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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1932, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY. APRIL C. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PvMiihed on ColHuffwood atreet, Klewherton. W*d (*!> of 6Mb week. Circulation orr 1100, Price in Cana.ia ft.OO per year, when paid in advance $1.60. In U. S. A. |t.50 per year when paid in advance f-'.OO W. H. THURSTON. t. J. THURSTOS AMOC. Editor Editor and reach prosperity? Your promisefcl are long past fulfilment. Plenty of snow fell during the past wrok. Is it the last kick of a dying winter? The Canadians will begin to pay the inert-ar.ed Dominion taxation on All Fools Day. Ominous? Government taxes continue to pile up on us and business to decrease, a? When will this sea- HOW THE TAXES Jl Ml'! n consequence. >aw cease ? New V-S Ford To . Be Here Next Week Mr. Alf. Down was in Toronto last week attending a special showing of the ncw Ford V8 car, recently an- nounced. He was accompanied by Mr. J. R. Richards, salesman in the local Ford garage. Mr. Down has given us some data on the new car, the picture of which appears on this page. Numerous mechanical improvements are incorporated in the new car. These embrace a silent, synchronized gear shift and silent second gear, rub- . ber engine mountings, down-draft car- Butl buretor, automatic spark control, fuel take! tank. Other features, include soft flexible springs, self-adjusting hyd- raulic shock absorbers, large mechani- cal four-wheel brakes, small, strong, electrically-welded steep spoke wheels government direct* that another seas-. Lord Rector, who declares he will! yhh , arge hubg and hub capg and ion of Parliament be held in the fall wear his kilts at every convocation and an additional levy be made. But' whether the weather be hot or cold, plainly it seems certain, we are born He dares the unregenerated under once more to be subjected to addit- graduate to pepper his nether ex- icnal taxation. Once upon a time tremities with a pea shooter. we had repeated productions to cheer Last Thursday we were promised The doctors tell us t'rm through one kiss a million flu germs may be the Budget Speech in the Canadian transplanted. We are utterly op- House of Commons. If there was posed to this over-production, not another postponement, we will sometimes one is moved to probably then be told the worst, in chances, the manor of taxation demands for the present year, unless indeed the Glasgow University has a new IF, when the National bill was pre- sented, but there is no such gooi fortune in these days of deficits, spec- ial expenditures and shortage of A statistician has found that 18 out of every 100 motor vehicle accidents large tires. The chassis and running Muriel McMulIen Dies After an extended illness Muriei, the 12 year old daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Fred McMullon, died in the Hos- pital for Sick Children in Toronto on Monday afternoon. She has been .suffering from an incurable illness fo;- several years and a few months ago her condition became critical and she was taken to Toronto for treat- men;. She steadily grew weaker until death came on Monday. Muriel had been a student in the Flesherton public school and was a good scholar. She was popular with the whole school and will be missed. Both the loval school and the Spring- hill school, where she commenced her studies, are closing for the afternoon. The funeral is taking place this Wednesday afternoon. Service is being held in St. John's United Church at 2:30 p.m., with interment taking place in Flesherton cemetery. The sympathy of the entire com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs ; ' tires, rubber insulation and the newly la-t year happened on Sunday. Men. ^j^, phock absorbers . gear are cushioned by rubber insula- Me Mullen in the bereavement they tors in the spring shackles and shock > have suffered, absorber links. The body is insulat- ed from the frame by rubber pads. The riding comfort of the car is due to many factors, but particularly to the new flexible springs, large . and women but more particularly Thc ncw For( , v . g engine is com . SAFETY AND GOOD BUSINESS "The House ol Quality' Specials Pumpkin. 3 tins Kairscx Soap, 3 bars Pork and Beans, 2 tins Kcllogg's Bran Flakes ................................... ............ 10c "Run the wrecks off the road." That in effect is the call sounded by one of the leaders of the National Committee carrying on an anti-hoard- national revenue. And wnatj^ir vtows the former seem to take more chance? ppct an( j remarkably free from vibra- ' ing campaign. "People," he says, may hav e been enters ; rc-d a> to the,i n wrong doing on that day than on tion. Frequent and overlapping im- , "are wearing their motorcars thread- management of the country it is ap- parent that we rnut all make up oui minds to shell out an increased por- j : on of our earnings to keep the gov Kments going. -lived on was the other days of the week. pulses deliver the power in a smooth constant flow. The weather record for March has balanced up the snow fall total for The entrenchment' the year. It has been well to have' not undertaken a 'the winter weather this early. It] moment too soon either at Ottawa 01 ' would be le^s welcome in April. John in Toronto, and many of the muni- Frost will do well to keep out of the cipal councils do well to follow suit lap of spring. For while the money was compara- The engine is of the OO-degree V- type developing 65 brake horsepower bare. What I suspect is that we'll come to a day when the Government will begin to inspect some of the GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS RED CLOVER (No. 1) MAM. CLOVER (No. t) ALSIKE (Xo. 1) TIMOTHY (No. 1) ALFALFA, ONTARIO GROWN (No. 1) SWEET CLOVER (No. 1.) TERMS: Cash. 