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Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1926, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCK Seasonable Supplies oi Hardv/are Scythes Snaths Hay Forks Hay Raki.«, Twine ^Hay Fork Pulleys â-  Macline Oil Cathoruiiilum. Stones Screen doors at -2.50 lo -l.OO anil scrtn'n \vi:v,lo\vs at 45 and no c.'nt«-are good values. We havo some stTeeninif in different widths. Let us equip your jjara^re door with The Hatch Garage Door Out- fit, per set with track $10.50. We can supply the uaints, oils and turpentine for the house you Intend to paintt. « „ , . , , • A larK<- shipment of r1o3S direct from BelKUini is erpected in a few days and will be sold at a very atliac-live price. HiKhest orice is paid for esrps either cash or trade. 1 F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON THE FLESHERTON ADVAN CE Published on Col'iingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A. |2..^0 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THt:RSTON. - Editor F. J. TITURSTON - Asat. Editor EDITORIAL NOTES Much i.-! written about woman and her clothes these days, but in some parts of the world the coytuminB of [ the popi-!ace cuts but a ^sniull fi^rure â-  Here we have Major Dou>;l;is break- ing into poetry in his book. -'Thei South Se;:3 of To-day." to tell ii.« ; To the Electors of South-Kast Grey: tew the napper of the Pacific islands, D(ar Fellow Kloctors: is to be seen. The Major sing-s:- , Chosen iinaniTnoujly ^•.i the Liber- "The beauty and grace of the island- lal-Canscrvative candidate for this born maidens, i banner riding; I piedf,'e iii(r.<e!f, if el- Childrcn of nature untrou'blcd by f<--t«d, to use my every power and influence for the furthcrinjr of the best interests of the farmers, the in- dustrial worker.^ and the commercial classes of our beloved Canada. care, Little they know of our narrow con- ventions With a smile on their lips and a flower in their hair." The poor dressmaker ha.s not a look-in among the Marquesas! • * • "The Lemieux famjly of Quebec ap- pears to be prolific in brains. There's the Sneaker of the House 6f Com- mons; ttiere'.i the chief ju.^tice; there's the sheriff of Montreal; and now we learn of another Lemieux. Quebec commissioner in London, who has suc- ceeded in having Quebec butter sold under its own name in 25,000 English co-operative store.;. â€" Hamilton Her- ald." And there is one more yet â€" the not- ed lawyer nt the Dominion capital, Auguste, who, ambitious to be in the front ranks in his profession, master- ed the English language, in hi.-i young manhood, as did his noted brother, the Speaker, and sought in the Province of Ontario a wider field than was prescnten in Quebec. Viscount Bumham, the distinguish od English statesman, truly declares that "Great Britain is a common wealth not of independent nations but of interdependent nations." y^nd Canada iji proud to be known as one of them. • â-  • A boom ill sheep is predicted for the county of Bruce. With the price of mutton and of wool what it is in Other fiart.^ of Ontario â€" particularly in the western reg'ion.s â€" we won(I- er why the boom is not more general? « • « â-  A little girl near Ottawa was terr- ibly injured l;y a bull attacking her in a field. Why will farmers con- tinue to allow their nnimals to run loose? They are (langerou.< at all times. » <â-  • Less than a month to election day. - 1 • ♦ ?< Only about 200 candidates are I will endeavor to have the enor- mou.< debt of this country r^luced and this land of ours mafle a place *vhich will not only hold its own youths and maidens, but will attract the masses of the best blood of the motherlands. "Canada for Canad- ians," is my motto; your best Inter- ests my highest ambition; your united supported my heartfelt desire. (Jratefully yours, â€" R. T. EDWARDS. The People's Candidate. Large Number of Specials The prize list for the Tail fair, .'>ept. %',-2A, of the Flesherton and Grey At-riniltural Society i.? now about ready for distribution, and is expected to be in the hand.; of members of date within the next few days. A glance through the list will .