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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1916, p. 8

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July Vi 1016 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Feversham Items Societies PRINCE ARTHUU LODGE, No. !t33,AF4 A U. uieeta iu the Uaionic hkll. Arm tronK's lUuck Fleiberton, every Friday on or before the lull iuocd. .1. \Vri|il"t W. M F. H. W. HicklinB, Beiretury. CRO»GS FhlENflS-FleihertoD Conncil o( CboaeD Friendi luceta in Clayton'ebill liTot ii-id third Wcdkeadtv oIoicU moLth t y m. f»y »Me«»uient« to llio Hc<'order on orbelort- ILB «r«t day o« eacb uiontb. tbief Councillor }Makoli:v:Kecordor W H. Hunt. COURT FLRKFF.RTON, 995, I. 0. F. tte«tB in Clayt»ni Hlock the1«Bt \\ edoeedav fTeolug : ot iMli Qinntb. Vlsitlag Foretterf beartlly â-  V>e come C. H.. G. Hellaiuy ; K. 8., O, ( «irL» Kio. Bcc , \V. Huskiu. >, . , PJcatc ray dues to Fin. Sc«. before the Cret d ty ot tbt uioutb. Dentistry ! Ur EC MURRAY L. D. fi , denUHnrgoon Li.DC, Kraduate ot Toronto Luiyereity and â-  h„va: I ollege ot Dental Siirueons o! Ontario. Gai adiuiiinutered for te«tb extraction oU-ct at reaidence. Toronto Ktreet. Fletterton. Medical f P CTTEWELL aradcate of OnHrto \eUrinary Co'lag* AiJdenc. - •»cood d09t .ontb we.t.on hary itre^t. Tl* •«••» Prcttyterian Chnrcb. rdci cctb Legal , UCA8, KASEY * hESRY-BarrUttre Li liolicitora, K. 7 •JC -I. H. Lucae, K. C; W. E. W. [). Henry, H. A. Officee. Held Ovev From L-»»t Week. MisK Mae Whiteoak of Toronto, is vis- it ini; with her parents here. Mr. Fred Woldrick and d.kuxhter, Ueta, visited fiiendH in Owen .Sound the past week. Ml', liiul Mrs. Fred Sp itt'ord and Mr. Jain<j4 I'liriuf and dau^liter Kpent tlio week end with friends in Creeraore. Mis. \Vm. Hnis of Weston, visited ; with her.-istei, Mr«. T. H. Perigo, la^t : week. Mif^K KiMncos .\lexandcr is holidaying with friends iu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. liiiskin and d*ughte;', Reta, of Fleshertou, .spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander liere. Miss yueonie Kaillin^ has fjone on an extended visit with her lirother, Guy, to Calgary, .\lta. Her aister, Mits Ada, accompanied her as far as Toronto, where she will spend a couple of weeks. Mr. H. Hemphill of Fleshertou, spent a few days with his cousin, .Jas. iSjjeerf, here la^l week. Miss Ueinphill of Flesherton, is visit- ing with Miss .Speers at present. Wedding lielU Are Rin){inj,'. Mr.T W. Conron has tttkeu a position as tirst aate on one of the passenger Kacey, â-  Mr. and Mi'«. Win. Little and son, or iilGHT TELFORD & McDOSALD Brunker, altended the Brownrid^e * .ru*^cVVi!"oct. od'o'ur.-nd.'^- BtS ^^ni ^ ^letch.r wedd.nit «. Ro>. H'.y on Wed- Si"F.'rXrjT-]'n'c'^o'oal^L"-.''K*''' ' "-'^''y '"'• Business Cards i' cuLLOUGH A Yoi;sa ••â-  Kankera Markdale (ieoeral banking bu.lneea . Monej loaned at reatoBftble rate! Call on ue. DUcFHAIL. Llceniad Auetlonee • County of Grey. Terma moderate an fittii ftctioD guaranteed. for rau The arranceBQente the il Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brojrnridsje.Mr. land Mrs. Krn Uawton and Mr. Julian ! motored to Uundas and spent a couple I of days with friends there last week. I Married- On Wednesday, June 28, at i the home of the bride at Rob Roy, Mr. I Arthur Brownridte, n' Feversham, to I Miss Nellie Fletcher. A'e wish the â- anct- anddnesof sfcUtcaii'beiJiaileatTliiADVAnce , y(,u„^ c„uple a happy acd prosperous al ^raiit of S7-~>.00 was made to lie expen- ded on Valley road. ()rdei» as follows «ere issued f.