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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1913, p. 1

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' i*> I :. * I /tohettmt VOL 3-2, SO iH "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PBIUCIPLEb NOT MEN.' Flesiierton, Ont*; Tliursday, January 2, f913 W. H. TflDRSTON <* 4 ft i 1 Henry Love Committed For Trial Henty Love, chained with this murder of his wife on the 9th instant, was iir- migned tefore MauistraU' ROKI.T Mc(iill at Ci'j-lon on Mondr.y. The trial look place in the Orange Hal', md lasted fi ^m niie o'clock till six. Love was ili-irii l.-il by Mr. W. H. Wright cf Owen Sound, ai <l the Crown was-rein-csented, a?3 at the indues', by the Hun. I. B. Lucas, K. O. When the charge was read the prison IT stood and listened to ; t without ihe slit-htrst trace of emotion. In fact t no point did he bet;-.-iy the slightest nervousness, even when the IB j&t damai;inu c\idenct> WHH being given. (Jn the other hand, he listened attentively with the appcxrancn < f being interested us were the m her oectnton 1 , but :is thuui;h the case had no direct bearing upon his own. fate. Thorn who testitied .-it t ho ini|iifNt iitplin giivu their evidence, iuul in addition a number of now witnesses were Called. Messrs. ColliiiKin ,-md llituiphill l"lil of tin- tiiiding of the lindy, iu* ivportird two weeks iigo. Mrs. Jiunes Kiidley told of timliiiL; I- >vc sittiuis in their front .-it ting room at rive o'clmik on the morning foil-. winy the This is ilira-tly contradictory t< funnel- statements, and would fa) indicate either that ho had bei-n 'i| ' all ni.jlit. <>r hod ans.-n that morning <_-jrlier tlmn usual. Mrs. Kadluy s;iid tliat she had "never I teen s< friyhtenud I.H.'foit) nor since, ' an when she saw the HIGH CONSTABLE R. COOK N\ ho has bet'ii collecting evidence in the Love murder cnse 4' il i i * i huiv .so early in the uiornillu. ( 'i-<ish-cxniiiiiie<l by |>risiiiier's counsel. K!IO did not kii" wlit-thur her flight WHN tn-caiiht- it .was L<ve, ur whether anyone i-listf would Iwve friglilviiL'tl her ui|Uiill.v. J^yneiw Fawcctl cnwiboratwl Mrs. Ua<l- !>. .stating that In- had .seen Love in the *i Ming tiKMii about .VJO a.m. Mr*. D. McLanylilin tcMtirii'd that tin,- vivtim i if the crime used t< wash for her. .. i il she i.l.-n i iii. .1 n iii-li buckle as form- erly iKiliiiiging to Mrs. Love. This is thu ))iicklv which W.-IH fniind among the aslios < in]ilied f MII 1 1 Love's stove, mid seem.s to indicate that some clnthcH- hud Ix.-on burned in tin- ntve ta-hiite eviduuccH uf t.hc crime. .Mi. (leo. Iteevroft had IK-CII drnwing i- >al with Lve prcvioiiH to the crime, ;iinl testilied ! lial IIHM.IH-I wore a imir of <liick troiiM-rs ilaiin-il !' the. knceN. Tliesu Imvu Hinoe ilisi|i|n-.m-il. .mil the < 'vown's theH\> r in tlmt they were luirncil t < > <lo iiwiiy with the most iiicriminiitinj.; t'\ iilencewliK-li exixted. Arnel, the son, repented sulmUilitially st'iry h 1 ' gave at t4ie iiii|iiest. He 1 his evidence with H cleitr voice, ami ;n ii simple, straightforward uiHiiner. which w,is more t him convincing of the tru.Ui nf Jiis stiitcnient.s. Even the seMrchniKcroHK-exumiimtion. liy prisoner 's i miM'l fnili'il to c-onfiiNC him, and he st niik to lii story i-e|iorted previously. Mr-.. A. Rlltledge told of la-ann- a Kt-i-eam suiiic time nlxm! tlie Alifeoftho ci ime. but, nim being croiw-oxamineft, .i.luiillcil iliat she did not know whether it wikKH wonmu's voice, or from wlmt rlii-eotion tlie suund umne, or wlmt the i lute inilit IK:. Mrs. J. Kcuiiedy, .-mother uuighbonr, fold vf Love's lietioiiN jirevioiis to the tiiuling of the body on \Velnexdny night, InyingwirtieiilHr stums n)>.<n the uiHiiner in which he had continued shaking the coal in lh stove. < NrtisUbles Cook and Wright te^tilied ij> regard to evmit.s after hiuling lndy, nfter which Magistrnte Me(jill vpoke UK follow. 