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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1927, p. 1

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I 1 l()je /kglj^rttftt %hmnce. Vol 47 No. 4 Fleshcrton, Ontano June 22, !927 W. H. Thurdtcm & Son, Propridoa EIGHTH LINE, OSPREY Congrratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawler who were married last week. We welcome Mrs. L/iwler to our neighborhood. Miss McLaughlin is the guest of| Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Mrs. Will Irwin and daughter; Ruth of Windsor visited her parents and attended the wedding of her brother, Walter Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts and Nor- val motored up to Williamsford on Sunday last and spent a day with friends there. Mrs. Gamey Magee entertained the Ladies of Osprey and Holdfast U. P. W. 0. clubs on Thursday last week, there was a goodly number out. I Mrs. Frank Taylor has gone to Lon- don to attend the bedside of her; mother, Mrs. Isaac Smith, who has' undergone an operation there. We , hope for a very speedy recovery. i iMiss Roberts is visiting with her , cousin, Mrs. Frank Taylor. ROCK MILLS De Laval Cream Separator Why use an' old, worn oat Sep- arator. Give yoor cows a chance to earn mere money for you by getting a new De LavaL Come in and let us demonstrate it to you. We have Sep- arator Oil and Repairs. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON, ONT. Mr. Wni. Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar visited last Wednesday with the letter's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Bris- tow, of Bob Roy. Inspector Huff of Meaford paid a- visit to the school here Tuesday of last week. Mr. Wm. Hawkins spent the week end with firiends at Orillia. Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia vis- ited on Friday with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Mrs. H. Wil-son, Miss Mc- Laughlin, Mr. Sam Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, had a very pleasant outing recently, when they went on a fishing picnic. They caught a good supply of fish, which they cooked and served for their lunch, the ladies having taken the fry- ing pan along with them. Altogether a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Hargrave. Ware- Tiam. s'-companied by Mr. and Mrs. •Tohn Harsrrave attended the Rural rTeanorv of Gr«>'^. which was held at Mnrkdale last Friday. Mr. and Mri. W. T. Pedlar and Mr. oTir? Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and family '•isltpfl rppen*-!"- with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fatten at Durham. Mr. Fdear Bett«( of Osprey spent fhp week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts. TOROTfTO LINE, NORTH Miss Stella Alcox was a week end visitor writh friends in Toronto. Mrs. Gerald Morgan and children of Moorefield are spending a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. Robert Richardson and son, Harold, also Mr. G. Pritchard of Van- deleur motored to Toronto Monday to attend the funeral of a relative there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart are spending a week with Toronto friends. Advertise in The Advance Change Your Attic into a comfortable den, radio room, play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will make your attic fircrresistant, warm in winter and cool in summer. Wrile for free booilct â€" "My Home." Itwill tell you how Gypioc. Rocboard Gypium InsuUting Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to40'^i. 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 'Fireproof WalTboordi For Sale By Frank Duncan - - - - Flesherton, Ont. Long Life Easy Turning Close Skimming .V Make sure that it has ball-bearling (for easy turning). See that it is absolut- ely self-oiled (no oil cups or oilers.' Look over the way the oil is changed (no need of flushing). Oil Glassâ€" See if the oil is working right (not just a gauge.) Main Gear fully en- closed no gears expos- ed. Look over the cream and milk adjustment. See how the bowl i'S constructed (easy to clean). Get a wide open San- itary Base (it's easy to clean r ound). Positive friction clutch. Think of service when you need it. See the McCormick- Deering at the local Agent's Shop, he will show vou features you cannot ret in any other Cream Separator. STOCKS 81 McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. EUGENIA Crops look fine in this locality es- pecially the hay and wheat crops. Some of the farmers have their buck- wheat and roots to put in. We are pleased to see Mr. William H. Walker able to be about again. A gang of men from Orillia have been busily engaged the past couple of weeks erecting Hawken's new steel barn on the eighth line. It will be a matter of a few days before the barn will be completed. We are sure Hawkin's Bro-s will be proud of the new structure as it will be one of the finest bams in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett and son Delbert of East Mountain visited Mrs. Wilson one Sunday recently. Mr. Bert Porteous of Rock Mills is a frequent caller in our vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan and babe of Markdale visited Mrs. Wil- son recently. Mids Villa Ward of Kimberley vis- ited one day last week with Mrs. C. Martin. Road foreman, A. F. Pedlar has had a gang of men working on the road north of the village the past week or so. This work, which was a necessity will be a great improvement to the (oad. Mrs. Will Walker spent a few days in the village with her sister, Mrs. Wilson. A large body of Wentworth County