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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 1930 ' V THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TROUSERS with every Hobberlin Suit During January of A large assortment of samples I to choose from $ W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 \y c driver in town. f X'<K~x~x~^^^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collinjrwood street, Flcsherton, \Vi-dnesday of each week. Circ-ulution over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.. r >0 per year when pai< in advan.-i- $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. II. THURSTOX. - - Editor A. S. THURSTOX - Assuc. Editor Health Service - of the - CAN AIM AN MK I). ASSOC. DRAUGHTS WORTH A TRIAL A biiKlioar t'> many people arc i di p.ughts. A draught is a current I -if air which, striking one part of the body, cools or chills that part, while | the rest of the body remains warm. I We i'an stand out of doors in a good stiff bre xe and fuel stimulated by ! lie ursh of air. We can j? in bath- j ing and have the whole body .wet and LEADERS OF NATIONS LOOK AT INDUSTRY :','& Viscount and Viicountesi Willinfdon ar.j Vice-Rmi Part/ bearing Lrgnt Automobile Manufacturing Plant of the British Empire, that of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, at Cast Windsor, Ontario. Duties of Modern Executives Dwarf Demands Made Upon Kings of Yore. | yet experience nothing but good out | of the plunge. If, however, we (Acton Free Press) have a perceptible breeze strike only A suggested change in municipal "" part of tho body, or if our feet councils that seems to be gathering l-fcomo chilled after having been advocates to its side is a system in w 'fct, such an experience is apt to be J which half of the council would be followed by discomfort in the part elected for two years. In Tillson- chilled by the draught, or a cold in burg a co:r.i-Iete a complete new t' lc> head may follow. There is no council ha been elected this year, question but that some people are Such a condition is not common and " !0 '<' sensitive to draught than are yet it certainly will not likely result others. in good municipal government. Every Four 01" draughts should not lead to councillor rciKiires several months be our living a life shut off from fresh fore he becomes acquainted with the n ; r. Living Jin over-heated 'rooms, duties of bi-< office. It is usually with the air absolutely still, is to be about the middle of the year before avoided, for it has a definite ill-ef- the new member KC-'S his stride feet on the body. It is quite pract- properly in the conduct of the town's ical to keep the air in a room in the business. In the event of a com- gentle motion which comfort and plcte new council, it is very brobable h-jalth demand, without draughts, the middle of the year before the The motion of air which does not 'IME was -when rulers, gath- ering their intimates about them, took to the fields and woods in search of wild boar or slipped incognito into sequest- ered inns when they wished sur- cease from the duties of state or opportunity to sit vis-a-vis with tht-ir subjects. Today, the executive obligations r>f the head of a nation entail an in- timate knowledge of the industries that loom so prominently in the general conditions of his country. Recent trips of this nature by the titular heads of the govern- ments of Canada, Spain nnd the United States of Amer'va give rise to the conjecture as to how their respective prototypes would have reacted to the spectac- les of modern riass production that met the eyes and intellig- ence of these modern leaders. Any guess as to what Henry VIII., Isabella or Washington might have thought or said must result only in the conclusion that the job of knowing how to conduct a government these days is much more of a task than in the periods FO often referred to as "the good old days." Improved transportation facili- ties have enlarged the importance of industry in all countries in its relation to agriculture and com- merce since the days when govern- ing was more leisurely. Governing today, if it is to safeguard the in- terests both of laborer and manu- facturer, and if it is to recognize all the essential elements of pros- perity and well-being for the na- Top PrnUrnt floorer In CtnUl MooJ with i ,..:...' A. Edison end Henry Ford u hu Companion, during Rnt Visit at Ural-born, Michigan AND Enf nolle Ruler of Spain. Kin* Alfoiuo, Asked Many Questions During Trip Through Ford Plant at Barcelona. tion's peoples must include knowl- edge of the industries upon which a healthy state depends. Visits made recently by Viscount Willingdon, vice-regal head of the Canadian government; King Alfon- so, ruler of Spain an 1 President Hoover, head of the American state, to plants wheie Ford cars and trucks are manufactured, are indicative of the import, ice that leaders of nations attach to first- hand information about the index industries of their respective coun- tries. Viscount Willingdon was ac- companied by Viscountess Willing- I Ford, his host. don on his inspection trip through the largest automobile