with, ses by; nedium slightly ore the. smooth! '.rmiyi he New roses, e centre bottom st '.aj-er. candtes.i i« space, ay have, ttlie s'lipi ritten a ar for- nade aS. no con?l) nsc that', ter and! hen tho Lie on !i, resemble Js ofi ^d fruitl placedj ed dowTi| it'iy up- '.y. aild- turtiir f:irCod I'.izabeth, W!\V. th; |iii{h, « Thouf life. ^inffl lardl. / In tHe Tea Cup II the full cKarm of SALADA II H3M Is revealed* The flavor is ptire, freaH and fraf^rant. Try it. Black. Mixed or Greets Blends. Surnames and Their Origin CRANB arlatlon â€" Grain. Racial Origin â€" English. Bource-^A place, also a nlcknam*. Tb« manner in which »uch a family name aa Crane could hare originated ii lUi«Iy to b« puzzling to the casually curlona, for oertelnly the crane was Bot a common enough bird In England of the mkMto ages to hare occurred to to a m&n's aseoclatee In that period â- when varloue descrtptlTa phrasea came Into use to differentiate one In- 'dividual from others beartog the seme glTen name. There might have been exceptional casea here and there of dealers In rare anima;l« who could have gotten the sur- name from the fact that they sold cranes. But that would not account tor the very many famlllea which to- day bear the name. It might al^o, and undoubtedly was, in some Instances, conferred upon a man as a nickname, and from this develop into a family name. But the explanation, in the vast mar Jority of cases, liee in a custom quite 'wides^ead In the middle &ee&, and now all but forgotten, except where the owner of a little inn, restaurant or curio shop desires to lend an air of qualntneee and antiquity to his busi- n«6«. The cusitom waa that of pla.clng outside his door a sign bearing the pic- ture of some animal or article. Let- tered signs were little used because the bulk of the population could not read. But the pictures wSiS a dis> tingulshing mark to the uneducated as well as th« educated eye. It was not uncommon, on busy streets, to see a yeritable menagerie on the signs of the shops and inns of a single square. It was much eaater to refer to a man simply as "GeotCrey Crane" than as "Geoffrey at the sign of the Crane." Hence the modern form of. the name, though at one i)erlod It was preceded by "de la" (of the). BRYAN. VarlatlonB â€" Bryant, Briant, Breon, Brien, Brian. Racial Origin â€" Norman-French. Source â€" A given name. Unfortunately for those who would like to determine accurately the na- tionality of their ancestors by means of their famfily names, a good bit of confiulon exists between the sui^ names Bryan and O'Brien. Similarity of sound and spelling has led to tntercjiange of these names in a host ot oas«B. There are many Bryana who trace their names back to one of the Irish Brians. Likewise there are Briass whose names should logicaJiy be spelled Bryan or Bryant For while Brian Is Irish, and Inevit- ably so when the prefix "O" is used, Bryan and Bryant are Norman-French and there are hundeds of families ot this name in North America and Eng- land whose anceaton never sew Ire- land. Bryan was a Christian name among th-e Norman invaders of England, and it is from this source that the English Bryans and Bryants developed, as well as the modern Frenchc Breon. " It was orlginaMy, of course, "da Bryan" and "de Brian," beinc vjurtously spelled. Aa a Chrtotlan name, however. It was Celtic rather than Teutonic, though names of the latter olassdilcar tlon predominated among the Nor- mans. The Normans had picked it up In their previous occupation of Brit- tany early in the Christian era. The Bretons are Celtic, belonging to the Cymric branch of that race, together with the Welsh, as distinguished from the Irish and the Soots, who form the Gaelic branch. The meaning oX the name was the same as that of the Irish Brian, however, being derived from the Celtic word for "stpength." Jeanne Gordon, Canaiian-born suu- cJ ;ue .Mttropolk-u l^i/ora, i^t^<^ up the old hobby of collecticg porcelain dilna bunis. She claims her colleciiCHi Is absolutely