LU BY S HAIR RESTORER J& stores GRA Y Haif to its NATURAL Color, makes It grow, and cures Dandruff. AT ALL ORUOOISTS SO CENTS A BOTTLE Ictisfaction it to rfa hand irability Is assured by parchaaing , , "PERRIN" GLOVES At lemling dealers, evwrjrwbef*. NATIONAL LIVE STOCK SHOW High Tribute Paid to Canadian Horses Illinois Ex- Praises Live Stock Exhibition pert A despatch from Toronto nay*! The In- .<-: tn the National Lire Btook Show at Exhibition Park WM very great, judg- ing from the large number of people who rlsited the Kihibitlon. The splendid qual- ity of the horse* and cattle that were hown attracted wuoh attention, and nuo'il favorable oommeDt. Mr. Hobert Burgees, of Wenona, 111., who was out of the judge* of horsea, and who :ii> year ha* stventy head of Pervheron* entered in the International Bhow at Chicago, aaid: "1 had no idea that you hud uii Institution such a* this In Canada. You have some of ihe fineot horw* 1 have si-en anywhere." In the cattle ring the competitions In the Shorthorn class were very keen. Two of the llnost lots that were shown came from the United States. One particularly carload was exhibited by w. F. Hard- ing of Wisconsin, President of the Ameri- can Shorthorn Breeders' Association. An- other carload of splendid animate came trom Ohio. Prliei for Horses. riydesdtile stallions foaled In 1910-1. Graham tirott., C'laremount, Lord Ullin 16.191); 2. J. M. Oardhouee. Weeton. Hey- roft Model (12,379); J, Graham Bros. Jlaretuont, Uo'.d Nugget (13.841); 4. T. D. Elliott, Bolton, Klrkland (13,913); 5, Dr. A.I. mi Watson. Cobourg, Dunuro Captain U4.126J. Hacklier etall'one. fouled previous to January 1, 19111, Crowe and Murray, To- In Cheater White*, the championship for best boar went to W. K. Wright and Hon. Olanworth. and for beit e<-\v, to D. Da Courcy, Bornholm. Holittlnt Win In Dairy Tost. In the milking test at thto how the eo-w that ncored the hlghMt number of point* over all breed* wac a pure-bred Ho'steln, Madam B. 3rd. Alma Zed, exhibited by W. F. Wa-lker, Mancheater. Thin cow gave In the three days 213.3 Ibs. of milk, testing 3.5 per cunt., making a total of 243.34 points. The five highest oowi In the ttft, were all Holetelns, and the elith a Hoi- stein grade. Seventh and eighth place* were taken by Ayrshire*, and ninth an/1 tenth again by Holotein*. Among the Hoi-" etelns of the s.iwe age ai th winner, th pooreet one gave 219 Ihs. of milk, testlnj only 3.0, making 220.25 points. "LESS TO BE DONE." The G.T.R. at Point St. Charles Has Reduced the Hours. A despatch from Montreal says Nineteen hundred men employed in the Grand Trunk ehops at Point St. Charles are affected by an or- der issued by the company that un- v un i4cuj / *. Lri. i, ' i -i it mi .11 i j i i .1 v , i ' > i 1_ * Xl_ 1 1_ ronto. Lord Hermoine f617); 2. Bennett til further notice the working hoUPS Bros., Carlisle AdamsUm Nugget (9.531); J. ' each day will be from 7.30 a.m. un- W a I .. i n 11 . I -J. . .' fit ' I V , , f i i ^ U, Annna PACKAGES .Hl'STBE STRONG. Most M> ' i i(c-i|nii-i iii.-iiii of Cana- | ' dian I rri-ln ( The Canadian Lines notified their 1 'Agents at various points to refuse all freight in ubreboard, pulp- board, or doublo faced corrugated fetruv. board packages, unless the tvi k.ij.'