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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1927, Special, S2

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^w -tT' Wednesday, June 29, 1927. 24 Years in Ford Production Sixty years ago when the provinces of Canada united the present method of transportation by motor cars was undreamed of. It has only been in the past 24 vears or so that Henry Ford brought out the first horseless carriage; and to-day Henry Ford is the head of the largest automobile manufacturing concern in the world that turns out thousands of cars a year at so low The flksherton advanci^ fy% chant; Francis Wait, blacksmith* Alex ' rS Webster, waKon maker; FerK. Writtht, ^ loachor; John II. Yeomans, postmai- S tor: Geo. M. Yeomans, merchant. ^ j PROTON P. O. H ' The office of the 5th Divisior Court, ^ ! the clerk of which waa John Wesley '^ ' Armstrong was located here, though r^ ' the couvt was held in Fleaherton. 'ihc resident;, in 1860 were: Georjte Armstronc, postmaster; John Wesley ArmtronK, clerk of U. C; H". Arm- l/-onp'. merchant; Fred Arm'jtronKi. bailiff; Henry Mitchell, blacksmith; Anfus McGillivray, shoemaker. History of Flesherton Time off Confederation a price that the demand for these popular light cars has p •£ been unprecedented. The change in the lH)rd model, pjoi announced some time ago to take place this fall, wdl glF also revolutionize the small car field. THE FORD IS THE IDEAL CAR. H. DOWN & SONS OILS FLESHERTON ACCESSORIES MARKDALE 1867 CANADA'S JUBILEE 1927 We arc continuinK the photoRraphy business commeBccd in Flesherton 60 years aeo by the late Tho£. Dulmcr, and which was taken over from the late Mrs. Bulmer. May 15, 1007. DurinK the sixty years Krcat chanKes have taken place here, and Flesherton has grown from a kamlot of a few persons to the thriving village that we now have. Since hJuxK first ( ! iblinhot! Bcorc« of photos have been taken to leave the living imaicc of a friend or relative to remember in after yearti. AGENT FOR DcLAVAL SEPARATORS Hawken's Photo and Music Store FLESHERTON, ONT. Elias Gray the First Resident of Artemesia TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA 1907 1927 Twenty years in the Hardware Business SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE PAINTS AND VARNISHES RANGES & HEATERS ROOFING. ENAMELWARE. GLASS CUTLERY. CHINAWARE, Etc. Duncan's Hardware '>•%â- . FURNITURE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Thos. W. Findlay Flesherton, Ont. 1 The first actual settler in th town- ship is said to have been Elias Gray, at what precise data we are unable to learn. Artemesia township was sur- veyed in the years 184y-50 by Chas. Itankin and the bulk of the lands were taken up in tho years 1855-56-57, while a number of farms were taken by residents before they were put on the market. The followinjr were also aniont; the o.irliest settlers: Wm. Ai- kons, Jas. Bcattie, Wm. CunninKham, Wm. Davis, Wm. Draper, John Dun- woc'Jio, the Flosheis, Chas. Fyfe, Jos. Galbraith, John Graham, John Gray, Uobt. Hawkins, Adam HuUey, Samuel Hunter, Alex. Irwin, Roger Lever, Jas. Marshall, A. Munshaw, Norman and John McKec, Wm. McMullen, J. Os- borne, John Parks, the Purdys, Jos. Price, John Ritchie, John Sproule. Jas. Rnell, Wm. Sherwood, John Steadwell, Robt., David and Wm. Thompson. Jos. Wright and Andrew Whitten. The mill in Artemesia was that a mile below Flesherton on the Beaver River. .Seme idea of the state and the difficulties of communication, may bo conceived from the fact that it took Mr. Lover nine days with throe yoke of oxen and five men. to transport the niiIl-.stono, used in the pioneer arist in ill, from Stayner station on the Nor- thern Railway, to its resting place at the mill. Prior to thiis it was a reg- ular occurrence for the settlers to wilk to Orangevillo or Collingwood to have flour made. EUGENIA The town plot of Eugenia consists of 800 acres and was surveyed during the Crimean war and the streets are reminiscent of the engagements at- thiit time: Alma. Balaclava, Raglan and Canrobert, and bear witness of the exciting interest of the time. In August, 1858, Alex. Purdy and R. Mc- Lean Purdy commenced operations in Engenia and in 1866 there were post office and vjtore, shoemaker, hotel, crist and sawmill and a church. Mails were rncpived on Tii«>sdnv and Friday fi-om Flesherton. In 1852 gold was ^'loiR'ht In have been discovered in Eugenia and manv were soon on the PTnund. hut it was soon discovered thi't th" precious rocks which were "•atherod was iron pvrites. Those l!"in(' in Eugenia in 1866 wore Thos. Flliott Chas. Kligb Rev John Fo<ster. Fli- • ITirris. Adam Hislop, E. G. Lone R. T. TTalstead. Alev. Purdv. R. M. Pnrdv. .Jacob SI- • • -T^hn. Samuel and Wm. Saunders, S. T. Whitney. PBICEVILLE Priceville was a rising villofe of about 250 inhabitants in 1865. A block of 1000 acr"s was rese"" ' by the