October 18 1917 THE F L E SH E K T N ADVANCE •• r i » THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, HEAD OPPICe - TORONTO This Bank offers every facility io the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. t»T'D IIT* SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at •v.ry Br.nch. 235 FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL. .*Un.«.,. . P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Stalion 1 The iieur cnahtioii governnient at a8^()it»wa sbuuld a'li he deaignated aa the i Hon and the I kmb lying down together. Going North I but rather as two lions tunning neck and "o I a ^'"'oecW to capture the wild boar of Prussia. ». lop. in. "^ May they rema'n of mngle mind until Trains follows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton a. , . follows : For the north at 10.40 a.ai.and °"' '"si's are exlracteJ. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at Mr. Jus. Buchaniin 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ni. the previou.s ev'g. ^VICIN ITY CHIPS of the Meaford Road has for several years past grown onions from SA«d â€" the only man we know who "oes into it any way extensive- f ly. It appears to Iw a very succt»slul crop with hi'j, nivina; » good yield each lyear. This year he has about dve ton* this "^ prime onioDs to market, for which he tinds a reaJy sale at 13 per 100 pounds. The second volume of " Canada in FUnders" has been received with the compliments of Sir Robert Borden. Norwood fair took in nearly fuuiteen The second volume is quite as Interestini? as the lirK. and when completed after the war «ill form an iuvaluable record of the great achievements of the Canadian force* in the war for democricy and the destruction of jankerdom. Thos. Cook of Markdale, rural mail earlier, met with a b«d accident one day recently at Barrhead mills, when his horse shied at an auto and islled him over a ten foot emtwoknient air.ong ihe Mis. Thurston left Friday to spend a rocks and trees. Two tilts were broken, fortnight in Toronto. two more were cracked and there were numerous bruises, but herse ap«l buggy escaped without mu3t> damage. The iiublic school teacher^ of town and Murphy is a popular Irish name year. Oar of potatoes wantedâ€" F. U. Kar- 8ted% Fleshertcu. Norwood fair to handled dollars at the gate. Mr*. I. B. Lucas .of Markdale, &uiiday with her fatbe MiM Maud Bojd spent Saturday in • Toronto. Pte. EUwyn Jamieeoo is in Knglind with trench fever. Mr. Will Hales of Weston ipeut Sun- day with hi* mother, who is seriously ill- si:eiit and bister here. sou, Mrj. D. McTavish returned Saturday after an extended visit with her Cbarlev, at Rrgina. M. and Mrs. J. J. McKnight and ^"roundingeauntry attended the U*ch children of Tottenham visited Rev Belfry and family last week. The Red Cross tea will be held at Mrs. W. Henry's next Friday »fternix>n, Oct. IVt. All welcome. era' conventiun in Meaford on Thursday and Fnd.iy last, and report a successful conventio-i, although the usu:kl rain came along on the second day. Ktst tirey teachers learned many years ago that it is always advisable to tote umbrellas Mr. J08. Bochaiun has won the corn '*'"» them when atteudm^ the.r ani,u*l competition prize with Agricultural ,eoi*'*'»"t">- Department for th^ stconJ year in Mr. Rolert Uenoe of Eugenia, died cuccession. Sunday morning af'.i r ( nly a week's Mrs. Jamieson received a mcoaae on illness of blood poisoning Mr. Genoe Monday announcing the death of her had lived for many year:- on his farm niece. Miss Nellie Brndbury, at Blind north of Euuenia, wh^re he rai>ed a hirge j^i^gf_ I and highly lespected f.tiuily, who TheUnh Batt.lefifoi oversea, just •»»*« """â- '' sympa^'J '" 'heir suadeu «no year ago. Since that time there ha.i been much si'truw in of thii county. Born-" At Meyronu.