â- 4\1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, VJ2'J THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTffN ADVAHCE Published on Collingwood atrvet, Flesherton, Wednesday of e«ch week. Cleulation over HOC, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year when paid in advai-.re $1.50. tn VS.A., 12.50 per ye«r, when paid in advanre $2.00. W. H. THURSTON - Editox f. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. I i c*<~>'XK*W'<-*;*<~><~;">«>*>>'>'X'«W"X~:~X'<~x>*;*'>*><**r~x~;">'><» .was "Old Home Week" Letters U.'^c These Columns and Let Your Fricnd.s Know. y \va3 jfiven in niarriajje by her •| I father, loked charming in a gown. by n I trimmed with I CAMP MEETING SOCIAL WILL SCE OLD FRIENDS ;t;.or white Reorgette trimmed with I To be at Proton Station beginning' A pineapple and ice cream social I'li'""'- I Sunday, June 23rd to July 7th. Kev.'will be held in the O.D.R. schoolbouse ^.i After tho wediiing dinner \va8 serv- 1 c),^g j^iater Missionary Evangelist on Friday evening, June 2l8t. Mov- «.>:::; cJ. M'-. and Mr.s. MeCIuskey left for |^„^, ^. ;„^, ^^.^ p^^jj ^y^^^^^ j^g pictures will be shown by Mr. T. ''•â- •' *'"•""«*> Northern On-, ,„ , ;, , ,_ aH' Stewart Cooper ^f Markdale also «ev- This Boc- EDITORIAL NOTES Hon. n. B. Benne'.t, Conservative loader in the IHust- of Commons, has jfoiK- on a political tour through- out Onta io, Ix'ginning with a picnic at Kinp-sville, K.nsex county, las'. Sat- urday. Ma ly herealwut would like to hear him, but the nearest he cim<-8 to this ctn re of civilization is Owen Sound, where he speaks on Friday evening of this week. * • « Thp Burlingt -n Beach cut-off, near Harriiltcn, has beei a bone of con- tenlJon with Hamilton authorities for ^omc .v.ars, as it allowed travellers froin Nia^rara Fails t3 proceed to Toronto without entering the Ambi- tious City. Recently the large 1 ascule bridge over the entrance to the harbor on this road l>ecame vid<;od when it was opened and refused '.r lower. It would make a person wftid.r if there wa.s a plot somewhere by Hr.milton authorities lo closj the cut-oiT a! the height of the touri.st season. • • * The mo.sijuito sta.^on a<rain brin?.' out 'l-.e declaration that the downfall of the a •;cMor!t civilizntiin of Greece wa.a caused by these plaguey insects. And no wcnder, when we take into account the universal supply of breeding spots in the East and th: lack of knowledge as to how tT> clean them up. But why did the Wcstern- €!rs permit the p.sky things "o im- migrate here? Let us clean them out! • • • Elections these day.i arc .su-'cly unkn >wn quantities. l\ Great Bri- tain the balance of power remains â- wi'h the Liberal party, although they arc below the Labor and Conservat- ive parties with respect to numbers. Tho rectnt Saskk-.tchewan elections also resuUed in the defeat of the Liberal 'party, after holding *)ffice continuously since thp province wss formed in 190S, and a government is being formed composed of three parties, with Dr. .1. T. M. Anderson. Cansenative leader, as head of the government. There will always come a time wh.-n governments, sur- feited with power, will continually commit acts which the public refus- es to condone, and theref >rc loses the confidence and support of those who elected thtni to the responsibil- ities of state. • • • Some amu.sement has been afford- ed by 'he declaration that the i^tab- lishment of the palatial new hotel of the Canadian Pacific KaiUvay in Toronto was conceived in the mas.s- ive b^-ain of a well known Ontario poli'ician. President Beatty in his address at the opening of the estab- liihmcnt last week effectually dis- posed ->f 'his