ApriU, 1923 THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE Easter at The Churches Weather Too Cold for First-class Exhibition of Spring Head-gear, Some In Evidence -Good Sermon* In Churches and Special Music The Methodist Church | But Raster is most sinniHcant in the I fact that it has given us a religion hascd I upon human character Dr. Watson 1 he church * M decorated with Ka.ter ! hag 8a)U . Nothi j(J cagicr than to flower* and m >dt> a u.ce display. 8p,c crca te a region, one only needs self- Ul music was g.ten t the morning , C()n( idcr.cc and a piece of foolscap service and the choir was also assisted >y ; paper." This may be true of the for- Dr. II. Henderson of Toronto. Miss mation of certain sects or of certain Aleda Mitchell rendered beautiful cob ( philosophies ; bit it is not true of the " R-'surriMi'.ioii Mrn," and n anthem ' formation of a religion such as Oiristi- " Wake I'p My Glory " was ({iveii by anity, which is based upon a perfect th clvu'r. The following is a ynopi of > sinless character. Religion bailed upon lUv. .}. H. Oke's i-miini, . j anything which cannot be experienced in un ideal human life, will rot and can- not stand th t*t of time. By Christ'* death and resurrection we have had n^cn to us a religion which is i not merely ethical, nor a philosophical system appealing only to the intellect. The religion which Christ has given-ii a system which effects the whole person- ality of man. In its higher form it generates an enthusiasm whicti is hirthrr quickened by personal devotion to its founder. It is this aspect which we need today. i The greatest task of every minister and Christian worker is not to tell th people what u right and wrong, but to mouse an enthusiasm to do the right and to abstain from the wrong. "Luke 2<-39" Why ar you upset!' Why do doubts invade your mind? Look at my hands anil feet. It is 1! feel me and see ; n spirit has not llcsh anJ bones as you see 1 have. Not one of the acts in thc whole drama of thc Savior's life can be con- sidered unimportant but has a signifi- cance to every one of us that we cannot estimate. Sorr.o people put great stress upon Ink birth, others his life, and some upon his death, this morning we are emphasi/ing thc^fact of his resurrection. As each note in music aids another so thc events in the Master's Life are in- separably joined. As also the members in our body are i /\S ttlO'l Hit II l\, I1HJ*. t > W * J . ! eh dcpenJing upon the other so the This pr.ctic.l s,d. of rel.gton seen lubii **v, . .- - OUr.-* Wff ^--ja K/,pn intu n,1 Savior's whole- career was one grand whole. At no time In the world's history than at the present has there been so much in Life of Christ. He born into and brought up in Judaism, which is a re- ligion of very high order. But he nuw the wcaknes^ of tht religion was is un. jduc cmphuii* upon formalities. He interest manifested in the critical, yet lhcreforc took ho |j of th . region of kis healthy study of the life of our Savior. I Jjy mnj th( . thories of , nat ,. c ,, Kion thc greatest mmds engaged in setting |nto licc . Entire | y different from forth thc correct teaching of the Bible. the p hlritf ,, tht . vowe d dmmpion* of touching the advent of our Lord ''>< | thc olu orjeri nei a,d but rery little, but tbi. world, his sayines and doings, but hc gajj , )c wouM Jo i He lived the religion himself before he told others \\hat to do. Thi is the secret of thc growth of Chriiitiaflity. Other