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Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1920, p. 5

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April 8 ]92t THJS FLESHEKTON ADVANCE SERVICE.-This Bank, for the past 45 years, has done its share in the development of the business of the Do- minion. Our experience and equipment are at the service of every customer. ms THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH OEO. MITCHELL Manaser CANADIAN C. p. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Fleahercon Station as oUowi : Going Soath Going North 7.63 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesheiton aa •follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at b.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south nail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. B. VVelton and children are Tiaitiog friends in M». Forest. Mrs. Wm. Wilcooi is visiting her children in Toronto. Miss L. Mabee is visiting friends in Tomnto. M rs. Robert H oUaud of Toronto is viaitinsi her son, R. G., h«re. We got back again on Sunday to som e . thing like midwinter conditions. Rev. Mr. Peebles of Keady, Presby. terian minister, has resigned his charge. Miss L, Bunt spent the holiday with friends in Toronto. Mr. Pattison spent the holiday with his father in Merriton. Ur. Henry was in the city over the week end. We are agents for the Toronto' dailies. Leave your orders at The Advance office Mr, Goldsmith of the Standard Bank, and wife, spent Easter with relatives in Forest. Local fishermen will endeavor to gut he Legislature to restock ihe Saugeen aronnd Durham nrith trout tiy Mrs. Harvoy Nixon and children of Mono Road are quests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilchrist this week. Mr. Norium McDouald, who has been with his uncle, Mark Wilson, here tur seme time, left this week for the West. Mr. C. A. Notsworthy i nd Mr. 0. Aulph of the Merchant's Btnk spent the holidsyiii Toronto. The usual floral decorations wero in vogue and special music was provided for the Enster .serviaes in the vftrious churches in town. Rev. Fowler of Uundas occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here last Sunday. Kev. M. V. Oree ot .^llis- ton will preside next Sunday. Mr. 0. W. Phillips, harness maker has iuiitalled a new wax thread sewing machine. It is a costly maohiDe,supposed to do the work of ihree m^u. Rev. Mr. Belfry and son, Ray, were were in Toronto last weak, where the Utter underwent a minor operation on kis nose with satisfactory result. The " Meiry Maidens " class of the Baptist Sunday School met at the par- •ooaze last week to present their te«clH:r, Mrs. (Rev.) Tpham, with a purse of money in honor of her bir thday. Mr. Uaasell of iho Sault, a former â- keseher in Klesherton public school «Al!ed ou friends hero last week. Mr Msnsell is supervisor of schools at) the Sault. Visitors in town for Easier : Lulu Miichell, Wellaud ; Geo. Mitchell, U.S. Collegiate ; R»cuie Cargo, Owen Sound B. O. ; Miud Boyd, Etta LeGard, Krank Thurston. J. Stifford, .liramy VVjjgon, T. Chard, M'tbel and Eugene Field, Mi.sses Violet Hunter and Mona White. Mrs. W. Field, T. Blakely and H. LoGarU, G, McKinnon, Shirley Murray, all of Toronto ; Dell Thur«ton, Cooksville ; Mr. and Mrs. T. Brady, Maesfield ; U. Sulli>a<i, llarristun. Mr. Lnu Brothwell is visiticg friends in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc.\uley of Duodalk visited relatives here over the week end. Automatic telephones are said to be ouiinu in. What we want now mi r^ than that is something to do away with the automatic listener. Housekeeper Wantedâ€" Good home and Kteady situation for rizht person- Apply to Geo. Watson, Box 169, Price- ville, fur Particulars. Mrs. J. Mills and little dsughter, Miirgaret, of Montreal, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Sullivan, here this week. Mr. Mills ticcompaoied them up for Eaiter but returned Monday. A credit auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held at Ceylon on Thursday, April 15, the property of E. Sargent:. See bills. D. McPbsil, auc- tioneer. We make a charge of 10c a line for all church announcements, concerts etc., up to 5 lines. Over that number 5c t line. No reading notices inserted under 