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Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1919, p. 1

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.M „ .._J» /iesljertirn <?^ 'TKUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - '•PRINCIPLES NOT ' MEN" Vol. 38, No. 37 Fesherton, Ont„ February \'3 IU19 ^ r ' , s V \\ EUGENIA Our business men are busy getting in ice. fifrs. Mudill of ihe Soo is visiting with her daugbter, IMrs. Alex. Carrutbcrs. Ptu. H. Tudor i^ visitiag friends in Toronto. Mrs. McKinnon of Fleshenon is visit- int! lier daugluer, Mrs Foeater. A Valentine Social sill be held at the hume of Mrs. Tuohy du Feb. 18 in iiid of a msmorial. Ladies brini; basicets. Admission 20 and 25c. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rusnell, nee Minnie Carr, Jormerly of this place, in the loss of their eldest son, Norris, aged 19 years. Mr. and Mre. K. Park and eon. Jack, spent the week end with friends in Price ville. Mrs. Wilson of Kimberley spent a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. F. JamieeoD, and other relatives. Wo aie pleased to see John Magee home ftoni Collingwood hospital and feeling some better. Mr". Edward Rowbottom and children are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams. All those who ara knitting for the \V. I. will please send in socks by Feb. 18. Socks jciil be for sale that evening for anyone wanting good borne knit socks. Mrs. A. Hoy See. We coneratulate our Deputy Reeve, Mr. Alex. Cameron, who was elected Chairman of Education. Wedding bells are ringing. The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Purvis was a very lively one on Friday evening last, when about four score young and old tolk gathered ><> welcome honu their son, Sergt. -Major R. E. Purvis, who went overseas three years ago as a pri- vate. Rev. Mr. Eagle read an address which warmly welcomed him back to home and neighborhood and spoke of his heroism and self -sacrificing spirit, and in conclusion asked him to accept a club bag, which was presented at the oppor- tune moment by Mr. Alex. Csmeion, Sergt. Purvis replied, but like many returned soldiers was reticent about relating his experiences in the front line. The evening was spent in various forms of amusement. Sergt. Purvis and hi« wife wish to thank the W I for the many comforts sent him while overseas. He is looking forward to his early discharge and takiag up civil life again. ROCR MILLS PROTON Mrs. Cade, of Singhampton, is visiting her husband here, *â- ; Mr. Wauchoh's. We understand Mr. Cade has rented the house belonging t > Mr. Trelford. Mr3. Morrow, of Beeton, called on old aciiusiintaiices in tho village on Friday last. We congratulate Miss Clara Binnie'on having received a permanent appoint- ment in tho Duke of Conuaught school in Toronto. One of the little boys of our commuui'y Elzer Park, aged eleven, has been doing his bit for ths Rid Cross, having knit three pairs of sock^â-  during the past year. Mrs. Scrimminger, of Dundalk, was n caller in the village one day last week. Miss Reid and some gentlemen who conducted the funeral service of the lute Mr. McDenuid, of Priceville, have betn slaying for a few days at the home of Mr. Kd. Rutherford. Eighth Line, Artcmesia Corp. Will Lawler visited the past ,^ week with his uncle, George Lawler. Mr. Wm. HanUy and wife visited with Reeve andMrs. McKeuzie recently. Mr. John Elliott, of Edmonton, who is ipeudiug the winter with his parents at Markd«le,speut Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Wiu. Hanley. He was accompan- ied by his sisUr, Myrtle.and Miss Foster. , Mr6. George Lawler received word of Ihe death 6l her nepfaew.Iforris Russnell eldest sun of Mr. and Mrs. Edd. KuMoell of Sunkist, Sask . He was attending tho University at Saskatoon, when he took the flu which developed into double ppeumouia, and after seven days' illness he passed away at the age of nineteen. Hiss Stella Orr is visiting with her •iBter, Mts. Alex Cameron. Mrs. Garnet Magoe it> visiting with friends io Toronto this week. (.juile a numDer from here attended the reception at R. Purvis', Eueenin, on Friday nieht in honor of their aon, Sergt. Elwotd Purvis, who had just returned ' from overseas. A most enjoyabl" even- ; ing was spent by all. Mrs. E. Binnington, of Maxwell, ; visited the week wiihher niece, Mrs, C. Newell. i Some of the teamsters on the iunibtr haul have been trying to test their horse.