religious systems hav arisen but they have not thc same history ;is Christi- anity because thc founders set up nn which they themselves could not no fact creates nurc careful study than the resurrection of Christ. As individuals, our whole future hinges upon this event: " If Christ be not risen, our preaching is v:iin, our hope is also vain." Tliere is a marked difference in the conception of thc Old School ami that reach and did not try to reach. They of thc New or Modern School. While simply pointed thc way. Christ leads the old school clings lirmly to the belief t hc w:iy. Christ established our religion of thc resurrection of thc physieial body by living it himself . That first Hastcr * Christ, the more recent scholars be- 1 morning marked the coiikummation of ff**, that this resurrection was spirit- , his task ual and his omnipresence in every | o*r churches aad every kindred in- bclievcr'b life is that which is important, j stltutlon nce j tl) j O pt the simple method New Residents In Town Mr. Gordon Warling has moved his rlTecUto town, taking tho house on Klix.ibath. ttreet owned by Clvts. Stewart, Mr. Warling lias taken a pogition at the N uli i tvoi>]leii mill. Mr. John Ftwcett lias diup iaed of his store ut Wodehouse und bought out hii brother Ueri'n bharo in the livory business here. Last week he moved hi.s family to t nvn and they hsve taken room* in Mm. Iliuluy'H rest- dunce opposite The Adrance olli :e. We welcome boll) tln--i- families to town. Show Their Esteem Tile pcopla of the I'. .(. t Held hcri-, on Saturday last preavnted Mis. U'm, UichurdHou, whu will HIIOD ruinovu to T.iront') with hur daughter, Mrs. Lit- .in. 'i, with it cut gla^d vast* and bouquet uf en i . Olid lo M: '..';: i ft luodsonis- [turis s s i ..,..,.., ,,r t - ; vii-.'-i in cnutch ai,d Stbbuth noli m'^ A very ])'oigiit eocial i;vuiiing wgnpL'ir fbopngmp inoludud H recitation y Miss b'loreiictf Allen, A duot by Mies K hth Belts ami Mm. Newell, and "' outlmiitry selections by Mr. Voso. t! e pasty. If the latter be cot reel, then we must unite with the priests and say,''Som of Christ. This has been a period of organization and discussion. In my one must have stolen his body, and j mind these t#o aspects have b^en over- burieJ it in some secret place." [emphasised. Consider the enormous Our subject however would lead us to j amount of energy spent in tbe discus- believe that the physical hody was res- 1 ' o n ot a matter auch as Church L'uion. urrcctcd snd afterwards glorified- While our ministers and laymen] arc " Look at my hands and feet. It is I. spending J.iys and weeks in writing let Feel me and sec. A spirit has not licsh ' tern to the press vainly endeavouring to and bones us you see me. I have." j influence people whose mi-:ds are already t closed to further argument!, our mem bers and adherents have been slipping Hail there been thc same Amount of energy expended to quicken the real Ji-votiona 1 life of thc church as then- has been to organi/.c for L'nion, there Incver would have been any need of The evening service t-.,,k the form of jChu.ch Union. MDUra slMss deleting the life ol Cluitt | The greatest dynamic of our religion and thu rriieificiion and was shown to 'and the secret of all devotion la the i-m- aUrKdco.iKreg^iou. Tho rwd.nn :,' phasis which Christ plated upon tho Also call to mind, tlic wa'lk and acts at Hmmaus, thc appearance on thc shore of U::lilee with a lire of coals and fish awav - and bread thereon ; and lastly his con- vincing challenge to Thomas. given by Mr. CUnOke. The Presbyterian Church 'strongcit pasmon of human nature, Love. It was thi j passion which enabled him to ; .r, . through all the tests of his jlife, and enabled him ' the last to give In-, life on the Crus*. Had he rmphaii- , I /.cd any other pusion more than thc A;, the I'rcsbytcrian church in the I principal of Lore, he coulJ not have afternoon the flowers were numerous retained thc devotion of the people-living and beautiful and there was a fairly 'ages after him. large congregation. The choir rendered j Tllis devotjon to cll| . ist ha!1 bccn at some excellent musia anJ was assisted , th(: root ofa ,| progl . cbt . St.l'aul, the Dr. K. Henderson of Toronto. 'I he ' c ., l!y Cm ,.,.,., nurtYI8 . thc ea ,.| y m|> . following i$ a synopsis of Uev. ' ^- ^ion.jrici to the South sea lilands. and Powler's sermon: ; a c<niiitlir3 host today have given their 1 Luke 24th ' - Devotion lo Chrit thc ! lives. Why '; wat it merely for the sako Secret of our Hcltgion of a system; or for the cause of a cliMrch? Kaster is thc mot aignit'icant of allthc Thn e i a deeper rcston. Tlitir great Christian festivals because it comment ssciilicc wan due to the remarkable and orates the consummation of Christ's mysterouH iulluenee of thc personal work. Had Christ failed at the List test founder of the cause they represented, of his life there would have been no j Their devotion to Chi i*t wat the scret Christian calendar. The end of his life, of their powrr, their work and their gives significance to thu beginning. ' great satrillce. FARM For SALE One hundred acres, lot '2, concession k, Osprcy, the estate of the late John Phillips, l-'orward olTcrs to - I)Y 1'MILI.IPS. 174 Lcc Avc., 'loronto, Ont VVillimn A. Nuuly, forinly sucxion fore- man at Owitn Suiind, Markiinln, I 1 , .i. . ton and Sluilhurnu, hna \iten ppi)intid IM.|II,:,I i of I't. Kurwull, St. Thomax and St. Mmy' diviaiuii of llio 0. 1*. It. with bSAt)qOSr(STS i Iiigerioll, iimi l..i. i i i>, ...ii'ii,- l hii .inn.-) Ihvio. I The Willoughby Farm and Real Estate Agency We beg to announce that wo 1. 1 t- rponod an Agency in Mat-let hilt', with Mr. J. ,\. illarko in charge. If you want, u iuo<l titnn, Imsinoss or residence, or if you have any Keal Kstutc to sell, see ou- representative. We arc the largest land agency- in Canada nnd i-an meet yonr dernand.s no matter where located. Wo ^uarantei; satisfaction. Office aft Knoti's Implement Shop, Markdale r JBMIWWW^I^ Tbe Adolescent School Attendance Act, which has hitherto required the t- UnJatice at school of all yuutlis outworn UM sgM of 14 and lit jm-s. is to le with Ira *n so fur as in application to ruial district ia cooceruad. Mr. (;,'or{,e, Kunkel, uf Mildiuiy, owni a Jersey c iw that is trying her belt to perpetuate her breed. In April, !'.'__', shu gave birth to twin ctlvex, mil thin m.inth tho repeated the performance. Kour c lives in one your i n feat that vei-y fi-w bovuies cn ci| nl. Mr. T. H. Tanner, for.nt-ily of the South Line, Hi inr, I ,s> a vt!u>tMii in Ik L-iiw mid a piir of line two-year old sracrH un his f.irm near KJen (Jrove on 1 ui-iliy li,( wlioii tho (tin Uei| todoith ;ifi,''i liuiiu duliiuned. Thu owner t'.'ii- butc-H tlio deaths to the fact he had been fueling them sweet c'nvor, whioh to thinned thu bluod that thoy i, .