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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1920, p. 8

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July 8 1920 «--â-  THE FLESHEK TBN A D V AN G E â- n F. H. W. HICKLING, FLESHERTON ONT. This really superior paint gives a brilliant finish tliat will 'not iade for a long time to conic. Whether in white, or in colors, it will give prc- tection, and will continue to look "fresh" for a long period. This result is obtained by the use of finest ingredients in just-right proportions. The white base for it is that superb pigment known for two centuries as Brandrams Genuine B.B. White Lead. By using tliis, and other ingre- dients of similar high quality, there is maintained in B-H "English" Paint a standard of paint quality that other brands have to envy. It excels in "body," brilliance, covering-capacity and per- manence. This store is proud to be known as B-H HEADQUARTERS Line of llic Grc'at Divide Separating Alberta and British ('oluiabia. the thermumetor meanwhile striking as liiRli as 71" iu the shade. â- 'From the vicinity of perpetual snow, w(> estimated llie elevation of the height of land to be seven or ''li?ht thonsaiKl feet above tho l<!vel of the .sea, wbllo the surrounding Ijcaks apiK'ared to risi' nearly half that aliltiitlc above our heads. "In adi!itlo:i to th(' physical mas- nlllceiue < f the scene 1 here mrt UB i:n(>.\pcclftii remlnisccncg of my own native hills In the slop^ of a planl, which upiioarcd to me to he the very heather o( the Highlands of Scotland. I carriid awi'.y two sjKMlniens whi( h. ho'^ever. iin a iiilnuti' comparison 1 j found to (lirrer from the genuine (staple of Iho brown heaths of Iho I laiirl o' cakes" I The Sin:ii.'nti Pass Is now iiRod Uhlefiy by sportsmen, who flMd this a 'roiivonlent 'vay of reachinK the won- ;derfii' h"ntlng EfroHnds nf the Jsoote- nny \'!>ih'y from lianff. the chief ont- jIUiIpr point I'll the Canadian I'ncllic Kot-kies. The route is also belnK used by the mure adventurous tourists who desire to go camping and fishing on a week or fortnights trip insliihl of taking their vacation In a more leisurely way near the big hotels. On« such party of tourists made the trip ,Iuly. finding the pass very mucU fre<'r from snow than I hey had heen led to believe from Sir (!tH)rge Simp- sou's'ription. Indeed, it was an Alpine meadow, on which the horses found sweet and ample pasture. Thu panorama of the British ("olumbia mountains was particularly line. A stone boundary mark signiflps th« illno of llip (Jreat lllvlde between Al- berta and Mrltish Columbia .Tim Hrewster. the cowboy king of the Rockies. dis<ovpred a few years jago, the trunk of a tree on which Sir (Jeorge Simpson's guide had left their n\Hrk. This section of the tre« was cut out so as to preserve It from further decay and is now a treasured relic in the Browater Museum. Kamous Rass over tl\e RocRies WiiK.N Sir Ueorge Simpsou, in 1K41 made hlu overland jour- ney round the world, in the Interests of the Hudson's Uay Com- .jt&ny. no region impressed him with Ita sublimity and wild grand''ur more than the rldgc of the Rockies betwoon the prairies and ttie Upper Columbia .Valley. The paes by which h'- crossed this ridge still bears his Damo and is used by a few of the more adventurous tourists, but Btlll BQore by Alpine climbers with am- bitlouH to scale .Mouut AsslDitK>ine. n pyramidal monarih of nearly 12,ijuj leet hljfh. The description of this patis the (Jreat iJlvide is con- 'tained In the journal written by Simpson. After crossing the How. following one of Its tributaries whldi Is evidently Mealy Creek near Banff to the southnast of .Mount Hrett, h" eays: "We were surrounded by peaks and crags on whose summits