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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1913, p. 7

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NERVOUS DISEASES 1NJHE SPRING tured by Toning the Blood and , strengthening the Nerves It ii the opinion of the best medi- cal authorities, after long observa- tion, that nervous diseases are more common and more serious in the spring than at any other time of the year. Vital changes in the system, fter long winter months, may Cause more trouble than the famili- ar spring weakness and weariness from which most people suffer as fthe result of indoor life, in poorly Ventilated and oftea overheated buildings. Official records prove that in April and May neuralgia, 'Bt .VituB dance, epilepsy and other forms of nerve troubles are at their worst, and that then, more than any other time, a blood-making, nerve-restoring tonic is needed. ' The antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the spring is useless, for the system really needs atrengthening, while purgatives only gallop through the bowels, leaving you -weaker. Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills are the best medicine, for they actually make the new, rich, red blood that feeds the starved nt rves, and thus cure the many forms of nervous disorders. They cure also such other forma of spring troubles as headaches, poor appetite, weakness in the limbs, as well as remove unsightly pimples and eruptions. In fact they unfail- ingly bring new health and strength to weak, tired and depressed men, women and children. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes, for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A new picture of Crown Prince Michi of Japan in a uniform of sub- lieutenant of the Imperial navy. INDIA'S MARBLE GATEWAY. 'Structure to Mark Spot of King George's Landing. Lord Sydenham. the- Governor, jrecently laid the foundation stone of the building, the symbolical gateway of India, which" is to mark the spot where King George landed on Indian soil on his way to the Delhi Durbar. The structure- will be of shining white marble, and the stylo of architecture chosen is mixed Hindu and Moslem. The total cost of the building will be about $300,000. of ! which tbe Government of India ie I contributing two lakhs of rupees, j the Bombay Government three ; lakhs, Sir Jacob Sassoon three j lakhs, and the Bombay Corporation one lakh. Referring to the happy combina- tion of the Hindu and the Moslem styles. Lord Sydenham said he ] earnestly hoped that this would be of good augury for the advance of the great Indian communities hand in hand towards nationhood under the guidance of British rule. Usually. When one neighbor tells another neighbor that a new family is about to move in next door these four questions are asked within the next minute or two : "What's their names!" "Got any children!" "Do they own a phonograph!" "What's his business 1" BARY'S OWN TABLETS USED FOR TEN YEARS When one medicine is used in a home for s number of years it is the strongest testimony as to the value of that particular remedy. Thou- sands of mothers have been using no other medicine but Baby's Own Tablets for years in fact many of them say they -would have no other medicine in the house. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. H. Konkle, Beams- ville, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for ten years and would not be without them a long as there are children in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Found the Cause The Best Was Easy DODD'S KII^'EY PILLS QUICK- LY CURED HIS KIDNEY DISEASE. How Hudson Marchbsnk, After , Suffering for Five Yenra, Found Quick Relief and Permanent Cure la the Grout cat of Canadian Remedies. Marchbank, King's County, N.B., April 28 (Special). After suffering for five year a from kidney disease, brought on by a strain, Hudson Marchbank, Esq., the well-known farmer of thia place, is again a strong, healthy man, and another grand cure for Dodd'a Kidney Pills has been put on record. In an in- terview, Mr. Marchbank says : "About five years ago I hurt my back from lifting, and it developed into kidney disease. My back pained me all the time, and I was very much troubled with headaches. My appetite was fitful : I had a bit- ter taste in my mouth in the morn- ings ; I perspired freely, and my perspiration had a disagreeable odor. "I used liniments and