( > are fully strong enougl to curry tho contents. Complaints tiavc been received from thno to indicating that these pack- WatBon and oou, m. xiiouiue, n UUOIIM . . ,,., . * Jubilee (662). | til 4.30 p.m. This means a loss to Canadian-bred Clydesdale mare, foaled each man of five hours per week. Uur 1 rar, 1 24.604l; J 's,'jam i el; Leo'nard.' Bhom* i The men <* not work on Saturday erg. Bor<- 1 nnd Queen (24.529); 3, A. Waton afternoon. The order haa already k 8on, St. Thomaa, Beile of Argyle (U,- ! ffnn . :..* f nrCK T n ,. vn'mmt of 830); 4, A. Wataon A Son. St. Thomas, ! 8 one mto torce. In expianaUOH OI Trim of Oro (21,829); s, city Dairy Farm, i the curtailment, the company says Lowell. Darling Be*. (23.656). | triftt . the 8ummer turn-out from the a satisfactory equipment H thoroughly up to date and there is less to be done. There was a sug- gestion that somo of the men should be laid off for a time, but it was Standard-bred utallionti, foaled tn 1. Aehley Htook Farm. Foiboro', Noble shops was of such Peter i!82); 2. William Uammall, Toronto ] character that the 55,773). Canadian-bred Clydesdale stallion, foal- ed prerioua to Jan. 1, 19111, J. F. Staples A Sou, Ida, Out., Baron ator (8,062); 2, B. C. Rogerson. Fergus, Dandy Pr'nce (9.533); 3. Thou. McMlchael & Hon, Sea ages are reaching destination in a damaged condition, evidence that hipmcrits are being Bent to (ho railways in packages that are not of sufficient strength to safely transport their contents. Agents ha\e, thereforo, been notified that n^noefc.rward they must positively ref uf* to arcept shipment of any "nature, in filireboard, pul.pboard or ilouble-facod corrugated straw- board packages that do not comply fully wit'i tli< requirements and pe/ in<vati<iii.- provided in the Can- adian Freight ( 'lasftifieation. In Uw fwirt ajronts have had the right to accept Mich packages at an in- on>;i.vd freight rate of 20%. From bow tn apentR havo no option in the matter, and must refuse such pa<-kag<"s. SKVEN FORKK.N WAR VESSELS Anil I mi.., I States Ship* Mexican Const. Fifteen On (he A dpatofa from Washington ptaye : When the Hritish and Japan e cruisers now on their way reach Mexi<n waterw (lie foreign powers will If r<-p resented there by seven *rar m-M-ls, while the Tnited already hai fifteen s,hips of Taii< .us t<>nnageft off the two coasts. Tlire are two Ormnn cruitiers the Hortha and the T5remen--at Vern (Jruz. and one small vessel, the Nuernberg, is on the Pacific coast. Tlir British will have two criiii-T!t, the Berwick and the forth. Lord Ronald (11,414); 4, Wm. Elliott, fU,.,,..!,*. L,.,i,.r t.r> skm-ten +li Gait. Day Dream (12,801); 5, Hiram Dy ; tnou K llt better to shorten tile ment, Dundaa. Royal Prince (13,262). and keep all hands Jit work. Thoroughbred stallion, foaled previous to Jan. 1, 19111. Dale & Diiliiol. Willow- dale, Kelton (470); 2, James Bovuird, Brampton, rtelwik (436); 3. Roland Thayer, AyhniT. Naobadcn 'tt.ii: 4, U. Kdiv. Boul- ter, Picton. War Whonp (413); 4, James Bovalrd, Brampton. Prince Holenlohe (127). Thoroughbred stallion, foaled on or after Jan. 1, 1911 1, J. W. Arthurs, Brampton, Dodie S. ; 2, J. Coventry, Woodstock, Her- mit Coventry (72,266); 3. J. W. Arthur*. Brampton, La Honda; 4. D. McC'rae, Giiflph. Percy (602). Pony