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Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1927, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMB'R 14, 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- BHB" THE FlESHERTOli ADVANCE Published un CullinKwood street, Flesherton, We(lnes<lay of each WMk. Circulation over 1100, Price iv Canada, |2.00 per year, \rh^ paid in advance $1.50. In l'.??.!i. f;J.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. ARTEMEsiA COUNCIL \ School Fair Thursday Artcmesia council met at the Town liall on August 3rd. The members «. H. THUBSTON, EMitor WHAT IS BEAl'TY The annual school fair of Artem- , ,^ „ ... esia Township is being held on Thurs. were all present the Reeve presiding. ^j^^^„„„„ „f t^is week. This is one The minutes of the last meeting were read |ind adopted â€" Communications were rtad as follows^ T. S. Cooper, invitation to attend School Fair at Flesherton the IB inst. Claims for sheep killed presented: J. Williams of the most important events of the year for the public school children of the township, it is steadily grow- ing ench year and is attracting con- siderable attention " from everyone, large crowd is expected to see e o,.v.c,^ «^..v..u. ». ............>. large crowd is expected to se' $17. P. Muir $20.50, P. Sweeney $32.1 ^^ ^ ,^.^ ,,;, ,„,, ,, ^ak H. Corbett $49. J. Campbell $10. D.p^^/ j/,P^ %„,,,. The Osprey Campbell$.'i2. R. Parslow $31. A. Cur- Township fair take.s place at Fever- A competition for a j)riic of $12, 500 to b- awarded to the moft beaut- iful WDiiian, was recently set on foot by an English newspaper, and the final decision, after the pictures of the vonlestanti have been printed, is to lip Ri". c!i by '.'iK' .â- -'iderfof the pa|)cr As usu-.i.' the ru-.jtion has been rais- ed "What is beauty." Mr. E. 0. Hoppi a distuingishpd artist, having charge of the contest, replies to this quest- ion in these tt;mi8 "Expressionâ€" that iiiean intellig- ence â€" that means an inner something that gives that nio.ft coveted of all posesions Personality. "Do i'ou agree with me? "I have no type of beautv I espec- ially admire. Everything that is flaw- less of its kind is beautiful. It does not matter when a woman is really beautiful whether she is purely class* ical, or purely modern, or purely Egy- ptian or Chinese. Let her be perfect of her type and she- is beautiful. "Beauty is not measured by the type. How foolish! It is a matter of opinion. But when the heights ar re- ached it is no lonirer a matter of op- inion bpt of fact. "Wf no lonec have fashions in faces. "Twenty vcar.s ago is was the Gib- son girl, before that the Rossetti. be- fore that the Winter-halter. "Nowdays we recognize beauty where we see it, without making it conform to a fashionable standard. "The emancipation of women has contributed a new style of beauty: one not dependent on certain phys- ical traits. The l)eauty of intelligent expresHion. "Personally I adnire, above all things (if I may confess to any pref- erence.) intellectual beauty. I as' for thought and intellect to be behind a woman's eyes and smile. She is then more that beautiful: she is in- teresting.' "Without that aliveness that inde- pendence has t'lven to the modern face mere good looks fail. "Let her be the most beautiful woman in the world, if her mind is vacant her face is unlit and dull". DATE FOR THE NEW FORD CAR ANNOUNCED rie $20, A. Harrison $10, which were ^^^^ ^^ Monday, September 26th ordered paid. Gravel accounts ordered paid viz H. Carins $27.10, G. H. Cai*> 82.30 G. Clark $9.40. F. T.tylor 88.40, D. j Hincks $8.00, B. Taylor $.''i.70, C; Tom Brown, one of the Ford deal- .Moorc $7.00, A. Currio S.'J.OO, H. Doug- ! ers in Oiillia, has given us the fol- Inss $0.80, A. McLean SC.50, J. Bur- lowing enlignfent as to the date the nett S10..50, J. Ferris $2, F.Collinson j new Ford car will be brought out $3.60, H. Fisher $8.90, W. McMullen I and we pass it on for your informat- $4.50, W. G, .Tamieson $12.80, S. Mc-'oin: Mullen $3.10, J. Carson $7.60, Govt. â-  Ab.solute knowledge have I none, Pit $.'!8.i0 â€"Payment ordered for But my aunt's washerwoman son wire fencesâ€" W. H. Ilill ?48.7.'5, W.' Heard a policeman on his beat .1. Bt'atty SR.7.5, account paid. The Say to a labourer on the street Advance printing and advertising . That he had a letter just last week 8183.24. Valuing sheep killed, Jas 01- Hand written in the f ineatGreek . iver $.">, R. Piper $3, D. Muir $4.50, From a Chinese coolie in Timbuctoo J. McNevin bonus for fence $7.50, J. , Who said that a man in Cuba knew A. Davis overseeing work $38 and co- Of a colored gent in a Texas town mis.KJon 5.20, R. Purvis committee $2, ' Who got it right from a circus clown J. A. Hogarth committee work $4, H. That a man in Klondyke got news Corbett overseeing work $6, romm- From a travelling band of Jews ittee $4, By-law 807 to buy rates was About some fellow in Borneo introduced and read and laid ovpr. By- Who knew a man who claimed to law 808 appointing W. Aldcorn, S. Gil- , know tert. W. Blackburn 'and A. Chard. Coll A hermit who lived bosid» a lake cctions was passed. The general grant Whose mother-in-law will undertake was made to the Township school fair To prove a friend's sister's niece $25.. The report of engineer on the ex- Has stated in a nicely written piece tension of Xevi Allen drain was adopt- ! 