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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1922, p. 8

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July 5 1922 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Feversham's Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - ONT. A Pretty June Wedding STANLEY UElD~One of the pret- tiest of June Weddings was thst solem- nimd at Norfolk street Methodist church, Guelpb, en Wednesday afternoon last, when Mne Henrietta, younxest daughter of Mr. and Mr8 A. Held, 17 Cork utreet, (juelph, became the bride of Dr. George Klward s-.uiVy, eldest eon of the lute Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Stanley. London, England, Kev. II. Irvine otticutir'K The bride, who was K\\'un away by her f ither, looked radiantly charming in he? Grecian own of ivory charmeuse. The drape hinging from her left shoulder, ciught by a pearl ornament, and the short sleeves draped with strings of pearls. 1 1 T n'lmy tulle veil arranged in cp etl'ec 1 , was caught on cither .side with o-ange blossoms, and wis edged with wHe chaiitiily lace. Shu carried a bou uuet of iily-of-the-val'ey and sweethewt 'If tfC rf flit /'MEAD OFFICE HAMILTON E STABLJSHED 1872 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRiNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Miss Mura.tret Reid wai her sister's briduiiaiid in peach shot taffeta witli side panels < f silver lace, silver shoes and ' 1,11. -. silver lace hat caught Ion? streamers of violtt velvet ribbon and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss \iini- Akins, Flesherton, cousin nf the bride, made a dainty little 11 >wcr Kirl in cream lace over pile pink sat:n and carried a basket of sweet pen.". Capt. F Hall, R.F.C., of Toronto, was bat man, and "the ushers were Mr. Won. Kiid, brother of the bride, and Dr. Win Drennen, of Toronto. Liter the yoang couple left to spend their honeymoon at Alironquin Park, the brido travelling in a navy blue tricotine suit embrjidered with steel beeds, and ermine C'llar, and MM ill brown hat ciuyht with brown ostrich tips. On their return about October 1st, Dr. and Mrs. Stanley will take up residence in i T ironto. Dr. J'orter, a well known physician if WiUerton, died after an operation, it ih ; aao ,>f 77 yens. DON'T lak' any rhnncoi with i':r- In 'in- taria': forest*. T)ON'T throw nway rlii- cUnr Imttn. plpi- " h .-? e burnt nmtchmi until yt>u art* '! iJ sure thry ii r uut. DON'T nfidect In drown out your lire with lot* of wiitt'r. DON'T tuil't ^u\ir romp fire HKiiin-i it i..ti.'ii log or Btump : M ir on windy point*; nor nr mum pntchat : nor it the \Mte at a trer. tiuilil it In for- nwr nrtplnce, or on flat nx-k, or on a vpot i. . i ilown < the tru* noil helnw. or by th iMge of the water. DON'T font.'t thnl th.< up- pr lyiT o/ cn>uiul In the foreM oonhiRts of pnrtinlly nitUi wood which will Imrn Depend on the Safety of Forests RIVER DRIVERS, shanty men, pulp loggers, and all men who work in the lumber woods, on the river or at the mill get this: Your job depends on keeping forest fires from burning up the bush. Every time you leave a camp fire or a smudge burning you are taking chances on a forest fire that will do you out of a job. Every time you throw away a burning match or a cigarette, or drop the "heel" of your pipe on the ground, you are taking a chance. In summer time, moss, dead wood, dry leaves or the regular wood-fibre soil of the forest are all ready to burn. Millions of feet of timber and pulp are being burnt up that way every year. Ontario's forests are not growing fast enough to keep up. Forest fires will do you out of a job if they keep on a few years more. Watch yourself. CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Won Loil 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 PC . 1000 .500 .500 .333 .2UO Team 'eyluo Duudilk Mwkdile Vndaleur. . . . Flesherton. . . . Games this week Thursday Fleshettou at Dumlalk 2 p.m Thursday Markdale at Ceylon 5 p,m. Svurday Vandeleur at Ceylon Games Next Week July 12tb Dundalk at Markd.ild July 13 h Flesherton nt Vandeleur Ceylon 15, Flesherton 2 Again the Fleelui-ton nine went down t ) defeat before the fast travelling Ceylon tiile when they were completely swiiuped by the score of 152 the two lonely runs being nude by Chsilie Parks in the 4th and 8th. Eimer Sluir pitched again aud was hit haid, but the backm^ the rest of the teiui gave him was a wonder. \Ve believe it was the worst exhibition of ball xiven by any Fleaherton team on these grouudu for jeirs. Error after error was made by every member of the to-ini and although Alcox pitched hia best game of the year couldn't make up for the ucn-support of the team. Caigoe went into the box iii the eighth and pitched fairly ijood but the support given him wasn't any better than given Alcux . Cejlou 3 3 4 5 15 Flesneitou 0010001 2 Lineup was ihe same as last week. Umpire, Chiis ie, of Owen Sound. Ccyloo have fur wins lo their creuit aud DO losses. If they can in fr un ilarkdale ttiH Thursday ahou'd be ou easy street for the League championship. The Ujylou Vandeleur June l(i:h game Will bo played on Ceylon's own garden tbl Saturday iiftertio n, yinie called at 5 o'cl' ck. Ceyluu juniors triuimeJ the Euvenia juniors S-.