-,., m easy vic'njd to tierumorrliHgfl. Uonueli s fl nir mill at. WnlturH Falls WAS burnud to tUo ground early Thumday u. .n,i. _ by A liri uf unknown origin Tui! null was large fratnu ttruotuiu :ind wull ei|uip|>ed, having it capncity of 50 l irrela per day. Sijvun thousand bueh- ul uf gram were uli totully dotroyed. inly p'llitlly c ivered by iiHuiance. 1.... i.r Gordon, uf netr llarriston, who |n-t i roll of bilU uf over ?'l ,i'. thc pro oc.'cln of the sale uf one uf his horsei,nver > month ago, in guing fron thu hui* lo t ! , luiii mi In* farm, ht>N benn fortunnte in rtt ivor all but a JfJ) lull, which ho will bo ablo to locate (is sunn as the spring thaws nit in. lie found ni.xt ol thu oionry c<tttored over a tild aftir thu 'lii* of two wtsks affo whita un FnJ uf Unt w t 'ek, after (lie nin of ill.- mj bcfo u, ho located some more in n fence oorosr. Farm For Sale or Rent Uwu (jo nl ..ir'in .-., . i; v' ,1 on ivost Inck line, ArtnieM. I': i-- riylit . Aiip'yJ'i tho iiiiderji^ned --W. L. WRIGHT, Apr 4 if AUCTION SALES And i.m SSlSS SOOdtHNd ill K lnmiii!- liku muniiiir nit'i) xlr% mo toy (or tlu t'ri'pfiiiior itul AucliMimur a* wvll IwiUer terviui) . tliu huyin^ 'pu'.ll in conducting ih vnrinui ulnitfi .; \: placnsjiiu in n pui'ion In reinlir the ut ii^it in 101'vuv,', and H I nig and varied I-X|IITIIM.(!H in tlu< renrinn and Helling nf I HIT Invil Htiuk in*'.; . a . - * tuli- i.f >hiN cU*! of l tok. : A lonit list of utiitli.id i .. it our .; i !.-,' rue MiiineiuUtiun. l''iii and c ic:rtBoii tiL'.-iuiiant t ill B. H. WALDEN, Lioented Auctioneer I'M. at Tho AdvunoM .'i ... A 11KJII (IIIADK SCHOOL LLIOTT Yongo ivnJ Charles Streets, Toronto Open all year. Oeinand fur our grailimlen during thi) laat, nix- teen months more th*t doulilo ..itr Mipp'y. Knler now, write for full particulars. W. .1. ELLIOTT. I'tti SPUING TERM Ol'KNS April .Mil. at thn OWKN SOUND lu'il Hint ructions in nil )<IH Dens suhjtots. Catalogue free. C. A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal MIIIV 18A1 . O. D. FLKV1INO, Secrutaiy. THEFARMLOAN SYSTEM Government Plan for Developing Farm Properly. Loans Limited to KiKK-ific I'lirpof.ps Kenannable Hale of lnter-l for Long Term Ixinns Kelps to StrniKlitcn Estate Tunnies About Repayment*. (Contributed by Ontario IJepnrtmtnt of Agriculture, Toronto.) On October 28th last the Agricul- tural Development Board passfd the fi-st loan under the long term farm loan legislation of the previous ai'- Blon. Since that time loans to the amount of about $800,000 have been passed. In noting the progress as shown by the figures quoted it is necessary to remember tli.it the loans are limit- ed to certain specific purposes. Acquiring land, erection of building. straightening up an estate tln-s-- were the purposes In tin; original Act : nd loaus up to 65 per cent, of th" value of the property could be made. To these purposes have now tji-en added the discharging ol encum- brances where such encumbrances do not exceed 40 per cent, of tht valu>, and the cost of installing the ('rains. Throe Feature*. There are three features of the plan which have ber-n commented on, favorably by applicants. These are: 1. Money is available. 2. Rate of interest. 