niaro. any other pure-bred, any age- 1, R. ChriftopherBon, No. 9 Golden avenue, Vera ; 2, James Wilkin, Balsam. Greenbrae, Ruby; 3, E. B. Clancy. Guolph, Falrview Fairy Queen (877). Clydesdale mare, foaled previous to Jan- uary 1, 1910 1, Gruham Bros. Claremont. Castle Belle; 2. Robert Beith. Bowmanville. BeJle of Ulackhlll; 3, Isaac Williamson. Toronto Jcwsle; 4. Fred. G. Wilson, River- bank, Fanny Clark; 5, L. 0. C. Bull. Brnmpton, Lady Peggy. Canadian-bred Clydesdale mare--l. W. F. Barry, Brooklln, Maple Avenue Belle; 2, A. JHII. <.! Htreetsvi'le, Hies Rhonn; 3, Thomas McMillan, Seafonh, Maggie Hill; 4, J. F. Staple* A Ron, Ida. flolden Ruby; 5. T. I. Barnhurdt, Oro Station, Uilleide Beauty. Canadian-bred Clydesdale stallion- 1, Ornliam Bros.. Claremont. Mnconbie; 2. R E. Plnkorton, F<Bex. Kierr Jlmmie; J, Wm. Klllott, Call. Guinea Gold: 4, Hugh M Dougall. T'verton, King Darrel; 5, II. Hllngcrland. Nia.gara-on-Lhe-l.ake. Blakun of Ip to Time. Pony >;.i,' "n. any other pure-bred, any age 1. John Llnyil Jonea, Burford. Dny light; 2. Mr. W. B. Hunter A Son, The \i.iiiUn. Out.. Klectrlclty. Shirn stallion, foaled previous to Janu- ary, 1, 1911 1, John Gardhonce A Sons, Illghneld. Tuttlebrook Kvqiiire: 2. Arans Agar, Naehville, Oune Bridge Champion; 3. (leo. Allen, Burford, Norwell Chieftain; 4, Jnmen Bovuird, Brampton, Roxwoll Sal- on Harold. pony stallion, any age 1, Mrs. W. J. Htlnsnn. High Park Pavilion. Preec*. Hhetland pony mare, any ago-1, T. A. l'i..,., . Toronto, Daisy. Fat Cattl*. Shorthorns Whorthorn utecr. two years nd under three 1, John Brown i. Sous, Gall, Out., Archer. Shorthorn stwr, one yonr and under two 1, John Brown A Kone, Quit. Out.., Mike; . 2. Jos. Htone. Saintfleld. Mike; 3. Tho6. IndllRtry Is supplying RiiMell. Downsvlew. Out., Roan Duke; 4. ' ' on the Atlantic! side, whi.lo ihe whole West Indian stretch is in easy call. 1'ranoo hns sent haUWhip (.Vnulo to Vera Cruz, the JnpBTionfl cruiser Id/umo s tailed for Ma/at !;ui. ^_ if, A. WARM WINTER COMING. June weathnr will prevail in California. land of ,.ii,.,, flower*, the ideal Win- ring i. k'. riM.'lu.i coiufortahly and 'MI. iJi II'M by the Chiciigo Union Pacific North We*trn Kine, via the fastest and t direct routes, am-id- the Iniurlont nundlng* of the comp.'irtment, club i > olisertatlon parlor, or the, more mo- |rt4- prl/Mvl and homelike Toitrlut car. FhrM- *plonttd train* dally The Over ml Ltmtlod, fact<vt train to flan Fran- The Lo* Anjn-liw Limited, thne Wm. Marqul A Son. Uibridge, Ont., Gal- Hi a. Hhorthorn *toer. nnder one year 1, Teorge Fergunon. Ha'em. Futteret; 2, Jo*. --"I,,-, s.'iliuti.-l.l. Ike; I. Franc's W. Oko, Lamhton. Dainty; 4, John Brown A Bone, Gait, Ont. Hereford Hereford etecr. under ono ycnr Professor Adam Shortt. One of Canada's foremost econo- mists and historians. A NEW IXIU'STRY. Engleliart Repeivrs a Rig Order for ChrisliiiiiN TITCK. A despatch from New I.tskeard snys; A new source of revenue has opened out to the farmers of Timis- kaming, and a very profitable one at that, according to a report which u_ q oorn p t r(m . t>. A nf . r th TViiu na ' le ' r O tJie noitll. IniS new the larger o jfj ps w jf,h i'lirintmiia troj>i M r V u ^JirisUnas trees. Mr. John Memmell of I'.nglehart recent- ly received an order from a finm in XT , f . ., . .. l^r* City for twenty-fivo car- loads of trees euitahle for Christ- mas dfOfrations. As it takes about PRICES Of '.ARM PRDOUCJS !POR1B FROM THI LEAOINO TBADI CENTRES OF AMERICA. 