canard. The great hotel was Mr. Beatty's own idea. It •was, "he said, an evidence of the steady progress of the Canadian Pacific sys'.cm, and it had been his personal ambition to construct tht hotel at an earlier da'e, but the oc- currence of the war delayed thp project. New, 'he fine struct- turc, which has cost the company almost fifte.Hi â- nrilHo i idctb 'â- ., Irts been completed. Canadians who have tD rely on the Company for cITirient service in a nation-wide net- work of line.i, with hos'.eleries at all ce-itral points, will wish this added enterprise every success. Th<> new hotel will neces.sarily cater for the •ntemational travelling public, as well as fjr Canadians, and will prove a» excellent adver'iser rf this great transcontinental line, and of the country whose resources render its operation profitable. • » * An attempt to increase the salary of Canadian judges has been foiled The Minister ( f Justice ^xpU^ined that the proposed advance could not be sponsored by the government, while there was opposition in the House and country. Hon. Hugh Guthri<' volunteered the information tha' the Conservative members were unanimous f r the increase nnt' twitted the government with lack oJ courage in wfrai ling from inereis- ing the vemuncrntion of the judges. With all due deference to those whc favor the increase, we believe that otitside the 1 'gal profession here ir no demand for increa.-sed pav fT thr Judges. Nor is it true that vim- peten' lawyers cannot be got t) ac . ctpt present salaries. It is an un- â- deniable fart that tW>re never is e vacant, judgesinp that dops not iwoduce a list of lawyer cAidiJlntes as lonr aa one's arm, eaih one ready and Iwiljing to take office nt the •alary now prevailing, and the large «na]<vity of 'hem duly (Qualified, too Why force these patriotic gntlcmen to accept more money than they are rsady and williiB *" «<TeP». ""'' Kv the same token pretty irood pay for the T.ork. 5«*'>«>*<»**'>«>**<'<~:~X'4->'>»>«X^>*"><><'**<'»4'<»<^*<~X««'X"X^v«X . , . , (a motn- â€" „.. .._ „.. ,.,,,, plitd by a quintete, led by Mr. R.! tnri.), the bride travelling in a beige ^^'" '"' ^^^ engaged workers. i , , ,. - N. Cornfield, brother of the l)ride,| flat crepe dress, navy coat with hat U«e invited to this annual camp to cral selections of music. Mr. George Mitchell, Flesherton. and during the signing of the register and shoes to match. On their return hear the old time Gospel of full sal- ml is under the auspices oi ine un- Friend Ge.rgcâ€"Some time ago I Mrs. R. N. Cornfield sang "All Minej 'hey will reside on the groom's farm j vation preached. - H. B. Jackson, ward club. Admission Z& ana received an invi'ation from my old' Alone." The biide was given inlneur Clarksburg. [ Proton, Ont. |]j cents. htnio town to mingle once more with' inarriage by her father, and wore til ^^y^^^^^^^^^^^;.^^^^^.^^^^^^ the old bovs and girl.t of 1 >ng ago. | frock of salmon pink georgette and* ^- â- r-'r-^^^-^f^ ^ . .r-^^ ^^. ^^^ * f( â- v.hich I wan', you to tender myj '"ce. She wore a hat of matching'? nost sincere thankj to the coinmitteo moba-r and lace and carried a bou-;^ ;•. - the same. It is a great movcjnuet of Ophelia roses nnd lily of the X and I can say. wilh)ut lyinR. there valley. The bridesmaid was Miss,^ is no place in this old world I would Viola Coi-nfield, cousin of the \>ru\e.^^ \athi.- be than in .n»iherton for, who wore a frock of yellow taffeta,;'? ibo-e davs. Every time I icad that with a large black mohair bat. She;^^^ invitation the pull" gets stronger; it carried a bouquet of ycdlow roses and;,., has got sc strong now I have giv'-^auve .sweet peas. The groom was y •n in so we will be there, h;>^lth per-1 attended by Mr. John Montgomery.! X mitting. Right now I r. i n.t inl ^"'l ""hej-a ^v•cro the R-v. Levi Law-i* vcy good shape. Last August 1; -nco ."".d the .lev. A. F. Owen. After, .