3. Amortization of repaynu -nts. There has been a general impres- sion that there was always plenty of money available in rural Ontario to finance all farm mortgages offered. Tliis is not as true now in any sec-, tion as formerly, and is not true at all in Home sections. Victory bonds attracted large sums of money from rural Ontario and moreover develop- ed an understanding of bonds and their advantages for* investment which did not previously exist. Con- sequently many applicants for loans hav'- stated that there was now little or no money tvvailhblc in their eom- inunlty for farm mortgages. Then the rate of Interest at six per ci'iit. is regarded as reasonable for u long term loan. It IF, of course. tw> or three per rent. U-ss than prevail- ing rates in New Ontario, -and there is reason to believe that in old On- tario it has a stabilizing Influence. But the feature which appears to ,i!'peal to many is Uie basis of n- |ia\ment. When the repayment is divided into annual instalments <f principal and Interest and sp/i-ad over a period of twenty years it gives a sense of permaner.ee and enablth a ( man to make his plans accordingly. A payment of 87.17 per thousand dol- lars borrowed, will uisrhargr the entire lean in 20 years, and thi:; !: not much more than the interest payments which would be :iked in -mil- cates otherwise. Most morrow- K are looking forward to having the entire loan discharged long before the muxiiiMim period, but when they an- told they can pay as much ts ll.>\ like on due date after ilie third year (hey are quite Ratixfled. A* to lii-'l Tape. II is perhaps asking a good d-v.l In t-xpect n skeptical public to IH- h'\.- that any Ooverninent or m-mi- (lovi'i'iiiuent 01 gunizi'.tion opc i- ;itrs without red tal'e. l.Yrtninly it is !!. aim of this Board to do HO. To CM:.. ply with the Act and to see that iln interests of the Province are pro P rly safeguarded there are si>mr eonditions with must imcensarilv he ii' idly insisted upon. Within theft* lines, however, the Board has en- deavored to make the operation of the plan as simple as poxuible front Hi" standpoint of the borrower Sometimes there is a slight flaw iij (he title, making it nrci'saary to g*. the Higmitm i- of someone now several thousand mil*s away. It i In the inlerestn of thP borrower, KB well as of the Board, llmt the title be mad? ahsoluttily clear, even if it take* a few weeks to do so. In this work it will be obviovm that limpection and valuing is a most im- portant part. The Board is expected and desires to s< rvr th whole I'rovince. Covering euch n lari:t territory with such a variety of con- ditions is a big Job and thr Boaid must necessarily place reliance on the information which coniew to it from its Inspector*. I -i-,l,-. :,i,( Ona of th purpoaei for wliich loans are authorized under tli Act for straightening up estates, and this has been found un advantage in a considerable number of cane*; for instance, where the property has been left to the oldest son, with in- structions to pay off obligations to other members of the family. In Old Ontario naturally the ap- pluMii.ni- for loans to erwt buildings have not been numerous, but n num- ber of such application* have been pasaed. H*r> Is n case of a hundred acre farm with buildings, put down SIB worth $7,f)00, free of debt. Yet the house Is only valued at $200. Hence the owner gecuren a lomi of $2,500 to build a new house and spreading the payments over n period of years will enjoy thn additional comfort while it is being paid for. In, other eases It ban been a new (am or improvement* to *nme of the existing; buildingB. Not many loans have boon granted on small holdings. I;I'|IM.