farmers numbering about eighty vis- ited Eugenia on Wednesday of last week. They came in three large busses from Hamilton via Eugenia to Owen Sound. They were to arrive here about 12 o'clock, but owing to some car trouble, they were delayed for an hour or so on the way. They dined at the Eugenia House, where Mine Host Peter Munshaw had pre- pared a special and sumptuous dinn- er for them. They inspected the H. E. P. C. fine plant here and viewed the Hydro Park. It was after four o'clock when they left for Markdale, where they intended to make a short visit but owing to coming so late they proceeded to Owen Sound. We are oure the farmers enjoyed themselves as it waj an ideal day for their out- ing. About week and the school will be closed for the summer vacation which the children are anxiously awaiting. Miss Marie Christie, 8th Line teacher visited recently with Mrs. F. Collinson, Ceylon. Mr. Chas. Park has returned to his duties at Detroit after a fortnight's visit with his parents here. Rccvo Ho.garth had a number of men and teanvj worki;;p: on the Valley Road the past week or so. Mrs. J. Stoddart, son and daughter of Paisley spent Sunday at Mr. Alex Hoy's. Miss Mae Park of Toronto is on a fortnights visit at her parental home here. Mrs. A. Hoy and daughter, Miss Mabel and little Bertie Smith vis- ited the former's sister, Mrs. Larw- rence Lyons, Centre Line on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer vis- ited with the former's parents in Dur- ham. We are sorry to learn of Har- old's father being ill, but hope he may soon be well again. Mrs. Falconer re- mained in Durham for a few days. Mr. Alex. Hoy is engaged with Mr. D. Weber working on a bridge in Bol- ton. The -arden party held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the United Church last Thursday was very successful. Mr. William Hawkens visited over the week end in Orillia. Mrs. Thos. Lever and daughter Miss' Gertrude visited with Mrs. C. Martin recently. We are sorry to report Mr. John Magee's health somewhat impaired and we hope he may gain his usual good health again. PRICEVILLE The trees have come to their full foliage and the great out of doors presents a freshness and beauty that :j unequalled at any other time of the year. Seed time is past, and also the bad A-eather, so every one should be happy. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MacArthur j motored to Toronto Saturday to visit ! friends. Congratulations to all the scholars who were successful in passing their examinations. Miss Christina McKinnon returned home after visiting friends in London. The regular monthly meeting of the Willing Helpers was held in the McKinnon Hall Friday afternoon, 23 ladies were present. That same after- noon the men had a bee piling up the wood and clearing up the yard. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hincks Sun- dayed with Swinton Park friends. Everybody is looking forward to the U. F. O. Picnic on Friday in Lever's Bush. Hope the weather will be favorable. Our barber, Mr. MacQuaig, is kept busy these times. Mis3 Jessie Nichol visited with her cousin, Rebecca Nichol on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Dodds very acceptably occupied the pulpit in the hal! on Sun- day. The hall was filled, and enjoyed listening to this spllendid speak^. Prof. Kyle rendered a fine solo at the evening service. Mrs. Wm. MacLeod and daughter Donalda visited at Mrs. Graham's on Sunday. The beef ring at Mr. Peter Muir's commences on Tuesday. Mr. Dan Muir putting in the first beef. CEYLON VANDELEUR Mr. Elmer Warling was taken sud- denly ill on Saturday and was taken to Owen Sound hospital on Sunday where he was operated on for appen- dicitis. Mr. George Pritchard attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Johnston, in Toronto on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. J. McGee, Mrs. Gilbert, J. J. Craham and H. I. Graham attended the U. F. O. convention and also the Farm Youth .Assoc, public speakintr contest at Priceville on Saturday last. Rev. F. N. Bowes will preach his farewell sermon in the church here on Sunday next. Most people in this community in- teni taking in the big U. F. O. picnic ' Friday of this week in Lever's Gr'^vo. Vandeleur ball club went to Onward on ?.Ionday evening and played a game the team of that place. EAST MOUNTAIN TOO ECONOMICAL A man who was too economical to take this'paper sent his little boy to borrow the copy taken by his neigh- bor. In his haste the boy ran over a| valuable stand of bees and in a few j minutes looked like a warty squash. | His cries reached his father, who ran to his a-ssistance, and, failing to notice a harb-wire fence, ran into that and broke it down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining an $8 pair or pants. The old cow took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into the com-j field and killed herself eating green ! corn. Hearing the racket, the wiife j ran out, upset a four-gallon churn full : of cream into a basket^ of kittens, I drowTiing the lot. In the hurry she I lost a $25 set of false teeth. The baby left alone, crawled through the spill- I ed milk and int;» the living room ; I ruining a brand new $S0 rug. Dur- j ing the excitement the daughter ' ran away with the hired man. the dog ! broke up eleven setting hens and the ' calves got out and chewed the tails ; iff four fine shirts. Mr. and Mrj. Robt. McMuUen and far.'