>r paynioiit of accounts : Koi sheep killed liy dogs, F.Sheer Ifl'-'.DO; Jos. Sheer «10,iJil; F.Wryter 810.00; D. McDonald $tiri(W; Levi Ducket 812.1)0; U. I'lantt $114.00; For gravel accouii'; J. Heeoiofi il.'i.ll); (J. Cairns 84.00; W. Swanton S7.10;(.i. Ctirns |ti.lO; J.Car- son 8!» 50; S. Pedlar f^U.M; H. Fisher 8!).tJ0; C. W. Bellamy 85.20; F. Chard 8j.70: R. Akitt 8il ."lU; Cllmd 84.50; J. Oliver 82 20; F. T. Hill 85.20 : V^r Coiiiiiiuiulia .Statu'e liliur of lill5; R. j Arieinesia, FUsherton and Markdale MoKeiv. e $(i.OO; W. Cargo 84.00; S. | Sunday -Schoo! Convention was held in Irwin 84 51) ; Kor repairs to irrader; .1. ^ Moun' X on chuich here last Wednesday. C. W'rylet 81.25; .1. I'. Walden 81 10 : i There was a uood attendance. The pres- H. Piper, Sheep Iiispecor, §;! 00 : I). I jdent, Mr. S. Hemphill, at the afternoon McKillo|(, supplies for grader 750 : the] session. The fullowins; are the newly Assessor eiiualizing union schools to.OO. i elected otfijers : President, Rev. F. W. Tenders for steel work for the Saui{een Madden; VicePres., Mr.. I. I. Graham; low spot and fall whett is nearly all ^ood, : wi'li a ureal many niauiiiiici nt lields. I I We are fcny to report the serious I illness of Mr. Harry .\riiott. who i.s I under the doctoi'a care and unable to I Work. ., . , Mrs. W. Jamieson is tisitini/ witli friends iti Toronto. Mr. Albert Blackhuin* raiseJ the I frame of a lar(;e new liarn last Wednes- j d<y, usini; the pulleys for raising Junction and Kui!oaia briilt;es were re- ceived from the following : Bridge buil- ders A. Hill for Sarni.t Uridite Co , the Stratford Bridge Co., the Ontario Bridge Co. Cameron â€" Batchelorâ€" Tliat this council iiiemorializ'j the military author- ities to releise Pte. John Wilson jf 20!»ih Bitt , now in training at Camp Huifhes, on account of the exceptional circu-nstan- ccs under which his widowed mother is now placed on account of the death of her son Win. Wilson and the eiilistinent of the said John Wilson and his brother. Sec, H. J. (irabaiji; .Superintendents of departments, Elementary, Mrs. H. S. White; Secondary, R.Chard; Adult Bible Class, H. S. White; Teacher Training, Rev. A. McVicar; Missionary, Misa T. Buchanan; Home Department, T. R. MoKenzie; Temperance, S. Hemphill; Rep. to Provincial Convention, Mrs. Hemphill. .\t the evening session the newly elected presidei;t took the chair. Rev. Mr. Lucas spoke at both sessions and gave initructive and in<piring dis- courses. .Altogether the addresses and discussions by clerical as well as lay ,,, , .,, , , .delegates was very helpful and .aroused a Wesley « ilson, she, ow ine to these con- i i_.i r . .u • o j ,..',. ' * good deal of enthusiasm in Sunday ditions, having no he'p on the farm. ^^,^^^1 ^,^^^ Batchelorâ€" Cameron â€" That the tender of A. Hill of Mt. Forest (Saruia Bridge I he spot of much interest tons «i the present time. Camp Burden. Mr, and Mrs John Burk from near Shelburne, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs W. A Morion. Misses May and Sadie Middleton tf Toronto are visiting' with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Shier. The Rjd Cross Society held their lastj meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Badgero. It was drciried to held a garden party I'U July 28 to augraeDt the society* funds. After business was