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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1913, p. 1

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"TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRiflCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 32, NO '.'9 Fleshierton, Ont., Thursday, .Itinuary 23, 1913 W. fl THDRSTON I'fcOPRIETO Kimberley Budget is buxy makii::,' coops for the Kiruberley poultry .show. Mr. Richard White of the third line, St. Vincent, visiteu wi.h W. Walters ou Sunday lust. John Taylor of Rocklyn visited at J. Lawrence's on Sunday. Mi. < M:'.!-L'" Hutchiiison nccupied the. pulpit of the Methodist church on Sun- Mf evening last and preached an excel- lent sermon. Mrs. M. H. Hammond, who has been viM'.in;; fi-idnds in Markdile fo:- the pint week, returned Immoon S.tnday. A ir.irobir if the friends and ti<ii_!h- if Mrs. C. Graham m>-t at her home en Tuesday evening last, p^ior to her de- patturo for the West, and | resented her A. !i ,-i well filled purse and the following Dear Mrs. Graham : ; ^" Having heard that you were about to teflrve out BeighEot hood, we are met to- gcttwr thi& evening to express our regret at yiur departure Since you have been with us we have learned to think of you nut only HS a neighbor, bu" a friend. You have always been ready to sympa- thise and help any of us who were in trouble. We beg of you to accept this {.une. as :i renietnbiance of our friend- ship and ii slight token of our apprecia- tion of your many kindnesses. \Ve all , hope that health and nn abundance ot happiness uiy follow you wherever you , go. We are sincerely, -Your Friends and Neighbors. ' Miss Florence Thurston of Fleshertou, accompanied by Miss Carrie Kernahau of ' Wodehouse, spent the week end with , her*unt, Mrs. G. H. Walter. The Kimberley citizens' ritik held a . b<>x social on Monday evening, Jan. 13, which wan a success, rinaticially and . otherwise. A cuuple i youth* from a neighboring town, who had imbibed too freely of the flowing bowl, created more 'amusement than the entertain iiient. Mr Kveret Glenday of Toronto visited his cousin, Mr. Stanley Walter, the past week. Mr. Tenant of ' >wcn Siund, organizer for thoC. O. F., is a at the Trav- ellers' Home for a few days. . Mr. John Plewes and G. H. Walter made a business trip to Thorn'oury on M. 'iul iv . Mr. and Mrs. Ji>hn Gibson aud two children of Feversham visited at Mr. \Vrn. McClung's the past week. Mr. Walter Elliott of Mark dale visited at Mr. Neil Boyle's uu Sunday U.-t . Priceville Jottings "Uur usual January thaw has come and \ione again, and the ISauL'eeii river feel* the ofteet of it. Mr. John Aldcorn of Swinton 1' irk unloaded a car of corn here week before last. 'Miss Wary Aldcoru is teaching school near ' >rantievillc for this year. 'The funeral of Martin Shmehouse of lilenelg, three miles west of here, took pface on Thursday of last week. A number of people here attended the funeral of the hAflj|^iie McMillan, who died of typhoid^W^"TO the residence cf his brother. John, near Ceylon, last Thursday. The funeral "ook place on Saturday afternoon, Jan. IS, to Swinton Park cemetery. The annual meeting of the Priceville Agricultural Society was held mi Satur- day afternoon' last. There was a better attendance this year and i{uite an inter- est was taken i.i the a Hairs of the soci- ety. The tiiiiuicial report as read by one of the auditors, showed that nearly )#()(.)( had been expended for agricultural nia p.