Concfl BecaoM the Ncrrcs Aie Starved for Better Blood. There wr» ezoefieoit reaaoos wby Dr, WllOwns' Pink Pm» 1i*t« proved beii«<lcial in Ui« most sew ere ccmmb o( edatlca, n«iunUsla and otber com- plaitnts In that (roap knows m dlsoi^ Hen at th« B«rTM. Bach of th«8a oom- plalntB exiM b«caiu« t3x« blood la tUu and watery, uid th» n«rve« are thus lltCTOlly BtaTVlng for the nonrleh- ment rich r«d blood BtippStw them. Any l&creaaot thereforo. In the rich- neoB of tbe Mood speedily oad b«n&- fidaiUy acts npon the aervefl and the inrturlng pains of sciatica and neural- Ela dfeappear. It la because of their GCedflc acUoo on tbe blood, tbue feed- In* the starved nerves that Dr. Wll- Uamfl' Pink Pills hanre been so succeee- ful >n the treatmeni of these troubles. As proof of this w« glT« th« case of Mrs. P. N. Beianson, South Alton, N.8., â- who says: â€" "Two years ago I was at- tacked with 9Clatlca and neuralgia In my back and leg. The pain was so •erere that I could not walk. Eve« to move caused mo agony, and I tad to £0 t» b«d. Tho doctor cailed lu was not able to do more than deodien th« pain, and I bed b«en In bed for six w««iu when my grandmother came to B«e me and strongly urged me to glv» Dr. Wiailams' Pink Plis a trlail. She said she had hod a sdmllar attack and | It was tbeeer-jjMs that had reatored { her to health). I at once gvt a supply and had only used four boxes when I found great re3ilef. QlbuUy I kept on taking the pUils, and soon after found myself as well as ever I had been. Gnitttude tor what Dr. WUUams' Pink Pll^ did for me mabee me urge otherB atmllsrly alEUcted to try tiiem." You can get these pUla from your druggist, or by mall at SO cents a box from The Dr. WQUams' Medicine Co., Brockrlile, Oot T.'flT Trinity Church, 8tratfopd-on-Avon, the burial place of William Shakespear;, the view being from an airplane. Your Banker Knows â€" â€" That cha,j?icter is the beet col- lateiaL â€" That eighteen per cent, is too good' to be true. â€"That your honesty may be un- questioned and your ludgmeut rotten. â€"That money Is very sensitive abovl b«iug asked to bring home too much Interest. â€"That regular savings are better than spasmodic economies. â€" That vea-y few men ever give away more than they can ntlord. - -That meet m«n think they have u-'iuaoally good judgment. Too Economical. A Scotsman took his girl tor a day's outing, consisting entlreJy of walking and other ln«ii)€nalve pleasures. On arrlvtaig back at her home the girl com- plained of hunger, thus raising her mother's Ire. "And didn't tha* mean man buy you anytWng to eat?" "No," answered the girl. "Did he pay your rail fare?" "Yes," repied Mary. "Then taie It b.ack to him now." On arriving si Sandy's house, Mary gave !ilm the money, saying, "There's the lafl ISsre, Sandy." "Hoots, ye shouldn't hae bothered yersel, Mary, It would hae donu on Satiurday." MInard's Liniment for Distemper. Information. "Does Mr. Smith live here?" askc<i the man of the smald boy who opened the door. "No, sir." "Docs he live on this street?" "Yes, sir." "Do yon know the number of his house?" "No, sh-, but it'll be on ttz door." Mixed Up. She ~ "I got the r«cip« for this cake over the radio to-day." He {tasting it)â€" "Bothered by static again, huh?" Sornames and Their Origio MaoMAHON. Variations â€" Mahony, O'Mahony, Ma- han. Racial Originâ€" Irish. Source â€" A given name. A marshal of France at the time of the France-PniBwian War bore this name. But he was ol Irish ancestry, and the genealoglats traoe hla Une back through a comparaitlvely few ,g»n«mtlons to the Irish clan, "Mac- Mathghambna." From this came clan name have de- veloped the Anglicized form Mahony and Miajiao. Of aiU the modem forms that of Mahony probably strikes clos- est to the proniunciatloQ ot the QaeUc tarm of (he namie. If you }uet prefix the "Mac" w^iich has been dropped In the translation into Bnglish. The seat of this clan was In Corca Batsgin. now known as Moysrta, and ,at one time, b«<ore tbe sway of the iBngUsh was - flaaOy eetahiished thKMigbout IrelaDd, It played a promin- •at part ta the history ot