RED ROSE Purel No duconr or anv adulterantjn this cDoioe oonee " Smmanies and Thdr OrigiD RUaSELL Variation* â€" Rouaael, Route, Rum. Raolal Origin â€" Norman-French, ••ureaâ€" A nickname. Th« family name of Rtiaaetl la, In a â- ana*, akin to that of Raid, and Its Tariatlona, Read and Read. It oomes ttova an old BngUah word meaning "rad," which, however, waa of Nor- Biaa rather tban Auclo-Saxon aceeoh. This word was "roaae," and haa ear- â-¼ivad to-day only aa "rusaet," with a \ "/^OLDEN-browB vJ toast, crisp and jripn^ hot, may be made right at your breakfast table, with tiie Hotpoint Reversi- ble Toaster." Toasts two slices of bread at once. The toast 13 turned auto- matically by simply pulling down oneof the nickel-plated guards. Designed to grace the finest appointed table. Far tale by dealera meerywhav, HtSA i Hotpoint Division Cwnadten Oenewit Electrle Cia.UinHil \r ir meanlns "brownlah-red) somewhat dif- ferent from the orlKlnal. Aa might be expected It was, to- gether with the sobriquet "le Rede," Jtiet about aa widespread as red hair was, tor apparently there la no per- sonal charaotarlstlc whlob the human eye lingles out more quickly In a man to differentiate him from his fellows than a red head. The name "le Rouse" and "le Rua- sel" appeal* frequently In the old ra- aorda, the so-caUeld "Hundred Rolls," the "Munlmenta Qlld Lallac Londonlen- als" (Mlnutea of the London Quild- hall), eto. An explanation for the name Ruas, whloh form Is also found among the old reoorda, but an explanation whlijh probably has little foundation of fact, is that this name was derived from the nationality of one of the original bearers ; in other words, that It means "the Russian." While a great many names are known positively to have taken their origin from nationality, the evidence la agalnat the claim In this case, for it was not customary among the medieval English who knew little of the lands to the east of them beyond the shores of Oennany, to make any distinction between the races Inhabiting them, all of whom they referred to as ^sterlings, or Easterllngs. This objection, however, does not apply to the explanation la oases where the name has come to the United States from other countrlea. PALMER Variations â€" None. Racial Origin â€" Medieval Engllah. Source â€" Descriptive. Palmer Is a very appropriate family name for a crusader. Its origin is traced straight back with little varia- tion or change to the days when the aplrit of fighting religion swept over all Europe and crusade aft«r oruscuia was launched at the Turk with the object of winning back the Hoiy Land, One very old English document, dating from Nonnan-ITrench days, gives a list of namefi, among which is one Hervey le Palmer. Another men- tions a Geofti-ey le Palmere, while an old document of Parliament speaks of John le Paumer, Harvey the Palmer, Geoffrey the Palmer and John the Palmer. A palmer, of course, was one who carried a palm leaf. It waau't cob- tidered a silly thing to do in those days, any more than It Is considered silly to-day for the soldier to wear bis campaign 8trtpe3 or ether inalgnla da- noting service in the army or nary or membership in a society or lodge. The palmer was one who had made a pil- grimage to the Holy Land, either as a warrior fighting the Turk or simply aa a traveler actuatod by religious fe^ vor. The descriptive appellatlua of pal- ' mar quite naturally developed into a ' family name on a very large acale. In ' the first place, there were many pll- \ grims. In the second place, the man | who had mad« the pilgrimage was like- 1 ly to be considered the moat import- ' ant member of his fajuHy for several j generation^ before and after, and | therefore the most likely Individual in ! his family to perpetuate his name to The best Tobacco for the pipe OGDP^p<? i.rvjeRPOOL CUT PLUG Clawifigd AdT Ttiâ€"aienU HOME STTJDT family name. Shiploads of GrU. l ^••T' Approprtala. For every 100 women In Canada ! â- *' * *^*''' Practice a now chant wa« fho o»t»nf «f If h i» .^ .t .tiiere are 106 men. So Canada solves ! *>•"»» rehearsod. After a few verswa acLS in °he ^ouS of ^^^as^th^ ' '^« ''^°'"'^"' "' '"'porting women from \ "' the P«.lm had been sung the ehoi^ WHOUTHAND OR BOOKKBBPIWO accepted In the course of years as the E„gj^d ^ ^^g ^one 300 years ago | master called out: "No, no! that's all ^^ taught in twenty homT leBSMrL by the American colonies. And tho;'"^°**s: take the chant through again. Proficiency guaranteed. Diplom* plan suits England, foi- statisticians I Can't you see It goes dl.Torentlj- In the J*'*"- Empire Buslneas Oollege, t4« eaUmate England has a surplus of I'^s* bar? No, no! wrong again! Well. Broadview Ave., Toronto. 