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Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1932, p. 7

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\.--J OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE + Do You Know? + That It was in this old ivy mantled store near Victoria, British Columbia, that Robert W. Service, world famous as the poet of the Klociilike, wrote his first accepted poem, He was then employed as a clerk in the store and lived in an attic bedroom above it. The present owners of the property are preserving the building as an historical monument. â€" Photograph, Canadian National Railways. SOUR STOMACH Horizontal 1 â€" Ladies 6 â€" Homeless wan- derers. 11â€" Charm 13â€" Finally 14 â€" Higher 15 â€" Those suffer- ing for faith 17 â€" Article 18 â€" Modern 20â€" French River 21 â€" Musical piece 22â€" Gin 24 â€" Beverage 25â€" To unite 26â€" Son of Seth 28 â€" Narrow 30â€" Targets 32 â€" Spikes of grain 33â€" Black 35â€" To defile 37â€" Kitchen ves- sels 38â€" Roll of hair 40â€" Want 42 â€" Floor covering 43â€" Petalning to court 45 â€" To understand 46 â€" Exists 47 â€" Sharp cornered 49â€" Sun god BO â€" Releases 62 â€" Merchant B4 â€" Revises 66 â€" D:scards Vertical 1â€" To I w 2 â€" Electrical unit 3 â€" Greek letter 4 â€" Tree 6 â€" Sea mammal 6 â€" Article of the same class 7 â€" Beast of bur- den 8 â€" Pronoun 9 â€" Boast 10â€" Church body 12â€" Jog 13 â€" Harp shaped 16â€" Bonds 19 â€" Lacking 21â€" Flowers 23â€" Rhymsters 25 â€" Nobleman 27â€" Dry 23â€" Old war Instru- ment 31â€" Shakes 33â€" Ceased 34 â€" River of Japan 30 â€" Grinned malici- ously 37 â€" Self-respect 39 â€" Combat 41 â€" Loved ones 43 â€" Insects 44 â€" Vehicles 47 â€" Island 48â€" Cheer 51 â€" Note of scale 53â€" Prefix: down Great Vahie in either of these â€" Red Rose Tea Red Label, 25c. ill. Orange Pekoe, 38c. ilb. They never let you down AccountanU of U.K. To Have Branch Here International Corporation to Operate in Canada The In'eniutionul Accountants and Elxecutives Corporation uf Great Bri- tain, an examining body for account- ants and office executives with more than 6,000 members In 93 countries, 1b now to actively operate In Canada. According to the founder and interna- tional president, liie society is the second largest of its kind in the I'.ri- Ush Empire, the Chartered .Arcnuut- ants of England holding first place with about 9,000 members. It Is in- tended to carry on the international work here through the aew organiza- tion, the International Accountants and Executives Corporation of Canada. The petition on behalf of the Eng- lish body for a dominion charter was lodged at Ottawa by Col. Reg. Geary, K.C., M.P. of Toronto. Classified Advertising * .Si ori'iiiit TO tviiny inve.ntor. ^It r.lst of wanted inventions and 'ull iiformatlon sent trtt. Tl>« Bamiay Com- anjr. World Patent Aiiorneys. Z~Z Hank .Street. Ottawa, Canada. RI'-,.MEDIK.S KOK AI.L SlOK.N'ESMEil Write M:s. .Anna Penner. SOS Burua .St.. Winnipeg, ilan. WOMAN LOSES 28 lbs. Trips Upstairs Like a 2-Year-Old A woman writes: â€" "Three months ago, after much argument, I was per- suaded against my will to try Krus- Chen Salts to reduce my weight, which was 222 lbs. I had tried other things, but all to no avail. After three weeks of Krusclien I had lost 5 lbs. 4 ozs., and I felt five years younger. I really must say I feel a different wo- man. My age is 37 years. I have now lost 28 lbs. to date, and while be- fore, to go upstairs was a great effort, now, as my husband says, I trip up like a two-year-old." â€" (Mrs.) S. G. B. Kruschen Salts keep the system free from, encumbering waste matter. Un- less this wastage is regularly expelled it will give rise to rheumatic and other body poisons. And Nature is liable to tako the defensive measure of storing this poison-breeding material out of the way In the form of fatty tissue. Unlike most salts, Kruschen Is not merely a laxative. It Is a combination of six salts which have a tonic in- fluence upon every organ, gland, nerve and fibre of your body. What New York Is Wearing Illustrated Dycasmaking Lcs8<m Fur- nished Wi'h Evcnj Pattern be finished with rolled hems or trim- med with lace. For those who prefer silk crepe de chine wears surprisingly well. The fleshpink shade is girlish and pretty. Style No. 2980 is designed for sizes S. 