that land. The (oander of the dan woa a ottlef- itftln named "Mathghabhuln." from "Mach," a plads, and "gabbuln." a calt. .'LltsraUor the name nteaot "oaU of the jplaliw" which, however, was but the lyoaCto name of the andeut Msh (or .the bear. Thus this old Irish dan luune has vlrtualHy the same meoaiog, "sons of the bear," as the Scandina- vian tribal najn*;, also found to-day as a fumlly name, of "BJornlng." MAXWELL. Racial Orlain â€" Scottish. Source â€" A locality. The origin of this name as a family name Is easily understood when a glanoe through the gazette shows a I>Jaceof this name on the Elver Tweed, in Scotland. But how did the place get its nemo? There Is an explanation advanced that the family name is of Gaelic origin, and that tbe place took its name froni the perooinal name. In this explanation the source Is given as the Gaelic "mac- aual" or "little son." But logical thought does not tnollne to belief in this source. Actual historical record, in fact, flatly oontradiots It. The place got Its name in the reign of King David of Scotland In the elerenth ceotury, when a chief tsin named Macchua ob- tained grants of land from the mon- airch on the lUver Tweed. The name given to the place natural- ly was Macchud-vlUe, and this In the oonree of time under the influence of the Scottish. s<peech has been shorten- ed and euphonized Into Maxwell. Ontario Agricultural College WINTER SHCWT COURSES â€" 1927 m atock and 8m<I Judging (Two Weeks), Jaauwry lUh - January 22ad. Poiiijkry RaUlns (Four Weeks), January llth - February Sth. â- •e-Kteping (Two Weeks), January' Uth - January 22iid. Drainage and Oralnaa* Survaylng (Two Weeks), January 11th - January 22nd. Horticultural Courses 1. Fruit and Vegetable Growing, FiebJuary 7th - February 18th. X. Ftorlcuiture and LAudscape Gardening, June Sth - June 17th. Dairy Courses a. Course fiot Factory Cheese and Buttermakers, .lonuary 3rd • March ISth. b. Ctow Teatlnc, January lOtb - January 21st. c Fsnn Dairy, January 2ith - Febcuaty Mk. 4. Iroo Cnam, liKdudins Medumicnl Hstrigeratlon, March 21st - April 1. •. Creamery and Cream aa«dlng Course^ together with Oheesemaking and Mechaolcal R«ffitc«rat1«n. March 22nd - March 24th. Farm Power laokidinc Tractors, QesoUne IlnctaMS, etc. (Two Weeks). January 2Mlt - Fsbriiary Sth. School for Bakers (4 montlM) (Omrae now in pncantlon). laflormatlon eoovsralnc 8)UMt OoufMS may be procured by writing tQ tiM Oottrto AgytouUiiral Ooliage. 4. B. Reynoida, MJ^ PrwMBBt. L. Stevenson, M.S.. Bxteosion. A. M. Portor, B.8.A., Registrar. TcMigues and Fire. Tolatol once told a parable of tvro farmer neighbors who were very good friends, <;ver ready to heli) one urn- other. If one's cart was broken, hla neighbor would offer the use of his own. If one was short of sacks, he had only to make known his need and his neighbor- would leiitl. One day Gabriel's wife and Ivan's daughter-in- law had words over an egg, and pre- sently aU the members of the famity were engaged In the quarrel. They abused one another and as tho feud developed, went to court and threw away more money thaji fhey could af- ford in legal expeosea. Then one 8«t ilre to the house of the other, hla own house also caught lire In the conflagra- tion a.nd half the vltlagia was burnt down. Son:e thing of what that grim storj- illufstratea Is canstantly going on In human communittea. Some disagree- ment over a paltry matter sets a whole neighborhood ablaze, burning up good feeling and IdndCiiness and forbear- ance. There is hardly a homo or a school or a college, hai'dily a playing field or a buslnesfi house or e'Ven a church, where tongu&s do not in this evil E«nse prove to be flres. Many hundreds of years ago, in Uie Cathedral city of Camterbiirj-, a great crowd watxshed a strange sight. Along the narrow s'.eets of the town came a man, bsref'Xjt and clad in a rough vTOoJilen r'jirt, u^lowly making his waj' to the Cajthedral. His head was bowe^l amd his feet were b-ioodstained, for tho stones were shar?) and cut the fteeh. That man, so humbly attired, was no other than the King of Kng- laud. There in