Government when th" Dâ€"-'t>'-- Rd. was laid out in 1848 and "i, and the "Mill Plot", containin'T 309 acres was sold in 1848 to David Yeomnns, who made '" -> first improvement and bui'"- a sawmill. Next he built a gristmill, I which afterwards bocame the proper- ty of Alex. McDonald. Jos. Dickson (Avned the four mill in 1865 and Don- ald "" onald the sawmill. Those whc h- d iiready taken land i- *h- vill- aico I ought their lots from the Gov- crnmont at $30 each. The village contained gristmill, sawmill, 4 stores, •'i churches, post office, 2 hotels, pear- lash factory and also had 2 black- .miiths, 2 wagon makers, tannery, etc. Mails were received daily by stage from Durham and Collingwood, with J. H. Yeomans, postm- '->r. The res- idents in 1866 were: P. Brown, black- smith; Nathan Brown, laborer; John Brown, laborer; P, Beveridge, prop, tannery; Rev. Chas. Cameron. Canada Pros. Church; Cameron & Ross, gen- eral merchants; Jos. Dickson, lessee gristhill; Jos. Idggs, cooper; Wm. Ferguson, J.P.; Alex. Fergu.wn, mer- chant; Israel ^ireen, laborer; Levi Johnson. Caesar Johnson and Levi Johnson Jr., laborers; David Loudon, saddler; Z. Melton, laborer; John Mor- ris, shoemaker; C. D. McMillan, plast- erer; Arch. MacMillan, farmer; E. P. MacMillan, prop. British Hotel; Colin McArthur; McArthur & McLean, wagon makeis; Acx. McArthur, prop. Wellington hotel; John McAuley. shoemaker; Alex. McNeil, farmer; A. McNeil, shoemaker: Malcolm McLach- lan, black.smith: Donald McDonald, losRoe sawmill: Alex. McDr>ald; Geo. McDonald, tailor: Duncan McPadven, sho'^'>iak"r: Donald McDougall. labor- er; Geo. Park, carpenter; John Robin- son, lahorer; A. L. Seaman, phvsician; John Simpson, cabinet maker; Z. Try- on, butcher; Wm. Todd, miller; Cyril Wayne, carpenter: Alex. Watson, mer- AV. 11. Flesher and Aaron Munshaw enior were about the first settlers in Flesherton and the former laid out the \illage into lots and called it esherton, although the po^t office was called "Artemesia P.O." Until the gravel road was opened up there was little at Flesher's corners except two tavern and a sawmill. Aaron Munshaw Sr. built the first hotel at Flesherton, being located south of Flesherton directly across where the cemetery is now. Later he built on the corner in Flesherton, part of which is included in the present hotel. This hotel has always been in the hands of the Munshaw family, Aaron Jr. finally taking control and now, a son-in-law, Mr. G. B. Welton. is the popular proprietor. In the early days church ssrvices were held in the barroom of the Munshaw hotel. An- other hotel was also in operation then, being situated across from the '^ "â- â€¢" River, and known as the "Boyne Wat2r Hotel," and was run ^-v John Jcncr, v/ho aho ownc' a tannery. The attention of the education of the boys and girls was directed in a log school which stood on the proper- ty of John Dnuwoodie, .just north of Flesherton. The second school was built in Flesherton in 1873 and the large school now in use was built soon after. We understand that in 1851 there were only four schools in Art- emesia township, one at Dunwoodie's, one at Orange Valley, Another at Priceville and the r'her ons at Pro- ton Post Office. A SERVICE THAT IS OLDER THAN CANADA ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ft Since before Canada became a Dominion, the Munshaw House, Flesherton, has been catering to a succession of patrons, giving them warmth and wel- come, â€" playing an important part in the community life. To-day it strives to serve as well as ever before, and invites the friendly patronage of the community. Soft Drinks, cigars and tobaccos â€" and a bountiful table THE MUNSHAW HOUSE Established 1864. G. B. Welton, Proprietor. The Eugenia Falls REVERIE 'Tis pleasant when winter evenings come. And the short d-"'s work is o'er, in residence in and close by To rest in chair, by the fire's bright Fkjhcrton in 18(TC as far as we can glare, find out arc as follows:- And think on the days of yore; Julius Ainsley. Dr. D. Bonnir, Rich, '.o list to the beating of storms with- Rentham: Robt. Clark, blacksmith: out, â€" Arch. Cairns, farmer; Peter Campbell, To the baffled flakes on the pane, owner of the c.irding mill; Richard Which mind me much of a battered When we went to our dreamland I rest. But ah! younsr life, 'twas morning , then, ' And now the night draws near; The visions have flown that thou once I hast known, â€" I All vanished thou used to hear; The father is sleeping the endless sleep. The mother is by his side And I of the whole am left alone In my loneliness to abide. Truly the storms have beaten wild. I And my heart has been rent and torn. But many a bl.nst has drive past Their beatings have all been borne; And I list to the wailing of winds without. While all is placid within. And I dream of a city beyond the aorm I am goinK to waken in. â€" W. H. THURSTON. Written for the Owen Soâ€" il Tribv.m, November 23rd, 1879. CaninbcII, tcwn-.hin Clerk; Wm. Clay ton, shoemaker; Wm. Davidson, farm- er; John Dunwoodie, farmer; W. K. Fl -her, J. P. and general merchant; Wm. Ilooner, carpenter; John H. Heard, blacksmith; Ward Houck, pump maker; Rev. Geo. Jacques, the Wesley m Methodist minister; John Jonc-, prop. "Boyne Water Hotel:" R'v. Geo heart. And of enemies fought and slain. My sight flies back on the wings of thought, I To a time in the far, far past. When around the light, on a winter's night, , , »,„,,,,. There shivered to hear the blast, 1 Tho.s. Jackion. N. C. Methodist; As it beat in fury upon the pane 1 Keefer, carpenter; J. H. King, ; And drifted the snow on the ground, teacher; Jas. Marshall; Aaron Mun-.