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Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1921, p. 8

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April 2 1 191 THK FLKS UiiJt TON A 1) V AN 1 Head Office Hamilton J. P. BKT..L, General ilr.nucer F. E. KIL.VEUT. Western gupurintendcnt PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance at credit of Profit ami IX>BH Account, 28Ui Kcliru^ry, 11(20 .. Profits for twelve mouths ended 28th 1'Vbruury, 1921, after deducting charges of immurement, intcri-st accrued on di-posita. rebate on current discounts, and; provision for bad anil doubtful debta Premium on N'i-w Stock 85.249.74 888,018.27 48U.110.00 1,472,378.01 DISPOSED OF AS FOLLOWS: I Quarterly IHvlcIontls at rate of 12 percent. JUT nnnum I 5fil.156.29 Two bonuses of Hi of 1 per cent, each 47,412.45 598.588.74 20,434.32 65,000.00 649,110.0$ 133, Ml. 95 $ RESERVE FUND Balance 28th February. 1030 . $ 4,200.000.00 Premium on Now Utork , 499.110.00 Transferred from J-*outn , 150,000.00 Total distribution to shareholders of 13 per cent, for the year To J'enslon Fnnil. Annual Aasesument For Dominion AJovornment Taxes , ._. . Transferred to ilcscrvo Fund From Current Profits $ 150,000.00 From Premium on .Now Stock 499,110.00 Balance of 1'roAtn carried forward ., .,. LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC: Notes of the Rank In circulation : Deposits not bearing Interest |17,S6.& 10.08 Deposits bearing Interest. Including Interest accrued to date vf statement 50,528*61.00 Balances due to other Banks in Canada Balances <Jue to llunlu Jind ISutikini? Correspondents In the Crated KinKdom Balances due to Hankn and Coireapundcnta elso whore Acceptance* under Letters tf Credit t 4.84!>,110.00 GENERAL STATEMENT ASSETS Gold and C'urrent Coin I 924,581.40 6,493,876.00 liomiriion Uovernment Notes 8.1M.111.00 Deposit In Central Gold Kcserves 500,000.00 Notes of Other Banks 64f,.OS8.00 Cliptiues on other Banks 2.701,fi:i6.77 linlunrrs due by other liiinkH In Canada 168,1*3.04 lialanres due by Banks and Banking 08,S2r,.571.08 Correspondents In the United Kingdom 12,018.85 47,270.. r jfi Balwioea duo by Bank.i and Banking Correspondents elsewhere, M 421.24.V.9-I 456,802.117 TO TITE SHAREHOLDERS: Capital Stock paid ID OB8.220.00 .Kem-rve Fund 4.849,110.1X1 Balance of Profits carried forward 139, 264. M Dividend No. 127 payable 1st March, 1921 174,27^.27 Former Dividends unpaid 646.63 t 85,348.503.50 Dominion and Provincial Government f . i-iirii Irv. not exceeding market value Canadian Municipal and liritlHh. foreign, and Colonial Public Securities ........ Itulhvuy -and othrr liondH. Debentures and Stocks, not exceeding market value ................................ Call and t'hort Loans (not exceeding thirty diiys) In O'unada, on liondfl, Stocks, tttc .......................... 14.027,'J7.0 2.452.798.28 (.018,117. 82 416.134.85 fi,<88,445.9t I 29,601.193.89 Other Current Loans nml Discounts In Canada <le3 rebate of Interest) ... 50.416,6(7.20 Keal Kstate other than Bank Promises.. 691,077.99 Overdue Debts, estimated loss provided-. fyr ................................... 206.5*3.01 Flank Premises, at not more than cost. lea* amounts written off ........... 3. 101. 76.". 78 Other AflHets not Included In the fori-KoInf? 646,453.58 JJcposit with the Minister of Finance for the purposes of the Circulation Fund 225,000.00 Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contra ............ 