THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDKESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, *» Sale "Paper" Must be Sound WHEN the last animal ha« passed througrh the auction ring, when every implement of the farm equipment has been sold, what then? The vast ma- jority of farm auction sales are con- riucted on a credit basis, but if the sale is to be counted a success a train- ed banking expert must pass judg- ment upon the soundness of all settle- mer ts. Consult the manager of the S: - '.- ard Bank. THE STANDARD BANK OP CAJ4/U3A. lOfSHERTON BRANCHâ€" E. A. Preston, Manager Cliirlie Talbot Passes There passed away at the C-olling- wood hospital on Thursday morning of last week Charies Talbot, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Talbot of East Back Line, Artemesia, after only a short illness from infantile paraly- si;^ The little fellow had only been sick one week and had been tiken to th» Collingwood hospital the Friday previous. He was an exceptionally bright little chap and had been at- tending school in town for the past year and was making good progress in his studies. Besides his sorrow- ing parents he leaves an older brother, Everett. The funeral took place the â- ame afternoon, interment taking place in Flesherton cemetery. Rev. Jos narrower, pastor of the United Church, officiating. The pallbearers were George. Charles and Earl Best and Wm. Blackburn. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Talbot in the great loss they have sustained. CJ»JL TIME TABLE No Paper Nsxt Week Mrs. McCann of Toronto is pay- ing her daughter. Mrs. Harrower. an extended visit. Trains leare rieaherton SUtion ^ p^„„^i„g theT^^al custom The . ^iss Leta C^r. Markdale. has „ „ _J.\dvance will not Y i published nexti?"-^ graduated from the Royal Bus- Going North! ^gg}, xhe office will be open asl'^^^ College, Toronto and is now m follows: (lofaiff South 8.08 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.31 p.m. The mails close at Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 ajn. «outh at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Deer Huiters Emigrate The deer hunters have been emi-_ grating the past few days for the ' northern fielda. The Bock Mills club goes to Ardbeg, most of them .' going with cars, and is composed of Ja-> Dargavel, Wm. Phillips, Dave Williams and Henry Tudor from here, besides three gentlemen from Palm- erston. The Stuart boys also go to the same district but five miles south at Boakview. This party is compos- ed of Jasper Stuart of Meaford. Elmer Ellis of Kimberley, Ernie Proctor of Eugenia, Harold Ellis, H. Down of Plesherton, Robt. Stuart, Geo. Stuart, Chas. Stuart of Rosseau, Victor Eliis of Collingwood and Jas. Stuart of North Bay. The High Falls Hunt Club this year only has six members in the party. Geo. Mitchell, G. B. Wel- ton. Mark Wilson, .\lbert Sparks. S. Pedlar and J. McKee. F. J. Thurston scccmpanie=. several Lions Head men i to the north shore and left Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Watson leaves this week to hunt near Powassan in company with Markdale and Brampton men. â- H WARNING TO USERS OF RADIO All Radio Receiving SeU MUST be Licensed Penalty on suminar\- conviction is a fine not exceeding $50.00 License Fee $1.00 per annum Licenses, valid to March 31.1928. may be obained from: Staff Post Offices- Radio Dealers. Radio Inspectors, or Radio Branch. Dept. of Marine and Fisheries. Ottawa. A. JOHNSTON, Dtp. Minister Marine and Fisheries. J.VCK L.\RGE .\TTENDING ROYAL WINTER TATR FROM WELLAXD COUNTY 11.52 a.m. usual to 8.53 p.m. accounts. 4.33 pjn. Local and Personal Buy in Plesherton! The fox hunters of the district are having fair success this year. The radio is coming into its season again. receive subscriptions andi^j>« Dominion Income Tax office. Congratulatior.s. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers, eighth line, Osprey, entertained about twen- ty of their friends to an euchre party on Thursday evening last. Miss .Annie Bemrose was succesful in obtaining first prize for the ladies, while Mr. Carl Humberston carried the honors for the men. L. 0. L Degree Team Competition on Friday The Annual cc.n petition between the degree teams in the county of East Grey, L. 0. L. for the posses- ion of the Dr. Tlos. Sproule trophy i The Anglicans of St. Mary's church, will be held in CI yton's Hall, Flesh- 1 Maxwell, will hold a concert in the erton on Friday fening of this week, 'Orange Hall on Thursday, Nov. 3. .A play will be given by the Whitfield Dramatic Club, ".All Tangled Up." Orchestra music will be provided for music between acts. .Admission 33 and 20 cent. .A quiet wedding took place at the Baptist Church Parsonage in Flesh- , -, „ „ .. . n --•- â€" â€" , .., ..^. erton. on Monday, October 31st at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patton of Owen g^nd in their application before Fri- 3 p.m. when Miss Mabel Mildred Bums of Heathcote and Mr. Ernest November 4th. Orange Valley, L. O. L., 509 won the trophy last year in competition with Plesherton and this year will be the defending team. Al- ready three of the lodges in East Mn Burt Field of Toronto is vis- ^"^ !??Tf *«^«'^. ^^^^ ^^J^,' me relatives here "^^ Valley, Flesnerton and Corbet- mg relatives Here. ^^^ ^^^ j^ j^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^j Sound si)ent the week end in town. jgy nj^jit^ Miss Elsie McKee spent Wednesday with Mrs. Robt. Down in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound were in town on Sunday. \ Mrs. S. M. Lively will receive at SERVICES AND FOWL SLT»PER Henry Welsh of Eugenia wwe tmit- ed in the holy bonds of matrimony. They were attended by Miss Clara Welsh and Mr. Stewart Rae. Rev. The Anniversary Services of StiM. Saunders officiated. ter home on Saturday afternoon, Columbe United Church, Priceville November 5th, from 3 to 6 p.m. , will be held on Sunday and Monday, Mrs. Alex. McEachnie Sr. of Hark- November 6 and 7. The services on dale spent the past week with her son Sundav at 11 and 7.30 will be con- liere J ducted by Rev. C. E. Kenny of Cent- Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings of «1 Church Owen Sound. On Monday Oshawa were week end guests of eyemng a fowel supper will be served friends here i at 6 o clock. The programme foUow- „ „ „=...• . . • ing wUl be given by the St. John's Miss Marie McEachnie accompwiied ch^^^ Dramatic Club, Flesherton and Dundalk fnends to Owen Sound on ^,j jn^ude a play '.A Rough Dia- Thursday last. jmond" and musical selections. .Ad- Mr. Wm. Castle o; Leamington ' mission to supper and concert 50&2o. spent the past week with his dau- ' ^^^^^^^^ ghter, Mrs. Jas. Wilson. j â€" â€" ^â€" ^â€" Mrs. E. C. Brown and little daugh- ; FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS ter. Marguerite, of Brighton are BAPTIST CHURCHES guests at the home of the former's 1 REV. M SAUNDERS mother, Mrs. M. ThisUethwaite. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lea, and , Flesherton 11 a.m. â€" "Thankful or. little daughter, of Toronto, were we^ ; Thankless. Which ? I «nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Arm- Rock Mills 3 p.m.â€" "Keeping up app- strong. earances Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry returned . Flesherton 7 p.m. â€" ".A drama of life home on Friday after a delightful; in three acts." two months visiting friends in the If seeking for church work you can -west. I help us. If seeking for a .A fowl shipper will be held at Eu- genia on Thanksgiving. Nov. 7th. Supper will be served from 6 to S. .A good program will be given after. .Admission â€" .Adults 50c., children 35c. Under the auspices of the United Church. .Anniversary services will be held on Sunday afternoon next at 3 p.m., when Rev. CampbeU