-•how that it is one of the best in years, and v; f.l compare faVoraMy with those of much bifc^rer fairs. There are many specials to be com- peted for, there being fifteen alone set aside for the horse section. Ths cattle men have also been taken care of in the same manner and it will be noted that each and every one are worth going after. The la<l!es are also well provided for, many special donations beiii;; included in this de- partment. It is hoped that all members who intend exhibiting will thoroughly examine their list and make their entries at the earliest p();;.';iblo moment. A record entvy list is e.vpected for this fair, in viev; >t the many innovations and special ^rii:es offered. With prize money to he amount of nearly one thousa:i(l dollars offered by the society and an- >ther two hi;Tidred dollars in cash and goods for sp.->cials, a fine oppor- doomed to be disappointed on election funity to win a little extra money e night. \ ijits for the exhibitors. A class for monies has been added this year and AKMSTKONC;â€" S,\NDn,AND On Saturday. August 11th, 1920., at the Glebe Road United Church Par- sonage, Toronto, by thc^ Rev. Capt. Andrew D. Rohb, Mariorie Delleray Sandiland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame« Sandiland, Dundalk, to Wm. John Wesley .\rmstrong, son of Mr. and Mm. W. A. Arm.itrong of p'lcsh- crton The young couple are on n honeymoon trin to New York and Atlanti<! City by motor. Congratulations are showered upon theie two highly esteemed young couple. NORTON â€" l-eOARD Married at Chicago on Saturday, July 17th, 1926, Miss Edna I^GYard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. LeGard of Chicago, to Mr. Wwi. R. Norton of Ryron, 111. FALL TERM Toronto'.^ Greatest School of Bus- inea.! Is enrolling students dail .• for the new term. Thi.- school is ©per the ertire year and instruction \* in- divi.Uil. "> you mnv enter any day. GrBd'intes guarante'-d posilion.<.'#arr whilo yu earn by home study courses Write now for cntnloorue to Canadf- Business Collega. College and Sap- dina, Toronto. his, togt'thcr with a pony race will â- ertainly help to make things intev- â- sting. Another feature will he a ilrawing contest for heavy hor"es, This item has met with great supnort .'iiiil success at nuirly other fairs in the past and should prove a fine attrac- tion for the local fair. The J^pecial Attraction Committee is going ahead with arrangements that will round out a really interesting program of ipnrts and other attractions for Fair Day and of which fv'l particulars will be announced shortly. Persons who are not members of the hwal Fair Society and wish to obtain •> copy of the pfizc list are asked to leave their name with the secretary or any of the directors. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank the many friend." and neighboi.t for their many acts of kindness and helpfulness during the illness and death of our brother, Geo Thomp'^on. and for the beautiful flora! offerings. â€" Brothers. Before robbing n Dtt.dt s!cre thugs tied the clerk up with nopulm neckties. The p.'ople who looked in the windows thought he was a to- tem pole. â€" Toronto Telegram. PORTL'^vV PROTON STATION I Mr. W. i. Reid m*t with an unfor-| The frwiuent s! .wers are delaying lunate accit',-iU one day last week, i the haying proce. . but the majority He and his son were engaged in „f people are r ttiiiK pretty wall hauling hay whep hi.s young team ' through, started to run away, throwing him ; Mr. Bert (iuest, : from the wagon to the hard ground. 'parent.i, motored At firat it wa ; thought that hi^ in- , (pent the week t juries were only slight, but Mr. Reid jfr. John Koom- .:conipanied by his from Toronto and 'd at the home of His two little en holidnying for has lieen in poor health for .some time; ;,,n.-, who have and is prostrated by the shock and I the past few wr ks at their grand is receiving medical attention.. ; parent's, returnc .1 to Toronto with Mits Macphail nddre.=i'ed a well at- them, tended meeting in the school house | Mr and Mrs Feriis Sr. and Mr. ami last evening. Mr Cli- and Mrs. Ferris Jr. of" Lady Bank ver, the U. F. O. candidate for the [were visitor.