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Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1924, p. 4

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NoveiuWr 5th. 1924 THE * FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. CirciilatioM 1100. Price in Canada $1.50 per year; in U.S. A. $2.00 p<>r year; $2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, Editor THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE C.VN.\I>.\ AM) THE BRITISH KLECTIONS Believers in proportional represen- tation have found in the result of the British elections what they consider to be strong proof of the need for re- form in the method of ascertaining and jfiving effect to the popular will. It is pointed out that though there has been a tremendous overturn in the representation of the country, the popular vote is really not on the side of Mr. Baldwin! He will have in the new House of Commons over two-thirds of the membership of 615, while the Liberals with nearly one- fifth of the votes, will have less than one-fifteenth of the new Parliament. Indeed, the record shows that while the total Conservative vote is 7,500,- 000, the Labor and liberal parties, the new Opposition, polled 8,500,000. Mr. Baldwin will, of course, not be appalled by this result, and can be relied on to proceed with his legisla- tive program until the end of the five year term, unless, indeed, he .takes a second thought and goes off to the constituencies again for a verdict. It is well known, however, that well-in- formed Conservative leaders, like Lord Balfour, have long entertained the view that some endeavor ought to be made to ensure a representation in the popular Chamber more in ac- cord with the popular will than is possible under the system now preval- ent. So long as such results are possible, the question will no doubt be a subject for earnest consideration. In the Tneantime, it is a matter for congratulation that the era of un- certainty and haphazard political management, which has prevailed since the di.sposal of the Coalition Government, is over and by the aid of the Liberals, who refrained from contesting many seats in whiclj there was danger of a Socialist victory, an Administration can now be formed that may be expected to provide stable government. The interest of this Dominion in the change has been considerable, though there ha.s been determination on the part of our Gov- ernment in fio measure to interfere with the domestic polities of the Motherland. * The very fact, however, that a minority Administration, feeble and in a measure under sus- picion because of the record of some of its members, has given place to a Premier v.-ith an overwhelming maj- ority at his back, and good material from which to choose Ministers, leads us to hope for an era of progress and prosperity in Great Britain and in- cidental advantage to this, the premier Dominion of the Empire. We look for an early improvement in our trade relations with the old land. rain urgently, both to provide for the winter water stlfiply and the enrich- ment of the soil. Some fear that there will be a shortage as we already have had snow flurries, and winter has set in with severity in parts of the west. In northern Alberta, for example, the therniomter went down last Saturday to eight degrees above zero. We have had no report yet from the hunters as to the views en- tertained by the beavers, bears and musk rats, but we still hope to have sufficient rainfall to keep us going until spring. PROTi-CTINO THE INVESTMENT. It has occurred to us that our readers at a distance could do us and others a much appreciated ser- vice by sending us marked copies of newspapers containing references to boys and girls, young or otherwise, who formerly resided in this district, Two things should be observed in do- ing so, however, namely to mark the article plainly with pen or pencil and to write the name of the sender some- where on the head of margin of the paper. • * • • Municipalities that voted wet on the plebiscite are advocating a measure of local option in their dis- trict, but are not likely to receive any special favors that way. The maj- ority rules always so they will have to abide by the decision given. • • • • '^ DeValera, the Irish Reupblican agi- tator, has been sent to jail again this time for one month. We i suppose he sings "There's no place like home," as he has spent the best part of the past two years inside prison walls. i Abraham Lincoln humorously said of a poor neighbor's assets, "He has a wife and two children which I should think were worth thirty thotl- sand dollars to any man." A family is indeed a golden invest- ment and needs the same protection and care that any investment requires. For three generations the edtors of the Youths' Companion have felt the same responsibility to the famil- ies of subscribers as if those families were their own. In taking a sub- .scription they have accepted a trust; they have done their part to see that the family investment increased in value through the development of character and a taste for the good things in life. The 52 issues of 1925 will be crowded with serial stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and receive: â€" 1. The Youth's Companion â€" 52 is- sues in 1925. 