â- t. '^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. 1929 THE FUJSHERTON ADVANCE HHE FLESNERTON ADIANCE Pobliahad oa CoUinffwood itnttt, . FIcahtrton, Wednesday of e«cb : WMk. CieilUtlon over 1100, Price In Canada, $2.00 per year : wlMn paid in advance fl.SO. In ' XJJS^^ 12.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. .IT. H. THURSTON r. J. THURSTON ♦*« St^mA paviment tn the hiKhway throu.'f^ JJ)'' I town. The width of the pav«,"l«'" was fixed at twenty-four feet. Nv.. I DO per cent, of the property owners on 1 a lartre portion of the town pavement I have petitioned to have the pavement . widened to thirty feet. It is. how- ' ever doub*:ful if this will be agreed â- « by the Province. The improvement 1 would, of course, add to the cost to I the taxpayers as well as to the Pro- ; vince. The sapient councillors of ' Hanover were at latest accounts con- Editoa. sii'.erinK two propositions for the pro- A..f VHtf«, per celebration of the openmsr of the Asst. tditor. P^^.^^^^^ ._^j) To invite the town â- •^^^â- â- â- M ' preachers and open the enterprise with iirHvpr- <2) To arranue for community EDITORIAL NOTES j '^"/Zi^^llng the new pavement, the ' proceeds as one economical councillor Are you lendinjr a hand to make nrffiied, to be "pocketed" by the town, the home-cominir of our old boys and These weichty propositions at last ac- Kirls a thorouKhtroinir success? i; counts had not been disposed of. not, why not? i . H.vin., „. = ! 1* 1 » ^ J LINTON â€" FENWICK Havmjr parsed the loneeft diy of the year, we have now entered the last half of the all too short summer. "Time and tiJc wails for no man." • • • The summer â- •. yDung yet, hut '\',- ready there have been several fatal Eugenia, on Wednesday, June 26th, motar accidents throusrh the sudden when their second daughter. Claribel advent of a bumble bee in a car. Margaret, became the bride of Mr. causing the motorist to iost control, pprcy Russell Linton of Toronto, son • • • ) of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton of There was a full dress debate in Artemesia. Orangeville council recently when the Promptly at 4.30 p.m., tn the question of locating pig stys came sfains of Lohemrrin's Bridal Chorus, up. Driven from the highways, the ,^ ^^ ^^, j^-^^^ Muriel Fenwick, sis- pig i^. rot cxactiv •» welcome resident ^^^ ^j ^j^, ^^jj^^ becomingly attired in pale green crepe romaine, the bride ontered 'he living room on the The Late Adam Hislop InSte pawing of Adam Hislop one of Artemesilr* .'""K residents has gone to his reward. JI" *" lx>rn at Eu-^ .- genia. where his father C{yRduct"ed IJie ^**' historian flour mill at that time, in the year 1867 and when a year old they mov- Loies Historian Additional Locals In the death of Mrs. W. G. Pickell Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton and fam- Artenjesia - township has lost iU ily spent the week end at Ml. Forest. recollection of Mr. J. B. E(ran and daughter, Marie Among the Juno weddin?:. of iritcr- ost to a laree crfle of f lends, was the ceremony which to^k placo at the V'ome of Mr! nnd Mr. The i. Fenwick, early pioneer days in the township „, Toronto, were callers at J. Run were very vivid and her articles there- stadlec's over the holiday, ed to the valley, where he lived until on always well received. Shortly be- ^ -, his demise. In religion he was a fore her death The Advance received . ' ^' Glockling of Toronto is Presbyterian until a few years ago a letter from Mrs. Pickell promiaing/ f"*** "' ^- ^- Thurston for a when he joined Faith and Truth to give us an article on life in Ar- '°"P'« «' weeks. Temple, Toroito, and committed all temesia in 1849 to 1852. The ar-l Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griff en of To- into the Lord's care and received tide, Mrs. Pickell stated, dealt more ronto spent the week end with the many wonderful deliverances, among with the domestic life and told how flatter's mother, Mrs. W. Wilcox, the most-s important being healed of necessity, the mother of invention in centre* of population. :'.t all cour.ts during the hot season. In such a contingency, the cnlv safe course is for the man at the whee; to instantly halt the vehicle, and let the bee peacefully depart. But un o" arm of her father, and took her place beside the groom. An arch of ever- r-eens, snowballs and peonies, with large wedding bell, r.nd background of fortunately presence of mhd i=< not cut flrwer? and potted plants, made specially -'ressed in the examinations an attractive setting for the bridal that nrecodes the granting of a party. license to operate :x motor. I The bride was swee'ly attired in .". • • • I fown of baby blun flat crepe with A new edict has been is.iued unde? Wo-de shoos ard hosiery to match, the Ontario government sale of intox- ""'1 cnrried r. bououet of butterfiy icants. Visitors from the United roses, lily of the v^llev and fern. Spates are provided with pe mits to Rev. A. N. St. John of Markdale obtain an ample jupply of liquo.