manufac- turing plant in the British Empire, that of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited, at East Windsor, Ontario. King Alfonso evinced keen interest in the many opera- tions in the plant of the Ford Motor Company, S.A.E., ct Barce- lona, and President Hoover spent much of his limited time while in Dearborn, Mich., to honor Thomas A. Edison, discussing the related subjects of production and general business prospects with Henry How Is This For Liquor "Control?" A man of common sense knows ' that life is not all beautiful sunsets, ! a!! glorious sunsets, all sweet syinph- ! ANNUAL MEETING. onies and stars. He must know that life is a responsibility, and the re- - , wards come in proportion to his Die:- in quantities that filled 1,000 earnest efforts to do all that he can pint and CO quart bottles was sold to t!o to win - aml to make life Peasant for himself and for others. suit is one, ar.' the fact that wtf - can't get the gravy from the last one The aunual meeting of Euast Grey off our gunday Vest ., anoth(?r reas . o ~^ y we must decHne to ^ prcs . ent ._ Durham Chronicle. Robert V. Bacon during the 8H day period, from August .'Jrd to October 25th, this year, according to evidence given nt thi* man's trial at Tees- very water last Friday. Surely that in- Columbia, is rich in vitamines and it formation, which, we understand, is believed by investigators that its Agricultural Society will be held in the Township Hall, Flesherton. on Saturday, Jan. 18, 1930, for the elec- tion of officers and general busi- ness. All members and those inter- Little Algernon, known to have I ested in the society are urged to be Pet : - tendencies, was asked by the i present. Geo. Cairns, Pres.; T. W. teacher to deliver something along Pilchard oil, which is produced in Fil , d i ay Scc the line of nature study, which he did: large quantities in British , Thp man who mad(J th-t wing , esg We have received an invitation hen was revealed by an examination of nledj( , a , Htes his permit l>y Provincial Police Offi- ... cers, after they raided his premises leveals u condition of affairs which p esent - should not exist. Inspectors at Beer use " '" however, the oil the manufacture to attend quite a social event in Tor- Must be a real fine wizard. a\ora ly onto t j ul .j njr tne >; ew y ear - s se ason. The matter don't concern me much , The fact tha* we have no Hereford I always get the gizzard.'' work governing the completely in hand. municipality is strike and chill one part of the body Public utilities is an essential of good air and makes commissioners and school trustees a most desirable atmosphere in which are elected for a two year period to live and work, with half the board retiring each Draughts may be avoided by open- year. In this way. the remaining ing the window an inch instead of a members of the board may acquaint foot, or by the using of window new members with business already boards to direct the incoming air up- under way and :he possibility of a ward and so prevent a direct complete new governing l>ody is el- draught. In offices and schools a iminated. Undoubtedly such a bien- good practice is to open the windows nial system of election has much to wide at regular intervals while cvery- Commend it and little or nothing one moves about or takes some sim- deroga'ory to the system. It would pic exercises. be worthy of a trial in municipal Thosc who R ,. (l scnsUive to council elections, and we believe draughts can frequently would be an improvement present system. overcome over the tnc condition by the use of cold baths A Letter From Sask. Armley. Dec. 28, Mr. W. H. Thurson, & son, Flesherton, Ont. Dear Editor, You" letter of lie.-. II to hand also your bill for $!/>() which was very gratefully received and nm enclosing money order for same. I wish t-> M*y at this time that the Klesherton Advance hn:< been u member of our family for the past eighteen yours. Hi-furo we moved to the Tamil river Valley we were located nt Fcversham Many changes have no doubt taken ! or by douching the chest with cold ! water. In tbii way they tone up their bodies to adapt themnelves to changes in temperature. Clothing according to the thermometer is also necessary. Questions concerning Health, ad- drc-.sed to the Canadian Medical As- : ociation, 18-1 College Street Toron- to, will be answered personally by letter. Warehouses, whose duty it is to keep linoleum, etc. is chiefly of soap, a check on the amount of "refresh- ment" sold to each individual, has A number of hockey fans went to been lax. it would appear. Measures Du: . hnm on Momlay evening to wit . to correct abuses been overdue for of this kind a long time. have It is ness Ihe Purham Mnrkdalc the former game, hoped that stops, taken by the On- VIlr ' r "" nnln * - Their tario Liquor Control Board recently, means of locomotion was Geo. said to be designed to make it im- Brackenbury's snow car with a light possible for permit holders to buy sleigh attached to the rear and thp unreasonable quantities of lipuor, trip was made in an hour and half, will have the desired result. This After arriving in Durham the heavy information before the court, com- rain took the bottom out of the road Lined with statements of officers that an ,t tne t, oyg decided to remain In Bacon had 160 bottles of home brew Editor Irwin . s bailiwick on hand the time they raided his, nlace, convinced Magistrate Walker he would bf justified in Rending ac- cused to jail, which he did. Walker- t<in Telescope. over night and finally arrived home at 5 p. m. Tuesday on Kddie Seattle's C. P. R. speeder, commonly called the "Pea- nut." CARDS OF THANKS i:rci< i, AMI: NOT IN FAVOR A n live slrrl. product, there is notli'ri',' to In- -said in favor of the !!'