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Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1913, p. 8

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May 15 1913 THE FLE8IIERTON ADVANCE 'Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for, YOU BUSINESS CARDS fOULLOUOH A YOUNO Banker* Markdale general banking buaineia. Money loaned at reasonable ratef Call on ua. TCHISLETT, PoitmaBUr, Ceylon. Connniaaioner In H. C. J .Conveyancer, deed, morU!B. iBaneP, wills etc. carefully drawn up ollcctioua mad?. charei reasonable. Alio rocerien, flour, feed etc. kent lu atock. Price. Uht. D Mcl'H.UL, Licenced Anctloueer for the Grey. Term* moderate and aranLed. T,e arranemout. e cau be made a', THK ADVAJ.CR M aud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the Unrest attendance in its hitlory, The Collingwood BiixinosN (College has placed in a good posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from "January 2, I'M."-. Send for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal coutiection. Dec. 6.07. or by addre." ing uie at Kver.b Farms for Sale 50 Acres West lialf lot 8, con. 11. Township ol Oaprey. Siim-ui-. 50 Acrsa-Kast lialf lot 8, cou. 11, Township p. Terma of Oaprey. laranwen. Arrange- I 50 Acres West lialf lot 7, con. 11, Township imlc at the Advance of Oaprey. ~'.ce leverBbaml SO A rea East ti ilf lot 7, c ju. 11. Township er.bam, Ont. u DENTISTRY . c MIlDltAY U O- 8 , denUl ar 8 on lD - , i*aa acium"*""* cmc at rei<leuce, Toron LEGAL KANEY & hENKY-Brri.ter., r. utc^I B. Lc... K; t.. o W. c E. W H. A cnmtou-. h.ll Plter of Oeprey. 100 Acres Lot 32. Con. 10, Artomesia. 100 Am--,- I.nt xi, i ' .11. 11, Artemetia.' 900 Acree-.-Lot 3. Con. ]:), lot 4, Con. Oprey. lOUAcieg- con. 14. Arteit,esi. 100 Acres Lo : , C.HI. 14, Artemexia. 100 Acn-s Kst half lot 7, con. 2, Knphrasia. AI-J Acres I>"t 21 itmi -j:,. con. 8 Arteuiaaiu 1-9 Acrtm l>*rt Lot 144.145, HO, Con.:). N. E. T. 8. K., Ar aieiiA. iOO Acres Lot 3 ao<140,can. 12. Arteuiaeia. .'> Acr i > 37. cou. 12, Arteiixsi*. \V. A . ARMSTRONG, Flesherton Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly j paid in advance Hulwcripliotisonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily It 00 Toronto Daily News , 1 50 Weekly Globe 00 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & bear Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . !M) Farmers Advocate 1 50 Week ly Wit.iew 90 Saturday Niht I! 00 Homo !H) Poultry New* . . ; :>.> Poultry Iteview 40 Itn'l and Gun magazine !K) SOCIETIES 3, A.F.*j r >t , the M*BO ||I<; uail. Arm- .^"Cftif e'rlon, ory KrW.y on , or helorttne lull inocn (. A. Wat on, . -*.; Tho. Clavton, Betre'.ary. nuiKCP AKTHUH IX>DOR, No. M33.A.F. pWNCK AKTH ^ ^ Maaonlctadl. An, .. i i. ..,,,. i nvttrv rrinAy C H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO i*SKSUa. B3Sw. Workmanship. ALSO c? ^K-!r ! v^^ lin6 of Ready - Made Clo " iin * welcome "'"lit . Ilellainy ; K. B., O, ( 'airt.ii; \Vhiuh wo put alteratioilM in free of K 'pi- pay due'ato'Vlu. Sec. before tue flrat shnrxe, if required, avoftbo iuontU. 1 sen 12 T Blll.iev-loorder W. 11. Bout. v. 8cc.-Tie. Tarn worths lor Sale Hoili wx nenrly ready for bnwiUni;. I'riccn r. 8 l.t .01 q..K- Boar for Service A law wl-it* Vorkiliir* Hoar for ervlce n lot Hkl. :i|. I raii(! W T. 4-8. II.. Aileiminn T " U "'- 00- It. WAU.KII. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bull for Service Pure brad nhortli'iru ruill serv on lot M, con. <>, ArUjmt'Hi.i. Terms-- OradeH $1. pure bredx ftt. An con uiuat be returned or will be clmrged. M May C. ATKINSON, 1'iop. 'aim For Sale lOOin-l'- I.. '.''