-; at Mr. John McNalty's. pro.incial lefgslature, al-Mi addressed, jyi,. ^nd .Mrs. G(/icen of Wide- the meeting. Mr. A. P. Pedlar of Awako-Laml were Sunday visitors at Eugenia acted as chairman jjir S. Batcl/lor's. Mr JauKs Scott, a former re3i<lent , jvir. and J'.s. Runciman Sr and Mr. of Artemcsia, but for some years a and Mrs. P.unciman Jr. and/ little prosperous farmer of Alberta visited daughter of Toronto were visitors at last week with Mr. James Hopps. Mr. David Bacon and daughter Mis.s Ethel of Kinmount, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Love. The former returned home, but Miss FUhel is remaining for an extended visit with her cousin, Mrj. R. Hann- ah. .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Taylor and fam- ily motored to Owen Sound and vis- ited friends. On Wednesday evening of last wer.k the frame barn on the unoccupied farm of Mr, Robert LitlUe, South lino, was di.icovered to be on fire. Neighbors hurried to the .scene, but could do nothing to save the struc- ture, which contained a quantity of hay. Mr. James Cornfield was in Tor- cidebration onto last week. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Toronto were visitorj with relartives here lately. We extend congratulation to Mr. Robert Taylor of the Centre Line who, we understand, has taken un- to himself a life partner in the per- son of Miss Duncan, of Proton town- ship. We extend a welcome to an- other Mrs. Taylor in this community. ''o.itmaster McCannell's. Mrs. Run- ciman Sr. ' f this place, who has been in the ci' v for some time, returned home with them. Misses .Marjorie and Maude Ache- son spent a few days at Woodbridge. Mrj. C'ark of London is thn guast of her sister, M!rs. Hergott. Miss Gertrude Lyons of Toronto is holidayiHg at the parental home. Her many friends were pleased to jee her in her old place at the organ in the United Church. Mis.s Jean McCarihell, \yJ»o iias been taking a summer course in Toronto, ha.s returned home. Mr. and Mrs. M' Nalty have treated themselves to a r- â-  : Chevrolet coach. They motor.'id t > Brampton lact Thursday to att.r.J the Black Knight National Debenture Gold Bonds 5 1-2 per cent. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF- YEARLY AT PAR, ANY BANK Kach Bond is secured by a deposit with the Trustee of 105% par in Government, Provincial and Municipal Ijond.s and First Mar^ages. Bearer or Coupk>n Registered Bonds in denominations of $100, $S00 and $1000. Price $100 and interest yielding 5y2% Further particulars on application- S. E. DeCUDMORE Phone 53. FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORNERS ROCK MILLS Mrs. Noble McCallum and babe of Walton, Ont., called on Mrs. Lewi.<v Pedlar recently. Mrs. A. Partridge and two oons, Clifford and Lloyd, Mr. L. Betts and son, Laurie, motonl to Toronto on Sunday and will visit relatives there. Clifford Partridge and Laurie Bett.^ intend leaving Toronto Tuesday night for the West. Mr. T. Gamey, wife and babe of Tronto are visiting with the former's cousin, Mr. D. Clark, and fanwly. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Botto on Thursday, August 102G, a daughter. Miss Irene Eales, Toronto, \i si)ending a fev.- days with her sister, Mrs. L. Pedlar. of the wheat in this vicinity is ;ut and in stook. Mr. H. L. Kearns and son, Dousla.s, of Toronto vi.-iited recently with his »iste!' here, Mrs Sam Phillips. Mrs. Robt. Phillips of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. R. Hoy. Mrs. C. Booz returned to her home in Toronto la.-(t week after spending a few weeks with W. T. Pedlar ; family. . | Miss B. Turner visited recently with her mother and brother, Mr. C. Turner, Eugenia. Mr. Billie Andrewswas a caller at Lewis Pedlar'.i last week. Osprey and Eugenia U.F.O. Clubs and Osprey and Eugenia U.F.W.O. Clubs intend holding a picnic at Eu- genia on Monday, August 23rd. Miss Macnhail will be present. Master Mervyn Johnston visitivi last week with hi.', uncle, Mr. Will Johnston, SpringhiJl. Tlis co\} in, Harold, reutrned with Ijini for few holidays. Miss Annie Davison of Markdale visited over the week end with Mrs. John Porteous. Ml'. Joyce Porteous visited with friends at Shclburne on Sunday and also attended the evangelistic meet- ing there. I (Intended for last week) BORN â€" On Friday, August Gth, 1926j^ ko Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson, a daughter, Alma Loraine. Mrs. S. Rex, and daughter Rae of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited last weSek at C. Moore's. Visitors at Bannons last week were; Mr. and !Vfc-s. Leffler and sons, and daughter, of Kansas, Mr. Geo. Bannon of Owen