8.000.000 women. ParUes of women 1 ** ^^^^ ««^ '^°^'^ ^^^ '»• Now, then. ; ' UONEYTO LOAV and girls are formed In England, i »•** 1^«' 'O- T* fo«l». '"'lian '»tM T" â- â€" j^^am. brought to Canada under reliable «,. utidei»tandr C'ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTJ cort and offered jobs In whatever line j „.. . â€" . -,. mmmm^ 'Zii^Z^ â- >â- >-... o !r*"ted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria of work they may choose As each I nTARn THF fHII DRFN « ship lands, scores of housewives are ! "'^****^ I llLi VrlllLll/llLill ; ^ " r r.r,r"'r'r,xJFROM AUTUMN COLDS' trlota, says Capper's Weekly. So f«r| aa the marriage question Is concerned, | the women have proved able to take j "^^ ^^' *• *** '""'t severe season care of that detail. Records show that °' ^^ ^^^^ '<*^ coldsâ€" one day la warm EASILY FATIGUED AND DESPONDENT A Condition Known as Genera! Debility Due to Watery Blood. COME TO THE LECTURES, DEMONSTRATIONS and PRACTICES AT THE Ontario Agricultural College 1925 â€" SHORT COURSES â€" 1925 stock and Seed Judging Jan. 13th to Jan. 24th Poultry Raising Jan. 13th to Feb. 7th Prult and Vegetable Growing Jan. 26th to Feb. 7th Florleulture and Landscape Gardening Feb. 9th to Feb. 21at Oouree for Factory Cheese and Butter Makera . . Jan. Bth to March 20th Oow Testing Jan. 12th to Jan. 23rd Fann Dairy Jan. 2«th to Feb. 6th Faotory Milk and Cream Teating Feb. 9th to Feb. 20th Condensed and Powdered Milk Feb. 23rd to March 6th Market Milk and Mechanical Refrigeration .. March 9th to March 20th Ice Cream and Mechanical Rafrlgeratlon .... March 23rd to April 3rd Creamery and Chaeaemaking Courae March 24th to March 26th Farm Power Jan. 87th to Feb. 7th Drainage and Drainage Surveying Jan. 1Sth to Jan. 24th Bee Keeping Jan, 13th to Jan. 24th These ooursea are planned to meet the requirements of farmers, fanners' sons, dairymen, poultrymen, beekeepers, and hortlculturlata who may ba able to leave home for but a abort period during the winter months. All oourses are free, with the exception of the dairy oouraea, for which a email registration fee Is charged. A change from home surroundings, meeting other people Interested In the things In which you are Interoeted, exchange of experience and the acquirement of knowledge, will do you good. Plan to attend some courae that appeals to you. Write for booklet describing the courses. J. B. Reynolds, M.A. L. Stevenson, M.S., A. M. Porter, B.S.A. Prealdent. Director of Kxtension. Registrar. General debility Is a term used to describe a weak and run down condi- tion of the system. Debility may come from a number of causes. The after effects of acute illness, lack of nourish- ment due to poor digestion, overwork or worry, or anything that makes the blood thin, thereby preventing it from carrying nourishment and health to the tissues of the body. The symp- toms of debility var>', but weakneaa Is always present, often a tendency to be easily fatigued, spots passing before the eyes, weak bach, dizziness, wake- fulness caused by Inability to stop thinking, and unrefreshing sleep. Mr. Lorenia L. Gamache, Rockland, Ont, was a severe sufferer from this trouble and tells how he found release. He says: â€" "Two years ago I was in that condition which medical men call general debility. I made periodical visits to Montreal for fourteen months to undergo electric treatment. At the end of this time I was feeling well and thought with proper care I would con- tinue in good health. But In th« course of a month or so the symptoms came back more acute than ever. I lost ap- '•â- petite and could hardly sleep during I the night, and what sleep I had was I disturbed with nightmares. I had headaches and the least effort was telling on my nerves. I always felt \ pains somewhere, and had to lose much time. After suffering for three months, trying various things without good results, I was terribly depressed and disheartened. One day I met a friend who noted how pale and thin I .was and he so strongly recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I deter- mined to give them a (air trial. I got six boxes and began the treatment at once. After I had taken four boxes I began to notice an improvement in my health. I oould sleep better, and I scarcely had a headache. Since that time my health has been steadily im- proving and now I feel just as well as ever. I have gained twenty pounds since I began the treatment. Now I would not be without Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the home, and strongly recommend th«m to all who suffer from a depressed system and the aches that follow." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer, or by mail at SO cts. a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. BrockvUe, Ont. o Most Unfortunate. Huskissou was very proud of his son and heir, who had only arrived at his house a few months. He was never happier than when he was showing off his son's good points. Bagshaw waa among the party of inspection. "Well, Bagshaw," said Huaklaaon, aa he proudly showed off the wonder- child, "what do you think of that for a strapping lad?" Bagshaw made no reply. "Thlpk he looks like me?" panslsted Huskisson. wanted. Toronto. most of the girls are married within '^® °^^' °°'^^ *°<* ^^^- *°^ unless the a year and settle down on farms of '»°*^'®'; is on her guard, the UtUe^ea their own. I are seized with colds that may hang ' .g, I on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are She Knew Sheep. | mothers' best friend In preventing or After the cltybred young woman banishing colds. They act as a gentle waa put in charge of a country school, ^ laxative, keeping the bowels and stom- to the class In arithmetic she said: I "ch free and sweet An oocaslonal •Now, children. If there are ten *''**« «' ^^^ Tablets will prevent colds. aheep on one side of a fence and one or if it does come on suddenly their All the Winners. As tie clergyman stepped off the bua a newsboy thmsi a paper under hi* nose and shouted, "AH the winnei-s, mlt." The shocked parson Incjulred sar> oastically if there were no other news In the paper. "Tea, sir," retort c-d the boy; "all the runners for to-morrow." Don't be a quitter. It is just as w«ll to remember that triumph has the accent on the trv. Jumps over, how many sheep will be leftr "No sheep, teacher," answered a tow-headed little lass of ten sunrmera. "Oh, no!" cried the city young wo- man, reproachfully. 'You are not so stupid aa that! Think again. If there were ten sheep on one side of the prompt use will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Refreshes Tired Eyes WiinMutine Co.,Chiciso,fbTEreCircBook Clookwork. Hawkinsâ€" "Well, old fence and one sheep Jumped over, nine ; **â- °^'* *?,„5' ... sheep would be left. Don't you see Martin- Oh, like clockwork man, how's that?" "No! no! no!" pei«lsted the child. "If one sheep Jumped over, all the others would Jump after It My father keeps sheep." Then, seeing Uie puzzled look on the teacher's face, the little tow-head ex- plained apologetically: "You know 'rithmetic, miss, but I know sheep." Michael Was Mystified. Mlrhael'a mother bad married again, and though Michael did not object to his new father, he waa somewhat puz- zled as to the relationship. "Mother," he said, "Is this man my stepfather?" "Yes, dear; he's your stepfather." "Well, mother," continued the child, "you call me your little lad." "Yes, dearie, you are mamma's lit- U« lad." 'Then, mother," continued Michael, "I suppose I must be my stepfather's little Btepladder." Couldn't Be Mistaken. An American woman weut to Scot- land to visit some friends. \\'hen she returned one of her friends accom- panied her. As they nearod New York the Ameri- can woman said: "In a little while we shall see Sandy Hook." "Oh!" said her Scottish friend. "Do not tell mo when, because I am sure I would know a Scotsman anywhere." HawkIne^"But I'd hoard a rumor that your people had failed." Martinâ€" "So they have. The buai- nesa has Just been wotmd up." <), MInard'a Liniment Reilieves Pain. An eagle can live twenty days with- out food, while a condor can similarly exist for forty days. When wo read a wise maxim we think how apt'.y it applies to some friend: there are maxims that apply to ourselves. AGENTS WANTED For full line of Guaranteed Hosiery direct to consumer. No Investment. LONGER WEAR HOSIERY CO. 33 Richmond 8t West Toronto Wet Feet I Prevent oolds by rubbing the feet with MInard's. It quickens circu- lation, prevents chills. B|ECHAM*S The Safest and Best Family Medicine mOUillifiiilllillililiBt BOILER Water tube type, 125 h.p., in good con- dition, also a large amount of plumb- ing, lighting and heating eqoipment Will sell entire or in part at great aacriflca because of alteratlona to our property. Real Eatatas Corporation, Limitml, Top Floor, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Telephone Elgin StOI. "Wanteit FULL RIGGED SHIP MODELS Band deeorlption and full particulars to U COSTELLO 73 W. Adelaide St Toronto ON AiS In Pimples. Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals. " My trouble began with eczema which broke out in pimples and â- piead rapidly. It atfected ray arms from the elbows to the lips of my lingers. I could not put my hands in water, they itched and burned so,- and I could not do my regular work. I could not sleep on account of the irritation. " The doctor advised me to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in two weeks I was completely healed, after using one and a half cakes of Soap and one box of Ointment." (Signed) Miss Sylvia B. May, Marshfield, Vt.. June 6, 1923. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. BaapU Swb FrM bj K>U. Addnu Canadlu 0«pot; "CvtleorK f. 0. Box tile. UcBtjcji." Pri <« . S o*p25c. umtmeot .£an,iSOc. TaJeumae. 1^ Try our new SiiaTing Stick. enjuuum well. NortH(irtf Efectric Radio Sets ThsRII with R-15 Amplifier This powerful small set is the Radio sensatifMi of the year. It brings to you, sti-ongly Exceedingly simple to and clearly, all the wealth of life, music, and fun tbat Alls the air wh^ Bight fallsâ€" all the thrill tf^tuniiig In a voice a tteusanamiles away. operate, compact, built of mahogany, good to look at. Made by the people who made tne 'phonfe in your house â€" and nearly a million others besides. Write to-day for full particulars and illustrated literature to David A. MoOowan Dbtrilmtor M4I MAJV ST. TORONTO, ONT. OMisra We aoilolt your enquliHee for eatalogue and diacounta. "H'm â€" well â€" or â€" ^ha â€" ^hnm Huskisson â€" well, old pal, to tall you the truth, I'm afraid ha does." His Hearing: Restored. The inTliible ear drum Inrentad by A. O. Leonard, whlob li a miniature megaphone, fitting Inside the ear en- tirely ont of Bight, is restoring the bearing of handrrds of people In Not York city. Mr. Leonard invented this j drum to relleTe bimsslt o( deafnesi i â- nd head noises, and It does thh so : auccessfuUy that do one could tell be | la a deaf man. It li effectlTs wbsa I deafness Is oanaed b^ catarrh or by ! perforated or wholly destroyed natural \ drama. A. reaueat tor informatioa i to A. O. Leonard, Snite 417, 70 Fifth arenue. New York city, will b* given a prompt reply. advt Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for More shipping passes through the Sault Ste. Mario locks during naviga- > tlon than goes through the Panama,; Sues and Manchester canals in twelve; months. I When sending money by mail use ; Dominion Express Money Ordera. ; Safer than sellfling bills. Virtues must ho familiar with par- 1 liamentary practices. The minute we : make a good resolution someone moves] that it be laid on the table. j Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Toothacha Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only " Bayer " package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of \i tablets â€" Also bottles of 2* and 100 â€" Druggists. 4 MInard'a Liniment for Rhaumatiam. A«ptrln l!> tlip tT«.1ii m«rt (r»glJt«*d Id C«m4») of B«T«r MKunrHnirs of Moroiw-tlis aolrti-'tcr ..f Sillcviirncia i.\i*i!l Smilrjilc AeW, â- •-*. 9. .^,"). WliM* It Ij wu' kin.wn tbat Aaplrtn u^wi,* Ba.v«r Diniiur«ct\tr«, ii> «Ml(t tk« pahllc t(*ln;t ImltiiUoiiE » BftfM CotBiMUV will tM tuatpeil wltii Uxlr inarml u«cl* nark, tin COULD NOT SLEEP NIGHTS Pains and Headaches Re> lieved by Taking Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Dublin, Ontario. â€" "I was weak and irregular, with pains and headaches, ; and could not sleep nights. 1 learned i about Lydia E. Pmkham's VegetabJ* j Compound by i-eaUing the le'icrs in tba { newspapers and tried it beoauso I I wanted to get better. I have got good I resuita from it as I feel a lot stinger â- and am not troubled with such bad j headaches aa I u-'cd to bo and am more I reguinc. I am gaining In weight all I the time and 1 tell my friends whai kind of medicine I am taKing. You rntt use mv li'tlor as a help to others."-* Mrs. J.\MES Racbo, Box 12. Dublin, Ontario. Halifax Nurse Recommendt Hslifax, N. S. â€" "I ani a niatcmlbf nurse and have recommended Lydia SL Pinkhani'a Vegetable Compound w many women wno were chilaless, alw to women who need a good tonic. I aiA E^lish and my husband ia American, and h.> told me of Lydia E. Pinkham while in England. I would appreciate a copy or two of your litUe books oa women's ailments. I have one which I keep to lend. I will willingly answef letters from any woman asKing aboni the VeKet.aWe Compound. "â€"Mm. S. IL! Col. EM AN, 24 Uniacke Street, Balifac^ Nova ScoUa. i ISSUE No. 4&-'-'24k