May 13 192§ THE FL^SHElirCN ADVANCE IJpipii;ii<(;::'i!;R;;:::.r'l i!iuliwi,uliiiljr:;i!;.l„.i.j A Maxwell Reveals the Wisdom of Light Weight A MAXWELL car carries tlie same average passenger weight over the same roads and at the same speed as other cars of greater weight and higher price â€" BUT, at ex- tremfly low cost. Obviously, a Maxwell must not have one pound of superfluous weight. To maintain the required strength without increasing weight necessitated the use n{ the best maifrials. Such metals are obviously the iiualit)' metals; and a Maxwell car contains them throughout. An analysis will show that pound for pound the metals that go into a Maxwell car are compar- able with the metals in the highest priced cars in the world. TPiat is the underlying reason why Maxwell cars have given such rare accounts of themselves in every latitude and clime, and have responded so well to every task to which they have been committed. To date more than 300,000 Maxwells are gracing the highways of the world. These .300,000 have nniltiplied Maxwell friendships each day until 1920 finds 100,000 Maxwells in process of construction at the eight Maxwell plants. Let us take your family for a drive in the Maxwell. We will gladly call for you at your home. E. E. WATSON, Dealer Priccville, Ont. ESTABUSHED 1872 MONEY IN HOGS Every farmer knows tlie profit to bo made in raising hogs. There is u market rpady to take them off his hands. Now ia Ihtjtime to increase your stock . If you need financial as»iRtancc consult onr local manager. BANK OF HAMILTON [)UM)ALK;BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SIJB-BU\NCH PROTON -C.I L For.ster, Siih-ManaSer Mart mtlfi fisrgatha A§or» mils/ on tirta Loans to Farmers NO type of loan is more acceptable to this bank than loans to farm> era. I It is our policy to use our funds to promote the national development of the country. Reliable farmers who need credit to increase production, will iind us ready to make advances in any reasonable amount. ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE -> \ Special Notice CS from paint-neglect is vastly greater than the cost of paint-protection. But it is to be noted also that the real cost of using ordinary paint â€" however cheap it may be â€" is vastly greater than that of painting with a pure and durable paint such as 70%Pur«>VhtteLNa (Brandram*! Omuin* B.B-) Encush AAIIn 1 100% Purt PMnt If you would avoid constant repainting â€" if you would have the paint that has maximum covering-capacity, investigate the cause of the high reputation attained by B-H. You'll find that the favor in which it is held by so many experienced painters is due to a truly remarkable degree of purity â€" a purity attained by using such ingredients as the famous Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead â€" together with pure zinc and the purest linseed we know how to make in our own splendidly- equipped mills. Your investigation will result in a trial of this brand â€" and that trial will make you a confirmed adherent of this paint that goes so far and that lasts so long. Its fine, smooth surface never cracks or peels â€" the tou^h, air-tight coat it gives affords the burest kind of surface-protection against time and weather. F. H. W. Hickling, Flcsherton R RANDRAM 'H ENDERSO N SOMONTOM VAMCVWVIN li[ifiPil[[S Oarehilly Corrected Etich Week Bntter 48 to 50 Reys 4.') to 4."> WhfHt 2 WUo 2 10 Peas , 1 40 to 1 50 Oats 90 t.> i>l Barley 78 lo 80 NOTICE As it is Cream Sepnrator seneon and | you want tlie heat and most r«Ii.ib'ei Sepirator 00 the markor temembttr the Dd L>ival was rhe fiist invented a^id | • s'ill tlie I.-adino sepirator, Morp o\ them ia use than all other macliitie'3 Sold by j HUGH KNOTT, Ag:*nt, I Markdale.Onr, For, Service One piu'i* Dred S'lor'.liorii Bull on lot *;, con. y. Arteniesia. Trfiiii^ 31 50 for- urudeB. Must he p^id within '.) muriCha front date tif Hervice. 