plasters, but they did not do me any good, ! and as there were other symptoms | that my kidneys were affected, I ; decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, i After using two boxes, my back ! was completely cured, and my kid- : neys have not troubled me since." When Mr. Marchbank decided j that his kidneys were the cause of I his troubles the rest was easy. Al- 1 most any of his neighbors could tell him that Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys. W ENDURE PIMPLES Old Winter Coughs Now Easily Cured A Ntw Remody Now Curss Without th Us* of Cough Syrups or Drugs. Just think of it -you can clear away that hard, racking cough, drive It com- pletely out of the system, make yourself perfectly well by th* new breathing cure that employs no medicine at all. You wonder how; very simple. Indeed: fou simply breathe in through a Catarrh- zone Inhaltr rich balsamic eenr8 that heal and eoothe away the cough In a few hours' time. In using Catarrhoione you bathe the. lining of the nose and throat with that powerful antieeptk- of the Blue Gum Tree f Australia, which U probably the surest told aud cough cure In the world to- lay. Clarence E. Cromwell, writing from M- tlclne Hat. saya: "To cure a sneezing x\!d In about ten minutes the one thing t know or to do It Is C'alarrhoione. To relieve an Irritated throat quickly, no- Ihiug can excel Catarrhotoue. It simply *ata up a cough or cold of any kind. I kuow of cold* have hung on for months that Catarrhoione cured quickly. Nearly every man I know carries a Ca- tarrhoione Inhaler with him day and night, and in this country it makce a wmior(ul protection against all winter Ilia." Qet the dollar outfit. Including the hard rubber Inhaler, and medication to lact two months: medium tiae SOc., cample sise Ka.. at all storekeepers and druggists or The Catarrhoione Co.. Buffalo. N Y . ud Kingeton. Canada. The Lawyer's Turn. "Now, hav* you given me all the facts exactly as they occurred t" "Oi have, sorr, the plain truth, an' ye will be able to put in all the rest ycrself." Mlnunls Liniment Co.. Limited 1 was very sick with Quinsy and thought I would strangle. I used M1X- Altn's LINlMf.NC and it cured me at . Your* gratefully, MRS. C. U I'KINCS. , 1 ant never without it now. Your* g MRS. Wauwlgewauk. CVV. Zlst. trouble about taking a chance ! that you oaa't always put it bck jher you found it. THE KAISER'S MAXIM. Always Do Your Best, Even Though Not Thaukcd. In a golden frame on the German Emperor's, desk in his study is to be found the following code of ethics : '.J'e strong in pain ; don't long for what is unattainable or worth- less; be satisfied with the day as it comes ; look for good in all things ; be satisfied with one hour of happiness for a thousand bitter ones ; always do your best even though you may not be thanked. "He who learns to do these things will be a happy man. We must consider every one an equal or superior till the contrary is clear. The world is so great and we men so small ; tbua everything cannot be happening about us. When we suffer an injury or are harmed, who knows but that it is for the good of creation In ev- erything on earth, dead or alive, lives the great white will of the Creator, only we little beings don't realize it. Everything is for the best in the eyes of the Creator." The words are those of the Em- peror s favorite author, Ludwig Ganghofer, a Bavarian. Saved Old Bu\e for Hobby. The death has occurred at Surbi- ton, England, of Thomas Sutton, aged 84, who had made thousands of children happy by converting dis- > carded match boxes, cigar and cigarette boxes, chocolate boxes | and tobacco tins into attractive re- : j ceptacles for sweets and giving j them away every Christmas to chil- j dren of public institutions. Last Christmas Mr. Button broke his , previous best record for a year with j more than 8.000 boxes. Since tak- j ing up his hobby he had covered j and lined nearly- 40.000 boxes, all of which he had given away. i^ Due Warning. Germany is being blamed for the story of a factory notice now going the rounds. Prominently display- ed near all the live -wires, it reads : "To touch these wires means in- stant death. Anyone failing to re- spect this warning will be prose- cuted and fined." No one has, up to the present, had to be prosecuted. Anyway, a man need not fear competition when he is in love with himself. "So you've been to France, again, Mrs. ComeupT' "Yes; seems