. ..II I.. .Mlr-ii.i-M 65acres cleantil, W) ii<:i. unHer cultivH- tion, b*lance lmrl"<M>l an-' >inii, well fenced tnd watered, gocxl house, new frame barn with HUbling under, alio pig pi-n, henhouae and sherp pen. Kuril null delivery. Apply to ALBERT BLACKBURN, I'.... k Mills u <> R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. At*ent (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggies, Culterc, Sleighi, and Gaaoline Engines, Melotto Cream Separators, linker Wind Mills, Pumpg, Piping and Fipo FittingH always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of FergUM, Burn Tracks, Littar Carriers and srahle liuings. Cocknl.u t and KIOHI tV: Wood K. I..UIN alwaj-N on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversham. Ontario International Stock Food DON'T let your horaee run down durinjr the winter anct get no no ft that t hey will I oar badly when you Htart yournpring plowing. If hortes are not worked rfpilnrly during the winter, ihr aeed the wleadU Umie .Jft. el INTERNATIONAL STOCK. FOOD, to tone up the digestive organs, eaatile them lo get all the good out of their feed, prevent Ihe 1. 1...,, I from 70 becoming overheated, and thiix ward off tlineaae. T.AHGHAU, SAK., Jan. rtth. 1911. "Ihavefed INTKBNATIONAI, STOCK FOOD for mail*, yearn. I alwanhava a 25 pouod pail ttandinB in my bara. 1 bought ft pair of three year old colln and they wereao worked clown thai my iieiKhhora Mid I had been beat. When I bought the colla, they weighed 1400 Iba. I ploughed 95 acrea anil they weighed '.,.. HH-II I harvefltcd 163 acre* and threshed and nuuled one carload to town, o milee, 1 weighed them again and they weighed 3X30. and I auid "They (hull weigh tooo before spring' V Kow, Ihe NeighlMir* wnul to buy tin in but thcre'a no chance". ). O. REMPHI,. For -.ilr livdralera everywhere. Our f 5,000.00 Stork Bnok tent free whrn we receive your name and adilrcas. IN TEt NATION A I. STOCK FOOD CO. I IMlTin. T010NTO. For Sale by John Fisher JPlesherton, - - Ontario. PREVENTING STRIKES Ti . : SHARING PLAN HAS BEEN A SUCCESS IN BRITAIN. The Terrible Lots to Industry at a Result of the Repeated Labor War* In the Old Land Is Bringing Into C'uirp Relief the Result* of Bonus- Inj Which I* New In Force In Many Big Concern*. Every serious-minded man must read with amazement the strike fig- ures for i il i and the lii--,t eight months of 1U12 in (n .-it Britain, says a Lon- don journal. In tbe former year there were no fewer than 903 trade disputes iivolving 961,980 workers, win lose 10,319,591 working days, while in the period mentioned of 1912 there were 501 disputes, involving 1,340,206 work- people, causing a total estimated loss of 39,208,600 working days, figures un- precedented in the records of the Board of Trade. When and where is this acut2 labor unrest, going to en'i'r VV! at is the remedy!' These are the questions which men of all shado of opinion have been asking for some time past. An. I their suggestions for remedying i the state of industrial chaos into j which the country was thrown during I tho early months of 1912 which con- ; dition it is possible may i e repeated arj almost as numerous and varied as tlu real and imaginery grievances of employes. Over twenty years ago, however, that very astute and far-seeing man, the late Sir George Livesey. chairman of the South Metropolitan Gas Co. ol Ixndon, adopted a strike-preventative plan, which has proved highly suc- cessful, and has also been successfully carried out by other companies. In 1361) occurred the treat dock strike, and that year the company was ap- proached by a trade urion officials to make various concession to the men. These were eventually conced- ed, but, in order to avert the danger of strikes in future. Sir George intro- duced a special system of pron't-shar- ins;. The scheme adopted by this gas company provided for the payment ol a percentage or bonus of all salaries or wages one-half in <-sh, and th<J other half being invested in the ordin- ary stoclc of the company the percent- ape rising and falling proportionately with the price of gas. The object of the scheme, briefly, is to induce all officers and employjs to take a real interest in the work by giving them a