a tiny church outside the town he had stiripped off his ordinary drees and lu peniteait garb approached the Ca-thedrsJ, where years before the Archhishop a Becket had been murder- ed, stabbed as he was coining dxnn prayeu-8. I'he King ma<i« his way to wliero Becket fell, and kissed the stone. Then he went to ttio tomb and, with groana and tears, knelt and conftstsed. He promised great gifts to the church, than ho rerooved his cloak and, kneel- ing at the tomb, he was beaten, ro- oedvlug five strokes from each bishop and thrc« stro-kea from eafh of eighty momka. That ^\â- as a king's penance for a few hasty words. He and the Archbii=hop had not been good friends. Becket had stood in the way ot has tfeelres. "Who will rid me of this man?" he hud Impatiently exclaimed, not expecting tha* any of tbe retalneii"8 who heard him wouid tblnk of turning the hasty words into bloody deeds. A few woj-ds Hung down as heedless- ly as a boy may throw down a lighted match, yet how great a forest mity be consumed by a lire so kindled! Life As You Go. Pick up a little of life- as you go: Taste it and tr>' It and dxMi't say no Till you've met with the savor that's just your style â€" Oh, live It and try it, its Korrow and smile! For somowlhere and somehow there's something for you That's lovely and lordly and heilpful and true. Pick up a little of life as .vcti swing Out every day to the toll of (ho thing. Wishing your wishes and nodding your head-- Oh. somewhere the visionH are love"y that thread Around >cu and o'er you to !«a;l you at last To uiauslonB of ilght. from the 'low- vau3ted>pa«t! Pick up a little of lifeâ€" It I.s here. Mixed with strange problemj^, wlijli laught-er and- tear, MuiWled and marred, but walh always a didtaoe- Oh, lave It and dare It and lift a knight's huioe And spring to the foray and trust and drive on ! And you'll com« to yoair t>wn at tho founts of the dawn. Encouraging Music. Practical musiciaJis who, on aooount of their praf^csslonal Inttsrest, ought to be the prime movers in iiny movement- that gives promise of ftirthering the cau«o of music in their ooramunlty are, or should be, the iiaturni leaders 1 In BTOuainK this sentiment. The leadr I erslilp is usually fouiid to be due to tho enthusiasm of .some amateur. â€" maio or female. If this individual' Is a public-spirited' citizen, he may, on account of his or her social influence, be better fitted for tho position of leader in a new moveinient. But In musical movements the practical musician of any local Sitandlng should give a helping band In promotig the cause. And this la rarely th« case, especially in emoJ'er cities. The genertil type of practical musi- cian has the KeJf-preser\'ing Instinct and conviction of the lahorei-, not the artist. His bread and butter seems en- dangered if ho should connect himself j with soinelliing ot a public naJure out- side his immediate bread-earning ooeti- Jpation. The leadership in any move- j ment demands strong oonvitstions, I courage. Initiative, policy and, above j all, a judicious temperament. These j quolllication.s are i-arely united In an I Individual, and hence the more advlst I able method I» the bringing intt> one committee a group of peniple enthusias- tic for a new scheme for com-munlty development. flow 10 RELIEVE (MJHtOrS COUK Avoid Serimia Resolts by Using Baby's Own Tablets. | I When a child shows the first 8?'mp- toms of a ooHA, such us sneezing, red- ness ot the eyes, ologged or rocnjng ncE*, prompt mejumres foi- relief may avert serious results. Molherb should ailwao^ have on hand come simple, safe and etteoUve remedy for immedi- ate use. Baby's Own 'I>sbl6ts a*rt quickly, con- tain no optatea or narcotics, are taste- less and harmliess. Mrs. Joseph Ca- dteux, Ho'.'yoke, Mass., says: â€" "1 heve used Baby's Own Tablets for my child- ' ren and find them a very aatlsfactory medicine. When my HtUe boy had a cold I gave him the 'I\a,hlcts at night and he was well next day. I give them to the chi'MTen for constipation and they eHways do good. I think Baby's Own Tablets are much ecusleT to give a child than liquid