Umbrellas FREE Big Ben is doubly attractive these days as, in addition to Chewing Tobacco of unusual richness and flavour, with a quality that satisfies every man who chews, a "Poker Hand" is now attached to every plug. ' For six sets of " Poker Hands," you can obtain FREE a Man's Umbrella, with sensible handle and strong cover; for eight sets, a Lady's Umbrella, new style. and fancy handle, with choice of Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Brown, or Black cover. These are only two of many presents pro- curable in exchange for "Poker Handa.*^ Chew BIG BEN and Save the "Poker Hands*^ h'lsc-pndant of tho early civilizatiur. soJ The NeW RuSSia •tragically dpstioyetl. l.ivi-jg outside 'the influence of the fl.»<l, it had not' ^^'' *' "anherK Wri^lif lu tho Con- h«'n enjfulffd in the latnilvsm which <»-'i»PO!-ary (LondDiic The InduHtrhil |.-wept the foimer out of ».xi«tcnce. j ^'asH. I", tlm working class the man-} Whil«-the valley of Mexico lay a "»' !»liriei» In tho towns Is now \M \ dead land this race had evidtntlv been """*' Iniportanf i^Iuhh in Ittisaia. Hav- j traveling the highway to a ni.-re ad-j'"K 'unu-d out tlie rldi and taken over i\anced civilization, for it had discard- "" ">''''" Droperfy, tliey liave stepped , cd the rude sculpture of the earlier''"*" H'*'''" "'"^es. In every tliliiK lliey j Mongoloid with its stuck-on eyes, ears. '"'' l»-''<'t>denc. In lousing acconinio- J ivose, mouth and limbs; and it had ad- '1""^'" "'eJ' are given tUe^flrst clioicu j jvanced from primitive wall paintings "^ looms, and tliey pay a smaller rent | to well exePuted stone sculpt\ire. Pot- """> "'""e «'>" ''" "briiln work." j .dpt\i tery had developed from simple to more complicated forms and terra cottii figures had approached nearer to a reproduction of the h iman features. This second Mongoloid people the fii'st, must h'.i •<• U '1 a p- [.rcfii The finest tea you can buyâ€" Red Rose Orange Pekoe, Made from juicy, flavor filled leaves â€" three days in bud. Every package guaranteed. «s REDROSE Their d'.lldren lake priiirity In the ] scliools and iinivcr.sities, the children I of the peasantry coining next, while { boys and giris of employeR or of l^hw | jl^g remnant, of the bourgeois class are ifg 1 not accepted as pupils iu any school , «« for few offensive weapons are found, "»'â- • vacancies have been tilled by the I is good tea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE i« extra good of thr-ir ;ila- other two (dasses. In the davs of ' WAS ALWAYS AILING NEVER FELT WELL ;ir,.';ig the rcma- -> ». •.n.-n ,.i.i-.- â- " i . „ 111, bitation ' t *'"' ^i*"" "i" -'ews alone were anb- I "Evn'doTitiy thfl Mongolians of these i"''' 'o 'sstnct ions in matters of educ- [dim distant days were as industrious, ^* <*"• ' ' _^__ ,^ las active, as persistent and as attach- â€" •- . â€" led to civic and comiHunity life as their , Chinese descendants are toda.v. They jhnil learned to lay down excellent ce- ment drains, to build extensive temple ; w,nns and to make elaborate incense ibui-neis and other religious vessels; 7~,n, , ,, 1 'which they decorated with figures and HP:«"n Restored Through the, Ultra Violet Rays ' Cla ssified Advertiaeme nU ViCl rOOl variance ^ .ViKora ami >;iilnch|lia HubbitB, i.i'cilgreea. Write for prices an<i Informa^ li' n. Solomon's Kur Kurm, Alllsion, i symbols of their gods They were excellent pottery makers and stone cutters, spinners and weav- ers: ami the density of the population of the valley argues they were agri I se of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills "I am one of the many found new healtli through British Ai- Ministry Con- demns London Fog As a Cause of Rickets and Tuberculosis London.â€" The British Air Ministry has renewed its flght against London fogs, which are blamed for being the frequent cause of rickets and tuber- culosis. Dr. J. S- Owens, superlutendeut of the Air Ministry advisory committee on atmospheric pollution, has dls- i covered that during a bad fog there . Humility Humility, like darkness. reveal« the heavenly lights. â€" Thoreau. Early American Tribes Believed Of Mongol Race who have he use of rulturi.sts. This is confirmed bylhelO""- Williams' I'ink I'ills." .says Mrs. finding of charred corn and beans in I E^eritt Dowe, South .