456,802.07 JOHN 8. I1ENDHIE, Presid&et. $ 8. r i.348.. r i03 r.O J. P. BELL, General Manager. AUDITORS' REPORT II accordance with the provftlona of <ub-ooctloiii l and 20 of tot.on it if tne Bank Art. 1113. we r, tart to the inarrboldtn >a follawt: We haw audltad tin above Baflnoo Mitt and comparrd It with tho booki and trourhen tt Held Offlw and with the certlflrd rrturni from tlio bnnchot. Wo heve ob:*intd all tlw Information and cxplinttloiia that HI hiv required, end are of '.V opinion that tho traniactloni f tho Bank ^ hich havj rorre under our notice have been within tho poWer* of the Bank. We bovo ohecafd tlii cjsh and verified ti.w locurltlot ropretentlno tho Invettmeflti of the Banfc. at Its ' ..1 DfflM and principal Branches t a Sato othu than that of the verineathaii at ti>f i.iuef Office en tho 28th February, I!*2I. and found tnnt t uy wrro in aurvement with tho Mtrleo In the t cotl of Ut I: r.k . . l.ninj Uiertlo. la our oilnlon the Balance Snoot It aroprrly 4'rawn up io at to eihlblt I true aid cornet vlrw of the !'.ab f the atlln of the Bank according to tt> -.-. i of -nit Intcrmjtlon and tin rxiriairi.tlana given to ui, aid ai ihown by the booki if CM B:rk. C. 8. SCOTT. r.c.A . of n s rcott & c. 1 A1 , niT ._ c Murc*. Ii2l. E. e. READ. C.A.. of O^'go A. Touch! & Co. i AUDITORS. Hanliuo. n ouse a SHE came into it perhaps 60 years ago, she enriched it with all the romance of youth, the experience of maturity and, thanks to its wonderful preservation, she was permitted to spend the evening of her life amid the old familiar walls. And to-day it still stands a trifle old-fashioned in architecture perhaps but in every essential, a home rich in memories and a silent tribute to the wisdom of protection against decay. B-H 'ENGLISH' 30% nf Omuieu B.B.) Pun No more chipi>ing. crrtckiiig or peeling if you use B-H "English "Paint. The alien c formula stamped right on the face of every can is your guarantee of satisfaction. B-H "English" Taint is a paint that lasts as well as it looks. It covers a greater surface, gives a, greater brilliance and lasts longer than ordinary paint. For Canada's rigorous clinir.te, no better surface saver can he found. TOR .SALE BY F. H. W. HICK UNO. FI.ESHKflTON 49th ANNUAL STATEMENT I 28th February, 1921 Bank of Hamilton BOARD OP DIRECTORS SIH JOHN HKNimire. K.C.M.U., C.V.O., President CYUUB A, HIHUK, Vtcu-Pi-tutdent H. 8. AMBROSE C. C. DALTOM HOUT. HOUSON W. E. MHN I. PITm^ADO. ICC. \V. I'. U1UKY J. TURXBULI. W. A. WOOD A. V. YOLhNd PEtANPRAM-HENDERSON Term Report F.H.S. School Exam*. 1, 7f<% and over ; 2, CO lo 74% ; 3, 40 to 6% FORM 3 Art-1 A Leer. E W.Uon, M <?s well, S Achenon and S Finslay equil, 2 E Oliver, M Moir sad E Ferris equal, M Parslow, H MeLeod and P MoMister equal, M McLnchlan and M Nuhn equa 1 , I Lever and V Moore eqo-tl, R Stevens, J MeLeod and I McLachlan and V Wbit'akei- >|ul, A Little, I Hiocke and A Norrin equal, Q Akin*, J While. Arithmetic 1 M Nuhh, E Ferris, 8 Fmdlay, O Lervr and R Stevens and K Wilson equal, M Parslow, I McLarhlan. A Littte, 2 J White, H MeLeod, M Muir, 8 Achesnn. G Akins and J McL^orl equal, Oliver, M Whitttker, M Cas- well, I Lfver, M McLachlan, 3 1 Hincks, P McMntter. Algebra nd Ueometry 2 E Ferris, 3 G Lever, M Caawell, R Stevens, M Whittaker, M Parslow, M Muir, S Arlii-.-<i'i and .' While equal, H MeLeod i,d E Wilson equal, Akins, I Mc- Lschlan. M McLachlan. Science 2 M McLachUn, M Nuhn, J White, 3 E Wilson, U Stevmig, E Oliver, Akins and K l-'.-i i i und O Lever equal, [ McLtchlan and j MeLeod and P Me Master ee;utl, S Achesou, M Cswell, A Little and M Muir equal, H McLend and M .Parsluw equal, I Lever. iLatin 1 M 2 R Stevens, M Muir, I McLachUn, J White, H Mc- .ul, 3 M Pirsluw and M Whittaker equal, E Oliver, G Akins, E Fenis and I McLend rqubl, I Uiiicks, S Acheson and P ilr.M ihii i equal. Frermh- 1 H MeLeod. I McLich an and R Stevens iqual, E Ferrio, 2 S Acheson, J White, I Hincko, M Whit- lakrr, G AJcino, A Lit V, M I'aralow, E Jliver, P MxiMasier, a J MeLeod, M Muir. Summary and percentage (landing & Stevens 77.C, M Whittak.