1 *: "'I'lic evidence in connection with this has IHXJII very fully gone into this ooii. ami it seems tn 1m i:oncliicivo . msiifricitint I" \\ari-Hiit romiuittal. I therefore order the accituad to becom- .int.ted f" Ow.-n Sinind piil lostniulhis t.viiil upon tin- alleged 'jhargu at the ni'Nt fonrt "f i;o|iijn'lelit. jiilisiliction.'' L<'Vr IH :u-i:nrilill({ly twikl-ll to C.Wirll Sound "ii Momhi.v iiinht, and Arnel will [-(iii.un in i-hiir^'o "f ill. 1 ' 'hildren's Aiil S< . Fever sham Items The beautiful snow has come again and i her-j is fair sleighing once more. Our continuation and public schools held a concert in the public school room on Friday evening U--i . A tirst class program was given. Mr. J. J. Kiiitiing occupied the chair. A flag drill was given in grand style .by sixteen girU. The musical p.m by Mr. Robert White- oak on the violin, Miss Keta Osborne on the auloharp, and Miss Lila Alexander accompanying on the oigan, was en- chored again and again. Miss Ida < K- borne of Maxwell and Miss Mae White- oak ot Toronto gave several selections on their violins, with Miss Lila Alexander accompanying. The selections given by tht* young ladies was really a musical treat. The proceeds amounted to over 827. Miss Uixon, who has been teacher in iht: continuation school for the past six mouths, hat resi eued her position here and has gonr: to her home in To- ronto for the holidays. Miss, our public school teacher, has also re- signed, so it will be up to our trustees to ,;et two tuucheis for the ensuing year. Mes-n-s Chailiu Perigoe and Elwood < Mmi-iii- from Kegiua, Sask., have come east to renew old aci|UiintHiii:es. Mfts Li/./.u- Hudson of Coltiugwood is visitiog with her mother. Mtssrs. John and James Hudson at- tended the funeral of their uncle, James Bovair, at Thornbury last weak. MI.-LI.B.N IHi 'KIM. HAM A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mrs. John Buckingham, Fevershaw, on Wednesday, Dec. 1W; when her daughter, Amelia Jane, and William Mullen were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Uev. .lames Phimister of Maxwell in the presence of about rifty gucats. Mrs. Charles Hudson played the wedding march. The bride, who was unattended, was given away by her uncle, Win. Buckingham. The bride wore white embroidered martpuiseltu and ca'Tied a bouquet oi ferns and carnations. After the ceremony (he guest* sat down lo a sumptuous fowl supper. The wed- ding cake and bridal bouijuet formed the central decoration of the table. The groom's gift to the bride wan a beautiful gold watch and chain. Uuests from a ointnnce were : Mr. and Mr*. II. Em- met, Collmgwoud ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HawloD, Mi and .Mi.-. H. llawion, Itoli Koy ; Mr. and Mrs. Krank Hawton, Mr. S. Park and Miss Bella Park, Kob Roy ; Mr. John Bell and Alex. Mullen of \\Vvlnn ii, Sask. Tim young couple left Thursday morniDg for a two-weeks' !i"Mryii>"iii tiip to Listowll, Stratford and yfl 1( .'ltt>oints. .- u their return they wUfru-iifll in Keversham. The young otiplc liWn resided here for a number of yaara ,.*! Imvr a host of friends. The bride's travelling suit was navy blue serge with coat and hat to match. The presents weie numerous and beautiful, slewing the esteem in which the young couple are hold in this vicinity. Christmas passed off .juietly in this place. The Salvation Army held an en- tertainment and Christina* tree in the barracks in the evening. Ensign Plaint of Owen Sound occupied the chair in his usual pleasant way. The Knii<n, who was stationed hero when ho was Captain some yearn ago, is always a welcome vis- itor. Come again, Ensign. ' Mi. Alexander Davidson diod suddenly on Sunday HUM mm; last. Mr. Davidson WHS miller in the < >sprey farmers' mill hero and was highly rospcctcd by the public generally, and the news of his sudden death came as a great shock to the village and the surrounding country. He had not had good health for a few nnls, but was attending to the mill Mp to Saturday morring. About 8 o'clock that morning ho took a weak spell and was helped up to his home and only lived about 24 hours. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Davidson and the bereaved fani'ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ensign PUut and .In!. drcu of Owen Sound have returned home after spending Chrisuuas with Mrs. Plant's family, Mr. A. Heron, 8:h line. Miss Delia Heron returned home with her sister, Mrs. Plant, to Owen Sound, for a few weeks' visit. Mi-, and Mrs. William Melen havo re- turned from their wedding trip and will reside in this village. . Tin? mnmbcrs of Providence church will huld their animal supper and enter- tainment on New Yeara evening. The Providence people are- noted for their good suppers and program* and we he- ipi-ak for them a lar gathering and their usual success. Mrs. Harry Burton and children of Colliugwood are visiting Mrs. Morton's parents here. Mr. McKeown, wife and family, of Duncan, spent Christ nru with J. J. Knitting and family. Blair-Freeman A very <)uiet wedding was nulemtmed on Christmas day, when Miss Charlotte Lutitfa Freeman, sister of Mr. F. (j. Freeman, Toronto, and Mr. W. Garnet Mmr of Swiiiitiuit, were united in niar- rine by Rev. Al.'\. Utlray, D.D., pastor if College struct pretfbyteritim church. Mr. and Mrs. Blair atif spending their honeymoon nt Ijraiitfoid. They will re- side ftl JWMjiiWMM iivo., T')dnioi-di:ii. Ceylon Jean CotliiiHon arrived home last week from Saskatoon tj visit her parents. Miss. Cmibley of Proton and Mr. Chas. Wells of the West spent Friday of last week in town. Mr. Wells was on his way djirn to visit his sisters and when iu Winnipeg he picked up a paper and read the account of the awful death of his sister, Mrs. H. Love. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chislitt spent Christ- mas in Toronto, the guest of their daughter, Mrs. Chad. Omelia. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MuMullcn, Messrs. Gordon, Fred, Stanley and Austin McMullen of Toronto, spent' Christinas at the parental hone. Mr. l>..]-di'i; <: ib-.Mi. Miss Furness and Miss Helen Gibson, Toronto, are visitors at Mr. (Jibsons. Mr. J. W. Cushnip, Toronto, spent Christmas at K. Cook's ; Messrs. Harold Brown, Miss Mauu Hemphill, Toronto; Mr. Hemphill and Misses l-'.imiv and Edith Hemphill, 4th line, spent Christ- mas at Mr. S. H i in | ihill ,. . Mis? Mary McMnllen left, last week on an extended visit with her nunt, at Lynliurst. Those from Toronto at their respective homes over the holidays were: Miss Ida Kutledue, Fred and Graee Muir, Ettie Chislitt, Misses Bull ;ind Kate McLe >d, Mr. J. PattJSon, Roy Piper, Misses Xilln and Willa McLeod. Mr. E. Adams, Gait, Miss Wilson, Toi..oto, and Chas. Adams, Whitby, re visit ing at J. Adams ; Mr N. Mc- Leod, Whiiby, with his mother : Mrs. Torey, Markdalc, at H. Piper's : Mr. and Mrs. White, Dundalk, at W. White's. Mr. and Mrs J. Pattison spent Christ- mas at Owen Sound. Mr. W. Hemphill speut Saturday visiting the latter's sister at Ferersham. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCloeklin and family spent Christinas at Vandeleur. Mr. R Bales and bride are now located over Mr Elan's stoi-e. We welcome Mr. and- Mrs. Bates in town Mr. Reahurn, Provincial Inspector, Toronto, who is working on the Luve case, spent from Friday till Monday in town. The Missei Warlini: of Toronto, upon 1 over Sunday with their uncle, Jas. Me- Clocklin. Th^ many friends of Mr. W. J- Wadsworth of Wtot Turonrn were shook' ed when news was received that Mrs- Wadnworth had drop|>ed dead on tha street on Christmas eve., while waiting to take a car to the city to do some lite shopping. Mr. and Mi- Wadsworth for several years were residents of this village. Their many friends here join in dM>p sympathy with Mr. Wadsworth and his only son. Pficeville Jottings A liuht fall of snow at the end of last week improved the roads si that wheels are laid aside Hgain. < Hto Konold shipped four cars of ft stock to Toronto during the last two weeks, and on Friday last he had s.ime expect pickers uonie up on the train, and dreucd .'Hid turkeys and aome other fowl, some of them killing and picking two turkeys per minute! Portlaw. The late Mr. John McNally of piiiley who died December !