\el.sou, S.B. the ruins of their houses and tho fact j"'''o'" «"â„¢<^ >"e-"'s ' "ever felt well. that they paid special cult to the^'"' *' """es was so woak that I earth mother and to the god:: of pr«-:'^°"''' ^'^ conHued to beii. At the very [are between SOO.OUO and 1.600,000 par- duction and fertility. i ^^^^ ' ^^*'' '" '^^ ^"'"K condition and } tides of soot crammed Into every ASter this second" Mongoloid people; '"""»' " 'J'fficult at all times to do my I cubic inch of air over London, had lived perhaps 2.000 vears or more '^""''^^â- °'''^- ' *^" subject to head- i Each person breathes about 30,000 „ ^ ^, . . ^ ,. in the valley of Mexico and surround- 'â- â- aches, poor appetite, breathless at the ' cubic Inches of air every hour. ThU But there IS far greater proof thaii . countrv another deluge de.ccended â- least exertion, and very pale. Before I means that under bad fog conditions mere facial resemblance. Educated *^^^ ^^^ ,-^^^ covering up the hou.AjD'"' Williams' Pink Pills were recom- ' nearly every person In central London Chinese have constantly recognized ^;_^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ crowned pvramids. ! '^e'^'le'l " ^e I had tried several flnhales from 24.000,000 to 48,000.000 j the Mongoloid type in the remains of ! primitive races of the Americas. The P ATENTS t-lBI Of Waiitea Inventloaa" mi.l Full lnfur;.ia,tlon Sent Fre» Qn Ro fni**8t. TXX BAMSAT OO , Sept. W. 3V3 Bank St.. Ottawa, ont. Schwe^lers THoiro:flRC;y- 5f, pmlwctHw 'A'(...'«, I-, 1. L IM*. AttCHiu bluk Box H75, and the temple crowned pyramids. ; "tended to me I had tried When the waters subsided volcanic ; "^ef'^ines but without any good re- ash covered the deserted land to a «""s. I had become completely dis '.Vnte loda* fw f M 1 > TU . i»rn~i)»_ SCtiWEfiliU'S HA.CHEIIV --0 ITorthampton Bn^Talo, JT.Y. BSIsaSBUBO. OWT.. CAW. Chinese laundryman of Professor ^,^ ^^ ^j ^^^^^^j ^^^^^ ;„ ^^^^^^ ^^j couraged and felt that I would alway:- rays of the sun Is the John H. Cornyn _(Aztec and Toltec desolation settled again upon the val-i''e an invalid. A friend strongly urged Harmful feature of air Relic8 of Ancients in Hemi- export" of the mtio;;;f-Uni;:^sUy';^;J<'}^i^-^^2 ^^l^aT^hile the sphere Reveal Chinese Link, Elxperts Assert Old Writings Identified Faces on Submerged Walls Bear Mongoloid Stamp Mexico) clearly identified as Chinese the little clay figures which Professor ^j ^ ^ j„ ^j^; ^ ;„ ^^^ firstl «""""' â„¢"^^ "°P« tnat tney Ccnyn had unearthed in archaeo- „•_„„.,„„.„„;„„ .,f ;,„«,, n hoTno-o 1 1"*'?- where other medicines Pro- dead and buried cities slept in a new winding sheet. In this, as in the first covering, no remains of human beings me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and finally I consented to do so, but without much hope that they would Riches To have what we want is riches; but to be able to do without is power. â€"George MacDonald. logcal excavations m Mexico rro- ^ -^ ^^^ ^ j„ ^he disturbed fessors Mena Niven and Hyde and ^^^^^ ^.j,^^^ ^^^^^ j,^^, evidently been various members of the staffs of the ^.^^^^^ .^ .j,^,^^^ ^^^ ^,ti,„ „f ^^ter National University and National^ ^j,^ ^„„^f^l ^„j ^„i,a„i, ^e- Museum of Mexico to be Mongoloid. , . . ,„ _ 1 P;f f s°^- M<»-ley of the Carnegie In-'^'^.^^ the destruction of this second All of North and South America s^'*"'* concurs. I civilization the Mongols disappeared were once peopled with Mongoloid in-, CHINESE WRITING IDENTIFIED^ fro^ the valley of Mexico and a new habitants v^ho probably migrated. The Secretary of the Chinese lega- j race, more cultured and of apparently from central Asia centuries before . tion in Me.xico City recognized primi- ; Indo-European origin, took their place history began to record events, writes tive Chinese writings in si?