^ family circle, unbroken then, -hav/. prop. Flesherton hotel: Aaron Where home-jokes passed around. Mun. haw Sr., farmer; John McSorley, , fnrmnr; Wm. Patton, plasterer: Wm. ',,,, .. «„tu„« «j * »_ - ; i. .-train, in^nlement dealer: Barthole- 1 ^^^^" {j,^^^"**'" "^^"^ ^'""^ "" «""«"^ r7y Rolnh: Wm Geo Andrew and: qj ^^,i^„^ ^ j ^ ,j Robt. Rute.gc:Wm Smith: George. ^ turned with the Park. Iiailiff; Geo. Stewart, farmer; things we learned From those tales by the fire-light, told. We heard strange things of the orient. | Of lands north, south and west, j Chatsworth; and Mondays and And we dreamed of what we would' do and be, ) Uebt. Trimble, merchant; Jas. P. Tow br, postmaster. Maib in 18G3 were to and from CollinKwood and Durham, daily; on Wednesdays and Saturdays to and from Fridays to and from Orangeville We believe that *^he oldest living person born in Artemesia township is Mr. W. W. Trimble, the popular pckst- master of Flesherton, who was bom on the Toronto Lino in the old store on the property now owned by Mr. Uobt. Richardson, in 1854. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble, who settled in Artemesia =â- ' the vear 1852, and has lived practi- cally continuous in this locality since that time. When only a bov be drove tho mail stige to and from Orange- ville through the bush and over cord- uroy roads. i Early residents in Flesherton, but" who came later than 1866, include a Dr. Seaman, who came in 1868; M. K. Richardson in 1867; W. E. Richardson in 1867; Rev. Josiah G ""i came in 1867 abo' as the Wesleyan minister and Dr. Christoe became a resident in Flftsherton in the year of Confeder' ation. There are also four other very highly respected residents here at this time who came to this part in 1868, these being Chas.. John and W. J. Bellamy and W. J. Henderson. The Munshaw hotel stables, which were torn down this spring were built in 1868, W. J. Bellamy helning to build them when he came to Fleaherton. 20 YEARS SERVICE During the past twenty years we have been serving the people of this district with high grade harness and supplies and we have formed msuiy friendships with the extra quality goods. Headquarters for all har- ness supplies. 0. W. Phillips FLESHERTON, -:- ONT. Brack's Garage EXPERT CARE OF AUTOMOBILES IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THE MINISTRATIONS OF THE DOCTOR OR THE LAWYER! Is your car sick? We cure the most chronic case of wontrunitis or Hmpango- fetchit. Nash cars lead the way â€" sweet, smooth power â€" Service that pleases. Your patronage solicited. Geo. F. Brackenbury Phone 61. Gas and Accessories Ihc prcicnt owner of this large general store his been in business in Flesheiton for the past 38 years, having commenced on March 21st, 1888. Or store has enjoyed prosperity these years, notwith- ' tandin;; the distjstious fire suffered on February 4, 1894, when fire destroyed store and contents Building on a larger and more up-to-date store was commenced at once and we emerged with a larger and more complete stock of dry g.Hxis, hardware, groceries and millinery. DRY GOODS LacVes' Ready-made Dresses and Coats. Fancy Crepos, Broadcloths, Voiles, Foulards, Ginghams, etc. Children's Summer Socks. Ladies' Silk Hosiery in all the newest shades and of c'liffcrcnt qualities. Ladies' Silk Underwear. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Made up of the new Grey Summer Suits for Men and \\y*;. Shirts, Straw and felt hats Hosiery, etc. MILLINERY We arc always able to meet your reqairementa in Millinery. â€" Prices arc always cut as low as pttasible. GROCERIES Krcsh (troceries arriving every day. FLOUR & FEED The old sUndrbyâ€" ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Flour Try a bag and have good luck. HARDWARE Wire Fence. Screen Doors and Windows. Martin-Scnour Paints and Varnish .q. Coal Oil Stov&j Shovels, Rakes and Scythes, etc., ct.\ CEMENT Car load of Cement always in stock. Enquire price before buying. SHOES Never before have we carried a more complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's shoes. Call and aec them. F. G. KARSTEDT - FLESHERTON, ONT. 1 (

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