disposed of Mej^srs?. W. Sloan, Mt. Albert and E. Smith of Kugenia treated the ladies to an enjoy- able auto spin. Mrs, Gardner of Toronto was a visitor with her aunt, Mrs. J. W.Lyons. The several pitliiiiasters have had or are having their mon on ihe roadi at their ''stationary" labor. Mcunt Zion garden party, which wat postponed, will come oil' next .Mondayj at the Taylor homestead "The Maples." Flesherton and Proton ladies baselmll teams will be some of the attractions. A big time is in store for tne big crowd who are planning to ba there. Promotion Examinations On their return home al night a car C.) be accepted for steel work of l'^^^ °f '''es''e''on delegates stopped for Saugeen Junction and K.igenio bridgei {«'""-*''"* to view by moonlight the as follows ;-,-<augeen bridge 81248 and beautiful scenery around Mount Cullins. Eugenia bridge 855<J and contract be •^"â- Â«'' *"""* """^ drinking mi the balmy l.iepaied and signed by the Reeve, Clerk , nectar laden bre.'zei another nature l,>on and con tractors. -Carried. i arrived and persuaded them to postpone , their feast . *f»:e. Itni'lenccnid V.l) tcCEectiou. WM. KAITTINO. the countl icensed Auctioneer foi of lirey and Sirocoe. Faruj aail Block sales a apecialty. Terms aioderate. »«ti«factiou guarantted. Arrant.* < evlcn. Te'erbon; . , . ,-, Dec. f. 07 journey through life. ___^ 1 This Week's Iteiii^. commenced F.irmera have commenced haying around here and a bumper crop it is this mMtsToVdaleemaV beinadeat the Advance i '"^^'' "aice or Central telepboue ofl.ce Feverebaia . ReV. Tiller of Maxwell, preached a erbTaddree^inil me al Fevershaul, Ott. ... â-  i . . ""'•" * sermon here on San lay morning l.i-t to â€" ^^^- '~'~ ^^^-"=^â€" 'the Orange brethren, of LO.L. 1085. His discourse wag iuterestiog ard in- structive and a large congrega'ion gath- ered to heir him. R, J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. AKent for the Cockshatt Plow Full Line of Farm Iinplcmenta Wagons, Buggies, Cutlers, SItighi, and Gasoline Eniiinea, Velutto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Pipiog and Pipe F'lttinKS always oti hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable liHiniiH. Cockhbutt and Frost A: Wocd Rejiairs always on hand Feversham, Ontario Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull. Emperor - 8«5:i7 for service on lot 211, S. .s. R., Artemesia. Terms- tl.£0 for grades. Pure bred cows |;t.(X). Pure bred Taiinwor'h ho,i for service on the above lot. Terini - f 1 .50 f m all animals. Served â- oust be piid for. 6KepI(i - W. J. Meads For Service Fur service on I <l 12, e<in. !•, O^iirry, ; one purebred Shorthorn Bull. Terms i Miss Annie Guy of Maxwell, spent .Sunday with her friend, Mi>s Reta Os- Cos â-  ^*"'"*-' '•*"* I Mathew Wind and wife of Markdale, sp«'ikt Sunday with friends in this burg. ! Mr. Dinsiiiore and wife of Tliornbury, I spent Sunday with (J. W Julian and wife. Misj 'leti Busi<in of F'li.'sheiton, visi- I ted with hei friend, .Miss Lyii .M>>xand- I er, last week . I Miss Little of (ileii Hiirim, is vi.^itiiig i with her brother. Win Liltle,at present. Mr. Smiley and wife r.f Collingwood, !spent the week end with the lattei's par- entf, Joseph Btrber and wife, in lliis village Mrs..!. .Nelson and little daughter of Owen Sound, visited at It. J. ('olipii'lle's la^t week. Miss Maugie Speur ia visilini' with .Mrs. Will. Muliiiion Ihu 12ih lii.e. Wold was received here on Saturday last that Mr. RicliHrd Heron, an old resident of this jilace, had (lassed iwiy to the Cleat Beyond at the home of sister ill Toronto, bis Artemesia Council I'ouiiLiI ;iirt on >iatiiiil.iy, .Inly S.I'.tMl. ♦ l.W. one purebred Vorkshire j 'p|„. ,„embcr« were all pro»eiil, the Reeve Boar, Terms (1 IHI. All Hccoimts must i , , a., . , t i . I. ni, .c, . « 1,1 the chair. 