medldne. I re- ' commend the Tablete to aill mothers ' who have emel children ;md believe they should always be kept on hand." Baby's Own Tablets are aoM by all medicine dealers or will be Fent by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. WtllJams' Medftclne Co., BrockrU'le, Ont. O s mifia d l AdvortiseoMBls. REMNANTS. o UOL, 12. B LBS, PATGHB8, *' <1.60. A. iCcCretry, Chathaa^ Ontario. Tike the pep from your dycpepsia with ]5 to SO dropa of SeiKf I's 3yrup in a glasa of water as directed on tlie bottle. Any drug store. Ontario's Children. Tb* Chiddir n'e ProKyt-ti<m Act was p«.sst'd by the Ontario Leigisteture in 1893. and has since formed tbe basis lor laws adopted by every pro- vinte in Canada. Prior to that time there was no definite law by which a chilij cou-'J b<?- legally reanoved from Immoral guardnanship. The Ontario system aims ut a union of gove.rnjii'ent, numlcipcl and local philanthroiiic ett'ort. The head office !v, In 'I'cronlo, but mo«t of the worik is done by IxMievdie-nl person!* and or- eauizittions thixiughcut tJn^ ocuntry. That* aro sixty-two Ciill iron's Aid Soci^AieB at thd presentt time, lu ad- d'Jfi<m to eomniitteee and ("orreapoiiid- cailfl, â- â- "HpreseutJag an active piiUan- tbropic force pf nearly two thousand. Instead of ijlacing neglected or de- peiDde-nt children in orplianagee or re formatorles, the aim now is to jjet them into Ch'risitlan fost'er-hoiuoe. Over twenty- Jive thou&iviid chllldren have been pro\id«l for in this way during the past tlilrty years. Temperature Tricks. "We had a sharp frost last nlgSit," says one man la the train to his friend as they go t» business^ "My thea^ mometer regtstered sewen degrees." The other looks surprised'. "Seveji degrees? Why I only mieasured' three, and our house Is just across the road from yuurs." Probably the two will argue over the matter all the way to town, yet It is quite llkeiy that botih were iderht, for temperaure verlee In a siupri&ing way, even lu pSaoes oulte close together. A difference of ten, degrees has been nolfld between the toi) of a hill only 2<KI feet hllgh and tho bottom, tbe Mb- tanco betweieu he two spots bedng Just 300 yardm. In a hollow only 27 feet deep the thermometer waa' found to register 5 . 7 degrees lower than at the edge at the slope only 80 yiarde away â€" this on a very still and frosty morning, OoTer- ed with a tbla film of snow, a ther- mometer regis teied S.5 degrees lower than one im the air thr<ie- feet above it. The tfaeirmometeT is a slmpie instru- ment consisting of u cioMid gliiss tube eight to fifteen Inches long, at tho bot- tom ot which Is a small bulb filled with mercury. Mercury is a metal which expands rapidly wheoi heate;!; Ill cubic laches of mercury at 80 degrees Fahrenheit (freezing point) eixpajid to 111 cubic laches wh^a the tempemtaire rises to 212 dogav,** F^renhcit (the boilluig point of water). Thus, for every degree on the PahretiheJt ccitle mer<niry expands 1/9D90 of H» btilk. Bui It most be romemiberod that gUifs also expands with heat, though jnot so «ipldly as mferouiry. In cheap â- Uisrmomotei-s this exjMuision is not aJ- ' ways properly allowed for, so that these ar« not accurate. But you may take It thot any thermometer ma<ie by a reliable Kngltsih firm i» accuimto to a tenth of a degree. Mnchlnes In Britain. The British postoflice authorities ana considerir.g a rji-heuie tor placing auto- raatic stamp Uiuchhis&s tji piCdar-boxes in London and proviuoial U^wns. Gaseo In Solid Form. Ssiyii^e udiuiii h<w been Kolidifled, tvory gas known lo c.hemisiii batj l>e«n pi-ejtarad 1ji ei/ld form. Win Him With Color. If yoa are a sincle gtr), and bar* grown fcmd of a single mau, but he, aN though friendly, does not SMm to b* attracted to you In the mty yoa vrtA^ win him with color. Colom have a big effect on us. At one tim<:! any color did for the Insid* of a fuictory. Now the cokMrtac ^ sclent Ifically designed to cheer ood stimulate the workers. Hospital ward* have curative colors. Tbe oolor of a frock may depress your apirlta or lift them uo. AU men haTs a odor that holds a peculiar and subtle «tttniiotSon for ihem. It may be a rich dark blue; a pink; a flaming redâ€" anything. Bind out| somehow â€" by observation, a Uttlie art- less queetloiiing, or by halting htm In f point of' dry goods windows and noting what he says Is "nice" or otherwiKeâ€" what, his color-paU Is. Give him hda oodor, but not tn ex- cess. Lnorease it gradually. Theaâ€" - wall, other things being oQuaJw you will see the effect in his eyes, and you'll soon know that It haa spread to his heart. «i T^e Sun's Fiery Tongues. Great tongues of flame exteod from tlie sun, eometimesi to a dlstaDcn great!