50c. Count six words to the line. Mr. Wni. Myers, who has recently purchased a grocery store at Kimberley, W.1S a caller at The Advance ofiica one day last week. He is a son of Mr. Geo. Myers of Flesherton. Everett, the three yeir old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Talbot of the east back line, met with a painful accident one day last week. While playing around the barn he was kicked in the face by a horse and Dr. Henry found it necessary lo three stitches t." close up the wound. We noi'ioe that the Canadian Oil Fields, Limited, hcva their drille- s on the ground a^ain for -lie pur^ jse of resuming operations on their property north of the village We hope they will soon be successful in discovering that big lake cf oil. Township Clerk \V. J. Bellamy passed this week his 40th milestone as Clerk of Artemes'a township, and at the Council meeting on Sa urdiy his long services were recognized by adding another bundled dollars to his salary, which was ijuite iu line with requirements, aud should even have couuted back a few years. About ten years ago The Advance announced that the Dominion Fish Co. would make their beadiiuarters at Owen Sound. This now appears to have been something in the nature of a long distance prophesy, as it is only now coming into ettect. The company has purchased a lot and will ercci: a building costing $25,- 000 this coming summer. Hon. Manning Duherty made the statament iu the Legislature recently with reference to the resignation af Kav. Dr. Cody, that the Dr. probably had iu mir.d ihe $14,000 000 recently received by the churches and " wanted to slay where the sledding was good." But later he apologized aud remarked that it brought home to him the realization that he was not a humorist. The Musion play entitled " The Light in all the world," given by the Baptist young people was a splendid success. Five nationalities were represented in f >reigu costume, each telling of their owu particular needs aud how that need may be met by the shristianized world. The prcceeQs of the eveiiiuit, which amounted to $15.50, will be used for Missicu purposes. VV. H. Thompson, the cattle drover who assaulted Conductor Scanlon at Ouudalk station recently, was tried at the Assizes in Owen Sound last week and found guilty. Thompson was tiaed $100 aud costs. He had already written a letter of apology to his victim aud en- closed $100 to help pay for lojt time and medical bill, and this was taken into accouut. Bell VI. Holley was a case heard at the .A.ssizes last week. The defendant had been convicted of setting lire to the baru ; but the jury in the civil action found in favor of the defendant, thus pinctically ssying that in thjir opiniog he aid not comiuit the crime for which h^ is now under sentence. Melville Gardner, son of D of Chitsworth, disappeared home last week . He took a New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased the bake shop in Flesherton I have fitted tip the same audamnw pre- pared to cater to the publiu in first class Bread, Buns, Biscuits and Pastry. My greatest eflfort will be to please t!:e public, and your custom is respectfully solicited. F. Finder, Prop Gents' Furnishings Call and see our Hobberlin Styles and bamples for Suits and Overcoats. Cleaning and Pressing neatly and promptly done. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario MEN'S WEAR FOR SPRING Most men are tired of the heavy clothing they liave worn all winter and welcome a change of season that permits lighter materials being woin. Come in and look over what we can offer you in new spring styles - Young Men's Suits, waist line and bolted styles, $20.00 to §88 50 Men's Suits in tweeds worsteds and navy serges, $15.00 to $60.00 ilen's Rainooata, now styles and new patterns, $13.50 to $25.00 Men s Felt Hats, n^w shades aud latest shapes, $3 75 to $5.00 Men's Tweed Caps, entirely new selection, $1 .50 to $2,75 Men's New Silk Neckwear, a big range, 65c to $2.00 " Lang " Shins, stiff or soft caffs, new spring patterns, $1.50 to $-4.95 " Arrow " Collars, stiff or soft, the latest shapes, 30c to 50c Men's Boots, black or brown, leathei or neolin soles, $4.75 to $10.50 Men's Fancy Hosiery, all colors, 55c to $1.50 Men's Odd Trousers, all sizes, good patterns, $2.95 to $7.50 Fresh Novelties every few days in Jthe Millinery Department. Ladies -will find our selection and assortment of Dress Silks ^he best •we have ever offered. GROCERY SPECIALS .Marmalade Oranges, large size, 50c per dozen. Soap Chips, regular 20c., 15c. per ponnd. Demerara Raw Sugar, 8 pound §1.00. Seedless Raisins, new stock, 25c per pound. New Cooking Figs, special 15c per pound. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Boar For Service Pure bred Uegisterea Ynrkshire Boar for service â€" Ma.twell Jack 62903 â€" on lot 167, S. W. T. & S. R., Artemesia. Terms f 1.50. 10,4,19 T. J. STINSON. Magnet Cream Separators Carefully Corrected Each Week Bntter 50 to 52 Kggs 47 '.o 47 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 Pens 1 40 to 1 50 (^ats 90 to 91 Barley 78 to 80 (iardner from his shot gun alont: with bim. It is thought ho has Kone I'ff on a Uov Sout camping expedi.- lloD all by his lonesome. No other reason can b« assigned. He was 13 years old, well grown for his age, fair complexion and hair, with blue eyes. He wore dark clothes with a suit of black overalls. Later â€" The lad has since turned up near Frecque Isle, about ten miles from his home. Mrs. J. P. Ottewell received the sad intelligence on Saturday th.>t her niece. Miss Valeria Stafford, bad died at her home iu MoDltfal, The remains were brought to Toronto aud interred on Monday. No further particulars are to hand. The deceased young Indy was. well known in Klesherton, where she h'kd lived for some lime aud attended school, aud has fr('(|ueiii!y spent hrr holidays here. She was a gunetal favor- ite with hei many friend*, who deeply sympithise with the sorrowing sister aud father. Prof. Staftoid of McGill univer- sity. Mrs. Uttewjll attended the funeral. HARDWARE! Axes and Handles, Ruck Saw;, Hammers, Crosscut Saws and Handles, Horse BlAnkets, Mitts and Gloves, Halters and Ties. Pails .ind Tubs, Stewart Horse Clippers, Curry Combs and Brushes, Electric Bulbs, Lamps and Lanturns, Red Star Wastiiug Machines. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario sup are goars â€" ne hctmn ; double perpocted bowl â€" cannot rock; i feet skimmer â€" o»e piece ; easy turn â€" a child can operatu; •^â- â€¢pacity chan<;e â€" saves the buyer 850.00 ; pateut brake â€" "Mannet,' patent ; stronii, rigid constiuctioii â€" mechanically cirrect ; aauitary strmuar â€" germ proof ; easy to clean â€" a child cleaos it in a few minutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. these high grade instruments and Music Stor RT O N Hog For Service Pure bred Yoikshiro Bonr for service. Terms- -81.50 a> time of service . J. F. COLLINSON, 1 mar Ceylon. the MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TEXl)KK.S addressed to Postmaster tJeneral will bf rrceivel Ottawa iiiitil noon on yridsy, the 16th oi April, lilLl), fur the convevMnce nf His > Msje-'ty's Muils, on a pnipiweii Contract fur | four years, si.\ times per week on the route ' FLESHKRTON K. K. No. 3 from the Postmaster Ueneral s pleasure next. Printed notices eontaiiiinff further informa- tion as to conditions of pro|j<isi'(i contract ni.-jy be seen ami blank ft>rins of Tender may be ' obtained at the Post Utfio'S of Flesherton ; iuid at the otlice of the Post Ottioe lusi}eotor, 'I'orouto. A. SUTHERLAND. Post OHioe Inspector Post Office In8i>ect<)r's Office, Toronto, March 4th, 1U20. Cargoe's Grocery If you >*ant good, clean, fresh Groceries or Confectionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. We have also a full line of all the leadin<^ Tobacees. All kinds of Fruits in season. Come in and get one of those Fish . and British Columbia We have Salmon. Lake Treat Highest prices paid for all kipds of Produce. Phone in your order. We will deliver it to any t>irt, village. hhe W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. *****;*** ••••••••r*««««**«a«««i I •••• •••• i •••• . •••• •••• •••• •••• '•(•••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢IS** RUBBERS! We have the celebrated^Maltese Cross 'Kubbers for good solid wear in Men's Women s and Children's Kubbers. <•• ••{•{•••• •••• •••• '••• •••• ••*• •••• •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON ONTARM) in FLESHERTON,

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