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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1913, p. 3

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Do You Fed Moady, Irritable, Depressed ? BuS8ia AFFLICTION OP THE CZAK. When That Languid, Laggy, Easily-Tired Feeling Comes, lour Liver is Slow. Tllf How to Curt Quickly. "Even when I was young I was not robust and healthy like other girls. I suffered from headaches, and had sort of blue feelings that deprived me of tue joyful spirits and pleasures other girls seemed to get. After I married I found I could not throw worries off like other women, and those full feel- ings of despondency and weariness made me very unhappy. There was no cause to feel so, and my doctor aid my liver was sluggish, and this accounted fur my poor color, my tiredness, langour and despair. The pills the doctor gave me were too purgative, made me weaker be- cause they were too active for my constitution. Dozens of my friends recommended Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and they were so mild and helpful. Well, I never used a pill that act- The Czar has made his first pnb- ' lie appearance since the tragedy of his son's illness and the people are, shocked at his changed looks, writes a St. Petersburg correspondent. At the anniversary of St. | George's feast it is the Czar's cus- tom to attend a dinner given to ex- soldiers who have won the St. George cross for bravery in war. He tastes their food, embraces the feet of the older men and moves among the tables with kingly words of greeting. At the recent celebration (A the anniversary, however, he se?nd so haggard and broken down with dep gri'f that the people forebore to ntfcer a sourd. He sat in a bent at- titvde ne'Jr the h"d of the table f^r a few minutes then bowed sadly and withdrew. The Czar's grief-stricken attitude over his son's affliction is weiehins upon the whole country. Next February is the third centenary of the Romanoff dynasty. It waa an- nounced last summer, during the relebrations of the centenary of the Moscow campaign, that the Czar , i sea a p.u * K. inaugurate national rejoic- ed so quietly as Dr. Hamilton's^ for ^ dvnBsty and tn U They were so comfortable to use I W M fae mn ^ for many grades was afraid they might not help But in a week I knew they had been ^ t ^ e prisoners and a<rtsnf benevolence actively engaged in cleaning up my lystem. They did the work of a , tonic and blocd medicine combined. ( improved to a marvelous degree with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I aow maintain the most perfect kind of health by using them just once or twice a week." It is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger, well known at Gloucester, who relates Ihe above experience. She proved what you and all others, men and women, can prove that Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills are host for restoring . health and best for keeping the system in perfect running order. > Dou't be misled into using anything Fnt the just issued is of a most melancholy character for the four successive davs. There are to be church ser- vices in memory of the dead Roma- noffs preceding and succeeding Pe- ter the Great, ard then a service of intercession for the present genera- tion. Th* mass of peonle who hare b^eT locking forward to fenstinr and holidays are grumbling deeplv at th turn the Czar and court are giv'ng the 'orthc^mine celebrations. Fresh revelations of the disrepu- table methods of the Novoe Vremya have been made. Its present furi : otis campaign against Jews and for- but Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 5!5c. ajeirners foils to cover up the evi- box, five for $1.00, at all druggists ; dences of corruption. and storekeepers, or postpaid by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. FAIST-HEARTED V.C. DEAD. Hero of < urknow Who Feared the Sight of Blood. Colonel H. Gore-Brown, the- "faint-be irted" V.C. who went through all the scenes of slaughter during U Indian Mutiny, won the Victoria Cross in the defence of Lucknow, and yet swooned at the sight of blood from a cut finger, died sud<;oaly at his home at Sha:ik- hn, Isle of Wight, recently. He was an uucle o f Colonel Seely, the aecrtar} for war. He was one of the defenders in the sige of Lucknow by the muti- neers and was hut up in the resi- SCATTERED ON FACE In Bad Condition. Pimples Large. Face Sore and Itchy, Looked Badly. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Cured in Two Weeks. Munoey. Ontario. "Sorao time ago my face was In a very Lad condition with some kind of pimples. T!.o pimples were thickly scattered. The tops of them were white: matter was In tkem. They wvro qjlt lam acd my favo waa sore and Itchy and looked badly. I bad to acrar.-h to be comfort- able and sometimes U-st my Eli-i-p. The surws lasted about two montha and I tried som* ointments but didn't Ilka them. Then I sent for some Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, used them for two weeks and I was completely cured." (Signed) Alex. II. Oke. April 2. 1 J12. , ' SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE Clarkson. Ontario. " My little girl, aged two years, started with a skin dlaeaae on her face, so I called la the doctor and ha sold 1C was eczema. The skin was quito rod and all scaly. I washed the parts well with the Cuticura Soap mnd then I put tlie Cuticura Ointment on. You ought to oe her now as fair aa a lily! "I su:Tercd a great deal with piles, t had them very bad. and they Itched and turned so I could hardly bviir It. When I yjt the Cutlcum Ointment I tried it- Now It lias entirely cured me." (Signed) Mn. Cyras Ward. Jan. I. 1912. Cuticura Snap and Cutlciirm Ointment are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter D. & C. Corp.. Dept. 63D, Barton. U.S.A^ tot free oam^la of euch wiiii 2^-page book. ^^ A Serious Question. "Has Jobkins any money 1" aaked Hick ?n Too per. "Oh, he must have," said Garro- tvay. "Oh, we all must have but have wet" said Hickenlooper. For a long time the Vremya con- ducted a bitter campaign airaiist giving any contracts for rebuilding the Russian fleet to Vtcker- A Max- im. Then came a significant inter- j v?l of silence. Now the Vremya is printing a ?eri?s of enthusiastic articles io favor of giving Vickers the lion's share in the enormous naval programme of 8125.000.000. 4. THE BEST TEACHER. Old > Liniment Co., Limited. G-f,, m >.,._I hnre owd MTVARD'R LOIMEVT from tiire Ui tlTD for *'i pnt twenty years. It WAS nrommernliHi to n bT a nromiret phTs!cli of Montrval. wfco cslleii it the "r<^t !* R^1 t(nl- rrPt" tt d'-M the do<-rnr' wnrli : It ll particularly good in cases of Bbtumauim and Sprain*. loan truly. o. o. IVSTV:*. Chartered Accountant. Halifax. N. 8.. Sept. 21. IMS. Experience Still Holds the Palm. For real practical reliability and something to swear by, experience i plain old experience is able to carry a big load yet without getting | way backed. A Western woman found some things about food trom Old Experi- ence a good, reliable teacher. She writes: "I think I have used almost every dency from June 30, 1857, to Aug. SI. It was in August that he per- forrced the deed of valor for which breakfast food manufactured, but he received the Victoria Cross. He | none equal Grape-Nuts in my esti- led a sortie in order to sp : ke two mation. Do not dwell too much upon your failures. Do not look back too much. Life will not bear this re- trospection and indulgence in vain regret is not a fitting luxury for those who have their fortunes to make. guns that were laying the defences of Lux-know in ruins. Placing himself at the head of his TO CURt A COLO IN ONI DAY Tk LAXATITE FEOMO Qumlr Tablotr Dnuig:a ret. nd money it ti fails to c;iro G. w QttOVE 8 sig-nataro is on each box. 250. "I was greatly bothered with weak stomach and indigestion, with formation of gas after eating men, Captain Gore-Brown as ha and tried many remedies for it, but then was sprang first and alone did not find relief, into the reb?l battery. He shot the "Then I decided I must diet and sentry dead wuh his revolver. Over I g^ jf I cou !d overcome the diffl- ono hui.dred of the enemy were ! cu ) tv t h at wav jjy cno ioe of food slam by the captain and a few of his ( WM " Grape-Nuts because the doctor ; men. The guns were successfully t<j]d me x ^y not digest 8tarc hy , put out of action, and Captain ' 40( ] Gore-Brown brought his men safely back to the Residency. "Grape-Nuts food has been a great benefit to me for I feel like a r i mv nerveg advise everyone to try it, for ex- perience is the best teacher. "If vou have anv stomach trou- Yet h s own words prove that his ferent n gi:jce l fa to eat heroism was not the simple daring it Ifc ifl wonderfu , ^ me how of a reck ess man, but a triumph of will over a nature inherently KMiMiiv.