->' ' strenflh by seein? who could draw the ! blgjjest load of lumber, but Charle.s | Newell took out the record load on i Mondsy, 2700 feet of maple. Who can j beat it ? I The logs are coming in much faster the i past week than they did at tlrst, and there will likely be a big stock if it con- tinues Cold with a little snow. Mr. and Mrs Ned Croft visited over Sunday with the latrer's parents at Feversham. Mr. James Bussell arrived home on ^*!^^S"±l^°- Fine Jewelery Funeral Directors and ^ Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENTJAfulI line of Photographic .supplies I U/ D n i "^<^'"'^''^& developing powders, J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks,! p,,nting frames, dark lanterns, Pres. Manager.' all sizes of Kodaks and films. Come in and see our line J-irge s: z^ of Jewelery, WatcLes, Clocki etc., â€" and when you have seen them you will be sure to buy. Watch repairing a specially. Cadet Walter Cargo, M.M- 1 ^**^^' '^°'^ Chard, M.M. p..;... Tt ., (M,....) ..... 1 1... CiiJi-r Wiil-er Cargo re'uriied on Tu.sdiiy of week from England where he had been tiaiuing f' r com- c . J â-  uu cu J- .1. ; mission. He served in Franca for Saturday night after spending the past I . .. .., ., .„ , „ ' * HT ' ^"^^''^" >n->ntha with the oSoh Batt , and won his Mi'itary McJ^l for bravery while with that batti'i..n. four months with relatives in*Idaho. M Ru.ssell looks tine after his trip, and his many friends are pleastd to see him back. Mrs. John Porteous visited last week with her son. Art, of Mivswell. We are glad to report little Irene English some belter at present. Mrs. Jus. Park returned home aftor spending the past three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Bowers, of Owen Sond- TRYON CEYLON Mr. M().<.sci{j an 1 me!! are busy thi* week doing repair work on the section. ftHss Maria Cooey left last week to visit Toronto friends. .Iiiiuary was excevlionally line and laild. Just enough anuw for good roads. Diinuie Oimeron and Bobbie Mclntyre are engrged at MoKeao's mill. Mr. aul Mrs. Morton Sayers visited the liitter's aunt, Mis. (.'amcron, Sunday la=t. Mis.s Emma Morrison lift last week for British Coluii^ba. Ui-r sister, Minnie, accompanied her as f,«r as I'oionii). Miss IjiUi.m B>a!ty spent a few days last week with Iter fiiend. Miss Pearl Edward Sargent left Thursday to visit â-  Sornberger. his sou in New Ontario. u- t â-  â-  u r i â- â-  • d i j Miss Lizzie EugUoli IS visiting R>)ck Miss Ella Whictiker visited with Dun- i Mills friends. dalk friends over the week end. ' , , t , ... , , i , A number from here attended the salp The VV. I. will hold their meeting-this at M.iple Vuliey. Friday afternoon at Mrs. Cummins', i tu t „ . i i j .u . ; The Iryoii young people are glad that Willie Pattison left Monday to attend j there is a p;istor at Mclntyre now. high school at Orangerillo. Ho ,. ,u -ii i i ^ c " We e.xpect there will be plenty of Mrs. Wydeman returned Monday after ^usic doiig this line now, as one of our visiting her parenla at Elmwood. ; you„j, m^.,, h„s purchased a violin. ' i T. Wilton his been accompanying A. An Austrian doctor, having discovered : Soriiberger and son with their wood that beets were a preventative of and ' cutting on the fourth line. remedy for influenza.ijave his natients a i c- c .u c .1 J ,is> c .iio ^..iicuiu » I Some iif tho young men from the plateful of beet salai as soon as the fever' Fourth line will hive ' t" get lights on set in ; and within eisht iiours after they their cutters lui they get tangled in a wire had eaten the beets the fever would leave , f'"'<=« occasionally near Tryon. themâ€" so he assarted. According to ** ' Hughie Parker must be a good wood report from tbe Hague, this alleged cure : f"!^'"' ^^ '>* "^"^ '•\>^'-'" engaged around here for several weeks. Dannie Mclutyre followed some Ued and BlHcli skins over to tho four'h line one day bist week. OH becoming known in Holland led to such a demand for beet.s that the price advanced to 40c each, whereas before the war cost&bout two cents. Read "^ the Figures^ <zfe w-s I s Notice how the costâ€" and the cash valueâ€" of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. i#* »llH»>i»tl»» Ciiiiet Thciiii.." Chari returned hi)nie two weeks ago ^fter spending a year and a lialt at tho iiont Kith the I'u'^.d Uatt., with whieh battalion le »i.i^ when he won the Military .Medal. To n was training for a coir.niif.'