'now of coitii, Grain, ChMtt >n OtAi* frt due* <i Horn* nd Abroad. readttuffi. Toronto, NOT. 25,-Flour-Ontario -wheat floura, 90 per cent., $3.45, seaboard, and at $3.40 at local point*. Ontario. Manitobag --First patents, In jute bags. $5.30; do., seronda, $4.80; strong bakers', iu jute bags. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern, 91o. on track. Bay ports, and No. 2 at 89 1-Zc. Ontario wheat-No. 2 wheat, 83 to 84o, outfllde. Oats No. 2 Ontario oat, U to 34c. ouV iide, and at, 36 to 37o, on track. Toronto. Western Canada old oatn. 39o for No. 2, and at 37 3-4o for No. 3. Bay porta. Peas 95o. outside. Barley Good malting barley, 58 to Me, outside. Corn No. 2 American corn, 78c, c.l.f., Midland. Eye No. 2 at 68 to 70o, outside. Buckwheat 70c, outside, with none of- fering. Bran-Manitoba bran, $21 to $21.50 a ton. In bags, Toronto freight. BhorU, $22 to $22.50. Toronto. PRESENT FRIEND ROYAL YEAST CAKES , IN BUYING YEAST CAKES BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY ROYAL SKST DECLINE SUBSTITUTES. E.W.GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. WINNIPEG. MONTREAL. Country Product. Butter Choice dairy. 22 to 24o; Inferior, 20 to 21o. Creamery product*. 29 to 30oi do., solids, 27 to 28c; storage, printa, 27 to 28c; do., solid*. 26 to 16 l-2o. Eggn Caee lota of new-laid, 39 to 40o per OOMBl fresh, 32 to 34c, and storage, 29 to 31o per doien. Cheese 14 l-2o for large, and 14 3-4 to 15o for twini. Beans Hand-picked, $2.!0 to $2.20 per buxhel; primes. $1.75 to $2. Hony- Extracted, In tin*. 11 to 12c per Ib. for No. 1; oomb*. t3 to $3.2S per d ten for No. 1. and $3.50 for No. 2. Poultry -Fowl, 12 to 14o per Ib.: chick- en*. 17 to 19o; dnck*. 13 to 15e: ceeee, 13 to 15c; turky, fresh. No. 1. 81 to 22o. Potatoes Ontarlos, track. 90o per bag. on Provisions. Bacon Long clear, 16o pr Ib., In case lots. Pork Short cut. 2a.SO; do., me*j. $24.50. Hams-Medium to light, 19 1-2 to 20c; heavy, 19c; roU, 15 1-2 to 16o; break- fast bacon. 19 to 20o; back. 22 to 24o Lard Tierce*, 13 3-4o; tubs, 14o; paik, 14 l-4c. B vied Hay and Straw. Baled hay No. 1 at 114 50 to 115.50 a ton, on track, here; No. 2 quoted at $13 $1350. and miie4 at $12 to $12.50. Baled strawCar lota, M, on traok. To- ronto. Wlnntpec Grain. Winnipeg. Nov. 25. Ch: Wheats-No. 1 Northern. 85 l-4c; No. 2 Northern. 83 l-2c; No. 3 Northern. 82o; No. 4, 77 l-2c; No. 1 rejected needs. 81 l-4o: No. 2 do , T9 l-4o; No. 2 rM Winter, 84 3-4c: No. 3 red Win- ter, 82 l-4o. Oats -No. 2 C.W., 34 l-2c; No. 3 C.W.. 32 3-4c; extra No. 1 feed, 33 l-2o; No. 2 feed, 30 3 4c. Barley No. 3. 42c : No. 4 40 1-ao; rejected. 39 1-Zc; feed. 38c; No. 1 N.-W.C. Bax. 1.l37-8; No. E C.W.. $1.11 7-8; No. 3 C.W.. $1.01 7-8. Montreal Market*. Montreal. Nov. 25. Corn American No. yellow. 83 to 84o. Oat Canadian Weit- rn. No. 2. 40 l-2c; do.. No. 3. 