-. po fo"T^->d the cp'-omonv in the pres- They can drink ami treat their friends, (.-.pg of the immediate relatives of the however, to their heart's content, if ],r\dc and froom. After the signing they hire a private house or out up i ^.f tVi- r'-'i^ter, the brde led th'' way tent on a vacant lot! And this is Kovernment sal-; and control! • • * The Marqui.5 of Aberdeen, a formev popular governor-general of Canadn, continues to take a lively interest in the Dominion, as v/ell as in the affairs of Great B itain. He is f..-. human as f-ver and deliehts in helping everv good cause. New it is recorded o." tr the di^inp* room where a dainty wedding luncheon was served, the table being centred with the br'de's onke. The nF-.istants wpt<> Miss Delmer Fenwick and Mrs. C. Bigi'ar, ci^f s of the bride, and Miss Reta I.int'nn. si .ter of the grioni. Th» erocm'.i gift to th^ bride was a *^-nut'fii! white "old v^'i't watch, to him that though in his eishty-first th" o'^nn'^t a whitf> r-old vanity case. year he retains a fine singincr voice. Going -iwav *he bride wore a dress with a fond-iess for th" full blooded of roso beio-e fporeo^te. ro?" hat music of the older English and .Scot- r,^,rv tailored 'â- ca*^ with fox ohocker tishr balla(!i. Recently he h.nd mido p.,,) sV,(,p-i and ho-sic^'-v tn matfb. two gramaohon? records for the -ni- UBtmcnt of himself and fri.-n'l.i. The Tho (rifts r^o^ived were ben'itifnl howinpr the hich oe'p"»^ in wh'.ch the Bongs rercVed ^c" "Drink t-. me yo,,,^^, ;.„up,p ^ere held. only with tbme cvs." and "Will ye • ,,_ __j ^,.., ,:„.,.„ no' come tack p^xii'" Mr. and M' i. Linton left nmid a shower of confe'ti and the good wish- _ . , .^ . . J • „ n,„ OS of many friends on a hnn^rnoon It n a ';•-"'''•"=^7"^" .''•;,^^"' "Vith trip. travrHing by way of Midland, summer, to ri'ov do .t 1 B"imals witn â- „ , , • . i pleTv of fve^h -.te-. Many hor.^ Onlba. Oshawa «-' _7;"t« -»;â- '-;â- owners a'-o rro-idc their horse-, with turning by way of Toronto, Guelph Bun bomef*. ' Kvrn tVe birds require and Owen Sound. The young couple 1^ wc'„pr -unply in *'io hot sen«on. i\ friend of ours tolls us he bis been repaid fo • nrov"dtn'» n dish with "•'itp'* on the horde'-'* '>f his ga'-den. There the hin'i. wh=ch for^-erly c-tt down his sucriilr ' vegetables and cereals in the effort to get their thirst abatjd now consoit. I» his boen noted, "l-n. will icside in New Toronto. U.F.O. PICNIC The U. F. 0. picnic on Monday wis V. huge success. The day was fine up to C..30 The concert and dance *hat inster'\ of d-'''^v:n"n.-"or beds, "' "'Pht was marred by rain. A to get n "^and bath." the birds nre fme Lit of sports was carried ronte-ted with a I -th in th" vcs-sel of through in the afternoon. There drinkinp water. Th'i amateu- eard- were aoOO people present. The dance ener 's th'is nro'-on to be wise. :i3 well ^ will be held this Thursday night in as kind hearted. i Lever's Grove. Blue Bell orchestra • • • will supply the music. No admission Flesher'on taxpayers will be inter- fop; T) dnnco tickets for 2.5c. The o'ted in *hp H"''o'>.'er p--j)erio»'"o with >r-ounds will be electrically lighted the putting down of permnnent a! lo Provincial Police protection. lots of hush ihtes YOU'LL never go wrong if you come to us for Goodyears. Here is a tire with a reputation to maintain both for quality and for price. 'Always remember that we sell Goodyears as low as short •mileage, troublesome, ^* cheap ^^ tires ;irould cost you. Get our prices. D. McTAVlSH 9l SON I'I.ESHERTON, ONT, Ilrre yon ran Rrt It as M>on m% yon want ll cancer of the stomach, a rupture and the appetite for tobacco being entirely taken away. He suffered consider- ably for a month or so from a goitre which he had for over thirty-five years. His pastor. Rev. O. E. Crockford. oondurfnd 'bo â- 'iin'»-al 'rptvS-o a^d r»aye a very ro»".'i-tine nid i-'strnct- ive sermon, which was vr--' much en- ioyed by those present. H»<! remains were laid to rest in Markdale ceme- ter- t" await the resurrection. He leaves to mo"rn the loss of n loving hiiohand