A Mother's Anxiety About Her Delicate Daughter "She seems to be fading away," said an anxious mother recently about her daughter. Thousands of mothers could say the d&rme thing. Their daughters endure a trying life robbed of all vitality and brightness. Tneir cheeks are pale; their eyes dull; their step languid and every movement tells of shattered health. If neglected their suffering grows more acute till decline seta. in. If your daughter complains of weari- ness; pains in the side; weakness; headache or backache; her appetite t uncertain and her spirits low anaemia is the cause. She needs new blood. Give her Dr. Williams' Pink Owl Laff 3 We presume- it Is a lot easier for Santa Claus to get to the chimney top DOIT that he travels by airplane. Keep Bright Things Bright People who save money during the year so they can have tt at Christmas time enjoy It and do not have to be j embarrassed by being refused credit i for Christmas goods. Sign on the crowded dance floor of a wild road house: "He who hesitates is not dancing." The business man takes his profit after everyone else i.s paid, and gosh, what a lot of people tiere are. to pay! The distance between the pick and Spin7at7n'ceTor These" p'i'lTs^actuaiiy shov , el and the , golf course is Erowin * renew and enrich the b!ood. They shorter every day " The modern hen-pecked husband dashes out of his house to escape a make sickly girls well and happy; im- prove the appetite and bring back ail the charm and brightness of perfect health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers In medicine or by mall at SO cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Yes, he took me to dinner at the Monicardo," said the chsrus girl. "Then we did a theatre with a huge box of chocolates, and flashed np with champagne and oysters at the Carl- rltz. We had a lovely time!" "What, both of you?" asked the sceptic. Hospital for Sick Children VI COLLEGE ST.. TORONTO (Country Bramh. Thlttlttewn) ^ December, 1130, Dea; Mr Editor: A* a friend of atOlcted little folk*, you will team wttb iilsJac:!cn that through the Benevolence of Its tup- perten the Hospital tor Sick Children wai enabled to increase It* lerrlce con- siderably during the past year, m that period Ita cots were occupied by nearly 7,000 small patient*, most of bom were restored, or an well upon th way to recovery new An ecormooa amount of good l being accomplished tor Ontario's many "Sick Kids," aad by passing this Information along to the good-hearted people your new- paper serve* you will Interest them and at the same tlra* be instrumental in prcmotlng the continuance ci thta humane service. It la a gigantic under- taking and the hospital needs every c'.t of help It can gtt. Fleace note the following official rig- ores for the year which ended Septem- ber 30, 193O. indicating the magnitude and rapid expansion of this mission of mercy. Total number of cot patients la year, 6470, aa Increase of 377 over the previous yean actual number at patient day*. 133.718, an increase of 11.301: average days' stay of all patients 19. These figures Include the wonder* tul country hospital at Thlstletown, where the year's total of patient day* was 38.876 and the dally average 101. In addition to this, the out-patient de- partment, at the main hospital. hao> 18.706 attendances within the year, the) largest number of patients treated in t single day being 317. The little sufferer* who are mini** tared to in the Hospital tor Sick, CiuJ- Bren come from all over the Province) of Ontario. Through this magnificent Institution for healing, the very poor BhiM Has an equal advantage with th*> wry rich in securing the benefit of the) Bnnt Known medical and surgical skill. There are no strings to admittance of the cblld requiring noepitai care. Race. reed cr circumstances in life make no difference. It I* a great Mother Charity, very year the trustees nave to see that very Isrge deficit is provided for and shey rtly on kind people to help. Wee babea. Digger ones, toddler*, ergartenera. up to early teen age* and girts, some stricken with du- other* deformed, crippled or aed, make, up the continuous luxe ilatko or the Hospital for Sick dren. which ha* beea to operation 64 year*. The annual appeal for ids Is always made at the approach ; the Chllltmas season, as a most sp- ~r!&t time to urge) the claims of a cause), when all lovers of little tn would like to contribute. The iltal for Sick Children does not i In the- funds of '.he Toronto F*d- atton for Community Service, because) serves the whole province. Doca- ~ i from the generous pertocs IB territory are sarne*tly solicited. Faithfully yours. IRVING E. BOBERTSON. . Chairman oi Appeal Committee.. nagging wife and then goes to hear an all-talking moving picture. But how does the poultryman ex- plain It when his hens get sick? They have no teeth. Old Ragson Tatters' wife complain- ed to him the other day because every time -. - .-.-.