39 to 39 l-2fl. Barley Manitoba feed. 48o; do., malting, >8 to 72c. Buck-wheat No. 2, it to 57c. Flour Manitoba Spring wheat patents, flrsW, 15.40; do., second*. $4.90: etrong baJters', M.70: Winter patents, choice, $4.75 to $5; straight rollers. $4.50 to $4.60: do.. In bag, 12 to $2.10. Rolled oats -Barrels, $4.40 to $4.50; bag of W Ibfl.. $2.10 to $2.12 1-2. Mill- foodBran, $21: short*. $23; middlings. $2; moulllie. $27 to $30. Hay-No. 2. per :on. car lots. $14 to 15. Cheese Finest westerns. 13 1-2 to 13 7-8c; do., eastern*. 3 to 13 l-4c. Butter Choicest creamery. 28 to 28 l-2c; seconds. 27 1-2 to 27 3-4c. Egw Frwh, 48 to 50c; selected. 35 to 36c; No. stock. 31 to 32c; No. 2. do.. 25 to 26o. Po- atovs-Per bag. car lot*, 75 to 90u. UntUd siutfl* Markt*. Mlnneupoll*. Nov. 25. Wheat December. 82 l-2o; May. 875-8c: No. 1 hard. 660; No. Northern. 841-4 to 85 l-2c; No. 2. do.. 1 NEWS INJ PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World In General Before Tour Eyes. Canada. Montreal controllers re working on the apportionment of an eleven- million-dollar budget. Quelph Street Railway, a civic enterprise, aho-wa a net profit of $8,391.57 for a year's operations. The sea fish caught by Canadian fishermen this year exceed in value the catch of last year by 30 per cent. About five hundred youths and boys attended the Boys' Conference in Brockville for eastern Ontario and Quebec. Emerson Darragh was acquitted at Owen Sound of the charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of Charles Jones on Octo- ber 7. James Saunders was found guilty at Winnipeg of the murder of Grace Saunders, his sister-in-law, at Lockport, Man., on October 8. There will be 52 local option con- tests in Ontario in January, in- cluding one in the city of Sault Ste. Marie. Twelve are repeal contests. Twelve hundred college men and women attended the banquet fol- lowing the inauguration of Dr.. J. A. MacLean, first President of the University of Manitoba. In the Quebec legislature Pro- vincial Secretary Uecario told God- froy Langlois, tftie educational re- The American Federation of La- bor, at Seattle, dt-cided that Ihe time waa not opportune for a labor political party. Governor Pothier, of Rhode ' Is- land, who I'M a Canadian, is ill, and it is said he had been exposed., to danger of infection from gmallpex. Mrs. Clarissa A. Bailey, an fn- dian woman of Seattle, argued her own case in regard to land assaRs- ments before the Supreme Court, dividing her time with her. attor- neys. Oharlea B. Stover, Parks Com- missioner of Nerw York, has not been heard froan since Oct. 16, when he left his office, supposedly to go to lunoh. Seriou* -charges against the Niew York police are made in connection with the "wire tapping" revela- tions. A former captain and two high officials are implicated. General. A protest against the ill-treat- rnont of political prisoners in Rfa- sia is being circulated throughout Europe. * Your Bad Taste In The Morning: Is Due To Catarrh Destroy This Poisonous Disease Oh* fore Your Health Is Seriously Injured. Perhaps you haven't thought of call- ing those unpleasant symptoms that affected your nose and throat by any particular name but It's Catarrh jus! the same. When the attack is severe, youi eyes are watery and look weak. Youi breath Is offensive, due to Inflamma- tion In the nose and throat. At last science has discovered a real . . ... 82 1-4 to 83 i-2c; No. 3 wheat, so 1-4 to ' moa combined is put at 109,937. the 81 1-2^. Corn No. 3 j--" " *- '"- "--' -No. 3 white. 