^ion when the ariii'^lico wai signed, and was f â- rccd to stop tr.iinina. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires I Tamworths Young Stock For Sale j For Breeding Purposes W. A. AriTIStrOng Phone or write. â€" GE< ». W. RoSis, Osprey Tel. System. Ma.xwell, P.O. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. KIMBERLEY 51 it-3 Ethel Fawceci visited witli In r aunt, Mis. lloliert Lougheed,-'larkst.'Ura, during the [ ajt week. Miss Bee McGowan of Durham is visiting at George Proctor's. Mrs. Win, E. Fawcett received ;i cablesrrani week fiO'u her son, Corp. Ezra Fiiwcetl, stating that he had sailed on the Tunisian on Jan. 31st. Uj will arrive home sometime this week. Johu Plewes gave a hop to .1 nunber of young people at his homo one evemog last Week. Geo Hutchinson occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on f^ evening last . Miss. Eula Hurd leaves for her home in Rigina this week after an extended visit with friends here. She will be .'.coom- pinied by Mis. Geo. Proctor^ Jasper Stuart shot a doe specimen of the great horned owl one day last week. It was perched up in the big elm just njrth of the grist mill. At a largely attended meeting of the official board of the Methodist church at Epping on Monday last it was decided lo build a parsonage at Kimberley. George Proctor and son, Ernest, aie leaving this week for Nepigon, wliore they are going to work for the Hydro E'ectric Power Com. J. E. Hammond of Meuford visited at the parental home on Saturday last. Kenneth Donnelly of Rocklyn renew eii old aciiuaintances in this part during the past week. Welluigton Favvcett visited Eppii^' friends one day lasc week. W T. Moore of Meaford made a business trip to our burg Thursday". The wxekly prayer meeting and BiMe study WIS held at ti.e home of Mis. Wm Flooil .111 Wedue.Hliiy evoiiioi;. FEVERSHAM l.'ur soldier boys are fast returning and Hjiong the number we are glad :o welcome back Will McMullen, who is looking h lie and hearty af;er his e.xpei.- eiico overseas. The Fevers-iism Red Cross held their annual meeting it the home Juf Mrs. D. McMuiien with ijuile a number in alteo- diiice. The Drnnoh decided to leorgaiiii-.o and work for the Belgian poor children. Ai the titicers for iho previous yaar lunl given entire sat'sfac ion they were sgtiii placed in office â€" Mrs. D. McMullen, President, \ud Mrs. Win. Boweil Stc.- Tr-asuur, During the year we have gathered iu Sl'7'.> in aid of the work and expendird m materials $25t>, leaving > talanoe ot $23, and have sent to he«L- (juarlers 251 pairs of si cks and 105 »uits of pyj^mns. Wa thank all who have in any way helped the work along %nd hope they may continue, as the need is great iu tlioso war stricken c 'uiilries. Farm For Sale In the township of Oaprey one hundred acres, ninety acres v-learcd, ten acres hardwoo.l bush ; two-storey solid brick co'tage. Pedlar roofioit, cellar full siae, furnace, kitchen and wood.shed, solid brick, hard and .soft wnter inside ; targe outbuildings with water supply •nside. For further psrlioulnni apply tc JOHN GurMMBrr. Proton Station R.R. 2 fi3 LET US SUPPLY Your Requirements In any of the following lines : Sleighs, Cutlers, Gasoline En^jines, Cockshutt Fan:i Iiuplonients, Cockrfhutt A Massey Harris repairs, Louden Stable Equipment, Me[otte Cream Separators. D.McTAVISH, FLESHERTON o "-â- ^^ ' ' » '- « •' - â- â- ' ' - -• ''- >--V - ^,:^^i Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fo^I, Dry Picked, Heads off â€" Geeseâ€" 2.") cts. Ducksâ€" 29 cts. Heavy Chickensâ€" 00 cts. Hens â€" 2(j cts. Turkeysâ€" 40 et«. Don't Forget the Place W. L. WRIGHT'j Corner Store, Flesherton •••••••••••a... •••••*••<>•••:.::::;;; ^******* •••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢aaSj I^UBEERS •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• If you want a good wearing rubber for men, women llii or children come to this store. Wo have the old i^- reliable Maltese Cross Brand of rubbers. •••• '••• mil* jll Suit Cases and Trunks ii .«• .*• >•• ••• *•• ::: •»•• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• -*•• â- â€¢Â«â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ If in need of a^Suit Case or Trunk call and get want supplied. •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON ONTARIO g§ FLESHERTON, '!SS!;!!?!** ********** â- â€¢**•**•••• ••••••••••••••••"•••••••••••****«3SSSa«2IlS*r^

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