August 26 192# WssBBBSsmm THE FLESHERrCN A D V AN C E We heard a man say: "Let the Telephone Company use the profits they made in prosperous years, if they need money to build mora plant." That's exactly what we have done! Shareholders of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada have been paid only a moderate return on the par value of their stock â€" no morel We have made no distributions of bonus stock, no 'melons' have ever been cut; no distribution ever been made of surplus earnings. Everj' share of stock has brought us its par value, or better. For forty years we have consistently used all surplus earnings,' all idle reserves to buy more telephone plant. Every dollar has gone back into the business to extend it and serve new subscribers. What has ihispolicy meant to the public? The Board of Railway Commissioners at our last rate investiga- tion found that if we had not pursued this honorable course of turning all surplus earnings back into the business we v;ould have had to provide in the year 1918 alone an additional $908,000 out of revenue to pay interest on the plant so secured. This, of course, would have meant higher rates to subscribers. The fact is, we need millions of new money just because our funds have always been at work, keeping down our bond and stock issues, and ensuring low rates to our subscribers ! THE BELL TELEPIiONE COMPANY OF CANADA Made In Canada T^IXISTI (Iocs not make the auto- mobile any more llian clothf.'? make llic man, but the finish and equipment of the Cliovrolct *^FB 50" Touring Car are evidence of llio care wltli which it is iiifide Ihrouf^liout to meet tlic re- quirements of the most i»articular jnolorist. D. McTAVISH 81 SON Fleshcrton, Ontario Wtf •'THE ELDRIDGE [)i'{)cn(lal)le Sewing Machines at iModerato Prices. SOLO BY W.A.ARMSTRONG i FMCSmcUToN, ONT. I Boar tor Service The uiidursinntd has a llii)roui;h.ired Yiirl(.Ml)ire Bom fur snrvico on lot U, nnn. 8, OM|irey. Ter iiih fl.WI. FRED SPOFKARD Fleshcrton Garage Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars Expert Repairing A Specialty We have installed a complete acetyline welding plant and can do i the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. NOW is the time to buy your Legalite Lens. Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. ^ ^^^ ^^^ '^^^i/*^^ z' H. DOWN & SONS. ,>> '^ Proprietors Feed your land with Harab-Davies Fertilizer and you will have a bigger and better crop of Fall Wheat THIS is no arm-chair theory. It's a fact! Harab-Daviea Fertilizer con- tains ttvaihilile plant food in the form of Ammonia, I'hosphoric Acid and Potash. Fall Wh'jat sown with Ilarab-Davies Fertilizer can be sown late in order to a. -'d the liessinn Fly. It gives the gvc.ving plant a good root system. It promotes quick ai:il i^trong top growth. It practicp.lly elimiriates winter-killing. It hastens a harvest with lonir straw, and bijr. plump, meaty kernels tliat grade hit;h on the market. Tiie Fall Wheat photo alongside was taken May 27, 1U20. In the Sprins of 1919 the well-grown portion of this field wars sown in cats, fertilized with HaraL-Davies Fertilizer. Aftei- the oats were harvested the whole field was disked and cultivated and sown to Fall \Yht'r.t without additional fer- tilize;-. The difference betv.'een the fer- tilized and unfertilized portion is amaz- ing â€" and it incidentally proves that Harab-Davics Fertilizer will show re» suits the : ccnnd season. Price List For Immediate Delivery Where little or no manure is to be had, use 200 to 300 pounds per acre of: â€" Available Pllof.phoric Per Per Ammonia. Acid. Potash. 125 lb. bac. Ton. 3 12 S4.35 $(;8.80 2 10 2 4.15 G5.75 2 10 3.70 58.50 2 8 2 4.00 62.90 Where .-wanure is plentiful, use 200 to 300 pounds of: Am.Mionia. ATailabIc Pho&phoric Acid. Potaih. 12 10 10 14 2 4 Per 125 lb. bag. $3.35 3.60 2.95 2.85 Per Ton. S52.65 57.00 46.45 44.65 Freight prepaid to your station on orders of 500 lbs. or more. Goods Fhippcd in 125 lb. bags (IC bags to the ton). Ter.-.