36 3-4 bran- t'ncliangcd. Duluth. NOT. 25. Wheat-No. former, that the salaries now paid remedy, a new scientific marvel which to female teachers in the province averaged $163 a year in the cities. The female Catholic teachers aver- aged $254, and in the country $155. General improvement among the Indians is the burden of the annual report of the Indian Department. The number of Indians and Eski- 3 yellow^ 65 to. 69o. Oal. E Kkimos numbering 3,447. to 37o. Flour and 1 hard. 86 l-4c: No. 1 Northern. 85 l-4c,; No. 2. do. 83 1-4 to 83 3-4o; Montana No. 2 hard. 84 l-2c; December. 84 l-4o; May. 68 l-4o. 1.36 1-2; December, $1.34 1-2; May. Llneeed $1.40. Indians proper increased by 1,600, but the Eskimos deore*aed by 1,000. On- tario has the largest Indian popu lation, 26,077. Liv. Stock Markitt. Montreal, NOT. 25 There were no prime beefero on the market and ii ajid a half I *_ }, ornn r ,,l n cents per pound wa about the highest'" prU-e paid, and from that to 3 ,.-nt a Great Britain. B-onar Law, at Birmingham, took issue with John lledinond in regard lx>ndon paper has mad a bit- attack 1, L. O. Clifford. Oihnwa. Ont.; 2. Henry nix hundred of thee trees to ftll eed. Mimosa. Teddy Jones; 3. Jame* ;i ;ii u _-__ i). n i iL-U nge. Ty<nneU. Ont.. Tyconnell Boy. * r ll WUI f e 9ee | 1 thai this 1 quite Aberdron Angus -Aberdeen Angus stenr. a large undertaking. under one Bowman, FULLY NOl'IUSnKD. Grapp-Nuts a PerffH'tly Food. ll.ll.lMCCll year 1, James Ouelph, Ont. Kir Ouelph. Galloways Galloway steers, two years and under three 1, D. UcCrae, Guelph, DundonnM. Grade* and crosses and eiport sUwrs Orudea or croo* of any breed steer, two years and untf three I, Jamm I,,;,, k A Sons, Greeiibniik. Hoan Champion; 2, John Brown A 8onH. Ualt, Out., King; 3. Hall A Robson. grade, Hereford i 4, Pritchard Bros., Fergus, Ont., Barney. Grades and croiwcs of any breed steer, one year and tinder two 1, John Lowe, , ; Ki..ra. Black Monarch; 2, Thos. Ruweii, value as shown by personal experi- Downsview, Ont., Richard; 3, James Leaok A Hon, Oreenbank. White King; 4. John Brown A Hon*, Gnlt, Out., Favorite. '.' .uii , and i ."-,<, of any 1.1 , ,! *teer under on year 1, John Lowo, Klora, No chomist's analysis of Grape- Nuts can begin to show the real value of the food t ho practical KJack Donald; (n-enbank; 3. 2, .' iin . Lentik ,1 Kyle, Bros. Driimbr Ont, enoe. | It is a food thM is perfectly bal- anced, Kiipplies the noed<Hl ele- ments for both brain and body in all tageR of life from the infant, U, U,e Magl Halt City of the Land f'ity and of the Pr ' de! 4 ' J *' 8t ne> 8 "" t ' , through the strenuous times of {IltMtrated mutter and full particulars (n )>pll< .ition. K. 11 Bennett. General igent, 46 longe Street, Toronto, Out. t Grades and crosse* of nny breed j Htone, Hiilntfleld, l,..u'i\ 2, Jamrs I A Honi, (Ircenbank. Lily White; 2 j Brown A Sons. Unit, Out.. Daisy; , E. W. EUen. HtrectHVllle, Out., Beauty. Grides and croseen of any breed heifer ac- Mbooner Atla, due at Sinn pi'-is;<l, P.K.I., from Dalhoiisie, Jv'.H.. on N'lvcmlinr 2, hati n<t licon rei>'rtd Mince clearing from linl kousie. 