^ .,t in a mixup r. d p.ot carried out, the ceremony, n reception was held for .:. ' ^ ' .,u„.. *i,;„„.. n' th'i bridal party and the immediatei.;. .IcT.ty hurt. Among \^','.,^'"'',.\ family. liter the bride and groom i nactured sp.no. ^^'^^f .;;''"^f "^^ '"^ ' left for a trip to eastern Canada, the ? of grief, r.pcnt months in the tiospital , '."-_ â- ,,,*. . _ ,,i.._ .i !♦ in a tast. In time they let me on my feet, but had lots of fun learning u) walk; am still harning and hivo not got very good at it yet. That i i.s whv I said health permitting. It| I um r.'t with you in the flesh I willi be in mind or spirit, or whatever ( substance allows us to span space. Maybe we I'-.ttor call it mental vi.s- ion. f r I spent moments Save Money! bri<le travelling in a navy blue dressl.J, with a camel's hrrtr coat nnd blue hat. A â€" -k very quiat wedding took place] !», McCLUSKEYâ€" HALL T.l- .nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hal!, Duncan, Ont.. on Saturday.- X looking! jyj^p inth, when their youngest dau-!V at the old tr.wn, can see it nil plain. g},ter_ Gladys Mae, became the bride! Ij! Can .see, also. George yrtchell on ^^ j^j^ Robert C. McCluskey. only ••; second bas3. when wc played tho|j,^^ of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- '|I came called baseball. j ciuskcy, Clark.sburg. Rev. J. Mc- v I ECO things as they used to ''c;, Lauchlan officiated. The bride, who Tx.. but svbat things used to be and a''Cj Have Your Bread Delivered Buy Eleven Tickets for One Dollar | I Finder's Puritv Bread is Best | I step. ; For; r w, are somitimes a lonpr longer v,-ith Fome than others. r.,i j myself, old Father Time ha.s taken, his toll. I expect t.i find he hasj taken a certain amount from all, but a '.y-vvay, if we arc old and used up, it will be a great time to meet once again. Wishing the movement every suc- ces.i, I remain ycur friend, _W. T. CLARK. Wilder, Idaho. Williis. Calif., Juno 5. '20. Mr. W. H. Thurston. Dear Friend, I received an invi- tation frmi Mr. T. W. Findlay to vis- it Fleshe'-lon during Old Home Week. Please thank him for me for ' his kind invitation, as I wuld sure en- , joy it immensely. I fancy there would not be many 'here that I I would k-,ow. As I am improvin.f .some cf my property here, I will be very busy unt'rl after that date, so am afraid I will not be able to get away. I hope and believe all will have a fine time. Everything in this valley surely, looks well. I sowed some large lots] I have to wheat, and most of it stands 5 feet high and the heads measur.'' 5 inches in length. The pears a 'd apples and all kinds of ber- ries are an abundant crop. The crcps in our valley, being a littlel later than some other narts, escaped the frost that struck the fruit in the southern part of the State quite sev- erely some 'ime ago. With kindest regards to all the friends, â€" WM. DINWOODIE. RE-l NION The Advance received the letter be- low dealing with a re-union d the Little and Hutchinson connections a', the Old Home Week in Flesherton in .August. It wa.? sent to all the rela- 'ions as an invitation. It might be a suggestion fo- others to follow. The writers (f this letter have Ion" felt that there should be are- union of the reprcsenta'ivcs of our families. We think the time is op- noit.me now for such " gathering at the Flesherton Old Boys' meet-, ing. August 4-7, 192t). Our forefa'hcrs wer« well honored residents of the Town.ship of Arte- mesia, and