-. lu an interview in a Lon- don paper three years ago, he said : "My 'ear o' blo'xl is a fact I am wholly unable to explain. Notwith- . -, irandiax all the terrible slaughter ' ppe-Nut> fo,*i for breast at during tb- mutiny I live in fear of leas . t * * nd - vo " won l be M \ to the siglit of bWd My feelings in P r ? lse Jt enol 'K h *^ en > u 8Ce k w the caha event* of life are such that Afferent you feel. Name given If you cut your finger in. my pre- bv Canadian Post urn Co., Wmdv-r. sence I should be so overcome as to *- K * ad , the ''"le book, "Tho be uio..n*cwus. I can not explain R <** * Wellville, '- '~ it bv supposing that in th ', "There a a Reason. "Why. Willie, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself." "No, unc'e, I'm having a miserable timn. Auntie told me to eat as much as I wanted and I can't." Mlnard i Liniment Cure* Coidt, Etc. "That bride across the wy is th laziest woman I ever saw. She never does anv work about the house." "Whv doesn't her husband m.ike her 1" "Oh. he simply worships her." "That accounts, then, for her leading an idol existence." When Your Eyes Need C Try Murlne Eve UmieUy .Vo Suiiirtinc Ftela Fluff Acts Qulcklv. Try It for K.-.t, \\ v.i K, WWry Rjea nd Oraiiulnte.l Eyelids. Illus- trated Book In erch Pacttifre. Murioe Ui cumix'onciod by OOF Oculists not a *'Patfnv M^d- li'ln^" bat used In nticwHartil I'hTsuMium 1 UiM for many ;er. Now dedicated tu tb r-iij- t)d and .old by llrnufflftt t. at- -'V *nd Mr uer Rtitflo. Yurim- h>.-- SalToTa ApUu Tube, 2Sc aoa 5Ua Murlne Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago A HODERX MIRACLE He Had Enema 25 Yean and Dor- ton Said "No Cure." Yet Zaa-Buk has Worked Complete Cure. This is the experience of a man of high reputation, widely known in Montreal, and whose case can read- ily be investigated. Mr. T. M Marsh, the gentleman referred too, lives at 101 Delorimier Avenue Montreal. For twentv-nve years he has bad eczema on his hands and wrists. The disease first started in red blothes, which itched, and when scratched became painful. Bad sores followed, until his hands were one raw, painfnl mas of sores. This state of affairs con tinned for twentv-five years 1 In that time four eminent medi cal men tried to cure him, and each gave up the case as hopeless Naturally. Mr. Marsh tried reme dies of all kinds, but he, also, a last gave it up. Fur two years ho had to wear gloves day and night Then came Zarn-Buk I But be soon found out that Zam-Buk was differ ent. Within a few weeks there wer< distinct signs of benefit, and a littlt perseverance '.vith this great u.'rba balm resulted in what i e givc.i up all hope of a complete cure And the cure was no temporary cure. It was permanut. He wa- cured nearly four years a^\' In terviewed the other day. M~ Mursl saxi : "The cure which Zam-Buk \vorked has been absolutely per nanent. From the day that I wai cured to the present moment I have had no trace of eczema, and I feel sure it will never return." If you suffer from any skin trou ble. cut out this article, write acres: it the name of this paper, and maJ it with one cent s'amp tu pay re turn postage, to Zam-Buk Co., To ronto. We will forward you by re turn a free trial box of Zam-Buk All druggists and stores sell th: famous xemedy, 50c. box. or thre for $1.25. Refuae harmful substi tutes. 