lay iier- petual snow; and the only sounds which disturbed the solltud.) wen- the crackling of prostrate brandies under the tread of our horses, and the roar- ing of the stream a.s It leaped down Its rocky course. "About seven hours of haul >,ork .brought us to th<! height of land, the bingr- as it were betweeii the eastern and western waters. Wo b'-eakl'asled on the level Isthmus, wiil.ii did not exceed fourteen paces In widtli, (lllintt our kettles fur this uni lo.icly meal at once from the crystal sources of ;the Columbia and the Saskatcliewan. vhlle these willlnK I'efdtrs .if two op|K)site oceans, inurtnuring over their ' beds of mossy stoni-s. ns if to tiid each other a lonr, farewell, could hurdiy lall to atlunu our uiinds to the sub- limity ol llie strne. "But between those kindred ioun- talns, the common progeny of the Bnmr tsnow wreaths, tht re wa.s tlr.j! remarkable dlderence of lemiieraf.ire, that the i-ource of the .Columbia Bhowed 40°. while that of the Saakal- chawao raised the iviercury lu .•^^/â- j'. ^•^ifWi&^^^i(0^^is^^^^^^^^ Flcshcrton Garage Agent.s for i ord, Brisoe, Gray Dort and lh)d^,c Cars Expert Repairing A Specialty M^. ||||^^g%.,'^^ V/o jhave installed a complete ^ acetyline welding plant and can do %- the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances^and we solicit your patronage. PROTON Miss Lucy Col^un is holidaying with her i^rit lid mother, Mis, lioeine. A motor party from Torcnto is visiting at Ueorye Sberaon's. Mrs. Guut.1 h^s returned to hui Iioiol- in Toruuio, Mis. Ditvy has been visiting in Dan- dtllt tor It few diys. Miss Marjory Atheson is visiting in Shelburne. Mr. .J.K. Aoheiion shipped through tliu Karniers' C;ub last week 30 hogs wei^hinij (i085 lbs, which nettjed bini *11HU. We are veiy sorry to report that Mrs. H. (i. Ijecker is very serinusly ill. We sincaicly hope that under the care of l>r. Mitrtin and Nurse Iak.ster she will s( on recover. H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Oar tcdchei. Miss Muore, has K'^m'^ to her home at Mclniyre for the ilmlidays D. McN*hb ind Lew Newell visited recenlly at C. Nenrell's. It. I'hilllpn of Toronto is spending • few days with relatives in this vicinity. Airs. Charles Newell returned home •Sunday after fpendini; » few day.s with reliitive.s at Durham and Mt. Forest. A thief .stole ten head of cattle from Benjamin Cook, Centre Uond, Caled(jn, »ii4 drove them to Georgetown, ^where ki) sold them to a drover. The drover beciiuie euspirious, scopped pnyiiient of his c'leque am' advertised the animals in outside neweijupers. Tlie thief nave his name as Krnkine, ind after ii rine show of indignation disappeared and has not since been heard from. Mr. Cook saw the aivertisenient and went and got bis property. X serious automobile accident ocenrred OD the Leidi road last Saturday after, noon about 5 o'clock when a Fofd car, driven by Hryuin Perdue, Holland, cveriuined. The ateerlns gear of the If'urd locked and the exr skidded and turned turtle. Mi!>i Mary Perdue was rendered unoonsclous, Master Dueia Perdue had his collar bone broken, Miis Nera Perdue, Frank Uice ind BeyroD Perduo were badly fbakrn up. The car wa« badly wrecktd, the top and wiud'hield beui^ broken and the front .vxlo badly twisted. While the injuries sus;i>in«d aie sericua, it is indae 1 fortu- nate that non* of the occupants were killed Chatijwurlh News. DR. F. C. NIXON Opti^metrist and Optical Specialiit Huioiil II ill Stnut, near Tliird .Street, CollJui{noo^, Outiirio Apuoiiitiiicnts : â€" Diilyâ€" !• a. in. to 5 p. lu. Kveiiiii^s and Holidays »rran<;ed. Telephoue (ill-W. Pox lOlitJ 1 Jlf L'O FOR SALE Vour choice of two u,sed l'"ord cars, P.MIi ami I'.IIT models. lU model just reliortid and completely reoawed at cost of SUO.Ott. Pinteil two coits muI gjod tires. 