\ mi-ills. Repayments are probably the final test of the success of any loaning scheme. No repayments are due under this scheme until next fall, and heuee no evidence on this point IB available. Every precaution has been taken, however, to assure repayment, and every borrower is given to understand that a loan Is a business propoxlfton ar.d must be treated on a strictly business basin. A good sire is the beginning /.f .. good herd; * bad out U tin- cud i ; any herd. Small Advertisements Cow For Sulc First cUffi Holsteui, dua April lt U. Welum, Fltsberlon. Chopping done on Tuesday, Thuindny, and Saturday Graham Bros. Kuuenta Calf For Ssle 1C dnysold. Apply to John Wright, Flesherton. 120 egg Hamilton incubator for Bale John Flyni), Fle*herto n , Phone 31rl8. For Bale One hereford bull citing two yeswjald ^-JJarry Genoe, Flewhefton. For Sale A quantity of gnu'l peas. Apply to Bm McKensie, Oylon. Farm For Sale .'0 HI-; -. c'ose to town, all seeded, watered ; house, tarn and orchard. Eisy terms. Apply to ISFebtf .1. J. BUOWN. Fleshenon Farm for Sale 103 dcres south half ", con. 2, Euphra- sis, 75 seres cleared. Apply to FRED SMITH, m8 t HIM K H 2, Flebhertoij. For 8<!e Common Rid Clover Seel W. Walker, Eux nil Phone 4S r 3 For Sule Mammoth clover and barley Seed, lo about 300 liuahela feod oa'.s Fred Smith, R R 2. Flesherton. LOST- On Fridy. March 30lh, cant hook, on the 8th line. Finder please notify RoV.f. Purvis. Euzenis. For Sule Warijuis wheat and barley lo- il,.--\\'. J. Stewart & Sons, Fleah F- r Sale .McLauchl-n cpen buzvy, gxid c'inditiop, foil or nearest offer. Apply t-> The Advarcn (.ffice, FI*Bhertn. Fur Sale Grade cow due to oalv* arctBd the Ust of March. J. K Jamie- son, I!'..' !. For Sale Thoroughbred Jermy cow 7 yiarn old, duo to freshen April 3rd. Apply U. W. C. H-irric. Kimberlfy. Twenty tont No. 1 timothy hay and 100 etiRhtla 21 0. A. C. barley for !. Apply to Guy Or, Proton Station R.R. Telephone Flmlieiton'cintral. House and lot for Sale Home and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ail.down residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a uooA home ''"' a retired gentleman. For te>mt and fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. BeUMByi Plenhertvn. 1 May ft Farms For Sale Kvtry day in f\ ery yj' Empire wll paper lend* the way for rjualitv, colour*, and | ricen : Agent H. O. Carringtixi, Flethurton. 8. R. HAWKINS.^c-nsedauctloneer 1 for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All nnangennents can \>f made t Th" Advance i.llicn dr l.y uddrcstilnK me at Eugenia. Your ]>trc'iia|;q iiolicilrd. i);i the Toronto Line Provlncitl High* way. Three fame, two of 100 acres and one of 50 acren all cleared. First class buildingt, up tt> date ia every particular. Will sell any ona of these. U <.ii brick houie on one of the farms. The (tabling; for auiinalB is perfect. One farm has ten acres hardvoud buth and aoother hundred has three *cres of timber and htn building! for eveiything needed, irctudlD^ pi.nltry hnuse and pig peni No broken Und and c'ear of weeds I Any peicon interrstad ehould invcatigtte -JA8. SriNSON, ! ly Proton Station P. 0. Boar For Service Pure bied Ueglaterea Yorkshire Boar for service Vim-yn d PUKIIS ^MO- on lot 167. S. W. T. A 8. U ., Ar'einmia. larmc (1.5U. Sows not vetarned wHl b mme K !i in [ ;^ T. J. Hull For Sale Puro l-red regii-teied Shorthorn bull, Mortage Lifter- lii270 'wo yeri old, in j;ood ervic,tli|e con- ditinn and Iris proved l.imsclf a K"<1 tock({clter-VV. J. BOAR for SERVICE Purebmd TiunFcrth Hor for