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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1916, p. 4

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XH I ! olicrton -IJJmincc Tributes to a Soldier rh«r»d»y M th' ortic*. Collmgwood Street. when jwidinwJvMic* :»1 .V> whrnmit «.> i«i.i Thui-si.iii Ad«rWi«r.t**on.M.i.lic*Uon. CircuUvion ^ ^__^^ ^^ „.|.ich w.- will p.ovo an ' 'her touiiii ciien aiid<tl Among thu uuriy beauliful tribute* I roceivet" diirinij the |.ii»t week by the . the late Ueut. A. M. I hnve decided tu |>rtut a t â- tt H 1,100 wfokly. ThurBtoii- jouiiy U. H. C«m|>bell, Dirojtir of the Forestry liiamh, Uep'. of Ii,t<3ri>.'r, Kives the the fuliuwiux tribute : I am very torry indeed to aee the uens in the pipers that your rou, Lieut. A. M. Thurston, ha.s fnileii Ht the front an i wish co ex|ireh9 my deep synipalhy with you in your l".ss. Vour son w»s ELECTRICITY FOR THE FARMS OF ARTEMESIA iiurniniS p-krenls, as they dear out on forest euivey work for this bianch Bdttoi I ini<[iii>«tioii to _^^__, soUce to otlie have been t<« u.-i. We have been I whelmed with gratitude to the ^-.. , _^^^j ^^ ,^^j the hi^he.t esteem of eveiy friends of our boy who h-is passed, for , ^^_^ ^^..^,^ ^.,^^_^^ ^^ ^.^^^^^ .^^.^ ^,^^„,^j eipresied ! UuriiiK several seasons and his woik wus ' always of wood quality and well dune their sentiments of soriO Iliut ills a jjiesler source of gratitude For several week.'* we have been .and thaukiuliiess that one and all can printing a series of letters on Hydro- j testify to his worthiness and bravery. Electricity from The Weokly Sun,; He died as a s^^ldier and a christian, telling how farmers can have electric 1 Ui . Falconer, J'resicieui lights and power on their own iainis. j Iniversiiy, wriies is follows President's otti.-e. I'nivrtrsity of i world. ,luly 5, mii) I ! one with whuin he worked. , him as one of the most promising of ihe ,youn){ foresters who were coming I thruuxh the Forest School. But his I work is done eaily and I am sure bravely j and it is to be hoped that the layini.' f Toronto j jjj,„.„ j,f ^(j iiuiiy youni} live) will have ! fruit in a nobler life for Canada and tlie It was with deep regret that I ed yesterday of the iireat bereavem I that has befallen you in the death of Thurston. It is not known that the series were written after a Sun writer had | '^''"""'• visited the power plant at Etlgei.ia I Dear Mr. Thurston, and had seen the transmission lines running out froiu Flesherton in all directions. He thought it a shame ^.^^^ ^^,,_ jj^^^, ^^ jj that these hues should i;ass farmer's ^^ ^^j ^y^^ ^ great loss that one doo'S and yet they could not be given was giving such excellent promise as a ^„|,( student and who showed such a Hne ' spirit of heroism should have Iwen cilled known Be went back to Toronto and ^^.^^, ^^^^^ ,^.^ ^.^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^.-^^ . ,,;, found that farmeis m other parts are |.j^ ^^^ ^.^^^ ,^,^^^^ . ^ud the yjung learn 1^ Odds afld Eflds ^ ement ^^ ^ It is â-  who ' FARMS FOR SALE ''"""lotttccr has been proniottd for higher There duty. I believe that none of these Kood this 'lives are lost and that they are just For sale or rent for grazing, lot 35. con. 1 :>, and part of lots 34 and '.io, con. 14, Aite.uiesia, 181 acres more or less _s the Cooper farm. W dl rent for i pasture this seasoR, ur take stock iu by the mon th. This is a splendid grain and ' grazing farm, well watered and teiiced, a i lot of valuable timber and cedar and about â-  !XJ acres tit fur cul tivatiiin. It is well ; worth the attention of stock men. Will uain^ electric current, and that dreds more are putting it iu eeems to be a great future in line. Is there anything in it for Arleme '°"'' sia farmers-.' It so we wotild like toi^^lJ^^^I^ j^^^ g^^^. deep sympathy see the scheme put into operation hyi ^^^^^^ congratulations for such a ..oble '^^^'^'^^^^^^^ ^" some enterprising company of farm-| ife a.s your son !ind. I bin jours , . . , , sell for reasonable cash payment, balance being kept for us who remain to complete , ^^^^ ^^^ ^^.