>ses, and when a few unpaid donations wt'uld come into the treasury the balance on hand for 1 '.' I :i will be about $20:2. . Tli'.- eleatnn resulted in the choice of stiouK board of officers and directors, so we, anticipate great results at our next fall fair. Some of the members *ho at- tended i he meeting claim that the system ufelection nitwit be improved by noting d'iwii all the nominations tirst and then distributing the ballots containing the candidates' names, so that each member could mark his vote* for the nine direc- tors of hit) choice, and then the nine re- ceiving the highest vote would constitute the board, ua by this means the true voice of the meeting would be heard. The following are the names of the otti- cere elected for 1913 : Pies., T. Nichol; 1st Vice Pros., D. McMillan : 2nd Vice -fcvs., P. F. McArthur ; Sec.-Treas., T. A. 'Ferguson ; Directors, Otto Konold, A. S. Muir. J. J. MctUe. D. Sinclair, Dr., Mclntyre, J. 1). MoQntb, John Burnett, Win. Mather, Alex. McMil'an. Victoria Corners ^ < Mr. Charles Moore shipped two of his thoroughbred Holnteiu cattle to New Urunswick last week. A number of Orangemen around here utMvJoil the Orauge district meeting held at Eugunia on Tuesday, Jan. 14. A week ago Sunday Mr. Lee of Dun- dalk preaclwd the missionary sermon at Mr. II. I'. McLounhry and her daugh- . i', Miss Millie, visited for a few days W. H. Heni'd's. \vVunJerstand that Mr. H. Warner b< bee made an off<r for his handsome x fiouse, for a summer resort by some 'l\'<'nto company. tVver*h.-nn. Heron's pon-1. o,ie milo west of Kevi-i-sha,.., of whi.-h the l>ive ia a -..o,! uictui-.-, will form one of the ir>eive d^iis iifuLr the of the Hy.lro-Elec-rio Co.u.n s-i.m in wngec. tion with the Eugonia pow r deve:,,p,, 1 ,.,it when that w-rk is c ., ,i,,letj:'. Th to-jf ul ti:o ..Id '' wo lien mill is shown in tl.e fore^rnund. The Heron mills h-ivc.had ipiite a c!.o| U oreU career bur have lain iule f-.r th.t -ixrcen or seventeen years, the m-ichinery having been so'd .-is s C rj> iron. The tirv mill was erected on this site as a sawmill with the old upright law. by Richard Heron, Sr., a<id did - o I, hut slow, duty for a number of year,. the year 1870 Win. Heron, a son of Richard, who was a carpenter by trade (he built, twenty-three barns in ( tsprey one summer) erected the woollen mills and wniked them successfully until 1888 or thereabouts, when he die-J. The estate then sold them to a brother, Richard, who d'd not make a suc:e*s of tlR'in and they re- verted to the estate. In 18!>3 the property was sold to James S. Taylor, a practical man, who also failed to make them pay. Since that time the property has been falling to decay, but the site was held under option by rhe Georgian 3,iy Power Co., which option we understand has beei> handed over to the Hydro Coiuini.s.sion. The location is one of the most romantic and picturesque in this district and will form a magnificent reservoir when controlled by a proper dam. Vandeleur Happenings Mt. Robt. Dorsey of Grithattl - Mr. rnd Mrs. (Jeo. XVurlin^ entertain- ed a lumber of their hn-i..U and neigh- bors at their horn?, on Wednesday even- ing ]<*at. Mr. Geo. Shannon left on Monday fora trip to Vancouver ; B C. We are pleased to repot t Miss Lillian Fawcett recovering af cr a severe attack of appendicitis. The pupils of the public school w:th their teacher. Miss Leslie, had their iinnual sleighride on Wednesday after- noon. Messrs. J. H. Holley and (ieo. Howes were the teamsfeis, and t-iok the re enor in taxes mi lot 164, con. ; tieorg f Chapman, account fir wood for town ha'., *8 2.1 ; D. Symcs, , acciiuiit for gravel celtititd by overseer, Hoekanville, 3;; . u - H. Tllur.ton. account for print- Nisk., is the jjuest of Irs aunt. Mrs J. I. , !U , a O . eclion . tlll i,mery. $5:. . By- law 74'.' in kppoiut an assess* T, T.'iO to appoint auditors, 8,11 to tppoint local hoaid of 'lea'tli, ;t:nl 7.)