2. All the remaining issues of 1924. ;j. The Companion Home Calendar for 1925. (Sent only on request) All for $2.50. 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publicaions only $3.00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston Mass. Credit AuctioH Sale HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. ETC. Hallowe'en still has its fun for the small boy. DEER IN GREENHOUSE A deer jumped into an Alliston greenhouse and caused damage to the extent of $800 or $1,000. The animal did its stunt in the night and no one saw it as it succeeded in jumping out again through the glass, leaving un- mistakable evidence of its identity. It is supposed that it was pursued by a dog and mistook the sheen of the glass for water. A claim will be made on the Game and Fisheries De- partment for damages. JONATHAN LATIMER has instructed the undersigned auc- tioneers to sell by Public Auction in the VILLAGE OF EUGENIA on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1924 the following, namely: â€" Bedroom Suite; 3 lamps; Good piano-case Organ; Extension Table; 2 Lounges; 3 Small Tables; G Parlor Chairs; Sideboard; 6 Dining Room Chairs; 2 Rugs; 2 Rocking Chairs; Arm Chair; 2 Cupboards; 3 Wooden Beds; Iron Bed with Springs; Quanti- ty of Carpet; Quantity of Linoleum; Clock; Incubator; Range "Home Com- fort"; Large Coal Stove; Sewing Machine; 2 Mirrors; Axe; 2 Cross-cut Saws; Buggy; 6 Hives of Bees; Pots, Pans and Dishes; Quantity of Good Wood; Set of Harrows; Plow; Num- erous other articles. TERMS:â€" All sums of Ten Dollars (§10.00) and under, cash; over that .amount twelve months credit will be given on approved joint notees. 5% off for cash in lieu of notes. CLARK & HASLAM, Auctioneers. WE.MBLEY On Saturday afternoon the Prince of Wales peii'ormed his first public act since returning to Britain from Canada by closing the great exhibi- tion at Wembley. Hi.s Royal High- ness, in his address, intimated that it is likely the show will be continued next year. This will be welcome news to tnany who have not yet seen the wonderful exhibition and may afford comfort to the guarantors, who have to make good the loss sustained, for, although 18,000,000 persons paid for admission, 30,000,000 visitors were required to pay expenses. These will, of couise, be much reduced if a »econd six months exhibit is resolved on. As for the results to the em- pire and its auxiliary nations, Canada at all events, has no reason to com- plain, as her exhibit has on all hands been pronounced exceedingly credit- able, and the incidental profit to this country in the best of advertising and in the promotion of her commerce can scarcely be over-estimated. EDITORIAL NOTES Our member, Miss Macphail, M.P., has early notified the clerk of the House of action proposed to be taken by her at the ensuing sessibn of Parliament. She. will propose that a bureau be established in Canada to promote international peace and good will. She will also advocate the am«ndment of the law relating to penitentiaries, so as to provide that convicts may be paid for their work, apart from their cost of keep, the money to be paid for the support of their ilep€?nden1s or, if th^ have none, to be funded for their use on discharge. There is no doubt in many cases wiycs and families, whose bread-winner has been imrtrisoncd, suffer far more punishment than the offender, who always has a warm bed und shelter, and v.holesome food. • • • • October was unusually dry, very little r«in having fallen in any part of this province. The country needs 1 H. MERCER & SONS Men's Wear Stores MARKDALE - DUNDALK "WHERE (U)()D Cl,OTHES COST LESS" ICH, warm, and generously tailored â€" An overcoat with lots of style â€" and dash â€" Two patterns in navy and powder blue. Be a little ahead of the season. Come in and look yourself over in the BELMONT. OVERCOATS You are always assured of quality and stylfe, the newt est weaves and shades, and no matter what your price is, you will find selection easy here. Come in and try one on for yourself. You've never seen greater values in OVERCOATS AND SUITS than we are showing at from $18.00 to $35.00. NOW SHOWING Real values in Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Neck- scarfs, Shirts, Ties, Collars and Mackinaw Coats. * H. MERCER and SONS THREE OPPORTUNITIES ,«»'# TO WIN , . $1,000 Afe How Many Objects in This Picture Begin With the letter *'B" •C *• " oujecis in me picture xne n' the whole family Join Inâ€" see who can And the m--- -- â€" â€" .. ^ ™„.. ^..