4> MORE SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA. Education Making Rap : d Stride* I'nder Czar's PHk-y. Popalar education in Russia is making rap d strides in advance . o much so that the next statistics of people who can neither read nor write, not long ago officially esti mated at 60 per cent, of the tota' populated, will certainly indicate a notable decrease. In the last nf teen years pub ic instruction has immensely improved. The existing system of State schools was fourded in the second half of the nineteenth century. when the edict of the abolition of , serfdom appeared. Until the yeai I860 Russ a only had 4 077 public schools. When in 1864 the '.emstvot were established, th* number of chools increased rapidly, and at the end of the '80s there wore in Russia 22.770 schools with 1,490,913 pupils. Under Alexander III. popular education made further advances, and at the end o' his reign the num- ber of schools had reached 43.385 with 2.970.000 ruP'K Under the present Czar educational matters have received increased attention. Thus the schools opened by the zemstvos were granted a State sub- sidv of $190 for every fifty schools, while the teachers got increases in I salary. At the present time there are in Muss:.-' 100 295 elementary schools wit'.j 154,177 male and female teach- ers and 6. 180.MO pupil*. Of these schools 56 910 have been opened un- der the reign of Nicholas II., the ' present Czar. During the same period the number of industrial schools has ri?en from 1.223 to 2.- 748. A teacher in the State seh<v>!s now begins on a salary of 8172 a year. After five years he draw* $200 after ten years 82-20 and the maximum ia only 9270 a year. MODERNIZING JERUSALEM. Bids Fair to Become Again the Chief City of the Hebrews. The latest indication of the pro- gress going on in Jerusalem wa the arrival a short time ago of a nias- sive motor road roller, and the de- cision to equ:p the city with an efficient tramway systeti. says the American Hebrew. The walls en- close 209 acres, of which 35 acres are occupied by the temple enclo- sure. But owing to the impossi- bilitv </ housing the thousands of Jewith immigrants who still con- tinue to arrive, building has been proceeding outride the walls to a very considerable extent. The consequence of the presence )f this external population is that first one an--< then another of the jates was left open by night, until to-da* they are all perpetually open. Inde-d, two of the gateways Save no gates at all. Meanwhile the Mohammedan population is not by any means keeping pace with the Jewish, and the Holy City seems in i fair way to become once more in fact as we!! as in name, the capital city of the Hebrew race. Jerusalem is soon to have its own tramway service, as a concession for :he purpose has already been iranted to a French company, vhich will start laying the tram lines in the course of the summer Vn English company has applied for \ concession to illuminate the citv vith water by the construction of large reservoirs near wells situated it a distance of about sixteen miles from Jerusa'eTi. The municipality is a'so considering proposals for paving the streets and constructing sewage works. A modern fire-ex- 'inguishing apparatus a-d a tele- phone i-ista'lation are also to be pr< vided. The project of construct- ing a harbor in Jaffa, which ha? '>een di r cu*ed for the last thirty rears, is likely to be realized at last. A French-Belgian companv. with th? co-operation of the Jaffa- lerusalem Railway Company, is aid to havo applied for a conces- sion to carry out the project, for vhich it has raised a capital of earlv one million pounds sterling. The Government is r< ported to have ome to an agreement with the com>- rmnv about the coudit'on* o r the "onc-ssion. and only the consent of Parliament is now necessary. A GOOD HABIT T when you are tired, particularly if it's UPTON'S TEA Goes farthest for the money FARMS FOR SAL* H. w DAWSON. Ninety Col&orni S. .-. Terenl*. ! U U.NDHKD 4cnfc.i-< ouvrr 1 II Gooi n .<! Builiitnx: Orchir*. .II A< US-.* WITH UouO buildinr* and T' orchard ix> fc W DAWSON Toronto rLO^E TO LOND'Vf MARTTTj | *t ppw frm otutve. ruble. W.>nl j ** 'CB^ *** for farm. S r^*-t far^ t^ city. The Wtst+rn B>1 K:ai. London. Ont ACENTS WANTED : i i Tf OME WORK, ft TO 110 PER WEEK i II We want reliable partita la kilt I for iw at 'borne, who!