-.; for a new dress he claimed to be short. To this Ragson replied: "Well, so's your dress." Some people's strongest weakness Is the love of seeing their names In the paper. The fishing is not always better on "Come here, my lad," said Paul Rader, noted Chicago evangelist, to Tom Bailey, deckhand of the Canadian Pacific Hner Duchess of York, as lie was polishing brass jus-, before the liner sailed for Belfast with the preacher. "You ought to be In this photo, too. We've both got the same job keeping the bright work bright!" Accompanied by Mrs. Rader and his daughter Harriet and Willamiae, the evangelist is on a world tour. He has meetings scheduled !n Belfast, London and the Holy Land. After that he will spend some time In Malta and the Far East returning to America in March. financial loss he has lost his back- bone as well as his money. Bonnie Bachelor "Well, how do the other side of the stream. It mere- yo11 flnd married 11**?" ly looks there. better until you get over Clothes We start this life of toil and strife. With nothing on or less! We're ushered in, without a pin, A button, pants or dress! But soon enough we learn this tough And cruel tmth to know: That day by day for raiment gay Our hard earned kale must go! Not always thus did mankind fuss, In Eden's flowered 1 maze; No single cent for garb was spent. Ah, those were happy days. Each time we pour our shekels o'er For suits ,or tie-, or tile ; We envy Eve's and Adam's leaves Ere clothing was the style. Katherine 'You say that Walt has proposed to you?" Benedict "Great fun. My wife cook? and I guess what the disk Is." Willie "What was the name of the last station where we stopped, moth- er?" Mother "I don': know. Don't both- gr me. I'm reading a story." Willie "Well, it's too bad you don't know the name, because little brother got off th*re." If a wife really loves her husband, she will love his dogs too. Guard the Baby Against Colds To guard th* baby agaiust colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and j bowels working regularly. It is a re- Gertrude "Yes, isn't it grand? And; cognized fact that where the stomach he's only known me about a month, ">d bowels are- in good order that Do you thfnk he actually loves me?" colds will not exist; that the health Katherine "Just known you ! of the little> one will be good and that month? Well, perbaps he does then.'! be will thrive and be happy and good- j natured. The Tablets are sold by ' Let's Let's praise each other now and then, Give credit when it's due; Let's side with good and honet men Of whatsoever hue: Let's help the down-and-outs a^aiu To 'aukle life anew. Let's be as friendly as we<can Alike with poor and rich; Let's rally round the helpless man Who's lying in life's ditch: Let's make the most of our brief span, And never play with pitch. Let's fill our homes with song and gee, And banish snarl and frown; Let's take the youngsters on our knee, And ride to London Town; Let's teach them from their infancy That right's the best renown. Let's pay the debts of love we owe-, Forget the debts of hate; Let's share the goodly gilts thai grow, And pile the empty plate; Let's all do all the good we knew Before it is too late. Thoughtful It wa< a long play, and nearly mid- night wbeu the curtain was rung up on the fcrutii ac". disclosing an actor sitting wearily at a table. Somehow his appearance, instead o: occasion- ins applause, created an uuue-i-current Remember, Priscilla, that everyone' medicine dealers or by mail at 25 j of sympathy. who has little red pants is uot a Santa Claus. When a man mourns much over hi? NEW YORK 'XtfiOTEL (&VERNOR tfft^H PCNNA.HR.STATI04 mediate Belief for INDIGESTION WHAT moat people call indiges- tion is usually excess acid in the stomach. Food has soured. Th initant remedy is aa alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't IMC crude helps, Use what your doctor would advise. The beat help is Phillips* Milk cf Magnesia. For the SO yean ainc ita invention, it has remained standard with physicians. You will lad nothing else so quick in its effect, to harmless, so efficient. On* tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many limes its volume cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Cages for Oysters Though the oyster is not exactly ferocious. It has been found necessary to design cages for him. The reason for this is that the young oyster is such an irresponsible- little fellow. Microscopic in site, the newly- hatched oyster or spat, as be is call- ed is able to swim about quite freely. Not for some time does he drop down to the bottom and anchor himself to a stone. And If he happens to drop oa to a place where there are no stones, h* is at the mercy of currents and tides which sweep him out to s<?.i, where all kinds of enemies are wait- ing for him. Owners of oyster bed* are now mak- ing ue of cages which look rather like esg-boxes. These contain num- bers of cardboard partitions which are dipped in a special cenxent-Iike com- pound. Hundreds of these crates are placed upon the beds, acd when the oyster spat falls they provide Just the resting place- required. As many as 1,500 oyster'.ets have been found at- tached to one compartment of a crate, and as there are twenty-fire compart- ments in each the total population may b considerable. At the end of a certain number of days the cement dissolves and the young oyster is able to detach himself and sit down permanently upon some- thing solid in the neighborhood. "Tit-Bits." All was stillness: he had uot yet spoken. At last ft member of the audience ventured to express the sentiments of tha jouso. "I liope we are not keeping you up, sir," he suggested, kindly. O WUh all his geuius woman is one riddle, mau has not ye; <olved. BLACKHEADS G<t two ounces of poroxin* powuer from your drucgUt. Spnr.kl* on a hot. wt cloth and rub the face briX!y. Every Mjckhad will b tiissorvuu. The ore safe, sure and simple way to remove black beads. Satisf action cua-:ir.teeu or moivy refunded. P. W. SCAHT * CO. 133 Wellington St. W.. Toroato WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why b handicapptd vyi'h unsightlr