^^^ .,... „, awarded for the fifty best list of words submitted- The answer having the largest and nearest cor- rect list of visible objects shown In this picture starting with the letter "B"' will be awarded flrat prize; second beat, second prize, and so forth. TIVHl rfeTfeYrvr' 'Iiiij FKlZb Young and Old Join in the Fun The Mall and Empire announces to-day an- other puzzle game tn which all can participate â€"from the tiniest child to grandfather and grandmother. No object is so small but that the Vo?,?^','i7;!-S'^*'' ^''" ^^^ 't. It Is a test of skill. DHze vm i?'. *° 2^'^u "^" ^"'•''' determines the ^n,H„* ^, Tu"- ^^^^^^ ""«"•• supper this evening, gnthe. nil the members of your family together: „r,A °' ,!*""" "â-  f^"'"" '^"^ ^ «heet of paper Y^Twm h7*'° can find the most "B" Words. OBSERVE THESE RULES «â-  npIoT of Thn Mull -Lj . . • •""' "•» '• not in tlie ..oJ;,"?,Vii ".""co'SSSd "no^S^ i!L.*'-K^r«>'"' »"• .)hert. the plnrail. ui^ fi. .SIii,i.V!L »•>•»'••«• word.. i:i«l vlc» Mrwr • ""«"'»' cannot tw coasted, or |»Hi ol object. M*^tfcl«i.jri °.SJ?r*f "' â- '«<''«. <oii be named bSy on". """"* â- *» »«>JM« or article In th. Dletax. tSS.rb*JJi"j;,?^,I; ^^^^.r^^-^ Wtnolng Aostters will receive the Bfty prt«c« according lo the table below : caah Prize If No Prise if One Prize If Two SotiscrtpUons SubacrtpUon Subscriptions 5th Prixe. . . 8th Prize. . . 7lh Prize. . . Sth Prize . . 9th Prize 10th Prize. . 11th Prize .. 12th Prize . 13th to 20tb *rizet iochuive 21tt to SOtli Priiei inchuhre 2 10 1.50 7.S0 20 IS In the ermt of • tie for aay prtie o«er«d, the full ainottm of snch prlie wiU be paid to each tied piwtlclpant. You Can Win $ 1,000 raet list of aamra ef to aar one botwJioldi iSr wUl prJe. jj, aWkTdidV m«r. ju, J,^j^;'2:^.- .t-.rb.\-?^5 tftst- .% lO.^twrriptlona (both i-fir and ivwiral) >MnM« MTT-b/'^srr "s'r'ff'ilSJSi %^ri^'«^ «oc^ J xr M?i?-qyp,sr^. ^^^^ .s?2. «-- b* earefatly t«HMc« 5;»J»nU»<" _•< whether ""or not Hail and Empire la erat In. U. All a«w miwcriptloK I wlQ m^nUmifOntit m» qaaSlf ; iBf lh>c the MaxiawmBoaM mbeeilptlone Reward*. 14. Bcctloa a ct a » coaenat... IB. Th* Jadcea of « ino.J''* '.'?"' ^^'""^ Picture Puaale 0«m«"|« a campaiaD to nrtMn? ,•„*", >''>v>''«'-"y »f The Mall »,3 ItopiJS^'li coat. «in«ie â- ubacrlpiion to win a prlae. It tout Hat of "B" Worda T. ^t:^'^'^ FIRST, SEOo/d OR Tkmr) PRIZE by Si mor^thJ;;''.,'^'" "'"'"I but If you would iTk, to get v...r .-„„ r,*'^, '"' "'"''» '•"' following •iwclal offer Whereby JukLorlmllil. V^'iR'" "^"'' PriMS by eendtnc In ONB OB TWO •ubecrlptlon, to The .Mail and Empire. ... ^ , ° "'^'" : It your Answer to the "B*" 'Word Pie- vou' h'^x!'."Lm"? •^"'"^' BECi.ND OR THIRD PRIxS SS tm„/lS t. t1'«i''».£"' 'â- ."'â- 'y out^crlptlon to The Mai) and ^ BrtLn.' ""* ^ ^•" " »«â- '"' il«ll"r»d by carrier boy column of flerurca In prlie Hit.) •^â- Â«Â«Â»Â« nM,iWl. " r^' """wer win* FtBST, SGOONQ OB THIBD PRIZB •<>«. y»« bavo teal in two y«af|y aDbaerhttoaa toTte "r®j^~ v-5r.;isire'li,i»,.''3S??&i.S •JH. "^ •" »««»b«» tl* MM .1 aaJ^" '.' """li"' * 'i''«r»l offarT But. LOOK, tbsr* are thrM TKIHD. and hare aenl la two yearly --* â-  â-  â-  t'n aa ai U.M UaaiiUtoa (one bow and sao ivMwal mCm mJt aaaoancMaanl of th« PHic Winaoea aid ratno* Itat a< "TrtS 1S» '!l^"'"'irt '" "Ktf MaU aadlSSpS? S qalcJdy t^eraaflar aa M I* iioaalblcb EXTBA LABOB PlCTCRi: Pl'ZZUt OENT VBEB CM BKODBST, •rriptkm* t«.*fart on any htaro date, laa* iMrtr!a «S order whea jroa wkM the paper to ^trntt^STmrn wUl aat comaience dellrery antU yeOMy. ^^ ^ Subtcrtption K.^*^-^whU in adfiwrie*. THE MAIL and EMPIRE anywUr* in Canada by mail tS.OO Per Year. SMimred by carrier boy in Hamaton'seT^^r. Rural Route '^*^i' ***•' *PP»»« to Rural Route patrons, aa well aa eubecrlbera Uvln» in eltlM « a •*"«»« tnd towna. K >-ou are alroady receiving The Mall and Empire, your aub«crlntlon SuDSCnbert ""} ^* ^"'/•'* ?'<»?' **â-  »•*••«»» expiration. S«nd In a yearly iubaortpUon at 18 00 •»»»»« • j,^ qualify for tha bt« prtica. k"**â„¢ a\ eo.vv THE MAIL AND EMPIRE "SSSS C. A. MontgomcTj', Fusile Manacrr, I»ppl. 1.

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