1. Jos. tive middle life, and is a comfort , 'wm. ' "For two years I have usvrtd Grey Clrapo-Nuts with milk and a littlo 'cream, for breakfast. I am eom- i, (leorgo Ferguson, Hniem, Palsy; 2, JOB. forUil>ly hungry for my dinner at noon. | "I use little meat, plenty of vege- tables and fruit, in wvisoii, for the. Kt<me. Hnimncld, Maggie.; 3. Jainex l,ak 4 Wonn, Urcenbank, Kat; 4, Kyle Bros., Drum bo. (Irades find crooseii of any breed heifer under one year 1, 1/eo Chnrd, Lnmbton ]!, Mil's, Florrln: 2, James Lcask, Greenhank, noon lllfl, nnd if tired at t-oa time, Wntfinii; 3, ,Io James Lea^k A Kijiort $4.50 to $5; lambs. $7 to $7.50; hog*. $950. m regard to Mexico. Toronto. Nov 25. Cattle. Choice but. chem, $6.75 to $8: good medium. $.75 to $6.25; common. $4 to $4.50; cannnra and. cutters. $3.75 to $4.25; fat cows. $4.50 to jf|] band of students, common o>w*. $3.60 to $4; butcher*' bulli. $,3.75 to $6.24. Calves Oood veal, $8.75 to Larkin's meeting in Albert Hall, London, was broken up by a $10: common, $475 to W 10. 910 Btockera and An Irish volunteer army is bing organized to uphold the Govern- Htone, HainUlcld, (lem; 4, Hong, (Irt'cnbaiik, Tib. threii export Btecra 1, John Brown A Bonn, flail; 2, John llrown A Hons, (livlt ; 3. Thog. lluesell, Downs- view, Out.. 4, Thou. RuiMi'll, DOWBTUIW, Out. Bhp and Swim. take Grape-Nuts alone, and feel perfectly nourished. "Nerve and brain power and memory nro much improved since using Grape-Nuts. I am over sixty ami weigh 155 Iba. My son .nd In HhropHlilre heep, the two champion- i T i j m.wt other |irii went to J. , husband seeing how I had unproved and 1). J. Campbell. Woixlviilo. other arc now using Grnpe.-Nuts. 0,,,% ,,,V, ,' _i:_ * n ' *' ho18a traveling winners wen 1 : John R. K fluey. \Voodvilloj J. . Hitmmer. ami U. W. Our- nev und Hons. Par's. that w<ni in Moine <>r the ciniwe* were: H. 0. **!!, TeM.wf8t<.r:W. Marqiita and Hon, man, ents nothing for breakfast but (Jr/ipe-Nuts and a glawt of milk. An aunt, over 70, oeans fully nour- ished on Grape-Nuts and creaJii." "There's a Reason. " Name given by Canadian Postuin Co., Windsor, Ont. Head "The I The Yorkshire rjirtmpioii boar wan shown by W. Manning and Son, Woodvillv, and thr champion sow by J. Featheretone and (MIII, BtneUrtlU, Winnings were made by tli.Y-e ttrins also In the general clnssef, Iload to We-llvillc, in pkgs. 'and other* were: H. H. Frlsby, Victoria' | Hqnare; J. F,. Brethour and Nephow, Bnr- ford: John Diu-k, Port Credit, and (tunny- ] [brook Farm, Egliutoa. Ecr read the above letter f A new on* appear* from Urn* to tlm*. They r*nnla, true, and full of uuman i ar*> gnn I UUrMt. ensti-rn, 400 to 650 lh*.. $4.50 to $5.25: light, $3.50 to $4. Bheep and lambs Light even, $4.30 to $3.50; heavy. $3 to $360; bucks. $3 to $3.50; spring lamba. 18 to 8.25. but with 75c per head deducted for all the buck lambs. Hogs M 65 fed and watered. $8.90 off car*. TRADE WITH JAPAN. Coarser Kind of Flour Than the Home Brand Is In Demand. A despatch from Ottawa says : The development of trade with Japan in flour is regarded as having strong possibilities, and Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Trade and Commerce, has been making a special enquiry into it. There is a good demand in the Orient for Canadian flour, but a coarser brand than what is re- quired for the dome.stic trade is most popular. It is probable