1 he minulos of last meet- be paid to FRr.D TV LKK, Manager. I Sep '"i? were lenl and approved. Tamworths For Sale I have s,iiiie extra goo.) youiiii slock at present both sex. also one young sow, bred to farrcjw in .Si'pt. Write or phone Geo. W. Unis Maxwell P. O. ions Fencoviewer's award on Siiiel.'iir and Kichaidson -and pay- ! iiient of fees for balance 9,°t.,~>0 dividend to be pai'l. The Kr'eve ie|iorr of expenditure on Valley road of 81''0.!!0, coniniission ••f ?i:t 00 ordcrr<l to be iiiid. An addition- NEW SUITINGS | Now Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. Leave yttiir onltn- now fVir that iiinv .suit. Von will iicvt'r rej^'i't^t it. Satislaction guaranteed. Doiil forget that we (h) chjaning, pressing and repairing. Onr prices are right and our workmanship is tlie vf'i'y liest. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. •#•1 Portlaw 1 Mr. K. Montgomery of Toronto and . . I Mr. and Mrs, Win. Blackburne of Crops of all kinds are promising well -I Stayner were visitors at the latter's in this locality. The hay crop generally .'"'olhers, Messis. F. and J. Thompson. is heavy, spring grain has a vigorous ; M'- James Cornfield visited last week appearance, excepting on an oceisional ^'^h friends in Mulinur and aUo tool; In Report of Promotion Examination* for S. S. No. 3, Osprey. Jr. 4-Sr. 4â€" .A Winters. Jr. 3-Sr. 3- P Winters. (; Campbell. Jr. 2 -Sr. 2â€" M Campbell. Jr. 1- Jr. 2â€" J Winters, A Hayes, B Ring, K Campbell. Take notice that all persons are here- by forbidden trespassing on, or dumping Wilkinson, H BUkey, *"y ^"bbish on, or taking sand, gravel, eartl},'or other matter off Park lot known Result cf dune Promotion Kxaminatione in Portlaw Public School. Sr. ;l-Jr. 4â€" J H Udell. Sr. 2-Jr. .'{-R Lyons. Jr L Udell, I Blakoy (Rec.) Jr. 1 -Sr. 1â€" (J Lyons, M Pedla Badgero . P.imer- 1â€" M Phillips. Prirner Aâ€" G Wilkinson, K Badgero, R C'oft, L Btdgero. Primer Bâ€" K McKee, H Phillipc, L Blakey, I McMuHen. L Cr<.fr, P Met Mullen. -^ E. .A. MacKay, Teacher. S. S. No. 1:1, Eugenia, Artemesia. Honot^ra â€" (U), pass markâ€" 225. Sr. 3-Jr. 4â€" PLi»iimer3.Jt; (H), K Large 282, P McMaster 2<J5, M McKee 217 (Rec.) Sr. 2-Jr. 3 -M Fawcjtt 267,1 Haney 244, M Duckett 227. Jr. 2-Jr. 3- A Pedlar 2!)2, M Fen. wick 22fi. Sr.l-Jr.2â€" H Williams. B H*wkina. L Gordon, F Large. Class (A) Primer â€" Jr. 1 â€" C Fenwick, I McKee, M Pedlar, V Grahim, C Gra- ham (Rec), B Fawcett (Rec.) Class (B)~(A)â€" M Hoy, E Graham. Class (C)â€" (B)â€" E Gordon, H Graham, A Fawcett, R Large. (C) Classâ€" J Park, A Fawcett, E Gra- ham, J Large. â€" Elva M. Lever, Teacher. Promotions of S. S.No.U, .Artemesia. J Hyslop and N Bolaiid (H)JrOni Sr. 3 to Jr. 4. Jr. 3â€" Sr. 3â€" N Genoe.A Bowles (R.) Sr. 2â€" Jr.3-E.SeweIl(R), M Hyslop (R.) Jr. 4â€" Sr. 4â€" E Bowles. Jr. 1â€" Sr. 1 L McGee. Primer â€"Jr. 1 .A Bowles. â€"Maud Plewes, Teacher. Public Notice as th* Flesher sand pit, iu Flesherton, coDtainiug about two ae rg^<a t^ persons . I trespassing or committing an/Tl^te or 2-Sr. 2-^ Taylor. «) Wilkmson,, ^,n„^.ioy j„ythi„g therefrom, ou