priceless. HOW TO RELIEVE CHILDREN'S COLDS A Poem Worth Knowing. "Phillada Flouts Me." If one man could claim authorship of all the poems written by "Mr. « I Anonymous," he would be one of the . , , „ . », ,^ t TT • ' great&>t, as well as one of the most Avoid Serious Results by Using p^nt^^^ p^ets in uie world. Few of Baby's Own Tablets. ' the fine oM ballads in English have i an author's name attached to them ; When a child s'hows the first symp- ! tonus of a cold, such as sneezing, red- ness of the eyes, clogged or running nose, prompt measures for relief may avert serious results. Mothers should always have on hand some simple, safe and effective remedy for Immedl- Dipbthcria. When Ka««»n aad ihe good dog "Balto" BCiTled aclKoxln to the people of Nome last fcuiumer, tii^-y were ap- plaud'id hy tlie whole Aniertcan Con- tinent, not only for tn:i»?l:i« liirough Ice aii'i snow on an errin 1 of mercy, but becauBo tfccy sjrivel in time to save many lives. Even ih<; t-:ualle»t urchin standing in from o( a bulletin board marking the stages of the race with death linew the point of the mad drive w;:s that, tn b* of vse and save the people from death, the antitox.n must be given early. Every man and woman, every muther and father in Caniida and the United States was made aware that a case of diphther» is.oertaia to recover If antitoxin is given oa the first day of the lUuess; that every day lost means s<i aiauy chancfs lea*; that if delayed uuti: the 6th to Sth day. antitoxin may be of lit- tle use. Time is the important factor. Early administration raeans cure; de- layed administration m.>y be too late and* futile. The parent, the doctor and the medical ofllcer of health share the respoasibiMty for early admlnisTatlon. It is good to save a child from death, but is it not better stil! to save a child from disease? During the year rJ25 researcUi worlters in the health field have perfected "Toxoid. " a sure pre- ventive against diphtheria. It is safe and absolutely sure , further, it gives protection against dipbihtrria without any bad effects. Taiio your child while he id well to your physician for the "Toxoiil" treatment ; you will tlien enjoy an easy mini all through ttie winter because you know he wl'.l be protected against that dreadful foe of young children, diphtheria, and all the evils in Its train, such as an impaired ' yet it seems strange that a charming poem like "Phillada Flouts Me." of , ^^^.^ ^_^^ ^^^^^ ^^ which we quote the first and last verses, should never have been owned. -_ â€"â€" <b- Badly dijteated food, acidity of the stomach, and iluggish liver cause headaches. Seisel's Syrup will removeihese causes. Any drug store. Regarded With Suspicion. Dr. Makover â€" "Yes, sir, with a com- plete course o£ my treatmenit I can safely promise you never will grow old." The Patlent~"la it as certainly fatal as all that?" IMinard's Liniment for stiff musclea The best wood in the world for the manufacture of aircraft is said to be the Sitka Spruce. It is light and strong, and in British Columbia it grows to six feet in diameter. ENJOY THE BEST THE AIR HAS TO GIVE Radio experts are agreed that Wet B. Batteries give more volume, better tone and greater range. Service Supereeil B.'s are built to give long, lasting service at extremely low prices. Built In 3 popular sizes, finished In walnut: 60-Volt, 3,500 M.A $12.00 67-Volt, 3,600 M. A $16.00 100-Volt, 3,500 IVI.A $22.00 Keep your Batteries up to strength with a SERVICE Double Duty CHARGER. CNarges A. and Automobile Batteries and B. Batteries from 24 volts to 120 volts In series. Rigidly conttruotsd. silent In operation, easy to operate. 