-, Sask., on Sept. 29ih, 11)17, to Mr. and Mrr«. Wm. Btatiiff ^me Mary BruniU) a daughter ^Helen. E. A. Almond, M. U., the noted eye- *ii!ht specialist of Toronto, will be at the Park House until Friday "ftiriioou, Oct. 20, 1".»I7. Rev. McViciir preached two able oermons in the Methodist chuich .Sunday in an exehansc ot pulp.t-s with .Huv. bereavement. Deceased was tit; years of ...any of the home* »«^- 1^'« f'-^"""! ^'X'^ l''-'^'« "a Tuesday A Showing of Oil Fur some time we have not sad any- thing about the oil prospects here, and The Advance certainly cannot be charged with sensationalism in this regard. It is time, however, that the public should be acquainted with th*^ actual condition of atfairs. The Col company of Brantford, have been indu.striously drilling away on the L>>ver farm, eafit back line, and on Friday evening last Mr. Coi brought The Advance a bottle of the balings which showed considerable petroleum in the mixture and smelled strongly of the qrude oil. He expected to hit it better within a few days, and was very much eldted at the prospect. The drill, accord- to his siaieraenr, was down 1300 feet. The Midland drill has bad eooj^idenble trouble with quicksand and is not yet down 200 feet. This i» a private enter- prise but the company holds a 'wge number of options. A iMan nanaeU Henderson' has for the (>ast Kve weeks been driving around m a costly e:tr pickinii up every option he cai> ?et on farms wi'hifl a radius of tine or six miles. Kot much is known 'A this company, as they appear to ba mostly interested ia options, although they have promised to drill on A-. Harrison's farm •outh of the village. It is said that Henderson hai» pjvid <u> nigh as $50'fbr options on certain farmit. ' MILLINERY MILLINERY How about a new Hat for the Fairâ€" we have some new hats arriving this week, so come in and have a look belore yon buy. We have a hat for mother, wife or daughter and the prices are reasonable. Birdm<exi Vi«ifc Dundalk Men's Hats and Caps It you \vaiit anew cap 01: hatâ€" we have our new supply in fnr fall and we h^ve some classy Gaps and Hat.":. Just what you are looking for. Men's Winder Overcoats How abDnt a new Overcoat for the Fair ? We have a dandy range of Cbinchilla, T^veeds. and the prices are right. We have a good range lor hoys and men. Come auo have a look. '^"l Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats Having bought the sweaters months ago. I caa sell them at reasonable prices. We have differ- »n! eoiors. Come in before the are all picked O'ver. Men's Light and Heavy Rubbers Just opened up our rubbers, â€" high top 12 in. â€" medium top and low robbers. â€" now for the Fall you will want a new pair. Just come and see oiuH, â€" then you will be satisfied and buv. Hovse Blankets We have opened up our wiiBter supply of horse blanket?, 30 it you need ooe â€" come and see Karstedt a before ^ ou buv . Hardware Hardw2ure If you neei anything in Heaters or Cook Stoves we caa supply you. Also â€" Trunks â€" Suit Caees^Clnb' Bags. We hawUe a complete rauje of Hardw«ee, ' to Fleaherton cemetery. I Thera are coin'p'iiints about the slip- shod manner in which medical examina- tion!< are conducted in Owen Sound I under the Military Setvico Act It is claimed that nunibeis are parsed with- out thorough ixa.'nination and as a te^ult there will be much inconvenience to some landidates and unnecessasy expense ' to tlio country, as many of those passed will liter bo turned down. We hold, ourselves, that the tirst examination should be the most thotough of all. A Belfry, who to^.k charge of anniversary large tiuu.bcr of youi:g men have gone up services at I'loton Station. The Advf^tiec had a plei-^uit cill on S,iturJiy from County Clei'k Fred Rutherford cf <^wtn Sound, who was down in this part of his vinejard on county business. ; luistioge annivoisary services will be held on Out. '-'1 and '22, and K'lgenia on j Oct. 2t< and 2ii. Bills have been issued for both ol thise event.*, which .see for {uU particulars. I .\ corn ro'»s'. will ba held thi* evening (vVednesday) at Mr. .\If. Hiuii.-ioi.'s by Spring Hill lied Crjss Society. As there hasn't been much corn this yeir, this should bo well attended. The Methodist V. P. S. wiil aivo a social in the basement of the church on Monday eveniug ne.