-r 77 4, M Mc- Licfalan 73 4, M Kuhn 733, E Ferris 73 2, M Purslow 72 4, I McLn-hlan 71.4, M Muir 71.1, II MeLeod 69 B, J White 69, E Oliver 68 3 Akius C7, A Little 66.7, G Lsver 5 6, S Aeheson 66, M Caswell 64 8, E WilgoD 64, J McLeod 63. 1, S Findky 02, P MoMaater 61.7, I Le\er 6<J.2, I Hincki &5 2, ANurri*55. Correct ions Form SM Aclieson ranks Bih. 1 .un. 1 O Fioher ubtaioi 2nd class in Science. U. J. Haviland, PriDcipal. Gould Poole A quiet but pretty wedding wan lolem nized at the Methodise parsons.^ in Thornbury en Wednesday, April 13tb, when Mary Belle Poole, uf Keversham, WHS uni'ed in iimrria^e t Thouma Junes Ui>uld, of Kiiri'iinx. Ri>v. J. Morr, of Tlioruliury Methodist church. 'I'lu- bride'* travelling suit wiia of un y blue 1 1 .!- with hitt (<> mutch. The h ipl'V couple onuple left for it short tour and OD the letitrn will reside ni'ar Ilavcuna. A Nice Pot Mr. John 1'arktr, Treurer of Grey County, received s check from the Pro rincal Go>ernmtit for f 147,02 41 as the Prorince'o *hre ol the cost of rond wovk^dons by the C..uiuy last )er. This was tho exict amount du the county as figured out by Superintendent Johnson mi! Engineer McDowall and not cent was deducted. This check will take care of the outstanding indebtednet) of th county and will relsnss lha corporation from heavy intern! charges. 0. S. Suu- Tiuiet. In Memoriam In loving memory of Ivij ill Weight, who died April 19, 1020 Just mil' yt-ar ago you left us. How much we misa your loving face, And See your vacant i-luir. We mips you KS the daya pass by, We miss you everywhere, [pain But God called you from this world of To dwell with Him on high. Wife ard Family. Ontario Dental Convention Meets fn Toronto, May 2, 3, 4, 5. 1921 All Eihicsl Practitioners are Invited. Hear all about Intelligent Dental Inspection. Oivo Every Child a Fair Chance. [Minns Carefully Oorrecleil Bmtur 40 RW* 27 Wintrr Whu,.l. 185 Spring Wheat 1 80 Oats 40 Barley 85 les . . 1 M) Buckwheat, 1 00 Potatoss 76 ApplM 4 00 Wrek to 42 'x.0 27 to 1 85 io 1 80 to 42 to 86 ... I fiO i... 1 5 tol 00 to 4 00 DR. F. C. NIXON Optumetritt and Optical Specialist Unrontr1o Street, near Tliir Sirt-et Ck>lhngood,.OnUriu AppoiDtments : Daily 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Krtniugs and Holidays arranged. Telephone 611- W. Box 1066 1 Jly 20 CANADA'S BEST In business training and improvinicnl in general edncarjon ia had at the NOTICE Remember the Old Reliable Singer Sewing Machine. Tuu can buy oo trims to tuit ft u at a very ' reasons.!)! price. 10 year guarantee. HUH KNOTT, Agent, Markriale. Onr, Owen Sound, Out. Individual Instruction any day. BuaineBu, Shorthand, Farmer's and Preparatory Courses. Catalogue Free. C A. FLEMING, V. t C. A., Principal O. D. FLEMING. SecraUry. Mention this paper whon writing) Boar lor Service The undersigned has a thorough jred Yorkshire Boarfor service on lot 11, cnn. 8, Osprey. Ter ms 11.50. FUEDSPOFFARD Flesherton Garage We are. now agents for the International Harvester Co., Deering and McCormick Farm Implements the most complete line of Farm Implements manufactured today. Call and see us when in town. Headquarters for Columbia Dry Cells and Hot Shot Ignition Units. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON 1 Chrome Leather A Horsepower Hame Strap These two arttclca arc made from chrome leather, the strongest, toughest leather known. They will not harden with meat or water. They have great strength and wearing qualities that -will more than please you. May we show you our fine selection of halters and harness, B 0, VV. Phillips, Flesherton Vkt^bZTI. Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W, A. ARMSTRONG DEALFR FLESHERTON ONI

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