service U> k>t 191. & W T and S B., Art*roesia., T-'nui 41 On. Sows not retained will hi- charged snnie as tnote in 1-1.: Beb 15 -T.J.STINSOW' Pr<<) r'nr Salt 200 bushels Le%der oats' 'he only liveJ'grBincu oat in 'Canada. Grown from Harris McFnyden regi'tered sued. 81 per l.uphel. Apply to Colin A. MieLdan, U R :$. IVicsvillr, Ont Fur .S,|e-:tllOO feet of hemlnck inch lumber, qutn'ity of plunk and toantJ nu : t valley r.tfters L'ti ft. loiifj ; also good toe liiiurt duit/ible fur outnide building. J. Stewart. Proton Station Phone Xt r rj. Dof Lnat March ITtli, t'Uik and IMI collie pup, white breim', long hair aiidkln.rttf.il; , . by iho name of Busier. Finder |4t<aNe hold and noiily FeversliHiu ! I'M'. Anyoi e c*ught k u ! i :.. thin dog will ! LI .!. Farm For Sale or Rent L.la 155- Kill, X.VV.T. t 8.R , Art- n.i :.. r i. -i !!,.,!: HOacrM, 00 cleared, I..li4ii. undvr hnrdwuorl baik ; well wn'.-M t . fiauie ham .~>0 x UO ; i{ueJ drive MhiH, frnwe Ii .1.,-, ha'f mire fruai pablie .huol, OIIP mill- from high ichuol. * liOblJlK STKWA.RT, It R.'f Trolo;, Station P.O. Farm For Sale IfiO *cr-s beiun lo i.u i ; ..:. CVn. 1 NET AS R, !s,i lot l.'tf Con. 1 S W T & S Ii On iheae premi are one .,: ,i T,, , li,l biick homo 88i3f, one- hunk Imrn 5()(iJ with stabling, nne l>ru :>;! 5!) un j- ->i, iinp!iui;tit klied 24x40; ititit 120 acres bn.ko and in |{(.<;d tUte of cultivation, ri'inaihdarawanipf I"-"'"'* with uevor fulling sprini;. Thia farn ia -i intrl on : lir | r..i:.t-:l ,,,,,( and e'..iu to !n<li achn.d and rilrc.dn, and wilt he iiu'i.l i!. ii- for i ( u ; ok ial. Iwaivdi- ate pungent >n. Kor fuiibor uartleulaia apply to J. W- D^i, M*rkd*l<< H R 4, Plum* HOria, or write th owner, W. M. Davis, N. 9 Mirir Av., '!' . .. ,t., Boar for Service Purelurd H^nUtpred Yorkshire Boat for service on lot 31, lit con. lonla (>. D. R, /. i i >;.i .1 Teima >l .'". Sows not relurnid will be charged -him- a those in pi^. I.J. MKADS, Priceville. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OHIN.i'j AKTBUK LODGE, No. 3S3, A. P.* * A U, uifleti in tb Maaonle ball. Arm I'toojt'g Block PlMhortoa, ewrr Friday oo or ! . -i r. the toll moon. ' J. Rallkiuy W. W^ A. K. Hellnur, 8ewt*ry. DENTtSTRY , V) " l MURRAY U D. 6 . (Until nrgeon bcuorflraj^qate of Torrfeeo Univ^ttt^y aaq Oolitj^T of IienkeJ BargeoQi ot OnNirio. IM xlmiduinered far leth eJUteeUac tT.f" M i . . ii i < i Toronto Btteet. Pletirtoii> LEGAL , * bBNRI Bn4turii. ciolUitori. v.-l. II. LuM. K. C.: W. D. Henry. . . A. &>. Mirkttel* l**tf Mort, Phoae >i>tiii Ik mrt Dtfrbao. . . ' T.-'. offieM t I >i> WH1OHT. A TBLPOHD.ItejrlrtM. Haliql. ton, Ao. Offleee. Orer A Krvea '>'-* Uweu HuuLnl. Htooderi) Bank '~ ton. (Smturdayt). W.H. Wrtgbt. W. Jr. BUSINESS CARDS U'-i. KAITTINU, u>u*..J Aaelnar foi ' tbe eoaotloi of Uiy auil firm acd Htoek talea * >|>ceia>tjL aoderath. natlsfMtioo gturaottcd. A -..nt rot dates DIOV be mexllkt tbe Advene* MI-, or CuBtrtl telarbonv oO'iec Fe*0rbam fl me at Fjf \iato. Ont i. A. Tt/RXUULL. a*.. Ma. <]< Oontbe JacuItT of MtxHoliu.OalVer ,.;in. office HlobMtlkin I" ocfc, Pf, nrton. TnlrpliuutX. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Biitlre Batiefaotlon LAUHDUY-Baaket closes Monday night, delivi-ry Ki m<ty ev OLBANINO i>l DYK IWJ- We. w agents lor Parker's Dy Works Clothes' and dyd. fethr* refuvenatod ITFSH IB- WE SELL ARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES oil MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.