2S or r.rv cycle, oomplete with Retlgon |&OA A^) Packard Built Sold by all good dealers. If your dealer can't supply you, write to us direct Mall orders flllsd promptly. SERVICE BATTERY CO. OF CANADA 137 RONCE8VALLE8 AVE. TORONTO ate use. Baby's Own Tablets act quickly, contain no opiates or narcotics, are tasteless and harmless. Mrs. Joseph Cadlenx, Hclyoke, Mass.. says: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and And them a very satisfac- tory medicine. When my little boy : she loves still to gainsay had a cold I gave hJm the Tablets at ! Alack and weU-a-day. 0, what a plague is love! How shall"! bear it? S'he will Inconetant prove, I greatly fear it. She so torments my mind That my strength faileth. And wavers with the wind As the frhip saiieth. Pleafie her the hest I may, night and he was well next dey. I give them to the children for constipa- tion, and they always do good. I think Baby's Own Tablets are much easier to give a child than liquid medicine. I reconuneod the Tablets to all moth- ers wlio have small children and be- lieve tliey should always be kept on hand." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. Unchangeable Manhood. These to the end of time shall mark the man: Courage to face the changing tides of life: The wild to meet and bear his share of strife And wrest from It what victory he can. Phillada flouts ms. • * • • I cannot work or sleep At all in season: Love wotmde my heart so deep Without all reason. I 'gin to i>in« away In my love's shadow. Like as a fat beeet may, Penn'd In a meadow. I shall be dead, I fear. Within this thousacfd year; And all for that my dear Phillada flouts me. HEALTH BROKE DOWN A Fire of the Imagination. I, Could Not Get Sleep for Hours After Going to Bed. 'It Is not natural for m« to sit down Custom and fashion may make new de- '"<^ '""* ^ '^"«'" '° ^^^ »' * P"^ prietary medicine as I had always been skeptical aa to tlTelr virtues." mandss But honest laughter and the cheer- ful smile Shall, to the world's last hour, re- main In style. And men shall love the mind which un- derstands. The gentleman shall always gentle be Whatever laws the government may make. These thhigs shall stand tiOil life's last thread shall break: Honor, and faith and mirth and cour- tesy. A thousand yesjs from now, though life seems strange. He shall be loved who brothers when he can. A noble spirit siiall proclaim the man. For what Is truly noble cannot change. â€"Edgar A. Quest. Old Stuff. Thus writes Mr. Arthtir Seguin, Storth- oaks, Sask., who further says: â€" "But three years ago I opened a general store here In Storthoaks and placed on my shelves a few lines of the beat known proprietary medicine«. Among these, naturally, were Dr. Williams' Pink PlUe. As there were three of my customers who were obtaining good results from taking the pills, and as I was in need of a medicine I decided to try them myself. "I had been suffering from catarrh for years, and my inside work had I completely broken down my^health. I I was coughing all day. suffered from I Indigestion, and could not sleep until i three or four hours after retiring. I I started the pills, not with any great i confidence, but by the time I had flnlehed the second box I marked much improvement At the fourth box 1 felt quite recovered, but continued them for some further time. Alice had Order Your * Farm Help Now VO BS OF SERVICS to Eut«m CsAadlan Fsnnan ud h*lp te DMOt thtir B««ii la McuiliiK competmt farm help, th* CANADIAN PAOiriC KAILWAY win eontina* Ita Fum Help Service durins 1>2(, uid will Inehide In thie Service, as last rear, the eupply of women domcstlos and hoyt. Bluvoah •.rperlence in the pent few yesrs, the Comyanr U now In touch With • nnaiber of term leborere in Ureal Bcllaln, Norwrny, Sweden. Deamark. {nnee, Holland, SwttaerUnd. Roland. Ceeehe-Stovakia, Hamsarr. Jugo- Ihivla, Germany and Rooiaania and can praoiptlr fill appKeatloBe for farm kelp. Ib order to Ka\'e the help reach <3ansda In tln^e for Sptlns flporatiene, farmer* Vtqalrliis help most set their arpllMfctioiis In oartj, to enable us to tacure 1h* help needed. Siank apBUeatlon form* and full hiMnaatian resardias the Benrlea ma; be •Dttlaad from aajr O.P.R. arent or (rooa an; ol the effiolal* Vatnd below. DTHE CANADIAN PAQFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Departrarat of ColoniB««on aad Dsvelopmait â- ONTItBAL rORONTO mEiniooKE lAINT JOHN xsNTviixa OnAWA J. DMsaU. GMjrat AaHcoltar^ Aaaat. y. \l PsA«rrO«iMi*lTt«n^9»«^ Traffic. W. M. BUIketae, SMcial CdCntb^tMn Acont. 