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Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1922, p. 4

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Novembcr I 1922 THE FIESHEUTON ADVANCE Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overaile, Smocks, etc. Clfiioiu^ Repairing .Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER M Proliant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario :: Rubber Bottoms - Those who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should leave them NOW and Be ready for a wet day ARK THK IMVLKMICXTS KKADY? \ Vuextloii That the Prudent banner \\lll Kp In MilMl. With tillage and harvesting mach- inery in IdleneeB during the -winter period and with farm men not as busy as they are during the (spring season, it is good management to s that all Implements and -tools are put into the beat condition possible Odd hours of the day during the winter on many larms arc always available for such rtpair work. Suol spare periods can be very profitabb used iu goinp over all machines tuid 1 making good any wear u>d tear j tightening bolts and rivets puitini. |ln new parts whorr needed; painting, | to protect agiiinst rust and weather ling, have done much to prolong 'h ! usefulness of farm tools. Man) hours and many dollars an- lost eacl year through tools and Implement! being neglected. Ploughs, bindf-rs mowers and rakes left In the U>|ds or in the farm yard or along tin fence row or in the orchard havt worn out or rusted out years betor their time. Fifty per cent, ettlcit-nr is too low for any implement or loo in 'which we have invested ciipitt.1 One hundred per cent, efficiency fron farm implement!; and tools conn's only to those who take care of th implements. Provide protection from weather when not iu use and kfep them clean, sharp and tight. Tn rush of spring work ib seriously hin dered by the ploughs being rusty loose or out of adjustment, by th harrows beiug dull, by the g:ain drill and the roller being out of re pair when such should be in thy fu-li and iu use. A little attention to th implements during February an Mai'-ii will save hours and dollars i April and May. L. Stevenson. S i retury Uept. of Agriculture, To.-onu Transen* Chuppn u. done '.ii Tu nrJuy Graham 15r<>. scUy und > C tlili'iye and (noli Will (.'lUHUII. cm i uts fur THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO pure 1'ivd Oxfunl . (.: Akins K l>nn Union* f.n S,U- j Siuilli. ill r !'' udiiul iw *.. . .. .. !'. Si- !!! t *!! n i ? ....* >,, .-, r ..... r .. r r i>r r r mViX ire v ' it v ( just arrived. All reasonably priced Prices ranging from $28 up Agent for Mixed |iu 1 ts for Hal cJ(>/.sn--Mrs. T. hViiwicd, Sin ,:iii^ mutch t..r ducks and on Tiiurttl.-iy. Nov !l. Ht To'ii I' 4'h linn Arti-iiMxii. Itifle Mid^un I.TMHEU -A email Hinuuut of ..or injj, Hidiii<> ud v juiii'. "till ou hnd Phone \'.'< W. A . Aiuiilruiii: lor prices Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of (hveH Sound. Kverybody has a chance t:> have their suit thoioughly cleaned. Fur Salt) or Keut The old uetory in Klebheitun, on eucy teim*. Apply ti K. .). Sproulf, Klesliurton. For Sale-:! I.ciccstcr rain lambs, also I three year old, all registered. Laurie I'cJUr, phone 4.!, ru.g ;, l : lc.4licrton. Winter Apples 'Jo. m Hie . i bi, I. >L -Jl ' ' . i. 10, Aneiue V".n. Wolicr, K Clothci brought Monday delivered Wednesday Clothes brought Thursday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop LOST- L 'gnuii/ chaiu, betiri>u Mil 1. 1- corner and Rock Mills? JKiuder p uuso notify T. KiHlier, Uuok Milla, ur leivi) -i dim iitlice. 