like we can't keep away from dear Paris. Indeed, my daughter says we're regular Parasites." Only Oil* "BROMO QUININt- That Is LAXATIVE BROMO gUl*INB. Look for the signature of K W. QKOVB. Cures a Cold in Ouo t>uy. Cures drip la Two Day* tto. Buildings of Asbestos. Asbestos plaster, used in the sauie manner ae concrete at the pre- sent time, will, se a western con- struction concern believes, solve several problems. It is claimed not only that buildings constrxictcd of such material would be absolute- ly fireproof, no matter how hot a fire might be raging on either side, but that the use of such piaster, which is a poor conductor of heat, would save fuel in winter and keep interiors cool in summer. Asbestos is also sound-proof, wBich is an ad- ditional feature of importance, par- ticularly in the construction of ho- tels, factories and the like. burn LlnUMMl eft Coiaa, lift ISN'T THIS ROMANTIC? Two toes loved by four corns for five years and sentenced to die by nre appli- cations of Putnam's Corn 'Eitrac.tpr. If you want to cure corns. "Putnam's" in the only thing try this painless remedy. ZSv. at all dealer*. Denned. "What is strict economy. Pa?" "Strict economy, my boy, is the kind your mother makes me prac- tice." PILES CURED IN ( TO 14 DAYS. Your druKlist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fail* to cure any case of Itch- Ing. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding PI!M In t to 14 day*. SOc. Insult to Injury. A barber has nerve to cut you one day. ask you the next day if you don't shave yourself. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murlne Eye R*in<My. NuSmnrtin* Bwls Fine Acu Quickly. Try It for Red, Wrh. Watery Bvrs and lirauulsted Eyelids. Illus- trated Book In tach Package. Murlne la compounded by oar Ocnllats not a "Patont Mod- Iclne" but oaed In successful Physicians' Pimc- > - i DUI useu m Bwcemui rny^icinns Line- He* for in. HIT yera. Nuw dmlk'AltMi to tbe Pub- lic and sold ttT Itruiixist* at S&c and Wo v>.-r Hi.;:>. Mnrioe K SajTVln Asrptio Tubes, too ami iOo. Murlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago If you have reason for an act you won't need an excuse. Inard'i Liniment Cum Olittmpert A Jew took his son Ikey to the theatre. He bought one ticket. When he started in the- doorkeeper said: "You will have to have a ticket for the boy." The Jew re- plied: "I give you my word as a gentleman he won't look." EI). X ISSUE 18-13 CUTICURA Soap and Ointment Do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little that it is almost criminal not to use them. Cutlcura Soap tad O)DUBOI ire sold Ummxhout Uw wortd. A Ubcnl ampl> of ct). with 13-pt booklet on te car* and tnaunem of the ULin and mlp. MBC gon-inr Addrm Potter Drug * Ctm. Corp.. LXyc. 2SD. BtiMon. U. S. A. TOMB OF JON All. Sacred Place That Visitors Must View From a Distance. The site of Nineveh is almost per- fectly level. But adjoining the wes- tern wall are two huge mounds con- cealing the palaces of the greatest kings of Assyria. The lower or southern mound U occupied by a. mosque and a village of consider- able size-. Ita name is Xebi Yumus, or the Prophet Jonah, for in the mosque i is the tomb in which Jonah is eai<i| to have been buried. The age ofj the tomb is uncertain, yet probably | it dates from long after the He-brew prophet's time. However, the place is now sacred, so sacred that pil- grims visit it from afar. I rode up the etep. narrow streets of the village to the mosque, writes a correspondent of the Chris- tian Herald, and to the amazement of the native*. I dismounted and en- tered the mosque yard. A crowd of excited men quickly surrounded me. To a priest I explained that I had come to sec the grave of Jonah, an<! j with a motion of the hand I made j it understood that he would be re- 1 warded. Removing my shoes, I fol- lowed the priest through a dark passageway. There he pointed to a wall and ; said that the tomb was just beyond. ' I wished to enter the prayer room from which the tomb itself might be seen, but the place was considered far too sacred for my profane feet. However, the few Christians who have been permitted to see- the i tomb may look only through a small j window into a dark chamber in j which a cloth covered mound is' scarcely discernible. It is said that : no Moslem even will enter the inner shrine. FRANCE LEADS IN AIRSHIPS Hu 48 Different Makea to 47 of Other Nations Combined. An