motive for endeavoring to promote the company's prosperity, an 1 also to give them the opportunity of becoming owners of property in the stock of the firm. The rate of the bonus has var- ied from 3 per cent., in 1892. to 93-4 fer cent., in 1905-G-7, the total amount paid in the twenty-three years ending Hill being ovnr $2.700.000. In all. 5.656 of the company's em- ployes hold between them ordinary flock of the company to '. e (nominal) amount of 301,490. In addition, the company holds on behalf of iU 5.534 of its employes' deposits, accumulat- ed lionu.s, and other savings to tlie total amount of 54,260. And the com- r-any have rlaced it on record that this profit-sharing system has promot- ed linnnonious relations between em- ployers and employes and led to nn avoidance of strikes. II is urged that in these days, when working men consider that, apurt from their wages, they should share in the prosperity of the business which their labor helps to build up, such a profit-sharing scheme might be more generally adopted with great advan- tage to employers and employed. Thirty-two gas companies have fol- lowed the example of the South Metro- politan Gas Co. with very great suc- cess, while two notable prolit-shariitg schemes have been adopted by Messrs. Lever Brothers, the famous froap mak- ers, and the great ordnance manufac- turers, Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth. & Co. Messrs. Lever Bros., of Port Sun- light, have had a co-partnership scheme in operation over three years, which provides for the t-latribution, among those workers who have been employed live years, of partnership certificates bearing ft face value of II) per cent, of the workers' annual wage;. These certificates receive interest a-i though they were shares, but at n rate 5 per cent, less that is, if shares receive 15 per cent, certificates receive 10 per cent. This was the result of lust year's working, when a dividend of 28,700 was paid to the workers, who now hold over 298,000 worth of part- nership certificates, and have received a total dividend of more thtn 56,000. In the case of Messrs. A'uistrotic, the rules of the company provide that an employe may be allowed to make a deposit with them of not less than onu shilling and not more than 1 of hi.i weekly wage, the deposits carrying a fixed interest of 4 per cent. In addi- tion, a bonus is declared each year equal to half the difference between til.- fixed rate and the dividend pay- able on the shares of the company, the interest and bonus being added to depositors' accounts. The keen interest which employe* tuko in this scheme is illustrated by t'.ie fact that the total amount they deposited with the company in 1911 was no less than 241,432. A year after the South Metropolitan started tfceir profit-sharing schema Messrs, Clrke, Nickolls A Coombi. Ltd., of the Claruico Confectionery Works, started a somewhat similar scheme lor their workpeople. The or- dinary shareholders are paid C per cent, on their capital, the surplus profits being divided in equal propor- tions between the workpeople and the shareholder*. In twenty-two years the workpeople have received the sum of 172,026. AH employes who have worked one year participate in the bonus, and are paid in proportion to their wages and salaries. Tbe bonus I is paid in cash, and there is no com- | pulsion for employes to invest any part of it in the company's stock, but every encouragement is given to them to acquire shares, and their holding to considerable. Hair Turned Grey. Two-thirds of the survivors of the Antarctic Polar Expedition, which WM headed by the late Capt. Scott, have either their hair turned grsy or be- come bald as a result of the hardships endured on the trip. In* a letter just received by his father from O. 8. Wright, the Toronto physicist, who was a member of the party, this tsle is told: "Came through the expedition un- scratched, except for a