Sound, Mr. Everett Robinson and friend Mr. McCauley from Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Buskin of Toronto. Miss Eva Wauchope of Proton Sta- tion, spent the week end with Mar- garet Moore. Miss Dot Ste^}ens is home from holidaying at Detroit and London. Doris, Kathleen and Jack Bannon are visiting their uncle, Mr. John Hanna of Markdale. PAINTS AND VARNISHES THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€" the old reliable, for inside and outside use. "* FLAT f ONE â€" An ideal flat finish for use on walls a.nd ceilings etc. It does not drag or pull under the brush or show brush marKs. fSHERâ€" WILLIAMS LACâ€" A modern finish for renewing old flo.ors, furniture, woodwork, etc. Easy to apply, dries over night and when used on furniture will not stick to clothes. « AUTO ENAMEL â€" Your car may run well, but you ^vill not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of enam- el makes it look like new. Also top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household Guide. Stop making mistakes in painting. FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 The Bell Telephone Co. is extending *th, its lines at DuTham. SHINGLES THE VERY BEST GRADE OF OUAI.ITY IN V.IHTE CEDAR SHINGES AT ^r,X,(\ PER M. THESE SHIXGL'^S XRP. AB- SOLUTELY CLEAR OF KNOTS OR SAP WOOD, \ND ARE ONLY OBTAINABi..: ATâ€" ARMSTRONG & SON'S FLESH ERTO:-, ONT. Shoes for Summer Wear W£ HAVE SOME VERY NICE MAKES OF SHOES. Dongola and Patent Leather strap shoes with some of the latest styles and new makes of heels. Ranging in price up to $4 a pair (^>:^ FHOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON 5®,ooo Hsr^f!sr* Wanted $15 Aug. 31st GOING RETURNING To WINNIPEG ^nf\ From WINNIPEG Plus >a cent Ptr â„¢>'*^ *" it>inta beyond, but not weat ^^S ^m ^J ^'^ -^ **"' P^^ â„¢''^' starting of Kdmonti.n, Mail.cod and Calgary ^P^ ^^ ^^ point to Winnipeg From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and includinc Toronto on Lake Ontario Shor« Line and Havel ock- Pet erboro LIna. rom all Stationu Kingston to Ranfr«w Junction, incluftlve. Fron\ all Strrtlons BurVcaton to Bobcayffeont incluaive; Dranoel to Port McNtcoll and eHjacunt territory. From »U Station* on Toronto-Sudbury direct Line. I Fr. From nil Stetii na in Ontario, Souch and West ol Toronto to and including Hamiltont Welland, Niagnra FnlU and Windsor. A ^J From all Station* on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Orangevillc, Teeswater, Elora, Ltatow«l, « B 11 J Goderlch. St. Mary«, Port Burwell. ond St. Thomas Branches. U I %| \ Front all Stat*.ins Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. From nil Stations in Ontario on the Michignn Central. Pcre Marquette* Windsor* Essax & Lak(^ Shurc>, Chatham, Wnllaceburg A Lake Erie, Grand River, Lako Erie & Nort bam ftritl TofNtnto. Hamilton &. Buffalo Kail w&v«. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FROM TORONTO LacHcui and CHlUlrian â€" Special Cars will be reserved for the occlusive use o( Udies. children and their escorts. Full information from any Canadian Pacific Agant. CANAl^IAM PACIFIC Sept. Travel soSmooth FBOM Ik* day of lU annoaneMMBl tti* amootlMat Chtrralct In Ctwrrabt hteton hu been wlnaitic imw boycn by tlw Uwuundâ€" bwaaae of Hi iirtf t and (IforUcu aeeelcratkiB : tti Tclvvty operation at «v*ry apwd: lu abundant p«««r. and baeauM no ntbcr car to ta t e«a» fully mt«t> tb« pablie rinnand for qualHjp at low coit And now II U olferMl In brlshtrr, more ttrflclaa ttaeo cdora â€" ita imart «ppeanntc enhanced. Its brtlilant beavty omphaaiicdl , DriMi thr «mootlin<t Ch»vtt)!et In Clwvrol. • hhtory â€" tho law>M priced r«r in the world with "Body by Ftoher" ! Sea j*our rhcvroU't dealer today and h-arn for younclf why no other car of conii>anibl? c^wt olTcrj an equAkly Imprwlia rX- ,. ,_...^ remUnatian of qnallty «an|tmetion. motn% dtiicau perfonnaaee and modam appaaranc* •nia S fOK lnit ChavfoM In Ohmm I m himort U aaMaa at the LowaM Fitea far whick CW »i u > w kM av«* baaa •oUteCaaadb Koaditar %tM Coupa MiO Sadaa tttt Seott " f 11 Coach (10 Laadaa Sadaa %n TaHtlnc 640 Utility Bapraaa " • • a TM Alt Ptietm t raftttr Ttantxttm jot Economical Transportation CHEVROLET D McTAVISH & SON ' ^ Chevrolet Dealers Flesherton,^ Ont. \ 1 6Ff41!. >.

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