? The photograph shows the Memorial Tower •rtcted to nemory ot itudsnts and graduates of the TniversUy wio •I^e4 in tke dr«*t Wftr.-OeoadUtii Katfona! Bailways. A.NiwER TO L .ST PUZZLE V VE £} C'S 0^ y F yiA m L a H J D I S £ L p X I V X k H c R r â-  H A z a X s u H IL â- ff I 1 9 X s A L â- If dI n 4 M 9 K R A â-  v A t| X 9 A L I â- !a I xtax BBe P M X G aIIe £â-  I I B A B A â-  c w I K Z C X T I Ml I ^1 B A r C H X X s I 1 I V p I D A w X T E p I » X E X X X X J. R 9 J_ ± XIS in making up their mind what boy to marry. Head Clerk â€" "Aha! I'm glad to no- tice that you're arriving punctually now, Mr. Slowcombe." Mr. Slowcombe â€" "Yee, sir. I've bought a parrot." Head Clerk â€" "A parrot? What on earth for? I told you to gee an aiarm clock." Mr. Slowcombe â€" "Yes; I did. But after a day or two I got used to it and It didn't wake me. So I got the parrot. And now when I go to bed I fix the alarm clock and put the par- rot's cage on top ot it. What that bird says when the alarm goea oft would wake up anybody. " Knock, and the world knocks with you; boost, and you often find yourself boosting alone. Dessert was being served at the dinner party. The young iady, before eating them, asked the rather deaf clergyman next to her: â- Voung Lady â€" "Do you like banan- as?" Deaf Clergyman ^embarrassed^ â€" "Er-er. no, you see, I still prefer the old-fashioned night shirt." We hear a lot about part time jobs now. And from all the evenings they hav9 to spend alone, a good many wives must think hey've married pan-time husbands. Classified Actvertuing VATXXTa. DE N N I S O N, H. J. S.â€" P.VTE.NTS, Trade Marks, Designs, i.'opyrights. Ail countries. 1007 tfederal Bulidins, Toronto. 4 N offe:r to every is\".sron. .A List oi wanted Invt-r.'ions anj full informal: n seiit free. Hi* Bamamj Com- pany, World Pat*n: Aiturne^"?, -73 H5un:-\ Street. Ottawa, Canada. I Acents wanted. To sell the Houseiioid Fire Fjttingulsher Instant protection for Homes â€" Barns â€" Automobiles. Most pe.-fect fire extin- guishing liq-jld known. Retails onlv tl.'JO. Lib*ral comraisi?'.on. Complete e'ltlng'jisher for sair.ple sent carriage i>ii:'l '°~ JIOO. Til* Konsahold Fir* Sxtiiiriiiaher Co. 680 Bar St.. Toronto STORIES ARE WANTED Well written storirs hrd a -ly market today. The M.'Kishnie Course of Instruction for l^ome study pur- poses will develop ;-our creative power and lead you to -iUvc -Fo. Write ♦ or Free .Ability Tes;. BKAW SCHOOLS, Llsuted, Bcpt. a, 1130 Bay Streat. Toronto Boss I, trying to trip his office boy) â€" "What is the difference between the bull and the ox '.'" Office Boyâ€" "The b-jll ia the ca:f3 father." Boss â€" "But the ox?' Offioe Boy â€" "The ci is the calf's uncle." Heaven to a girl would be having 30 many clothes ehe couldn't decide what to wear, but to a bey it would be hav- ing so many girls that he couldn't make up bis mind wbicit one to call up. Highest Price Paid for vjr-^sed a:»d li'-t -ouitr:-' a'ld *?giJ5. Correspondence sci:c:ted. EASTERN FARM PRODUCTS CO.. 423 St Paul Srre«t 'Baat Montreal. Qtt.*. Scientific Safe The class bad been instructed tc write an es3;iy on Winter. Before they began the teacher gave tbem a few hints, and among Dther things he sug- gested that they might lB*Tt)duoe a short paragraph on migration. One child's attempt read as follow-^: "In winter it is very cold. Many old peofle die in winter and many birds also go to a warmer climate.'' One thing worse than being poor and having to work is being poor and not having any w-crk to do. ^ ^ Thoiig'a marketed coudiiions were unfavourable last year, tbe catch of whiteBsh from the Dominion's fresh water flsherlee was nearly 15,S00,00O pounds. A large part of Canada's an- nual whiteSsh landings la exported to the United States. Attention We spe^alize in cecuritlee which •re traded In on the various stock exchanges end have a real winner t« tell you about shortly. Write only It you want to know. NORTH BRITISH INVESTMENTS LTD. toe B.AV STREET, Toronto. Ont. ISSUE No. 33 FOR CONSTIPATION pieen ariniiit FOR GROWING CHILDREN Insure sound and vigorous health Give them SCOTT'S EMULSION /ja> of Norwegian /^ Cod Liver Oil '• '\^ Rich in Vitamins A and D OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up vour Liver Bile â€"Without Calomel Tour Hvtr's a rtry gn:*.'! or^nn, but it c-cr- t&inly can put your diKeettv« and cliaiijifttiw ornn3 out of kitler. by r^fucin^ xo pour out ite d*uy iwo pounds of Ut^uid bile jxxq your bowels Tou won't completely correct sui'h m conditiott by taking MU'tftoU.nunerAlw&tcv. laxative c*sdy «r cbewiiLf cum. or rou^hac**- When tb<?y'T« â- OTvd jour bowels they re through â€" and yom wttA % Uver timulant. Carter'* Little Liver PtHs w-ll soon bring beck ibe mnshuie into your hfe. The> 're purely vrg^ tebk- Sftff. Sure A»k for "Jieni b> name ;tefii«» â- hifitmm. 26c at&Udmggi^is. in When Your Daughter CcHnes to Womanhood Give Her Lydia E. Pinkluvai's Vegetable Compound Mo6t ^irls in their teens need • tonic and regulator. Give your daughter Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for the next few months. Teach her how ta guard her health at this critical time. ^tVhen she is a L«ppy, healthy wife aod mother »be will tbanii

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