^ to appoint trus- tees fi-r Ailemesia and Markdalc. contin- uation sellouts were itrr-. 'need. (ir^iii.ii i '.iMwc'.l T...I- HCCOUH'S for election expenses, ainou..' "u io 71. ">0, be paid C;n lied. Byl,i.s No. 74S, "jf. 7ol and 7")^ weie renil a sicond and tin n tiniu. GralMin MeLe>d -- TJM' the Clerk order six copit-s of the Municipal World for the members and Clerk. Carried. McLeod- Graham That this 'Jouncil refund Mr. John Litimett ou account of party 'n Mirkdnle, where the youngsters error in l>is ;issesnreut the amount of had a hi^li old time. $.'$.38. Cai-ried. The W. 1. meet at the home of Mrs. ' Brown- McLe .H Thai the bill of W. Baker on Friday of tliis week instead of H. Thurston for printing finuicial >late- Thursday.' ment. flection <tat'onery and supplies, Messrs. W. Buchanan, F. II. I$olaid $.V> B5, bo paid.~l'urii>d. and W. J . Alcock were busy last week Caswell tir'ib:mi Thar (Jeoigc Cliap- drawinsi their shipping lumber to Mark man be pxil ts.2."i for three cotdj of Jale. WIHH! for (tall. Carried. Messrs. Harty Leslie and Harold Graham Ciiswrll- That D. iSymcs bo Homes of Markdale, piiJ a short visit paid the sum of three dollars for sinty to frionds here the beginning of the weok. lo.vls of Drivel i.i lie used ou t ,\vn line Artetuesia ami Gliiels{. Carried. Brown MeLeo.l- That .1. II. IVdlar be refunded ?."> 7">, beinit n error in his public school r.ite on lot 1114, 3 N K., I'll-'. Carried. McLeod Hrown -That this Council .rant the sick children's hospi al the ' UKiial .iinonnt of $u Carried. Graham M.-LeoJ That the next I meeting nf i his Council be held at Cey- lon.- -Ciinied. Graham- McLeod Tlmt . t.his Council meet on th tecond Sutuidny in Febru- ary and monthly thereafter on the Hrst Salurdiy, except the moi'tli e' Ducem- ber, wl.ieh muelinj; is bxcd by statute. sea.", while the atavistic type ihat belongs to tlie dark aeins of lime walked on all fours, and displayed but little more intelligence than a Teddy bear it would have bet n affirmed that the Priceville'ck w;is a wooder, but at the present time the p r Ginks' jingoistic s (iic'ls would men- y suggest a mighty sick mil'. Mr. Will Gilbert of Wiarion, vist'ed his uncle, {Mr. S. Gilbert, nnd other 1 friends hereabout, last week. Mr. (ico. Warlinfi left on Friday for a week's visit wiih friends at Colpoy's Bay. Mr. Sanderson of Brainplon, visited his sister, Mrs. A. Dunlop, recently. Dundalk Dr. Durkin who has had a veterinary 1'acticu here for iho past couple of years, has recieved a Dominion t lovcrninoiii appointment of Veterinary Inspector and will enter on his duties in the spring, first takitn; a special course in Toronto He left for the city on Tuesday. Christopher Irwin has sold his 1 !' acre farm on the- back iine, Protn, I'M Mills, of Osprey, and has purchased the ."'S ,icru farm on the same line m'.