\t, Oct. 22 at tjp.ni. Luno'i «ill be terved. A charge of 10 cents will be made .it the door. Dundalk fair was badly haniiered by cold, rainy weather on Friday last, but fi, in this p.rt during the pa.it week and niOi«t of thein got through with a hfgh physical stanJ:i'd. Will Receive Donations To tho people of Arteniesia : The Townshif) Council have author- \it9 .lie to acci'p" subscriptions to the Biitish Red Cros.", the Britibh Sailors' Rslief or any other patriotic fund to which they may wish to subscribe. Any amount sut'seribed shiulu be paid in by Nov. 1 next and will be'forw.arded to the proper authorises. i- It is not nicessary for me to say more, knowing that the people are willin:< and 1 waiting to contribute their bit towards , thewe obj.'Cts. Kindly therefore let me I have your contributions at au early date. W. J. BELLAMY, Cleik. At Urand Valley an interesting liquor case WHS decided by Police Magistrate notwithstandiug what would have bean a Stewart Tate. Samuel Keys, a farmer of knockout in some pi; ces we know, the AmarHntb, was cha'jed with keeping gate receipts am ouDted to about ifl.">0 liquor for s.ale. Insp ctor Robinson had and the exhibition was a «oo(» one. (gearched the premises late last month and ttiund four gallons of beer aul a Mr. C. S. Mitchell, organizer of Grf y Co. for the coming war loan â€" Victory on Loanâ€" of Toronto, was in town Monday avianging for a canvass Flesherton district, of which more particular* will be given later. In our huny last week we overlooked mentioning that Messrs. Will Bentham and J Bowler, accompanied by Miss Wilda Crossley, m stored up from To- ronto and visited the fair, returning (|uaiitity ot whiskey and laid the alwve 1 charce. Keys admitted that others had , ,, asN sted in getting away iviih the of the I , . " a. J >u I hilarious producing stuH and the inagis jtrate iaiposed the prescribed Sne, $200 : and ce.its. On Thanksgiving day Dundalk citizena- and holiday visitors were treated to exhibitions of tlying with some additional thrills which were not <m the progiam- The first air visitor came from the south and passed over the towd at a height of about 4000 feet according bo the aviator's register. The clouds weie broken and patchy and the plane was often lost to view by the lower banging clouds. But there wa* enuut'U blue sky to get a good view and for the birdmaa to see those red s«nt:iiel gasoline pump*,, for he waa getting a little short of gas,, having made thj trip from Toronto. H« Huw around town several ttmes, all the wdiile getting: to % lower levck and tinally selected his lauaiog p!»ce. a small tidld of F. W Bellamy's mntr the fair grounds. Uic "tome down ' was. very gracefully done.. This was shortiv after** o'clock, in the morning and .Lauy citizen* wereei.ji.ying the Itiines* of a hobday uiorni.igâ€" some not out of their beds long.. But every- body soon g): :o the aviation tielJ ; breakfast was no c.uiM.leration. The dying man was fr'. W. GuWt from the North Toronto avi'ition ctnip, who had started for Camp Bordeu and hud got otT his cours.-, so he hatl two objects in comiLg dowt. sui'ply of jjasohne and to get his brarings. WUeu both these j wauls bail been supplied j>rep»tation m-m , made to get into the air again. The lield \ WIS too suiali to get a proper run on the j ground and not well sutuued to get itto i the teela if the wind, but the aviatct | dtcided to like chance-*. Ue got up' oood speed but the machine crashed into a rail fence at 1 he end of the tieia and wis a c mplete wreck. The plane turi.ed a litlf somersault. The throng .of spectators were greatly relieved to see the aviator crawi out of the delris and find that he had no bonts broken. Ue hid a bad tut on the left eye and waa soon taken to D:'. McWilliams' surgery where he rectived attention. He left by the UKriiing train (.11 Tuesday and a motor tri^ from Camp Borden carried the remains of the plane away. Another plane from Leaside aviation cam;), Toronto, ciiiie iilong about five .o'clock Monday evening. This aviatvt caice down for similar rea.s -lis t'>4he tirSt ' man. In circling around he pied the \ wreck and Undid i|uite close to l^. When he got his sui'ply ot gasoline he decided Dundalk was a gooi placi to stay .ill night. Next morning he ni^ve'' his plane from Mr- McDonnel's field to the adjoining h-id bel mging to H.C. Moody. wheie there was a letter suifacj anJ a longer around run. Ue made a beautiful get away and was soon out of sight on his way to Toronto. J. Benson Rose was the n.Hine of this aviator. .