^ _^^^^|y ,^ jj j ^^^^,^^^ life's mission on earth, though for ,luly6if Flesherton, I'lt. be lonelier bectuse ~ R R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Millinery Reductions this week For tlif.' reniaimler ot the niontli we are offering the balance of our Trimmed Hat.s at reduced prices, and have di\ifled tliem into two lots. They are all this season's goods and are trimmed in our usual correct style TABLE NO. 1 Hats ranging in prices from $2.50 to $3:50 for $2.1{>. TABLE NO. 2 Hals ranging in price frcm $:5.50 to $5.00 for $2.98. Untrimmed shapes ami Howers at half price. Specialties in Summer Foot Wear White outing shoes White outing pumps White canvas shoes Tan o.vfords Patent leather pumps. diidment of Fancy China just received, just the thing for souvenirs A big s life must Good o<t acre farm for sale ers. cerely \Vc would suggest that it be brought up at the next township council meeting: that the township council get in touch with Mr.l'urcell, Hydro Kleclric Commission, liiiver- sity Avenue, Toronto, and tiud out what can be done. .Mr. Purcell has been over the R A. Fa!c>nBr , about thre fence i atid eaf^y terms for quick sale. For *''•'•â-  , further particu.arj apply at this otfica. I F, H. W. HICKLING ground in Artemesia, he knows what Saturday. W. can be done, and he will be glad to personal loss. Bee the use of current generally adop- tel over Ontario. He liTes, eats, sleeps, and breathes for this alone! The f.dlowin:: letter was received from his ten-her ..flK'riiun in the For.->try claca ; Waterpor;, N. Y., July '{. llil<> Mr. Thurston, , Dear Sir : The news of the death of your glorious boy inly reached us on feel it is &» a heavy He wa.s generally ack- Durham We said last week thit Mr. \Vm. .Jones «)f Chcali-y had •â- pened up the Middaugh House for buiinem. So he did, but a liitch occurred and he left bef. re he had thin||8 goini{. uo«led(>e<l to Iiave the hnest intellect iu the forestry collesje b;:t I will leave it to j the rest to speak of that. 1 loved him and it is the love I bore him which ,mpeN nie to write to you. I'erhapj he ] w)uM like me to. and the possibility of doing anythinji he would like is just a little bit of comfort. 1 had the plea.surd of teaching him German. Whenever he was in the class, ihe »oik hceimd more dehnlilful and, if he were absent, thiiiu* seemed tame and uninterestini{. I can see his bri'.5ht _ ARTICLES FOR SALE For Site â€" 1 heavy 4-ye:ir-)ld horse; 1 lie*vy 4 year-old mare; I p ny lo year old and haiiies.s. Will lie iold cheap. I have no use for him. Not afraid of autos. â€" W. A. Arinstronii. A lar^u ijuantity of israin for site, at Boyd's elevator, Ceylon. Sjlisf-iclion kSuarHiittud or money refunded. Phone '5:iin, Aichie Stewirt. The lacest grafonola records for sale. [ Keedle.-i 25c per 3<)U. The Advance. (iraham Hros., hlui;eiiia. for Sour and feed. Markdale and Meaford Hour a'.- I ways on hand. Property For Sale A- S. K I iS ile from ' wl SUUIJUE Khode Inland e^^gs for hatehini^.either Comb. $1.50 per setting â€" W. H. Thurs- ton, Flesherton. Part lot 151, con 2, N.K. T tontainina 28i acres, about 1 m Flesherton. i'here is a i,'ood frame house and stable and the property is well fenced and watered. -^pp'y to .Joseph .