* or vpare time. W> j ramish mach:"<-. yarn. :c Pe-d rna ' naire tort addre<m at once for fall oartl- rn'-rt. Th* Canadian WTol*i>l D'.itrt' ! butinr Co . Pf'l W . Orillia. Out. STAMPS AHO COINS HCNUHK.P n:p. farent Foreijo Rtampi. ratslocua. . Album, only -v-ven Cent* Mark* 8tam j Cotnpiiny. Toronto. STAMP COLLKf MISCElLANf ous CA5TER. TTMORS. LCMPS. ETC!., internal and external. curod oat pain b onr hoir* :rerTcBl. Writ* ua brfnre too lt. Dr nd' an Medical Co.. LimitMl. Colltnrwooil Out (^ ALL CTONKS, KIDNKY AND I-I.AB.' W dor Siooea. Kidney trouble. <:--!, Lumbago and kindred allir*nti P.H::TI 'ured with Ui new German rt':n-d. Ranol." price f!.5fl. Another new ivmedy for niabPi<f-Mel!KM. and surf ^ iro, k* Sanol'i Ant.-U.abete." Price ? 0) from or direc; Th Sgnol Mmufae- urine Comoany of Canada. Ii3>ite4, The Heart of . Piano is tne Action, Inslat on ^h j OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action Lumbago Cured Every Ache DYEINu! CLEANING I Kit - ~ " \ ' "t. Mntl ymr w >r* > ih "QRPI HAWEFCAN DYEi.lC CO." !..- k ( .r Kut fit ; iir l * n, ur Mitui u .vet. M i iii -.;,. Toronio, O IJ&WA, fc 'jcix?c GOD, BOILtKS - in pkgs. A pretty girl always knows at least two or three girls who are jea- lous of her. excitpt v supposng height of warfare a man's personal senf I'.ivrneBfl is completely over- genuine, true, and full of human Interest shadowed. "Though I shot many A rebel in the <>fenoe of Lucknow and was Rev-raj times smothered with the blocd of men killed beside me, ye.t I am tco faint-hearted to see even an animnj led to the slaughter. On O'ir i<c isUm I was working a un- whon i bullet went right through th he* ! of the man on the opposite s <ie of the breech. On another oc- , i -i I was commanding a position whtn ft bullet oame throiirh a k>or>- nole and struck the tnan kskie tn right ;n the oeck. His blood gush- ed all; over we. Y>t I was quit* culm and undi"tnrbed in the di- harg-3 of my duty." HARD FOOT CAILOUSES REMOVED QU1CKIY Anytbtoi on jruur tot iht houlijn t bo tbre whothor oornn, oallouws or or lump*- they an all b* removad In horl ordr by Putnaoi'ii k Corn Eitrnctor. Think of I the pain yea r .! "when that Mor* corn e>H It Is fooltnh to xp*rlmot with UDtrM rsmmltci - b*ttr Putnam's Ex- r .lckr nd wttkont ltitT c-ort Mo. par unl roconra*n4i fef HIS WIFE'S HK8SAGE. The Nxt Door Neighbor I sy, i this infernal row you are making | l_^ r _ my wife's head er-cau't stand it. I Merrymaking Paterfamilias (fix- ing him) Oh, and what have you 1 to say about it ? j The Next Door Neighbor I oh, 'nothing whaterer. Enjoy your- selves by al: means; but I er thought I'd give you my wife's mes- Min.irus Llnlnwnt Cures Diphtheria. In Bom conimnn'ties the heavi- est demand is for light literature. An idle rumor never spends much time in the office of a busy man. Phe "Now you must admit that women are better than men " "Oh. 1 1 don't know. History d'osn't s.av anything about seven devils beinat cast out of man." She "No, of course not ; he has every one of them still! Thousands Still Suffering That Cao bo Quickly Cured by ">erviline." Tit Case of Harold P. Buahy. "Three years ago I discovered that a ma n subject to lumbago might just as well be dead as j alive." Those words open the s:u i cere, straightforward letter of H | P. Bushy, a well-known man in the I plumbing and tinsmithing bus!nes j "One attack came after another. | and lumbago got, to be a chri)n'u! thing with me. I cculd scarcely get in a day's work before tnat kniftng cruel pain would attack my j back. I used a gallon of liniments: not one of them seemed ing ernnigh to get at the core of th^ pain. I read in the Montreal Wit- ' ness about Nerviline. and got five ' bottles. It is a wonderful medicine j I could fL*el its soothing. p.i:n j relieving action every time it was I applied. When 1 got the d jease under co'itrol with Xervi^i :e, Ll i built up -ny strength and fortified ! j my blood bv taking Ferrozone at ' i meals. - treatment cured me I permanency, and I urge everyone j to give up the thi'-k, white, o ; lv ; liniments they are using, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain (destroyer like Norviline. "Please publish mv letter the world over. I want all to hear of] Nerviline." Don't be cajoled into reviving! anvthin? from your d-aW but] "Xerviline." Large fami'y sire I bottles 50c.. trial size 25c.. all ers. or The Catarrhozone Co.. Buf- falo. X. Y., and Kingston, Canada. nd ^rconj- rf. 