17 mi'i'ol only slijjlitlv used. lleHSim of sale I'lio Kord too niiiny. Cash money 'alkx. KI.OVD H. HKNTLKY, P.un,' -11 r 11. Klesheittn For Service l)iii<,|Miic oreil SliortliiMii Hull uii lut !ki, enii, U. ArlMioesia. Terin.s Jl .M) (,ir urailei. Must Ixi paid withiu !) mouths friiiii ilato of servic*. lU..lio.".» -R. O.TrUNKI'.. 3Af!i t(fj ci^ .^.. ;. u-> â-  -- ;iP . }'., Vet 4ij"t§3^ M A R D I The liiipoitid Phick Perchero.i Stil- liiiii, will lio at llu> Munsh'iw Houne ~t-ililo every Kii.liiy inylii duiiiit; the steuKiii. Thi-t limso won lirsl phieo in « , cuss of !>:.' two year nUl Ni.iiluins in Krince. \lv is tuie of the liest hoises ever hr>iufi;hl to this set lioii. It will he lo the iiitiTi .s! cd nil} one wiiiitiiit; ihi- he>t III see luiii. lii.spocted and ourulleii 'reiiiis 111 iniiure a iiiHve wilh fniii, $15 00 liilMi McArihnr, J. A, ('rowatou, MniiHL'er Pioiiricior The Standard Prod Trutlii.(i Stallion, Ciipliearer .â- {, 2 i.'4,\. Tim sue of the world's f tiaiiipiun Kcd lioamr, 'J 0.">[, nnil i.iliers, ivill he m ilie "luno sial.lo on Kridiiy eveniii;;* feoiii (i lo 8 o'clti-k. Iiispeettul Jiuil enrlliil. T.i in-, |i> iii-m.. n inare with f.iMl, «!|o OH. - -J' .'\. Ci.ins:.'!!, T'li'ji. ESTABUSHED 1872 It pays to raise hogs, There is always a market, prices are high and will remain high un account of tlie large export trade. If you need a loau to increase your 81 ock, consnlt us. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK:BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SlB-BRxNCH PROTON -C. J. Forster. Sub-Manager Spefidy New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Touch ;i match to the burner and it is ready for use instantly, just as speedy a3 a gas stove. Qi,__ J . Set the flame where you want it. You O ludUy'can alway.s .see it through the mica door ami it stays where you S3t it. PI _ Does not blacken potsand pans, The vlcdll'ion^ blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. Noneof it escapes in smoke or soot or disagreeable odor. M- J. For every cooking purpose there in always "Ul'an abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat directly against the utensil. Hi/on ^^^'^'"'^ tloor, will not steam or break. UVCil'Tliree point lock device saves heat. Scien- tific heal circulation, all steam and moisture carried away. Xo soggy looii. Call and let us show them to you. Mndo in 2, :? and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON \ This position is open for you now It offers you good cleanly needlework (mak- ing overalls and gloves) in sunny, attractive surroundings, in the company of refined and agreeable young women. We are willing to pay good wages even while you are learning. The job is steady â€" 8 hours a day, with a half holiday on Saturday. We provide a cheerful, cosy, rest room; well-cooked and appetizing meals at cost, and a chance to earn big wages as you advance. Our welfare department will also undertake to secure for you good board in a private home at a moderate price. Write or apply personally to Mr. Fell who will be glad to show you over the place and answer any questions you may care to ask. HAMILTON CARHARTT COTTON MILLS Limited Manufacturers of Overalla and Work Gloves 535 EAST QUEEN STREET \ TowriM-rn 541 EAST KING STREET* i>-'K'-'i^ ^u Also at Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. JUa4ie in Canada 'poo mucli weight iu an auto- iiu)l)iie moan.'^ low uiiieage to oacli tiiv and eai-h ^allou ot' gas. Too lit lie weight, means -wasted power. The (Mievrolot "Four- Ninety" Touring ("ar represents tht> happy medium in the matter of \ieighl. D. McTAVISH & SON Flesherton, Ontario I

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