few gray hairs. (Two-thirds of the expedition have turned grey or bald.)" Though the letter does not state the reason for the men's hair turning grey or falling out, hair specialists in To- ronto think it to have been caused by the excessive cold weather and not from the hardships suffered by the party. Intense cold often causes catarrh in the hair, which has the effect of turning it grey, or of loosen- ing it at the roots, so that it fulls out. Antediluvian Monster*. The Government explorers, -who spent last summer in the Canadian west, looking for fossils, returned with tons of specimens. Two monstrous skeletons of the dinosaurs, one 32 feet long and the other 40 feet long, were discovered in the bone beds of the Red Deer river, Alberta. The remains of a horned plant-eat- ing dinosaur and of the flesh-eating dinosaur were found. These interesting specimens will be mounted and placed on exhibition at the museum in Ottawa. Cliii'f of Polic McCi-tli>, Fire Cliief Durkin and Pol ce C<>iihtaMe Hamilton of Stiaiford were killid, when t!ii) spiie of Knox,Cliutch tollapsrd dur- i ig 'In- rums,- uf a tirr,CHU8td liy a fctroko of lightning. An outbreak of diphilxiia of a niild type ocfittml in T-irn. Honor Rolls Rep itt of S. S. No J, Ail.mesin, for Apiil. 5 Kinnm NVhittalier. t Mi mil.- Harrow, Alfred But!er. Sr. 3r<*. Muriel Suicer. Jr. 3rd. H gdalcne Butler, Margaret \Vh tinker. Sr. 2nd, Nora Sproat, J> hn Whit- laker, (inidnn McArt'iur. Jr. 2nd. Mum r Wliittakcr, Mary Hazard. 1 Ida Hincks, II. mi ! Hatirtl, George ll.-i.- ml, Charlie Hazard. Primary Robei t Wliittakur. t'yr.l Wrttilit, .1..-, j 1. II;, ,-.,i.l. II iinlil \Vtigh'. Pi- nwry Alfred Hinckn,l!rit(ly Erwin. - L. MATH TAVI.OI-, Teacher. Itepoit for 1'iice-i Ic scluol fur April. Kr.&tli. Juu. Niclol. Jr. 'iih James I'm- on, Lydia M> Kiiinon, Iviii , ackutl, (joidnn Sackelt. CUN 4 Hay IMiicLenn. Vicicirin Me Mill in. i I--H- Mullii!' ii, In-ill- Mad. can, Jamrs Smith, Archie MacKtchnie Average attendance 21 . J. L. MAcDoSAi.ii, Teucher Junior Room Clans 3- Dnrotliy C.irson, Flow Bi-Ho ., K.ili- MntT.i^^ail, Mattlitw C >nkoy, lllii- Mi-l)ini:;il' Clnss Si Rota Clurke, O.ivu McLtan, Annie \l .1 l.i.n. John Wailing. | l't.2 Lnwi'encj Snckctl, Aim M:c- I, MH, Stuart Muure. i Primary Sr. EttSir MiicLean, Fanny Mac I >..u /.ill, I:, t.i MiicDougiill. Primer Jr. Joseph McGralh, Mary Carson. Arernge nttrnd.uice 34. J. I'ATKH. Tviii-lier. i:.-|i..i i of S. H. No. 10 AII, IIU--1.1, fi r April. 4 Mnin-l Legate, Kny Uutled^c, Willie PatUsun, Goldwiu McMullcn. .'< Krnic McMul'en, IVicv Heinphill, Jimmie Adams, Anna White. \A r illio Stewart, Stanley White, J. C. McLiuich- lan. iSr- 2nd. Nelli- Uadlpy, Ceo I Cuslinie, Kusie MuClouklin, Rob Rutledge. Jr. Sin', - Ger ie MoOlocklin, Frank Stewart, Kalio McDonald I la Rarlley, Miry Mil, ;un M n, Vi .la Keiniidy, Alice Birinct'. 1- Alliu McMullen, Willio Corrignn, Ivan Mi-l.iiin-liliui, Flora rleunett. Primer A-- Irene Stewart, Mervyn Muir. Primal y P Gla'lyn Cushive, li-en McDomil ', Annie Railley, Jack Whitr, Gi-or^ina Mrl.nni liUn. Ma-k Stewart, Reta Hemphill, Grace Radley. - HATTIK 8r. 2 E. Stiiuon, G. Stinson, S. Lud. low, 0. Lockhart.R. Stevens, W. Nixon, P. Scott. Jr. 2 V. Miners, F. Kicholls. IK. Stinson, M. Niclmlls, A. Li' Us L. Nicholls. S. Acheson. B D. Stevens, M. .Mnn r-, V. Moore B. Heard. A J. fiadjerow, P. Badjerow, E. Niclmlls, M. Scott, E. Nixon, L. Badje- row. Average 34. L. B. WALKER, Teacher. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addreswd to he Postmaster General, will he received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 20th June, 1913, for the convejame uf His Majesty's Mails on proposed Con- tract for fuur year*, tix times per week Route from to com* over Rural Mail HORSEJROUTES MARNIX Monday Will leave his own stable and proceed up East Back I in* to town line west lo Aiarkdale for noon ; then north to Berkeley for nisht. Tuesday West of Berkeley loNorman .Cowling's for noon, south west to Dornoch for night. Wednesday North, up the Garafraxa Road to Williiiinsfi -i-ii for noon, then east to Holland Cen're for one" hour then north 1^ miles and east to Farley's for night, Thursday North one mile anda quart- er, then finst to econd of Holland, then north toSamuel Howey'a for noon, thei east to John Sutherland's for night. Friday S.. nth il<.wn the tenth to Hivrkiiway to John Thompson's for noon, then east to 7ih line to Jacob Loughead'p for nighr. Saturday Don seventh to Davis' corner lo town line, to Markdalefor noon stable by way of Ceylon, west, Ontario, mence at the Pleasure of the Pont Master General Printed notices containing further in- F'lrraaMon as to conditions of proposed Contract may be feen and blank forma of Tei-der may be obtained nt the Post Office of Ceylon and at the Um'ce of the Post Office Ii.spector t Toronto. Post Office Dfpartmen 1 , Mail Sen ice Branch, Ottawa, May 8th, 1913. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent.. and home to his own gravel load, where he will remnin the following Monday morning. until PROHIBITION KING THE TROTTING COLT Breed to trotters and get trottere, and to ithnw hones to get show horsefl. Prohibition Kind's enrolment No. 975 l;;n been enrolled in accordance with Chapter 157 of the Statute of Ontario, 2 Geo V. Prohibition King in his two- year-old form ii a nice clean, jet black colt, s-t, Hiding liij handi high. He is bred to go fist sudis certainly gaitrd to go fast, I cing one of thoee high going, open gaited trottersaud we may well expect thu colt to step fast in another year, .- he is bred and pniud t" r it. He hais MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Pott- master General, will he received at Oitawa until noon, on Friday, the 6lh linn- li'K! for tlie conveyance of his Majetity's Mails o.i a propped Contract for four years six times per week over Rural Maii Route from Proton Station, via Wareham, Ontario from the Postmaster General's Pleasure Prinod notice* containing further information as to c>nditiori8 of proposed Contract may ! seen and blank forms of Tender may lie obtained at the Post Offices of Pioton Station, Wareham and at the Office of the Pest Office at Toronto. Post Office Dep-rtir.ent, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa. Anril 19th, 1913. O. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent. made his first appearance in t ing, defeating such horses us tlie dhow Red Top, , i-t :. What will this fellow li when he comes to his growth. Prohibi- tion Kinx ''.-is the fast connections and by rending uvr his pedigree, you will find he is uf tliu eame funiily as Minoo Heir l.i'i'.i 1 .. the only horsr, living or d*ud that ever beat Dn Patch, Lady ol the Manor 2.C 4J, Daic Devil 2 IK), Heir at Law 2.00$, Lo.d Deri y 2.U5J, Night in-all- 2.08, Mocking Boy 2 OttjS. King Charlie 2.08, The Abbott 2.03J. Shadow Chimes 2.05. The Monk L' ':.,, and hundreds of o hers with very low reccrds Hisi-ire, Lord R..RJ I!5<i7:{, A. T. R. .11 HIM- <>t (lie best bred hones ii Cunailu mid Mas a winner whercvvi'sho*! and also won swiepstake ft.r best Stand ard Iti-i-il Stallion and three of his colts and hind )>y a full brother to Dare Devi \ -','<, the handsomest horxu in tin- worhl His rlam. Nettie, by Prohibition 2.21| 2181-2, \,y PctiM-key 3TO, ho by Geo NVilkeBolS), WHS one of the few to hvi lf>8 tiiat prizes and diplomas to hercredit aiid that she rpeaka . for herself is the In- i utidt-nce that cun be given. Mondny ninrning Will leave hit Ktnh!e, MenforJ, lo Clarksburg for nnoi and to Chas Hill's for night. Tuesday--- -South to Jnhn Dohson's foi in-- UK then i-y Maxwell sideroad and (juy M.