\ third pbiie tlying over soutn of here landed wn James Aldcorn's farm near Corbetton c n Monday. O^ NVediiesd-y morning a plane from Noith Toronto camp landed on Mr. 5>am Cofiiett s farm just west of DundaHt to get a supply of gasoline, and another came down on George Achesous farm ca.st of Corbettoii. Just as we are are 'ready 40 to press ihisiWoduesdaylifteinoon another plane came down in a 'field of W. Carson's south of the village â€" Hera'd. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. ri â- â- ! *»â- * ' â- » «> ' »â- . W A * " * .," '* w . ^ , » J ' i w <<. * ^ ' "^ w ^. W T ^ < » ' â- â- - â- < »â- » »" w tw â- , â- « â- ^ w w j w a.W " â- â- ^ â- j »»^» <» i ^.l EUROPEAN WAR PICTURES On the British Western Front in France.â€" Firing a long range gnn. -,«> S>. :^i.%^a The British advance in the West.â€" Farmers back among the trenches a. lie â- "^'â- -" ^ ^^^^_^^^^_^^ /'/intQji !lv rniirtrt'l Deenng >nlP>^"^^"^^H/\PDV\/ AR E AND ' INItRSASE VOIR roWKK ot c. p. n. KARNINtt Gasoli i\e Engi i\c Pulpwood Wanted Two thou.sand ct>rds of S|.ruoe and Mr. Harmon Radley ' Balsam woivd, cut 4 ft. long, not less 4.', in. at the sni;ill end, knots we wilfpay fii Monday evening. wife and two daughters, of Toronto, were '*';*" '*i' ,'" , ... ,, . , . , trimmed close for which also visitorsa *t|he fair and remained over ^^^ ^^^j f,„ balsam for a couple of days to vis ' friends, Spruce, delivered at nearest P.Vilroad having motored up in their new 1018 Station Anyone having same for sale seven passonxer McLaughlin. They »"te to phone Markdale oKoJ, returned by »By of Guelph, -W. T. ELLIS, Kiraberley. 470 iMjlicemen of Toronto police force are eligibV* f'l 'h« fi'St drift under the Military Service Act. ONIONS Oniwis of r'xcelli?nt quality fo- sal"-. Price 3 c i ts per pound for 73 pounds or over. Telephone Jo*. Buchaain, tlesh- ertoD, Ontario. All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always ou baud. Agent («t Barrie Cutters. Barber Buggies. Ix^ude.- Litter Carrieis. Hay Tracks. Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements rcv-Jir^ do rpoommendation as they at« standard gooas and rec.^gni/.od ** th« best on the market. FRriT TRKES-I represent the Ston vt Wellington nursery, andiwill be vloa-'-ed to call if vou send me a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Farm for Sale Screen Doors & Windows Poultry Netting Paris Green Zenoleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Cans, etc., etc. F. W. D U N C A N The Flesherttin Hardwire. Hnone .^0 r*. Notice !o Trespassers ELLIOTT^ Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Has lately been askeJ to fill positions at from $oO to SIW i mouth and others up to j«20(i0per annum. It pays to get a Superior Trainiog. Write for Catalogue. Knter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRiscipjtt, Sheep Strayed .Strayed (roin the premises of the undersigned about the first of September. one ewe and two Iambs â€" dark faced ew« and ew« Unibs. Finder please commun- icate with HARRY FISHER, Flosherton P.O. Carefully Corrected Each Week I,. ; 27. C â- « .•<. <>sprf y. ab.^Jt t..rtv ocres cW.%rpd. the baUnoe nioolly hardw "il br.-h wellwatereJ Thl* farm iti.ist be sol J Ik/wind upau esute Ai'ply -WM W THOMl'SON. Adininistrat <r, p,321 Sinrhampton, R R Butter :?7 to 3S» Fggs. fresh 40 o 4<< Tho public will hereby take noi ice ; Wheat f 2 25 to 2 25 that trespassers on lots -'H iV 27, con II, j Oats . . f 70 to 7:"» Artemesia, will be prosecuted according ' Bt-.as I W to 2 10 itohw. -ROBERT R. GKNOEi Barley **^'<' *E !Eu-eni., Cct.;>, 19iT. 'Buckwheat 96 to 95