\. Le<Jard, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- The Old Adage Holstein Bull For Service A th.ipiuifhbred Uilsteiii bull for senile on loin 1H31SJ S.W. r. * S.K.. Artemesia; clos- ely reUt«d t ) the world's champion 44 iM>und cow. Terms: «1 .VI for Krail»«. $'>.<XI for |>ure bred«. 1. 1 Illy i; â€" i;KO. MOORKASm. For Hale cheap and on easy tt'rmf. Lot 13, ci'ii. 11. Osprey, lit' seres. This is a hrsi class farm and in a L;o<.d sl.ite of cultivation. Uood bank barn i>nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. 4>pr.>ule The Boy Scouts are raking 'be stoned ^^j mtellinent face as it looked dui inn ] Flesherton iitTthe street, and givinij the place an I'l^me, to me mo.t enjoyable h^ssons. , " ^^^^'^^ "^1^^"^'^-^-^^â€"^^' ^-^^^^^ 7_ iinpr-.ved sppesiance. They got after Um i |ike best lo renieiiiber him as I , ij^^p^ 5.„„„,„^|y „„ j,^pj ,j,„j f^, ,„|g the automobile owners (o make "onlri- l«Bt saw him when we visited h in in cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mnrt<;a::es, liBtions, and we learn this nMrnini- ihat caoip lind he took our little granddaugh. Wills and all other legal blanks. Any «ll except one have responded. It's a ^gf in his arms and carried her to see matter of .50 centM from each aut > owner, everything. While sawing a Urge elm log at the Kver aince he left us, his picture, the the furniture company's mill » few days „n|y J hive, cut from the "Toronto ago, Mr. Win. Lake noticed a peculiar .Sun" has lain o y t'e«k, 1 was going sound and proceeded to investigate. On! iq ask for a better one as soon as be «\sininatio'i he d i s c o v c r e d ' came home. If you have one that you he had been cutiinn thr-iuyh a m.iss of. can hpare,it would be very welcome to us, lead far from the surface. Kvidentlyl ^ ;, ugelets forme to express thf years and years sgo the tree in -luestioni ,^„,,„thy I feel, but I am sure I realize had lieen used as a target for some of the, ^,,,^, ,,,^ ,,„^ „f ^^^^ a son must mean then local marksmen, and a mass of over re(|uiring such wdl tind it to their est tu give him a call. Good fisiiie house and lot fur a tie in Flesherton. Liri^e .st.ible. Apply to Wni. HIUSETT, Flesherton. ' LOST and FOUND Loalâ€" a shiep, with tar on herf«ee, wool on, two lambs with L on one s de, about 1st of June.â€" Lev: Duckett. tive pounds of bullets were extracted ss the rosult of the rind. There waa no| surface indi';ation of rhe tree being ever used as a t4rKet. and when Ihe bullets X'lt there, and by whom discharged, will likely remain a mystery. Chronicle. to you. \'ery sincerely youry, Olivia K. Fernow. Lost â€" on July 1st, small black [urae (onlaininit i $1 bill and sonot fiuall chanse. Finder pleses leave at the .\dvai CO otfice. Ur. Fernow, iJean i f Forestry, says I MISCELLANEOUS l*aintin;i and p.iper-hangiiiu Agent for Knipire wa'l papers. - •We shall cherish his iii?mory ss that of I c»fpi„gton. Flesherton. one of our own sons" i â€" i_^___^.^_.^..___^___^__ I Private funds In loan on real I security at reasonable H'icry I .May -^^^ -*V*» I Apply lo K. J. [<' ^0f?m^:^i^ r^ •V /^' eat tto r.ite of in'erest. Sproule. Flesherton. sapt I'A Columbia Urafonolss at 915, 920, and 945 in stock. Call in and see them.â€" THE ADVANC^: Office. >iil^5S?Si^ Uitfhest price for butter and et'gi 'it I OrHhani Itros. Kugenia. June 2(1 m.