0. Brse* aars**^ DtatTltt ruMSser Afeat. Geerce K, Oraks*. Oe^eral MiBafl«r. Dpi J. A. MCGUL Otaenl â- L I. TBOBNTON, AaiMut CoaiaUHtooer. Oeseral Mi*>afl«r. il Atmt " a. Atlantic St. r Department. a. DKMNTS, Chtaf ronmlmiiKwr. ^ ^^ . 'eft me. the indigestion has disappear- r , H . ^, T »tory o,(^ ^^ J ^^^ j^,j ^j^ ^^^^^^ C olumbus at school, and was teUlng soon as I am in bed. In my store now It to her mother. n ^^ not hesitate to recommend Dr • An his ships were named the Nina, wmiams' Plak Pills to any who are the^Pinta. and-^d f^eUng run-down or vrithout energv as "Santa Maria, prompted tlie mothr 1 1 think they are er. The day, which had begT:n as In- dian summer, had changed rapidly (hroogli the afternoon until, at twilight, it became a raw, nipping habi:igeT ot coming winter. The proprietor of the village inn. wltli a lighted lantern on his arm. entered whet had once been the barroom but was now converted into a men's lounging room. In cold weather this room was heated by an old-fashioned castiron bo.x stove. Chancing to look out of the windows, the proprietor recognized a party of woodsmen returning from their work in the woods to tlie Inn. where tiey lodged. A look of contrition over- spread the proprietor's face. "TIieTe comes those wood-choppers," he re- proached himself, "probably half froze, 'nd I ain't got any fire started yet," With his Angers the proprietor combed his forelock tboughtfuUy. Suddenly his face brightened. Step- ping quickly to the stove, he raised one of the Uds and se^ the lighted lantern within. Then he replaced the lid and wolked around to the front of the stove. As he drew out the slide to the draft, the opposite wall im- mediately became Illuminated with a bright, cheery glow. Seating himeelf comfortably the proprietor awaited his guests, wbo soon entered, boister- ously oomplaining of the sudden •change in the temperature. "At-a-boy!" cried the leader en- thusiastically when he saw the cheer- ful glow. "The boss's got a peach of a Are." The men gathered about the atove, rubbing their chilled fingers vigorous- ly, their fac«e aglow with coateutment at the comfort of the room. At last they seemed to be warifc^j through. They left the stove for the chain, and benches that were scattered about the room and began to assemble tbeir soioking equipment. "You fellows aill warmed up good?" affably Injulred the proprietor, rising from his ch«»Jr. "Because© it you be," he continued, "1 want t' borrow the lantern to go out and get some kdnd- lingsss t' start a fire with, and to do th' choree." And^ suiting the action to the word, h« walked over to the stove, removed the Hd and took out the lantern. A look of incredulous amazement over- sipread the faces of the woodcutters. My cough has ^'^^ ""^ quickly followed by a sheep- fadi grin, and that, in turn, as the pro- prietor closed the door behind him, by a roar of indulgent laughter. WE WANT CHURNING CREAM We supply cans and pp.y express charges. We pay duly by express money orders, which can be ca:>hed anywhere without any charge. To obtain th* top prlue. Cream must b« free from bad flaron and contain not less than SO per eesL Butler Fat Bowes Company Limited, Toronto For refereaees^Head Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your locai bcjiksr. Established for over thirty yoars. Qaaiified Ad ygrtis^rngnti ^:iAW-.s BcsiNKKS si-HooLs. Toaovra i^ --rain anil pUre -jnntt* Ic um-« -iiipjliUiornl* thrautb Uinr andi-l nrflwi >m EmM^-Ti.i.iil Ot- partiuMiL ;'«nlciU»n frw. Adins ftn-j a:om ^\v«t. -Lurcaia ThePUn. The plan, like a rosebud is opening there. Eiach petal a miracle, fragrant, fair; To touch It ami mar It I do not dare- To have It in perfect blDom to sha.