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2 yards 39-inch and Iri yards edging. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name at>'' address plain- ly, giving number' and sii.e of such patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in .'tauips or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your orde^ to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE s T A C K F I L E F c H S E U A N I M u S R w P L E A S w T I R E D N L E T H E R E P E V E s L I N S 3 S g W E D M D E S T Y c A R S H V A B A Ri R '.V S M w. E L S H : A M W S T, 3 17 'p M R T A S U N^ L E E R s N D 1 S I S T R I A L W E s E C E D E S T L E S S E N P R M E T E D -' Looking Forward That the Scots have not sole claim to canniness was strikingly displayed last week, when Guiseppe Canzona of Peoria, lUinuis, taking advantage of the reduced ocean fares, entered the Montreal oflices of the Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines and demand- ed ten round-trip tickets, good for the ensuing ten years, to his native land, Italy. The best the company could do was to meet Guiseppe half way and book him for the next five years, prov- ing again that time nor railway trans- portation remain stationary. Mr. Canzona has well earned his an- nual holiday, having amassed his lit- tle fortune during the past twenty years through the help of a street piano-on-wheels, which accompanied him on his tr?.veis throughout the large cities and small hamlets of the middls; -est. By keeping his up- to-the-ii:oment he pleased the public's demand for the latest and Is now reap- ing the reward of a winter holiday in sunny Italy. GROWEKS .SI'Rl'Li:S HAHDT FlowtrinB Sliiiibs. Each. Spireo. biiitzea, Hydrain;«-ii, Honeysuckle. For» svtlila, 6, poKiiKiul. dollar. Order now. â-  \rcadlan .N'nvirii-^. iMllngton . Ontario. FOSMUXiA. ANV Koit.viji.A, $i.ot e.\i:h. write Midland Laboratory. 308 Burns St.. WinnipeK. M.m Earn $35 Weekly noi^' GROWINa MUSHROOMS TOR US -'.,-1. KtM Ktcxri. Vltttf tr«»h u«»«M«r w.«K*^~ .1 niin crit**. Ki:U nariiculftn mCt. ld*ol Mushr««m Ce-.Otpt. 3o l&llnflten.Ont. IDLENESS The busy man has few idle visitors; to the boiling pot the flies come not. ^Benjamin Franklin. There is a system of numbering eggs in Denmark which enables deal- ers to trace them back to the farms from which they came. Let Him Burgle! "Henr:^ " whispered his wife. "I'm convinced there's a burglar down- stai ?." "Woll, my deal," replied her hus- band, drowsily, "i hope you don't ex- pect me to have the courage of your convictions. ' A new anaesthetic is reported to the American Chemical Society. Its full name is hyilrnchloride of piperidinop- ropanediol di-pl!eny!urethane. Dealers in Fuiiires S.R.Mackellar&&. MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 21 Mtlinda St., Toronto, Phone AO. 4911 iA Heaif h ahd Happi- ness Jn Old Age â- i':r^t\ "^'Tabe tKe..---'v-.-.'^^'-.- Vitamin-rich ^ ^^ SCOTT' i EMULSION „ of Norwegian im Cod Liver Oil Builds ^sistance Easy to Digest 9 Get rid of all thAt sourness and gas. End that bilious headache or aoy sluggishness cau.<;eJ by too much acid. Put the stomach and boiicls in good order. Sweeten the whole .system with Phillips* MQk o( Magnesia. Be aure it is this bottle, with the familiar blue wrapper that tells you it i.s geniune Pkillipa' Milk of Magnesia. The substitutes are not the same, and do not get the same results. AiSO IN TABin FOKMi Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now oa mle at drug storcn everywhere. Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teasiioonfii] of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. 2980 Here's a simple slip and pantie set for young daughter. And you can see ior yoursdf, It's "'lild's play to make this practaeal outfit. She can indulge in numberless of d.