> m a league KHIMC on Saturday Wallace Graham, Eugenia prchtr, can twirl etlectively with lither lund, a feat vory tt'iilum steu dune. Dundalk 9, Vandeleur 3 Vaudeleur pUyed in Duudalk on Tnursday Usi week auti buffeted their sec >uJ reverse of the seaaou by the .-core D b. Buchanan pitched Mirlin^ bill until the sixth inning when the Shun* rocs back their butting eje ;i id ran up a tcord of eix .uns after the nui.e looked lo be ai well as won for Vau- deleur. The Vans deceived the Kime f oui nearly every angle, and linck had ,lr. itrike-outr, and also had nine uieti left on bases. Armstron,; for Duudi.k had one ttnko out and Itennctt *li rcl oved htm in the ei,hth h:td two, while 'illy three nun were left on bases. Dave Uroham relieved "Buck" in the "ill and pitched gi.od ball, letting only one run get away from him. Ah cime ck <m the Uih ami tho tirst two men hit s-ifely whon he ngiiu retired to the centre Held in favor of Djve tJiaham. He siruck uuJ out. another tly was ciuglu iu centre tield and on H double pUy got a man at third who was on sec- ond ou tho hit, but not before what ws* the winning run wa put across. Vau- cle'.eui- only gut oie in tho !>th. S'andeltur 1! 000210218 IhmJiilk 1000 H 1 1 x 9 Ontario Forestry Branch, Parliament Bufraings, Toronto Fined $400 and Costs William Benuott, a Euphrasia farmer, was liued $400 aud costs by Jadgl UretSOr ftt Murkdale Monday for Laving iu his possocsion some mash that tested out ti.'ja per cent, alcoholic content. Fall Fairs Miss Lillian (.inUin ( .|' Toronto spi'iit tho week oml nith her friond, b\\ f M. UllllMllllllM-. Mrs 1). MeKillop is visiting with her d inghtor ut NValliU'uburg. Mrs H. .M, I) ! of Huron County, Bellenravo'spent the week end with Mr. Joe Clinton and wife haie. LlU'CKS- LITTLE A vriy pretty wedding tuok plucc at tlu- home of Mr mut Mrs. Andrew Dunn of Ingei-soll on Thursduy, Juno 2Uth, when Mrs Dora Little was united to Mr. Walter Louekti of Cormoriint Lake, Man., formerly of Floshurton, by tho Uov. fleorgd Wood. Mr. and Mrs Loucks are on a visit nith relatives here and are receiving the congratulations ( f their many fiiomls ^lightened by a paa.sii g motor truck tho toam of Thomit.s Taylor, Mt. Xioo, ran away in coming into Dundalk on Wudnosday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs Taylor were thrown from the buggy, tin' latter euatainlng fracture of the right arm, a cut in the face and other I ;u I,M. She wa removed to Thonus Robinson's at the edge of the village and ia under tho c*ro of Dr. Marii'i. Uorald Alliston Arthur Ay too Bulton ... Chatsworth Chesley Clarksburg Collingwuod Dundalk Durham Ferau.s Fuverbham Flesherton Gr^nd Valley Hanover Ho'slein Kilsyth Ketnhle Meaford Midland . Mount Forest Onllia Orn^eville Owen > in i Ottawa(Central Canada). . Priceville Sbelburne Tara Toronto (Can. N< Walters Falls .. Wiarton. . .Ovt.. Sept. .Sept. ..Oct. . . Oct S>pt. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. ..Sept. ..Oct. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. .. Sept. .:> . n .19...20 .14. .15 .29.. 30 .12..i:i ,28..2;> .l!l .20 .12. .13 .26.. 27 .14. .15 .21...22 .J....4 .28.. 29 .26.. 27 .21.. 22 .20. .27 ..5. ..6 .28.. 29 .21.. 22 .28.. 30 .20.. 21 .11. ..13 .14. .15 .12. .14 ..8...1S S>pt..l9..20 Oct. ..3. .4 Aug.2(! Sept 9 Sept.. 20.. 27 Sept. ..C.. 27 'Notice Any persi n found trespassing on lot 2U, COD. 10, by way of huntii g, beny pickiust or otherwise, will lo prosecu'id according to Uv. S. M. OSB'JKNE, Maxwell. H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Specialist At l'*tk Hotel, Flrsberton, Moudiy, Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 8 p ni. Feversham Tued<y, Thursday aud Saturdays 7 1 1 9 p in. Gonluttfttiofi free T ENDER S For Flat Arch Bridge Tenders addressed to the Township Clerk will be received by the Township o) Ariemesia up to*5 p m. of Mondiy, July lOih, for ths coustruction of a rlt arch reinforced 15 fu.t span at lot 27, , Durhim Roid (Morton's. A marked cheque for 5 per cent pay- able to the Treasurer Township of Aite- mesia shall accompany each teuder. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Plans and specifications in .y be seen at the K. '..-. Clerk's and Engineer'* ortic^s. T. R McKenzie. Reeve ; R. McDowell, C. E . Townnhip Engineer. ()en Sound; W. J. BelUmy, Clerk "AW C R E Y" "MICKEY" has made and is making motion picture history throughout the world. See it too, this mast- er-piece of numor and pathos, love and adventure. CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "A Night at the Show" Town Hall, Flesherton MONDAY, JULY 10th FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces? which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, Ontario fZco*ntoi**fKp, 'ilsl Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes the!' DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300. 000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will coat you to have DODD protection* S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, - Ontario, Ei

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