>, was born in the year 1807 and wait raised iu ArUimesia on the farm now occupied by Mr. John Pedlar. In \W-\ he married Miss Annie Fenwick, daughter of Mr. John Fon- wick. Although suffering for some yeais with asthma, the news of hit death was a Mtd surprise to his many fiiendis here. He was for many years a member of the Methodist church and H much respected resident of Paisley. Among i hose who attended his funeral wore his mother, Mrs. McNally, Mrs. Lowell, sister >Geo. and Samuel of Toronto, brothers ; Mrs. S. Pedlar and Mi. W. H. McNally, Portlaw. Other sistnrs who were unable to bo present were Mrs. David Levins, living in British Columbia ; Mrs. John Pedlar, living on the homestead near Flesherton, and Mrs. Groareon Kllis of TdVonto. Rev. W. Gaudin, a former pastor, preached iu Mt. /ion churuh Sunday. He, with his wife and family, iu holi- daying wl'h fill-mis on the Centre. Line. "Miss Cornforth ia spending her holi- day.v HI her home at St. Thomas. Miss Annie Sheardown is home from her school in Normanby for the holidays. Rev. Mr. WilMhTnsandsou of Dundalk attended our school concert. The for- mer gave a short address and the latter took a flash light photo of i company of young ladies in cos! nine engaged in lan- tern drill. Miss Ethel Anderson is visiting at her uncle's home at Kemptville. Mr. Arthur Brcdin of Bulton visited at Mr. S. Showdown's. Mr. Herb. Thompson of Chatsworth visited friends in this pail. Inspector Huff paid our school an official visit last week. The school concert on Thursday night last was one of the best ever held here. R. D. Muldrmn was iu the chair find the program, which was well prepared, wi thoroughly enjoyed by a houseiull o happy people, and consist oil of rcit ' lions, drills, vocal and instrumental m sic, gramophone selections, etc. " Cnrnlorth should feel in a measure paid for her arduous I raining in - the ontortaiiiniont turn out so succ. and BO well appreciated. Turner-Hill A |ni;tty hunie redding H.IS solem- nize! at iiiu residence of Mr. and Mi.-. James Hill, Jvimberley, on Wednesday, D. .-. IK, at tijo'vluuk, p. in , when about ( to witness the Jewelry youns-est Hi... petitioners got badly snubbed lit the last meeting of i ho County Council. Some resiectable persons over this wuy inform us that ilu-ir mimes appeared on said petition, but th:it they never signed it or gave anyone periiiusioii to do so. Would the County Councillor interested in said, scheme, or some of the "cat's-paws" made use of, kindly throw some 1'ghi on his matter. Douald Maiheson. wlm has been with ;i surveying |mny .i.orth of Lake Super- ior, came home last week, his font being injured by frost We wish to cungra'. ulalc Miss Mary Alucorn on pui> exam at Model School, Diirham. Atoolher family has moved into the village in order that the children may attend our school. The teaching abilities of Mr. .). L. McDonald are much Ap- preciated. Tht Misses Laura and Ella MKinnon, Mym McLean, Apgie Harrow, Becky MacMillan and Kdna Ferguson, of Owen Sound Collegia' e, also Margaret Tryon of Toroito. are home fur the Christmas vacation. Stanley Ferguson, whu has been loacli ing in Huron St. School, Toronto, cam home on Friday evening and seemed be pretty well loaded dwu with present; root (ho scholarx of his department During the lait day of school, whenrve he would be absent from his desk, .