< ,/ ^\? W8, \m. A BRACING VACATBON on the GREAT LAKES V Pive days of rest amid the islands of Georgian Bay, the green banks of the St. Mary's River and the expanse of Old Superior. Breeze* to brace you up and the perfect appointments and cuisine of the Clyde-built CANADIAN PACIFIC Greyhounds. Elxpress Steamers "Keewatin" and "Asainiboia" leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ^ for Fort William and Port Arthur. Round trip Tickets, informatkm snd reservations from Local Agent, or W. B. Howard, Oiitrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. Ont. Noticeâ€" Ueriy pickers and other ties- I passers on lot 24, con. 10, Artemeai^i, j wilt be prosecuted. â€" Fred Jamieson. New Furniture JUST PLACED IN STOCK I Latest and Most Up-to-date ' Beds, lattresses, Spriegs, [hairs, AND OTHER NECESSITIES for Houseturnishings IW. H. BUNT Undertaker AND Embalmer Picture Framing and Upholsteriag \ Office and Showroom : Richardson's Block j (Over the PostDtfici) FLESHERTON A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED Iu every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for the right man. Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising matter. Splendid List of New Specialities For Season, I91(>-I9I7 everbearing REGIS. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is etjuall^ true of the 15»0b (iravity Washer. Try i)iie ami be convinced that there is none better. Including the new UASPBERRY, 5t S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Kiill lineot McC^onnick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loac'ers, Drills, Cultivatois, Plows, Riding and Walkin*,' Haiiows Biantfcrd Wind Mills,, Pipings and Fittings &f all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay forks, Slings, Filter C:arriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Wire and Fence. Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. ^K^itabliahed 1H:<7 . ) ir TORONTO Peering Implemenls |||j AND B Gasoline Engines Allkind.H of I>eei'iii)( Iiiipleiiionla. Parts always on hand, Aijent for Harrie Cutters. Barber Rugjjiea, Louden Litter CarrieiH, Hay Tracks, Pedlar >liiii){luH and aidiiif;. Ttieae Implementa i'D<|uiru no lecomiiiendatioii aa they aie standard ponds and recoi^nized aa the beat on the market. FUllT TUKES-l represent theSton it WellinRtoii nursery, and will bo pleaaed III call if you !<end ino a card. ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station ^l Flesherton Tin Shop ONTARIO IJil 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces instulletl. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHR?STOE BLOCK FLESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. m illRK [IS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat <M lo 1 00 t>»fs ... 40 to 40 Poaa 1 25 to 1 »H» Barley 50to M Buckwheat (>6 to 70 Flour fS 25 to l;! 60 Hay flO 00 to 12 00 ButlM 24 to 24 Enj^a, fresh 25 to 25 Potatoes per bag 1 50 to 1 60 0*680 1:Mp l.'j I>uck8 14 to 14 Knul 11 to 11 Chickena i;{to I'A TutKeya 20to 28 Wool .1;! to 40 Fleslierton ^^ Tonsorial *^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Sat i,sf action LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening CLKANING and DYEING- We ar agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothos cleaned and dyod, feathers rejuvenat d T FISHER •PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiins! up atonce, a blacksiidth- insj and woodworkinjj bu.suiea.s in Max- well, and am 'n»i»llin!{ up-to-date wood- workins nmchineiy. It will be my en- deavor t.) serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- «se. I wint yourwoik and will fo it "•iK^t. 7Apiill7 CHESTER LONG â- '^. 1' 4-;

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