'Phone :46 JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON r.p.m. The 65-pound crank- ''^rously obsolete automobiles that of the 90-degree type, with j are , racin * U P and down the highways] tively easily got at there was a ten- dency to make it go. One Provin- The North Bay country would be Nugget says much better this oft rial minister indeed was wont to de- w : .th only one half of our present gov- dare that the Provincial government . crning bodies. The Nugget is right. its four cranks at right angles to each other. The new bodies are fresh and mod- ern from the gracefully rounded V- radiator to rear bumper. hood with its rustless steel center and condemn them, in tht name of safety, to the junk pile. When the car becomes a menace to other people. ?trip. the slanting safety glass wind- shield and rounded roof line. Thc convex lamps , full-crowned fenders. had no excuse for big expenditure*. But that half should also be menl om , ,' _ , ow runninK boa,.,! harmonize ''We had the money and so we spent' with some talent for managing big I with the balance of the design. Body interiors are roomy and com- t it should lose its road rights. It The air- . legislation takes these wrecks off tht roads, it will give a big impetus to business." Conditions with regard to dilapidat- ed cars on the highways are not much it" was hi. defence. Now in these business and not amateurs bent lean years they do not have the money; spending millions as a proof to con- and they borrow funds at a high -titucnts that they are alive. The rate of interest and so thp debt piles' tiah" which does not believe that ther t . up and the interest increases and so v.-ill ever conic a "rainy day" should the debt piles up and the taxes in- In- t>la,'ed in tho discard. crease. Ju.-t think how the taxe^ ; "e been laid on siijj-* 1013. Do-' 'axqtMTi. ttie managing direc ofthe Bureau of Municipal re- Special Services Sunday h increased 108 per cent. !' al taxation 880 per cent., ana m.nicipal 189 per i-ent. We cannot cat our cake and have it, too! fortable and richly furnished. Seats of new style, designed for utmost i omfort. Driver seats in all closed ars are adjustable. A large ventil- ator is provided for the cowl. The ->val instrument hoard panel is in ?ngine-ti!rned finish and has a rust- different in Canada, and reduction of their number on the grounds of safety would be a natural spur to business here as well as across the line. EDITORIAL NOTES. On Sunday announcement wa made I;.-.. Hi.ward W. Outerbridge,! M.A., R.I).. S.T.D., D.I)., of Japan would speak in St. John's United Chuiv'i. Fli'-herton, at the morning scrvici- and at Ceylon at 2:30 p.m.' next Sunday, April 10th. Nobody n steel mounting strip. Inside iun visors, which fold out of the way .vhr-n not in use, are provided in all '"-(I cars. Mr. Down expects to have one of the now models on. display next week. The Fergus News-Record is another newspaper which cannot work up any enthusiasm over the Hydro investiga- tion, seeing in it a skilful game of politics.' Whatever it Is, the inves- tigation is on, and the public is await- intr the result. FLOWKRS Ash for Cut Flowers, flowering Dear political IM ccuntry going to Don't merely wish for n big busi- advertise and make your plants and ferns grown by Northern should I miss 'Hrh opportunity o~f hoa7- J wish conic true. ! Xurscric.s. Owen Sound. Funeral , ing one who cornea from the ncene ot Sometimes thp world discovers a 'i.'i;ri'.s and wedding bouquets made ! an interesting world .situation, the man's worth only when its injustice to order. Represented in Flesherton turn that corn -r .v_' ( -|,. Ix-Hvi-cn China and Japan. : has nearly destroyed him. '> W. A. Hawken, Phone 17w. When times are good most muni- cipalities welcome new citizens, but when they are bad some of them are liable to become a liability instead of an asset, and it has been known where municipalities have had to foot the bill for hospital attendance and relief for its new citizens. A bill now be- fore the Legislature provides that hos- pital maintenance charges for indi- gents, who have not been resident in a municipality for a year, might be billed against the last municipality In which he lived that length of time. ' I New Ford V-8 Car Announced Photoi thow (Uft to right): Top, 0* Lut* f ardor StcJin and Tudor Stdan; Lowor. 