>> ou of the room for a few minutes, returning In- would hnii some mum jwicels pile' on hit desk. It his often happened when 401111 great statesman or professional niu die" or retires into oblivion that some (ii'oph would say "Well, we will never see hi equal again," but there is a go .d deal o truth in tli e saying "Tli.n.i .ri a Boot tih in in- aea a ever wrrti caught. ' Even in the sporting world, uruple \rere snrpriHctl when Hanlan, \f oarsnmn or Sullivan, the pugillit. p*' < up tlie belt to more worthy succejloi-s; and .it the present time penpl- meed nut be greatly surprised if Miiifchauseii, who was considered the yn .IJM liar or fab- iratur in the universe, mhould hecoint eclipsed by a Itivenl: /nr* i-t-porter. mam-tiro of Annie, t.. Mr. ! goma hy the 'P 4 - Whjlg^ffe woddiug march was be- iwr ;;/, "i by Misa Lena Duncan of lerton the groom took his place un- der n beautifully decorated arch of ever- fireeiu, followed by the bride Downed in blue pailette silk, with overlace and bead trimming. After the ceremony find the uual cungratularioni, all sat down and partook of the feast of good l hinu'S provided for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Turner left next morning to spend their honeymoon with friends in the Queen City and upon Iheir return will reside near Eugenia. The many beautiful and costly presents denote the uateem in which the young couple are hold, and all join in wishing them a happy ;md prosperous life together. daughter. ) ^jM, .h^h^^Splendid Stocl rrottor>f I Jock- ^^^ti* - h VOU Toronto Lite North ml the new is hero, iflfl and happiest In ditcMM ot n Eye, Ear, Nose and Uroat Office-30 10th t. eait, Owe/ Sound At the Revere hose, Mar Thurediiy each month from al 2m Pun.; ilk, Ist^Thursday of ouBniunth.. The old year passi I'.i ni^ini: us ric! days. Let us await thenjpith ^lad exjiectation, Let us rcceinfthem with songs of praise. Mr. Alex. SiJLli of Thornbury visited a few cwys witpMr. Fred Blown, reocnt- 'i'- I Mr. Chas. Jerisoe and Mr. Kllwoud O.sboine of IfKina, visited at Mr. and Mrs, Ab. 8'rt's. ' Mr. an* Mr*.. J. Love v neu Mis Perdue, uffoioiito, visited at Mrs. Uco. Swan I on Mr. .iJ Mi.-, 'tobt. Kichardson m.l on spoBChrislmas at Mr. Oeo. Prilch- ard's, jpndeleui. Mr^has. Stewart met with a painful une day l.-ist week, while pull- :m old burn. One of (he s fell, striking him on the arip, H h|bi will lay him .11 wnrk for a while, is certainly having a "swell" ti^ isa Klva anj Clara Lever visited kdulc friend* last week. Mi D. .Stewait m.l bride of Stratford, iited tlioir uncles, Meisr.s C. and A. lewarr, last week . As leap year was near a and last Sunduy was an extraordinarily nice day, loini; of the > -iiiiL l.niirs olinw i-d their remarkable genius by uuing to see their fcllo.vs and Uking him nut for a drive. Say L'irls, four more yers of single htessedness ! may readMy A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies, W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. TOTlt INTO. t>NT.. .lij-< not- \Vritc Coy cutftliKrin. Christmas Decorations Do not fail to see our supply of Holley, Paper (Jar- luml.s, Wreaths, Bolls, .Jarduieei's, Streamers, Fans, Wax Candlesticks, .Sparklers for fire works. In candies we can suit yon from Ida to i0c per pound. See our Bon Bon boxes. Nuts of all kinds. Cranberries, Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons. ( 'igars, Tobaccoes and Pipes. i You will find Lots of things You Want, if You drop in AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN This i s Rubber Season ! If you are in need o! a good pair ol Leather Top Rub- jjj be rs, High or Low, or with- out Tops, try THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! I S.J. BOWLER, THE ^8 R DATE BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. jfc

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