! ; '':'il>. The marketing of un- i-astijiied MKilc' l-imlis (lurinic llu> Into- summer, fall uml winii-v was fo:- in thiis period of time and it is 'many year.-; n blow on our sheep through your paper, The Advance industry and a serious hindrance to that publishes the Kastern news an the development of I lie consumption far north us Township, 47 U. 15 W.'of lamb. The practice has been 2M. We are located on tho N M. A. larjn-ly ui|,ed out in Ontario by the S K. (|ii:uicr sec 1 ion I1G T47 It 1C {action of lamb buyers in discoun'ing W2 and we wish to extend a hearty the price of all buckn coming to mnr- Jnvitation to all our ninny friends to !;<! during the full midwinter. Farm- come and see us and we assure you er< have now generally adopted the one and all you will he welcome. | prattle* of castrating mule lambs in. And now Dear Kditor, if you are tended for market. an good n uport as I am led to be- 1 lieve, nnd like the Klin ns well an ver, come to Northern Sask. and* have n real hunt nnd find out for Whatever trouble Adam had, No man In days of yore Could p;., vv 'i, ( .|i Adam told n joke, "I've iieard that onco before." stolen yourself jimt how far the Flesherton Advance is telling tile world about Kasti-rn f'annda. 1 hanking you again for our week- 1 '' our '' hvr fl>y - s Wl>r< ly friend, Tho Aiivaiu-e nnd ;il this rr "'" ""' fl ' x ranch o. .1 N timo \re tiike great pleasure in wish- : '' Hi'"tsvllk- last week niu, K I'ar ing you every SIICCCHH for A Happy "" ''''i'' 1 "f the thieves has been nnd I'n.-perous New > I'IKIIH!. Tlie aniinuls tukon included N. VariHIarictini. " ni> l' ;lir "''!, breediajv f'vxes, and wiie p;iii- of >(>uiiirer cues. The ADVANCK ADVTS. I'AY -''lre li phuvd a' al> .nl SlMio.OO. To Uu- Ratepayers of Osprvy: I,;ulk'snml (fntleiiu'n. I \vish to i-xtotul to you my appreciation of your support in electing me to I IK- Council for 1930. JAMES WINTERS. -- ,. ./ To ihr UaU'payiTs ol'Ospivy: Ladies and Gentlemen f wish to thank the ratepay- ers <>! ( )sprry for tlu-ir support in my behalf as Coun- cillor for the Township of Osprcy for 1 ( MO. 1 shall endeavor to he worthy of your confidence. WM. HEITMAN. To the Ratepayers o I.adies and Gentlemen, I desire to express my ex- treme gratitude' to the ratepayers of Osprev for the magnificent support i;iven me in the recent election. In the past 1 have endeavored to be worthy of that support, and a continuance of these endeavors for the present year will he my sole aim. \Vishinj- all a prosperous year. T remain yours very sincerely, W. L. TAYLOR. No Matter if You Must Use Kerosene Now! Aladdin will completely Modernize Your Lighting and Beautiry Your Home Beyond Belief Homes without electricity may now be as beautifully and as artistically lighted as any city home. This new instant-light Aladdin furnishes 60 candle power of pure white light of even better quality than gas or electric. Then, too, it is far more economical. It can be supplied in table, bracket, hanging and floor lamp styles and furnished with hand decorated glass and parchment shades in beautiful colors and handsome designs. No Other Oil Lamp Has All these Features Burns common kerosene (coal-oin. Lights instantly. Gives .1 modern white light equal to 10 ordinary lamps. Absolutely safe. Bums 94 per cent air. The most economical of all lights. No odor, smoke, noise or trouble. No ReneratiiiR or waiting; a match and n minute that's all. A price range within the reach of every purse. Endorsed by world's highest authorities. Burns Any dealer named below will be glad to demonstrate t Si new Aladdin to you. Authorized Aladdin Dealers To the Katei^iyers of Osprev: Ladies and ( .'.nitleuu-n, Accept my sincere i^rati- Hide for tlu- liberal support ^Iven me in the flection on Monday I u ill continue to serve von to tin- best of my ability. Yuurs respct fully. JOHN GRUMMETT. AYTON WIDMEYER & D1EBEL . HARDWARE CAKr.ILL HUNSTEIN & GRICE ' GENERAL CHF.SLEY M. E. BOOS IIARDWARK BUCWOOD CHAS. EMKE & SON ' IlARl^VARi: FLESHERTON HEPWORTH F. W. DUNCAN A. J. MERCER ' HARDWARE GENERAL KINCARDINE J. G. ELLENTON HARDWARE M. \UKIV\I.K F. T. HILL & CO. GENERAL MR.M'OKD CLELAND BROS. HARDWARE M1LDMAY L1F.SEMER & KALBFLEISCH HARDWARE OWEN SOUND CREEPER & GRIFFIN HARDWARE TORT F.U7IN A. P. REUBER HARDWARE i K1P1.KY A. G. PORTEOUS HARDWARE SOUTHAMPTON I.. MATHESON HARDWXRE TAK A H. M. MERRIAM HARDWARE WALKERTON FISK'S HARDWARE H VRDWARE WlARTON HUNTER HARDWARE CO. HAUDWARK ' ' . . ' . -

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