\ns on | j-cars afterward when the waters had a contributor in "The Milwaukee Mexican walls which were erected be-isubEided and the earth had again be- Journa!.' And then, many centuries tween 8,000 and 10,000 years ago. He' come cultive-table. wave of Indo-Europeans. ' also said that terra cotta figures dug From time to time this has been up from a buried civilization twenty An^er suggested as a speculative theory. It feet beneath the surface in the valley i^igcr is now virtually considered a fact. It of Mexico were ancient mandarin "* '''^° "'^'^ suppress a moment s is believed that these people got to dresses. He further added that these! '*"^^'" "^y- ^^ =° '^°'°S' Prevent a day the new world either across the Aleu- figures were very similar to some of °^ '''"'"'â- for I'^self and another. tian chain of islands from Siberia to the ancient Mongoloid gods found in Alaska or, perhaps some of them, early Chinese civilization. In the across a now vanished land chain valley of Mexico^alone there are mil- over the Pacific. j lions of these figures. Most of the Indian races in North : Faces on submerged walls of an- and South America today, including cient Mexican temples, sculptures and, „ the Wisconsin tribes, are considered paintings on stone tablets and adobe ' «t/\ Mrnirif MF I If/r descendants of the Mongoloid Ameri- brick bear the unmistakable Mongol- Nil Ml*llll INI* I IKI* cans. The Mongoloid features can oid stamp, and the early primitive *^" iniiUlXjUJl* iAlXL, still be seen in many tribes, .\mong gods of the Mongoloids, the gods of D ADV'C AU/1U TAD! ETC certain Indians of Mexico especially nature, fire, sun, earth, water, are in ! DnD I J U fill InDLLIj one may clearly see the Mongoloid evidence everywhere among the re-| eyes and cheek bones. This is also mains of early Mexican civilizations L j... ,i. x- u d u markedly true in Bolivia, Ecuador, now being excavated. j For Either the Newborn Babe or and Peru. j The most remarkable finds among the Growing Child ^^^ remains of these buried Mongol- 1 ^^^^6 is no other medicine to equal Old cities are stone slabs, adobe brick, i j5.,,,y.g ^y^.^ Tablets for little ones- I terra cotta tablets and cy inders cov- ,^e^uer It be for the newborn babe jeredwith primitive hieroglyphic writ-Lr the growing child the Tablets ai- ding. Some of these the Chinese secre-L.^,.s do good. They arc absolutely jtary recognized and interpreted with- 1 (re^ irom opiates or other harmful I out hesitancy, and since then other jj^u^.i and the mother can alwavs feel , Chinese have confirmed his interpre- La£e iu ugjug them. I*^!i?"' c • •,• , Concerning the Tablets. Mrs. John I Tho first civilized races of Mexico Armour, R.R. 1, South Mouaghan, \ were swept out of existence, by a con-j Qnt.. savs:â€" "We have three flne, tinuous deluge so stupendous that itii,eaithv children, to whom, wheu a IS recorded in the chronicles of the medicine is needed, we have given Aztecs as the "Water Sun," or the^oniy Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- period when the sun was finally de- ,gtj. ^^e the best medicine you can stroyed by the deluge of waters which. keep in any home where there are descending from the sky. swept him young childru." out of existence in his daily joumey j ' Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but the heavens. The huge crater- 1 thorough laxative which regulate the like throat of the valley of Mexico ! gtomach and bowels: banish consti- was a second time converted into a j potion and iudigeslioii; break up colds Ifke, the waters of which rose'and simple fever and make teething up on the mo-antain sides. g^,,, xhey are sold by medicine NEW RACfe .APPEARED. i dealers or direct by mail at 25c a box Later came a new race very much I from The Dr. Williams' Medicine" Co.. like the first in appearance. It had ; Brockvllle, Ont. slanting eyes and pronounced Mongol-' '-* oid features; and it was probably a . Angle American Relations I Leo Max-^^e i" the Xaiional Review ! (London): .\nglo-American affairs i offer a singularly unpromising field 1 for the activity of busybodies. but busybodies are always with us and in- sist on regarding this particular sphere as peculiarly their own. The results so far kiave been pitiable, and unless a halt can be called they are bound to get worse. Can the Araeri- ' cans ,and will they, restrain their mis- Can we repress our failed. When ^w/A Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. But I you can be prepared. Then you can "in," aaya tu« kindly doctor, -you , , , , , do what any experienced nurse would , J^JJ 'so'*"""'"* diur.tlc." Ana for mor. chief-makers? Do You Get Up Tired, Cross? Look out. It may be kidneys. Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy particles of soot in an hour. ' "The shutting out of the ultra-violet ' worst and most pollution," Dr. [ Ow.Mis points out. "It la the frequent ; cause of rickets and tuberculosis." j On a Winter's romlng 2S0 tons of , had soot are produced ; three hours over j But in this, to my Joy, I was ; London by domestic fires. Haifa pound I' mistaken. I had not been taking the of soot pollution per million subic i plKs very long when I knew they were yards Is enough to eliminate virtually ! helping me. As I continued their use all the ultra-violet rays which would ! I found my appetite improving, I slept otherwise be coming through. Burn- I better at night, and my strength was ,ng n.noo.OOO tons of coal London ' gradually returning. I continued tak- joses throug hthe smoke pall mlved In I ing the pills for several months, when ,„^gs ..^ough the smoke pall mixed In I again found myself a well woman, winter sunshine it should receive and and I believe that had 1. not been for For Tentitr Skin* Cuticnra Shaving !i»tick Freely Lathering Medicinal & Emollient Dr. W'illiams' Pink Pills I would to-day be a helpless invalid. The pills have 50 per cent, of the Winter daylight, ! according to Dr. Owens. j The density of air pollution Is mea- slnce been taken by others in our ^^^ed by an intricate clockwork de family, with the same beneficial re- sults. I strongly urge every weak /ur Coughs and Colds AFkasantSliKlnstantKeM There is aa effective way to pleu- antly relieve that distressing Cough. Bucitlry's Mixture is delightful and "friendly". Yet it acts liice a flash in clearing the throat and chest. One dose stops coughing â€" and there are 40 doses in a 76-cent bottle ! Ail druggists •ell it under a money-back guarantee. W. K. Buckley. Limited, Mutual St., Toronto 2 grand health- woman to. try . this building medicine." If you will send your name and address to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockvllle, Ont., a "Building Up the Blood," will be mailed you postpaid. You can -ret these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at oOc a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockvllle, Ont. vice. A disk of white filter paper, seven Inches In diameter, divided Into twenty-four sections like the face of , a clock, is fixed on a turn-table revolv- ; ing once In twenty-four hours. I ,. , , . Records obtained in this way siow ) little Dooit, fjjgj j^g Impurity varies every hour.l ! In London the atmosphere thickens ' \ 142 M MIXTU Acu like /lashâ€" sin^e lip proves ii 75c and 40c Free Book About Cancer The lndliinapoll3 t;ani--fr HospUaj. In- „.,_„» - _ _, „.,, , .. ~ dlanapolls, Indiana, has published a about , a.m.. w-hen domestic fires are booklet which gives interesting facta lit. and it is at its densest about three "-Ijout the cause of also tella what to do for pain, bleeding, odor. etc. A valuable guide In the management of any ca.<?e. Write for It to-day. nientlon- Inir this papt^r. Rough and Smooth Life is made up of rough places as well as smooth. We take the smooth tor granted and resent the rough. But no man has really lived until he has learned to conquer the things that he encounters along the way. hours later. After this It clears grad- ually, but there i« a slight increase in density about 6 p.m. On Sunday morn- ing the period of maximum density is one hour later. Apparently old-school ideas have n^> place in the g^)vemment of Grief t- wald University, Germany, even if it does date from 14.56. For a lawn ten- nis course lias beea scheduled as a compuLsory course in the college cuni- culum, in keeping with the modern sport movement. Talent | Talent, lying iu the understanding, is often inherited ; genius, being the action of reason and imagination, rarely or never. ^? Minard's Liniment prevents Flu. â- * "My dear." saitl a wife who had been married three years, "tell mo what first attracted you to me â€" what plea.