Notches on the face, eyes with yellow' tinge and that tired and languid feel* ing? This indicates a torpid liver Headache, Diziiness and Biliousness urely follow. You must ttimulat* your Uxy hver. start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act a* * mild Uxatav*. purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to wallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect follow- ing, on the contrary a good tonic. AU Druggists .'5c und 7!c red pkgs. Newcomers anada- V/ELCOME I iu*m REDROSElE* 102 A Historic City A centre of great historic interest in New Brunswick is the city of Saint Joha, on the shores of the bay of Fun- <lT. On the city's outskirts, on a high hill overlooking th* bay, Is the site of old Fort Howe. Near the shore Is a tablet erected by trie National Parks of Canada Branch, Department of the Interior, commemorating the landing Of the United Empire LoyalN-.s in 17S3. Classified Advertising MAKRY. K2L!AfcLE MATRIMON- IAL papr ma::-<l :'re. A:~ ' friendship Magazine. xi-.im Xew Yor>v. Honse-dies ii-iv* a i-;>?n'ler in aa American lady, who recently received the degree of Mister of Science for her srady of :'aese insects. She says, the uacleancess of tie fly Is great'. y Mirard's Liniment refresne* the sca'p. The temperature of the moon Is said to vary from 216 degrees Fahren- heit, when the sun is shining upon it. to 243 Jegrees below zero when away from the sun. Visitor "Don't you ever cry when your father spanks you?" Son "What ; t'j* use? H*'s deaf p ATENTS List of -WinreJ Inventions" arm Fuil Information Sen: Free. CO.. D*p- W. 3T3 lUi* St.. Ottawa. Oat. For Instant Ease From COUGHI\G tal Clear l*our Skin t l>Ufluring Blvinlftbc* Cuticiira Stag'.: Sor, Cvcorent.TiJc-;3j tee. ^ifftai . ~Caecur*," Box 2616, Montreal. Cnd r c*o i s ^ sJ OT^< V.'"*) ftath 'lP pRCVfSffj SS*' i Chapped Skin 7 SLUGGISHNESS CONSTIPATION lake one tonight Make tomorrow \Visd, snow and sleet bruUe un- protected skin surfaces. Minsrd'a asals the raw skia tissue and af- TNIY WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP" in acid. The results are immediate with no hurmlu] after- effects. Once you learn this perfect way you'll never deal ia any other manor r with the headache*, gat, bloating, nausea, dinineo. ia- digeition. biliousness, etc.. due to an over-acid stomach and boweb. Be sure to get genuine Phillips'. It ia always a liquid; never made ia tablet form. Look for the name Phillips* on the bottle. All drug- stores 50c. A Musical Comedy The tall, long-haired youth entered the- music publisher's office carrying under his arm a small roll of paper. "Good afternoon:" said the publish- er. "What can I do for you?" The youth looked nervous. "Well r I have a song here," he began, "and I was wondering if you would publish it. Ev shall I sing it?" "Oh, yes, let's hear it! 1 ' said the publisher: and the youth stood up and burst forth. When :he sous was finished the pub- lisher sat very still and said nothing. "Well," asked the youug mau. "what do I gW for It?" "Oh." replied the publisher, with au air of resignation, "I'm a publisher. not a magistrate." I HII LI "% MAGNESIA The Negro preacher wa exhorting his congregation to repent. "M;t bredren," h* said, "when yo 1 hears UaT>riel sound bis horn, yo' wants to be ready to jump." "Ma goodness!" exclaimed cue. of the gathering, "am he a-couiiu' iu an automobile?" anish p*in yvith Minard's Llnimtnt. HEADACHES Ended by Kruscnen " I w-.is a martyr to headaches, with frequent attacks of dizziness affecting my vision. My oivupativn is a very sedentary one a printer's reader. I gave Kriisclien Salts a good trial, and from tl*n onwards I seemed quite another person. The headaches dis- appeared and the dizziness, and the nuwt wonderful thing to me is that I have gone back to weaker glasses, a lens which 1 had discarded some years ago as not being strong enough. I also suffered from bad circulation during the early mornings of winter. Nbw at 58 I can enjoy cvJd baths all the year round, enjoy and am eager for my food, and am "what I consider very tit the sort of fitness that mates living a iov." (U. K.) llvaducnea can nonrly always be traced to ft disordered stomach or to partial constipation a com- plaint many indoor workers suffer from witlwut ever suspecting it. Krtrwheu Salts go right down tn the root of the tumble ami remove the cause by gem!> (H-p-uadrng the orgtuis of diminution ti> function exactly as Nature iuteudeU Uie> WHEN CHILDREN are tin ' n when a child is too fretful or feverish to be sung to sleep. There are some pain? a mother cannot pat away. But there's quick comfort in Castorial For diarrhea, and other infantile ills give this pure vegetable prepara- tion. \Vhenever coated tongues tell of constipation: whenever there's any sign of sluggishness. Castoria bat * good taste; children love to take it. Buy the genuine with Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on wrapper. Picture of r Health Now f 'In May and Jun I was badly rundown and had faint spells until it was a drag to do my work. In July and August I didn't seem to pick up so I de- cided to try Lydia t^ Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound because I saw it advertised. 1 took two bottles and now 1 am the picture of health. I feel tine, do all my work and milk two cows* If any woman writes, I will certainly answer her letter." Mrs* George R. Gillespie, PumiicHy, Sas nan. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound CASTORIA I > -.- M,. { i. .-.' C ,*;, 0- -T : ISSUE No, 4^