-ir Dundalk from W. J. Jackson. Mr. Irwin owned this latter farm before s>.me years ago. The transfers will bs made in the spring. At the Preftbytery moetinj ii: Orange- ville on Tuesday the forma! resignation ,)f Rey. James Buchanan was presented. After Presbytery urging a delay of at least some months the resignation wns finally accepted. The Church, Dundalk, an Carried. Council adjourned. Riverdale Ventry will be declared vacant on the Hrst Sab)>ath in February. Ideal winter wea her Mrs. Johnsto i and daughter, Mrs. rl. Burns, visited friends at \ audelcur on , Thursilay. Miss Louie \Vileyassunied professional , ilu'ies in I'liion Hill pul>lic school on ' Waterloo Mondiy, Miss Hatch of t Ayton, assuming asimilHi- function here, j A number of our young people enjoyed pul'pitT of'Erskine * J" 11 ? I'Utterfly whirl, at the home of d Knox Church. Ml '- ' 1<no '- Davidson, recently. Artemesia Council Mr. ami Mrs. (Jen. Leopard of ProtoP, I visited friends here last week. < Mr. W. Boyd was ou a business tiip , to Rucklyu and Wahers Falls, on Tues- day. A number of UiverJuiixiti^aifctt Oil- nt. ho has been visiting friends in thy^vicinity during the pist few weeks, took her Wareh un. on W'iird-y, also of Wadent, The newly elected Council of the j,,yi, 1(l ail Attack of U-rippe Township of Arteraesia, viz. T. R. Me- , , vv , 'V, Konzie, Reevo, and A. D. McL-od, J. 1. K . ul... !.: "'f..' .^!! ^ (iraham, W. J. Caswell and Fred Brown mot t the town hall on Monlay, Jan. 13. After each of the Miid members had signed and made the required declara- tionsof^ualiticaMon and of office they .ompany,n K her. tuok their seals. The minutes of last 1 Away back in the primeval aye, before session were then read and continued, the American continue t rg. d from; Communications as follows were then t!le "-'ghiy deep -befoie the lost cmiiin- : read : J. Ross Robertson, asking dor a ellt "' Ailantis sank into inert cli.vw, aiid tiontosick clii'dren's'T)os;iit d : J. K. t '" > Ti-'.tiivosanrus swum in Dev inian ' 1 ~ * Osprey Council Tho iiieinbers elected to the ( >spruy Muniuijinl Hoanl for the year 1!(13 met at Alnxwell ou Monday, January 13th, 1 '.*!.'! and saveral made and subscribed to the statutory decljiiatious of ottice 'and '(iiulitications, viz : Reeve, John Thom- son ; Deputy Reeve, Irwin Morrison Councillors John U Muirbead, Joseph Heiidersnu. W. H. Guy. Minutes of the last meeting were re*d and adopted. Communications, accounts, etc., were received from Tlios Scott. Certificate of election accounts ; W. H . Thurston, account J7.8<> for printing ; Municii)al \\ ,!!. iccoiiiit >'.' (SO, election supplies ; Henry Heitman, ncci-unt 83. C", post sumps 10 clerk; Thos. Scott, account ?'_'. tj. express and telephones; Geo. Cimtis, askinsi to have culveit on 40th xidxroad opened ; T. S. Freethy, account !*l.iO. repuiiiiii; utader ; Certificate from Isaac Trayiior, township eunineer, that Joseph Ks*e\ w-is entitled to S7'.K) on con.tnict .>f drain N*. 'J ; T. U. \\eifheial apjilied for a gnint to ijnivel 40th sider-ad, Con. 1*X. D. R.; A. L. Smith askint: tn have 30ih sideroad, Con. I & 1.'. S. D. R. opened ; Jesse (iruiuuiutt, nccoun'i. $1.00, for removing .'I'.-i i net lon-i from n a I; Samuel Galloway, iidkiu:; f"r rebme in do< tax, owing to error in assessment, also an account for woikmiDth sideroad ; application for tl e appomtiiu-nt as assessor was received from Jnmes Pott; and for the appoiut- meiit as auditors, from K ibr. Heron, Alex. Douglas, A. J. Conron and Robt. Taylor. Orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay Jos rj-isex S7DO.OI' on drain con- tract : Suniuel Gallowny, $-.00, wntk on th sideroai' ; Jesse Grummelt. $4.00, removing obstructions from road: M Krrton. $'2.00, hall for nomination; Mumcipa) World, 89.60. election supplies; F. Irish, IfcJ.OO, J. VV. (jamey. ^;.