-a 1 humbly work and wait. â€" Lucy Helen Pe««on. Salt in Silver Mining. Common salt is used in the recovery of silver from ita ore. The armor us-ed by Jonn of Arc was especially madi» lor her In Tours. . SKATES I SKIS I H Jo«. Malons Tubulu- U~*~r r )) Sk«t«s, Ttwtted on vrrons bcvtl til. 00. Orn pnu. tor ".»â- ! ariu ixmtommn. oaiy 97.60. Skv aatl c^iipiBcet. Tlu kn BMnt. All li>U poc^ THE BANCKOrr CO. IM7 BWury St. . Monli^ FITS «rt» of the world I pnrtJCuiAr*. NVrtte at .mce to by Trvncii'** HeiiTtdf for Epilepsy an J Fita. Simple hon^o treat- ment. Over S5 rcan' auccess.Thouvmndatrf testimonial-* from aij Sffnd for fT«« bo.»k giving pttrti full piu-tjcuiar*, Wt ,^ VrenCH'S REMEDIES UMITED *" St, Jmmtm' Chamber*. 79 Adelaide East (Cirf this out) Totooux Canada Vhmt EUln :s:5. FROST BITES Rnb with IMinard's. It eases t^e pain and pre- vents complicatione. TAYLOR- |P"FORBES I rg^ tsUAIiUTEED Keep IMinard's "Yes, and tlie queen's name was- "Isabella," suggested the mother. "Mother," d«manded AUoe, with sud- Llniment -• handy. Fishy Singing. "What a glorious voice â€" what a soul 1 1 cauiii laey are a bleaeing to man- kind." If others who may feel slceptical will j Jn her singing! ' whisperwl the giish- «1t« Dr. Williams' Pink PUls a fair ln« '*d7 t« the bored critic sitting next trial they will be conrln-ced as was <* ^*^' " *^« soprano on the platform , Mr. Seguln. You can get the pllla ' g«.ve forth her not too musical strains. den suspicion, Tiave you eTer heard , from your druggist, or by mail at 50 ' And the critic answered darkly Pruners For ever>' purpose in the orchard, cutting limbi up to ii inches. Handles â€" A, 6, 8,10 and 12 teet. Tar lirtfann Dmw kMws Dm tmiQt Our dsaoriptlv* cirxniUr meat to any addrcaa on re<jt]c*t TAYLOR-FORBES COMPA.NY, LIMITED GUELPH, ONT. this story before? Mlnarc!'s Liniment for Chilblain*. cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medlclno Co.. Brockville. Ont I though; of Ho«nder, but solo never oo- curred to me." -9 . Indians 'â- • '*'*' manufacture of skis, tool During the first nine months of the! ' handles, and bent wood goods whei^ current >ear there was 161.527,600' ^^e teacher wa. trying to demon- toughncs is necessary Canadian white pounds of herring taken from the sea »*'**« the truth that love and Proteo ^^j, ,^ , ^ \y^ treTis con fisheries of Canada. As caught and ]lV> '^'^ '« «n».lnctlve in all Parents, j '^^.^'•'^^"^f^iy^;;'^^^^^^ ^"^^ "^ ^'>"- landed the fish were valued at $1,192,- V"* ^'""J' "' "'«' "*>"' Moe** and the 809. Among the manv uses for the *^°"'^ Samuel hcul amply Illustrated the herring is that of bait for^hich 213,- P"'"^ ""'"»' "'^ """"" »"'^ 174 barrt's wpre thu5< consumed. ^'^^s^ •^•'itl^'MiiM •MMm MMon ar nimniMT â- SMIP US YOUli POULTRY. GAME.EGGS. BUTTER ANt, FEATHERS • M* Buy ALL YeAR Rouno • KWfi/<> 1oda\ ^ prievs - H\- )(u<2ranicp tfte'in ^'" ') >*vck a/ictiti P. POULIN f^ Co.. LiniTEO ".-\nd now," nhe said ni>-e1erlonsly . "I'm thinking of mothers that don't look or drea«i as we do! They wear feathers." Instantly came the answer from one bright little giri. "Indians.' stie tald ' triumphantly. i In the same ciass the following de- finition of a frog vra» given: 1 "He Is that thing that when ho sits down he Jumps up. and wben he jumps • I up he sits down." In nritish Columbia th«re is an abundant supply of red cedar, some- times called the giant cedar, as it fre- â- '.lently reaches IbO feet in height :Mid 10 feet in diameter. ,^ \^hcn hoarse use Mlnsrd'a LinJmani. Clears ttieThroat, Relieves Hoarseness, Couglis&Colds/~ UndiirbSyrt:, ^ OpfCMOS ana Why not iSin^ :you? GRAYS^SYRUP RED SPRUCE GUM «*«./..o' D WATSflU fc' CO.. VrrfK.,* Soap And Ointment Best For CMIdren Teach your children the Culicara habit that they may have clear skin and good hair through life. The constant use of C-Jticura Soup, as- sisted by Cutkura Ointment, keeps ihesklnand scalpclcan and healthy, templa Back rn> M iSiL A<MrM> CukHhi I'rrx ItM i fc a m t»4. W l i i«l* Prln. Sm» 1^ ".n trocrit S *-Hi S(v T»t.uin a|^ SH^ Cuticvrs Sbavinc Stick 25c. ISSUE No. SIâ€" '2B. , A_ A li