'or li^stine T^NKS AND SMOKE STACKS. A> . i . Vu i k li AII i !! mf S'-ie Engine! and ShipbulU -t SenduourRaw n IDC r UKS to JohnHallam . . S TRAPPERS l Vu pai^. muled It is ttoro blessed to gifts than to receive. Mlnard't Llnlmant Cures Oistm;)r. He Admitted It. frot having coal is no disgrace .'' En f' ish a V sl ! e is '"EJiSS \VVve been ?n that condition num- ^ le f " n * rtu>le f '" T- Mt mim - ber of the Oriental Review. Th Oriental cav<*citv for using erous times. There are spots on the sun, yet. some people expect a small boy to b< perfect. DODD'S KIDWEY .*** /PILLS our mother tongue with strange twists of unconscious hiuiuir is well known, but few examples are equal to th ; .3 tte.icious sigu on a Japanese baker's shop : '".\ Kariaura, PiTgest, Loafor in Tokyo." PILES CURED IN t TO 14 DAYS Tmir ,lrn-:,M will rpfiinil iD->noy if PVO OIN'TMF.NT f.ti) to citr any cose of fcb- lor Blind. Bleeding or PrtXrudins Pilca in I to 14 daye. !>0c. Possible Roason. "Whv do vou supixjse he has such a vacant expression V "Well, he thinks of himself a good deal." LlnlMMnt Cure-. Cir|*t In Cew*. ED. 4. "That's a weHbred ehi'd " "You bet she is. Ner .x>rrects her par ents pbliclv, no matter wlvat tie V 2 '12. exigencies of tb ease mv be." Bri-CARlA IS I'RIMITITE. Cattle, llorsos and Wine All Inferior. The Balkan war has shown the efficiency of the Bulgarian army .n:d lha modern methods of the Bul- garians themselves, aid to bali^vo all the stories written :iU)ut the j Bulgars ore would th'iik tlx; Stntft 8" ent -rjiri ina: as anv American state of siir^lar size. This, sav the corrfpondent-3, is far from belitji th-.' cae. The Bulitflriaii p<'3-Anl is very primitive a.r<*. <;:? pritnitivo less 1 li'ti- ! its his prosperity, it !w i % >.r...irtt in large quantities wheat, b.trley and <xrn, his wine, on the other hand, is mediocre ard his tobacco much ! inferior to Turkish tobacco : his cat- tle are o' an inferior breed, his ho-ses are small iiud his hogs thin. Thou, in direct contrast, as if to balance tho inferiority, ti)..' Hxilqar- i ian rosos arc uiag-iift' a):i th<.-ir ' porfunio. captured .T^d into "attar," ooi'tv'l' r.i- * .<" bly to the nrvs'"-: : try. WASAGOfJFiRMEOOYSFEPTiG Now Finds it a Pleasun to t;.:cy Ueals ITere is t case wliicb senl us bad nd a liopclf ss as yours cnn j.<s<it>ly be, ThiMistiieeipcricucf of Mr. 1J j. Brox^-o. 384 Bnthurst St., Toronto, ia his oira words: "Ccntlcnu-n I have much pleaMwe in menlioMiitg (o you the rier.ff^is r.ccived from y<jur N.i-firu-Co Dyspepsia Tnllct and en checrliilly rv.-conimenil them. I simply had confirmed dYS]>cpMn with ail t:> wrrlclicil sytiiptoir., ai:<i tried about all tht livlveitisfil run -> wi h no SIICCOM. You have in Nn-Drtt-Co Dysj>epsia Tablets the best cm alive ReiH 1 tuiild. find. It is now such apleoeurc toc'ijor meals wth ihcir consequent aoi.riUl- ctcnt that I want tu tueution this fur the bee6t of others." The fact that a lot of prescriDlions or so-called "cuts" have failed to Wlp yon is no fttgn that you have got to go oa suffering. Try Na-Drn-Co Dy.spe-sia Tablets imlaee how qnick'y tVissterling jvuiedv will Rive yon relief and start yoiir Ktotnath working properly. If ildmsn't l'.-lpron,yougrtyournioneT 'well, toe 1 'N at you 1 * dni^>.7it'8. O uipouuvleU 1 ! .:r NatictMl IViig ar3 Cii^iuicU to. ui > ...jf... uiuiurd, aloulre*!. t4| C'reiiialiiin is l'<i|iulur. TVre has been a marked increase in Europe in the use of cremation as a method of disposing of the <<ead. Last year there were 7.555 cremations in Germany. a= a7ainst 6.500 in 1910. At present .her-" are 30 ereruatorvs ui Germarj, and al- inot as many : n Italy. In Kng|p;id there wero 1.033 cremations i'i 1911, as aeainst 310 in 1910. Recently Switzerland h. passed a 'aw winch prac'ically makes intertneot excep- tional. useful A bore is a man who :'.! insist U'.X)U talking about hi'nseli when vou want to tiilk about vnirelf.

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