- er then that from the earth to the moon. TtanrTbr fiom&r Lot woid ni buiMen' «id. Pmctiail, tip-to-dale lugnstions on phrning, fauiUin^, fiwmshinjg, decorating aixi gardening. Profuse jy illustrated, «xl sores of actualdttlbr-saving sug- gestions. 3end £9 oen^ for .twnat issue. MacUu BnOdan.' OoUe S4« AtflUKt St '.. Tor»nt». Out. Coughing Take half a teaspoon of MInard's internally bi molasses. Bases the throat, stops tho cough. BuckleyV Throat Health Give the children SHILOHmm A (Ip nisht and morning nlierM ^ torcnoB and faoanenmn, *nd »r^ rita mora Mriotu devitlcxniMnta. botUe ot BncUer'B â€" 40 doac* for tS oenta â€" 1* mn ecoQomical gna^ •atae of boltfay liiroBts for th» whole famtb'. FlcMant to take â€" taatent In •ctlonâ€" ixaiUva ia x» tUf. AU dnigitiata im.11 it. W. K. Baddar. Linltad, ata 141 Mshial St., IWnat* a ^X. ActiiUwdibuh- In^a aioile tip prorai ii^ YOUNG WOMEN~ SUFFER MOST These Two Found Relief by Talting Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. â€" "I have been teadiiiig for thn^e years, and I at the 'end of the year 1 always feel tu ed and have no appetite. I was awful side each month, too.hanng pains in my back until somotimes I was'oblged to stop â- working. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable t C'oinpound to me ana I ntard many women tolling how good it was HO I (houKl)tit would help me. And it did. IvJow 1 take six bottles every year and rectwrimend it to others. ''â€" DriNAi.BA Fa.ntbux Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.- "J had Jr- rogiilar periods snd gr<?at suffering at those times, the pains causing vomiting and fainting. I was teach- ing school and often for some hours I would be unable to attend to ray work. Through an advertisement In the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pinlc- ham s Veifctable Compound, and It has been of great benefit to me, tbe troubles being completely relieved." â€" Laura J. Eaton, Canniac Kinv'a County, Nora Soots^^^^ ^c TCHED ED Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART t1 Mineral Oil From Coal. X synthetic miueral oil l& being made from coal In I<liig!and and Cror- inany. .-*•-- Keep Minard'B Liniment in the house. S^/^ Accept only " Bayer" packa ge which contains proven directions. Handv "Bayer" bows of 12 tablet.^ Also ix)ttles*of 24 and lOOâ€"Drupgisti. Anptrln In aj« tr««e niarli (rrditrrHl In Oanarti^ "t B»r« Mannra.itupa of Mtmo«<^tle- •ctrtTftir of Sallcjllcn-ld (Ac.tjl S»llC7»le AM. -A. S. A."). WhFle It In wall kriown th»t Afpltl.i mi-tim lawuificiure, lo »iiel"l Uie ijubllc nislns' Imlmtlciiiu. lli« T»'"«l» I Ot Bajret Oumiwajr will be »«aoij*a wlUi tbolr ttMitl UaOa Biwk, Ui* "Pv*^' <-"»•• I On Knees and Elbows. Healed by Cuticura. " 1 'iiaii ac2em« on my knees and elbows. It broke out in pimples and iicfiRd «n 1 burned something aw- ful, cmslr.g me to scretcb. I lost my rest at niKfat on account of tbe ir.-itiiUon, a.-id my clothinc >n'* â-¼ated it, often cnuaing It to bleed. ' i •ricti severa.i rcmedlea witbout success. I read an advertisement for Cuticira Soup and Ointmaot and sent for a free sample. I pur- chaced more, and after ueine three cake3 of Cuticura Soap and three boxts of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miaa Muriel Vattie, Cannea. Nova Sicotia. Use Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Talcum for daily toilet purpoaea, ftaapir E>ck Tnt I 3ar . plr .tinact i _ _ V Ciilicur* Shaviaa Stiali !(«, r 2S .nd ».• Titmut Ha. ^^ IS8UB No. 4»â€" 'C*.