analytic of the existing makes c' aeroplane* and hydro-aeroplanes mad by a French newipaper thows that France alone pooseseeb forty- eight compared with forty-seven credited to aJl other nation* com- bined. Numbers alone, it is point- ed out, do not prove much, but the chif records give Franco also the first place. The non-step record has been beaten twenty-three times, three times by foreign machines, twenty times by French. Th speed record ha<s been held twice by foreign ma- chines and eighteen, times by French. The height record hae been beaten twenty-five times, four time by foreign machine*, the rest by Freneh. In the list drawn up America is credited with two makes of biplanes (Wright and Curtiss) and three of j hydro-aeroplanes (.Burgers-Wright. Wright and Benoist) ; Great Britain with nine makes of biplanes, eleven of monoplanes and one hydro-aero- plane ; Germany with six ma It eg of biplanes, seventeen of monoplanes and two hydro-aeroplanes ; France with twenty makes of biplanes, twenty-four of monoplanes and twenty-four of hydro-aeroplanes. The remaining countries do not reach double figures. Italy hae nine, Austria, three. Japan, Russia and Switzerland one each. Bright, Ruddy Cheeks For Pale Girls No LongiT Any Need to be Pale. Weak or Anaemic. By Following the Advls* of Miss McEven You Can Quickly Bcom Strong Again. Th pallid fill always lacks a>ppp::-.v. What I:;:'.* sho eau is bad'.y d:g - i At night aho in rwtlees. the duxe*. but down t deep soundly. Vital force mut>l b increased, new blood mast be aupphed and a general re- building lake placv before ib will feel like ah ought. Dr. Hamilton has inra^uable experience in these caves and found nothing |K> prompt in building up young women .- hia vegetable pill! of UanUrake aud But- ternut. Dr. Hamilton's Pills begin by cleaning the system and purifying the blood: they also improve diction, and render f. od ready for abaorptiou. Adii.tionaJ nour- ishment is quit kly utrpplied and the pati- ent is fast nrvugtheiH*d and invigorated. Full of epirit. ruddy and strong is the girl that aj*isu her system by tbo use of Dr. Hamilton Pilla. The following recent letter from Minn Etta McKwen. of Uohburtun. speako for itself i "In using Dr Hamilton'* PUle I flud my evstom u> wonderfully built up. It u certainly the most erlectiTe remedy I ever ued. I have now a good appetite, sleep more oundly. and awaken in the morn- ing feeling quit* refreshed. "Formerly I felt tired and depressed. I looked as if a severe illnew were hanging over my head. "Nothing could give quicker results than Dr. Hamilton's Pil'.s and I strongly every young woman to use them. " All dealers eell Dr. Hamilton'* P-.M.-j. J5c. per box or five boxes for 11.00. by mail from The Catarrhoaone Co.. Buffalo. N. V . and Kingston. Ont. ClirR'st A nourishing, tasty, economical meal. A time and money aver. , A strength producer. GLOVES By The Year If you want the beat and longest, wearing gioves or mitts ever turned out cf i factory bi sura and ask for tbo famous PINTO SHELL These fioves ara specially tanned (or bard serv.ce and will sara you money and reduce your (lovo expense by tha year. Send for our descr.ptivo pamphlet Tho Pinto. Shell. HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Casuoi'i Expert Clsw mat HJtt Makers. MONTREAL. FARMS FOU BALI. H. W QAWSON, Ninety Coltaorna Strsel. Toronto. GOOD STOCK FABM OP 435 A''ttEa with Three Rnnsm: '.r Bank Rarm. Slnrt be old quick Price !i ery low. SEVERAL DRSIRABLB FARMS I* Manitoba Alberta and Saikatchewan can be bought. Worth the money foe qn'ok *!>. I HAVE OVER ONE HUNCHED liOOO farms In different section* of Ontaria en my '... If you want a farm ooiMUlt me. H. W. OAWSON, Toronto. /.tKKS IN MIDDLESKX CO''NTY Ul> Soil clay loam: Z acres fruit: new houtw; number of outbuild' n(: 1 mile* V> market and Railway Sri i.m. Th! is a cbitip farm. The Western Real Estate Kn'hungv. London. Out. MALE HELP WANTED. AT ONi'K MKN TO LEAR* BARB KB Lrntlf: ^xyi-rt instruction: eon*T:in% practio*: tooto free; always sure employ- ment fr barber. Write for cutalocntk. Molar College. Queen K.. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. ^ TAMP uir- t^ ferent Forein Stamp*. Cala'.oua. ilbnm. only Seren Ctux* Marit :o> Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER. TfMOKH. LL'Mr 1 * KTO. Internal and external, ca-ed witl* cut oain br cor bom* treatment w-itc 01 before too late. Dr BeI'maa UedloU f> Limited, folllnrwnorl Ont GCIhen buying your Piano insist on having an OTTO NIGEL' Ptarvo Actiorv BOILERS Ever Have Cramps, Nausea, Vomiting? THEN USE 3ERY1L13E. For Stomach Pains and Cramps, No Remedy to Prompt as Nervlllne. A Westerners Experience Related. "It's in an unsettled part of the coun- try like our far West that proves how valuable Nerviline is in the home," writes Mr. Patrick M. Dehaney, from Fort Sas- katchewan. "Chilla are frequent a hot drink of Nerviline sends life circulating through the body In three- minutes. Cramps or budden illnees at night U ono of our terrors. No druggiet or doctor la near, but If Neryiline is handy you can get relief. The worst cramps Nerillne has cured in my children in half a min- ute. I don't think any farmer 8 wife has any right to be without the protection of SerTiline. to our family we us* It for a hundred ills, and it cures them all. One night one of my kiddies bad earache and another toothache. Without Nervillne no one could have slept-! applied it au di- rected, and the. children*' pains disap- peared. My husband use* Nerviline for lame back, rheumatism, aching joints aud all sorta of muscular pains. It ie M good inside ae outside, and is a much a part of my home ae my kiu-hen sloT*." You flnd a thousand uees for a good family remedy like X'erviline. Get the SOc. family site bottle; lt> more economi- cal than tbe Sc. trial iac. Bold by all storekeepers and druggist*, or Th* Ca- tarrhoaone Co.. Buffalo. N. T. The best definition of a dema- gogue will always remain with the little girl of seven who said : "A demagogue is a vessel containing beer and other liquids." The man who is buying his house on the instalment plan now wishes he could redecorate it in the same inard's Liniment Cum Diphtheria, KNEW BIBLE BY 11 E ART. Wonderful Memory of Presbyter- ' iun Minister. Of the many examples of prodig- ious memories which have been re- i corded from time to time none, j perhaps, have been so remarkable ! as the case of Rev. Thomas Threl- j kcld, who was Presbyterian minis- ter at Rochdale, England, for 28 years and died there in April, 1S06, ! at the age of 67. Threlkeld's inem- 1 ory first attracted attention when | he attended the Grammar School! at Daventry, where he began to make a close study of the Bible. | When a passage was recited to him he could immediately give it, chap- ter and verse, and, on the other hand, if a chapter and verse were given he could at once repeat the passage. Both at Daventry and Warring- ton, where he went to finish his education, his fellow-students de- lighted in putting his memory to the test, and never once was it known to be at fault. "In later years." says Mr Frank Hird. in "Lancashire Stories," 'Threlkeld was looked upon as a living concordance to the Bible in Rochdale and the neighborhood, ] and he was constantly asked the most puzzling questions by his bro- ther ministers, sometimes actual- ly for information, but generally for mere amusement. He was nev- er known to be wrong." Threlkeld's powers of memory, however, were not solely concern- ed with theology. He was also a linguist, and knew nine or ten languages, while dates were a pas- sion with him, no matter how un- important. His knowledge, of his- toric dates, of chronology, heraldry and genealogy was encyclopaedic, and one of his favorite, amusements was to go through the em-cession in the Episcopal Sees aud trace the pedigrees of families. New and Second- hatul. :or heating and rx" lw ** r purposes. TANKS AND SMOKESTACKS. Aen'j tor Mario, rinc Vit.t.*ti'i tnU U**;ing System'. POLSCM '"?rr T D " s TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders Maypole Soap DYES SO EASILY With MarpoU Soap that is no trouble tad DO mms in home dyeing. Dyej cotton, wool, iilk 01 mixture*. 24 colon-will give ny hade. Colon lOc. Black 1 5c-al jrout dcaijt'i 01 postpaid with booklet "How to Dye (torn F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal Too Busy to Brag. "Is he making good I'' "He must be. He never seems to have time to stop and tell anybody about it." Mlnartf** Llnlmtnl Cur** Cargel In Coat, Denied. Judge (to notorious bank robber) They say you were ia politics on the other side. Accused (with offended dignity) Never, your honor! Politics would have ruined my character. lamp)* trei If you nts National Orua Chemical Co. it Canada. LlmltsA TtTMlU.

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