nnd father his wife (Jennio Milne), his son. J. J- Hisloo, and daugh^prs. Mrs. Clair D.tvii (Margory>. M-s. Ed. D->vis (Annie), and one sister, Mrs. T. Genoe. Among thopn from a distance who was called into use. If possible we Miss Hazel Alexander of Owen will try to secure the article for pub-i ^''""^ ^P*"* »he holiday with her par- lication. as Mrs. Pickell said, that it «"'» "^re. might be interesting to the descend- ants of the pioneers. The Entrance Exams The Entrance examination results for the Flesherton centre will likely be available for publication by next Tuesay at the earliest. On account of the local examiners having to reat: papers from Kimberley, Feversham and Priceville centres it leaves the tabulation of candidates later than some other centres, where the papers | of only one place are read. Infor-j The stores in town will not observe the half holiday this week, owing to Monday being a holiday. Mi33 Elizabeth Bentham of To- ronto was a week end viiitor at her home here. Dr. R. H. and Mrs. Henderson and two 3on8, Ivan and Erir, and Miss Helen Crawford, of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. Jos. Blackburn over the holiday. Mrs. Scott, missionai-y on furlough, gave a splendid talk on her work in India on Thursday afternoon in the Baptist Church here. Her talk was well received. Mrs. L. Wright of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Steel anod three children and Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigo and three children of Tornto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Captain Bellamy, Serg. Humber- Btone and Privates McKillop, Sled, Patton, Ray and McMullen left yest- erday morning for the military camp at Huntsville. They will remain aw?- for ten days. M^ attended the funeral were Mrs. Gib*^ , n,ation as to the •successful candi and Mr and Mrs. David Hislon o* ^t^s can be secured as soon as re- ] Stratford. Mr: nnd Mi-s. W. H. Geno" • ceived at this office. Telephone en- of Meaford. Mr. T. Bradbury of quiries began to come into this office Thornburv. M:-.s Carson of HumbB--jj„ Saturday, the day after the exam- Bay and Mrs. J C. Milne of Maxwell, {nations, and they also have been _____________ .steady since. It would relieve us of I considerable lost time if enquirers A farmer near Meaford sold a would refrain from calling up before prize winning team of Clydesdales Tuesday of next week, when we are to a Toronto dairy for $750. i informed the results will be ready. Build Up a Monthly Income by Investing Your Funds in Royalties. An investment in Second Standard Royalties Ltd. yields 12%. Payable 1% monthly. Dividends are payable on the 1st of each month to shareholders of record of 25th of the previous month. FOR FULL L\FORMATION SEE Dr. E. C. Murray - Flesherton THE AR STEEL ' BODIS /a v-tif^H 'o Vte C3! 7 1 with beauty T'SII hi^h grado stoel ussd in-buildins Ford car bodies gives niaximiua driving protec- tion. Beauty cf design has been combined with rugged strength in these all-steel bodies. The wood parts shown in the diagram are used only for attaching the interior trL:n and roof in.ttcrial. If thb body â€" that cf the Tudor Sedan in this instaiicc â€" mounted on. r. Model "A" chassis, v/ere turned over and rcstinjj on the roof, it v/ould support the chassis, engine and all with- out even bending the narrow window pillarr. Guch ij the strength and high safety factors cf Ford engineering. Vision obstruction ij reduced to a minimimi by the use of narrov/ steel pillars. Lower rear panels, including the wheel housing, are made in one piece. This unusual feature on body construction gives additional strength. Electrical welding adds greater rigidity and reduces the possibility of squeak and rattle Panels and frame sections arc welded or riveted. In assembly of larg.'^. units where bolts are necessary, strips of anti-squeak material are used between sections. Sound deadening material is also used. Soft roof construction, of heavy padding over galvanized mesh wire, provides an ad- ditional element of quietness. Drive it Yourself â€" there is no Better Test ^.^ Ford Car Features C>.o\c* of ecK-iirs SS to Cj mi.'c» an hour iO-Kont power engin» Full fco.'ioc?i (I'rn FuHd enc'.oud ti.-.hratn ty<(«tn i Hmtdaillt kydrauiic ihoch abtorbtri 90 l« SO mCtt p«r ffa.loo 0/ gmtoKnt StttUtvrvot ftaa winMkitU T»#/f prvcf ianiUen lo*h RWioiiliir *»d low «yfc««9 Arrange for your demonstration ride with tht nearest Ford dealer ^, ^ ,.^ .. / , H. DOWN & SONS •.lit; FORD DEALERS FLESHERTON, ONT.