any part of the Flesher estate in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted according to law. DR. T. S. â- sPROlLE, July*; Executor for ihe Estate TURNING DESERTSi''°GARDENS (1) Cird'a Eye View of the Baasano Dam. (2) The Dam Under Construction. (3) The Sluice Gates Open. (4) Distributing the Water. Ot'T on the prairies of Western ("unada anil unioiiK the iiiouii- tain valleys ot llrlllsh foliuii- tila, deserts aro being lunieil into fiuidens by llio iippUcatlon ot lifo gIviiiK waters. Kvory desert Is a potential eardon If lliis ono ehiet tuMisslty Is met, tliouRli it Is not fair to us,^ tlio vvoril desert or even un arid re.nion, for Al- liertii Is iicllhrr arid or (li:;crt. Hut imlnro may often bo nfslsled In her groat tiislt nt production, !i"d llibi la what llio iirl,!;atlon s.vslenia ot tlu Canndlnn West are doiiiR. In Alberta the fanullan Pnnhio Hallway Is devoluiiinK Iho birgost In- dividual III ip::itioii project on tli;i Am- (^rlcaii coiillueiil. Willi ;\n aie.i bUKiT than tilt) total Irrigated ;,rc;i tu oitlier (dlorndd or ('HlltDrnl.i. Portions ot a tract oi tlueo million acroj v.ill lin Included In tills prosporniis nnd fertile socnilcd "dry belt" region. 'I'lie wostcrn section la nlra:idy com- Iilf'Ind, Inchiiliiis sixteen luintlrol nillo.i ot canals nnd ditches. 'I'ho onstorn section bi In proteas ot di^- velopnient wlieio twcnty-flvo hundred iiiilos of canals and ditches will be ro'iulrod for tho service. (In April ;;.'-i, 1!IH, tho gront Irrlga- ficin dam at llassano, Alberta, was opened. Unlit across tho Bow lllvor, eighty miles east of Calvary, tho Inigo Btincture, 7,000 foot lonR, will con sorvo tUo water ol tho Itow for Iho •astern coctlon. Auothcr great engln- oerlng woili, which will ficrve tnc same tract, la a fiin.nt ncinoduct p.l l!roo!<;i, tliiit.v tiiilos east, two iii!!;i.< In length, wiiicli carrlei tho watcra of a branch cimnl over a wide valley. Ono ban only to visit tlil.s grc t undertaklns of the Canadian Pacific; Hallway to re.ilizo nol only Its mai;- nitudu but the results it will, indec;! Is, producing. Hero is one of tho smallor radiating rtltcho.q, flllod with rliipllng w.itor. On oitlior bank n;i- luro has responded with a luxuriant growth, and a garden of produ'ctlvit.. is the result. The wheat fields cx- tond In another direction, showing a fino bend of grain after Imbibing tho (iuenchiri;; waters, for nature thirsts as do liumHna. All kinds ofl growths prosper - fruifa, coroals and garden truck, wUllo dalryliiR and llvo' stoi^k growing flourish wherovcr thoro! la an irrigation caual. Tho country \a [iUing ui) with what aro called dry, farmers for tho waters cnBuro a i)r,Hc- tlcal certainty of crop. A six-year yield of Martinis whoat on irrigated land ran forty-four Inishela to tho arre. compared with only 29 on nonlirlga- blo lauds. Here tho C.P.R. provide their Rendy-Made Homes, where llio settler is assisted generously in es- tablishing a foothold. Through southern British ('olum- bla tho effect of Irrigation systems la sliowH In the flourishing orchards ot the Okanagaii, Arrow and Kootena* Lakes country, alon.i: the Cariboo roatt mid In many another section. 'Phus tills most ancient of natural aids as. it is the most modern. d;.tlng from tht^ Oarden of Eden and con inuing to tho Alberta Irrigation pysteui is ono that has contributed to tho world's produc- tivity and to CunadiVs wenltU,

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