it is desired that all their descendants meet in Flcshertxin on Mondav, August 5, 1029, and follow- ing days. The families beinst those of Willinm L^ tie and Elizabeth Mooe. William Hutchinson and Lenh Littli'. Willinm Moore and EliZRhsth Rpdfcrn. John Bro<.n and Fliznbeth Little. Willinm Aikins and Margaret j Little, Davul Wood and Mary Ann Little. The undersigned are acting as a temporarv committee wi* a view to the formation of a permanent orgnn- i7.ai;on to hold at least annual meetings. Be gofd enough to fnform the Chnirmao or Secre^nrv nf your desire '0 be present. U. i* eameMly dc- dred tha' the gathoring he as repre- »c".ta'ive a psossible. ^ With lore and best wishes for a sureessful ReuiWon. .»,-,^», REV^ JOHN F. Hl'TCHIVSON .07 irp.. nr.rk Mich.. C*"\irman DR." HHRBFJIT M. LITTLE Box 28S, Powassan, Secretary. HOWfiYâ€" CORNFIFil.D ROK An Erin bhicksmith Has fitted if^ n tmt-V and will %*avel througrh the cSltnr with a portable bbcksmlth^ Chancellor Bowl« of Victori.t Col u^'i' ~ ego. The wcddLir music was sup- shop. .. Bridal wjenlli. lilacs, with palms and ferns filled the Victoria Coll- cB« Chapel. Tn«o»ito, wi:h green and white on Mondav evenin* «t 7 »'- dock. v*en Gladys Jean, daughter of Wr. and Mrs. Jcsei* Cornfi^M be- came the bride of Rev. William How- ey, son r4 Mr. and Mrs. James How- ey, Owen Sound. The wedding cere- mony was performed fcy the Rev Har\-cy Hcwey cf Owen Sound, brrtber of the gro.-an, who w«s ar- sisted Vy the Rev. Frr.nk nr-(."'nnf' Coll- FORD CAR HOUDAILLE HYDRAULIC SHOCK ABSORBERS ,-.i? * Positive â€" Smoothâ€" Double Actimâ€" % HOUDAILLE Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, four to every Ford car, are entirely defensive in their action since they remain inactive and in neutral position on smooth roads. Let a wheel encounter the slightest depression or bump, however, and they respond with the velvet precision of a cat's paw. Houdaille Shock Absorbers were not adapted to the Ford car after it wis built, but were part of the spedf (ications laid down by the Ford engineers as they planned the car. Therefore, Iloudailles, their power* ful operation coordinated, became integral parts of th: complete chassis. It is lor this reason that they function with such perfect cfudency on the Ford car. Houdailles absorb both the upward and downward thrust of the shock through slowing the spring action by means of n heavy -glycerine solution, which is forced through a small valve from one compartment to another. They check the rebound of the car softly, c::crt no tension on the springs and are always ready to ouer resistance to the blow when and as required. In fact, the more severe the shock, the more effectively Houdailles operate. Different from any other shock absorber, the Houdaille connecting link between the frame and the axle of the car is a steel arm, not just a fabric strip to wear out and be replaces. Ad j ustable to suit differing road conditions and various loads, the Houdaille is more than a shock absorber and more than'a snubber. Inspect the Ford car carefully part by part. Then know the thrill of driving it. By its performance you will realize the easy riding comfort of zn Houdaille cq^j^pcd Ford. W^^ ijf y Drive it Yoiu^elf â€" there is no Better Test Ford Car Features Chciet of eolour$ iz to C5 mi^n an hour t 40'h:rt€ poiccr m(ri:i« Full lallovn Urct FtiC-J CT.clottd eix-bra!:e t-jitcm i Houdaille hydraatie thcck ab9orber$ to to 30 milta per ffO.lom ShalUrprool o'aM wndAicU Thc.'t VTOof ijnilion loeh Hdiaiilitit <md low ufkttp Arrange for your demonstrtttion ride nith the nearest Ford dealer H. DOWN & SONS FORD DEALERS -:- FLESHERTON, ONT.