(K1. I. U. feri^ie f.TOO, C. A. Edwards, $,i 00. H. T. Robert?, 83 OO. T. S. Kreethy. *:i CO. Win. Si>nnin, $."> Jas. Guidon, $,'5.00, as Deputy Return- im; Olh'ceis G. A. Robinson, Si, C. W. Long. L', Jas. Speers. 2. Will Jfeff, $2. Arch. Mclntyre, 82, A E. Cameron, 82, John M< ore, $'2, John Lougheed, 92, a< poll clerk. F. I'ish, t2, M. Kerton. $2, Geo. El iotf, $4, R. Weir, 82. U. A. McLean, 8'.', Ja-. Mullen, ?'-', Sarah Sprett, 82, J. S. Winters. $2, places used jus polling b.>jth?. T.S.Freethy,$l.t>0 riip.iirinj jjrader ; Thos. ^jcott, ?2 45, express and ti>lepb<n:e : W. H. Thurston, 827. 8t>, printing; Municipal Wurld , Sd.OO, for six subsciiptions, for Council aud Clerk ; Heury Heitman. 85.iK, Clerk's p >bUge. By- Laws No. 571, appointing Jan. Polls assessor, at a s.dary ot 88*' : By-L>w No. 572, appoint- ing Robt. Heron and Alex. Douglas auditors ; By-L-iw No. f>7M. apptiinting Di. A. II. McFaddnii, Medical Healtb OtKcer nd John Thomson and Irwin Morrison, members of the Ktuii'd of Health, were t >.vssed. Counci adjourned to meet at Fever- sham on S-uuidiiy, Fob. 8th next. Clark-Cameron A voiy pic'ty but 1( uiet weddin<> was si.leui nixed on Dec. 1 at the home ( Mr;. Dunald Cameron, jjravt-1 rojd, '|sjir-y, when her eldest daughter, Sarah El .juljuth, was unitnd in holy matriiuony 1 Mr. I{. rh. C ark. ;i popular youn,,' U'-ioer of Mitwell, sou of Mr. HIH! Mr*. -> Clark of iMmii-wimd. The brid" ' isat--ird in blue grey silk poplin, trimmed with silk lace and pearls. The cervinmiy w.-is performed by Uc-v. Mr. riiiiiih-'i.'! -i.f M ixweli. Alter t!u- inooy a. dainry wedding breakfast u i- seiveil. Their many trieri.i.s wi-,!: Mr. ''"'I M: I. i ,jiy and pi j.iuniey thr MI-I; . Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. ^ A li-il.- inby nirlof Mr. Mr.= . John .'. Co'liiiL'-.v .!, scalded i'^elf by i-it! a tfiipor, luiii died in i .il m a result. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Pr-nce Joe I'll 1 , il l>\ (.'ii.intt'ling F>:i'tcr fioy of Ti.iy Abkekerk Princess Josephine. The reatest buftar making straip known. tM of orice M f.'.r grides. f'>r pun- brc'I. GK< >. Mo< >RE & S< )\, Pi,,p.., Pr..ton SUM,,,). A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, Q O O ^ CJ e c/5 CO - o GET SOME OF PRATT'S STOCK Pi:itt'sl'ou!try Reiiuliitor and Oyster she'.l hens lay. We havi-"ymir .supply; "I Fin SiiT->ked Heiriiiu.iLake .Superior Trunt and Herrn,-, Honey, Svrup, Mince Meat. Cheese. Circuit'. Hrea.l. FLOl'R Five Hosts, Cream of the West.'s Eclipse, .ind Pastry. Bran, Shorts, Low, Grade, Chop, Linseed Meal, t Ml Ctke and a full line of Groceries, at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN wx&^^ This is . . Rubber Season I If you arc in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- J* be rs, High or Low, or with= g out Tops, try THOS. CLAYTON Flcshcrton, Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Taioring ! .J. BOWLER, E VIiIgk DATE BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. Of into tnO little p**r- ; inr papv** ' v^ ^^ 1 moment to recover I ought not to hTe n*de th prom-, .earing roioe. within, [iae to Ldy, Romw. Tb U the nd Chemical Co. of Cuada, the sAme effect as the beef type, so j ' i they do not appear in the prize btt

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