of Max- we'J will preach. The youngsters of the village had a fine time on Monday evening and wer^i^^inforced by thjrty or more from Markdale. The latter were chaperoned by a couple of elderly men who prevented them from doing too much harm. Ordinarily we are ready with open arms to welcome the youth of our sister town, but not on Hallow- e'en, as our own youngsters can prac- tice enough pranks without any assis- tance. Mr. Jack Large. Niagara Falls, was one of the successful competitors at the Welland fair in the judging con- test put on by the Department of .Ag- riculture during the early part of Oct- ober, and will havs four days at the Royal Fair. Toronto with ail expen- ses paid. Jack judged Grain. Cows. Poultry. Sheep, Pigs, and Horses. Your Telephone Patrol PERSONAL Service Mrs. Geo. Mitchell left on Satur- ^°'"^ '^^ ^^ welcome you day to spend a couple of weeks with '*' Thanksgiving Services, her daughters in Toronto during her husband's absence while he is in the north woods. Dr. and Mr. Rossell and daughter, ' â- Eleanor, of Caledonia motored up i RUBBER BOOTS FOR ALL and visited relatives in town the first 'â- „ . . . ^ ,. of the week, while on their way to' ^*>'' * ^*^ ^^^ *»<«» ***•» ^^ ^^^ The W.M.S. met in the United church last Thursday in their autumn thankoffering meeting with Mrs. Jos. Harrower presiding. .After the church i devctional exercises Mrs. Cargoe read Spec- ' a translation of Psalm 23. as given -by an Indian; Miss MacMillan read a Advertise in The Ad\'ance visit Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Osborne ol ; ''**P y***" '*«* ^' »»<i rubber bot Kimberley. j toms and tops for men and boys, and A quartette was nicely rendered;*^' ""**» *»^ repairing on footwear, s*"* during the service in the United "*'** *<* Church Sunday night by Mrs. Black- W^. L. MORWOOD bum, Mrs. McCallum, Miss A. Hend-j Flesherton, Ont. erson and Mrs. A. Down which was ; â€" â€" -^â€" ^^â€" ^^_^^__^ much enjoyed. j AGENCY FOR Miss Marguerite Runstadler isi KR ^ »» _ • home from Toronto this week assist- j IrMiSSSy laAlTlS ing her father in his office. Mr ' ~ I paper on the life of that hardy J Scotchman, Rev. James Robertson, who was the first Superintendent of the West, his -field consisting of the four provinces, Mrs. Murray read "Christ at the Treasury." which was timely and appropriate. The offer- ing amounted to over $55. which will be augmented by those who were ab- Runstadler has been confined to the I house, but we are pleased to know that he is recovering. Rt. Wor. Bro. W. J. Price of Oran- geville. District Deputy Grand Master of Grey District, will pay his official visit to Prince Arthur Lodge A. F. A A. M. SSS. Flesherton, on Friday evening of this week, when a full attendance is expected. Mr. AUnd Down. County Matter of the L. O. L. of East Prey was in Toronto last week attendiac a r«th- •ring of the County Maatara thnragh- out Ontario 'wmt He mta aecomp- aaiw) to Toronto by Capt. Riddifonl Crand Ortaaltor. -who ia at pteoeat noridat in Osprey township. Mnu W. W. Trimble foil oa Moa. day at her homo and disloeatad her kip Mr. TViaiblt -wu out at tho ttee aad ca hk retara f ouad her anakle ta a* TiM. She haa been aa iavalM for MBM year*. The nafortuaata lady haa many ayiapathiiers with her who 4aaply recMt the aeddeat. Implements INSURANCE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. JohnWrisrht FLB8HBBT0N Painting and Decorating Now that Fall is here you will spend more time in your homes. Why not have them freshly decorated and attractive looking? Do not wait till Spring to have your painting and dec- orating done. We can give you a better price on work done now than we can in the Spring when we are al- ways rushed. Talk the matter over with OS. Phone 107. Dundalk. at my expense tot fal information. W. J. WELL WOOD Your service deperds cti rr.