.iiy attended the circus in Coll- in; \vood on Monday of last week. I 'essrs. Carl Humberstone, Chas. Th' npson and Mrs. J. H. Thompson att . '.ded the circus in Owen Sound last week. Miss Hazel Flood of Kimberley is spen ' ig a few days with her friend Mrj. Chas. Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pedlar and dauf-ter, Mrs. Leila Giles of Dur- ham .pent Sunday with Mis. Smart who Is ill. !>'. L. Rear of Heathcote accomp- anie<! by her cousin, Mr. F. Kellough of !^Isaford visited at Mr. and Mrs. H. "^ hompson's recently. ?'r. and Mrs. B. Prentice of Dun- c- '. spent Thursday last with their da 'ghter, Mrs. Clarence Smart. Prayer meeting was held at Thos. F U's on Thursday evening. Rev. W. CvUis preached his farewell sermon. V large number of "the old home" fo'ks attended the Old Boy's Re- Union at Duncan Lake on Wednes- dri "tiss .â- Meda Fugehen of Kolepore s" nt a few days last week with her f. iend Miss Winetta McMullen. We are glad to report Messrs. Hugh Siv.ith and S. Smart improving in health. U. F. O. OFFICERS The joint meeting of tbe South Grey 'L F. O. Political .Association and the Co-operative Co. was recently held at Priceville but was not largely att- ended as there was nothing momen- tous before the meeting. R. D. Carr- '•'"lers. Euphrasia, is the new Pros- 'â- â- "nt of Political .\ss'n, R. Lawson, ' ' ^ Pres. and Harold McKechnie, ."^ 'y Treas. The latter -ucceeds M. F Murray of Neustadt, who ha.s de- cii'cd on retiring after several years ffiod service. On motion of Miss Mc P!~Til â€" H. McKechnie, a hearty reso- ' luti'jn of appreciation wa.-. tendered ' hii '. Both members reviewed the work ' of past sc â- ssions and a resolution giv- ing nrban municipalities authority to , ?ond lelegatcs iio convention was pass- j Read The Advance "Small Advts." ed. W. PI. Hunter, Pres. and riding Direcltr, was in the chair for the co- operat've meeting. His successor is R. I.. Aitchison, Sulliv;in. and Har- old Mc vechnie Sec'y Trea.?. Mrs. Pedlar -as re-elected U. F. W. O. Riding Hirector and Joe Crutchlev U. F. Y. P. 0. Director. Mr. and Mrs. James Burell and , babe and daughters, Lucinda and Dorothy and Mr. Richard Burell Sr. j of Hanover visited with Mr. and Mrs. James McWhinney. Vi-sitors at Mrs. Will Gibson's over the week end were: Mrs. J. Phillips, Mr. F. Phillips, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Bradshaw all of Toronto, also Mrs. Banks of Durham. Miss Kate McMillan, teacher at Corbetton spent the week end at her home here and was accompanied by her friend. Miss Gladys Mills. Mr. Robt. Ccok visited the past week with friends in Toronto and Otterville, Oxford Co. , returning home on Saturday. Miss Mary McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder and babe, Mr. Ivan McLaughlin all of Toronto are visiting with their father Mr. D. D. McLaughlin. Miss Dorothy McLeod, teacher in Shaw's Business College, Toronto is home on vacation. Mr. Jas. L. McMullen is visiting friends in Toronto and Otterville, Ox- ford Co. Mr. and Mrs. James Hales and babe of Owen Sound visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Sinclair. Mrs. Hales remains for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and children visited friends at Stayner the first of the week. Mr. .Arthur ^Vhittaker. Mrs. .Anna McMillan and son.John. motored to Orangeville and Grand Valley the first rf the week. Mr 'T. Cohen of Proton Station vis- ited 1 -3 friend, Mr. J. J. Pattison, a ; couple of days the past week. I Mr. md Mrs. Stewart and family of Boltor motored up and visited their parent-. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall over ti.e week end. Mr. -nd Mrs. L. Torrey and son. .lack. ' f Lauriston visited the fir~t of the 'veek at Mr. Roy Piper's. Mrs. -Allie Muir visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. Wm. Reid and Mr. Walter Williamson paid a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith was at Dun- dalk on Saturday on business. Constables Robt. Cook and George .Arrowsmith attended the convention 'or constables at Owen Sound tl.i» week. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents.. IN MEMORIAM H.AMMOXD â€" In loving remem- brance of our Dad. Hugh R. Hammond who passed away June 23rd, 1921. â€" Wife and Family. The committee appointed to con- sider ways and means of having a rink erected in Markdale have made considerable headway and are now al- most ready to present a proposition to those interested for the erection of a building which will include a skat- ing rink and community hall and will provide accomodation for stock at the Fall Fair. The proposition as out- lined, looks reasonable, will not cost each individual much money and should be supported by all who are anxious that the welfare of the com- munity be advanced. â€" Markdale Stan- dard. The easiest month to raise them. JULY BABY CHICKS High Quality - Low Price S. C. White Leghorns per 25 $3.00 50 6.00- 100 _ 11.50 Barred Rocks per 25 $3.50 05 7.00 100 13.5» JUNE hatches all sold. Intending buyers of July Ccicks will do well to order at once. 'Phone or write Sylvester deCudmore FLESHERTON. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Shingle Special Number of 5 ..ingles and Lath No.l â€" $3.50 per M. cash off car No. 2 â€" $4.50 per M. cash off car H. A- McAULEY, Prop. The Right Time For new shipiiers to start is right now in the spring season. You will find it profitable if yon bring your CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special Nj. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest Test and Produce Co. Weight MARKDALi:, ONTARIO. PHONE 66 i.uiiiuii4J.<uiiiun <

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