-.sâ€" With Order. FILL IN AND MAIL US THIS ORDER FORM WITH CHEQUE OR BANK DRAFT FOR AMOUNT DO IT NOW AND MAKE SURE OF A BIG, PROFITABLE FALL WHEAT CROP ORDER FORM I ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LI.MITED, I Dcpt. 27 West Toronto, Ont. I Gentlemen: â€" I I'lc-ise ship immediately the following: â€" I LBS. GRADE AT AMOUNT Na:iie P. O Shipping Station , Railroad I enclose $ to cover the above. PORTLAW Harvestiii'^ is miw in full Bwiiiy. The r;iiii and vviiul blorm of Ian' SuturU.y has broken down n good deal of the ymin. This will |)H)lcni.; tho woil< of linivohting iind ni:iko it moio tciuau. Mr and Mis Robert Taylor and family of Toronto are vi.siting the foritioi's in'^lher and numerous fiiends anniiid the old liomu. Mr .Tiiniea Curlififld fpent so.hb day!> llio pasi week with friends in Toronto. Mr and Mrs George Hancy of Toronto are visiting with Mr and Mrs \Vm Taylor. Miaa Miy Mayoo of Toronto U visiting with her fiimid, Miss May Cornliold. Mr JamcH lloppa is laid uj wi;h a badly xpraiiifd aiiklo. Uiclmrd McMuUen and Thonins and .Vhram Ulakey have each invested in l'"orJ tars. ESTABUSHED 187^ yfi ::i?i S lin Â¥^mm iHEAD OFFICE ' HAtViiLTON The money iii your pocket is much more easily spent tliau tho money you have in the bank. A dollar here aiul a dollar there, and it is boou gono aud uotbiug to skow for it. The mere faot thflt you have to write a cheque to withdraw your savings from a Bank of Harailtou aocoant ia entricieiit to prevent u3eloss ex- pendittirea,] BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK:BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRiNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manaler 8USIN.ESSCARDS Societies .ItlNCB AhTHUK l.ODOK, No. :«:i,A.K,A A SI, iiiuota In the Maaonic hall. Aim H iouk'b lilocK l''l««liorton. evory Friday on or Ixjfoia tliB lull niooii. T. (' ayton, \V. .M., A. K. l'o:iuniy, Hocf«*aty. 1JENTI8TRY jr B. C MURRAY U D. 8 , dcntoil surReou iKiiOi'RriKluato of Toiouui UiMVursity uud luVal Collej!" of Dental rtniMuoiis o( Oulaiio, lafl aiiiulbiuiBlKred for teeth aStraction Qiui) at riaiileuce 'lyronto atvfet. KleBherto; . -BR^^J-^ >>ai^^sfi â- 'aSl^^e' . _â- '• f;; t'k' i^--> »ri <^T -^ Medical T\x W. J. HiMiry, M! lt„ Fialualcof Pnoiilt) â- â- ^ of Modlclijo, Toiouto Vnivemlty. OQlco â€"Dr. Llttlo"B lute ruildenco, Fleshcrton. I V otti:\vi:li, ' Vutorinary t^nrfjeou tvaiinivte of Outatlo \ etorluary CoIIokii Qffldeiicu â€" R-.icond door Huutli ' woBt on v.ary street. Thia eiroet ruaa oiith -reabytarlan Obnreta. liEGAL 1 UCAS, & liKNKVâ€" HarrUtera. tiolicitors, "-• BIO.â€" I. II. l.ucaB, K. C; W. D. Henry, n. A. UfllcuB, Mnrkdulo l.uc*B ltli)ck, I'hone a A, l.inucli oUlciB at DundUk and Durlia . . n liIrtllT. A TKIiFOHU.HarrlBter, Rollol. " tor«, Ao. otllrcd, «!rov t hrnoo Illook, IJwon Sound. Rtaiulard Hank (•[â- ."Kletlior. tou.lilaturdays). W, II. WiigUt, V. I\ relford Jr. Business Cards Ul^SI. KAITTINO, ii-..i.H0d AuoHfflC-r foi •' tho oonutiea of Urar •nd hhnoop. arm and Block Bft'ea » aiiooUlty. 'I'linn* iiodurato satiBlaolion f.Mainnt<.od. Arraugo- <.t<tilH for datei U'ay t>o liind^at the Advance fllci', or Cuntial teh'i'lK-iiu aWco KuvorKhiini •rhvaddrflanlun nm at Kovmuhau. Ont. \\ ^. D!llor:iAII , T.iN>ii;od Ann'lonpa f.n the • i:oiii,t\ .,t ti.,,y. Terms i;iii.lrrf-,- and â- V. \ â- If Hind.' :•• 1 I .(I., (.'f., '• QnDOfli;-'^^"'""^' '"• "^*^'-^'' ^^ ^h® burner and it is Op"fiUy"ready fi>r use instantly, just as speedy as a gas stove. Qx-- J.. Set the tianie where you want it. You OlCaUyVan always sec it through the mica door and it stays where you sat it. Pioon l^'^^'s 11 ot blacken pots and pans. The l/IC<lll"lon^r bhie fhuuney turns every drop of oil into t'ooUing heat, ^soneof it escapes in smoke or soot or disagreeable odor. Ll^j. For every cooking purpose there i« always nUl'aii al>un(ianie of steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat directly against the utensil. niion ^'''*^^ door, will not steam or break. U VCll"Tlireo j)oiiit lock device saves heat. Scien- tific heat circulation, all steam and moisture carried aw;iy. No soggy food. Call ar.d lit us show them to yon. Made in 2, 3 and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON XXXXXK^OWXXXXXXX > ^â- "f".;