-re than just the way ycM; c^â€" . in- strument ara line arv -.voriung. -Vny Tnon".ei:t yc'a rr.'-^ -'-r connection with a teic->hr-? •''•- ten. a hundred or a' t_cuo. miles away. Your call mr.y io".!?'v c-j •-; great Icng- d-sta^-^e hlg--.;rv. » head off along s^Te Trrdirc poJ" line into the next cou-ty. But, whichever ;: b;-. ycu; service is constantly pltrollei ia trucks and cars ar.d nfco^. a;o-^ two million miles o: in Or.:a- rio ar.J Quebe- â€" f sc-e th-t storm and sleet, u-;.'.d and tlood are oot-manoeuvre-i â€" to see that the track is quickly c!#arevi tor ucvr coil whcr. the clc::;e-:j get tl« upper har.ii These n-.en are scrri:;j yea per- sonally. With them ifs not just a day's work, but a job in Your interest. Y-O-U-R EOrthopkonici i Vicivolal OFFEHS SPECIAL AOVANTA6ES Only VICTROLA CHRI/TMA/ CLUB t. VtHadatd leieaiaB of isr CnVfiksx %'ictrab. Om DpUk Not 1. Ne caA p*7aeatâ€" OD^r sa^I vni^'r ;aj73tsa R^Bind. O^ latrr m tw. Y«« Ptmomb i. tidJH l25c;*rce. Is caae of ilaes er trspcnrr esrsckn^ Boti ^ali ^j^aots w£ be tcix;Xa! kx *i loc« ts u t timi j pud is CaL. S,riif.mi„ « Maarr BmA i. Tcs diTS traL U *tt-'-'^^-' :^ la^rs-irat raj be l e iaingl wii&sx tcs ixTi a/tcr tig-'ivesy. .\.^ rtunri. «£ be RQiaed. If Ym Pr«fcr Aa«ha Best WV c t gd It ICT t:=3» v;thja t^Rc mnnrtri ior a aev oa* ol ficKcx ^ar. It B<n tb* \-<act T i tiMiit 6. Ov (Bnstee. Lvtrr irLS-*.:~. tf al s r'lrirTreii 13 be a pcr- hct oamtifin s>i ta gr."? t-tn w^ri<-»-r Aaocbcr PrTTU«g« ^ ^ ^ «« m I. Toor cU trpt, t3ai ^ixx^^^ wi: be *=tt«ri ia fan Too Cood To B* ptrsaat. Lhtai ii:,-wi;sj wi: >e =»ie_ Trae Y« la sad CansBss c^es m ctV; ?« j -jeia ssii ^iw SOm Kete: oki Hsk! Tk* HmU Aag^m Sim Bt E!a* B>kcr and TnssSr Ov<nr- Ja«l« B«II»< «ad l^e Qstoas Pwn â€" B> Stuaeoa Qbumc. A^<i» (Oena Soi«l : asd MhbiIi â€" ~~ ~ BUT . IT . IS! And the Jkeea bayer will investigate oar oSer TODAY Wejm^ I F yoa love music! V.-- vtMJ ccjoy jrour tctrc; F vou wbfa to surprise your faxnilv oa Chrittmaa Eve! SLIP A DOLLAU BILL in your pocket and CO.ME IN .' W. A ARMSTRONG & SON ^ JEWELLERS J mk.^ Sli:^,:;i;!'da::. !l Il 8 l â- ^ :I:^ •;: /'; i ';:'; ;»ji ^i:'£ iiliiJt-^iy-'ib ^â- '32.:i*i-*eSi;i.-\ I iw!]ttfjuyiiiiiiiiS^' â- ' ! NEW DESIGNS â€" SPECIAL PRICES Satnrday afternoon the broke 4HI a CadHIae aedaa car after traveinnt over tha rwnth pieca «f road at the Beatty creak, north of towB aad aa a reiult the ear beeaara VBBiaaattable and it planged hito tha ditch at the aide of the road. Aa' the groaad was eoft no other damaga I was done to the car and the paaaea*! C«r* were able |lo proceed. It fa 1 said that the trip from Toronto to flesherton was made in the record time of one hour and forty minutes. Fowl Wanted All kinds of dreued FOWL Wanted for Thanksgiving. Highest cask price Mrill be paid. John Runstadler Bed Spreads $1.75 and $2.50. Pillow Slips $1.19 and $1.50 pair. Linen Tea Towels 49c Laundry Bags 59c. Dresser Scarfs 39c Luncheon Setts $1.50 and $2.00. Linen Guest Towels 49c. Oyster Linen Centres $1.00. Van- ity Setts 19c Full stock of Embroidery Cotton in boiI-ph>of colors, Belding's Artsyl Rope and Ro3ral Floss. Fall Millinery Novelties of Latest Design Just Placed in Stock. Stanfield's Xova Silk Lingerie. Slips, Xigrhtgrowns, Vests. Bloomers New colors â€" Peach. Flesh. Beig^. Champagne. Lo>'ebird Gre€3i, Comsilk. Special price on Rayon Silk Lingerie- Vests 75c.. Bloomers $1.00. Colors, Rose. Com. Peach. Sand. RUBBERS FOR FALL. Leather Top Rubbers. Heavy Bush Rubbers. R-wbber Boots. Rubbers to Fit .\1I Shoes. Men's. Women's. Children's Goloshes. Ra>-nboots in new colors. All first quality and reasonably priced. Staidicld's UAshiinka|>le Underwear SINGLE GARMENTS .\ND COM BIN.AT IONSâ€" LIGHT. MEDIUM .\XD HEAVY QUALITIES TO SUIT INDOOR OR OUTDOOR REQUIREMENTS. FULL Ri^GE OF SIZES IN ALL QUALITIES. *. Vakiee m M«n*s Bhie Overcoats. Some in and look thcin oi lU> P. H. W. HICKLING PLBSHERTON. OITI - -^ iJM.