-u wcli's for ni^ht. Wednesday By gravel ivnd to Thos M .Aitlnii x, Ceylon, for noon, and Mark il.iV I il lllullt Thursday- Berkeley for noon and t Win. (jeo. Dixon's 10th line for night. FriJay North to Bognor for noon. BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Holsteiu Bull, Korndyke Pietertje Clolhilde. N... 14780, whose dam, Trizie's Clothtlde Pietertje 2nd, No. 948, has produced over 80 Ibs. milk per day. Terms Grade cows $1.50, jure bred ows 9H. All cows not returned will be barged. jot 40, Con. 4, Artruieaia, Portia* P.O. Oinartf DON C A Ft L O S The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion will have atne route and Hands. Tin* In .1 -r has been enrolled No. 1047 undei Chapter <!7, of the Statutes of Ontario 2 Geo. V. The ih ive stallion was tuuler paid Act intpected hy the officers of the Hoard and f tin d to be free from the ruatfortniUonn ml AM eases ninied in the re*;iilatioiii of ihe s ml Act. JOHN FINULAY, Manager ml CoUeo'iv. Meiiford, Ou. R.-i.oitfor April, S. S. No. 4, Arfe- niesi*. Sr. 4-- Lillian Stinson, M. Heard, D. Ntch(il!n. Jr. 4 --M. NiohollK, I. Niclmlln, K. Suvcni L. Nuholl", M. llanely. Sr "i 1. Siins n,R. Sluvenc, L. L<>ck T hart, L. Love, AV. Hoard, E Scoti I{. Acheron. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Km-li ruewlt). until October 28 WINNIPEG AND RETURN 935.OO EDMONTON A RETURN 943.OO Other I 'milts 111 pro]. mli,. n. Keturu Limit twoinoiitlis HOMESEEKERS' TRAIN Icavo* Toronto 2.00 p. in. each TiinKiUv. May lo Autfixt in elusive, licst. Tra'.u to take. Upper Lakes Navigation RtoainerB \-n fort MoNictml, MotidavB' Tueadayf, Wo'lneHdayB, Tliiirndys and 8f urdvf, for Kult Hte. Marie, I'oi t Artbur and Fort Willian . CunnectliiR tr>nleavi Toronto 11.45 . in The Rtemner "Manitoba " aailiiiR from I'ort MoNieho) on WnlnemHys, will call at Uwvu He-mill, li-\in:: tliatpoiiit 10.:)0|>. in. COMVEHCINO MAY 10, Steamship Express Ievf8 Toronto i.'.i, p. m. on mtllinx iln\B, niakiuK iliror-t eooDotlou willi t Port. McNichol. !46rtl registered .Ternia 11. Yorkshire boar. No. HENRY HOLM AN Bull for Service Fuie bred shorthorn hull fir tervice MI lot 1W)-70, 2 E. T. & S. R., Ar- . Ti-nns 81. -RICHARD ALLEN, Prop. 60 YEARS' .EXPERIENCE A nrnnfl nendlng iketeh and dMortptlon nur )QlcklT uctruta our oplalon frw> whether an lonentlnn la probablf punu>b!e,_Cominunlc- tlon* i r ict IT oonOJe i i 1 1 id. HANDBOOK on Pmtmtu lent free. Oldmt wenor for lecuruu-jMtenti. fuuu Ukra throiuh Munn t c ' 'noticr, without ohrj(e, lu th A hn Joomel j Ulutimtcd weekly. Lancet olr- - i.t I. .n of any (denude jounuu. Tenu for , * .iiau,_iU_ii_rr. puetace prepaid. Sold bj eUJ OO "" IHE mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat. go to 85 33 to J3 1 12 to 1 12 *'ley 55 to 55 any 10 00 to 10 00 Jutter 22 >c 2g, fresh 18 -i 'otatoes per bag 60 to >eese . Ducks '"owl., 'urxey 13 to 13 .o It) to 22 to 22 18 50 14 14 13 22 THE BEST BRAINS In Canada have iiarticipated in the i>re- jiaratK.n of our splendid Hnmr Study UWMM in Banking, Economic*. HiKlu-r Accdiinting, Commercial Art, Show Card WritinK, I'hntography, .lournalisra. Short /Story Wiitin K , Sl.orthand and Knokkvepinir. Select the work which must interenta y.iu and write IK for |<artlculars. Addren the Shaw Cr- ren|H>ndncc School, H91-7 Yonge St No Chance at thb AROUND THE WORLD via 'Kuipieo of AuU" l*vli.s Liverrool .lure M. calling Ma deria. Cape Town, Durban Coluinho, Shpa pori-, a-nl H > e Koiii,', arilvInK Vaiuviuver Anttuat :m. V*l reniMiu M rtays at Honu KOI>K. "liuii- fni- c-utiru online, *(i:!i. ui." Kxclualteof inaiiitunanoe betun arrival time in KI.-IH-I-' ami ile|)i,rtu e of "Kinjirea of Alii," urn! rtO)> over at Hong Kong. - ti.-iiUi-!. fu.. H i a-in.imn 1'uciflo Agent* or wiitu M, O Murphy , P. I 1 . A.. C. l>. H.v., Toronto OWEN SOUND, ONT., I Every graduate (jua untevd it position. L-M-o,e Mull of Specinlii-ta. Heat equipped Uolle o in Ctmidt Enter any day. C. A. FLEMING, P. C. A., Brinofpal. 0. D. FLEMING, - Secre ry OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO

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