-\rling sets. T icy will cost co little. For everyday â- wcr.r, batiste is n splendid niediuii.. The upper and lower edges of the slip and pantie logs can Why Worry? Either you are successful or you're not su::cessful. If you are successful there Is nothing to worry about. If you are not successful there are only two things to worry about. Your health is either goc.i or you're sick. If your health is good there's nothing to worry about. If you are sick the; are only two things to wor- ry about â€" you are either going to get well or you're going to die. If you are going to get well there is nothing to worry about. If you are going to die there are only two things to worry about. â- i'ou're either going to heaven â€" or â€" you're not going to heaven. If you are going tr heaven there Is nothlnj to worry about. If you aro going to ' the other place, you'll be so busy shak- ing hands with old friends you won't have time to worry. So why worry? â€" * Mapping by Photography Ottawa. â€" The camera has been uscii by the Topographical Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior, as a means of gathering topographical data In the fleld for mapping purposes for the past forty years. Drawing and Painting Write for Free Copy of 100 Page Catalogue Artists" Matciials with ini.tructions on Block Printing, Leatherwork and Silk Art. Also I'lioto Coloring Outfit. Reeves <£. Sons. Simcoe St., Toronto too^ for the Name D« PLUMBS. PERFECT PI PEi The name is stamped on the bowl of every genuine Dr. Plumb's Pipe and the word "PLUMB" is impress- ed in while on the rubber mouthpiece. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Many diffmnnl mod- •/* to choose from Well Children "Occasionallv I give each of my five children B.VbY'S OWN TABLETSâ€" 1 am sure that is why they never have any serious illness", writes Mrs. George Morley, Yarkcr, Ont. This sound ad- vice is passed on to all Mothers. BABY'S OWN TABLETS can be given with complete safety to the youngest and most delicate childâ€" sec analyst's statement in each 23c package. Recom- rocniled by mothers for teething troubles, simple fevers, colic, digestive disorders, con.stipation, fretfutoess. Easy to take as candy. 2« Dr. Williams' BABY'S OWN TABlfet? SOURED ON THE WORLDT-THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile â€" No Calomel necessary Many people who feel Bour. Bluggish and generally wretched make ihe mistake o{ tnkiug â- ifclta, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or ohen-ing sum, or rougiiaga which oqIv niov« the bowtuB and ignore tlie liver. What you need is to wake up yo\ir liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounda of liquid bile into your bowel*. Get your stomach and iutcetiuea working aa tbey •hould, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix yon up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. UefuM subetituteA. 25c. at all druggista. 61 BACKACHE Take Lydia E. Piukhain's Vegetable Compound If your backjtche U the re«ult of ft tired , .' run-down couilltloo. what tou need U LydIa £. rinkbam'a Veitctable Com- pound. For nearly tlxty years backache* and headache* . . . reauttn of (atiftiie . . . ha«« yielded to this marrelous mcdlctne whicb tones up the syRtcni and ftives women re- newed •treoftCh anil cncnLv. If vou arc Mcrrous . . . weak ... or run-dowu It should help you. i 9S out of every 100 women who report to u» say that they are benefited by thla medlctne. Buy a bottle from your drufto tut today . . . and watch the results. ISSUE No. 43â€" '32 PILES RELIEVED It yon aro suffering from bleed- ing. Itching, blind or protruding I'ilos, wo can give you certain re- lief. Our new absorption treat- ment can be applied by yourself, right In your own home. Forward •i.-s your address and w© will send a FREE TREATMENT that will give you ImmtMliate r«- ')ot. Send no money. Let others snow ot this wonderful new treat- ment. VANDERHOOF A CO., . Eox 25 Windsor, Ont I For Sale by Leading Druggist*

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