«ant characteristic did I possess which placed mo above other women in your sight?" "I give it up!" ans- wered tho husband distractedly. Those "Languid Eyes They quickly reflect your health and physical condition â€" restless eye* indicate the temperament of the stomach. Watch the eyes ... see that the whites are clear with a healthy bluish tinge. The minute a yel- low tinge appears it betrays con- stipation, sluggish liver or bil- iousness, you need a laxative. Bring back your Vigour, Vim, Vitality with Beecham's Pills â€" the sure way to constant, joyous, bounding A health. ~i Always Vnder the Lash. â€" The pupil of the eye. Try a regular daily course for a short t VeoflahU period. Youreyes will a vegetaoie tell the story. Product Read about Characler from llie Eyes ii j'ulure Bcicham Ad:crtiicmcnts. LEONARD EAR OIL MM Drugsists mini i^aaiCooflKSi'm REHuqi. A.O LCONARO. INC. VO-S'TAVt^ NCW YORK For Influenza The Liniment that Reli'ves Ailments. All 5<i/e> Astnis: Harold F. Ritchie U Co.. Limited, Toronto _ B2B_ Try TWs Is a burning ques- ' years the beat known remady la busvbodles â- > do â€" give a few drops of plain Castorla. tJiU cl»»» has b«*n -wramer's Saf* Xla- ., . .,' ' ,. ,. , , , ,. No sooner done than Baby Is soothed: i S2l.i^Vn-."»7/.ort»Uo«.''' ^"iJS^^Jf "W/ 1 1 ?\ the hour. It should be now relief Is Just a matter of moments. JSX'ih.r?.'"'' "'"* "' "- "« P'«"^" "^7 f°^^ Pikestaffs that Yet vou have eased vour child without "•**• •' oo'*"*- "nt Mttsr than that, ' every eOort of either country to ar- iet >ou nave easet >oir cniiu without j^ ^.ip, »<, ^nmtxy, your most prsciona ranee th^ Xavy of the other can onlv use of a single doubtful drug; Castorla :»aa»t, your Malth. osntly it stlinnlatsa ; , ,^; ,^ .7 „ me oi.ier can oni> So it's sBfo tn nso «.. *i*»*y» »»»* "»•» *<> *» thsip work of i add fuel to the tire and Is predestined a8l^.^^^„^. ^e?^..'."/-;;- .T'*.I2« to failure. leaving a legacy of disap- Is vegetable. often as en infant has any little palnibioad^ •am olsanssd, and all org«na ' you cannot pat awav. And Ifg always ' I?"«*»'"^» •" tt«y.,»Jio«i«. »»« .wi^k. polntment and embltterment calculat- . , . . 1 aTom a aouaa night a . aiaap rsf ,. , ,.^ .♦,„._ ♦•«. -i rsirsahsd, ed to promote the very disaster these Invlgoratad, stroaf. Ufa taksa on a „ , \ ». , i naw Joy. Tour sya elaars. Tonr rtin ^eUlntentioned miscarriages were de- . ,, , ,, I 1- . - 'falM a haalthy color. Ton watt â- with signed to obviate too, for older children. Twenty-five ; aaauuM*. Ton dUpUy an air ef antltor. "'*"*" ^° oaviare. ready for the crueler pangs of colic or constipation, or diarrhea; effective million bottle, were bouaht last y^r. »t»„'j4 "J^-, ^„^, ,„„.« »„.^ Warasr'a aaia Xldaay and Uvsr B«m- •dy. It ooata llttls, Mit It la worth un- told amoujita to aayoao wko aseda tko holv It fflwoa. any your kottlsa today. Oat baok to kaaltk. 'WAraor'a tafa Boa- •dlsa Co., Toronto. Ontario. CASTORIA He: Are ye fond of moving pic- tures, Jeante? She (hopefullj) : Ay When Food Sours FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound About two hours after eating* many hnrmlees. It has remained the stand- people suffer from sour stomachs. ' srd with physicians lu the 60 years They call it Indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been Sandy. He: Then maybe, lass, ye'll •"'â- "• *'»''^^'» neutrallies many times Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy help m« get half a dozen doon out o' the attic. Use Mln*"^'* Liniment for the Flu. since its Invention. It Is the quick method. Kesults conae almoat Instantly. It Is the over-stimulated. There is excesa acid. I approved method. You v.llt never use The way to correct it Is with an another when you know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribtd by pyhst- clans for 50 years In correcting excess aolds. Each bottle contains full direc- , its volume In acid. The right way la Phillips' Magnesia â€" Just a tasteless Milk of dose In water. It Is pleasant, efficient and ; tlons â€" anj- drugstore. Wilton, Ont.â€" "I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound through theChange of Life. It helps me and I cannot praise it too highly. 1 was troubled with heat flashes and my limbs were heax^ so I could hard^ walk to do my farm work. I saw in the newspapers your ad about the ;, Vegetable Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first bottle gav« me relief and I have toM others what it does for me. I am '^'illing for you to use my letter if you choose." â€" Mbs. D. B. Peters, W ilton. Ontario. Ask Yoar Netghboc ISSUE No. 6â€"79 "