0* Lui* RoadlUr and V-8 Engin*. The nrw Ford V 8 cylinder rar, tu|>al>li- <>l ', . milrt an hour with n V-8 rnimx- (if <) ; tior -|.i\vrr, It announced by the I'ord Motor Company of Canada, Limited. The fourtwn body type's are of modern streamline deign. The radiator ii Vtha|*vd. Featurr- of the car Include: Synchronized K"<r shilling and silent terond Rear, rubber cnnine mounting, down-draft carburetor and carburetor xilenrrr, automatic Apnrk control nnd a diaphragm I 1 . IM- fuel pump drawing fuel from tb rear tank Other improvement 1 ! Intitule noft, flexible tpriiiK* and a newly- dniicned n-ar tpring; self-adjuitinx, hydraulic, double-actinic shock aboorbcn, smaller wheel- und larger tire) An improved SO honepower 4-cylinder enine may be obtained in any of the 14 body types at Ins curt. Sec the Ncw Ford 8 which we will soon have on diepiny Alf. Down, Flesherton Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST Between Flesherton Sta- tion and Kimberley, via the valley road, on Friday, March 25th a black leather purse, with considerable mon- ey and other valuable papers. Finder ] please leave with or notify Geraldine Weber, Kimberley, or The Advance office. Reward. BULBS FOR SALE For Sale BERKSHIRES Pure Bred En ? - lish young sows and boars, from prize winning stock. Joseph Radlcy. Gladioli bulbs for sale, composed of o^er forty varieties of choicest named in mixture. No finer mixture in the world. Two grades, 35c and 50c per dozen. With each of the lat- ter we will give one bulb of the rare Smokey or Rose Ash varieties. The Advance Office. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT Farm fot . ;;le or rent, Lot 15, S.D.R., Arte- misia. Mr--. John Ferris, Markdalc or H. B. McLean, Priceville. FOR SALE Team for sale; will pell reasonably, also a sow and eight pigs, will sell pigs separately. Phone 11 r 14 W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. The farms of Wilfred Teeter on Toronto Sydcnham road, and the late Price Teeter on east back line. Foi particulars write A. MILLS, box 197, Markdalc. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. Terms $1.00. John Oliver, O.D.R., Arte- mesia. f-. OATS FOR SALE We will havt I a car load of Western Oats this week at He per bu. Cash off car. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 38r3. $1200.00 buys House and Lot with Barn, Hard and soft water, Electric lights and good garden in Flesherton. W. J. W. Armstrong. Flesherton. FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Barred Rock hatching eggs. $2.50 per hun ,| rc ,|. Gordon Wilson, Kimberley, Ontario. FOR SALE 3 Shorthorn bulls eighteen mos., 2 ten months, roan and reds, eligible for registration. Don- ald McMillan, Priceville, phone 49 r 12. EGGS FOR SALE Jersey Black Giants, splendid laying strain. Large brown eggs. Special hard time prices. 50c per setting if called for Apply The Advance. FOR SALE Cement Garage ami garden on Hill St. Fleshertnn $400. Also good building lot for sale on Sydenham, St. W. J. W. Armstrong, Fk-sherton. FOR SALE Set of heavy sleighs, McTavish make $25.; Set discs. Har- rows, Plow, Scraper, Dwrant 1 ton Truck with stake body and extra set of Stock Racks. W. J. W. Arm- strong, Flosherton. FOR RENT 100 acre farm on No. 10 King's Highway, 4H miles south of Flesherton, completely clear- ed, 45 acres fall plowed, good build- ings. Apply to Mrs. Jas. H. Vaiise Proton Station, or to Robt. J. Vause Saugeen Jet., phone Flesh. 32 r 13. FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 2, Con. 8, Osprey. 40 acres cleared, 20 acres hardwood bush balance swamp and pasture. Run- ning water year roung, good drilled well. Also 75 acres south part Ix>t 10, Con. 9, Osprey, 40 acres seeded '.o timothy and alfalfa, 10 acres seeded to pure alfalfa, balance bush and pasture. Orchard, brick house, bank barn, driving shed and hen house, drilled well, with windmill, at door; nbo water in barn. For further particulars apply to -MRS. J. J. HALEY. Eugenia, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Bonr. "Legal Tender", 7 mos. old; TERMS: $1.50, strictly cash. -JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton. HO All FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for r- vlee by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Acrjculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS CEO B. DUNCAN DUNDAJLK UCENSED AUCTIONEER Fvr the County of Grey. Termr 1 per cent. SatufadJoo guarctMd DaU made at The Adrance i- FARM FOR SALE The Executors of th Estate of the lat Robert J. Stock offer for aal W. H Lot 7, 4th Con., Osprey Town- ship, W) acres more or les. On this property is a Frame Barn with Stone foundation, Frame house, well, *nd 10 acred of hardwood. This property luiii-t be sold to close out the Estate. Anyone desiring to buy, apply for further particulrrs to Lira?. Henry & Lu. as, Markdale, or to Dr. R. L. Care- [ foot nnd W.lfmrt " . r : Dr. W. D. Btyct. L. O. S., D. D. S. dental siugaAn, g-wuiuate a/ Unl- '.vrjitj o/ 3fraot. U*a iu^lflltr- ed for eMtxacUaa. QMGto at tfc ral- dnce of Dr. E. C. M** Kbahrt<w. Phon Arthur L4*e, 3,33, A. F. A A. M. roeete In UM BMMO^I- JUU over Kennedy's store. flet^Mcton every FYi Juy on or beforo Uie full moon. W, M., C. Meldrmn; *retrjr, H. A. McCauley. . . , Win. Kaittin*. Ucocwed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Slmcoe Farm nnd stock iale a speciality. Terms moderate satisfaction guar- nntr-eil. All arrangements and datca may be made nt thp Advance office or .

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