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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1921, p. 8

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THE FLESH JtrN ADVANCE s, that House has been in the family H0\\' m;niy men have <l, purvly (roni motives, tempting otters fur their family homes. The old ihjt is wi-ll-prcserved is always ,i <iil! ;Ht. because each ycur seems to add to its ircasuri-il associations, as well a- In its natural value. The grvati-st agent of preservation against deterioration and is good p.. Braodram's Genuine B.B. White Lead is a thoroughly tested and approved surface saver it has held its world supremacy for almost 200 years. For thosa who prefer to mix their own, Brandram s Genuine B.B. .1 with Turpentim- am! Pure Linseed Oil, as in B-H "l.n.'lish" Paint, Dialers a most satisfactory paint, for it easily outclasses all other white leads in covering capacity and For those who prefer a prepared paint, Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead can only be secured in B-li " English" Paint. FOR SALE BY P . H. W. HICKLING, FLESHEKTON, ONTARIO permanence. How Highway Act Work* We hava been asked to give sn outline of the new Highway Act as passed by the Ontario governuieul. The Act pro- viilus that any township may by bylaw appoint a road ovoreeor who, under the direction of the council shall mperviso all work iiml inspect ill roads within the exclusive jurisdiction cf tha township council. Forty per ceut. of tha salary I paid such ovei seer shll bo paid by the provincial government. The oversosr xhall nleVcouforni to bH(b 'regulation t'u the government mny advise. He need not Iw engaged for any stated pefStid but at ihtj pleasure of the council. The rate- piycis shnll hve the privilege of doini; their statute labor a (ornierly. If Ihpy do nut do their duty, then they shall pay for it in money and Homebody else will do the work. Tno act specifies thut all work, whether completed <T not, most be paid in to the treasurer at n rule of BO niiiuli per day, council to fct said tato. \Vlitnallis9ettlodforlbe year, those who did their eUtutH labor will have the :ini' ii'it they paid in refunded, and the balance will pay these who did work for others. A copy of the bylaw paBscd by tin- towtifthip council adopting the High- ways Act ii u ' be forwarded to the dt part nient and oifet with the approval of the Minister. The government gets its funds from the automobile license money. The government bonus to a council is 20 percent, on the amount of money collected by each council. A number of municipalities have adopted the act. Kincardine Reporter. "PROTON" f*R AN PRAM -HEN PERSON TOWONTO MEDICINE M/YI VAMCOUVCK CANADA'S BEST In i)UineH (ran> ing .IIP I improvement n (general education is hd at the MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TBNOEB8 addrewed to the Potcuitor G*il wMl >>< wmvtcj at OMtwft tmtil noon on Friday, tLe 6th' of May. 1M1. for the convcyne f HU; Mmj*ty' Mil, on proposed Contract fnr four yewi, U time* |r wi-rk on UH: route EUGENIA R. R. No. 1 I Via Fevcnharo. from tho Potmterl t rieaauro. | <<,, 'V Printed notice* containing further infi/nnv ttonu tn conditioB* of \m\wfi nmtrict Di*y h MBO and blank forma of Ttnder may lie obuiacd at the POM Orfioni n{ Kunnio, B*vrhun id at the office of th* I*ot Office , Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND. Port OHict In(HClr IrwpectorV Office, Toronto. Mareh -'3rd, 1921. Owen Sound, Out. Individual Instruction Enter any day. P..i-iiirx', Short hind, Frmr' nd Prjprtory CHr^e$. Catalogue Fr8, C. A. FLEMING. V. C. A., Principal 0. D. FLEMING, SecraUry. Mention thiH puper when writina;) foti Bull For Service Pure bred Shorthorn Bull of the Village Family service on lot 10, COD. 10, Oprey. feimi $2.50 for ur*des. 85 for pure breds. I. Inly 15 Mort. Syer, Pi op. (Ileid Over Lust NVeek) Mr HIIVH Copeland him purchased Mr Wee Dever'H farm on the Kith coiice68tD on i'rotnn. .MI-M'-, Mabel and Mildred Rinnie, of Toronto, pcnt Easter with their parents. Mi--- Gertie Lyons is holidaying in Toronto. Mr in.! r.i i , Mm i HodginH, Toronto, \ i i.i'-l durine the past week vith Mr and Mrs James Ho<lgiri8. Mrs Wyvillund Mija Mary Wyull are holidaying in Toronto. Miea Emily Acheton, of Mond, i spaoding the holiday under the parental roof. M : ! Wioijie Gitjbraith, Toronto, dpent the holiday at her home hert). Mi-srs Wright ;iinl Shereon are the drtlrutR from here *t the O.K. A. being held in Toronto this week. Mr Uruce Cade, Torouto, spent (he week end with hi parents. Pathmasters for Artemeiia At the Artemeaia Uouneil meet ing on Saturday the following pathmaater*, pnundkeepers and fenceviewera were appointed : OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS !' Sargeaat, W Smart, J Beatty, W J Sutbei lnd, J A Lever, It Best, G White, C Moore, J Lockhtrt, W J Nichol, ' W Rich'irdfion, D Foster, W Svranton, E Teeter, Price Teeter, Sara McMullen, Alox McMullen, George Blackburn, J II Watson, J E McNevin, J J L ttle, H Nicho'ls, J B Thilmdeau, Ii White, J Me Whinny. G Snell, .1 McMullen, J Stewarl, J Parker, C Wats-Mi, W J Blackburn, E Stinson, I B White, Police Trustees of 1'riceville, H Waters, John Oliver, J Meads, G Little, D McMillan, E Diiigvmll, A Dingwull, J