that arrangements will be made with Canadian millers particularly to manufacture this variety of the product. CHICAGO STOCK SHOW. J ud sing Competition Ontario. Tenm From with Pirrie, chairman of the Harland and Wolff Shipbuilding Company, of Belfast, will resign, to enter Irish politic*. He is a na- tive of Quebec. United States. Julian Dorrance, a Connecticut farmer, is said to have products! a seedless applo. United States will not intervene in Mexico, and she hopes that the other nation will wait. A' wireless telephone message was transmitted from Germany across the Atlantic to New Jersey. acts like no other Catarrh remedy on earth. "Catarrhozone" operates on a new plan; It ts a direct remedy, goea Instantly to the source of the trouble, Its rich, fragrant essences and healing balsams are breathed In vapor form through a special Inhale:- and give In- stant relief. Catarrhozone doesn't stop at the re- lief stage It goes further keeps on going till a cure is effected. Bad cases are cured, as you can Judge from the following letter: "Every morning (or six months last winter I awoke with a bad taste, an awful breath and stuffed up feeling in my nostrils," writes Rob E. Rutland, of Reglna. "It was simply an awful case of chronlf Catarrh. Relief first came from Ca tarrohozone. I used that inhaler tweur ty times a day and took it to bed with me at night. I am cured, and by th use of Catarrhozone stay well. Now I am free from irritable throat trou- ble, coughs, colds, headache, or ca- tarrh." No medicine on earth is so certain to cure every form of catarrh or throat trouble a "Catarrhozone." Get the large Jl.OO size, lasts two month! and Is guaranteed: medium size 60c.; sample size 25c. ; all storekeepers anj druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. NO ONE TO BLAME. Inquiry Into the Wreck of the . Steamer Wpxford. A despatch from Zurich, Ont., ' says: Coroner Campbell's jury in- . quiring into the wreck of" th ste-aimer W ex ford, lost in the big torm on Lake Huron, decided on Thursday that no oive was to li'.ume for the tragedy, but that it was an act of Providence. A despatch from Guel]>h says: The stock -judging team to repro- tJic Ontario Agricultural C'ol- in the stock-judging comix-H- at the International Stock in Chicago the beginning of k . T b la !t??^' n8 Pain '" * he Back GIN"' PILLS itrengtheu and heal the kidneys neutralize the urine stop those scald-! in passages and quickly relieve the pain in the back and limbs. Gin rills are also the recognized cure for Rheumatism and Sciatica, joe. a box; 6 for fi jo. At all dealers or scut on receipt of price. Sample free if you mention this paper. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO., OF CANADA LIMITED. 183 WRONTO. sent lego tion Show next month has been announced. They are: J. M. Brown, Peter For- nyth, A. McLaren, J. Stark, and E. ! Woltz; reserves: U. Ramsay and; Clarke Duff. I 7% INVESTMENT High Class S Year Bonds that* Profit Sharing. Sri-$IOO. $500, $1000 IN VKS I'MUYr maj h withdraw n any tim* after on yenr, V,"k A n v " n " llc - r.uinj. > baok.'.f these H .mli eitab- i .ti*.i !8 /!. send for tpcoial foMer and full partlcu'aM. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED COMFtOC>TK)N LIFI BUILOINO - , TORONTO CANADA