1'hat she has a son who knows about ed and the 22nd act prox appointed The date the now Ford car comes out. at 2 o'clock p.m. as council of revision on same all parties tobenotified. The CARD OF THANKS Council ajourned. . j I The undersigned, on behalf of the I family wishes to convey to friends and MARKDALE EDITORIAL NOTES neighbors their sincere appreciation (Markdale Standard) j ^^^ assistance and sympathy in their ."Vlr. J. W. Lyons had one of the ^ad bereavement.â€" Chas. M. Heron, plate glass windows in his shop brok- ' Maxwell, Ont. en by an auto wheel Sunday about > noon. Mr. Steve Sutton, one of the BORN mechanics in the Down garage, was â-  ' on his way to dinner when one of ^EADSâ€" In Artemesia on Wednesday the front wheels on the car which he September 7th. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. was driving dropped off and contin- ^- ^- Meads, the gift of a son, Ken- ued to run until it had crossed the "***' ^*^' sidewalk and crashed into the Lyon's ' ' window. The f-ar waft travelling I We hear good reports of the square slowly at the time and no injury was dancing competition. Mr. Geo. Haw ai- done to it. .sures us that they will meet all comers The Late Robert Heron There pased av ay at Maxwell on 'ihursday, Septenr :er Ist in the per- â-  son of Robert He .on, one of the old pioneers of Osprey Township and a highly respected c'tizen of the comm- unity. Bom in Yrrk township, York , county in 1838, ht had a vivid recoil- 1 ection of many ear y events and prom- inent citizens of t' e early days in and about the city of Toronto. With his father he was enj, -ged in the building business in the er riy days. In 1860 be moved with hi â- , father's family to Osprey township i.nd resided in Max- well from th(n to the time of his death. Ho conducted a general store in Maxwell for 44 years and was post- master for o! years. He was known for his hones >' in business transact- ions, took an active part in church work and aiuays assisted with any good work in the community. In 1871 hr married Mary Jane Max- well, eldest daughter of Joseph Max- well, who the first settler in this section of the country and was the first postmaster at Maxwell, after whom the place was named. Mrs. Heron predeceased her hus- band in 1909, and two sons and two daughters are left to mourn the loss of loving parents. Robt. T. of Winnipeg Charles M. at home, Mary-of Winnip- eg and Annie (Mrs. Norman Holroyd) of Hawarren, Sask. The school parade led by ^winton Park hand will leave Market corner as soon after 1 o'clock as poaible Fair Day. Sept. 23. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES REV. M. SAUNDERS, Pastor. September 18, 1927 Flesherton 11 a.m. â€" "The Ring and ' the Rag." I Rock Mills 3 p.m.â€" "The Man with' Four. Paces." ) Flesherton 7 p.m.â€" "The Great Race; Are You in It?" A hearty welcome awaits you wherj a full Gospel is preached. Absolutely Free First Prize A Brand New RED STAR Washing iSlachine worth $22.00 Second Prize A Wash Tub - wash board and ten yds. of pure linen. kitchen towelling These will be given away to the customer having the greatest num- ber of points by theFIRST OF DECEMBER. A cupon will be given with every purchase of ten cents oi more. A ten cent purchase entitles you to one point and a dollar purchase to ten points. These cupons are negotiable and may be given to your friends. There ts is only one stipulation: Each Week's cupons must be in by Satur- day evening at 6 p.m. in order that we can total the number of of points for each customer and post the results in the window. Cupons are issued when purchases are paid for by CASH or PRO- DUCE, either at time of sale or before expiration of the time lim- it December 1st, 1927. A FEW SPECIALS LISTED BELOW Snag proof overalls and coats All sizes in blue Dinim Heavy weight at $1.79 each MENS MEDIUM WEIGHT UNION UNDERWEAR, SHIRT AND DRAWERS AT $1 per garment. MEN'S ALL HORSE PULL OVER MITTS AT .90c. PER PAIR TABLE LINEN PURE BLEACHED LINEN .^6 inches wide for 83c. PER YARD HANNA TOWELLING. PURE IRISH LINEN, wo/th 20c. per yarrf FOR 16 CENTS PER YARD FANCY TURKISH TOWELS AT 50 CENST EACH COCOA MATS THAT SAVE THE FLOOR FOR 59 CENTS EACB KARSTEDT BROS. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis, Markdale in the competition and we are sure Luck generally favors those who does not really expect it. • * * A lot of folks make the news and then try to make the editor keep it out of the paper. • « • The elevated chin in the car does not necessarily indicate Wbw much has been paid on the auto. • * • The photofrraphs being radioed from Europe appear, so far, to be likcne.'^Kes of persons who hnvp nar- rowly escapt'd death in a smallpox epidemic. Edison, the (jrcat c'loctricinn, urges that people should cat the siunc thing every day. In Thonms qualifying for a boarding house keeper? • • • It is now reported that there Is work for every man who wants it in Canada's we.stern prosinces. But that is what some of the new ar- rival.'! do not want. "Nothing to do by day and u movie by night," is their ultimatum. • • • The only excuse for some of these flying stunts is that it is safer to fly than to travel on highways. There may be something in it, but at pres- ent the increase in road disasters, people may he forced to take to the air a* the Irait of two eviln. • • • lion. Hugh (iiithiio has been Helect- cd as temporary chairman of the Con- lervatlve convention in Winnipeg next month. Iluifh \» no doubt wonclerini; whether he Is ever to be able to get out of the temporary class. He has made good as OppoHitinn leader, but It is aasertetd hy those in the know that it is as far os he will lie allowed to go. »-_„.._ *i. _ I. . ..1 , Ceylon and Bognor are not afraid of announce the engagement of their ^, -^ . iv ,• „ij„„i i„ ui XT 1 ,. .» ,r. . any other community m this regarfl. eldest daughter, Helen, to Mr. Victor Brodie, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Bro- I '^^'' *«»'" drawing contest gives die. Markdale. The marriage will Promise of again being a good pafrt take place the middle of September. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Perkins announ- , ce the engagement of their eldest | daughter, Ellen Jean, to George Hnm-: mond Archer, eldest son of Mrs. Ar- cher of Windsor and the late J. Ar-' cher of Ottawa, the marriage to take place at Annesley Church, Markdale, ' the latter part of September. i on the Fall Fair program for Sept. 23rd. Don't forget to get some Purity flour and try the special for one loaf of broad baked from this flour. This ' special is not in the prize lists. AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements INSURANCE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. John'Wriffht FLESHERTON iS I ANNOUNCEMENT We have secured the services of Mr. "Dick" Nixon of Owen Sound, a capable mechanic of several years' experience. He hat already taken charge of our repair department and we can assure you that all your car troubles, no matter whether large or small, will be taken care of in a workmanlike manner. D. McTAVISH 8c SON FLESHERTON, ONT. CbURT OF REVISION VOTKUS' LIST Notice in hereby ifiven that a Court will l>e held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists' Act, by Ills Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of drey at the Orange ILill, Maxwell on ThurMlay the 21ith day of September, 1i'27 at three o'clock In th*" afternoon to bear and deto-miue complaints of error* and oni' slon> In the Voters' List of the Muni< pality of the Township of Osprey for 1027 Dited the ftth day of September, 1I>27 â€" H. W. KffrnBhan, n«'tlng clerk of the the Mnnlcip«lity of th« Township of Otprv/. S % i t S t Specials in Furniture For Fair Week It is fiiir intention tn exhibit Kurnittire at our Fall F.iir oil Sfptcnibcr 22 and 2i, and wc have been able to scriiif Mr. Wells, one of the rcpre.sentatives of the l.'irjic furniture wholesale houses, to look after the ex- hibit for us on Fair days. Mr. Wells will have cuts .ind samples of all the different desifjns and will be plad to <|Uole you prices. It is our intention to make con- sitferable cuts in prices for Fair week on these jfoods, ;ind vdii will find it to your advantaffe to look them over and, even if yii dono not need them just that week. Wo will take your order for later delivery. T. W. FINDLAY Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Flesherton I \ a car toe ou^t tobe fri( T Ml the British American dealer. My A specialty is providing car owners widtt the kind of fuel and lubricating oil that will permit them to get more satisfaction out of driving. I knoT/ automobiles â€" inside and out. I know gasolene and oil. ^ I have changed the oil in thousands of aank cases and I know good oil when I see it and FEEL it. When I tell you to use British American produas I'm giving you the benefit of years of experience in the oil business. The worid is my market. I dn take my choice of gasolenes, and oils and greases. I offer you British American products be- cause I know they will make you a permanent customer for me-to our mutual satisfaction. Let's be friends. 35 __ _ Aboye all - / Wd are for Saf etu / * I * ft •

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