2 inc. Siiccp l-'or Sale --Two year o!J Ox luiil Down rams, n-gtsiorril and ram lamb-AppI) to K.K. Hawkins, Kujjcn : ia P.O. T. C. BLAKELEY Merchanl Tailor For -il. Driving driving hntiK'So, lo( I Will mil fhu[4. K. i. ii . ; y. u uU, miiuy ani oiiltci. D. White, Ilnck FALL DRIVING With the approach of the cool days of autumn you should look carefully o A er your car and see that everything is ship-shape. Exa- mine your tires, your cooling system and your clutch and brakes. You do not want to have road trouble at this time of the year. Have your crank case drained out flushed with kerosene, and a light body oil put in. The summer oil is too heavy and is liable to result in burned out bearings and scored cylinder walls. Watch your Battery Drain Your Radiator THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper ouch Wednesday m the oftiee.Ooilingwoud i-et. Flbaherton. Subscripp.un (trice 50 peramiutu when piid iu oduxuuti ; i?UO when not so piid. f 2 00 Iu itcfl Suteft. Advertising rates on ^plication. Circulation over HUG weekly. W. H. THUKSTON Korron A BIT OF HERESY? Miss Agues McPi.ail, M. P., in her address nt il.o town hall here recently, gave voice to an opinion that will no doubt be classed by some as a bic ol something in the nature of heresy, when she stated tliat in her opinion the Depart in en t of Agricultitie and the Department of Labor were useless appendngcB to the government, and iiiu'U wtll be aboliihed. Sl.r was brave to make fuel) a ftatement as t'nat. but as the quaintly remarked, ' 1 do not think it will gel into tlit public press. " Jnst why phouM it Dot get into -the public press ? If Miss McPhail has discovered that I'oryrars our ^o\e ments have been luuuiug side show* 1 1 i.i i liave been unreinnneiative why should not her vo ; ce be ra ; ?ed iu pro- test ''.' The cost of these Departments lies heavy on the country and n re- litf from the burden of salarie and expense would be welcome to th people of Canada. 'J l.i-?e Depaiinifiits in the tiisi place were orgaiu/ed, unt became of iiiy cryiuK necessity, but as a con- cession to labor an.l to the tarmer. If nith Miss Mcl'liail, the fanner and the laborer do not recognize any benrtiUi accruing lioiu these U^part- inentssiiiely it i.s time to eliminate tLcni from Mie list of expensior gov- crniucnt fads. A great many editors and public men arc in sympathy with Miss Mcl'hail'y view?, but did not iliink tlie time npi>ortuuc to put up a protist. Now that we have got it from one entitled to speak, perhaps \v. \\ill hear more ubout it. AX K<;<; KACTOKV. Valuable Him- as to How to Mako the Best of the lien. Every flock of bens is uu egg fac- tory. Like any other factory the Hock u be |lvn tbe best materials in the world to work on and still fail to produce enough to pay for ruu- 11, k the plant. Good feed In suffl- leut variety u necessary for *gg production, but the ability to manu- 'acture ** - from feed must be there First. It pays to cull mi i the poor layers any time, to save the teed and labor hey cost, but to luake a prodt on b*>m it is beat to cull in late uer or early fall, before tht> f spring chickens lowers i i.e market price of old heus. Shut up all the hens aud pullets ome evening. Count them and de- (<le jut how many can l>v readily ept during the coming yoar without row ! nig, lor this is very likely to urt eyu production and increeae the aivgr of disease. The next niorAns lie Hock is ready to be v illed. Mil If it is not kept. wellchruep, if is li-tl)!i- tyfrec/.i- when ol-i Jack Frost coino.s fora visir. It, would ho best to lost !.> once a week and add distilled water. cauli nijflit Ii soinetiinus happens that a cold iiiap finds us unprepared and such mipreparodness will cost money. for A SUGGESTION Allow us to go over yout car for you, find out any little troubles and fix them now. Maybe there are some bigger troubles develop" ing" now that may lay you up later if not attended to. We can ad- vise you as to these and take your car in later when it will not inconvience you. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and McLaughiin Motor Cars Tractors - Newcombe Pianos Samson White Rose Gas. . l'or layer.s und all <::d heus. . Cripples, and hens wi.h brokeu- ow.i abdouiuns or frozen toes. 3. The sick, quiet, inactive hens hat spend much time on ihe roost. 4. All "crow heads" \viNi long. s-liiii heads und\eaks. J The l*g, coarse-hi aded hens with sunken eyes. C. All very short, stub)).' hens with fpai.iers extremely heavy for their breed. 7. All late-hatched Imi. ature pul- lets and thoao that are etuly hutched bll>t Mi-4':i iNldeUSized. 8. All heiiH nTat molt bet'oru Aug- 'i.i 1. 9. The pei-fTwlt-nt hitter. 10. All hens with solid, fat ab- domens. 11. AH hens having: bad habits (cannibals, falh<*"imllci:;, egg- enters). 12. All cockerelH not needed breeding purposi .s Keep 1. Strong, healthy, vigorous Inns \vilh short, neat heads uud stronu beajta, 2. The heus with long, deep, rect- nugfllar bodies anil pan-allul v< v and bottom lines. 3. The hen.-! \, ith huv.e, bright eyes, active ai>in>tiraiu'o and short, well-worn too nails. 4. Thu heus with dusty, worn leathers, especially worn tail feath- ers, but ImviiiK a bright, healthy look. 5. The hews that molt lute. G. The noisy, happy, friendly hens. 7. The early risers and those lato to roost. 8. The vigorous hens with the fad- ed beaks and shanks. 9. The heus with the soft, pliable abdomens. 1. The hens with the thin pelvic boneti spread wide apart. 11. Tho early-batched, well-ero\yn pullets. 12. Large, strong. r.?lire, quick maturing cockerels ol desired var- iety type and high-producing mothers There are flv* major factors In prolltable poultry production brood.- ing. culling, feeding, housing, and caro. These are tliu c-asonUals; com- bined they will put the poultry bus.1- noss ou ii 3! I! AD OFFICE ' UMILTON MJSHKD 1S72 As THE different isanes of Dominion of Canada Victory Loan Bonds mature, remember that this money should be re- tained as a permanent investment We would suggest that you deposit the proceeds proceeds in your savings account in tbe Bank of Hamilton until re-invest- ed in another issue of Government Bonds or similar assnrred securities. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BKvNCH PROTON C. J. Footer, Sub-Manager WE SELL FAFM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. If You Need A New Range TA(.'C) ranges HIT giving good satisfaction "Anyone can bake with a Taco" is sil.ont the finest tribute that has ever been given to the rooking qualities of any range. Liens have been incorporated into its construction which place it above other ranges of this type, ami make its operation extremely simple and its efficiency, undisputed. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - . 'Phone 24 r 1 1 Cold Weather Ahead - COLD WEATHER MAKES SEV- ERE DEMANDS ON YOUR STOR- AGE BATRERY. Let us furnish it with the pep and power to answer every requirement. ^ v Call in and let us tell you about our Winter storage plan. Don't forget your Radiator on a cold night. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS PREPARE for a-B.USINESS CAREER LLIOTT Ynugc and Charles Streets, Toronto Every graduate of the 1 ist twnlvo montha IVIH promptly eliUincd <MD- plnyinenl. Eulei Miy timo. Writo for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PUINOIPAL H. A. McKEE Ghiroptxctov Specialist At IVk Hotel, Fl sberlo'i, Wednesday ao<l Friday, 4 to 8 p.m. Tiiexl y, Tliursd.iy and t'j It p m. Cuusulutton free ' Missed First Chance At School You CHII remedy the dufacis tyour aaily ulucation in ihe Preparatory DepAitraaol uf the Nuuo too fat back. Individual io- s'tuolion.s. Cominenco ooy day. Pidtleulars free- C. A. FLEMIN, F.O.A, Principal nince 1381. U. O. FLEMING, Secretary.

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