Tumor, A 0*rson, B McKenzie, D MePhaiJ, W H | McNuliy, N Cameron, H Whittaker, H | Patton, W Pluntt.S Phillips, P Sullivan, ! C Ntswell, T Aikinson, 8 Fi'zsimmons, D MeDonald, C Smith, B Magee, G Wiight, A Durilop, R Uorley, W UordoD, Robt Osbnrni*, B Sewell, E BrcMie, J WeMi, H Walton, J Li*timer. R Graham, S Bowks, G ArrawNiiiilh, S 1 1 .in|ihi I. J J McGee, W DiiiRwall, G McGae, M Me- Mullan, R Acheiou, J flarbottle, W Truenwi, 8 Campbell, A Pa^t^id^e. . FKNCKVIEWKKK J Williamson, R Whittaker, D Me- MilUn, B Whyte, Kd B*Ler. J Beatty, G Warling, J Lockhart, U Best, J L McMullen, A O-irruthers, J Parsons, J W Lyons, R Swanton. Pol'NDKEEI'EKS A McVicur, D D MuLaughlan, J Be*tty, J A Thompson, M G Orr, T Gilliland. H Richardson, G I 1 Wriaht. For Service na pure bred Shcrlhoiti bull on Lo 28 and 29, CoocesHion 3. Artemesia. Terms 81.50 for trade* if paid inside of 9 months if BOH $2. Pure bred 83.00. loct -ROBERT USB9UNK. W. .1. Lnidluw, of the Prince of Wales I ;! nl. Mono, has a ewe which gave binh t i four lini'i i-. all well developud and i ( !! v/.-. nil living. TOR FOREVE1 PURPOSE/^* 1 .FOR EVERY SURFACE VWU3 AMD Cfliunaa NEU-TOHt TOR Funwiune WOOOLAC STAIN Spruce Up ^ PAINT & VARNISHES Paint Up Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear- ance of your home with a touch of paint here and there Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the surface anil you save all. MART!N*SEM01Jt2 PAINTS AND VARNISHES FOP r VfMNOiMf. ' ounnn For the Walls and Ceiling* NEU- TONE the washat.le, sanitary finish that will not fade or nil off. Many pleasing tints and suggestions for stencilled borders. For Woodwork, etc. MARTIN'S WHITE ENAMEL (the enamel cle luxe) a beauti- ful finish for bathrooms, bed- rooms, etc. It stays white. For Floors SENOLTR'S FLOOR PAINT a wide range of colors. It drtea hafd with a beautiful enamel finish that wears and wears and wears. For Hardwood Floors MARBLE- ITE The perfect floor finish that withstands the hardest usage. Ahardtinisb that will not mar nor scratch white* It can be washed with soap and water. For Furniture WOOD-LAC STAIN in many shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, etc. Gives to inexpensive woods the appearance of the more costly, tasy to use. For Verandahs OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT dries hard in a few hours and wears like iron. Come and con.ult us on any painting you contemplate We will be clad to advise. We have a lull range ol MARTIN-SENOURPaintsandVarnishes -thceasiestand mortprofitabletouse.Fcreverypurpose-foreverysurface. v; r F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, Ont. m <* the Chrome Leather A Horsepower Hame Strap These two articles are made from chrome leather, the strongest, toughest leather known. They will not harden with sweat or water. They have great sfrength and wearing qualities that ,wil! more than please you. May we show you our fine selection of halters and harness. B 0. W. Phillips, Flesherton ESTABLISHED 1872 IB mi ,HCAD OFFICE HAMILTON Instead of carrying ibe proceeds from Grain Tickets, Sale of Cattle, Produce, etc., in your pocket, deposit them in the Bank of Hamilton, where they will be safe. You can then issue cheques to pav accounts, and your pass book will afford you a complete record of all your traueactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALKIBRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR\NCU PROTON-C. J. I-orster, Sub-Manager Bootleggers and Whiskey Smugglers are ~ Disgracing Canada On April 18 Abolish Importation by voting Since January 1, 1920, thousands and thousands of gallons of Whiskey, Gin, Brandy and High Wines have been shipped into Ontario. Express shipments alone for a long period averaged four to i...- cars per day, and have run as high as eight! Four car loads a cby means at least 19,200 quarts daily, or over 5,000,000 quarts per yc^r. And yet the people of Ontario voted to make prohibition the permanent law ! This inrwlcd "Bcozc" is the stuff which enables the "Bootlegger" to carry on hio iilcp.a' trade, and allows "Rum Runners'* and "Whiskey I / " to du^race Canada. Officers of ''.ie law are set at defiance. R?:td \vhct the Chairman of the Board of License Commissionsrs says himself. Importation Makes Law Enforcement Difficult "Aftev an e;;pc-iencc in the administration of the Ontario Temperance Act covering the penod from its first coining ^nto Torce in September. 1916, I am in a position to that importation is seriously hampering its effec- tiveness. The \/ar ?/*. oasui es Act was repealed in January 1920, and the Doirinkn Orders-in-Counci! unoer th* A';t were rescinded. Heavy ship- ment.; if liquor into the province began at once. The number of cases of breach ox tV iC Ontario Temperance Act have increased in even greater pro- portion."-- Tror.x a Stntsrr.ent by the Chairman of Board of License Commis- sioners for Ontario. l; . 'il the liapoi tanon flr-d the b,ir.p.;ui^ of intoxicating liquors Jzito the Province be forbidden? Shall the ircportatlcn and the bringing of intoxicating liquors into the Province be for bidden? VOTE-and vote "YES" Mark your ballot as above with an X opposite the Yes, and nothing more. Ontario Referendum Committee

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