19. Jan. --H. (» TURNER. Boar For Service Rt-!»iaiered Chester VVhite hoe; for ervice aiR"ckMiU.s Tli^ f i h -r wuri. first at CliicatJi) Fair. Tfrrii« S1.."'0. dec5!'J â€" T. SMITH Prop. BOAR for SERVICE Purehrod Tamworrh Boir for service on lot lb7. S W T and S E., ArlenWBJa,. Term" â€" J1.50. Feb 15 â€" T. .T. STfNSON.: Prop Hog For Service Pure bred Yoikshirc Bfmr for service. Terms â€" Jl.uOat time of cervioe. J. F. CHLLINSON. 1 mar Ceylon. Hillside Creamery, Markdale There will be a man at the following places on the following days to test any cream which may come in any pay cash for same : Monday Morning, Eugenia, Graham Bros. Monday Afternoon, Rock Mills, R. Croft Wednesday Morning, Maxwell, S. Osborne Wednesday Afternoon, Portlaw, Hannah & Dever Call and get your cans at above places and give us a trial. We are paying 70c. per pound for butter fat at present. €m'^^ t -.t_ •f â- > JAKE ZENER Iia.s contrjicteil for 20,<»()o ll)s. ()ii;i;4:.s, iiiid I will pay the lii^'lit.'.st iiiarktT price f-cjiinr. I also waiil- riiLjIjcis, liui'.sf Iiair ami iiHit.'il. 1 li.ivi! 110 ay;t!iit.s woikiiii^ for inc. You will roali/f a wlioh; lot l.y kcx-piii;,^ yoiii' .scrap iuv tlic lighr, man. I'lioiu' o!- wiiic Yonge aii.l Charles btrceTs, Toronto Is iioloil thri)Uilii)iit CiiicIh fi.r hiyh Kradu work (Jniir iliiniiml fur our igraduatca. 0|).ti Kiiicr iinw. ' Wiilo for CatHlo^uc, W. .1. KLLMTlM'KiMiMPM. iCl«!»:3t :-»:«*. 41 ». < Boar For Service Jake Zener, arkdale Pure bierl Kpcr.sf,.. en V..rksln>,. H,,,j for s-rvic. â- -MiixwclJ .I;i,.k- (liVl);! .„„ 'lotll-.r. S. W T. .V .S. It,, ..\,T.uo»ia. •r. .1. ST1NS-)X. TenuN $1 50. j 10,4, 1 U MARTI N-5EN0UR 100^ PURE PAINT & VARNISHES MARBLE-i ^^>^-^% The Hard-Drying, Long- Wearing Floor Finish You'll l)C .siirpriscil how little to operate tlii.s I'lievrolet " lM)iir Niii(!ty " Touriiif^ Car. 1 weiity-live miles on a i;aIloii f)f jfasolint^ is not an iitinsual ieeor<l. Tii'(>.; last an nnnsually lon^ time. I'epaiis are few ami far hetween. ('arelreo, r(;ji[iilar ptjrloniianee is I he Clii^vrolot rule. Vet with all it.s (!con')iiiy and low price, ( lievrott^t " Four Xiiie'y " 'roniiii^,' ( 'ar is a liaiiilsoiiie. roomy, coiiifoi tabic Car â€" a car yoii can be ()ron(l to own. Mbde in Caaada ^ I'Ih; more a man knows alioul aiito- mohiles, tlie more e.Xfierietife ho himscll'has liad with them, the more critical he is :ipt, to be ol liieic essen- tial leatt»r(>s. Tc* .satisfy this ela.sH of motorist^ is the chief motive; of t.'hevrol. ! const rmtion and e((nip- ir.ont. 1(. isto this (^lemeiu there- fore that tli(! eonvtdiienei; ot opera- tion, aceessihility aiirl e(|iiipinent. the dep(;i,dal)ility and ct oiiomv of tho riievi'olet makes its greatest ajipeal. "100'::, PURE" PAINT The p.-iint (or wear and weather. SENOUR'S FLOOR P.MNT It wears ami wears and wears. * "VARNOLEUM" Ix-autifii'S ami pre- eerv-es Oil C'lutli and I.iiiuleuni. "WOOD-I.AC" STAIN Improves the new â€" renews the old. "NEU-TONE" The siinitan,', wash- able Flat liil Paint for Interior Decor- ation. Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home a.s lliHirs that are properly care<l for; on the other hand, (loors that arc not protected are iiin' to Itwk at, are hard to keep clean, and become injureil through wear. Oon't neglect your (loors, beautify them and save them. Save the surface and you s.ive all. MARBI,E-ITE Floor F'inish is the perfect tre.Unieiit lor floors of all kinds. It is the one floor finish that has a money-back guaraatee alt.u-hed to every can. In '-'t hoisrs M,\RnLE-ITE dries h.»rd wiih a beautiful that will not show heel mark-s. It h.i.s a high gloss, yet Is tough enough to stand any amount of wear without injury. It can be wa.shtxl with scap and water and it will not mar nor scratch white. There is a special MARTIN-SENOUR product for every surfiue and for every purpose. Consult our nearest Dealer A^ent, or write us direct. Our booklet "Town and Country Homes " mailed free on request. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flcshcrtotv , Ontario SS^PAINT &VARNISHES «:^ ^2Lf:- >^^: )*-Li •'f}j^: )*j^- -ffj^- i^jl^- ^^ .'â- ^ ."C D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ihe S3]fface and ^tr^^^^^^^^":"-^- ^2£_EJ^^ :^ '"tameiK: v im f fK^ ii "J'yV', \ V â- HftSW^*